Welcome to the Jungle...Nursery

Story by Terinas on SoFurry

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#1 of Jungle Nursery

Part of the "Naughty" side of my 2016 Stocking Stuffer Update!

This is the prologue to a very silly, very campy, very kinky story involving some of my favorite kinks. The idea crawled into my brain one day, inspired by a Roleplay I had with someone, and wouldn't leave my skull until I committed it to digital paper.Please note that the following piece of creative fiction is rated NS-NDB: Not Suitable for Non-Diaper-Butts! If you're into anything on the ABDL spectrum, you might enjoy this story. If you are not, you might be better off looking to get your jollies elsewhere. Or not. I'm not your mom, I can't exactly tell you what to read or not to read.

The next bit of this story, "Part 1: Jacob", will be uploaded tomorrow at or around Midnight, CST, along with the other submissions in the Stocking Stuffer Update. I'll also probably go back to this description then and add a link to the next part of this story too, so that it's easier to navigate. This submission, however, is a present Naughty Little Furs get to unwrap early!

As always, if you enjoy this story, please Fave or Comment on it, and if you're excited to see more from me, feel free to watch my account! Your enthusiasm encourages me to write more!

An Entirely Too Niche-y Kinky Story by Terinas Tiger


It all started in a darkened room. The only light coming from a single flat screen monitor. Fetish porn displayed on the LCD in front of him, a young man sighed in bliss. A hand moved to his cock, already slick and drooling. His breathing intensified as he began to beat himself off in the dark. In a matter of minutes, he tossed his head back, and groaned. His relief, his release, spurted out, getting on his shirt, on his underwear, and on the keyboard of this computer. Bathing in the afterglow, he slumped back in a well used computer chair. His eyes unfocused, his breathing heavy. He failed to notice the cum on his keyboard simply vanishing.

A ritual had been performed. A price had been paid. A bargain the young man never even understood he was making, accepted.

"Hmmm... a keyboard as an altar? Its unheard of, but I suppose one must change with the times..."

The front door took some doing to get opened. The snow had been falling all night, and no one had done the grown up thing and gotten up early to shovel it off.

Then again, Louis had grown accustomed to sleeping in. He worked a night shift job, so even on his days off, getting up before noon was a rarity. But still, he wished his roommates had bothered clearing up the snow before leaving for their jobs. It would have been nice.

At twenty four years of age, Louis was just a hair's breadth out of his college years. Unsurprisingly, no one wanted to pay an English major for what they were qualified for, so he had settled, with some gnashing of teeth, for stocking shelves at Wage-Mart. With a sigh, he pulled the hood of a winter coat over his mess of brown hair. Hadn't even had coffee yet, but he was going to get the mail. After all, someone had to take charge and be responsible, and his roommates had their lives even less together than he did. "Man... how did I ever end up being 'the responsible one'..." He grumbled, a deep, scratchy voice echoing into the suburban snowfield as he trudged out of the house.

It was a long cold walk to the mailbox, which was on the other side of a snowy, half-plowed street. Snowflakes danced around him as he trudged along the driveway, into the street, and across it to the white-frosted blue mailbox. Opening it, he found it practically jammed with letters, fliers, and packages. Far more than the four people splitting his house ever got. "Ok. Let's see what we got in here." Louis pulled his bit, puffy black winter glove off and shoved his meaty fist inside the mailbox, grabbing everything. With a tug, he pulled everything out, going through it as he stood in the snow. "Bills, a few christmas cards, a weird package with a note taped to it addressed... to... me?" He picked up a small brown package, with a note taped down firmly onto it. Pulling a knife out from the pocket of his coat, he cut the note free, ripping the brown wrapping paper as he did. So focused was Louis on the note that he didn't notice that the contents hidden underneath the wrapping paper were glowing.

The note was quickly unfolded. Louis read it out loud, mostly just to hear himself talk.


The Lord of Lusts has seen the offerings one of those in your house has made on the Altar of Spank, and is well pleased with them!

In his infinite graciousness, he has accepted the tribute offered by one of the strapping young men in your household. As per the terms of our ancient ritual, he is willing to bring to life the deepest, darkest, dirtiest desires held in the hearts of the pious one you live with! The Fetish Genies of the mystical lands of Kink and Perv whom serve him have determined that you, his roommate, are one of the closest objects of his desires. And as such, you have been chosen to be the Vessel for the powers needed to grant his lewd wish!

Enclosed in this box is everything you will need to bring his fantasies to life!

Enjoy, and keep warm out there! We recommend snuggling up against multiple bodies to share body heat. <3


Poundem, Harrde, & Fasse, Servants of the Lord of Lusts."_

Louis raised an eyebrow. "Um. Is this a prank? Some kind of joke? Why would this be addressed to me?" Reaching down, he tore away at the brown wrapping paper concealing the package, tearing it away to reveal the glowing thing underneath. He stared at it, his eyes wide. "What the heck is this?"

And then, tendrils of glowing, shimmering, rainbow light shot out of the glowing package and enveloped him.

Louis fell to the ground, gasping and panting. His body convulsed in the snow, as body hair grew where there was no body hair before. Muscles knitted and a new appendage pushed it's way out of the back of his body, sliding down along one leg of his pants. Gritting his suddenly sharper teeth, the changing man growled, his voice growing deeper. His body swelled outward, his winter outfit tearing as he grew taller and wider. Fortunately, his body had much more hair to keep it warm now.

And after a few moments, the package was gone. The thing that once was Louis stood up, shredded remains of a winter coat and pajamas falling off of it. He looked at a paw, flexing it. A set of claws shot out. He felt a large muzzle contorting into a hungry, fangy smile. A deep, baritone voice echoed out of his jaws. "I ONCE was a straight man. But now..." He smiled, walking buck naked back towards the building that would become his den.

Strolling back towards the house, he patted his chest. "Oh the weather outside is frightful..." He sang in a deep, bassy voice, as he walked to the front door Snowflakes swirled around him, gripping it. The door was the first thing that needed to be changed. So many things were going to change. He gripped the knob, pushing his new desires into it. Changing it, ever so slightly. Making it better.

This was going to be fun.

Three cars pulled into the snowy, unplowed driveway. The intensity of the snowing had increased, thick sleet pouring down upon the cars as they parked, windshield wipers slowing to a grudging halt.

Jacob got out of his car first, a steel chain running from a pocket to the hem of his black jeans. "Hey, what gives! My garage door opener isn't working." Clutching his arms against the black padding of his winter coat, he tossed his deep black hair and scowled. "We drew straws and agreed, I get the garage spot this week!"

After a few moments, the door of a light green Hyundai convertible opened. Brown haired Marcus pushed a pair of deep blue sunglasses up the brim of his nose as he shook his head. "It's not a matter of who gets it. Use your brain a bit, Jacob." He pointed a gloved hand up at the windows of the house. "Look up there. Every window is fogged up. Something odd's going on." He shivered in the cold. Marcus was thin, and his orange winter parka wasn't nearly as thick as the other man's winter coat. "Mmmm... let me try the keypad and see if we can get the garage door open that way. Maybe the battery just burned out in your opener." He hurried up the snow-slick driveway towards a small tan pad on the right side of the garage door.

"Hm? Is something wrong, guys?" Daniel climbed out of the front of his minivan, in a sporty blue skiing coat. "My garage door opener wasn't working." Unlike Jacob and Marcus, he'd been off on a skiing trip. His gear was still stowed in the back of his van. "Wait, are your garage door openers not working either?" His breath froze as it left his mouth, rising up into the sky.

"Yeah." Jacob scowled. He loomed over Daniel, easily a foot taller than the thinner, scrawnier man. "Did you bring your key to the front door? I usually leave mine at home."

"That's a bad habit, Jacob." Daniel chuckled. "What if there was an emergency? I've got mine. It's on my keyring with everything else." Reaching into the pocket of his coat, he pulled out a keyring with a few lego figures dangling from it, as well as a plethora of different metal keys.

"Good. We may end up needing it." Marcus sighed, shivering as he walked back to join the two other men. "The keypad isn't working. Whatever's going on, it's not just our garage door openers. It would have been strange had all of them stopped working at once. But still a coincidence. But with the windows fogged up? The driveway unshoveled, as if our roommate didn't bother to do it. And to top it all off, Louis not responding to my calls..." He tilted his head down, looking over the brim of his shades at the other two men. "I think there might actually be an emergency in our home, gentlemen."

Daniel blinked. "You think so?" His hand darted to his pocket, fondling his cell phone. "Should we call the police?"

This was met with a dismissive head shake from Marcus, his muddy brown bangs bouncing along his head. "We don't know what's going on yet. It could just be a hot water pipe burst and short out the electricity or something. Let's just use your key to get inside and go from there."

"What, you don't take your door key with you everywhere too?" Daniel put his hands on his hips. "That's really immature, guys."

Marcus snorted. "Well..."

Jacob snarled and stomped a foot into the snow, sending flakes of it scattering in every direction under his black army boot. "Let's just get inside already! I'm freezing here!"

The walk to the trio's front door was a brief one, but with the sheer amount of snow on the ground, slightly tricky. Several times Daniel or Marcus almost slipped and fell. Once, Jacob even had to catch Marcus. Fortunately, the slender man was the lightest weight of the three of them. But they made it to the front door, each shivering slightly. Staring at it for a moment as Daniel fussed with the keys on his keyring, they took in an odd sight.

"Uhh... guys? When did our door have a sign hanging on the front of it?" Daniel raised an eyebrow, pointing at a woodblock sign, the letters carved into the material, and painted with shades of emerald, orange, and blue. The letters were carved in an alphabet block font, with flowers and a little wood carved toucan all around them.

"Jungle... Nursery..." Jacob narrowed his eyes. "What the hell even does that mean?" He scowled, kicking at some of the offending snow beneath them on the stoop.

Marcus sighed. "Louis must have put it up. We can ask him why once we get inside. Got the key, Daniel?"

Daniel nodded, some of his ash-blonde hair poking out from under his blue woolen cap. "Right here! Lemme just turn the lock, and..."

As if on cue, the door slowly started to drift open. A wave of hot air and humidity washed over them all as the door drifted ajar. Daniel's key hadn't even reached the lock. The three men exchanged a look.

Clearing his throat, Daniel looked between his two comrades. "Ok. Anyone else starting to get a horror movie vibe here? Just me? Anyone? Anyone?"

To his right, Marcus was trembling. His teeth chattered as he looked over at Daniel. "Courage, man! We at least need to look inside. Louis could need our help. What if he had a heart attack or something?"

Jacob nodded. "Yeah. Besides, it's at least -4 in here. It's WARM in there."

Daniel shoved his keys back into his pocket and scowled. "Fine. But the second we see some big fierce monster out to eat our brains, I'm bolting for it."

The entryway was a small hallway leading off in three different directions. Although the floor was tiled, someone had covered the floor with fuzzy emerald floor mats. None of the tile was visible as the three men walked in. Looking around, the mask of irritation fell from Jacob's expression. "Guys? Is it me, or are there a lot of potted plants around here?" Around the walls, several tropical ferns, small trees, and even some flowers had been set around. Enough of them to cover the wallpaper: bits and pieces of the design were still visible, but most of it was obscured by shades of green leaves and brown bark. There were even some scattered around the floor. As Marcus walked across the room, eager to get out of the cold, he nearly kicked over a bright pink pastel flower set in a pot along the center of the floor.

He bent down to look at it. "Huh. Some sort of begonia." Marcus slid his orange winter gloves off and felt one of the petals. "Feels real, too. Curious."

Daniel shut the door behind them, nearly slamming the red metal door. "Ok, it's official, our roommate's lost it. How did he even afford all this?"

A deep, baritone voice roared out through the whole house. "BUT THE FIIIIRRRRRE IS SOOOO DELIGHTFUL!"

The three exchanged looks again. "Was that- Louis?" Jacob kneeled down to take his boots off. "It sounded like him, but that was really deep for him. Maybe he has a sore throat or something?"

Marcus took off his metallic blue sunglasses, tucking them into a pocket in his tan coat. "Something's definitely wrong here. It's nearly hot enough to be the tropics in here." He looked over at Daniel, then moved to gaze at Jacob, his hazel eyes meeting each of theirs. "We need to find Louis and figure out what's going on. I think he might have a screw loose or something. Let's split up. Jacob, take the stairs up and hit the second floor. Daniel, look around here and see if you can find the thermostat. If we don't turn the heat down, we'll be getting reamed on our next heating bill. I'll go into the basement and see if any pipes burst. And maybe he's down there for some inane reason."

"Right!" Jacob nodded.

"Oh come on! Splitting up?" Daniel looked around the entryway, gritting his teeth. "Isn't this like the mistake every horror movie group ever does?"

Jacob rolled his eyes. "It's a two story suburban house, not some big abandoned mansion, dude."

Marcus nodded. "Just keep your eyes open and your wits about you. If you see anyone strange, or find Louis, just shout."

Narrowing his eyes, Daniel sighed. "Ugh, fine. If I become a ghost, I'm haunting you both."

And then the three men went their separate ways, into the steamy, humid house.