Discount - Chapter 1

Story by rhenthar on SoFurry

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(C)2016 Sinclair Diavante

Chapter 1.

Colin eased his weight against the door to the storefront, "Eventful Beginnings," the white fox darting looks around him to see if anyone from his college saw him going inside. This place had more than just a few things he was interested in, but his friends would surely make fun of him if they knew, and he'd never hear the end of it. Colin was soon to abandon such concerns... forever.

The door chimed as it opened, and predatory eyes from behind a counter at the back of the store stared out at him. A big gray wolf smiled disarmingly, keys jingling as he locked one of the display cases next to the cash register. Boxes behind him stood open, new stock to arrange and file. Plastic bags, a price gun, tags. The smells inside this place made Colin's sheath stir: leather, rubber, and steel; the best there were.

"Well hello there," the wolf said. He eyed him up and down secretly, but remained professional in appearance. A name tag on a pocketed smock he wore indicated, "Joey. Queen Of The Fucking Universe." right next to a pin-on button, "World's Greatest Dog."

"You looking for something special, or...?"

Colin splayed his ears, he was very embarrassed to be here, this place had everything he wanted to look at, except for other people's eyes.

"Uh..." he turned to spot the door he'd come in from, but realized he'd be even more embarrassed if he walked out right now.

"It's OK, everyone acts like you do, when they first come in here." The wolf grinned shamelessly. "Name's Joey, I'm one of the owners here, and I aim to please." He made little shooing motions with his paws.

"You just wander around, ignore me and I'll pretend like you're not here." He smiled softly, but it didn't quite reach his yellow eyes. Colin realized they were the same shade as a piece of amber they had in his biology class, the one that had a fly trapped inside. He swallowed hard, nodding.

"I'm just looking..." His gaze briefly darted to what was inside the display case: gleaming steel rings, electrical probes, custom metal collars, and long metal rods of questionable destination, just to name a few. There was likely something else in there, too, but he was way too chicken to just walk right up and look to see.

So he began to orbit, it was the safe alternative, staring at the display case when he thought the wolf wasn't looking.

Did he have, maybe... he put it out of his mind, his ears shaking in embarrassment.

He picked up innocuous items hanging on stands, instead, like a simple four-way leather harness, although the eight-way locking thick-strapped setup to the right, that had his real attention, but he wouldn't dare move his paws to touch it.

His eyes followed the side straps at the bottom, designed to hug the rump like a jock, but his eyes grew large when he realized where they terminated, a large black phallus.

It's a strap on, he thought. But no, wait. It's pointing in at the bottom, not out. Yikes!

A leather muzzle sat right next to it, with two black rubber tubes dangling from inside, what was that for?

Next to that, he saw a locking sort of... head harness, like a horses bridle, but without a bit, below a row of leather blindfolds. He had to get away from here...

He briefly stared at a set of spreader bars, thick black metal with cushioned wrist and ankle straps. Those, too, had locks.

He shot another glance at the wolf. You are such a wuss! He scolded himself, realizing that if he kept staring at him, he might actually think he was trying to shoplift, and kick him out.

Just go to the case! If they have it here, that's where it would be. Or walk out, just walk out now, and let's come back another time, he reasoned.

However, a quick glance around showed the store was devoid of any other customers, making this a rare opportunity, one not likely to repeat. Other people shopping would make this ten times harder.

He pretended to show an interest in a leather skirt, though cross dressing wasn't his thing at all, but it was right next to a bunch of shelves, upon which stood rows of black insertables. Every size, shape, and species imaginable, some were beyond even that.

Where could... that... fit? He wondered, looking at a plug clearly designed to stuff more than one hole at the same time. Another glance at the wolf, nope, he really was ignoring him.

Or so he thought.

Waves of sweat broke out as he contemplated walking up to the display case, and at one point he even actually walked towards it, but then veered off at the last second, so he could stop to look at a display full of leather roses.

How interesting, he hoped it looked like he was thinking. Couldn't be further from the truth.

Keys rattled, and the door to the display case near the register slid sideways; the wolf was rummaging around inside, removing items at the front.


Colin wished Joey would just go someplace else, so he could pass near, to see if this place carried what he was after.

Steel gently set down onto glass with a hollow clink, making his ears go sideways. When he looked to see what it was, he bit off a gasp, and stared openly.

It was buffed to a chrome-like finish, composed of a long, thick, stainless steel tube. It had a narrow slit running down half of its length, terminating at a round end with a small threaded hole in the middle.

It looked innocent, laying there on top of the plate glass, the overhead halogens catching every curve with a mirror-like sparkle. Colin knew what that was, and the slit appeared just wide enough to accommodate the thin webbed skin attaching his sheath to his stomach. A locking circular band was at the open bottom, designed to tighten behind the scrotum. Once locked in place, short of breaking the bone inside of his penis, or cutting his balls off, there would be no way to pull the tube free of his sheath, without the key. And once on... "Access Denied" would become an entirely new theme, making pawing impossible.

How did the wolf know that's what he was after?

He'd seen various different versions online, but there were so many sizes for the tubes and anchor rings. What exactly was an "inside diameter," what was that supposed to measure his sheath, or his shaft? Did he have to take into account his fur or measure through it?

Everything in his price range had confusing instructions for measurements. Custom stuff that he felt sure would fit perfectly, that was all ten times more.

He couldn't hope for the best, because every place that sold them offered no refunds if he got the wrong size.

So he came here to see it in person, and that one... sure enough. It looked like it would actually fit.

He was staring, and to his horror he realized the wolf was staring right back at him, with a smirk on his muzzle, his arms were crossed.

The store surrounding Colin seemed to shrink, funneling him in... there was no other direction to walk, besides up to that counter. The door leading outside beckoned to him from afar, but to walk out right now would be to admit failure, and he could never come back.

The counter approached him, and his pupils opened wide when it halted right in front of him.

"Just got this in," the wolf said with a white, toothy smile. His breath smelled like cloves and cinnamon, a spice that was strong, yet at the same time rather pleasant. "Need to make some room, to put this down, inside..."

Colin gulped.

This particular variant had a pale yellow tube trailing out of the interior, longer than he believed was even possible to go up into someone's body, all coiled up inside a sterile plastic wrapper.

He hadn't seen anything like this online. Surely that tube was only for, what, hanging it from inside of the display case?


That's a catheter, designed to carry urine. He was mesmerized at the thought, wondering what that might feel like.

"Makes it easy to keep clean," the wolf almost purred, jolting Colin back to awareness. "Other models, you practically have to take a shower every time you piss, otherwise you'll leak a few drops from inside, down into your underwear, afterwards. By the end of the day, you might as well be wearing a diaper. Which is, I suppose, some people's thing. You like diapers?"

"Diapers?" Colin's voice squeaked. "No!" He laughed, rolling his eyes with more confidence than he should have had. "Not my thing at all."

"Then this is what you want." The wolf backed up. "Go on, I know you wanna touch it. It can't bite you, and it's not going to fly into your pants and latch onto your dick," he laughed.

Colin swallowed at the mere thought. His legs were frozen, the door leading outside beckoned once more, only now from a kilometer away. "Come, this way, flee... you know you want to..." it seemed to offer. But when he stared at it and attempted to leave, his feet wouldn't move. Then his paws did the most horrific thing.

They reached forward and picked it up.

It was cold, and heavier than he expected, the plastic sheath crinkled as the tubing inside flopped around. Every edge was machined and perfectly round, the steel was thick, too thick to cut, even with a saw. The band at the base wasn't exactly round like he expected, it was a molded sort of "E" shape, with a small curved part in the middle, designed to provide a subtle separating pressure between his balls, yet not complete isolation, like with a real ball separator. This thing looked like it was designed to be worn for a very long time.

He imagined what it would feel like to wake up with it on, horny and completely unable to paw. A spurt of wetness suddenly filled his briefs, and he pinned his ears flat with shame, he dared not to look up into those yellow eyes now.

A cold splash of water hit his muzzle when he saw the price tag on the side. A thousand dollars more than he could afford, he set it gently back down onto the glass with a metallic click, and the sound seemed to echo with a sad finality, in the otherwise empty store.

His erection vanished and disappointment filled his mind anew.

"It's very nice," he heard himself say. "But I gotta buy books for this semester, electronic versions aren't available for a few of my classes, for some dumb reason." He could buy used, of course, but even then... no... he couldn't possibly afford this. Not without months of saving from his teachers-aide job in astronomy.

"Hm," the wolf seemed to ponder. "We did just get this in... and a few of my friends, plus my business partner, we've all been curious to see if it's worth the price. Only got this one size, though, and it's way too small for me." Again with the wide, toothy grin. I'll huff, and I'll puff, Colin thought. He was certainly a big, bad, muscular wolf, and big wolves wear... well, big shoes.

"Maybe... we could offer you a discount, for certain services rendered. Perhaps you'd be willing to try it out, and provide us with some feedback. I'd like to carry more, but you see the price. If they don't work well, I'll end up with thousands worth in stock that I can't move. What do you think of that idea?"

Words Colin couldn't believe he was hearing. He stared at the metal again, wondering if it was in fact the right size. Somehow, he knew, it was perfect for his sheath!

"What kind of a discount? That's way more than I can spend," he heard himself say. This conversation still wasn't happening, it was all just a dream.

"Say, $300 out the door, plus a little written contract requiring specific questions be answered over time."

Colin's ears splayed. That was still too much. Though, if he bought used books, ate purely from the cafeteria for this semester, and gave up Starbucks for a month... he swallowed again, shaking his head.

"No? Hm." The wolf scratched the underside of his muzzle with a claw, and Colin's eyes were trapped by his as they narrowed mischievously.

"Ok, I've got one final offer for you then."

The wolf reached forward and pulled the key out of the locking mechanism at the bottom. He tapped that key on the counter a few times, then held it up so Colin could see it closely.

"I keep this," he slid the device forward with his other paw, towards Colin.

"And you keep that."

Colin swallowed very hard. His paws picked it up once again, and now somehow the metal was actually warm under his fingers. It felt almost like it was already his, and he hadn't even accepted the deal!

He saw how the metal ring that would go behind his balls, it was spring loaded, and it was sitting in the popped-open position.

"But... how will that work?" Colin asked.

The wolf arched a brow and stared openly between Colin's legs, down at the obvious bulge under his Levi's. "Hehe, it won't. Without this." Brass flashed in his fingers. "So I guess that means you will be coming back here when you want to take it off." He gave a wide, sharp smile.

"At that point, I'll tell you right now, it only leaves here again locked, unless you can pay for it. Leaving it open, as it is right now, that's a one-time deal.

"So, what'll it be, Mr...?" He held out his paw to shake.

"Colin, my name is Colin..."

The chastity tube was in the pocket of his hoodie, and he was pushing open the door to walk outside.

Wait. Did he actually just agree to this? He stared behind him in confusion.

Holy shit... he did!

The day was very bright in front of him, and the metal was heavy in his pocket. He kept running a paw over it in wonder, and the conversation they'd had played through his mind, over and over...

He couldn't wait to get home.