Tina's Story Chapter 47 Facing Reality

Story by Gray Muzzle on SoFurry

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Ray woke up, sensing there was someone in the room. With sleepy eyes, he scanned the bedroom to realise that it was Tina re-entering the bedroom. She wore only tights, and a loose fitting tank top that exposed almost all of her modest breasts. Tina was bathed in sweat, which made her glisten in the morning light. She seemed to be shivering....

"Hey, Hon. How long you been up?"

Tina looked down at her Timex Triathelon watch...

"An hour, two maybe..."

Ray squinted at the LCDs across the room...six a.m. Ray held out his arm, Tina sat by him on the edge of the bed.

"Hon, four a.m.? Don't you think that's a bit extreme?" he inquired, as gently as possible.

"There's lots I have to do....I make time where I can."

Ray looked at his young wife. She was certainly beautiful. Almost all the pregnancy weight was now gone. Thanks to rigorous training, she was as tight and as fit as a professional athlete. But Ray was worried. The exercise, the diet, the lack of sleep all seemed, well, ill advised. As much as Ray loved the way Tina looked, he loved Tina more. Burning the candle at both ends so soon after giving birth just seemed like a bad idea...

Tina had collapsed back on Ray's shoulder; her skin was cool and clammy, and she was shivering. He held her protectivly.

"Tina, what's the matter. Something's not right....."

She sat there for a time. When she spoke, she was deliberate, and somewhat guarded...

"I don't want to be fat, ugly and boring. I feel like I'm turning into my mother......"

"But you're not..." Ray said, trying to comfort her "For that matter, I don't see your mom that way, either. Now, just what is bothering you?"

The tears began to fall. First a few, then a river......

"Just a few months ago, I was cute and young and single. Then I went and got pregnant, now I'm a mom with three kids, and I'm not young and cute and pretty anymore. You're going to get tired of old fat me, and you'll find a young pretty human, and you'll leave me...."

Tina was shuddering violently now, maybe she was cold, maybe she was just crying that hard. Ray pulled her under the covers and held her close....

"My poor honey! I''d never feel that way. I think you're the prettiest, sexiest, most lovely creature on this earth. But know what? It doesn't matter. I love YOU. Tina. Not the body. Not the face. Tina, the person. And you ARE a person. You're my wife. Richer. Poorer. Sickness. Health. Remember? We made those promises just a few months ago. I meant it then, I mean it now. I'l love you to the end of all of our tomorrows....."

Tina had buried her face in Ray's chest, but she was no longer shaking.

Ray looked at the clock. It was now 6:30....

"You sure you want to go to work today? No one would question if you took a few more weeks..." Ray secretly hoped she would. He just felt she was moving too fast....

Tina nodded her head. She then began to get up. Ray did, too. He pulled her soaking wet top off, leaving her in nothing but her running tights. He then began to roll her tights down, from her waist, past her kitty,where he paused to inhale her hot, wet, sex, to her toes. Then he stoood up. Tina put her arms around Ray's shoulders and kissed him.

"Want to share the shower?" she asked, seductivly "I'd let you soap my back...."

Which he did. Even though they needed to get moving, they took a long shower. He bathed her, she bathed him. Tina even had Ray trim her kitty, just a little touchup. Then Tina masturbated Ray to orgasm. Afterwards, they toweled each other off. Tina asked Ray to pick out a dress for her return day, he picked a short blue one that was a particular favorite of his. She slippped it on, paying particular attention to her hair and makeup. Then they both went downstairs, where Georgette was feeding the babies in the kitchen. Hybrid babies progress quickly, much more so than humans. At a month old, they were already supplimenting their milk with semi solids.

"How are my babies?" Tina kissed the two girls, while Ray picked up little Stan, and swirled him over head.

"Careful, Dad, you'll get puked on, he just ate!" Georgette warned, displaying her usual subtlty.....

There was a scratching at the kitchen door....

"Blosson! Did we ignore you?"

The Poodle jumped with glee, happy to see Tina, as she always was. She looked at her watch..

"Look at the time! We better get going now...."

"But Tina, you haven't eaten....." her mother protested

"I'll pick something up...." she promised, running out the door.

Georgette had filled their two travel mugs with coffee, and wrapped a couple pieces of toast in a napkin. Ray gladly accepted these as he left out after Tina. Georgette grabbed Ray's arm...

"She's not eating...."

Ray nodded

"I know."

"She's not lactating anymore. I've been giving the babies formula for a couple days now...."

"I didn't know that. I'll talk to her..." Ray promised.

"Good. She doesn't listen to me."

"Well, she should." Ray kissed his mother in law goodbye. Tina had already started the car when he got to it. he hopped in the driver's seat of the Scion, and headed toward the DMV.

Ray walked Tina up to her office. Tina's friends were waiting with flowers to welcome her back. He kissed his wife goodbye, then headed to his office in IT. He sat there, thinking, for a long time, wondering just what to do.

Lydia was very focused. She was very intent on whatever she might be doing. Maybe it was the accountant in her. Right now, Lydia was stacking cans in the cupboard. She stacked them by size, by contents and by colors. She had been shopping earlier in the day. She wore a little pink Polo dress, sleeveless, that Colleen had bought her on a recent shopping trip. It was very cute on her. Even with her pregnant bump, she looked good. Lydia was an Afghan, thin as a rail. She might have looked like two toothpicks supporting a basketball, had pregnancy not softened and rounded her angular figure. Her bottom in particular had benefited from this change in profile. Lydia had a sweet, cute little bottom under her curled Afghan tail. As Lydia reached for upper shelves, her bottom peeked out from under the short dress, making brief appearances below. She wore equally cute little pink cotton bikini panties. Wnen she first moved in, Lydia wore mom undies of the most unappealing sort. Colleen had convinced her to change, by buying her cuter ones, until she came around.

Where were we? oh, stacking cans in the kitchen. Lydia was so focused on her task that she didn't hear Sean walk in. He stood in the entryway for some time, watching Lydia's cute little ass bob up and down. After enjoying the show for a while, he walked up behind her, pressing his now prominant manhood into the crack in her backside. He kissed the side of her neck....

"How's my Lovey? Prettiest girl this side of the Atlantic!"

"Better not let Colleen hear you say that" Lydia teased

"I'd shout it to the world, and dare anyone to deny it!" the Irishman boasted

"Ooooooo" Lydia giggled "you surprised me. I didn't hear you coming..."

Sean gave her a few more kisses, and rubbed her cute pregnant belly. When she didn.t move, Ray put his arms around her. Lydia giggled again, then turned to face Sean, draping her arms around his sturdy neck. then she kissed him, burying her tongue deeep in the Setter's muzzle. Sean smiled, and returned her kisses. Sean's firm sex was burning against Lydia's crotch. She hadn't felt a man's touch in so long.....since the night he impregnated her, in fact. Lydia could wait no longer. To her own surprise, Lydia undid Sean's trousers, and pushed his shorts down. Now swinging free, Lydia caressed his huge erection while they kissed. Now, it was Sean's turn to act. He bent her over the kitchen counter, and slipped her pink panties to one side. He then touched his sex to hers. Lydia shuddered with excitement. She had waited so long for this! She was ready for his entry; her lips spread wide, her tail up and curled, and her vagina dripping wetness. He entered her in short order, hands on her now softened hips, pumping her vigorously. Lydia was in heaven, urging him on....

"Sean, oh my, Sean...f*ck me....oh, yes, lover, like that. Put it deeeeeeep inside....like the night you impregnated me...."

Sean leaned in, sexing her deeply, his hands now rubbing her round, pregnant belly. Lydia's hands had reached her sex, where she rubbed herself enthusiastically, moaning mindlessly.....

"Ohhhhhhhhhh, Uhhhhhhhhhhh Mmmmmmmmmmm"

So engrossed were they in their lovemaking, Sean deep inside, their backs to the door, that they didn't even hear Colleen as she let herself in.......

Dr Goldstein came in to visit Stan on morning rounds....

"Morning, Doc! Good to see you..." Stan greeted his friend enthusiastically, even though he was still on oxygen.

"Hi, Stan. Sorry I walked in on you and Georgette the other day...'

"No problem. We were discussing....the operation. Georgette doesn't want me to have it"

"May I ask why?'

"I guess sh'e rather have a little of me alive, even if I were an invalid the rest of my life..."

"I see where she's coming from. And you?"

"I want to live. Not be tethered to this..." (he holds up his oxygen tube) This is no way to live. If I have a shot at a more normal life, then that's what I want to do. "

The doctor sat on the bed.....

"I think you're ready as you're going to be. we have our team. We're as ready as we're going to be. I think it's time....."

"Then let's do it...."

"And Georgette?" he asked, sceptically

"Leave Georgette to me. You....just fix me up....."

Abe smiled...

"We'll do our very best"

Ray smiled, too.

"I know you will."