Lovebirds - by Jeeves

Story by yui_olp on SoFurry

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#6 of Naiad's forest story series

Another mini-story by Jeeves, this time featuring birds!

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Aya chirped softly, her feathers fluffing up as she felt her mate's beak digging through the joint between her body and her left wing, preening those spots that were hardest to reach. The female hawk turned upon her nest, a large, proud structure which had taken her and Rally weeks to put together, and fixed one sharp eye upon the smaller male.

"You know, you don't have to earn it. You've already won my heart. I... I want you to mate me."

The other bird gave a clicking chuckle, and lifted his curved beak from the female's wing. He spread his wings and gave a few quick flaps as he hopped up, taloned feet landing upon the other hawk's back. She ruffled her feathers, but didn't seek to push him off. He treaded carefully, and did not pierce her delicate skin with his sharp claws as he moved up and over her, until they were close enough for his beak to slide forward alongside hers, nuzzling, pecking and kissing at one another with rapid taps and quiet, tender squawks from the very backs of their throats.

"I know I don't have to. But... I want to. I never want to take the risk that I might ever breed you without you knowing that you are the most important creature in all the world to me. The most beautiful, powerful, majestic goddess. Queen of the hunt. Terror of the skies. Bearer of my young."

Raising her body off the nest, Aya gave a louder, piercing cry. She flicked her tail-feathers sharply upward, and lowered her head down towards the feather and moss-lined interior of the nest. Turning her head once more, she chirped pleadingly to the male still perched astride her.

"Not yet. I... I haven't borne your young_yet_. But I will. I will, if you mate me. Now."

Aya shuddered happily as she felt her mate's clawed feet moving further back upon her body once more, and a shadow fell over her as he spread his wings for balance. The muscles of her cloaca strained, pulling back the feathers which covered that intimate area of her body most of the time, and she readied herself as she felt the other hawk's tail bending, twisting down over her own. She closed her eyes, counting her breaths, her flurry of heartbeats. Waiting. Begging silently. Until...

With a brief, frantic cry, Rally's cloaca pressed itself to the female's own, and as he began to twitch and rub their nether regions together, his wings flapped in a giddy frenzy. He twisted his body from side to side, carefully jerking left and right in sequence to caress their intimate reaches against one another. He listened as Aya chirped and screeched in pleasure, and felt her own hindquarters shaking, thrusting up and back, seeking to meet his every stroke more firmly and thus increase the stimulation they each provoked.

"A-ah, no! Don't stop..."

It wasn't Rally's choice to do so of course, and it broke his heart to hear Aya's shrieking cry of dismay, but he had let his lust get the better of him. One of his thrusting strokes had been a little too forceful in its desire to stimulate, and thus he had knocked himself off balance, toppling just far enough to have to lift his tail in order to stabilise, and thus pulling their bodies away from one another. It took him a matter of seconds to re-position himself and resume of course, but by that point the expectation on both of them had more than doubled. Their bodies were overwhelmed by the need to share in their release. By the primal instinctive urge to complete copulation and see that Aya's eggs were fertilised before they began to grow. "Almost. I... I'm almost there, Aya. Please... l-let me... let me make you cum..."

Pushing with all the strength he could muster to those particular muscles, Rally stiffened the flesh of his own cloaca, forcing the visible opening of his genital vent to protrude oh so slightly beyond the flesh which surrounded it. The hawk crowed passionately as he pulled his body away from Aya's own vent, but just for the briefest of instants before driving them back together as hard as he could. His clawed feet dug not into her flesh, but clutched instead at the base of several sturdier feathers upon the female's back for support, and he held himself back, devoting all his remaining willpower to delaying his own orgasm while trying to drive Aya to hers.

"Rally! A-ahhhhh Rally,yes! I... ohh yes... more, h-harder, just a few more... a little... oohh... I'm..."

The two birds' light bodies pressed rapidly against one another as best they could right up to the point of no return, with Rally crooning to his crying, shrieking lover all the while. Once that tipping point was reached however, instinct and biology took over. Rally's cloaca pressed itself firmly against that of the female bird upon whom he was perched, and their bodies seemed to freeze, locked together as their beaks fell open and together they screeched and chirped their way through a shared orgasm that left each of them breathless. Sharp jets of Rally's seed found their mark, launching themselves into the depths of Aya's body, and as that wet warmth poured into her convulsing cloaca the female hawk gave a cry so piercing and unabashed that it sent rodents scurrying for their burrows for hundreds of metres all around.

And yet, even as they shivered and pressed their bodies together for warmth and affection in the wake of that orgasm, even as they preened and clicked their beaks together in yet more affectionate kisses, they weren't done. They wouldn't be done until Aya knew with one hundred percent certainty that she was bearing a fertile clutch. And even then... well, she and Rally were not alone in being a little liberal with their breeding habits. After all, there was a good reason why they had chosen this spot to establish their nest. In this area, life was gloriously abundant. There were young everywhere, belonging to rodents, other birds, practically every species that lived in or upon the edge of these woods.

Their own nest, in fact, was built within the uppermost branches of a large tree which overlooked the river. And as they recovered from their first bout of breeding, both hawks were able to look down and see many pairs of animals doing precisely as they had by the banks of the glistening water.

"Breed me again..."

Aya chirped pleadingly to her mate as she craned her neck over the edge of the nest, watching a pair of foxes rutting, listening to their yelps and howls as mere metres away from them a female deer licked at the nether regions of another doe, hot surges of liquid gushing out over her face as she did so. Close by, she could see two otters humping at one another; not mating in the traditional mammalian manner she had witnessed so many times before, but belly to belly, face to face. She shivered, and chirped in excitement as she considered whether it would be possible for her and Rally to breed like that... to have their bodies rubbing, their cloacas stroking one another in a way that they didn't have to fight to keep balanced at all times. A pose which they could easily maintain through orgasm after orgasm.


She cried out as the male bird began to graze their cloacas together from astride her back once again. But the more she watched the mammals upon the ground engaging in their own copulations, the more she couldn't help but imagine new and deliciously erotic, exotic ways for Rally to breed her.

Soon she would bear his young, and that would make her so wonderfully happy. But... the hawk couldn't help wonder if it would perhaps make her even happier to bear his young if they were able to spend hours, even whole days devoted to the act of doing so. Over and over again... and again... and again, without pause.

By Jeeves