Some Kind of VIP [Request]

Story by Lukas Kawika on SoFurry

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My lioness friend requested a story from me of her getting double-teamed by a pair of coyote musician brothers! I had fun with this but was a little unsure about it. oh well.

Maybe you'll see these two again. ;3 everyone seems to love brothers. Lioness Myr gets to know these two coyotes quite well in her short time after meeting them.

Check out my Patreon!

If there was one thing Myrelliah hated about concerts, it would have to be the kind of people that somehow found their way in. Not her, of course: she knew very well what annoyed her, and as a result tried beyond her best to avoid doing those things to others, save for when she just wanted to spite someone. Things like - coveting someone's spot on the front rail, and pushing against them until they give it up; being so drunk that 'balance' and 'personal space' become foreign things of unimaginable complexity, somehow; pretending not to hear or understand at all when someone asks a question...

...and, the worst of all she'd encountered so far - when her friend as well as ride to and from tonight's show had disappeared halfway through the first opening group. He'd said he'd had to piss, but when he hadn't returned in thirty minutes... Myrelliah wouldn't have thought to check the parking lot, had he not done this to her once before already. Sure enough, though, the spot they'd taken upon arriving had since emptied.

So that killed the better part of her mood, especially considering how that friend had first been all excited and whatever to come to this show, and had Myrelliah purchase the tickets for both of them. That'd be about fifty dollars that she wouldn't be getting back. The lioness really didn't feel like dealing with the crowds in her current mood, so she just hung back near the bar and the tables. The group currently playing didn't really line up with her taste in music, either.

Well, at least the whole thing had sounded like a good idea. Myrelliah downed whatever remained in her glass, watched the group on stage for another few minutes, and then turned to head towards the merchandise tables; maybe there'd be someone there that could lift her mood, as much as she disliked the idea of going out of her way to start a conversation. The roar of the crowd, the somewhat-discordant music blasting through all of the monitors hanging from the ceiling and standing along the walls, the thumping of feet on the floor, the clinking of glasses... the merch tables were actually a bit out of the way, in a hallway adjacent to the main stage.

At first, the bright yellowish lights in the ceiling burned at her eyes, a painful contrast to the near-total darkness except for stage lights in the main area - and when her eyes did adjust, at first she thought she'd wandered into the wrong place. With every other concert she had been to, the merch tables tended to be just short of overrun at any time during the show as a sort of given, but - this one...

A pair of canids sat alone at one of the tables, one with his chin resting atop a stack of t-shirts while the other leaned back in his foldable chair. That one's ears perked up - one of them looked ragged and tattered, as if it had been torn off halfway up - and he elbowed the one beside him, who grumbled and also lifted a torn ear.

"Tyler-" said the one sitting up. "We got someone!" And, then, to Myrelliah: "Howdy! Y' here to buy somethin'?"

Only then did it click: these two were the leads for the first opening band, some sort of... bluesy kind of thing, slow-paced guitar and lurching lyrics. It was the faces she recognized, as their speaking voices - what she'd heard of them so far, at least - had nothing on the way they sang. Still, though, that same country spice carried through.

"...Um." Myrelliah flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder and looked further down the hallway. If she remembered right, the setlist showed four bands playing tonight - and to match that, four tables stood side-by-side here, the other three empty. "You're..."

The other canid lifted his head, and then nudged his partner with his elbow. "See? Told ya. She don't know. Betcha she wasn't even there to see us play..."

Her round ears perked at this, and she half-lifted a paw. "Oh! No, no, I've been here since the start - I thought you guys were..." ...Well. "...Good."

The first of them brightened up again, with his bushy tail wagging through the space in the back of his chair. Even in this light the lioness could clearly see the smooth green color of his eyes, green like moss coating a tree - and about as opaque, too. Still, though, whether these two were coyotes or just skinny wolves, she couldn't tell, and she'd been too busy waiting for her friend to come back to pay attention to them while they played.

"Aw, yeah? Damn, thanks, ma'am-" Here, he extended his paw. Almost without thinking (it was how she was raised, after all!) Myrelliah took it and shook, and then was surprised to feel a grip as strong as her own. That was a rare occurrence. "An' I'm flattered that 'cha decided to take the time to come by us here. As you can see, there's, uh... not many people willing to do that... eh. I'm Theo." He smacked the other coyote on the shoulder, causing him to jerk forward against the table. Similarly green eyes opened, then, and glared at him. "This is my brother, Tyler. I'm the older one, and also the better singer."

"And you still make me lead on two-thirds of the songs," Tyler grumbled. "Got half a mind to whoop you like Mom did."

"That happened once, okay? Anyway - look, we got a customer, so why don'tcha-"

"If by 'once' you mean 'once a day'..."

Theo rested his elbows on the table and leaned forward, sharp fangs glittering in the light as he grinned. "So! Don't think I ever caught 'cher name, miss. To what pleasure?"

There was just something about the two of them that fiercely held her attention, that made her ears stand straight up and had her tailtip flicking around her behind her. That bright, sincere grin, those asymmetric ears on the both of them - and the way that Tyler, still with his chin on the shirts, flicked his green eyes away from her as soon as she shifted her gaze to him. "Myr. I'm Myr."

"Myr, huh? That's a good name. Yes sir. Me n' my brother here - we used to have a great-aunt named Moira. That's kind of similar, huh?"

Tyler let out a noise somewhere between a scoff and a grunt. "No it ain't, Teddy. Maybe if you're drunk..."

"So, Myr." Theo leaned back in his chair, folding his paws in his lap beneath the table. He wore a plaid button-up flannel totally in contrast to everything else about him, and tucked into his blue jeans beneath a leather belt. About what the lioness had expected, hearing the twang in his voice. "You'd rather spend time with us dirty coyotes than be out there for Chrome Nipple, huh? Even I gotta admit, their music ain't for everyone..."

Chrome Nipple - that was the group that currently played on-stage, their bass drum kicks and low guitar lines rattling through the walls and floor. "Yeah. I mean-" She jerked her thumb over her shoulder. "My buddy, my ride here, kinda... disappeared. Went home without telling me. So I'm kinda stranded, and just... you know. Looking around."

"Aw, damn. Y'aint got a ride home, then?" Theo's ears half-lowered, and Tyler once again looked over at the lioness. Where the older of the brothers was missing half of his left ear, the younger only had half of his right - and Tyler's looked like a much cleaner cut, for whatever reason. "Well, in that case - I 'unno. I could give you a ride. We both could. Right, Ty?"

Myr looked between the two coyotes. After a few seconds, Tyler finally sat up - but still his ears remained half-down, as did his whiskers. "Wait-" the lioness said. "You're serious?"

"'Course I am! I mean, we were 'bout to start packing up anyway - venue's weird-ass rules state that no two bands can be selling merch at the same time, and Chrome Nipple's about to finish. Fuckin' weird, considering how there's tables for all've us here... ah, well. Here, let's go. There's a - back exit right down the hall... we'll have to hang out a bit afterwards 'til we get the all-clear to go; I hope that's alright with you, miss Myr..."

~ ~ ~

With the deepening night came a sharp encroaching cold, the kind that made the lioness bring her arms up around her chest and clench her jaw to keep her teeth from chattering too much. The brothers didn't seem at all bothered, though: sure, they still walked a bit close together, elbows and shoulders bumping and brushy tails running across one another - a few of their songs had been about 'childhood in Wis-kan-sin, greyer 'n Mom's pea soup', to be fair.

This whole thing was just a little bit... surreal, though. The feeling of personally meeting and talking with a pair of somewhat-successful musicians was something the lioness could easily get over; she'd long known a few friends of her own that had since made it large in the local scene. But - to be invited back to their tour bus, to hang out and hitch a ride home... well, see how her flake of a friend tonight would feel about that. Maybe she'd even get some pictures.

Besides, there was just something about these two. Myrelliah trailed a short distance behind them across the parking lot, both to let them lead her as well as to watch as they spoke: despite all the sour glares and barbed quips Tyler consistently threw at his brother, whenever Theo spoke directly to him, he kept his ears and whiskers up and even let the occasional smile through. It was only through this that she noticed one of his front fangs had been broken halfway along its length, giving him a bit of a lopsided look.

Charming, of course - yes ma'am and no ma'am and the accent and all - but...

A few minutes later, the grating noise of a door on its hinges startled the lioness out of her thoughts, and she looked up to see Theo leaning out from inside the bus. Another few seconds and there was the rattling of drawers from further inside.

"Welcome to - ah - Casa del T," the coyote drawled, and offered a long-clawed paw down. Myrelliah took it; just like when he'd offered that paw in greeting, his grip was firm, warm. "Mom always had faith in Ty n' me - moral obligation, bein' a mother n' all - but even we didn't think we'd make it this far, I don't think. Sure, she's a rental, an' we gotta keep her reasonably clean - hard as that might be with us bein' 'yotes, I know - but, still. Nice, huh?"

It really was. Carpeted floors, finished cabinets, spacious enough for the three of them, and probably a few more too. A pile of blankets lay across one of the couches hanging out from the wall, despite a bed clearly being visible in the next compartment. Near the back of the bus, Tyler's sand-tan tail could be seen flicking around from past the corner. "Yeah, I-"

"Teddy!" the younger coyote called. Myrelliah lifted her nose to the air: smelled like... ginger, maybe? A dry spice, biting but not unpleasant, gentle. Beneath all that lingered the characteristic dull bite of alcohol. "We all outta Fireball?"

"My bad!" Theo shouted back. Then, with a sheepish grin to the lioness: "Gosh, I apologize for my little brother's rudeness. Would you like a drink, ma'am?"

Only now did she realize that he still held her other paw - but, just as soon as she did, did his fingers drop from hers. His claws tracing across her palm sent a shiver rippling through her body. "No, thank you."

"Anything I can get you, then?"

But, again, from the other end of the bus: "C'mere! Teddy!"

"Oh my God." Theo rolled his eyes. "Sorry, Myr. Ah - make yourself at home, alright? We gotta hang around a bit 'til after the other groups are done, so it might be a while. We'll be on our way after that, though. -Coming!"

The lioness took another few moments to just look around, taking everything in, and then lowered herself into one of the soft padded chairs. She never really knew what to do with herself in small social situations, especially when dealing with strangers - and she hoped that this wasn't obvious. Whether Theo's open friendliness was out of habit or instead a way to make her feel more at ease, she couldn't tell. Tyler, though...

The younger coyote slid into the seat opposite her, across the table sticking up out of the floor. He visibly had to put effort into keeping his ear-and-a-half upright, and green eyes on her muzzle. The table creaked beneath the pressure of his elbows. "Teddy told me I need to make friends with you," he said. He had a lower voice than his older brother, and spoke more quietly as well. Myrelliah had to lean forward over the table a little to hear him properly. "So. Uh. Hi. I'm Tyler. I'm the younger one."

The lioness frowned. "'Teddy'... why do you call him that?"

Those ears flicked right back down, and Tyler averted his gaze. A gentle rosy pink warmed the flesh of his ears as well as the fur beneath his chin, and he slid his arms off the table into his lap. "It's... Uh." Long, broad pink tongue came out and dragged across his lips, then disappeared again into his muzzle. "When we were little pups, he wanted to be called that. So I did. It's kinda - a habit that, uh... never wore off. I think I'm the only one who calls him that still. Mom stopped after he went off on 'er once - 'Jiminy, Mom, I ain't a puppy anymore!'... ah..."

As he spoke, his ears gradually came back up, and that little smile returned to the corners of his lips. His green eyes fixed on Myrelliah's muzzle, held there for a moment, and then shifted away again. Once more, he licked his lips.

Myr returned the smile. "It's cute."

Of course, that made his ears flatten down again - and just as suddenly as he'd slid into that chair did he stand up and start towards the back of the bus again, but then stopped himself and turned on his heel. The lioness watched him pace back and forth, his paws shoved into the pockets of his jeans.

"Where'd Theo go?"

"I - needed him to get something down from the top shelf. He's changing now. Something more comfortable."

"It is kind of warm in here..." Myrelliah turned to take her hoodie off, but before she could, another pair of coyote paws rested on her wrists. She looked up to see dark green eyes avoiding hers.

Tyler coughed. "Teddy'd - be yellin' at me 'bout my manners... may I - help you with your jacket?"

"Oh. Yeah - I mean..." The words came out of her mouth before she could think about them. That faint dry ginger-like spice hovered gently off of this coyote in front of her, with the tourmaline eyes and the half-ear and half-fang. "Sure. Let me... just..."

One of Tyler's paws came around to caress her back as she made her way out of the chair, and again she felt sharp, gentle claws in her fur. There was a little bit of a shake in his paws as he slid her hoodie off her shoulders and down her arms, and when his fingers brushed against hers, he jerked that paw to the side - and, of course, avoided making eye contact. That little blush in his cheeks and ears hadn't yet gone away, though unlike before, now his whiskers remained straight out and - twitching with his nostrils in small, silent inhalations. He was tasting her scent just as she had his.

This was a position Myrelliah hadn't been in for a while. There was more on the coyote's mind, too: even after he'd slid her hoodie off, he kept his paws hovering at the curve of her hips, right where her golden fur could be seen beneath the high-cut hem of her shirt. She'd worn that shirt tonight with the intention of drawing looks to her cute tummy, and - looks like it was doing its job.

Talk about a burst of confidence. Myrelliah straightened up, at the same time pushing her chest a little bit closer to Tyler's muzzle; he noticed as soon as it happened and leaned back, but didn't move his feet. The lioness's hoodie hung loosely from his other paw. "Hey, Ty?"

He jumped a little at hearing his name. "Yeah?"

"What's the story behind your ear?" Myrelliah reached forward, touched the clean-cut edge with a fingerpad - and then did so again, seeing how it made him shiver. Just like the touch of sharp claws against her own skin. "I mean, I noticed your brother's but - yours looks almost... deliberate."

A higher voice, from behind this coyote: "That's because it was."

Myrelliah glanced around him to see Theo walking back down the hall, now totally shirtless with his belt hanging open. As if she didn't already think it was warm in here. Tyler looked back at him, too, and then stepped to the side, dropping his paws to his side.

Theo hung his arm around Tyler's shoulder, which only made his blush deepen. The way Tyler's ears stood upright, how his tail flicked around behind him, how his eyes could not remain focused in any one place for longer than half a second... "When I was younger, I got in a bit of an accident - that's a whole story of its own. Ended up takin' half my ear and most a' the skin on the left side of my face. Can't see it now, thank the lord, but still... Ty here," Theo knocked a knuckle against his brother's chest, "- worried fuckin' sick. He'd never called me before, but then all've a sudden I'm getting two a day - 'hey, Teddy, it's Ty, how are you feeling?'; 'Me again, are you doing okay? Do you need anything?' - tellin' ya, it was the cutest thing."

Tyler folded his arms around his chest and shrunk into himself a little. "Teddy..."

"And then-" As he spoke, Theo continued to step closer to the lioness, his arm around his brother forcing Tyler to come with him. Myrelliah remained in place; honestly, she liked the little glitter in those green eyes. "When I get outta the hospital, this fucker's missing half his other ear. Won't look me in the face, all embarrassed - kinda like he is now. I had to learn from his girlfriend at the time that he'd cut it off himself, as a kind of... I dunno. Tribute? Said it'd look cool." He reached up and flicked at Tyler's half-ear, earning the same response out of him that Myrelliah had. "And, honestly? I think it does. But - that's beside the point. Need help getting out of that, miss?"

"Oh, no, Tyler just - I mean-" ...but then Myrelliah realized what he'd mean. Half-lidded eyes, sleepy smile, arm around his brother's shoulder - and that shirtless chest, fur looking like waves drawn by wind in sand... this time, it was the lioness's turn to blush. "Yes. I do."

As if on trigger, the coyotes separated and moved around her, the older one in front and younger behind, and then there were two sets of paws on her body. Part of her wondered if this was something they'd talked out in that short time they had spent in the back of the bus, and yet another part thought and felt that this was all spur-of-the-moment... and honestly, she couldn't tell which scenario enticed her more.

It was actually Tyler who was the first to start removing her clothing, hooking his fingers beneath the hem of her shirt from behind and gently tugging up. The lioness lifted her arms in response and half-tilted her head - the younger coyote would have to stand on his tiptoes to get it fully off of her - and when she opened her eyes again, she received a brief kiss on the nose from Theo that just melted whatever reluctance still thrummed within her, and whose deft fingers worked at the button and zipper of her pants. She'd heard that coyotes were fast...

"This okay with you, ma'am?" he drawled, in his smooth silk voice. "I understand if y' wanna go a little slower - dunno if you were listening during our show, but we can do slow as well."

"No, no..." Myrelliah purred. Her bra unhooked from behind and hung down off of her breasts for a moment, before Theo brought up a finger to knock it loose. Then it was her pants being tugged down her legs, with her favorite remaining around her hips - until Theo slid his thumbs beneath the waistband. "This is fine, I think..."

Warm breath exhaling over her shoulders, over her lower back, across the base of her tail - and then those panties were tugged down in back, to make room for Teddy's muzzle up beneath her tail. Myrelliah couldn't help but pull in a little gasp at the feeling of his warm, soft lips up against her, tongue soon to follow against the puckered rim of her tailhole - and she ended up reaching her arms out against Theo in front of her, who moved one paw up to gently grip her elbow.

"Tyler's pretty good with his tongue," the older coyote cooed. Where his paws had originally been on her hips about to drop her under down to her pants around her ankles, now they rubbed slow circles along her sides and gradually traced up towards the middle of her chest. "You wouldn't believe how many times I've told 'im that. You know how some people are with compliments, though."

A pair of paws on her rump keeping her spread while the coyote continued to press his nose up against the base of her tail, tongue swirling around and gently digging into her. Theo's grin just continued to grow as his brother squeezed more sounds out of her, and as she dug her claws into his arm. This was a new feeling, one that sent weird little electric shivers up her back and forced her, unconsciously, to raise her long tail - even though one of Tyler's paws around the base already kept it lifted out of the way as he spread her.

"There we go, there we go..." Theo breathed, once more letting his fingers trickle down her sides and catch against the waistband of her panties, half-lowered down her thighs. "Can I ask if you can keep standin' on your own? Or do you still needa hold on to me?"

"I can-" Myrelliah gripped at his arms. Along the way she had started to half-lean over, to push her rump more firmly back against the muzzle grinding and digging up into her, that tongue steadily poking at the tightness of her tailhole. "-handle myself, thank you... why?"

Theo started lowering himself down before he replied. Paws running down her thighs, he brought her panties with him... and then, his eyes focused on her in front of him, and he licked his lips. "I wanna get a taste too."

Two pairs of paws, two pairs of lips, two tongues... it was all the lioness could do not to let her knees buckle beneath her, then, when one of those tongues slid up between her legs, dragged across her already-arousal-slickened lips. It felt almost as though Theo purposely mimicked Tyler's actions, swirling his tongue around her, pursing his lips and pressing more firmly into her... one of their tails brushed and tickled against her ankle, but whose, she couldn't tell. Her eyes refused to stay open for longer than a second and a half before one of the brothers did something else that made her shiver all over again, or caused her to reach out and grab onto one of their heads for balance.

Surreal indeed. Not ten minutes ago was she wondering if she'd get to know these two better, and then - now...

"God," she managed, her breath coming and going in uneven huffs. Theo kept her lips spread with his thumbs, lapping his tongue up along her and over her clit again and again and bringing her taste back into his muzzle. "Do you two - always do things like this together-?"

"We're brothers," the older coyote replied, his breath washing out over her front. Tyler, however, said nothing; he moved back away from her tailhole, gently pressed the pad of his thumb against the saliva-slickened skin, and then replaced that thumb again with his tongue. Myrelliah sucked in another gasp. "We try to whenever we can. After all, we've been touring for a while now - we've long since gotten used to doing things with and around each other..." He dragged his tongue up between her lips again, and briefly swirled it around her clit. The lioness's grip tightened on the back of his head.

From below her came a slight rustling and rattling, and she looked down to see Tyler reaching forward between her legs to undo his brother's pants. Theo, kneeling, lifted his hips up and tilted his muzzle back to watch as well, tracing his tongue over his own lips to lap off her slickness. With two mouths originally pressing against her from either side, suddenly having none felt odd - especially when she could still feel the little trembles and tingles of pleasure. Whether it was one coyote's saliva, the other's, or her own arousal that dripped down her inner thigh, she couldn't tell.

Theo noticed it too, though, and leaned forward to lick it off - as soon as his brother's paws worked his cock out through the hole of his underwear. Then he rose to his feet again, intentionally grinding his length against Myrelliah's front once he came to his full height about half a head above her, as opposed to Tyler's half a head below.

"Wouldja believe it," Theo said, ears and whiskers relaxed. Myrelliah could see her own slickness caught in the fur around his lips and on his chin. "If I were to tell you that Ty's the more dominant one, between the two 'f us?"

"Would you believe it," mumbled the other coyote behind her, suddenly close to her ear. A clawed finger tapped against her upper thigh; she raised her foot up and kicked her discarded underwear and pants off to the side, leaving her totally naked between these two brothers. "If I were to tell you that Teddy prefers bottoming...?"

Theo lowered his paws to her hips, and turned her around to face his brother. As a natural response, she lifted her tail back up again upon feeling the heat of the older coyote's length taking the place where Tyler's tongue had been a few seconds ago. He touched the tip of his head up against her tailhole, paws still on her hips, and angled himself down with a thumb - and started to lift up into her, slowly. This time, she reached out and dug her claws into Tyler's shoulders, as the younger brother leaned down to hook his arms around her legs.

A moment of weightlessness - and then she was being lifted up, supported in front by the arms around her thighs and in back by the other coyote, one paw reaching around to squeeze her breast while his other remained beneath her tail, slowly stroking his length as he continued to press into her. A short distance at a time, stretching her slightly, pushing further in - and then he started to pull back out, careful not to move too quickly; he started a slow, easy rhythm with this, his forward movements pushing the lioness forward against the other coyote.

Still Tyler avoided eye contact, even as he rubbed the underside of his own cock against the lioness's slick lips - he must have undone his pants along the way, and she just hadn't noticed. Too hard to tell now, but Myrelliah always figured that brothers should be fairly similar in size... maybe later in the night, she'd be able to get a good look at them side by side. Sometimes it was hard to judge at times like this, with her mind and thoughts already consumed and muddled by a hundred other things-

One pressure sinking up under her tail, a new feeling, a slight discomfort mixed with pain atop a deeper pleasure; and then a second pressure between her legs, familiar, slick. As they each sunk further into her, Myrelliah had to draw a slower, deeper breath between her clenched teeth. This was a position she'd seen before - one guy on either side, the one in front holding the middle's legs up, the middle's arm hooked around the shoulders of the one behind - but she'd never expected it to happen to herself.

She'd thought about it, certainly. Thought about it many times while beneath the blankets of her bed, one paw down between her legs with her fingers rubbing up against herself, squeezing around her wrist with her breath catching in her throat... but she'd never actually expected it.


"Easy, easy..." Theo purred into her ear. His voice sounded a little strained, and every time he shifted the motion of his hips to tug down out of her, his breath hitched briefly on his lips. Tyler had his legs spread so he could drive up into the lioness at the same time as his brother - and Myrelliah felt almost certain that the two of them grinded against one another beneath her. That would be something she'd like to see. "Never a lot of - space... just let us know if you want us to slow down, ma'am..."

Such an odd mix of things rippling through her, hot sweet pleasure and the slight burning pain of being stretched wider mingling in her lower body. Tyler hadn't quite shoved his tongue up past the rim of her tailhole, but he'd certainly teased at it - just as Theo certainly wasn't lacking girth. Myrelliah looked down, swallowed, licked her lips... and wriggled herself down a little bit further onto the brothers, Tyler continued to slide up between her lips, his thumb tracing around her clit.

That was one way to kickstart her towards an orgasm - that slow, gentle kind of touching. One time she had her legs spread in the lap of a mutual friend with an otter she knew well, and that otter's tongue right up against and around her clit in much the same way... and it took maybe two minutes, if that, for her to buck her hips forward and end up soaking that otter's muzzle in her climax. Of course, the two of them didn't stop there: at some point during the night, they had apparently agreed to push the lioness as far as they could, and figure out all of the spots and things to do to make her squirm and moan...

...just like the moan that squeezed its way out from between her teeth once Theo started to lift up into her again. Half his length at least, and still sinking in further, further - until he had to pull down on her upper body to bring her further down onto him. She couldn't help but clench and squeeze around the both of them with every little movement, which in turn only caused them to press more firmly into her - until first one coyote hilted beneath her tail, hips against her rump, followed by the other.

Tyler leaned forward and bumped his forehead against hers, his tongue hanging out of his mouth and broken fang visible beneath his parted lips. Theo, too, leaned forward against her, his breath puffing out across the fur of her neck. The two coyotes' eyes met (or so she assumed; one moment, Tyler's half-lidded gaze flicked back and forth across her muzzle, before it suddenly shifted to the side), and then, the younger one's tongue, long and broad and flat, came out over his lips again.

They each started to pull out of her, one before the other - and then each slid back up into her, staggering their rhythm with one another. Myrelliah rode it out, rhythmically tightening her arm around Theo's shoulders and squeezing her legs around Tyler's hips, at the same time churning her hips forward and back against the movements as best she could. Heart pounding in her chest, breath forcing its way between her lips, entire body tensing and relaxing, tensing and relaxing all over... if Tyler continued rubbing at her with that thumb of his - he had lowered it down to spread her lips a little - it wouldn't be much longer until her first peak.

Because of Tyler's slightly shorter stature, Myrelliah found herself leaning forward over him, a little uncomfortably... but couldn't really complain about the position. He was strong enough to keep her up in his arms, at the same time that his brother thrust into her from behind, his hips churning against her and pushing her even further forward.

The scent of arousal had started to fill the bus, lightly spiced like the coyotes' natural aroma, but bearing a stronger, heavier punch to it. Myrelliah was no stranger to shoving her nose up between a guy's legs - and every time Theo spoke, her nose and whiskers twitched at picking up her own familiar scent on his breath, faint but undeniable. She could also feel each of Theo's twitches and throbs, feeling a lot stronger than they probably actually were - and still her body responded by clenching in turn, slowing each of their paces and drawing a sharper breath out of them.

Tyler's claws dug into the skin beneath her fur as he pumped into her, picking up speed and force, urgency apparent in the way he gritted his teeth and moved his hips. Meanwhile, his brother still paced himself slower and steadier, keeping one half-closed eye on the lioness's muzzle for any sign that he should slow down or stop. Myrelliah gave none; honestly, she wanted them to go faster, to start pumping up into her like she was used to getting. Some mornings she would wake up with her thighs (among other things) sore from how much she had pushed back against whoever it was breeding her.

Really, nothing was in her hands. The pace at which these two went, how firmly Tyler gripped her thighs, the way Theo pressed further up into her tailhole, still just using his brother's saliva as lube... the slight pain was still there but had fallen away somewhat, giving way to a more enjoyable slick pressure, something that made her have to catch her breath every time his length sank up into her.

With both of them thrusting into her and pulling back out, again and again and again - she could do nothing but squeeze onto Theo's shoulders and ride it, enduring the growing pleasure and fullness between her legs. Tyler sounded like he was closer, breath coming and going between his lopsided fangs, while Theo pounded into her from behind his moans and sighs coming out as little grunts of exertion.

And, then - claws digging into her thighs, pulling her down; hips pressing up against her, a brushy tail tickling against her legs - and then a coyote muzzle buried against her breasts, as she could feel Tyler's steady pulsing and throbbing deep inside her. Not enough that she could feel the heat of his load at first, but - when he tugged back out of her, when he swallowed and panted and traced the underside of his cock across her lips between her legs, then could she feel it dripping down, slick and thick.

Behind her, Theo panted into her ear- "What - Ty? Done already? I'm just - warmin' up..."

The younger coyote continued to hold onto her legs, but now leaned back a little to catch his breath. "Oughtta have you clean 'er up," he managed after a while, with a slow exhalation of breath. Myrelliah squeezed her legs around him, trying her best to churn her hips back against Theo and get him as deep under her tail as she could - because goddamn did it feel good. She could tell that if he were to go any faster, it would be enough to push her over the edge... "Just like last time. Y'always say I'm good with my tongue, but I don't like puttin' it to work nearly as much 's you...

Just warming up - whatever. Theo moved one of his paws down to Myrelliah's hip to tug her down onto him, picking up his pace of thrusting just a little. His breaths became faster, heavier, less balanced; his voice started to come through beneath, he swallowed again, he gasped - just as Myrelliah had to pant through her open lips. And, then, just as she expected, the hot, bright pleasure of an orgasm rippled through her, causing her to squeeze tightly around the coyote and push down onto him. This in turn was enough to finish him off - and just like Tyler, she could feel the heat and pressure of Theo's cock buried in her as he pumped his load out, spurt after spurt emptying into her.

She gasped as he finally pulled out - she'd be sore tomorrow, certainly - and then had to brace her paws out against the nearby table once they both let her down, as her legs refused to support her weight. Wary of sitting down in the chair, what with the seed of two different coyotes dripping out of her, and her own arousal and orgasm soaking into her thighs... her eyes had been squeezed shut at the time, but she figured that her peak had gotten Tyler a bit... wet. After setting her down, the younger coyote had run back off towards the other end of the bus, and now rustled around in some drawers.

Theo slid into the other seat across the table, not bothering to zip his pants back up. Triangular ears upright, whiskers raised, broad tongue hanging out of his mouth... "So," he panted, and licked his lips. "How's that for a show? Interactive, huh?"

Myrelliah rolled her eyes. This would be an encounter that she'd doubtless think back to many times in the future...

"Though, Tyler was right..." Green eyes looked up to her, still standing against the table. "Hey, Myr."

Her voice wouldn't obey; she knew that. Instead, she just raised her eyebrows.

"Sit down, please?"

At first, she didn't know what to expect. She did as asked and just started to turn towards the table - until Theo slid out of his chair and knelt down beside her. Paws on her legs pulling her back to the side, moving her closer to the edge of the chair... she could feel his warm breath on her already-warm lips...

And then, another shiver shot up her back. Her claws pricked into the fabric of the chair.

~ ~ ~

Coyote on her breath, ground against her muzzle, soaked into the fur of her inner thighs and under her tail... when the lioness got home that night, the first thing she did was strip her clothes off and fall into bed, not even bothering to pull the covers over herself. She was already damn warm enough.

Having ended the night with three loads between her legs and another two across her muzzle and in her belly - well, she wasn't going to thank her friend for flaking out on her, but she certainly wasn't complaining anymore. Not only that, there were two new contacts in her phone, too: the brothers had promised to hit her up whenever they came back into town again, and to keep regular contact if she ever got bored.

Just as she reached over to turn her phone off, though, it vibrated in her paw - 1 new picture message. She had to wait a moment for it to finish downloading... and then, a smile lifted the corners of her tired lips.

So that's how they sized up, side by side.