Chapter 3- Best of Me

Story by Gear The Wolven on SoFurry

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#3 of Relinquish

(This is my second writing, ever, and my first in this great furry genre. Based on my character Gear, a 17 year old wolf trying to find himself. This chapter is for the most part yiff-free, didnt want to go full-throttle yiff every chapter (if anyone disagrees, tell me what you think :p) Thanx again to Imunalia for suggesting I remove the rape scene *muahaha* Dont hesitate to c&c (i need it) Just a plot builder, so here we go.)

"You faggot!" A high pitched roar rings in my ear, causing Hunter to stir. He looks up, then freezes. I can see a look of subtle horror on his face.

"Honey! I was bored to... death! Ya gotta understand!" Hunter pleads as the new grizzly's face grows more and more infuriated by the second. Another plump ursine who is obviously his wife, wearing a slim dress skirt and a white blouse taps her high heels impatiently.

"That is the fifth one this month! I won't tolerate it anymore, y-you faggot!" The female storms into the kitchen, then Hunter leaps up after her. I listen to yelling, glass shattering, then loud stomping. Hunter comes back over and glares at me.

"Shit! Damn. Boy, get yer stuff." He grabs a broom and heads back into the kitchen. I stare at him in doubt again, and I simply stand up and wait for him to come back out. I cower when she walks into the front room, still ranting; my tail between my legs as the enraged female passes me.

"Dhara! Listen to me woman! Why don't cha understand? Don't blame me!"

"I didn't marry you to be second to some, slut kid!"

"What? Well, I'll have ya know this kid, gave me better ass then you did in years!" Hunter growls before turning to me. He comes over close and opens the door.

"Jus get out of here, kid. " He shoves me out, and I almost fall on my face. I stand for a moment as the yelling continues, then walk down to the sidewalk. As I think of what I'm to do, I realize I don't even know where I am. With a crash, Hunter comes marching out.

"Shit, damn woman. Kid, get in the car."

"Huh? I thought we were-"

"Jus get in!" I flinch at his booming voice and obey him again. The drive is silent, except when he hits stuff going at top speed. Sitting perfectly still, I gaze out of the window, lost in thought. I watch in worry as the many, small houses gradually change to tall buildings, a majestic bridge, and finally dizzying skyscrapers. I knew we had driven for a while, but I didn't know exactly how far from home I was now. Hunter stops in a crowded spot in the city we've been in for a few minutes now. I gulp a bit, as this city is intimidating; I never thought I'd leave Rayed Town and end up somewhere in-

"Tsayet City, now out." Hunter motions to me to get out, but I plea with my most helpless look; my ears folded back and voice barely audible.

"I d-don't even know where we are."

"Sorry, kid. But you've messed up enough, jus get out." I painfully step out of the car and Hunter speeds off, leaving me in the middle of... danger. The suffocating trail of smoke rises ominously, passing stained windows and worn balconies of the many aged towers I'm at the bottom of. What do I do now? I don't want to call home; there's no point in that. Guess I have to find some place to go, again. I wander the metropolis for a few hours before resting from exhaustion. I sit on a shop windowsill and attempt to ask passing furs a few things. All I'm getting are disapproving glances, ignorant smirks, and even a few anxious looks; like the one Hunter had last night. Before I know it, the day is gone, and the dim streets are emptying; the orange glow from the lights casting an eerie glaze on everything. I grow worried since I've never been in the city, and I knew it wasn't safe. I desperately look for a spot or place I could rest for the night, knowing well I couldn't sleep from being scared. But seriously, I'll be damned if I actually got kidnapped, or raped, or robbed. It's just too likely to believe. I pass an abandoned apartment building, and catch sight of an empty, fenced parking lot between two buildings. I quickly run inside and regretfully, sit in a dry, trashed corner. I watch cars pass by every 30 minutes, hoping maybe Hunter would find me and take me back to his place. Yeah, right.


I tiredly open my eyes, and notice I have a shadow, in the darkness of the night. I look up into the shining moon, and a feeling of longing and loneliness sweeps over me. I try not to, but tears silently fall down my aching face. I never thought I would end up like this. Alone, tired, scared; where did I go wrong?

"Hey! You!" I hear a yell and I quickly roll behind a nearby SUV and look out onto the street from under the vehicle. There's a rottweiler, a shepherd, and a lizard waving towards a car that's backing up. The rear window of the Cadillac slides down, and a dark figure looks out at the lot.

"About time you whores brought something in. Give it here... Not bad. Okay. There's a hotel a few blocks down. Tell 'em I sent ya." The fur withdraws, rolls up the window, and the car speeds off. The rot turns towards his comrades and barks loudly.

"Damn, man! We needed that money. Some cheesy hotel won't last us forever..." The large dog waving his paws furiously at his unfazed friends in vain. The huge lizard steps up and snarls.

"Shut the hell up, Rick. We need a place to sleep more than money the boss won't let us use, besides, if we don't get him money, he thrashes us, dumbass. Now come on." The crew trots off in the other direction, and I wait a moment before stepping out onto the street. I never thought furs that young would make a living out here, especially with adults; but I shouldn't be surprised.

I try thinking for a moment what I could do, and the option of selling my ass is out of the question; Typhan still owns my heart and I can't bring myself to do it. There are more cars than earlier; maybe all of the pimps and dealers, hookers and bums are coming out. I slowly head up the street, not knowing where I'm going. I decide to steal something from a store nearby and crash in that parking lot. I turn at a crosswalk and step into a muggy corner store. I head right to the back, snatch a few honey buns, and quietly walk out. I pocket two, and open the third. As soon as I bite into it, I freeze when I feel a paw on my ass, then I hear a deep voice.

"You know that's illegal." Amazingly I brave it, and turn around. There's a tall, slim reptile with red markings on his face. Adult reptiles scare me, and I'm not getting a good vibe from this one, so I decide to turn him away.

"Look, I'm lost and very hungry, please don't turn me in, man." He looks unconvinced as he reaches for me, coming to grasp my shoulder.

"Why shouldn't I? You jus stole sumthing from that store. Well maybe I can let it slide. But you gotta do ssomething for me as well." I immediately know where this is going, so I play dumb. I take out a honey bun and hold it towards him.

"Ha haha! Are you sserious? Poor kid. You can do a lot better than that."

"I don't have any money. That's why I stole this. Uh, I'm sorry, but- aah!" The lizard reaches up and sinks his claw in my shoulder.

"You're coming with me, ssimple. As long as you follow what I say, I promise I won't turn you in. Okay, kid?"

"Hey! Seriously! Leave me alone!" I yell out, but I quickly shut my mouth when he digs his talons further in.

"You don't have a choice anymore. Sstart walking." He snarls quietly. I start in the same direction, and I know it's the right way because he doesn't claw me some more. But I don't want to leave with him...

"H-hey, guy, I really don't wanna go..." I mumble in his direction.

"Well, it's far too late. Bessides, how's your master going get he's money? Means you have to do what I say." I flinch at the sound of being called a whore; I won't believe I've grown up to be one either.

"Sir, I don't work for anyone, jus lookin for a place to crash for the night, that's all. I'm not-"

"You free, ya say? Beaut!" I breathe relief when he takes his claw out of my shoulder, but gasp when he grasps my arm, and starts pulling me along. I look over and think I hear him whisper something like, "Gonna have too much fun." Oh, god. I panic and contemplate for a mere second before kicking back into his ankle, hearing a yell, then dashing around the corner, hauling ass down an empty street. I look back and see him shoving the few people on the street aside as he chases me with insane agility. I run as fast as I can, and cut into a park. I dive into the brush and breathe silently, hoping he might lose me. I sit petrified against the base of a tree, crouched behind several bushes, and I peer through and watch as the reptile enters the park and looks around. He turns in several directions and I rejoice as he turns to leave. But he turns around one more time and... I see his tongue slither from his toothy mouth. Dread rises in me again as he approaches my spot slowly, his eyes narrowing to a slit. He pauses, and all in a mere second, he dashes at me; I have no time to move, half from shock and having been sitting down. As time comes back to normal, he has his claw around my neck and I am staring at his wicked grin in disbelief.

"Found you, wolf. Are you finished running?" I remain silent as he lifts me to my feet, looking me over. With another raspy snarl, he grabs by head and tosses me forward, and I fall on all fours. He comes over and presses my cheek to the cold ground, scanning the area to see if there's anyone watching.

"Please..." I plead, hoping not to sound hostile.

"That'ss sir, wolf." After a sharp pain and before I know it, I'm rolling on my back, clutching my crotch in pain; out of breath from not seeing it coming. He must've kicked the hell out of me.

"Get up, and sstrip." I crawl away a bit before getting up and looking for help. What have I gotten myself into... I try and leap across him, but he catches me, and I again watch as I'm forced into another fuck session I didn't want; since I lost Ty, life's been shitty. I'm shirtless, and my jeans and boxers are at my feet.

"Foreplay iss over." Dread rises inside of me as he slowly forces me on the ground my the scruff of my neck. As my chin comes to rest on the damp ground, my rear raised and tail aside, I inhale deeply and wait for a plowing that never comes. Yet, I jump and roll away as I hear a vociferous roar drowning out an anguished screech. After frantically pulling on my clothes, I look up to see the lizard's mangled form, but the other fur nowhere to be seen. What I can tell, is that whoever saved me, was large; the claw slashes covering my assailant are gaping. I cautiously walk over to the reptile, whom is hopefully dead. To my dismay, he's still breathing and moving slightly. I quickly make my leave, but trip as my leg is pulled out from under me. I look back and stare at him in disbelief; getting up and tugging my foot away from his claw as he rises as well.

"You-" He spits blood towards the ground and glares at me.

"Luck-ky bitch." I back away, but something forces me to stand ground, wanting to take advantage of his disposition. My gaze steels over and he looks at me questioningly, but reaches out anyways. I duck quickly and sink a fist up into his gut, pulling back then crashing down onto his head with my elbow. He instantly falls to a knee; only one knee alarms me. I hop back and send a boot towards his head; he grabs my ankle with no effort and I yelp in shock as he flings me towards a nearby tree, head first into one of the worn trees. There's a flash, then darkness. I open my eyes and try to get up feeling dazed and slightly warm in my head. I touch my forehead; my hand is covered in blood. As I stand and stagger the reptile catches me, wrenches my hair back with one claw and I watch the other plummet down towards my face before I'm knocked out again.


I awake and sit for hours, unable to move, watching the city glow with orange light from the sunrise, I'm feel quick pain for some reason; two small raccoons are tossing rocks at me. I bark at them and send them scurrying. Time drags on as the city begins to fill with furs and scales, busy with whatever their life brings them, I guess. I finally gather enough energy to stand, pull my clothes back on, and manage a loud whimper; again, I get no responses. Discouraged, I decide to yelp at the nicest looking person that walks by. When I do, I'm hoping to get the attention of this foxy feline in a white sweat suit, a red tube top, and glossy brown hair that perfectly matches her tan coat. I catch sight of her tail and a tuft at the end; duh, she's a lion. No wonder.

She looks over, lifts the hair out of her face and gasps. "Oh my god! Are you okay?! What happened?" I feel pain, matted fur, and wet all over; the mix of sensations becoming irritating. I poke at my head, sticky with blood, and I look at her with slight depression.

"Aww! You poor thing. Come on, I'll take care of ya!" She proclaims. Before I can object, seeing as I've been 'taken care of' once already, she's pulling me through crowds and across streets. When I start to worry my footpaws will not make the trip, she stops in front of a small market, with those slanted trays holding fruit. A typical mart, so I think. We walk inside, a bell jangling when the door opens, and we walk pass the counter heading towards the back.

"Hey, Ren! I got company, but don't touch a hair on his cute head! He's not a fag! Oh, I'll be borrowin some of ya clothes by the way." Another lion, a rugged one, wearing glasses looks from over his TV on the store counter with an expectant look on his face. He looks a lot older than this lioness gripping my sore paw, but he looks young in general. But his red mane strikes me as unusual; it gives him a wild appearance in contrast to his look. I just notice what she said and hope she's not volatile when it comes to gay furs; not my highest concern though.

"So, what's ya name, hun?" She presses a button to signal an elevator in the back of the store, then turns to me.

"Gear." I say quietly. I hear a snort, and she lifts my chin up.

"Lemme get a look at ya." She peers into my eyes, looks at my hair, then pokes my nose. "I'm Veran, sweetie. By the way, you're different than normal wolves. Even your eyes are violet." That's something I actually never noticed, but I did used to wonder why I was a different color. I heard whenever someone's brain is affected by something unusual, one's color somewhere on their body is altered, even If it's a strand of hair, or a full coat, like me. Everyday things from Down syndrome to unique interests in 4-legged animals are included. In my case, it's from me being gay.

"Anyways, you sure okay? You look terrible." As she opens her mouth, I interrupt.

"I've been walkin for days; Got a lil beaten up, that's all." I try to switch the subject.

"But your forehead looks bad-"

"I just got into a little fight. Nothing too bad." I think up almost involuntary.

"Well, I'm gonna look at that and see if Ren has anything you can wear, honey. Here we are." The elevator doors slowly part and we step on. An awkward silence falls and she shifts uncomfortably.

"You don't talk much, hun. You sure you okay?" She sounds slightly concerned, but exploring over all.

"I'm okay. Jus tired." I lie again because I just don't feel like talking. The elevator halts quite shakily and I clamber off quickly after she leaps off effortlessly. I find myself in a single room flat above the store, with one bathroom right next to the elevator. It's really hazy and low lit with a comfortable aura that makes me wanna sit right here.

"Here's home, hun. Jus crash on the couch there and I'll be right back." She leaves back towards the elevator but makes a right. I hear a click, glass sliding and then her returning.

"Here." She kneels in front of me and holds my hair aside, reaching down and picking up a wipe damp with alcohol; I know because I can smell it. She dabs it lightly at my head and I whine quietly, but she only presses harder. I sit in pain until she stops and plasters a huge bandage on my forehead.

"There we go, hun. Just don't touch or sleep on it for a few days okay? Now lemme see what Ren has."

She steps over and opens a closet next to the bathroom and flicks through hanger after hanger of clothes. Still a bit shy, I sit on the edge if the couch seat, hunched over.

"Hmm, too skimpy... Woah, that'll drive people away... where'd he get that!?... Eh, too preppy... Eww! He's a nerd... Uhhh, ah ha!" With an excited squeal, she pulls out a black, loose fitting, denim outfit that looks very expensive; Prada or something.

"Hee hee! He hasn't worn this in years! Uh, how tall are you, hun?" Last time I checked I was 5'8".

"Five foot nine, maybe. Dunno." I reply, being unable to help the hint of uncertainty in my voice.

"Aww, you cute little wolf," She says, scrunching her face and using a tone of voice my mom would use with my 8-year old sister.

"Relax. Don't be so modest. Ren's only 6'0". But this outfit is years old. Here, rid of those horrid things, and put this on." She glances away, looking busy in the closet. I stare at her for a moment to see if she looks, then I tear at the clothes, and rush to get the new ones on. As I'm pulling up my jeans, a soft paw slides up my ass, and yanks the base of my tail that forces a yelp out of me; I'm still sore from that damn bear unbelievably. My ears point back and I hang my tail low. She's figured out.

"Wait a minute. Is your- are you?"

"Yes he is." A gruff, but cool voice replies. Ren strolls in and I quickly pull up the jeans, button them, and stare at the floor.

"Ren! Who's wathcin the store?!" Veran growls fiercely. She sounds annoyed; she found out earlier than I thought.

Unflinchingly, with the same tone, Ren chuckles. "Calm down, I called in that beaver we hired. What? You're mad?"

"No! But this doesn't mean he's automatically yours!" Without notice, Veran pulls my face into her chest, hugging my head. I just remain as still as possible.

"Bah, denial is the first step, Sis. Just let him go. Heh, heh." With a sideways glance, Veran lets me go.

"Well, anyways! It's nice to meet cha, hun. I'll be back in a bit to look at your head. Wait a minute, if your tail is... that means you didn't get that injury from a fight. Are you really okay?"

"I'll be fine."

"Don't let Ren touch you!" She gets up, snorts at Ren, smiles at me, then disappears behind the elevator doors.

"Huh? Ooookay. So, wolf, what's your na-" I quickly interrupt him, wondering what's going on.

"What does she mean by yours? Huh? And I take it youre Ren." I question him cautiously.

"Oh, she jus meant I get to be the one to talk to you. It's jus we rarely have guests, don't mind our apprehensiveness. heh heh. And my name is Rhindare, Ren got short." His chuckling; it's humble and balmy.

"Anyways, what brings such a unique wolf like you to Tsayet City? You here chasing some big dream? Looking for someone? Jus sightseeing? Or you run away?" Saying that last one with some emphasis, I know he's figured out I'm running from my home.

"Uh, yea. I lost everything I cared for." I immediately kill the sadness welling up in my chest; I don't feel like crying in front of this mature lion, but I do miss Typhan already, too much.

"Whether you believe it or not, your family is the most important thing you have-" I know where this is going. "Besides your heart. I know that sounds cheesy, but it's true. If you feel it enough, it's gotta be what's right for you." It almost misses me, seeing as that is the most insightful thought I've heard for awhile.

"I don't mean to impede, but why did you decide to leave your family? What could've been so bad as to drive you away from your folks?" He gives me a look of concern and understanding that feels good. I didn't know where to start, but since he's gay too, I guess I'll just talk to him.

"It's my father. He's back from jail..." My voice breaks off and I have that same faint memory I have whenever I try to remember what he did.

I'm sitting on the floor in front of my father; he's sitting on his bed facing me, nude. I can remember him asking how school was in his deep, sultry voice. I even remember the scent of the black polish he was using on his boots. After this point it starts to blur. My father sets the polish down and his voice starts trailing off, but he's stroking himself now. He reaches over and picks me up by the scruff of my neck, and sits me down, crotch-faced, then strokes some more. That's all I remember, but it's obvious what happens. I tell Ren what I remember and he sits quietly for a moment.

"That's sounds like sexual harassment. I could understand that as the motive of your orientation now. But you said you don't recall any other instances of incest. Is that all you ran away for?" Ren questions, sounding like a counselor.

"No, I-I..." I feel my shoulders shudder a bit, but I try not to tell him. "I just had to leave. My dad took everything from me, I jus don't want to stay there."

"Oh. I apologize. I didn't intend to have you tap into such painful recollections..." Ren murmurs. His vocabulary for such a gruff lion is weird. I kind of feel compelled to talk more.

"You sound so smart. Why are you only working in a market in this run-down city?" I could tell he was sore inside from regret when his expression became forlorn.

"Sigh. It's a long story, but you sound like you want to hear it." He retires to the couch from his standing position and stretches out with his feet on the buckling coffee table.

"It was 4 years ago also, right out of a four-year college with an impressive GPA, believe me or not, heh. I wanted to teach at a school since my university was pathetic. With the schools that wanted me to enroll, I got them to support my effort, and amazingly, was granted permission. Everything was set; I got the job and lot of the students and teachers admired me. Remember, I was young, so there were many students my age. Luckily, I met a charming wolf, th- much like yourself," I tilted my head to the side when he said that. "And I couldn't get enough of this guy. Every chance between classes and after school we hung out; he was very intelligent also. After a couple semesters, when things were settling down, I was getting hate mail from some anonymous students, who were threatening to 'out' me since they thought I was helping Shadix's grades. We were forced to be together on the most inconspicuous level, which was on weekends. Well, one weekend, I brought him to my place, and we fucked. God, he was huge, nice body, and everything. He was rammin me when I heard something. Our relationship came to an end when we heard a camera shutter noise outside the window. I couldn't get up in time to see who the culprits were, but I already knew it was too late. And a couple days was all it took. I lost my job, and barely escaped the 'sex offender' title with a fine. The pictures weren't in the papers or anything, but the board of education got them, and they were shown to the judge and the jury in court. God, I felt bad. But little did I know that that was far from the worse. I had lost Shadix. His parents forbade me too even talk to him anymore, let alone look at him. Back then, I was very alone, so I was devastated when I lost my first boyfriend who I thought I was gonna be with forever..." Ren grows silent and stares at a picture of him looking more clean-cut with an artic wolf, with messy silver hair and gleaming white fur that was almost shining. They were hugging with the most happy, exhilarating look on their ice-cream eating faces. Somehow, I too felt the sadness from that and also fall silent, my thoughts drifting to Typhan again. He picks up the picture and holds it over his lap.

"Ch-chances like that don't come often, and I lost both. I lost hope I guess you could say, and decided to never gain anything worth losing, ever again." I watch tears trickle on the picture as he wipes his face and puts a paw on my shoulder.

"Don't waste the time and opportunity you have. Don't let anything slip away; it's not worth losing if you can help it. It's too late for me..." Ren shifts and moves to a nearby recliner, still clutching the picture and doesn't say another word.

"Trust me. I know the feeling..." I see him look over, but it seems he decides not to ask.

I sit in the warm room on the couch; the dripping of the bathroom sink is almost as annoying as the hum of the fish oxygen tank on the floor next to me. I look over and see a gameboy on the table; I watch Ren as I pick it up, to see if he minds. He looks up, then returns to his glum brooding. I sit back and cut the small thing on and cut the volume down. I immediately start tearing in the eyes. Typhan let me play one of his games back in elementary when no one else would come near me. Oh god, its Tetris. I end up playing it for hours. Between that, Veran has already closed the store, come up, and is now cooking something that smells very sweet. I ignore it for the moment; I'm finally on level 23 and all I'm getting are those damn L-shaped blocks. I barely notice Ren get up and walk over to me. Before I even notice, he snatches the game out of my addicted paws.

"Come and eat, play later." Ren says with a fatherly sort of smile that reminds me more of the smile I can imagine my love's Dad giving me; get my drift. I point my ears back and whimper a little, to see if he'll give it back; he doesn't and chuckles. Aww. Veran turns around, looking triumphant and licks a spatula with a huge grin. She's stirring some red mix with meat in it that smells sweet.

"Spaghetti! My own recipe. It's the best! Come on over, Gear." My ears fold back on their own this time as she ushers me over to the little stove in the corner opposite the elevator wall. A plate of pasta is shoved in my arms and she gently pours some of the meaty sauce on top.

"There ya go, sweetie." Veran sounding elderly with every new honey, sweetie, hun, and wolfie she calls me. I take my seat back on the couch and poke at the stuff before mixing it, and hesitantly trying some. Don't get me wrong; I've had spaghetti before, jus not sweetened. Yet, this isn't bad. The sugar and whatever the hell else she out in it helps the flavor. The meal is eaten in silence, while Veran rambles on and on about her bland escapades in the shop downstairs. Being done and bored, due to the lack of Tetris, I decide to talk a little. I want to know more about them.

'Uh, Ren?" I begin but stop when Veran groans loudly.

"Ugh, so he's taken a liking to you already, huh Ren?" She sneers playfully. With the same collected look, Ren chuckles again.

"Maybe you're scaring the kid half to death. Poor guy." Veran throws him a sideways glance and flicks some meat at him that he quickly bites out of the air. He licks his lips and gives her a toothy grin. She sticks her tongue out and turns her back towards him.

"Ooookay. So, what's you guys story? Where are your parents?" I asked, trying to sound attentive.

"Hee hee, Hun. I'm 19, Ren is 23. Our parents are probably retired somewhere." She says frankly.

"Actually, our mother is dead, and our father is still at home for all I know. We ran away too. Me in particular, for a reason similar to yours." He gives me a stern look and ignores Veran, who is pouting and sitting irritated under the sheet she just pulled from beneath the chair.

"It happened like this..."


It's been 2 days since dad's been home, and Sis is scared. I'm also worried, but I know he's gonna come back. I've been staying up every night hoping he would come, but he hasn't so far. I'm tired as it is at the moment, and I can't stay up any more. I put a pillow over her, and lay on it, staring at the door. He'll come.

I wake up to the sound of glass shattering, and Sis is already up, struggling to get from under me. As soon as she gets to her footpaws, she runs towards mom's room, but stops when there is another crash. She holds her paws to her mouth, shaking lightly, then looks back to me.

"Pwease, brother. Can you go and see what's wrong?" I flinch, but I know she won't feel safe until I do. I nod and creep around the corner, and edge towards the open door, yelling becoming louder as I get close. I peer in and see dad, I almost scream and run in to give him a hug, but I look at his face... He looks angry. No, he looks way past angry, something I can't name. He's smashing everything and screaming at mom, and I cower, wondering what's going on.

"Honey, please Leave Ren out of this. The school accepts him for who he is, and I will love him no differently. Why won't you?"

"Me and your father alike WONT tolerate it, and I think he should be sent to a damn public school! I'm not paying to have to keep sending him to the hospital every time he gets beat up!! He's a faggot."

"How can you say that about your son?! At this rate we won't even be able to afford to keep them in school, and keep the power on. The mortgage is too much and I can't afford to keep everything with my salary alone."

"Is that ALL you worry about damn woman!? What we can't AFFORD?"

"We won't have a place to live, honey. That's all I'm saying. That's why I've decided to move in with my father until I find a second job-"

"What?!" Dad roars in her face, clutching her arm and shaking her really hard.

"Stop! At least you won't have to pay anything!! All you do is blow it on alcohol!" He claws at her, but she ducks it.

"How DARE you leave and disgrace ME in front of your father?! Do you know how hard I work my ass off for this family?! You have no idea how blistered my paws are!"

"You're thinking about yourself, Rhindare!!"

"You!" He reaches and I see his paws close around her neck, Mom struggling.

"Stop Dad!" I had to do something. "You're hurting her!" I run over and tug at his huge arm, but I can't move it.

"Boy! Get the HELL outta here!" He hits me and continues to choke Mom. I feel my eyes tear up a bit, but I blink them back and bite into his arm, and he lets her go. She falls and coughs loudly, and I crawl over to her.

"Are you okay Mom?" She coughs some more, but slides me towards the door.

"Run away, Ren. Quick! Take your sister with you."

"Damn boy!" I look over and just feel Dad kick me in my face, the room tumbling around me, until the dresser breaks my roll. He walks over, growling and I cover my head, but he grabs me by my neck and back hands me.

"Daddy!!" I hear a loud cry, and I rub my eyes; Sis is at the door, screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Veran... Come here girl. It's okay..."

"No!! Leave me alone!!" She screams and runs off.

"It's your fault... You'll learn, boy."

"Son, run!!" I see Mom pick up the lamp and bashes Dad on his head, him yelling and falling to his knees, holding his head. Mom grabs my paw, and pulls me along, snatching up Sis and we rush for the door. We all scream when Mom is pulled back.

"Mom!!" Sis and I yell. Dad grabs Mom, but she slashes at his face, and he roars again, but this time he swats her and she trails into the door really hard. She yelps and I jump at Dad in the way. Mom opens the door and nudges Sis out.

"Just go!" I look between Dad and Mom then run after Sis. Dad quickly chases me, but Mom grabs his waist. I stop and look back as he struggles for a moment, before raising his claw up high, and hitting Mom, her head colliding with the door and she falls, not moving.

"Mom!!" I go to turn around, but I see a puddle of something red, blood flowing from her head.

"Oh my god..."

"Come here boy!!" I grab Sis' paw and pull her with me across the street dodging a car that hits Dad with a loud noise. I look and see Dad rolling on the blacktop, moaning loudly, but I don't stop. We keep running until were at the school, quickly going and hiding in the playground. We sit, huffing and trying to catch our breath.

"Bwother, were's Mom?" She says, her little face looking worried.

"Sh-she's gone. Dad got her." I instantly burst into tears, burying my face in my paws.

"Don't cwy, Ren. It will be okay." She reaches up, barely able to reach my shoulder, but she pats me. I just look at her amazed. She is crying; but only where tears are falling. She is stronger than I have ever guessed. I hug her and we settle down, falling asleep.


I open my eyes, and watch my sister's head, petting her lightly. I look out, the streetlights lighting the sidewalks and the sides of the school building, and out of another opening I can see the moon. I would usually hear a wolf howl when there is a full moon, but I never hear it. Then that's when I notice crunching nearby. I panic, but don't make a move, Veran waking up, but I cover muzzle, and sit still. The noise disappears and I relax a bit.

"You okay Sis?" I stop and stare as she looks at something past my face- Dad snatches me out of the slide and tosses me hard on the woodchips, splintering my paws and nose. I scrunch in pain, but he grabs me by the back of my neck again and walks me over to the car, leaving Sis there and pulling off in the car very fast. I sit as still as possible, until we get to another house. He grabs me around my neck this time and it hurts, but it goes away as he storms into the front door, down into a basement, and throws me onto the hard floor, in front another lion.

"This- boy!! I lost control. Damn!! It's your fault!"

"What happened?"

"Nothing! Mind yer damn business! I said I lost control..."

"Damn, sorry I asked..."

"Shut up, boy! Don't question me! Now, deal with that."

"But if he's your son, that's our brother and-"

"If you don't, I'll do it to you and force you on him!"

"?!... Fine, god..." Dad stomps out of the room and slams the door behind him. Another lion who looks just like the first walks in.

"Whats with Dad? He's bitchin around."

"He claims this kid made him kill his other wife, and wants us to 'deal' with him."

"Wha? He's our brother!"

"I don't know. He's goin ballistic; you know dads. Its weird how they get angry outta nowhere, and go on a rampage."

"You didn't hear? Blaine's dad went berserk too, damn near killed him and his mom. But the thing is, its only us lions you see on the news with these tantrums."

"Yeah, like we need anger management or sumthin."

"We do! Well lets get this over with. I wonder why he'd make us do our brother, but as long as his ass is okay, I don't care."

"That's all you two are good for, sluts like your mom." Dad steps out from behind the two frowning lions, yet they remain silent.

"Go ahead you two..." I watch helplessly as the 2 lions stalk over, expectancy behind those bored faces...


"By the time I got home, the hate for him almost drove me to run away the same night. But I wouldn't; in fear of him killing me or getting raped again." Seemingly losing his appetite, he sets his plate down and sighs. I think that let a lot off of his chest.

"Gear, get some rest. Looks like you got the couch, Veran is asleep. Lucky." He picks up the plates, sets them in the sink and pulls on the string hanging from the ceiling fan and the light fades. Only the light from the bathroom creeps into the silent room.

"Night, Gear." He whispers and throws a linen sheet he was sitting on over me. Weirdly, I didn't mind; it was warm. I watch him sit in the recliner and prop his footpaws up on the poor table again, reading a book this time; I turn on my side, facing the back of the couch and close my eyes.

It feels like forever, but I'm still awake. And due to occasional shuffling I hear, so is Ren. I can't sleep. I keep thinking about Typhan. I need to stop. I still cannot believe my father did that. I'd hit him with a car if I could drive... Feigning that uncomfortable-shifting furs do in their sleep, I turn to face the ceiling, hugging a pillow to my chest. I decide watch Ren, and close my eyes a little more when he shuts the book and rises out of my view. I watch his mature waist as he seemingly floats over on his masculine legs; gentle strides that keep my attention. He stops right next to me, and I gasp, holding my breath. I wait motionless, anxiety freezing me completely. I just notice his paw reach down and caress my torso for a moment, before sliding up and rubbing my chest. The warmth invokes a comfort that is pleasing; I force myself to stay silent just enough to fake a, 'mmrrrrr' in my sleep. Actually, its real, I just have to make him think I'm sleep. I can almost feel him beaming down on me, and I try to shake the satisfaction I'm getting from all of this; I love someone already. I can't rid the interest I have in him. My mind races as his paw remains on me, gradually moving downwards and I try not to panic; I'm supposed to be asleep. I'm literally screaming in my head as his claw jerks at the button on my jeans gently, before slowly tugging my zipper down. He pats my waist a few times, I guess to see if I'll wake up, then forces his paw under my boxers, warm pads brushing over the slight erection in trying to stop; like I can actually control it. He scritches my chest with his other claw as he paws at my sac, squeezing a few times before giving my cock a quick yank. I force myself not to lurch forward and thrust into his paw, waiting until his paw withdraws and listenening closely until I hear the clanking of the elevator as it descends. I open my eyes and sigh, taking in what just happened before turning over and trying to sleep.


A persistent paw violently shakes my hip, and I moan as I sit up. Wiping my sweating face, I take off the warm, now drenched denim jacket; exposing my cramped torso. The air felt cool on my body, as heated as it is.

"Finally up, are you? You sleep like a bear, hun." Veran grinning brightly in my face.

"Come down to the store, grab something, then find something to do in the city. Today's stock, it's gonna be busy and I know Ren is gonna try and make you work." Actually, I'm not disappointed I have to leave now cause I don't gotta carry anything now. Besides, I don't wanna see Rhindare's face after last night. I didn't think he would do that...

"I think he wants to see you work up a sweat, really." She says with a furtive look, then leads me to the elevator. Nearly breaking my neck getting off the hazardous elevator, I play it off and grab the closest glazed honey bun. Gripping the shelf, I lift myself up. I wave he bun in the air to show Veran, then cautiously walk out of the mart, past the moldy fruit trays into the chaos that is Tsayet City.