Interrogation: Invaders of the Forest

Story by Tiberius Rings on SoFurry

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Hello everyone! Yes, see? I'm still alive and kicking. =D Finals are kicking me right back though. I know everyone is eagerly awaiting HMT: Four Moons 2 but I got hit with inspiration so this is a short, mostly smutty story between Four Moons 1 and 2. I wanted people to have something to read since I'm taking my time with the next story.

All Characters are copyright to me, Tiberius Rings.

My head spun. I had no idea where I was. The only thing I knew was I was being held against my will with a splitting headache.

I still had no idea why I was even in the Illim Woods. The Emperor all of a sudden had ordered my unit activated and marched out from the Cities. We were always lead by one of our officers, a wolf from Zane's personal guard. We were told never to loose sight of the man. Not like it was hard. An officer was always clad in that fine, polished armor with intricate cuts etched into the metal. They lead the group but the metal gleamed far too much to simply ignore. I liked it. I wished more than just wolves could be given an officership. I would have made my father proud. No one could become an officer that wasn't a wolf. That was the way of things.

I wish I could remember much. My unit, an armored division of all bears lead by our lupine officer had been ordered to march into the woods and keep marching until told otherwise. I had not believed in the legends of these woods, the stories of getting lost or eaten by the tribal creatures, but the moment I had stepped foot among the trees they had a feel about them. They closed around me, around us, and I knew if I strayed even a foot off the path I would be lost to wander this woodland maze forever.

When the attack came I had no idea what to expect. Figures as black as shadows had leaped out of the darkness of the trees and bushes, downing our officer immediately. We had screamed to un-sheath or sword and ready our shields but it was too late. I had looked to my right long enough to see blood spray from my comrades neck, and to my left I saw blood gushing from the joints of another knight's shoulder, a fatal wound by the looks of the blood. The stories were true, demonic tribal people lived in here, and they did not like our intrusion.

I remembered seeing one of those shadow creatures jump in front of me and throw something in my face. It got into my eyes, burning. I remember sniffing the spicy substance and feeling it touch my mouth. I was the fool for not lowering my face guard. I was sure I was poisoned. When I saw the figure in front of me leap back, I became confused. What was this...thing doing? I took a step forward but found my feet heavy, impossible to move. I felt my knees buckle under my tremendous weight. Bears were not agile creatures to begin with, but walking seemed like an impossibility at this point. I groaned when I hit the ground heavy on my knees, my arms going slack. I knew this was the powder that had hit me. I was either poisoned or drugged. My body wasn't moving according to how I wanted it to move. I blinked my big brown eyes and found exhaustion claiming me. Drugged. I was drugged, not poisoned. I remember falling forward as I passed out from the powder, not sure where the heavens would take me now. I wasn't even sure if any of my friends were alive.

Now I was awake. I was looking around, left to right, right to left. I was in the clearing of some woods. Probably Ellim. I could not see anyone around me, and that bothered me. I could not see another living bear. Was I really the only one alive? I tested the use of my body and looked down. I saw I was on my feet but not bound to anything, yet why could I not move my arms and legs? I grunted and flexed, trying to move my arms, listening to the metal protecting my body clink as I strained my muscles, but nothing came. My feet were about a foot apart, my arms six inches from both sides of my hips. I could not bend my torso but I could turn my head. Upon closer inspection I could see glowing rings of light over my wrists and ankles. I figured it was some kind of tribal magic. Why did they capture me?

I looked up quickly o see some of those shadowed figures step into the clearing. The sun was high but the density of the treeline was so thick everything was covered up. When they got closer, and into the light, I could make out their fur patterns, and their species. I had seen these people before!

"Greetings," one of them had said in perfect clarity. He just smiled at me. "I am Ender, Raj of the Jaguar Tribe Frozen River. You are our prisoner. State your name for us, Outsider."

I looked this jaguar over. he didn't look remarkable, and most of these feline's didn't at a glance. They all looked the same, the typical white underbelly and richer yellowish orange under coat. Their spots, different than the cheetah I saw almost all the time, were like speckled clouds gracing their bodies from what I could tell. Their form and figure were also easily displayed, most of them wearing a simple loincloth to hide their embarrassment. Ender wore a pair of swords criss-crossing on his back, which resulted in two dark leather straps going across his chest. He was also the tallest leopard present by a few inches but he was still, at the very least, a head shorter than I was.

My problem now was do I cooperate, or do I play it silent?

"Well," The cat asked, stepping closer to me. "I know you can understand understand me. I do not want to harm you, but we have questions that we need answered."

I huffed a little bit, my rounded ears twitching. My helmet must have fallen off when they dragged me here and set me up in this unique magical restraint. I didn't have much choice. If I told them little bits it may be enough. I could walk away and still be alive. I had to play along, at least for now.

"My name is Bjorn," I said strongly. "Knight of His Emperor, 12th Protectorate. I demand you return me to my people. If you do, I will speak of mercy to my superiors. We could burn down these woods for what you have done here."

There was laughter from the shadows. What did they find funny? "You cannot burn down these woods. They are graved with the gift of the Gods. It is why you fell to our weapons and our abilities. The Gods favor anyone allowed to be in here. The only reason you are not wandering like a mad man is because we decided to take you here and question you."

"Do you expect me to believe some ancient from of religion protected you? You attacked us, without honor, from the shadows. We are not taught to fight that way." I said, repressing my anger firmly.

"You can speak so highly of your rank and position yet you are the only one left alive. I don't think you have much merit to stand on, Bjorn. I am also not here to debate with you on on that. I want to know why you were ordered into the woods when the Outsiders know it is a foolish things. Cursed to wander until you go mad and die. Yet you were moving with confidence and purpose. Why?"

"I don't know," And that was true. I had no idea what we were marching to. I only knew it was an order and to be prepared for battle.

"I find that hard to believe," Ender said at me.

"I don't care if you believe me or not, its the truth. My superior didn't tell me anything other than to expect a fight in the coming days. He didn't say who our enemies were."

The cat began to pace a bit, looking down at his feet. I watched his tail sway and then he sighed, finally focusing his gaze on me. "I don't believe you. I think you're lying about this so you don't expose yourself to us. I want to know your reasoning for entering the woods. No one has entered these woods in force in ages. Centuries by our count. Why now?"

"I don't know, jaguar," I said, rolling my eyes. This was not going to be good. They didn't believe me. However, in their position I wouldn't believe one of them if they were telling me they didn't know an answer to a question.

"You leave me in a difficult spot, Bjorn." The cat said, stopping in front of me and looking right at me in the eyes. "Hard you simply told me everything without a fight I would have called you a lair. Had you denied everything right away I would have called you a lair and had you tortured. However, you seem to be giving me enough information to keep you alive for questioning. I don't want to torture you, that always leads to false information to begin with."

"You could let me know," I said plainly.

"Don't think me the fool, bear." He said back at me. He began to pace again, and I watched him turn to one of his fellow cats. He called him over. "Cort. I want you to interrogate the prisoner. Do not hurt him to the point he is scarred for life, nor do I want any broken bones or missing teeth. If he doesn't cooperate you can use your discretion but I do not want him dead. I want him brought back to our home. I need to return and have a place prepared for him."

"Yes, Raj," The other jaguar, now named Cort, tipped his head.

I watched as this jaguar bounded forward and into the treeline, gone. Now I was at the mercy of this other male, and I was going to be interrogated. Great.

Cort walked over to me and looked me up and down. he was shorter than Ender, and he wore various pouches on his belted loincloth. On his back was slung a long spear like weapon. I was still surprised that they had such weapons but wore so little. He looked up at me and grinned.


"Your armor," he said.

"What about it?"

"It's made of a high quality metal." He said with that grin on his face.

"Again, so?"

He didn't say anything, but he did reach down to one of the pouches and remove it from his belt. He opened it up, pouring out some pink powder onto his palm. He looked up at me then and sprayed it across my face by blowing against his palm, making a plume of pink cross my muzzle. I winced as the chalky material touched my flat nose, my lips, my eyes. I blinked and shook my head, breathing deeply. I instantly coughed.

"What did you poison me with?!" I growled, trying to move my palms to my face to try and cover my mouth. No avail.

"It's an herb. It relaxes the user and makes them more malleable to talking and answering questions. I don't want to hurt you, you know." He said with that grin still wide on his face.

"Sure," I said, growling. I didn't feel any different but that could always change. I didn't like what was going to happen. I wasn't sure what they expected of me, I had been telling the truth.

"First," Cort said as he stepped closer. "We need to get this armor off you and to our home. It can be used to make weapons and other instruments. I think I can figure it out."

I was about to protest but the cat didn't hesitate. I watched him put his smaller palms against the cold metal of my gauntlet-ed right palm. I felt him tug and twist, the catch it had been attached to easily giving way. I watched him slide it off, revealing my brown furred hand. I looked and watched him walk over, touching my other and tugging the other gauntlet off, only to be tossed a few feet behind him with its twin.

"Tell me your name." Ender said as he walked behind me, touching his palms to the metal. How could I tell? I could hear his claw tips tinking against the metal, trying to find the catches. I tensed as I heard the buckles undone along the side of my breastplate, one by one, until all four were undone.

I was about to protest, but I soon found myself speaking without even thinking. "Bjorn Billstock."

"And what's your rank and position?" Ender said, working his hand under the metal of my armor. I had own a light, thin tunic under it. I could feel his fingers curl into the fabric, and tug.

"Armored Infantry...12th Protectorate... in command of no one. I am of the people..." I said through what felt like a weak jaw. I felt this cat tug at the hidden tunic. Wincing, I listened to the snaps of the seam split along my side until it gave way. I watched as Cort yanked the ruined tunic from under my armor. I jumped at the cold sensation of metal against my bare fur, causing my ears to fold back in surprise. I couldn't see what he did with the ruined tunic.

"And how old are you? How long have you been in your military?" He asked me, stepping around to my front. I watched his palms touch the tops of my shoulders. I also saw him flick his eyes to the right.

I grunted as my arms now lifted into the air, putting me in what would typically be called the spread-eagle position, hefted up like that against my will. So he was the only who had put these damned rings on my body!

I had to watch him stand on his toes to touch my shoulders, but again I had to talk. "I am 28 years old as of last month... I joined the military when I was 14 years old like anyone is supposed to. I decided to stay with them after I was 18." I let out a surprised grunt when i felt the straps barely holding my armor on my body undone. Cort caught it so easily, hefting the heavy metal to the pile, exposing my chest to the cold air of the forest. I jumped in surprise at the cool air caressed my pectorals, the sensation made my somewhat rounded stomach flex. I was a bear, I would never not have a bit of a gut, but it was muscle. I was still handsome by society standards. At least it didn't hang downwards. Just outwards.

I couldn't believe what was happening, but I was oddly relaxed. I felt warm inside but my body registered cold. I just flicked my stub of a tail and watched as Cort examined me for a moment, and crouched down. I felt him lift one of my legs easily, beginning to tug off my boot. The second easily followed, and he tossed to the pile. He spoke then. "What about family?"

"I have no brothers, no sisters, my father runs the blacksmith in the 12th Protectorate. I was working as an apprentice there for awhile during my off time. Now, I just want to be a soldier..." Again, said through a very relaxed tone of voice. I wasn't even angry. I just looked down at the cat still.

"You seem to be responding well to the drug. It should really kick in soon. You going to tell me what your orders were?"

"I don't know," i said. I looked down at his face to see him huff and cross his arm, then reach to my waist, undoing the buckles on my leg guards.

"I'm growing tired, but I can't expect you to really fully answer me without some more prodding. The drug is only halfway done."

I coudl feel heat in my legs now, my lower body and stomach. My large muzzle opened to pant a little bit, and clear. I felt heavy but very much awake, and my lower body just burned. My eyes widened a little bit as I felt my sheath actually begin to grow hot. I just bucked a little bit, feeling it begin to grow, and pulse. By the heavens, I felt like I was becoming aroused!

"What...What's happening to me?" I asked. A little surprised. My mouth was still heavy, and moving it took effort to not sound odd. I slurped my large tongue into my muzzle, trying to keep it there so I didn't end up panting.

"The drug eventually arouses the subject. For men at least. They can answer questions more truthfully when they are distracted by their bodies. Most don't really mind the side effect. It's proven to be very accurate in producing positive results for us." Cort said up to me as I felt the last of the buckles undone.

I looked down in time to see him pull away the metal leg guards, and flushing. I looked to the side as I listened to the metal clink into the pile of my armor. My precious armor. I glanced up to see two of those damned cats gathering it up in their arms. Now that I was completely free of metal, they were going to take it away and melt it down or something. I had no idea what. All it left me in was a loin-wrap hiding my modesty, and right now, because it being so tight and erection forming, it was becoming uncomfortable. It had been years since this sort of thing happened against my will. I tugged on my arms, flexing my biceps and pectorals, trying to twist my weight and force the ring to let me go, but it was simply impossible. Each jerk or pull of my body seemed to make more inches expand from my swollen sheath, filling up the cloth. I wish I had worn something rougher, this one was way too soft to feel anything other than good.

"Now," Cort said as he put his palms against my stomach and slid his hands upwards along my belly, pushing my fur against the grain. "What were your orders involving these woods? Why did you march like that?"

The touch! It made my skin crawl in the most sensual ways. I didn't think my body could react this way, not to anyone but the lady I had been trying to woe for almost a year. Things had been looking nice, but now? With my disgrace? I was drugged, I really can't count that. Still! I felt myself pulse inside my loin-wrap, still not fully hard, but it was an incredible sensation. It was like being a young boy all over again. I swallowed, looking down at Cort.

"I don't know! My orders were simply to match."

"How can you not know where you were going?" The cat said with his palm going down across my belly, brushing against the edge of my loin-wrap. I swallowed to hide the moan that sensation brought on. Never had I been held down and touched. I was extremely out of my element, and that bothered me!

"Our military... it doesn't work like that, Cort." I said through a shuddered breath. I looked down and saw the cat's palm resting across the groin, rubbing over the length. My penis was curved to the side across my pelvis, trapped by my cloth. I could see the wetness forming at the tip of the cloth, clinging to the ebony head as the cotton material clung to my bare flesh. "We do...we do as we're told and we don't ask questions regardless of how we may feel about them. It's just how we function. I'm telling you the truth!"

"Why? How can you fight for something you know nothing of? You can't put your spirit into it, and you only fight because of word and obligation? We fight like that too but when we go into battle we know the risk and we know the enemy. Our leaders trust us." Cort said to me, scolding me like I was some kind of child! I just shuddered as the fingers slid up and down along my length, watching the cat as he teased me through my only modest piece of clothing which was rapidly becoming wet.

"I...I don't know!" I said, grunting, clenching my teeth. Each pass of those fingers was an incredible tease. I couldn't really process it right. I just tensed and bucked, working my body upwards against those fingers. I just coughed, trying to control myself. "I'm not a noble, I'm not a wolf. We didn't set up the rules, we only follow them!"

"Why?" Cort said, gripping my loin-wrap, holding it tightly in his fingers, but doing nothing else. What was he doing?!

"The wolves are powerful!" I explained. "They control the money, the military. We cannot disobey, but they are not terribly unjust. They are fair. I am not a man who is unhappy with his lot in life. I don't understand why you can't realize this. The world on the other side of your precious forest is full of different kinds of species. We all get along, under the wolf's banner. It has always been that way."

I could hear Cort growl and grip my loin-wrap even tighter. He tugged! "And I don't believe you!" His tug undid the knot on my loin-wrap and tossed it to the side of him. letting it flutter a bit in the wind before hitting the forest floor gently. My mammoth penis was in view, causing me to blush and fold my ears back, but no way to hide my modesty, especially my shame! I looked down to see myself bounce, a crystallize strand of precum flying from my tip onto the ground, shining in the speckled light of the woods. The head was coated, slippery, and shining, the veins along the shaft pulsing as it hung down across my testicles, heavy and pulsing. I just struggled to remain calm, but I did not grow soft in any way. The drug was still in my system, working hard to undermine my train of thought.

I looked to Cort, who stepped to my side and wrapped one of his small palms along my length. In no moment he began to brush his fingers up and down along the ebony flesh, causing me to tilt my muzzle upwards as pleasure just pulsed down my body, coiling and winding in my penis, each stroke bringing pleasure and mystery to me. I couldn't believe I was enjoying this, but at the same time if the cat stopped I would be mad. I just shuddered, leaning my head forward, my muzzle open and my tongue hanging out, unable to resist the stroking hand.

"Tell me the truth!" Cort said, his palm working along my length, wetting it with my own lubrication. I noticed that at points, namely the middle of my shaft down toward the base, the kitten couldn't close his fingers completely around the girth. I just shuddered, trying to keep myself under control. However, when I felt the wet palm move up and down along my length, causing my knees to give out. Unfortunately, I was left suspended by those rings, groaning as the pressure was put onto my body. I could feel a bead of sweat form on my brow, trickling off it and falling, landing onto my length, only to be mixed with my other fluids as Cort moved his hand. My face, my body, was hot, I could feel sweat forming all over.

"That is the truth!" I managed to groan out, just barely able to move my mouth. The drug, coupled with this feeling, I just couldn't believe how good I felt. It was just a new world to me. Pleasure mixed with disbelief, it was intoxicating and impossible to really believe this whole thing. If someone had asked me to predict the outcome of this trip I would not have told them this would be happening.

Cort didn't respond this time. he simply worked his palm up and down along my shaft, causing me to shudder again. I couldn't control myself, I was just watching the droplets of my precum fall from my length to the soil. I could feel the rivets of sweat pouring across my chest, down along my stomach, down my thighs, across my testicles, just so hot from the drug. I knew that it must be making me this hot. It must have been!

"Unf..." I just managed to squeak out, my head down, and panting as Cort didn't stop. He looked at me and growled. "You do realize if you don't answer all my questions truthfully, the drug will kill you when you release, right?" He was upset, his lips pulled back as he furiously stroked me up and down, causing me to shudder.

I panicked, but only for a moment. He kept teasing me with his paw, stroking me with a goal in mind. I couldn't fight the need to release, either. I just lost the minimal sense of control I had as the paw moved. When I past that valley of no return, it drove me wild. I cried out then, just flexing my stomach to hold it off for another second. I felt the heat rush up my length, forming in the tip of my length and then... and then...!!


I threw my chest back and my hips forward, just in time for my release. I had my eyes closed but I imagined the spray of sweat flying from my brow, sparkling into the air as my penis jerked. I could feel it throb as I exploded from the cat's chemical and the working paw. I felt myself release like I hadn't in a long time. I felt one, two, three, four, five, SIX! six ropes of cum spray out. I managed to open an eye to watch as the projectiles of my ursine semen flew outwards, arching in a stream of pearly cream, only to splash onto the forest floor, reach one adding to the generous little pool of my seed that had been resting safely in my balls not a few moments ago. The last of my essence dribbled out along my length, trickling across the cat's fingers as I hung there, panting, trembling, and enjoying the sensation of afterglow.

"Well," Cor said with a surprised laugh. I opened an eye to see him licking his paw a bit with that rough feline tongue. "I guess you weren't lying."

"I told you..." I managed to pant out, all ready feeling my senses become less clouded.

"Now," Cort said as he stepped close to me. "We go home. And you, my friend, are our prisoner of war."