Nightmare: The Beginning

Story by ZeeGrum on SoFurry

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#1 of The Nightmare

Nightmares: The Beginning

Everyone knows the usual term for a nightmare. Scary pictures in your head that torment your sleeping hours. But how many people know that the term was taken from the name of a ferocious monster of the night? A Nightmare, a horse that feeds on flesh, can seem like nothing more than an exceptionally beautiful horse until you get close enough. Then it shows its true self, the flaming mane and tail, red eyes, and fangs that would make a wolf run for cover. Very few people wanted to get anywhere near them.

There was one girl, however.

Kasindra had always been fascinated by the rumors and legends surrounding the mysterious Nightmares. People who met her would never guess she was interested so fanatically in such monsters. Her soft, supple curves and lucious tits and ass had drawn much attention. Of course, when they found out about her obsession, they usually fled.

It was rare to find someone who had really seen one and had had enough sense not to try and capture it. She was lucky enough to be working the night one of the men from a nearby village visited, bearing tales of such an incident.

"I tell you, it's all true!" he called over the voices. Everyone hushed to hear him out. He tugged on his tunic, which was stained with the beer he'd slopped down himself at one point. "I saw him, clear as day! Big black monster of a horse, only ten feet from me!"

"Bullocks!" another man snorted.

"Ah, what do you know ?" the first man retorted, then continued. "He was beautiful, but terrifying. Standing there, calm as you please, on all fours. "

Someone laughed. "How else would he stand?"

The man got a serious look in his eye. "I'm telling the truth, mind you. One second, he looks like any Nightmare, and the next, he's got the head of a horse, and the body of a man covered in horse fur!"

Uproarious laughter followed this statement, and people started dispersing, not believing the lying drunkard. All the while he continued to say he was speaking the truth. Curiosity got the better of Kasiandra, and she approached the man. "He really looked like a man?" she asked quietly.

The drunkard nodded sternly. "Aye, he did. Had feet and hands, broad shoulders, big muscles and...uh...Hehm. Well, he was definitely male, if you get my meaning." he said, flushing a bit.

She blushed as well, getting his meaning. "O-oh....Where did you see him?"

"Not a mile out of town. I would stay inside tonight if I were you. I don't care about the rest of these idiots, but you actually seem to believe me." he grunted, sipping his drink. She left him to his beer and finished her shift. It was nearly three in the morning before she left for home. Her mind was whirling the idea of a Nightmare really taking the form of a manâ€"if only in some ways. Suddenly, an impulse to go and see this so-called manbeast gripped her, and she didn't even try to push it away. She ran to her family's stables and climbed onto her pretty little roan pony, not bothering with a saddle or bridle. She gripped his mane and sent him galloping out of town.

When she arrived near where the man claimed to have seen the Nightmare, she dismounted and placed a hand on the pony's neck. "Stay." She murmured. It obeyed, since it had been trained that way, and she made her way into the forest. It was stupid, she knew, but curiosity overwhelmed her. She just HAD to see the Nightmare.

Then she heard it, a shrill neigh cutting through the night. She quivered as the sound hit a chord deep inside her, one she didn't completely understand. The sound of hooves made her freeze, and her heart pounded in time with the storming hooves. Closer, closer...It appeared.

The huge creature moved through the foliage like a ghost, it's black fire mane rippling in a non-existent breeze. Its silky coat gleamed in the moonlight, red eyes glowing with unnatural light.

He was beautiful.

She trembled as the massive beast approached her slowly, nostrils flaring as it snorted and nickered. He leaned forward, his nose brushing against her cheek. She trembled as her body throbbed with need. What the hell was wrong with her? The Nightmare smirkedâ€"smirked!â€"at her and tossed his powerful head. Suddenly, it's body convulsed and started to reform. She cringed as bones and muscles slid weirdly under it's hide. And then, after only a few seconds, where a Nightmare had once stood, now something completely new had taken its place.

His head and neck were still very horse-ish and powerful, but his shoulders had broadened, and his legs bulged with muscles. Fingers stretched at the end of his now hoofless arms. An amazingly muscled torso rippled and bulged as he stretched, which drew her attention past his hips, to his manhood. She flushed, breathing faster at the sight of it. Twelve inches of thick, erect cock stood proudly before her eyes. She forced her eyes back up to his head, which towered over her measly five foot two with at least a six-ten, or eleven. He was still smirking at her.

"Like what you see?" he growled out, fangs flashing terribly in his mouth. She gasped at his husky, sexy voice. He laughed. "Did you think me unable to speak?"

She nodded weakly, flushing. "Y-yes....I-I mean..."

"It's alright. Most humans do." he chuckled, taking a step closer. He reached out and brushed his fingers across her cheek, his red eyes thoughtful. "Such a pretty little human...."

She blushed further, until her face was bright red. "U-uhm...t-thank you?" she said tentatively. She had thought Nightmare's were supposed to be...well...a nightmare to meet. So far, he had been very polite, even if he was naked.

He leaned down and brushed his soft, velvety nose against her other cheek, making another wave of need crash through her. She whimpered, trying to pull away, but he grabbed her arms and made her stay. "Don't go. It's been so long since I've had companionship..." he murmured. A long, long tongue snaked out of his mouth and caressed her cheek. She gasped and pulled back, staring at the long tongue. Six inches long, at least, and dark purple. Thoughts of what could do with that amazingly long tongue made her blush madly, and she struggled more, thinking that this monster had used some sort of spell on her to seduce her. She refused to believe she actually wanted him, just him.

"S-stop, please!" she whimpered, trying to pull away.

"No. You are far to beautiful for me to pass up." he smirked, ears flicking lazily. He grabbed the front of her dress and yanked it off. Her body jerked with the force of it, and the ripping sound cut through the suddenly silent night. He groaned, red eyes flaring hungrily. "Look how wet you are!" he muttered eagerly. His strong hands dragged her to the ground and he moved over her, lowering his long muzzle to her breast. She shuddered as his purple tongue slid over her nipple.

"Nnn....Stop..." she gasped, arching involuntarily. He ignored her, of course. One of his hands went between her legs, and he slid his middle finger into her tight, dripping little cunt. He explored her slowly, at first, running his finger along the slick walls of her body. He found, much to his surprise, that she was still a virgin.

"Oh my. A little virginal human. How new." he chuckled, ignoring her furiously blushing. He ground his palm against her clit, earning a low cry from her. He started licking her breasts, wrapping his tongue around them as much as possible, rubbing the flat of his fangs against those full, juicy boobs. He would suck them, if he wasn't worried about cutting her up with his fangs. He continued fingering her, rubbing her clit, and soon, he'd brought her over the edge. She screamed her orgasm, body thrashing about as he brought her for the first time in her twenty-three years. She collapsed against the ground, panting and gasping as he brought his hand to his face and licked away the juices she'd covered his hand in. He chuckled, lapping at her sweet honey on his hand. " delicious..." he rumbled. She shifted lethargically, looking up at him, with soft, but hungry blue eyes. Her black hair framed her face prettily. He shivered as another pang of need hit him in the groin. "Patience, patience." He laughed quietly.

He spread her legs and lifted her hips so he could lower his face to her dripping cunt. His long, purple tongue snaked out and lapped at her slit slowly. She whimpered and moaned softly, hips wiggling in appreciation of his skill. He slid his tongue inside her, and kept going, until all six inches of his tongue was wriggling around it inside her. She cried out, eyes widening in surprise. He could hear her heart picking up its pace once more, lust making her body throb around the appendage in her cunt. He started fucking her with it, thrusting the thick, slick tongue in and out of her body. She screamed with delight, body clenching around him and her hands going to his mane, clutching at the black ‘fire'. It was solid, silky smooth, and writhed in her grip. He snorted excitedly, nostrils flaring as he fucked her with his tongue. The tip of his tongue caressed her hymen, and then started pushing, pushing, until she screamed in pain. He tasted blood as she tried to thrash out of his grip, but he held her hips firmly and waited for the movements to stop. Finally, she settled down, sobbing quietly and whimpering her pleas for him to quit. He sat up, licking his muzzle and staring down at her. "Now, now, we both knew it was going to hurt. Better my tongue than my cock, right?" he chuckled, a hand going to the throbbing meat between his legs. He stroked himself while she watched, getting even more aroused by her watching him.

Her ample breast rose and fell as she started breathing faster, her lips parted slightly. He had an idea, and was very eager to ask her. "Do you want to suck it?" he murmured, releasing his cock. She licked her lips, obviously conflictedâ€"her raging lust warring against her human desire to flee from the big bad monster. Finally, she scrambled to her hands and knees facing him. He licked his lips eagerly, eyes flashing. He'd never been able to get a human to do this before, and he was eager to try. She leaned forward, and tentatively ran her tongue over the head of his cock. He groaned, tilting his head back in bliss as she continued.

His cock was lightly furred, and felt like velvet under her tongue. She slowly licked him until the fur on his cock was damp and slick with her saliva, his deep, guttural moans ringing in her ears. She swallowed, fearful of making him angry, and him killing her for being unsatisfactory. Though she lusted after him, he was still a wild monster. Shaking slightly with a mix of fear and exhilaration, she took the head of his cock into her mouth, sucking lightly. When he moaned, she got braver and took more of him into her mouth. His hands slid through her hair, gripping lightly. When she couldn't take anymore, there was still nearly six inches of cock left unattended. She wrapped her petite hand around that bit and stroked as she sucked.

"Fuuuck!" he growled, clenching his teeth as he struggled not to come in that sweet, sweet mouth. He usually had much better control than this, but with the new experience....All twelve inches of his thick pole was throbbing with the need to come. He tugged at her hair, trying to pull her off. "Let go..." he panted, tongue hanging out the side of his mouth. "Let go..."

She reluctantly obeyed, licking her lips as she sat back on her haunches and looked up at him hungrily. He shuddered, skin quivering in a very horse like way as he let himself calm down a bit before continuing. He rubbed his hands over her shoulders, then murmured gentle directions until she was how he wanted her, on her hands and knees. She was shiveringâ€"maybe from the cold, or from desire, he couldn't tell---as he moved behind her. He pressed his erect cock against her dripping slit, holding her hips steady. Slowly, slowly, he worked the head into her, then the shaft. When he had only two inches left, he couldn't move anymore. She whimpered and wriggled her hips, begging him to move. He panted, struggling to move slowly. He started pulling out, then suddenly slammed into her roughly. She screamed in a mix of pain and pleasure. He pounded into her, snorting and pounding into her body like the wild stallion he was. Her screams rang into the night as their sweaty bodies slapped against one another.

"Oh! Oh! Fu-Fuck me ha-harder!" she moaned, thrusting her hips back against him. He dug his fingers into her hips, ramming into her, until his body was lathered and his fur stained. He brought her twice before he finally drove himself deep into her, and his cock throbbed. His spunk spilled into her, gallons and gallons of it. He panted heavily, trembling with exertion.

"Damn...." he mumbled, sucking in air greedily. She whimpered and sagged in his hands as her arms and legs gave out on her. He slowly pulled his huge cock out of her, drawing yet another moan from the eager little human. Lowering her to the ground, he adjusted her so that she was comfortable, then lay down beside her. She snuggled up against his chest, enjoying the heat of his body in the cold night. He chuckled and stroked her side and leg, his bright red eyes fuzzy with sexual contentment.

"...Can.....can I see you again?" she asked softly, looking up at him.

He flicked his ears thoughtfully. "You wouldn't mind being the mare of a monster?" he asked, lips quirking in a smirk.

"No...I liked it...loved it..." she murmured tiredly, kissing his chest softly. He grinned, fangs flashing in the dim lighting of the moon.

"Then yes. You can come back here every night, and I'll fuck you so hard, you won't be able to see straight." he promised.

She flushed and licked her lips slowly. "I don't think I'm the only one that won't be able to see straight..." she purred, a hand creeping down his belly to his semi erect cock.

He chuckled darkly. "I'll take that challenge...."

She had a feeling her life was going to be a whole lot more interesting from now on....