The Red Star: Chapter 1

Story by Badgorian on SoFurry

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This is my first story, so keep that in mind, and grade accordingly as long as it's no "A for effort" Bullshit. I'm gonna use stories from experiences/fantasies so it's in the third person to make it more believable. I want real crits, stuff that I could fix, meaning sentence structure, word usage, ect, ect. Like I said, no bullshit. If you really think this is only 1 star you damn well rate it that way. I want to see how I am as a writer, not how sympathetic you guys can be. (Smiley face! :D)

Anyway. Enjoy and you know the rules.


My name is Allen. I'm a timber wolf. The fact of the matter was, it was spring so I was hornier than I was during any other time of the year. I was tired of leaving Carla's house with a set of blue balls that never seemed to be satisfied. That's why I came here today, to hopefully end the tyranny of blue balls that ruled my teenage horn-dog (excuse the pun) life.

"'s just not working out."

"Are you sure? I love you so much, it can't end like this."

The conversation had pretty much remained like this the last hour we had spoken. We drifted from a close hug to standing a distance away from each other, to upset to even get close to each other.

"You've admitted it yourself...things between us have just changed to much."

My dark brown hair swayed in the wind as it was splashed by my recently ex-girlfriends warm sorrowful tears. I couldn't help but feel sorry for her, it had been nine months... I had led her on so much I even thought that I loved the little black fox.

"I...I love you though."

"I love you too...I just think we'd be better friends than boyfriend and girlfriend ya know?"

This was a lie, I never loved her. I loved the idea of her. I wanted to take a good little Christian girl and corrupt her, turn her purity ring black and make sweet love to her. I had taken it to far though. It took me nine months to realize this would never happen, and I regretted not ending it sooner.

"I...I guess I know what you're saying." Carla turned her head away from me to wipe away her tears, it was useless however due to the unmoving black mascara that swam down her face is the constant torrent of water, changing the color of her already dark fur to a bluish black tint. "I just didn't ever want it to end, it just seemed so perfect."

There was deafening silence for what seemed to me hours, even though it only lasted a few minutes. I stared off, out of the reclusive hiding spot where Carla and I had spent most of our time together. It was in a small grassy clearing where the sun beat down on during the later hours of the day, creating a romantic atmosphere. We thought we were clever hiding up here, the only way to get to it was through an invisible dirt trail that ran from the greenbelt that was hidden behind several blueberry bushes. The greenbelt was a long path where old men and woman did their walking at night and it was positioned right behind Carla's house for easy access. We often retreated here to make out, away from the world and the chance of ever getting caught.. "I...I think I should leave." I adjusted my hat to block the hot rays of the sun and began to walk... It was over...I had finally gotten the courage to do what I had wanted to for the last three months of my life when I heard Carla's voice like a small mouse squeaking.

"Allen..." I turned around with my hands in my pockets, I was scared this slow torture would continue farther into my day.

"Yeah?" I asked quietly in a small sarcastic tone.

She paused for a moment trying to find her words, "Just...just one more kiss before you go..." She turned back towards me and brought her head up to face me. The tears had ceased and there was an odd look on Carla's face that I had never seen on her before, she wore it well regardless. Kind of a sorrow filled face of acceptance. It made her look beautiful, it reminded the me of why I had gone out with her in the first place.

I smiled and walked back towards her, I hugged her in a friendly way and leaned in expecting a timid hug. Carla grabbed me and squeezed me towards her in an embrace that was only seen in black and white movies. A hug that froze time itself in the parting of two star crossed lovers that seemed to go on throughout eternity, drawn by some famous artist to be immortalized in some great majestic hall. But as fast as she had given it, she took it away from me. She pulled away and stared deep into my eyes and immediately I missed feeling her breasts against my body. I didn't want anything to give her the idea that I wanted to get back together with her... "Carla I..." My words were cut short as Carla pulled me towards her once again, this time pushing our mouths together. Her tongue glided into my mouth. I was taken aback but excepted the kiss and began to kiss her back. I didn't expect this at all, all I assumed was a gentle peck on the lips but I didn't fight the passionate kiss she had thrown at me. It all moved so fast.

What happened next took me by complete surprise, her head pulled away and arched back pushing her supple breasts into my well-toned chest as she released a small moan. my eyes widened and a blush overcame my face. I was at a loss of what to do. Her head came back down and looked me straight in the face. Her eyes seemed to quiver a little along with her arms.

"Carla?" I questioned.

One arm released me as she brought her finger and pressed it against my lips. She put it back and leaned in kissing my cheek and bringing her mouth to my ear. "I've wanted you for so long..." She began licking the inside of my ear giving me a strange newfound pleasure I had never felt before.

"But, why now? Why not back..." I shut myself up, I didn't want to ruin this as I often did with my bumbling mouth.

No answer came yet, she pulled back and looked in my eyes again. She brought her hand down from my mouth and placed a finger on the button of her shirt. She unbuttoned the first button, then the second, as I watched I noticed the flash of silver coming from her ring finger. She saw my eye catch it and looked down at her metallic band encrusted in pink hearts and a white cross. After pausing a moment, she placed her fingers on it and slid it off. She threw it behind her, landing in the muddy stream that ran to the greenbelt. It's once brilliant gleem was now covered in dirt and rolling down towards the oblivion of the deep pond that lie in wait.

I watched the ring splash in the mirky, mossy water with a feeling of deep guilt, then returned my gaze to the brown of Carla's eyes which were looking down. I thought she had been ashamed of what she had done but her eyes weren't facing the ground, they were directed at the bulge that had been forming in my denims without me noticing. Her head faced back up and shot him a smirk. I recoiled in a blush.

She continued working her shirt, third button, fourth button. She was getting antsy, she had never been so wet in her life, something about me today seemed to make me irresistible to her. She was anticipating what was coming and what would be coming soon. Carla pulled off her shirt and let it float to the ground revealing her white bra, it was an odd and welcomed contrast to her black outfit and dark fur but a welcoming site to me.

I pulled her, wrapping my arms around her back, my tongue once again slid into her mouth, her taste was delicious. I fumbled for a moment, not being as familiar as I'd like to be with the female bra, it seemed to be connected to her. After a few embarrassing moments the last clasp came unhooked. I pulled back and let the article fall to the grass.

Her breasts were perfect, two forms of the ideal woman figure stood right out in front of her. Perfect. They were covered in a coat of glistening black hair and her nipples were hard. She arched her back to show them off to her admiring fan. A few seconds later I noticed that I had been admiring them a little too long, I broke his gaze and looked back up at Carla embarrassed. I took off my shirt like it had a wasp's nest in it and threw it to the side. My brown fur hugged his firm chest and he stood there, trying the best I could to look as sexy as I could.

I put my paw on the brim of my hat and lifted it a little as I started to take it off, Carla put her paw on mine to stop me. "Leave it on." She said with a sly grin. She brought her paw to her breast and began to use my paw to massage it gently. I thought back to earlier that day, and old woman had sold me this hat at a garage sale for a quarter saying, "That hat there will make you irresistible to women." I know I was a joke but, I couldn't help but smile. It was a green beret with a small rim in the front. It had a metallic red star sown on above the rim and the sun made it shine in a hypnotizing way. My mind had wandered too much I needed to focus at the matter at hand.

This was all new to both of us, neither of us really knew what to do so there was a pause in our actions. Carla broke the stillness and crouched down onto her knees. She smiled up at me, and I in turn smiled back, she began to work my belt. Pulling it through the loop, my already baggy shorts loosened their grip to my waist and eventually fell down to my ankles. My penis was fully emerged and caused an awkward bulge in my boxer briefs. She placed her paws on my hips and put her fingers into the band and slowly pulled them down. She was genuinely surprised, she had felt it on her leg while cuddling before but had never seen it so close to her, so real. Her panties began getting wet, almost uncomfortably wet. She began getting anxious.

Carla stood back up and leaned in once again. As we made out I slowly massaged Carla's breasts giving her an intense sense of pleasure but she wanted more. She wrapped her paw around my throbbing penis and slowly worked back and forth. The fur on her paw tickled my manhood which seemed to make the moment even more enjoyable. Carla used her other paw to undo her belt, and zip down her zipper. It all seemed like to much work for her, she didn't want to go through all this, she wanted release, and she wanted it now. They stopped the passionate kiss for a moment as Carla lowered her tight blue jeans revealing her white cotton panties, there was a cute red rose embedded in the front. She regained her composer and wrapped her arms around me.

We tried to be as graceful as possible as they lowered themselves onto a tall patch of grass, it was difficult for us both considering how eager we both were for what was coming. We lie down and kissed some more. I took my paw and massaged the bottom of Carla's panties. My paws met the moist cloth and I felt assured of myself, I've done this, I know how to do this part. With a smooth motion my paw found its way inside the cotton sanctuary, I knew exactly what to do. I slowly rubbed her clit for a few minutes, her whole body moved with my hands, gladly excepting the pleasure the four miracle workers' soothing touch. She had to gasp for air a few times and moan into the quiet of the forest to show her appreciation. My middle paw stroked the outside of the slit then found it's way inside the haven it had been looking for, I slowly moved it in and out, in and out. The wet liquid covered my paw the more I worked it, it left a smell in the air that turned me on even more. I had to be inside of this. At least put something besides my paw inside of this. I continued pleasuring her nether regions until finally I felt a little neglected and removed it. Placing both paws inside the hem of her panties I slowly pulled them off, admiring the mix of fur and pink that was placed before me. The flaps of her love spot peeked out of her moist black fur. The hair was dripping wet and she couldn't help but moan a little and say in a quivering voice, "Please, stick it in me..." She seemed to have a look in her eye like she couldn't help herself.

I laid back a bit away from Carla, she looked abandoned and wondered what I was doing. She looked at me with a puzzled face, she was almost there, she didn't want me to stop. "Carla..." I said trying to be as serious as I could in the heat of the moment. "Are you sure you want to do this? Once it's gone, you can never have it back."

At the moment she didn't care, her response came in the form of an action. She pulled me close so our bodies pressed against one another, her heaving breasts pressed firmly against me and the top of my penis in between her legs, only feeling the outer layers of her delicate pussie. "I'm sure." She wrapped her hands around it once more and slowly lowered herself onto its red glory. She let out a gasp as her eyes closed tight, it was bigger than she had judged. "Oh...It hurts so good." She hesitated a bit and breathed heavily it hurt her but she didn't want it to stop. She felt his cock slowly make its way all the way up her narrow love tube.

I didn't struggle as she did this, I let it slide in slowly, it felt so natural and good. She was so tight it choked my cock a bit. The juices that she had formed inside herself lubricated her making it a pleasing entry.

After a few awkward moments we both got the hang of it. I moved myself, my legs positioned on the outside of hers and using my large arms to prop himself up over her. I thrust my large erect penis in and out of her glistening wet pussie. Carla massaged her breast with one hand and gripped a section of grass with the other and struggled not to make to much noise, the pleasure she was experiencing was unlike any she had ever felt before. It was bliss, pure uninterrupted bliss.

Carla's legs spread wider and her eyes tightened even more as she let out all the noise she had been trying to keep in a single ear piercing scream. A milky substance came out of her, dripping in the grass like a waterfall of pure nirvana. The moment she had awaited had come, and so had she. Carla assumed her partner was finished to but moments later a moan came from me as release came, it filled her to the brim. It mixed in and poured out along with her fluids. My arms gave out and I fell, our bodies pressed firmly against each other panting. It was a lot of work, and we were both for some reason glad it was over.

It was a strange feeling for me...I had reached the goal I had been trying to accomplish ever since I knew what sex was. I was no longer a virgin.


We lay entwined within each other, cooling down, thoughts racing through my head. All I could think about was still wanting to end it, even though I had gotten what I wanted... all of the lies I told to her seemed true on some level to me now. We had drifted apart, things were different. I had to let her down easy, it was just time to move on... I knew just what to say.

"Carla I..."

"Allen...I know you want to hook back up but like you said, we're just too different."

What the! No way! I was gonna break it off with her! She can't beat me to the...

I set my natural feelings aside and realized I should be relieved. A truly happy smile ran across my face, "You're right..."

We exchanged a friendly look, a look that hadn't been exchanged between us for nine months. I had a deep sense of closure deep within myself, this was possibly the best break up known to man. I leaned in and kissed her on the cheek and we smiled at each other for a little bit longer.

"Is anyone there?" Came a deep voice from the path below them. "We heard a scream and..." Two figures emerged from the hidden dirt trial, it was Carla's parents, out for a walk. It took them a couple of seconds to contemplate what they were looking at. "Get the fuck off my daughter!" Mr. Howel's muzzle snared and he snarled showing his giant fox teeth.

"Oh shit..." I whispered to myself. I only had a few seconds to think, and rather than grabbing my clothes I grabbed my cell phone and ran through the forest stark naked. I ex-girlfriend's pissed off father right behind him. Well, I was naked, all except for my hat, it's red star with a light reflecting off of the blaze of the setting sun.


K I'm gonna write a second part and like 41234146542 other parts so...keep tabs on meh!