VR Kingdoms - Stage 2: Practical exam

Story by Kernog on SoFurry

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The NPC mayor, an an old and hunchbacked gray cat, coughed softly, true to the scritped dialogue that I had experienced each time that I had created a new character. It was Mel's first time, though, and I would see his black cat avatar listen with attention to his elder. The feline cuntboy looked rather nice, naked but carrying a wooden staff which was as long as his height, and white bandages wrapped around his arms and his legs. He really looked like a monk. On my side, I adjusted the belt which supported my gun holster and the pouch containing my engineer material, namely my electric mine, while I absentmindedly listened to the old man.

"Now that you have reached puberty, you are old enough to pass our rite of passage. By completing this first quest, you will prove to us that you are strong enough to leave Springvale, and explore the vast world," the dialogue said. Blah, blah, blah. If it were me, I would have cut straight to the chase, but I did not interrupt the mayor, for Mel's sake. "East of Springvale is a cave. The first part is filled with slimes. Mostly innocuous, but always on the prawl for unprepared travellers to feed upon. Reach the waterfall inside the cave, and fetch me one of the flowers that bloom there."

"Our new quest!" Mel sang as we reached the designated cave. "We still have the third wheel on our bike, so to speak," I calmed him down. "This is the tutorial dungeon. There will be a few practice battles, and some story events." "What kind?" my black-furred companion asked, interested. "No spoilers," I playfully replied with a friendly hair ruffle. "See that sign, next to the cave's entrance?" I told Mel, pointing my finger towards it. "Oh, yes. It has one star drawn on it, and a '1' underneath. What does that mean?" he asked back. I cleared my throat. I need to be thorough, in order to help him prevent any bad surprise. "You will always find such signs at the start of dungeons. The star indicates the roughness of the monsters inside, the number is the average level of the enemies." "Roughness? Do you mean the difficulty?" Mel question. "Not quite," I corrected. "When they catch you or defeat you, some monsters are nastier than others. One-star monsters are quite gentle: mostly settling on making you cum once or twice, and get it over with; two-star monsters are more invasive: they will be more sexually active, but they still care about your pleasure; three-star monsters are very aggressive: they will only care about their own lust, and will not release you until it is satiated; four-star monsters are the more dangerous: they will keep you prisoner for a long period, and you often end up impregnated by them." "Oh dear," Mel reacted. "So, we better keep clear from three-starred and four-starred dungeons for now, right?" "Yup. But don't worry, as you can see, this is the easiest, most softy dungeon there can be in the game. Mostly." "Mostly..." Mel repeated, reacting to my clue that there was more going on.

The layout of the cave was short and simple, with only one big room before the waterfall, but the cave itself was quite big. The ceiling of the cave is opened here and there, letting the sunlight shine over our heads. As we walked into the room, we heard several squishy noises, followed by four blue masses falling softly from the ceiling. "Our first enemies are slimes?" Mel remarked with incredulity. The jello-like creatures, whose masses were as high as our hips, slithered forward towards us. "Yup. Let's beat them up," I answered, as I pulled out my mine, and threw it at the back of the enemy formation.

The mine blew up almost instantly, but zapped only half of the slimes. Mel jump-kicked one the remaining pair, shouting a kiai as his feet landed square on the blob. While my monk ally finished his enemy, I shot at the last one, and we finished our respective opponents roughly at the same time. Meanwhile, the mine's effect wore off, and the remaining monsters advanced towards us. Mel rushed towards one, leaving the other unattended. It slid towards me. "Mel, wait. You need to aggro this one too!" I shouted. "Aggro? What do you... Whoa!" Mel answered, evading a lunge of his second slime adversary.

Too late, the remaining slime passed the front line and was quickly closing the distance with me. I reached for another mine, but the cooldown was still ticking down. Shit. The slime lunged towards me. I aimed a last resort shot and fired. The feeling of the warm, moist slime wrapping around my legs was the first clue that I had missed my shot. I saw a status parchment pop up at the corner of my vision. "You are stuck," it said. No shit, Sherlock. The slime did not waste time, and I could feel the translucent gel swirl around my hermaphroditic crotch. A current wrapped around my juvenile dick, slowly massaging it, while another one slipped between my lower lips. I stiffed a moan and tried to pry the slime off me. Since I am an engineer, my chances were low. "Mel... Hurry up!" I squealed to the monk as he landed a spining kick on his opponent, finishing it off. "I'm almost tempted to let you struggle with him, mister Veteran," the black cat mocked me. "N... Not funny..." I sighed, as the slime was now pumping my hard cock, and as I felt small tendrils starting to creep inside my avatar's yet-untouched vagina. "Hiya!" Mel shouted, as he struck the slime with his palm. Combined with my own efforts, the slime lost enough cohesion, allowing me to step away. A combined shot and kick killed the unfortunate creep on the spot.

"Oh hey, I leveled up!" Mel said in a happy tone. I looked on the lower left of my vision and noticed that I leveled up as well. "Do we learn new skills when we level up?" the cuntboy asked. "We need to visit a trainer," I answered. Mel grinned in return, at the prospect of more fun times with his trainer. But for now... "Let's go get that flower," I proposed.

The waterfall was a little further ahead. As we reached it and took the flower, Mel noticed that the cave continued further; something that I already knew. Next to the new path was a sign with three stars, and "??" for the level. "Hm... Is this where we have to go next?" Mel asked. Smiling, because this was not new to me, I walked back towards the entrance. At once, a scripted event began and falling rocks blocked the way to the exit. "Oh," Mel simply reacted. "Time for some plot development," I simply said with a grin.

We delved further into the cave, and reached a new room. At the end, there was an exit, accessible with some climbing. However, something stood between us and the exit. A two meter high, green skinned humanoid, with thick arms and legs, and the cock to match, already hard and dribbling. "Mel, meet the troll in rut, first 'boss' of the game," I simply said, miming the air quotes with my fingers. "Err... Do we have to fight it?" Mel said, less confident than before. As if to answer him, the troll charged us.

Mel kept his guard up, while I aimed my pea-shooter at the event boss and fired a few ineffectual shots, to keep up appearances. Once he was in range, Mel tried to use his spin kick, with predictable result: none. The troll laughed at the twelve-year old feline who tried to fight him, and easily slapped his staff away. The piece of wood clattered and rolled out of reach. Mel attempted another, desperate spin kick, but the troll caught the cuntboy's leg effortlessly. The other leg was grabbed too, and spread wide. "Hrrrf... Pussy... Good..." the troll groaned as he lined up his tool with Mel's orifice. "Whoa! Wait! That's too fast! Stop!" Mel protested. His eyes went wide as he felt the thick head of the troll's penis present itself at his vagina, and start to spread his lower lips apart. "Aaah!" Mel shouted, realizing that he was about to lose his virginity in quite a rough way, when suddenly...

Bang! Bang! Two gunshots resonated in the cave. But it was not me who fired them. I smiled as the troll slowly fell to the ground, ending the boss fight as I remembered it: a near-rape for the poor Mel, and a very convincing warning about dungeon categories. "Well, I'll be damned! A good thing I arrived just in time!" a rough voice spoke. We looked back at the exit of the cave, and saw a blue-furred wolf standing proudly, the light outside surrounding him like a halo. True to the game's fashion, his sheath and generous balls were displayed proudly. He only wore a cape, and he held a hunting rifle in his hands. "My name is Ron. I was hunting this beast for two days, to drive him off from Springvale. Are you hurt?" the wolf asked as he jumped down and walked to us. "I'm okay. I sure got the scare of my life," Mel admitted. "I'm good, thanks," I replied politely to meet the NPC's expectations. "Is there anything we can do to repay you?" Mel asked, to my puzzlement. I looked at him, and saw that my friend has recovered quickly, and had his eyes on the plump, fuzzy prize which was dangling a couple of meters away from his muzzle. I stared at him, as if to say "Really?", to which he replied by a shrug. "Well... I..." the wolf started, but Mel jumped on the occasion. Damn, that guy must be quite the flirter IRL.

Mel moved his black-furred avatar towards the big wolf hunter, and cuddled himself against his savior. His flat chest pressed against the adult's groin. "Come now, mister Ron. This must have been quite the stressful situation," Mel began, as he cupped the wolf's scrotum with his small hand. "Now that the danger is away, we could take a few minutes to wind down and relax, don't we?" Ron groaned, his dick starting to come out of his sheath. "Come now, Kern. Let's give mister Ron our most heartfelt 'thanks'," Mel invited me. "Why, you're asking me so nicely, Mel," I chuckled.

Ron leaned on a nearby rock, and we knelt in front of him. Our mouths went to work on his package; we licked and nibbled at his ball, making the wolf's mast rise high and hard. Mel, faster than I, wrapped his feline lips around the tip of the hunter's canine cock, to its owner's delight. Waiting for my turn, I bathed his fuzzy ball sack with my tongue, taking his big balls in my cock one after the other. As soon as Mel left his pre-dribbling candy cane, I relayed him, bobbing up and down, going deeper until I felt his pointy penis reach the back of my mouth. We went like this for several minutes. While one blew Ron's dick, the other kept the wolf's testicles busy; and my long, deep bobs alternated with Mel's tongue rolling technique. Ron pants became heavier and louder, and a knot formed on his cock, bumping on my lips each time I went deep on him. "Oh, by the gods, I'm gonna... Aaah!" Ron eventually moaned, as it was my turn on his maleness. I pull out and left him finish himself off, while I signaled Mel to wait underneath. With a long howl, Ron emptied his well-formed balls on our heads. Since I did not have fur on my monkey character's face, it rolled down on my small chest, and on my tummy, a few strands remaining stuck on my hair. Meanwhile, Mel's fully furred face was painted white by ropes after ropes of cum which crashed on it. A few of the stuff actually landed in our open, waiting maws.

The only thing that remained to complete the quest and advance the plot was to walk back home. A slightly tired, but very satisfied Ron guided us on the way back. "Once we finish this quest, the tutorial will be over. There will be a few more quests in the surroundings, but otherwise we will be free to leave Springvale, and enter the game proper," I explained as we walked. "Neat," Mel said. "We have done a lot of things today. I'm actually starting to get a little tired. What remains to do?" "Get our quest reward, which is something quite interesting, and, more importantly, to get our new skills from our trainers." "I guess that we can still push to this before ending this session. After this troll, I think I deserved some relaxation too." "I would not speak so fast if I were you," I warned Mel, as we arrived in the home village of his characters.