Glorious Humiliation Part I

Story by Kiyro on SoFurry

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Warning, what you are about to read may contain some language, or situations that some might not find suitable.


"Ow! What the hell?! Jason screamed.

"Quiet, you know you like it." Kayla said with a seductive tone.

"Oh come on Kayla! Really! Does it have to go THIS far?" He whimpered.

"I can understand the flog, but...the straps around my wrists?! Is that necessary?! I think you proved your point. You won. Now let me go!" He pleaded.

Jason was bent over a wooden table with his hands tied behind his back. In the decorated dining room, he looked so out of place. Old mahogany wood shelves and class cases filled with gold and old family seals lined the walls. Over head was a chandelier that illuminated the entire room...and his humiliation. Then there he stood...naked, with three gorgeous looking females enjoying every second of it.

Jason was a rust colored fox, with black tipped ears and tail. He always hung out with the same people. Kayla, a particularly stunning dragoness with black scales, long tail and blue eyes, Nikki, the beautiful fox, whose fur was the same color as Jason's, but had white tipped toes and eye sockets, that of which complimented her green eyes and Mariah, the black furred fruit bat with a beautiful body of a twenty plus year old, despite being only nineteen.

Jason never had any luck with women. He was always shy, and had basically very low self esteem, which he always turned into a particularly nasty joke about himself. That and the combination that he really looked up to his brother, (who told him he would never have any luck with women) really messed up any chances at even the simplest of dates. So, to even gain SOME female exposure in his life, he quickly became friends with a lot of girls...which the few guy friends he had never approved of.

But that was the problem...he was always the "Friend" of the group of girls...never anything else. This thought always went through his head whenever he went to hang out with Kayla, Nikki and Mariah.

"Hay, you dared it, so now you have to suck it up. Now quit squirming...oh..." Kayla snapped the flog on Jason's ass again.

"Call me Mistress." She said with a seductive, evil tone and smile.

Funny thing was, Jason was only nineteen, like Mariah, but Nikki and Kayla were twenty-two. So occasionally, they would drink here, at Jason's house...providing Nikki or Kayla got the alcohol, and because Jason couldn't hold ANY kind of alcohol down, while he was drunk, he bet that if Kayla could out drink him...well...she could have her way with him...roughly. Her condition was that if she won, in addition to that, she could have the other girls help her. As it turned out, being drunk, NEVER lets you think strait.

Jason turned his head back towards Mariah who was sitting at the opposite end of the oval dining room table. She sat there and smiled with her hands neatly folded over one another, under her chin as she watched Jason squirm.

"Mariah! Come on...please? You've all gotten your fun-fun glimpse of me humiliated..." He looked down, feeling totally sorry for himself.

"Now let me go..." He said with sadness creeping into his voice.

Mariah looked at him with a gentle smile and replied, "...Kayla, hit him less, but use"

She then turned her gaze and smiled at him.

Jason exhaled sharply, starting to get real emotional. He held in the want to cry, thinking, "God you're a fucking pussy! You have three hot chicks here, USING you for sexual like pleasure...and you're going to CRY?!"

Kayla dropped the flog and pushed her hips into his ass, then laid her body on his back, pushing Jason on the cold table. Jason gasped as her C cup sized breasts were pushed into his shoulder blades. She then exhaled her warm breath onto the right side of his neck. Suddenly she wrapped her arms around his stomach and lifted him up to a standing position.

Jason felt like he was drunk, the swayed a little while standing.

"Thank god she's holding me...otherwise I would have fallen." He thought.

She then hugged him gently, and put her chin on this right shoulder.

"Now what to use..." She wondered out loud.

Quickly Jason snapped out of his blurred state, and began struggling a little, but the embrace Kayla had on him was over make matters worse, she was rubbing his stomach with one hand, and his chest with the other, making it hard to focus.

Suddenly Mariah got up from her position at the end of the table, and walked, hips swinging sexually towards him. She approached him from the right side, and leaned in for a better look at his neck. Kayla moved her head from the right shoulder to the left, and watched as Mariah used her index finger to make small circular motions on Jason's neck.

Jason never noticed it before, but unlike most bats, she didn't have that stubby nose feature, nor the huge long ears, that of which also complimented her beauty.

"You know I don't just hang out with you...right?" She said while still doing the circular motions on his neck.

Instinctively Jason craned his head to the left, causing the right side of his neck to get firmer.

"Yea..." He said blindly.

"I usually hang out with other bats, all kinds too." She continued.

"Yea...I still don't see the connection between them and you messing with my neck though..." He responded, almost whispering.

"I was talking to Ashley...she's a vampire bat...I asked her what blood tasted like..." She said with a gentle tone.

Jason stood there, still not catching exactly what she meant.

"She said that it varies..." She leaned in closer to whisper. "I want to see how your's taste."

Jason gasped, "Wait, what?! Ok girls, all of you are starting to freak me out a little!"

Mariah put her mouth on his neck, and used the tip of her tongue to push against his jugular vain. She then kept using her tongue to stimulate the vain, and to get it puffed out a little. After she was satisfied with her erotic tongue dance, she looked at Jason. He was still nervous, but his eyes were screwed shut and he was panting.

She smiled and whispered, "Don't worry, this won't hurt a bit."

"Promise?" He responded back nervously.

She smiled at his submissive tone, and kissed his neck passionately before sinking her teeth into his vain.

Jason's eyes jolted open, not out of pain, but out of the sudden wet crunch he heard as she bit into him.

"Not to much..." He whispered.

But it was already to late. Mariah was instantly in love with the taste. The thick, iron taste seemed to be like sweet nectar to her. It tasted better with every gulp, way better than any fruit. Suddenly realizing she was drinking out of control, she let go of his neck, licking her lips.

Jason stood as still and rigid as a piece of wood.

"Jason?" Kayla whispered.

Suddenly he just fell limp in her arms and fell asleep.