Company of Wolves

Story by DarwentheOrca on SoFurry

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#1 of Green Weres - collab with Howler Werewolf

John and his co-worker, Paul, were heading down the path to the new harvest spot. Their boss had told them to check the spot for any sabotage devices the environmental protesters may have left.

"I wish the boss wouldn't antagonize those eco freaks," John said.

"It would save us a lot of trouble," Paul answered. "But he does have business to run. They're getting in the way of that."'

"Which means no paychecks for us, I get it," said John.

As they got to the spot a strong pungent smell permeated their nostrils.

"Ugh! What the hell, man!" John cried out as the smell made his eyes water.

"I think some animals were marking there territory here," Paul gagged, his eyes tearing up. "Ugh. I think we should leave and let the smell dissipate."

John nodded in agreement and they turned to head out. They were met by two large gray wolves, growling menacingly. Shocked the two men began backing off, only to meet two more wolves behind them. Two more then appeared from the sides.

"I didn't think there were any wolves in this area anymore," Paul whispered.

The wolves behind them nudged them forward as the two in front turned and began to walk. Stopping to look back, the wolves growled again. The four wolves again nudged the men forward.

"I think there's more to these wolves than meets the eye," John quietly told Paul. "I think they want us to follow them."

"I get that," Paul answered. "But what for?"

The wolves began to growl louder, seemingly growing impatient.

"Only one way to find out," John said, stepping forward. John quickly caught up behind the two lead wolves and were flanked by the four other wolves.

They were escorted for a good half hour. They entered a pristine old growth forest. The sound of a waterfall began to grow louder as they hiked. Finally they entered a clearing, magnificent waterfall cascaded down a cliff face. The waterfall was a spring, as there was no apparent other water source. The amount of plant life around the area astounded the two humans.

"Beautiful isn't it," a voice from behind them said.

The two turned quickly and were met by a six foot tall anthro wolf. A werewolf! The two men stumbled back, their butts falling on to the moss covered rocks. Looking around them they saw the other wolves in various stages of their transformations into their bipedal forms.

"What the hell is going on here, what is this bull shit?" John said.

"I don't know if you want to piss the wolf man off right now John!" Paul replied.

As they stared at the werewolf in front of them they noticed that it in fact was female. Two pairs of breasts, the lower pair slightly smaller than the upper, bounced lightly as she made her way toward the humans.

"You two see the beauty that your destroying first hand," the wolf femme said, gesturing to the spring clearing. "Then maybe you will see the horror you have inflicted in these woods." The werewolf bellowed out.

"What are you talking about?" John asked.

"You will see. And when you do, you will help us stop more men like you, and make them see the error of their ways!" The another werewolf replied, smirking widely.

John and Paul watched as the other werewolves approached them. They quickly noticed that that three of the wolves coming toward them had rather large male equipment. The other two had two sets of breasts, the one below smaller than the other. like the one that had spoke to them.

The females approached Paul, sniffing and stroking him. Paul was entranced by the wolf femmes, their scents permeating his mind. He was pulled away from John, his clothes quickly coming off. Meanwhile, John was checked out by the males. One put his nose right in the human's crotch and inhaled deeply. Another put his hand paw over John's face, a stick substance clinging to it. John was caught off guard and inhaled deeply, the musky substance's scent murking his mind.

"What...stop...wait!" John mumbled.

John's mind slowed and a pounding headache throbbed in his skull, Paul shivered and shuddered as the two females sniffed and groped his body firmly.

"What are you doing..." Paul moaned but was quickly interrupted by the strange femme wolves attentions.

The female werewolves began to remove Paul's shirt and pants, two sets of hand paws working to disrobe him. Feeling his fly unzipped and his button undone Paul blushed a bit, a huge erection shone in his briefs, the females soft warm paws caressing the logger into hardness.

The female's made quick work of Paul's briefs, leaving the shredded cotton on the ground. His erection was at a proud eight inches, bouncing in time to his quickening heartbeat. John, too, was feeling the strain. His own erection was trapped in his jeans, though not for long. The three male wolves made quick work of the man's clothes, sheds of cloth littering the floor of the clearing then seeming to disappear into the green. Both men stood with their erections out as the wolves sized them up.

"Not bad," the female alpha wolf stated. "But I think we can go better. A few changes and you'll both belong to nature again."

The two men looked blankly, not quite understanding her words. Their heads were still murky with the musk of the wolves, and the horniness of their erections.

"We will make you part of the solution instead of part of the problem." The female alpha wolf cooed out.

"Don't stop touching me...feels...sooo good!" Paul moaned aloud.

"Oh, don't worry you'll never have to worry about that ever again. You just need a little more junk in your trunk and less package dear." The she wolf replied seductively.

John, too, groaned and felt his mental will drain from his mind, leaving him almost zombie like. The group of werewolves smiled at one another admiring their prey's potential.

"This will be just the thing we need to get on the inside of the human's operation, they won't stand a chance once we attack!" A male wolf growled.

"Yes! We will make the human's one with the forest," a lithe female werewolf replied to the masculine lycan. "Then there will be no one left to cut everything down. when they are creatures of the wood this will be their new home."

The wolves surrounded their prey, finishing their survey of the human males' potential

"On your knees human!" A male wolf ordered John, amber eyes glowing brightly even in the dappled sunshine of the warm afternoon.

John mind was completely entranced. He obediently fell to his knees, eyes transfixed on the wolf's sheath in front of him. Slowly the canine shaft emerged from it, growing to a lovely ten inches.

"Suck it all, human," the alpha male ordered.

John leaned forward and gave the wolf's cock a tentative lick. The salty, musky taste headed straight to his pleasure centers. Wanting more, he dove down on the canine shaft. He licked and sucked at the cock, shoving more and more down his throat. His face began to turn numb. His eyes rolled back into his head as his face began to push out into a proto-muzzle. His nose turning black and moistening, his ears growing pointed and moving up to the top of his head.

"Excellent, it begins," the alpha male beamed. "Soon you and your partner shall be one of us. Now, get on all fours."

John moved on to his hands and knees, never taking the cock out of his mouth. His face had finished forming into a full wolf muzzle. Now grey fur began to push from the skin of his face. Another wolf moved behind him and stuck his muzzle between his butt cheeks, sticking its tongue into his pucker.

"Ohhh!" John moaned and his eyes flew open to reveal flecks of amber.

The male wolf behind the mutating human shoved his long moist tongue ever deeper inside John's rear. Moans and groans of pleasure gave way into growls and grunts of animalistic lust.

"That's it. Give in to your primal feelings. Do what feels natural to you and join us!" The alpha werewolf growled. The huge beast let his head hang down, a bit of spittle hanging from his dark lips.

Paul was undergoing his own subtle changes, the female alpha grasped his cock tightly stroking it firmly in her lush paws.

Paul moaned as his cock was stroked. The only thing his muddled mind was able to feel was pleasure. The female continued to stroke his dick as she knelt down and began to lick his balls. He gasped as electric jolts of pleasure rushed up his spine. As she licked, the human's balls began to shrink. Soon they were the size of almonds. At this point they began to draw back into his body. His scrotum shrank to nothing, splitting down the middle as the flesh became his new labia.

Shots of pleasure coursed through his body as his internal organs reconfigured. His former testicles became ovaries. All the while his shaft still stood proud. Paul's hips widened as his pelvis widened into a female's. His butt blossomed into a cute bubble shape as a tail began to grow from his backside. Fur began sprouting over his hips and groin.

The alpha female stopped stroking the shaft and let another female take her place. The new bitch eagerly squatted down, lining up the cock to her black pussy lips. She then pressed down, the human's cock slipping into her vagina.

Paul moaned as the female rode his shaft. The walls of the wolf femme's snatch were silky smooth, causing Paul to thrust up into them. She rode him progressively harder for several minutes until finally she came, her fluids flowing down the human's cock and crotch.

"Oh my God! Oh my God... feels so... good!" Paul screamed moments later, as rope after rope of thick white cum released from his male penis for the final time. The last of the former males human sperm shot into the wolf femme, mixing with her juices.

Paul felt his cock seem to crumpled, deflating with each spurt. Finally, the his penis had shrunk and formed into her new clit.

"That's it your coming along quite nicely, so have such a cute ass! And a nice sexy tail to complement your nice round rear." The alpha bitch exclaimed happily.

Paul sniffed the air lightly his eyes closed tightly, a strange yet relaxing warmth spread throughout her body. New female wolf hormones began to course through her body. On her chest two sets of new nipples grew in. The upper two began to inflate, growing into a B-cup and an A-cup.

Another wolfess knelt next to her. She began to lick at the new breasts, eliciting sharp yips of pleasure from the changing human. She then knelt in front of his face, pushing it against her nether lips. Instinctively he began to lick at the wolf girl's folds. This brought barks and moans from the wolfess. Harder she pressed into the wolf's vagina, face becoming numb as it pushed into a muzzle.

Fur spread across her face as her ears moved to the top of his head. Deeply she pushed her new tongue into the wolf girls vagina, lapping across her g-spot. This caused the wolf to cum hard. Her juices flowing freely from her cunt as she lifted herself off the new girls muzzle. Her cum dribbled all over the Paul's body, new fur sprouting from where it hit.

John, too, was fully overtaken by the pleasure. The alpha male had removed his cock from John's throat, and was now rubbing it between his ass cheeks. The one who had been tossing his salad was now pounding the new muzzle.

John looked up to the buff werewolf that was tasting his ass only moments earlier, taking the males red rocket into his newly formed maw. He suckled greedily on his brother wolf's salty member. The wolf leaned over John's quivering body and whispered into a pointed ear.

"How do you feel about the logging company now wolfy? Does it make you angry that they are taking your home away, making your fellow brothers homeless and defenseless." The male asked with a snarl.

All John could do was moan as thick red wolf cock pushed down his throat. His paw hands balling into fists a low growl in his throat that made his partner groan.

Meanwhile, the alpha male teased his cock against John's pucker. As the other male whispered into the changing human's ear he felt him tense up. This moment he chose to press forward. Slowly, his cock entered John's ass. The morphing human's growl turned into a moan as the alpha male's cock slipped it's slick way into his ass. The alpha male laid forward, covering the man's back in warm fur. He whispered into John's ear.

"I'm gonna enjoy breeding you, finishing changing you into one of our kind," the alpha hissed.

He hugged his arms around John's waist and thrust forward hard. A groan escaped the human's new muzzle as he continued to nurse at the shaft in it. As the alpha thrust in and out of John's ass, another wolf laid down underneath him. He began to lick at the human shaft bouncing in front of him.

More fur began to sprout from John's body. His feet lengthened, changing into large paws. His stance altered to a digitigrade one. His arms shortened slightly, hands forming more like paws. Fur covered his arms and legs. A tail sprouted from his backside. His changing ass caused a grunt of pleasure from the alpha. John's ass cheeks and legs spread out allowing the alpha easier access to pound away. Fur spread across his ass and crotch. His cock regrew its foreskin and attached itself to his abdomen, forming into a new sheath.

"That's it boy! Feel the power of nature," the alpha snarled. "Feel the pleasure of dirt beneath your paws and wind blowing through your fur!" With a final hard shove, the alpha thrust his knot inside the new werewolf with a wet lewd PLOP! The alpha howled, and filled the man's ass with canine spunk. At the same time, John felt the wolf at his muzzle's balls pull up, and the blast of wolf cum flow down the shaft.

Warm creamy spunk suddenly filled John on both ends. He moaned and growled as thick wolf seed spilled down his furry throat, and yellow gizz ran down his fuzzy balls and dripping onto the grass. The alpha licked up the new wolf's back fur grooming John lovingly, the three beasts huffing heavily in their afterglow.

"I think your friend is enjoying himself just as much as you are boy. She's...quite happy with her new lot in life now." The female alpha chuckled.

"Oh John!" A sexy female voice cooed.

Paul was now nearly a full female werewolf. The other three bitches were petting him, stroking across his new female parts. Slowly the removed themselves from her and let her up. She walked over to John, a sultry in her new hips. She was beautifully built now. John found himself growing hard again, his still human shaft slipping from his sheath.

"Looks like we have just a little more to go," the alpha male said. A wet shlorp sounded as he removed himself from John's ass.

"Indeed," the alpha female replied. "I think its time to finish these two off."

The wolves brought the changed humans together. They began to sniff at each other. Together the two became more aroused. Paul knelt, licking his way down John's chest. Getting to his cock, he too the whole ten inch monster into his mouth. As he was sucked John's shaft began its change. The veins on it bulged as it thickened. The glans flattening into a point. Pre began flowing from it freely.

Paul stood back up and licked John's face. John grabbed the femme wolf, and lifted her.

The she wolf grinned and put her legs behind the male. Together the lowered the bitch onto John's shaft.

As he entered her, both new wolves growled and panted. John then took the initiative and began to bounce the bitch up and down his shaft. The femme growled and snarled as the pace began to quicken.

Now with bodies changed the former human's minds followed, all memory of their jobs and families melted away. More baser animal instincts filled their brains with images of sex and hunting in a deep dark forest. The wolf once known as John pumped the female that was once Paul hard and fast.

With a final push, he popped his knot in her with a wet slap and felt his balls tense up and tingle. It was the familiar feeling all males experience close to orgasm. The former Paul was feeling something new, a strange tickle inside her feminine folds. Rivers of musk and cum flowed from her blackish blue vulva, Paul shuddered on the male's penis and a river of cum filled her womb.

The two new werewolves panted an licked at each other. The female massaged her belly, knowing new life was being fashioned in there. After a few moments, the male's knot had shrunk enough to be released. He pulled out with a wet plop and began licking the femmes muzzle lovingly.

"Feeling better now?" Asked the female alpha, walking up to the two.

They turned to her, averting their gaze as they nodded and smiled. A perfect submission to their alpha.

"Excellent. Now we can continue to protect the lands," the alpha male stated. "First, we should see how the others are doing on their new recruits.

The new wolves got up and joined the other wolves. They changed into their feral forms. Their bodies became shorter, as well as their legs and arms. Fingers shortened and arms shifted into a more canine quadruped stance, their hindquarters lost all definition while necks snapped back to support their feral shapes. The change dropped them to all fours. In this form they trotted out, splitting up as they scented out the other weres in the area.