Summer Heat – Chapter 18: Paula Sandster

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#18 of Summer Heat

A happy 4th Advent to all of you.

I hope you are celebrating it with the ones you love (and not like me alone).

But I got you so I do not feel so lonely. And my stories. :)

Today we will see how Mr. Sandster reacts to the big news he got for her.

I hope you enjoy this weeks chapter.


While this story is inspired by movies (like S.H.I.T.) and Games (like BSC) all characters and plot is original from me. I hold the rights on this story.

If you see any kind of similarity with another story it is not on purpose.

There are no intended copyright infrigments in this story.

Please do not repost or use the content without asking and linking this story.

(You can always create art from the story even without asking if you link the story and let me know of the art.)

For legal reasons all actors and characters in this story are adult (and considered to be adult).

This story is art and plays in a parallel world where no humans exist and where animals evolved into anthros. All in this story is fantasy and all similarities (except for country names for an easier understanding) to real persons, believes, races or nations are not intended. The content of the story or comments of the characters do NOT reflect the believes or thoughs of the author but are purely for entertainment. Please do NOT try this at home.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the actors is 8-16. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly.

Summer Heat - Chapter 18: Paula Sandster

Before the parents arrived they all cleaned the house and met in the dining room. Zen and Mara reminded them to not talk about the secret about them having been naked all the time or learning about sex and masturbation. All the girls promised him to be careful what they told their parents and others from the school and after all there were a lot of other experiences that they had to tell them. Then Zen gave everyone the results of the exam that he received from the ministry. They all did great and passed the exam with good grades and the girls were happy and cheered for the end of one year. The parents arrived one by one and the girls were happy to show them the good grades they achieved, the pictures they painted and all the other stuff that they did in the different classes. Debra looked a bit troubled even though she showed her father her grades happily. When he asked she just looked at the ground and said it was 'girls stuff' and her mother saved her from any explanation as she understood directly why her daughter was behaving weird. Zen knew that it was most likely not only the normal problems a girl had with her heat that Debra felt but in addition she experienced the ecstasy of sex with him until this morning and her body craved for more while she knew she could not get it. They all had dinner together and the parents praised the meal their daughters cooked together. Zen noticed that Nina looked a bit sad and he suspected that it was hard for her to be apart from her son. The girls said good bye to their cubs this morning when Sierah and Sandy went to the cottage with them. The other girls seemed to be less influenced by the parting but Nina also was the last to get her cub and she was much more attached to it yet. When her mother asked her why she was not as cheerful as her sister she just answered that she was a bit sad that the year was over. Her mother was very caring and hugged her comforting her with the promise that she would be used to be home again in a blast. Surely she did not know the real reason Nina was sad and the girl could not explain it to her. Her sister though knew and helped her mother to comfort Nina. "We will be back soon." She said and smiled and after a few minutes Nina cheered up.

Zen personally thanked the girls for a great year and told them that they could subscribe for the next year already in a list. All parents gave in to the glistering eyes of their daughters who wanted to come back and when they all pulled off the driveway to get home the list in Zen's hand confirmed that all girls would return. The minister of education also had been present and Mara helped Zen to show him around. They made sure to not lead him near the cottage but showed him all the other places and he left a few hours after the parents with a warm pawshake and the confirmation that this school would be supported by the ministry. Most of the dorms at the other schools were finished already and the schools started to hire personal for them. Only one building was still in construction but would be finished in time for the new school year. Mr. Mince had told Zen proudly that the school of his sons also got the new dorms and that he thanked Zen for making this possible. When the minister also left and the big gates closed behind him it got very silent. Zen joined Mara on a walk to the cottage and they spend the next hours with his cubs, Sierah and Sandy. It was very late when Zen, who went back to the mansion, saw Mrs. Sandster stop her car in front of the big gates and after she rang the bell he opened the gates to let her in and closed them behind her. He took a deep breath and sighed. "I think you can send Sandy here in an hour." He told Mara over the radio device that connected him with the cottage. "I hope that her mother will be understanding." Mara wished him the best of luck and Zen stepped in front of the mansion to welcome Mrs. Sandster.

The first thing that Zen noticed when Mrs. Sandster got off her car was that the beaver woman looked very down and confused. He had to greet her two times until she reacted and pawshake was light and without strength. Zen led her to his room that was also the office and offered Mrs. Sandster a seat in front of his desk while he pulled his own chair and sat on the other side of the desk. "You look exhausted." He started the conversation. He was concerned about the woman in front of him. She was in her mid-thirties but her tired look and the fact that her fur was ruffled and not styled let her look even older. "I am sorry Mr. Moons..." - "Zen!" he cut her short. "You can call me Zen." - "Okay Zen, I am sorry. You can call me Paula and I do not know where I should start. I am at the end." She looked like she would burst out in tears. Zen looked at her with a stern look. He was sure that the woman in front of him did not know about Sandy's situation and that the reason was completely different but something about her made him uncomfortable. The woman seemed to be in a crisis. "Do you want to tell me about it?" he asked and Paula looked up to him with watery eyes. "How could I burden you with my problems. I am sure you do not actually want to listen to the catastrophe that fell upon me." Zen smiled and leaned back. "Don't worry about me Paula. I will listen to your story. Knowing about the situation and problems of the parents is part of the teachers' job. Only if we know about your situation we can make sure to support your daughter." "I am afraid you will not want to have to do with me or my daughter after I tell you this but it is only fair that I will let you in on my shameful situation." She took a deep breath and with a shaky voice that was interrupted with some sobs she began to tell her story to Zen.

"I worked for a pharmacy for a few years now and we were doing experiments with medical drugs for a lot of different diseases. Last year I was approached by someone in the company who offered me a promotion to be the chef researcher for a project they were working on and I subscribed the contract without knowing what it was about. I swore to not tell anyone about it and I would work and live in the facility without going outside. It was this big of a secret. This only was possible because I noticed your school and knew that my daughter would be fine for a year and I was ensured that I could bring her to a house near the research center for the months of vacation. It was not only the big amount of money that they promised me but also the promotion and the chance to help for a breaking new discovery that had me subscribe for it. I did not know that I sold my soul and would endanger my own and my daughter's future with the project. When I heard the topic of the research just a few days after I brought my daughter here and it was a shock but I was unable to pull out anymore. We were imprisoned in the research facility already and I was unable to flee or contact anyone outside and therefore I decided to do what they wanted from me. The research was about drugs and ways to prevent pregnancy for women. The leaders of the project were from a movement that want to break the taboo of the government and break the circle of young girls getting pregnant. Not only was this research very dangerous because it was illegal and any word outside would get us in trouble with the government but in addition they planned bad things with it. At first I was only afraid about the research being detected and that I would get into prison for that. But after a lot of tests of different drugs I noticed something malicious in the facilities intends. I had justified my work with helping a lot of young girls that, like a friend of mine, got pregnant far too young. It was against the taboo but I told myself that with such a possibility maybe the laws could change and we could make some good for the country. But after one of our testers died because of one drug we invented I started to doubt that it was right what we did. I wanted to rebel but they threatened me. Not only my life but the life of my daughter was at stake and so I went on with the research still not knowing why they were going so far. Then, a few weeks ago, when we were on a good way to the right drug, I found out why we were doing the research. The group that sponsored this wanted to mix the drug into the normal food and poison all citizen of our country to make sure they would not bear children anymore. They wanted to attack the whole country. The person that told me this secret was dead soon after and I was afraid that they would know that I found out the secret too. I slowed down the process of the new drug. Even though I already found the right catalyst and had the finished product ready in my head I left out crucial calculations that would fail the tests but as a result brought two more dead test subjects. Last week I managed to get a message outside through a ventilation system and it seems that luck was on my side, or at least I thought so. A bird must have picked up the note and dropped it at a nearby village and the government was informed by someone who found it. They stormed the facility and freed us but we were imprisoned by the government. I begged and pleaded, told them everything I knew except for the right formula because I still was afraid that someone would do bad things with it. They destroyed all the research and after long interrogations they found me free of guilt for working there. This morning they set me free but with all that happened I lost everything. While I worked at the facility the company sold my house and all that I owned. Only my old car was safe because it was with a good friend of mine. I had hoped that I would get shelter with Sandy at my friend's place, an otter names Bertha Williams who has a 7 years old daughter names Tammy, but I heard that she also lost her job and has a hard time to get through on her own. All my other friends turned out to be the opposite and none of them wanted to help me and so I tried all day to find somewhere to return to with my little girl but it seems I can't have her safe. I fear that when we leave here I will have to camp outside in my car with her."

"I apologize that I burden you with this but I do not know what to do anymore." Zen listened to the story of the beaver and saw the woman cry in front of him. He did not know what to say. It was a sad story and even though she had to feel guilt he was sure that she never had ill intends. He stood up and walked around the desk to pull the beaver lady into a hug and pat her back. She let him comfort her and sobbed at his chest while he roamed with his hands up and down. His paw hit the edge of something that was under her summer dress and Zen directly knew what it was. This thick fabric that stood up from her fur and seemed to be tight around her waist could only be one thing. Without even thinking about what he was doing he slipped his paws under her dress and pulled it up. The crying woman did not notice his advance and slowly calmed down in his embrace. He found the string that was keeping the anti-scent underwear tight around her waist and opened it. He felt the fabric slowly slide down and fall on the ground and the scent of the woman filled his nostrils. She was in heat and by the strong smell for at least a day already. "What are you doing?" Paula just noticed that she lost her underwear but Zen's mind was occupied by her smell. He touched her tail and moved a hand to her front and against her will the woman moaned into his chest from his paw scratching over her clit. He noticed that she was very wet and her clit was engorged. Without an answer he pulled the dress up and lifted the woman with his embrace. With one paw he held the beaver lady and with the other he undid his pants. The slid down and his erect member sprung out and softly scratched her folds. "You can't..." was all that Paula whispered but her body made no attempt to stop him and his mind was not stopped by such a weak try. He let her glide down over his member and her strong moan mixed in with his when he pushed all the way into her up to his knot. "At least... pull out..." she gasped but another moan stopped her sentence and then Zen lifted her chin and pulled her into a deep kiss. He felt her giving in to his advances. He turned her around and put her hind on the edge of his desk and then started to pump inside her with a higher pace. She moaned in his muzzle and he moaned into hers. His knot grew to full size and he already smacked it with a wet sound against her folds. When he broke the kiss and let her lay down on the desk she huffed. "What... is... that..." she asked and Zen noticed she meant his knot. While still pushing he finally answered her. "This is my knot. It will tie us together so nothing is spilled." -"No!" she pleated. "You can't. I am in heeeeeat." A loud groan when he pushed his knot inside her with a wet slurping sound and her lips closed behind it. "I know." He just remarked and pulled her up into a kiss while he felt his balls contract and send live giving seeds into the womb of Sandy's mother. He felt her moans inside his muzzle and felt her contracting around him. She milked his member as if she had not been mated for a very long time. Paula huffed and slowly her breath went steady again after her climax died down. Zen just kept tied in her and lifted her upper body up to carry her to his chair and sit down. He caressed the back of the beaver lady and placed another kiss on her muzzle. "Isn't this much better?" he asked. "You had such a bad time and I thought this might make you feel good and forget it for a while." Paula looked into his eyes and her eyes were much softer now. He could tell that she still was in the afterglow of her climax but with the burning of her heat taken away she could think more straight now. "You should not have done this Zen. You know if you come in a woman in heat she will be pregnant." - "I know that. Don't worry about it. I am sure you will be a mother just as good for the little one as you are for Sandy." He continued to caress her back. "Easy for you to say." She sighed. "I do not even have the money to care for Sandy right now. How should I care for one more child?" - "Don't worry about it. I have a proposal for you. How about you start to work here?" Zen felt the last twitches of her tunnel and that his knot was already beginning to shrink. "All you need to do is to obey the rules. The most important for now are to listen to what I say and during your heat to come to me and let me help you through it." He smiled and kissed her. She thought about it for a while. "I think I could manage that. But what should I do here?" she asked. "You studied medic, right?" he asked and Paula nodded. "Then how about becoming the school doctor and take care of the health of everyone living here. I think this would be too much for Mara and me to do and someone who studied it would be a big help." It knocked at the door and Zen called out to come in which drew a protesting sound from Paula. "Hello Sandy, I have a big surprise for you." He called out when he saw who opened the door. "Come over here." Her mother pushed her face into the fur at the chest of Zen and he felt that she wanted to hide. She was embarrassed that her daughter saw her in such a situation. He felt his knot shrink enough to pop out of her pussy and semen gushed over his balls. He directly started to bounce Paula up and down softly and run his softening dick along her tunnel which stimulated him enough to get hard again. "Your mother will stay here and become our doctor and you will get a sibling in nine months." Sandy just watched her mother and Zen with an open muzzle while she got closer. She caressed her big belly and stopped right next to his chair. "I got a surprise for you too Paula." He whispered and took her paw. "You will be a grandmother soon." And with this he placed her paw on the big belly of Sandy. The little girl gave him a toothy smile while her mother started to moan from his soft pushes. All this was too much for her and when Zen started to move faster she just gave in to her heat's calling until he knotted her again and sealed her fate. The next days, Zen mated Paula again and again and she soon let herself sink into her fate. Bearing another child was for her a low price to have all her worries taken away in one moment.