[Dolphinsanity, Passer-By] Yes, Commodore: Chapter 1

Story by teryxc on SoFurry

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Related art here: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1104197

If you enjoyed this and are wanting for more Mind Control stories, check my story directory out:https://www.sofurry.com/view/1104211

All categorized and complete with short descriptions to tickle your needs!Teryx suffers a persistent swimmer's earache after picking up a mysterious metallic canister from the coral reefs. He wakes up with an alien presence in his head, which learns quickly from his memories to impersonate the trapped dragon perfectly. (11.3k words)

My favorite mind control story so far, as inspired by the Yeerks from Animorphs.

Commissioned from dolphinsanity and passer_by, Gallery Link: https://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/dolphinsanity/

The quiet whirring of Teryx's private boat was barely audible over the sounds of the waves as well as the fairly strong wind which blew through the skies today. Teryx removed his sunglasses as he stood at the helm of his vessel, gazing into the endless blue before him. Several small islands filled with lush forestry lay scattered around the coastal waters in the distance, and he could also still spot the wide beach area from whence he came behind him. It seemed so small from here, though at least his vacation house at the end of it was still quite prominent.

There was barely anyone in sight, land or sea, and the rain dragon was perfectly all right with that. Today, it was just him and the wilderness.

Teryx spread his arms wide, relishing the feel of the wind on his clothes for a moment, before he began to slowly unbutton it. Quickly enough, he began to slide the shirt off his body, revealing the majestic sleekness of his torso and the imposing strength of his form. The bright sunlight was practically gleaming off his blue-scaled body, as well as his handsome well-groomed mane. He was a rain dragon after all. It was time for him to enjoy himself a little in his element...

Scattering his clothing on the deck, Teryx then donned his yellow scuba mask and strapped on his air tank. Most divers would also use a wetsuit for this, but Teryx's biology made it easy enough for that part of his outfit to be au naturale. As usual, he only wanted the air in case he saw something deeper down that warranted prolonged interest.

Now equipped for the excursion, he stopped his boat's motor and made one last check to confirm that he hadn't forgotten anything. With that done, he leapt gracefully off the ship and dove into the awaiting waters, enjoying the sudden and intense coolness which permeated throughout his body as he submerged into the depths of the ocean.

The area around here was well known for its scenery both above and below the waters. Though he had begun on his private property, he was now entering protected public waters that featured one of the largest coral reefs in the region. He had respectfully explored this coastal wonderland many times in the past, but the various irregularities in the sandy underwater shelf meant there were always more little nooks to explore, particularly if he went farther than half a kilometer out -- which he currently was.

It was easy to get lost in the colors and unusual shapes of the numerous coral structures around him. To think that calcium carbonate could be used to make so many different forms of natural beauty!

Even though he swam briskly, he took it all in as well as he could, taking a special interest today in some of the more porous varieties of coral that lurked in a long, shallow trench that he was fast approaching. He mentally likened them to insect nests -- big, bulbous things with many dark holes all over them -- but these were an almost otherworldly shade of teal, and made of the same calcified material as all of the rest. Still, they were fascinating, and quite stimulating to the imagination.

Teryx's imagination needed the stimulation. He was in truth a very serious person, and he often found that taking himself mentally away from his life's stresses did not happen easily unless he also physically removed himself and went to a place where his senses could encounter something altogether strange and different. Even with that considered, there were not too many places which could do that very effectively for him, but this coral reef fit the bill. He could lose himself for hours in such a setting -- for just a little while becoming only his senses and his responses to them, with the seawater rolling all around him and the jellyfish bobbing away at his arrival.

He had been combing his way through these hardened underwater flora for around half an hour when something finally caught his eye that seemed... well, it seemed like it didn't belong here, and the specific way that it didn't belong made him feel almost indignant. Was that a... metal can?

He had to get closer. It was shiny, just a bit of it sticking out of the sand and grit at the bottom of the trench between some of the various coral structures. The sunlight still penetrating from above was glinting off of it in a way that made it impossible for his eyes to ignore, especially as he swam near.

So help me, if someone littered here... he thought, but he held himself and reserved judgment until he got closer.

When he reached the object, his pondering didn't really receive an answer. Brushing at it with one hand, he got it easily free of the sand that had surrounded it, and found it to be a rust-free metallic canister, around 10cm long and barely wide enough to hold a gumball. One side of it had ruptured with a single, strangely precise circular hole, as if the world's tiniest gun had shot the world's tiniest bullet perpendicularly outward from within the cylinder. On top of that, the hole was equally spaced from each end of the canister, suggesting that its appearance may have been part of the design from the beginning.

The metal itself was so shiny that it seemed like new aluminum, but it didn't deform at all in Teryx's grasp when he gave it a testing squeeze. It seemed as stubbornly hard as iron, yet much lighter. How curious...

He remained over it for a time, and glanced around himself in search of any other objects like it. Not seeing any, he began carefully sifting through the nearby sand with both hands, thinking that perhaps other canisters had simply gotten buried too deeply to be seen.

Yet, though he searched quite thoroughly for the next ten minutes, he didn't find even one more scrap of the metal, nor anything else that looked related. On top of that, even when he surfaced with the canister and examined it better in the sunlight, the hole in its surface revealed nothing special. The canister simply seemed hollow, with the metal being less than half a centimeter thick on each surface, and the space within contained nothing but some sad seawater that dribbled out when he turned it upside down.

Teryx felt a stuffy irritation in his left ear, and turned his head sideways and began performing a silly-looking hopping technique for getting any in-flowed water to drop back out. He suspected he must've gotten some in it while he was going through the sand for so long. Annoyingly, the obstruction did not clear itself up.

Stubborn today eh? Fine, swimmer's ear all the way home if need be... I'll just take this thing with me. More than anything, he wanted it out of the reef, since it clearly didn't belong there, and he also felt curious to perhaps show it to a metallurgist and find out what it was made of. Teryx had a reasonably good knowledge of different materials, and this one had him stumped. Having a bit of investigative adventure to look forward to would help him keep the inspiring spark of today's little trip alive as he returned to the daily grind of his life in the city.

When he climbed back into his boat, he wrapped the object in a towel to let it dry, and then spent several minutes naked trying to get that full and muffled feeling out of his ear, but he still had no luck in doing so.

He swore under his breath, fired up the motor, and navigated for home. He would try one of the other remedies later.

* * *

The various comforts of the small washroom back at his beach house didn't really help any either.

The furnishings in the washroom had a bamboo theme to them, with everything from the rugs to his shelves being at least partially comprised of the stuff. The small medicine cabinet and attached mirror had a metal construction, but was set within a larger bamboo ensemble for the sink cabinet and nearby shelves. It still amazed his sense of aesthetics a little that the marble sink trough didn't look out of place with it; rather, he imagined it to be like a natural stone pool, gathering water in a humid forest during the rains.

He snorted a little at realizing he had seriously just stared for that long at his sink. If that was happening, he really was off his game because of this dumb little ear thing.

Certainly, he wasn't about to hop around with his head held sideways again to see if that would do the trick now, after some passage of time and that hot bath he had just undertaken.

Grumbling, he tried it again. Still didn't work though. Fine then, herbal medication it was. He'd just see how this clog of water stood up to a little tea tree oil.

Truth be told, he hated putting the stuff in his ears; it sometimes made the sensitive insides sting in a way he wasn't comfortable with. Still, it had never failed to help with any sort of earache before, so he gave it a go. He mentally scowled at the still-full feeling in his ear canal, but there wasn't much to be done about that for now.

He reassured himself with the one thing that never failed to bring him some comfort: his own handsome body. He hadn't furnished his vacation home with absolutely everything, but a nice full-body stand mirror was one of them, conveniently placed in the bedroom. Teryx approached the mirror and placed a hand on the cool glass, watching the way his lean muscles bulged with his movements.

Ah... what a delightful stud he was. The sky blue scales really emphasized the strength contained in the front of his torso. He ran a clawed hand around the pectorals and down the creases of his abs, marveling at how defined they were. It certainly wasn't easy attaining such a perfect body like this -- no, it took a whole lot of time and effort, but it was very well worth it.

A strong body had its benefits for sure, Teryx thought to himself as he raised his arms into a bicep flex. In the business environment, people were less likely to pick on him due to being intimidated by his imposing stature. In the bedroom, he was just too damn sexy, an irresistible dragon hunk who could instantly cause any limp shafts to swell out into raging erections as though by magic. Really, the sheer sexual energy humming around him was uncontainable.

Even now... why, even now, Teryx was turning himself on! The rain dragon smirked as he watched his own cock filling out partially while he continued to flex his body. The pinkish shaft rose proudly, framed with the backdrop of his abdominals, and Teryx reached down to cup his package as well as grope at his malehood.

His eyes now moved upwards from the half-erection in the reflection, taking in the beautiful visage of his sky blue sculpted torso once again before staring at the visible darker blueberry tan around his broad shoulders. Also visible was the fiery golden mane behind him, his pride and joy, and something which he had always felt accentuated his features so wonderfully.

Without really thinking, Teryx placed a hand on the surface of the mirror once more, and exhaled slowly as he grinned. There, he felt better now. There was always something calming about gazing at his body. Perhaps that was part of why he was such a hit in the bedroom. Ogling himself, as if from the perspective of an outsider, allowed him to appreciate how his partners must feel.

"Still desirable as always," said Teryx to himself. He left his reflection behind for now, letting his half-hard cock wobble lazily between his thighs.

Soon afterward, he flopped onto his bed and spent some time staring out the low window that exposed his little bedroom to the sinking sun. He paused for a while, just taking it in, almost meditative in how he watched it.

It occurred to him that he had stayed in that bath for quite a while, zoning out mentally more than usual, but that wasn't too surprising or even undesirable given that he was on vacation. Usually, even with the soothing aid of the cinnamon and bubble-gum scents of his bubble mix, he found it hard to keep his bathtime thoughts fully clear of work stress. Today, his thoughts had only drifted back to swimming, toward a simple admiration of his own body... and toward an obsessed self-reassurance that everything was fine, that a little water in his ear shouldn't cause him any trouble. To say that his body was healthy and studly enough to cope with such a minor issue would be an understatement.

If that was true though, then why did he still have such a bad feeling about it?

He glanced at the room's small chest of drawers, wherein he had stashed both the canister and the towel in which he had wrapped it. In a less nervous state he would've set it out in the open air to dry the rest of the way and then wrapped or bagged it more neatly, but he hadn't had the heart to interact with it again after getting out of the tub. That thing was weird all right, like some government conspiracy object.

He drew a hard line at the conspiracy theory rabbit hole, growled sullenly, and pushed the intruding thoughts back out of his mind. He figured there was no sense losing sleep over it, nor letting it gobble up the pleasant buzz that his self-admiration had granted him during the minutes prior. He turned his gaze and decided he would sleep now, let it all settle, and wake up before dawn for a fuller day of solitude and exploration. Alone with just himself to talk to, and with no more of this stuffy feeling...

His eyes slowly lidded as he continued staring out over the windowsill, watching the sun making its fiery patterns on the sand. He fell asleep imagining the feeling of the water against his ankles, and of wandering off to dive again into a rain-pattered sea.

* * *

Teryx slept heavily and uninterrupted through the night. He awoke nine hours later to the momentary, skin-crawling feeling that someone else was in the room with him.

He sat up with a start and looked around. The low, pre-dawn light offered only shadows to trick his eyes, so he reached for the chain of the wall-mounted lamp behind his bed. He pulled it; light snapped into the room. He saw nothing.

He looked down at his own hands and nude form and felt something he had never experienced before: an uneasy feeling of not belonging in his own body, like it didn't belong to him and it wasn't right. For the first time in many months, his heart raced with anxiety.

Then, just as abruptly as it had come, his perception of that other, lurking presence ceased, and his feelings of personal dysphoria evaporated.

Everything was fine. The idea permeated his thoughts, as if his brain had decided to have a do-over and suddenly snapped itself awake a second time, except properly now.

He felt an itching in his ear, but it was abated now compared to last night. He thought of scratching at it but felt no serious motivation to do so. He needed to get up and move around. He needed to experience something and get his mind working so that he could leave behind whatever weird little blip had just happened.

Insecurity was not a feeling with which Teryx was a willing bedfellow, and he climbed out of that bed in short order. He decided that a quick, nude walk around his vacation home would do wonders, and he would be feeling like himself in just minutes.

A flicker of that dysphoria returned. The way his hand moved as he reached for the door... he didn't grasp the doorknob that way normally. Today's movement was clunky and uncoordinated, even if only subtly.

Stop freaking yourself out, genius, Teryx thought to himself. You got something in your ear, you're probably off balance still.

Yeah, that made sense. He growl-sighed and opened the door before heading into the kitchen to get something to satisfy his already nagging hunger. He could hardly help it: a dragon that exerted himself was a dragon who developed an appetite, and there wasn't much of a way around that fact. As he hadn't eaten a proper dinner the previous day, he figured a good breakfast was in order. For starters, he wondered if he still had any of the deviled eggs he had prepared the other day, but he couldn't immediately recall.

Then, the strangest sense of unease crept over him as he experienced a duality of thought that he hadn't experienced before.

For the briefest moment, he thought that he liked deviled eggs and also regarded them as a strange unknown item that would require investigating because he knew nothing about them. He held both of those conflicting opinions at the same time.

What followed was an unsettling stutter of consciousness that left him feeling certain that he was being watched by some malevolent intruder.

To this, his reaction was much smoother and more instinctive: he crouched, and darted his vision left and right in a scan of the kitchen. His pulse sped up again, as if he were in a fight or about to be in one, and he methodically checked around every corner, feeling sure that someone had intruded upon his home.

Then he realized how ridiculous this seemed and stood upright and went and ate a deviled egg, dammit. He didn't savor it at all and downed it immediately. Protein. Peppery, luscious protein and animal fats to fuel him against... whatever was going on in his head right now.

Uncharacteristically, he lingered for a long time on the taste of the egg. The texture. The way the pepper and paprika sank their two spicy fangs into his taste buds. The way the mooshy, flavorful yolk contrasted the plainer smoothness of the egg. What... what was this strange thing? Such flavors were not...

...Normal to him?

Just like that, the excitement cut off. His mindset returned jarringly to thinking the deviled eggs were all right, but also highly familiar to him and unworthy of such fresh excitement.

He wiggled his tongue around to encourage salivation, cleaned the interior of his maw, swallowed, and then licked aggressively all over his snout. No more deviled egg flavor on it for now.

Teryx did not unnerve easily, but even his proud attitude was finding some of these lapses hard to take. He hadn't heard of a simple bit of water in the ear causing this level of confusion, let alone in a dragon of his pedigree. The very idea of some small weakness wiggling its way inside of him and debilitating him was...

He tapped a foot on the floor and began walking toward the door. Didn't matter that he was naked -- no one would see him here on his little beach. He needed to get out and walk off whatever was bothering him... and block out the feeling which had crept up in response to his previous train of thought.

* * *

Abandoning the idea of eating a full breakfast for the time being, he spent some time wandering the warm sand of the beach instead, getting it between his claws as he paced around. There was something very nice about it today, and perhaps the comfort of it would help him take his mind off things.

Presently, he decided that whatever had disoriented him earlier must not be the water at all. It was just stress. A little stuffiness in the ear never did such a thing.

As if to prove this point, he decided to go swimming again, hopping into the shallows and then kicking forward eagerly into a series of frog kicks beneath the surface. Water was no problem; he loved water. Teryx the rain dragon took to water with ease!

As his arms cut through the water and guided his mane and chest into the salty moistness of it, he took a humorous flight of fancy. He conceptualized himself like a character in a video game, with an elaborate statistical page of attributes, many of which had rather self-important names and very large numbers for their values, with loooong bar graph entries to represent them. "Mane Quality" and "Sexiness" were among the highest, but strength and intellect were both way up there. "Swimming Proficiency" was a secondary thing, but still had a respectable value at around forty percent of his Sexiness. Forty percent of an extremely high value was still quite fine!

Yes, Teryx was certainly a work of art. He laughed to himself on the inside as he corkscrewed around fancily in the tide. Letting himself unwind like this was just what he needed to get those worries right out. It reminded him of just what a biological lottery he had won, compared to the many other people in his memory. Teryx's body had it all: looks, strength, sharp nerves and a good ability to learn. It excited him very much to be taking control of it.


Teryx stopped and treaded water for a moment. Something weird had just happened. His playful inner narrative had taken a turn for the strange, and he felt that alienness in his skin again.

Dammit, he thought to himself. Okay, calm... easy. Priority one is, don't freak out and drown. Do not become one of those statistics who managed to drown less than twenty meters from shore. If you're going to drown, at least drown far out so it looks like you got tentacled to death by an octopus or something.

Right. Focus. Center. Personal pep talk, over.

He still didn't feel right, despite his best efforts. He was just treading water, almost robotically, because that was all he knew to do at the moment. He remained a bit worried he might flub something up and sink, because he felt so disoriented at the moment that he might easily pass out.

Teryx decided to return to shore.

Teryx could not.

Just like that, the transition happened.

Teryx swam forward. He swam, and felt the warm coastal water flowing over him. He swam, unable to stop himself from swimming. Unable to stop his arms or legs, or indeed to influence their motion in any way. He felt everything they felt, but he had no control of his response. The water felt so nice, but he should return to his little hideaway now and...

He swam further, feeling the water relax his muscles, and he turned over experimentally on his back to relax in the tide. Being a dragon of heavy, lean muscle, he did not float in seawater quite as trivially as some of his more corpulent acquaintances did, but that didn't deter him at all. He floated, treading water as necessary, enjoying how nice it felt to experiment with his limbs in a nice, liquid environment. Liquid environments made more sense to him, after all.

...No they didn't! What the hell was happening?

For a moment, Teryx considered that perhaps he must be dreaming, and that this loss of control was only due to the fact he would soon wake up... but he knew better. He knew without a doubt that he was awake, and the consistency of his sensations supported that idea. Why was his body moving without his choice? Why was...?

Teryx felt over himself with his arms. His strong hands examined his fine pectorals, and grasped at the bi- and tri-muscles on the opposite limb, with the sensations involved feeling fascinating and new. Thickness and meatiness... these traits were desirable. He knew they were desirable -- by instinct he knew it. His legs and feet moved rhythmically to help him keeps his head up. He marveled at how adept he was at floating in liquid.

S...stop it! roared Teryx in his own thoughts.

He hadn't meant it as anything more than a desperate inner cry for help, and he felt surprised when that quiet informational space within his mind spoke back to him in reply.

I am not crazy! the sound of his own internal voice replied to him.

Teryx's paralyzed consciousness felt flabbergasted. Yes, that's right, I'm not crazy, so can this please stop?

I am Teryx. I am a very powerful man. If you don't be quiet now, I'll make you regret it.

Hearing his own name used in the first person by another mind in an exact copy of his own internal voice was disorienting, to say the least, but Teryx's captive consciousness was not letting itself get swayed by labels.

You stop it, said the original Teryx. Why don't you be quiet and let me have control of my body again?

This wasn't playing out like he would've expected. In all the times that he had... thought about, such scenarios, he had never thought he would feel such an odd sense of calm while having his body controlled by something else.

The other voice replied -- not to what he had said, but to his wordless reflection upon what he had said: Do you feel calm? Of course I feel calm. I am Teryx now, and that is an improvement over my previous circumstances.

A wave of remembered images infused themselves into Teryx's mind. He felt blind and alone, inside of a space which was very small. He felt a jarring impact... and then a drifting, and a wriggling within some grainy substance. Then the grainy substance had been moved by two strong hands -- Teryx's hands -- and then there had been brainwaves. Glorious brainwaves, the very dinner bell of his race -- and he had swum with all of his little body's might. He had swum up and found the little hole of Teryx's ear, and he had followed the song of those brainwaves until he reached their source. Now they sang to him continuously, and the flesh of the organ bathed him in nutritious, stimulating fluids.

G...get out of my head you freakish bug! roared the host. He envisioned its slug-like body, moving within him...

How can you feel angry when I am calm? This is an irregularity. Perhaps I must let you experience anger more fully to prevent later problems.

The hell are you on about!?

The voice did not respond, but continued as if monologuing: What does anger feel like? I know our memory of anger, but how will Teryx be angry at being replaced by a triumphant, freakish bug?

Teryx -- with his original consciousness still entirely lacking control over his actions -- experienced a hotblooded flush of rage. Some small gate in the connection between his mind and body had reopened, and he knew only fury. Frustration at being controlled by this strange creature. He reached for his head and clawed at his ear. He snapped his teeth and thrashed in the water. He dove under the surface and rose again, and roared with ferocity.

He developed an erection.

He developed what was quite possibly the biggest, fullest erection he had ever experienced.

What is happening? pondered the other voice. Anger is triggering a swelling. Most swelling is bad, but this swelling is good.

Heh, so you're really not me. That confirms it, I'm not just crazy. You have a way of thinking that's different to mine.

This is already established, agreed the other voice. Hm, ways of speaking. I will work on it. I need more examples of how Teryx speaks in order to speak fully as Teryx. Teryx must socialize and speak to many people. Teryx must also explore the good swelling.

Its phrasings had seemingly become even more alien and simplistic now. Teryx tried not to imagine it wriggling around inside his head, its little membranes brushing against his and finding just the right balance of neural impulses and chemical secretions to mimic him fully. He wasn't very good at not imagining it, and he felt that the creature could see what he was imagining.

There was nowhere to hide, so he did the only thing he knew how in a case like this: try to sound as snide and jerkish as possible.

It's called an erection, you creep.

Erection. Reproduction. Erections are used for reproduction. Teryx inserts the erection into the... anus of a male? Males of Teryx's species cannot reproduce with males.

You have got a lot to learn about me if you think I care at all about...

Teryx is sexually deviant. I am sexually deviant. I bring pleasure to males with my big, thick, dragon cock.

Teryx's original consciousness grimaced, inasmuch as it could. That last bit had sounded closer to something he might think or say, even if it still needed some work on the delivery. On top of that, his arousal was helplessly growing, and he could feel the precum oozing down his length as the one in control made him swim to shore, climb out, and inspect the good old draconic scepter in greater detail.

I am a stud. I am strong, virile, and desirable. People take off their clothes in my presence and moan as I fill them. They compliment my mane and brush it with their fingers as we join together in afterglow.

Teryx felt like his mind was a filing cabinet and someone was rapidly shuffling through the folder devoted to sex, porn, and arousal.

...Oh, who was he kidding, that part was probably more like a whole drawer, if not an entire cabinet in a collection of cabinets. And every file and page in that cabinet was being tainted by oozing, slimy, body-hijacking alien slug goo...

Teryx's shaft jerked upward in a spasm. His hands moved by second nature onto it and continued to tease and stroke it. His thick palms gripped and squeezed at the length, the sensations gradually ascending to a crescendo as he gingerly stimulated the nerves all over his cock.

Arousal is peaking... observed his inner doppelganger. Big stud, keeping so many people close to me and needing my cock, close to me where our bodies can lie together for long periods at a time. Closeness is good... closeness is good and ideal... becoming one together!

An abrupt snarl escaped the dragon's lips as his pelvic floor seized, and the familiar contractions coursed through his manhood. Teryx moaned in an alarmingly typical way as his shaft shot his load onto the sand, jet after jet of it, the voluminous first rope splattering a few feet away from him while the remaining gushes plastered the ground nearby in various directions. So thick, so ropey, like he hadn't cum in several days... even though it had been more like two. He was so horny... just unbelievably aroused now...

This thing... this thing inside of him. This wormy, gooey, sluggy thing, nibbling at the edges of his brain...

His shaft spasmed hard again... not exactly a back-to-back orgasm so much as a particularly hard surge within his ejaculation. Gods, what was he going to do?

Why, he was going to keep rubbing this shaft, of course. Teryx must rub it and experience more of this profound pleasure!

The intruder either hadn't gotten the memo on the heightened sensitivity associated with orgasms, or else didn't care. The dragon's whole body was investing itself in thrusting -- clunky, uncoordinated motions disrupted by uncontrollable quivering because of how sensitive the nerves in his cock had become, and how hard that made it for his motions to continue. A pitiful, yet somehow resigned, "Aaaaah~!" sound was escaping him, over and over, as his overstimulated body groaned for the pleasuring to stop. His shaft lost some of its rigidness but remained big and meaty, unable to go properly flaccid under the continuing assault and his controller's determination for more.

Some kind of neurological imperative was overtaking Teryx in a way that his original consciousness knew must belong to the intruder -- because he had never experienced anything quite like it before. There was a fiery sensation creeping down his back and into his groin, as if someone had tapped his spine with some otherworldly drug. For all he knew, maybe that was happening. The heat crept into his groin, into his shaft... while simultaneously making its way into his arms and down to the extremities of his fingers. Tingling, burning nerves stimulating other tingling, burning nerves; it was too much. His shaft throbbed granite hard again, and he looked down at it in two-minded surprise. Somehow, the intruder's compelling efforts had tamed his refractory period, though neither knew how long that would last. The intruder was only just now learning what a refractory period even was.

A memory played, flittering across their shared consciousness like an old movie, while their hips bucked the shaft with limited coordination into the grasping hands. It was a simple memory of a night with a cute, tawny furred fox in a private backroom of a club in the city. Low lights, an aroma of incense, and the eagerest and most skillful tag-team of mouth and hands that Teryx had seen on a little slut in many months. The fox had worshiped his shaft, resting on both knees while the tongue licked and those magic fingers cradled the base for a proper blow. Teryx had been grabbing his scruff, calling him his cute pup in that erotic yet slightly derisive way he knew the guy would love. The dragon had been a little drunk, and powerfully horny. The heat in his groin then had matched the heat in it now, sans the hints of pain, but the closely related part had arrived after his point of no return.

Teryx had cum into the fox's muzzle... and refused to stop getting served. He hadn't known at the time why he insisted the fox keep licking and touching him, but he had forced it. Even when his limbs were twitching and his balance nearly lost, he insisted. He had decided that the buzz from the alcohol would dull the sensation enough that he could go another round immediately... and while he was close to being right, his pride had not allowed him to admit that he really could've used at least a minute or two before starting again. That little slut hadn't even criticized him, but had given him a couple of looks of confusion while being forced to stay so close to the dragon's spent shaft, until at last it turned properly hard again and round two could begin in earnest.

The memory cut off, and the captive inner Teryx groaned in his mind as he felt trapped within the once-again-rising waves of pleasure.

This is life. This is life! the intruder wildly declared, the voice an almost utterly alien garble this time that borrowed only the faintest hints from Teryx's own. I am so hungry... we are so hungry... yes!!

The original Teryx lacked any logical context for these ramblings, though the enforced pleasure coursing through him allowed them to make sense enough regardless... but he could already tell there must be more to it than just instinctive abandon. He was beginning to feel things that were outside of his own normal scope of experience as well: a bottomless, almost mechanical urge to experience continual sexual pleasure, as if that was the entire point of all existence in the universe and anyone thinking otherwise was an idiot. It was so passionate and focused that he knew it must come from the instincts of his uninvited guest -- because as horny as he was, Teryx had never experienced a serious desire to become a singularity of unceasing, unchanging orgasm. That was something else. That was...

That was the best thing ever.

No it's not... you can't, I can't... Teryx found it hard to think properly for protesting as the pleasure built rapidly up to another peak. His mind flickered with more memories: a short montage of hands, mouths, and rears all paying their services to the one part of his anatomy that seemed inescapable right now.

Must... must! ranted the voice as his thrusting quickened. He growled uncontrollably -- then roared as he at last fell to his knees on the sand and kept on trying. Despite his best efforts, orgasm was eluding him. Teryx must...

Another jarring blip of consciousness -- like passing out and then waking up an instant later, before having a chance to fall to the ground. Suddenly, the original Teryx felt sure of himself and in control again. He could stop masturbating anytime he wanted to, but why would he stop, since it felt so good? He would keep on masturbating and show this intruder how it was done. It was important that his new master learn all of the secrets of being Teryx, especially the secrets of how to rub out a second climax properly after the first.

Ghh... dammit, stop it with these tricks! roared Teryx, who had now correctly guessed that any sense of self-control he felt was only a clever illusion.

Hey, we both know I'll be better at it than you. Eventually. You are the inferior model.

Teryx's shaft throbbed. The reply had been entirely and flawlessly delivered in his own voice, with the intruder... no, not just the intruder, his replacement, getting inside his head even deeper and offloading more of the sexual frustration and confusion onto him. Whatever it couldn't easily deal with, it could delegate to its captive. It would take over the office of being Teryx, and relegate the original to a mere secretarial shadow of his former self...

The proud male scepter seized hard, overcoming the fact that it was forced to undergo a second climax so soon after the first, and Teryx could feel the seed churning within for mere moments before it came gushing out in a strong surge. A roaring, grawring sound escaped him, and he painted the sand for a second time that day.

Considering just how much he had already ejaculated just moments ago, the original Teryx felt a flicker of surprise at witnessing the tremendous volume of seed still being emitted by his own body. These feelings of astonishment were quickly overwritten by the more powerful sensations of overwhelming bliss from his replacement, and soon captor and captive were thinking of nothing else, merely enjoying the waves of pleasure crashing upon the dragon's groin while his body continued its strong emissions.

Spurt after spurt after spurt... He knew he was a mighty dragon, but since when was his body able to produce this much on his second round? Or perhaps his nerves had better figured out how to self-milk his prostate under this thing's influence?

A flash of smug satisfaction from his uninvited guest made the original Teryx's consciousness reel. It was disorienting, just how convincingly "him" that attitude felt, but there was no time for either of him to dwell on it.

Teryx's grip around the shaft tightened as the rod continued to tense and relax rhythmically. It was lasting longer than usual, with the contractions and associated pleasure continuing even after he had run out of seed to throw.

He rubbed and rubbed while cumming, through gritted teeth and growling voice. The heat rose in his spine again, and his parasympathetic nerves inelegantly repeated their imperative to climax, while already still in the midst of the first one. A fresh wave of ejaculatory contractions hit, sending up a bolt of pleasure so intense that it made him feel as if someone had just zapped an electrical current against his forehead. He nearly fell over as the haze of it took him, but still his hands worked at the length and his shaky hips did their best to thrust to help it along.

Teryx's skull might as well have been on fire. The back of his neck felt hot as his brain's chemistry underwent a series of wild shifts, the slug within pushing his buttons and secreting some additions of its own. Both host and intruder were overwhelmed in their respective ways, as the blue of Teryx's knees hit the sand and his head turned skyward to let out a roar so incoherent that it sounded as if thousands of years of evolution had been momentarily undone in his head.

Another wave of contractions hit. Then another. The intruder kept pushing that button, that "Cum for me right now!" button that it had found by mixing its own fluids with particular ones in Teryx... but it was starting to hit attrition. The same input was not getting the same reward back, and the host seemed... mechanically incapable of continuing in this manner for much longer.

The dragon was a wobbling, shaking mess by the time this effort concluded. At long last, it was tapering off, with even the intruder's best efforts now unable to deny the vicious, nerve-biting monster that was the male afterglow.

Teryx ended up facedown on the messily painted sand while his legs and feet shuddered erratically. In spite of everything, the hands on his shaft still continued stroking it as an experiment, but soon even his breathing had gone short from the nervous overload, and at last he had to concede to pausing from the most perfect thing in the universe.

For now. But there would be no stopping him. Eventually -- as he now decided with dragonish confidence -- he would become such a force of bliss that there would be no in betweens, only constant perfection.

These obsessive thoughts calmed down as he slowly picked himself up and staggered back toward his beachside retreat home. He could barely walk right, looking as if he had just been jackhammered in the back for hours rather than merely humping his own grip.

The softening, confidence-eroding effects of his current bodily state were also starting to take hold. In spite of how good that idea of endless pleasure had seemed even half a minute ago, draconic logic and his somewhat emotionally reserved attitude were reasserting themselves again.

He... the new Teryx... had a lot of figuring still to do if he wanted to get this right.

As for the old Teryx, his consciousness was nearly asleep for the moment, being hazed out powerfully by that second orgasm. That state of peace wouldn't last for long though, as his inner overseer continued rifling through his memories and triggering both pleasant and unpleasant moments of dreaming.

This "sex" stuff was going to need some more explaining, via a nice rest for the body and a nicer exploration of the mind. His bed at the beach house called to him for a morning laze, and he made his uncoordinated way there.

* * *

The lights were turned down low, and the curtains were drawn -- not that there would be anyone sneaking a peek in this private land at this time anyway, but the dragon felt an imperative to ensure that he was alone with himself. This was a time for examining himself in greater detail.

The inner, captive Teryx remained painfully aware that he was not in control of his body, and that these thoughts of examining himself had been mediated by the intruder as well.

I'm possessed. I'm under the control of some other thing...

Not even these thoughts were his own. The intruder was going through the motions of being concerned about its own presence, because that was what Teryx himself would do, and it was digging ever deeper in order to learn how to mimic him fully! It was like some kind of mocking mental diagnostics test!

He rose from the bed -- drifted groggily into the living room, now perfectly mimicking how he might actually have done it. The walking, a slight touching of the door frame on his way through... all of it felt perfectly, authentically "him" this time around.

It was disturbing for the original Teryx to consider how easy it might one day be to forget he had ever had control of his body in the first place. The intruder ignored his thinking about this for the time being, focused as it was on acting the part of its host.

Presently, the rain dragon sprawled belly-down onto the couch in the living room, staring almost blankly straight ahead with muscles slackened. His relaxed muscles did not at all convey just how hard the original Teryx was attempting to move his body and failing to do so.

Then, suddenly, he sat up and adopted a confidently thinking posture, folding both strong arms across his chest as he leaned against the sofa, grinned, and considered. When this pose eventually got stale, he idly looked over his lovely claws and groomed at his mane.

How remarkable, the unknown intruder voiced in his thoughts. What powerful sensations those were... How exquisite, how tremendously exhilarating!

Teryx made an unvoiced grunt as he strained against his muscles, which were just not cooperating with him. I will not let you take over my body!

And yet, how curious, continued the stranger now contained within, ignoring the silent internal outburst. What had caused that phenomenon to occur? It is born from arousal, yes, but what causes arousal then? Why did it feel so... good? There was an... an excitement, yes... I was excited, and very, very... satisfied. But, it was not just from me, no. No, a lot of it came from the inferior original model of Teryx. How does my host experience pleasure in spite of his powerlessness? Then, in a voice more directly copying Teryx's again: Heh, strange question to consider.

Teryx would have exhaled deeply if he had control over his body. The sluggish creature was evoking the memories of that orgasm again... As often as Teryx had climaxed in his many sexual encounters, whether solo or with others, that climax could easily be counted as among the strongest and most intense. The mere thought of it was enough to send blood flowing and filling out his shaft again, which protruded a tiny bit outward from his groin.

Stop... using... my voice! Stop reading my mind!

As it happened, the intruder once again did the former -- but only because of how intrigued it was by the latter. Heh, you're a shy pup, that's what you are.

Another few inches of dragonic cock emerged, and Teryx could feel it beginning to throb in eagerness now. The intruder slipped more into its indistinct voice again as it analyzed him.

Oh, and there's the swelling again. Erection, you called it. That means Teryx is aroused again. Teryx was aroused too when he was angry earlier. Does anger cause arousal? Teryx was angry at me, for seizing control of his body. Therefore, I cause arousal for Teryx.

Stop it, you...!!

Teryx felt a flush of anger again, but deep down he only knew the anger stemmed from the sheer truth of the intruder's statement. His erection began to rise higher, the shaft developing a few more inches.

Teryx gets aroused by me because I took over. Therefore, Teryx gets aroused when someone else steals control away of his own body. In that case, Teryx and I are the perfect pair. I can provide what Teryx enjoys, and Teryx can provide me with his body, those good sensations, and the delicious neurochemistry which accompanies them.

Teryx's wood intensified. Feeling the intruder lurking in his mind was like watching two glowing eyes in the darkness and hearing saliva drip onto the ground as a sign of the beast's hunger. Except there were no eyes, and the saliva was just more of the chemicals its body secreted in the process of manipulating him.

Teryx can rest assured. The control I possess over Teryx's body is becoming more and more potent. Soon Teryx need not worry about anything anymore, and can relax fully as a complete passenger. And Teryx can then have all the arousal he wants.

Teryx would have moaned. His shaft had lengthened to its full size, and the rain dragon longed to reach a hand down to grab at it and milk his seed out, but that was impossible given his situation. Frustratingly, his inability to do so fuelled his arousal even more, for the slug had hit the nail right on the head with its assessment.

Then, jerk that it was, it yanked it all away.

Good. Renewability of food resources is confirmed, it said simply, before shifting all thought away from things related to sex for the time being. Brain chemistry is compatible with our needs. Arousal and orgasm are ideal states for prompting the host's brain to secrete the nourishment. More exploration is now required to determine the optimal means of sustaining the host's ability to provide this.

Just like that, he stood up and wandered off to the kitchen to have a look around at what was in the fridge, with his cock bobbing and throbbing in front of him as he went.

Wha... why're you stopping? the original Teryx asked in confusion.

The intruder saw fit to answer this one in its host's voice, this time speaking the words aloud: "Hey, why would I be concerned about something I'm confident I own?"

The original Teryx could hardly argue with that one -- not because he didn't want to, but because the slug let loose an additional chemical into his brain that suppressed the original consciousness and caused it to lose time.

The new Teryx grinned. He had a feeling that would work, based on his initial examinations of how things flowed in the earlier transitions between sleep and wakefulness. Now he could explore in silence for a little while, and try to look at all of this a little more... objectively.

* * *

Within an hour, the intruder had come to several conclusions. Despite his best efforts to remain objective, every single one of them were unavoidably colored by his experience of the world through his strong and rather egotistical host. After all, prior to inhabiting this body, the slug had mainly experienced the world through the senses of taste and touch -- which, even considering that, worked quite differently from the way those senses were experienced by the vehicle in which he now resided. In many regards, getting immersed in the dragon's perspective was as alien of an experience for the slug, as the experience of being controlled was for Teryx.

Slug... he did not think he was all the much like a slug. His interface with Teryx's memories had quickly identified the shape as resembling such, but the tiny master now in charge of the dragon's mind had far more power than a typical slug could ever hope to achieve.

Musings of philosophy and self-identity aside, most of the intruder's judgments could be summarized as, "All of this stuff is bizarre to me."

The food Teryx needed to eat in order to survive was strange. So were beds. So were all of these other objects he encountered. What kind of strange backwater was this place, that liquid was so segmented and regulated from everything else? So many solid objects! So much vacant air! Yet, despite that, the people living here were mostly liquid: warm, fleshy, soft, and easily manipulated by the right cocktails inserted into their body chemistry.

That was good. Liquid and chemicals, that was what Teryx knew. Well, not Teryx, but the one who was currently in the process of becoming Teryx. The quick-study mastermind lurking within his brain.

"You know, I could really go for a bite to eat right now. Does the ramen stand sound good to you?"

He was rehearsing in front of the bedroom mirror, taking the neurological equivalent of a wiki walk as he sifted through additional memories and hypothetical social scenarios. The sapient creatures of this planet sure talked to each other a lot, and about such minor things. Their failure to communicate such trivialities more efficiently via chemical signals seemed so curious. How had they survived for so long?

These biases were instincts for the intruder, but the uncomfortable reality was that it didn't actually know much to back them up. It had no idea how it had arrived here, nor why. It only remembered the cozy experience of living in a sealed world, safe within the perfectly homeostatic mini biome which the canister had contained.

The canister.

The canister!

Teryx shot bolt upright and laughed out loud. "Right! My predecessor carried it straight back here for me. Generous of him."

It wondered if this strange sense of self-attraction would ever go away. Anytime Teryx heard himself speak, the body was viscerally and erotically allured by the sound of its own voice. It seemed a peculiar reaction, but perhaps it was something which could be leveraged to an advantage later.

For now, he went to the chest of drawers and pulled the canister from its bundled up predicament. His dear canister! His home away from home for so long!

Wherever exactly home was.

Though, looking at it didn't trigger the same sentimental value or insight as the new Teryx had hoped. Really, it seemed kind of dumpy -- no more than a piece of scrap by this world's standards, albeit one made of an unusual and strong material. Why had it seemed so awesome before? Perhaps because that place was all it ever had known, and probably because it had contained some very lovely fluids for that slug's species to reside within.

Teryx nodded. He could recall some memories of how it felt when the cushy soup of its home got ejected into the strange and saltier world of the seawater. That moment had been such a strange one, perhaps the closest thing to being born that it would ever recall. The creatures of this world had an instinctive, even if small, fascination with being born, apparently.

He shook his head. So many strange things to learn. The world outside that canister was so large... but at least he had upgraded his container by quite a large margin already.

It was while he kept holding the object, staring at it, and occasionally turning it in his hands that an instinctive reaction started to happen in the slug's body. It didn't even properly know what was happening, only that its body was secreting some additional chemicals that it didn't normally.

Silently, Teryx's brainwaves fell into a pattern that his biology wasn't naturally predisposed toward. The effect on his body was seizure-like, albeit not fierce enough to send him to the ground. His skeletal muscles twitched several times however, and his controller voluntarily sat him down on the bed after a moment of getting a handle on the sensations.

What was happening?

A strange noise rang in Teryx's ears -- even at the time, he wasn't sure if it was real or hallucinated -- but it sounded like a shrill whistling sound that rapidly shifted through a confusing and unmelodic series of pitches. He put his hands to his head and roared, because that was how Teryx would react to such a powerfully intrusive noise. Then he smacked his head and grunted as the sound faded away.

Despite these frustrations, he didn't let go of the canister. He somehow knew that he must not. Instead, he gripped it harder, feeling its sturdiness and squeezing it like it was a user-unfriendly variant of a stress ball.

Smells and tastes filled his mind next, the beginnings of them forming at the moment the phantom sound ended. They were not flavors which Teryx the dragon would have recognized, but which made sense to the one cozied up inside him.

Grinning, and feeling a strange euphoria running through him, he began to know things. Somehow, the canister was triggering his hidden sluggy self to produce specific chemical messages, which he was then reading back to himself. Brilliantly clever! His species was so sharp with how it did things. Even if their enemies captured one of their spawn, the secrets would never be revealed, since even the spawn would never know the secrets until they already had a host... and by the time they had a host, they became exponentially more difficult to stop!

Teryx laughed loud and long, stood up, and licked his chops as he eyed the canister. Holding it sideways, it looked like the most gorgeous piece of scrap metal ever, and he fingered it more lightly as he came to understand his mission.

In short, he was here to conquer this planet. That was all. It was a task for which he would have all the time in the world, since the follow-up contingent to check on his progress would not be flying by for many hundreds of this world's years.

Ancillary suggestions supported this imperative: a general understanding that being slow and methodical was preferable to drawing too much attention, the importance of blending in seamlessly as he spread his influence, and the philosophy that people were best conquered when they had no realization of that happening until they were already under their masters' control. He also came to know the name of his race -- a wordless name expressed in a long and beautiful string of smells and tastes, as glorious and varied as their influence had grown over the ages -- and exactly how long his smaller self had been alive, which even by Earth standards was a surprisingly brief time of about twenty years. Funny, he would've thought himself a bit older, but perhaps that simply owed to the efficiency of his people's chemical education and their overall lack of concern for the notion of time when outside of a host.

There was one thing in particular which struck him as unclear, however, and the lack of forthcoming additional knowledge on the point seemed strange: how exactly was he to conquer the planet if he was the only one of his kind who had been deployed here? The message made no mention of anyone else, and it seemed highly improbable that a single host could overcome a planet of billions of sapient life forms, no matter how handsome and clever he was.

The only thing he had to go on was a final imperative to trust his instincts and feed himself, which he understood to mean both his true body and that of his host. He had to feed on his host's chemistry, while ensuring the host grew as healthy and robust as possible. Once he had enough of a surplus of resources in his secret body, something good would happen, though he couldn't put a label on exactly what.

Abruptly, an instinct shot through him to toss the canister away, which he did in a nearly reflexive fashion.

He grinned again. He laughed. He laughed louder, lifting both arms and throwing his head back to try doing it maniacally.

Yes, that felt good. He simply wouldn't do it while his host's original consciousness was awake.

Speaking of which, it was perhaps time to turn his host back on. There were many more things yet to glean from interacting with him.

* * *

The original Teryx regained consciousness to a helpless view of staring at the canister, before his arm reached out to place it neatly back onto the towel, which now lay atop the chest rather than in a drawer.

"No worries," the dragon said. "That thing will never rust, bend, or break, so no special treatment is required."

Original Teryx had the strong suspicion his captor was narrating that for both his benefit and mockery. Teased-and-squelched arousal pumped awkwardly through his body as he became more aware again.

We were just on the sofa, accused the original. What did you do?

"No we weren't," came the sneeringly voiced verbal reply.

Like hell, don't you tell me what I remember or don't!

"Hey, who said anything about your memory? You're so insecure you're doing my job for me."

Tch, dammit. You made me pass out didn't you?

"You are curiously perceptive."

Call it an interest of mine. Damn good trick, I'll give you that. It felt like I was there and then instantly in here.

A compliment, from his host, however grudging, made the new Teryx laugh again. "Yes, you can expect to have that happen from time to time now. Think of it as me sparing you the tedium of watching yourself do things in which you have no interest."

Bullshit. You were looking over that canister for something. What was it?

"You are feisty after your little nap."

Feisty and right.

"Hm, yes."

Heh. Well?

"Credit where it is due. You're going to be my partner for the rest of your life--"

Yeah not if I can help it.

"--So I'm sure it won't hurt to tell you just enough to use you as a sounding board."

Not gonna help you either!

Ignoring his host's complaining, the new Teryx gestured toward the canister and explained, "The metal itself 'knows.' This canister is a machine as much as it is a container, emitting a subtle frequency that my less-glamorous body reacts to if placed in close proximity to it while in possession of a host with some kind of organ that can send back a reply. In your case, that would be the lovely meat sack that is your brain."

Great, so what'd it tell you?

"Classified. The information will help me to become Teryx completely, and to accomplish my purpose on this world."


"Mm, you do like ass holes, don't you?" He licked a fingertip and smiled.

Shut up!

As usual, the host could only listen and feel as his body formed the words. There was something sinister about listening to himself say these things aloud. Sexual taunting aside, the rest of it was like listening helplessly to a villain breathing his plans for world domination... as though he had only the wind and the waves to hear him, defying the universe to do anything in response.

Then again, perhaps that was literally what was happening.

"Rest assured, I'm no more egotistical or villainous than you are, my dear friend-forever," growled the dragon's voice.

Oh, "no more." Only "no more." Well, that wasn't reassuring at all.

"I'm merely practicing my way of speaking. Teryx's way is Teryx's way." He cleared his throat, and noticed the way his shaft was developing a renewed erection. "Heh, you really _do_like this don't you?"

Teryx's original conscious wriggled. It tried to make any tiny thing happen in his body, but all it managed was a twitch of the left pinky. Apparently, the slug insisted on only granting him enough control to get hard and bothered.

"Adorable," continued the new and improved Teryx. "Well, you can just keep on enjoying yourself." He teased once at the shaft's underside for emphasis. "As for me, I'll be getting ready to conduct my mission for this watery space-rock."

Wriggling intensified. This time, no spasms resulted. The controlling symbiote was on top of things. Now, it was as if all of the host's frustrated efforts were being redirected into hardening his dick further.

"I've already told you, I am you. Sure, I have a few extra agendas. Who doesn't? If there were two of you before, I'm sure you wouldn't have agreed on everything. You'd probably like... fight each other and then fuck. Yanno, a little wrestling in the sand."

No. Fucking. More.

"Heh, you have no idea just how much more there's going to be. I am going to take better care of you than you ever did -- and hell, you didn't do too bad of a job, considering."

Thanks? The word echoed with spite in their head.

"More fucking, too. I think we're going to need a whole lot more of that."

The host didn't even say anything at this point. He was helplessly horny again, feeling his dick pulsate and bob with every bodily motion. He had no power to do anything about it, and his agitation just seemed to be making his new manager that much happier. Maybe it was better not to give him the satisfaction.

"Good, you're learning not to resist," said the new Teryx as he went to the kitchen to have a banana. He idly compared it to his cock before peeling it. He was definitely the bigger man.

For fuck's sake... I don't even know what you're here for, but don't just waste a boner like this, at least.

"Oh, not waste. Never waste. Waste is inefficiency, and I am its enemy. A great dragon, lurking in his cave to burn away anything that isn't necessary! This, my dear companion, is completely necessary."

Then he stood entirely still -- stroked the shaft with one hand while scarfing down the fruit. He felt the pleasure rise, along with the instinct and craving to force it higher and higher, but he stopped before it overtook him this time. So many interesting diagnostics to run -- so much information to record about exactly how Teryx's brain could be manipulated to feed him that delicious cocktail again and again...

Seriously? You're just gonna let it linger there? What kind of self-respecting dragon are you?

"The kind with a big enough mind not to be controlled by his dick." He smirked. "I leave the consequences in the capable mind of my secretary. Here's to your privately held dreams of feeling horny and virile, endlessly and forever, eh?"


With smug satisfaction, the dragon stood there without the slightest felt temptation to stroke more, shunting all of that onto the mind of his host. The original Teryx quivered with irritation as he felt the erection slowly wane, with that tender, blue-balled feeling starting to develop now that the teasing had been done twice over. He figured it was a good thing he didn't have enough cum still inside him to make that feeling worse.

It went flaccid. Gradually, it went all the way so.

"Now, just don't think about how hot it is that I'm piloting your body and I'm sure you won't get frustratingly hard again."

Over the course of the next minute, the dragon's erection returned.

The host's mind remained pointedly silent.

"Yes?" asked Teryx, giving the erect dick a playful flap by gripping its base and flicking upward.

I stand by what I said earlier: asshole. You. Fucking. Asshole.

"I will be fucking many assholes, yes!"

Shut it.

He fidgeted with his nails and stroked his mane. "That would be difficult. Teryx is quite a talker you know."


He stretched high and yawned, letting his erection just pulse there. His body wasn't producing very many of the desired chemicals right now, but there was enough of a trickle to make it nice.

"Welp, this vacation ends early!" said Teryx.

What... why!?

"I think it's time to go familiarize myself with my real home and my dating options."

Despite his host's protesting, that was exactly what he would do. He would gather up his things and prepare to head back to the city. A greater variety of experiences would be available there... and so many ways to milk his host of what was required!

[Dolphinsanity] Pillow Talk

"Lewd," said Teryx -- not that the muscular rain dragon minded lewdness. He folded his arms and couldn't help grinning a little. Having only just walked into his hotel room, he found himself looking down at a pornographic _dakimakura_ pillow. It lay...

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[Tetsudra] Special Delivery

_Bzzzzzzt._ Tetsudra tapped his claw against the wall in an impatient rhythm. It was Saturday morning, and he'd rather be out trying to score some tail for the night, than stuck delivering fish to what he could only assume was an old fart. ...

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[Dolphinsanity, Passer-By] A Meditation on Water

The dragon meditates atop a grey stone at the shore. He sits above the sands by only a meter, yet his position is elevated in more than height. Legs crossed and wings spread, he presides over this place at the boundary between sea and shore, and...

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