Le vaisseau abandonne [French - SciFi]
**Le vaisseau abandonné** _Par Kln_ Ethan le tigre, engoncé dans sa combinaison, pestait alors que le sas de dépressurisation finissait son travail. En tant qu'ingénieur de la compagnie Kar-n Inc., il avait été envoyé sur l'ISS Fahrenheit, un...
The Dark Fair, chapter 11: Family Business
The Rainbow Lounge was considered a bar, although the only reason was that they served drinks. David and Joshua followed the strange weasel, Carl, inside. The young buck scratched his horns as he walked through a shadowy maze of doors, stalls and glory...
The Witch and the Templar
"C'mooon, I'm sure you yearn for it..." "Be silent, witch, or else I'm gagging you!" The lion templar's abrupt answer made the lizard sorceress frown. Two hours have passed since she had been arrested, fitted with anti-magic manacles and thrown into...
The Dark Fair, chapter 9: Leech Toss
A female hyena reviewed some statistics and reports, concerning the Fair's latest addition. She took her responsibilities of Technician to heart, especially considering that the place could throw her out or turn her in one of these drones at any...
The Benefits of Experience
Pat groaned. The aged goat tried to relax the best he could in the wet warmth of the hammam; unfortunately for him, his neighbors talked on and on. He looked at them again: it was a pair of youngsters, a rat and a wolf. Not a common sight in this quiet...
The Dark Fair, chapter 5: Fuck Fuck Revolution, stall E-9
David looked at his map once more, to check which booths he did not visit yet. After one hour of walking around the Dark Fair, the deer witnessed scene after scene of debauchery, each seemingly topping each other. However, this allowed him to learn why...
Mutual agreement
The little bell emitted a pleasant ring when Carl opened the door of the antique shop. It was only after he stepped in that he wondered what he was doing here. The black cat was a young student at the nearby university, and he did not have a particular...
The Dark Fair, chapter 2: Kyle
Kyle yawned. _I'm so bored_. _I thought that going to this fair would alleviate my boredom, but everything is so old and clunky. Urg... I should go back home and play video games_. The golden-furred bunny stretched his arms and his long legs. _It's...
The Dark Fair, chapter 1: David
_What did Dad have in mind?_ David thought. The light-brown deer paced back and forth in his student room. Today was his birthday. A lot of people had already wished the light-brown deer a happy eighteenth birthday. Some of these wishes came from true...
Return Policy
The black dragon hurried through the library's door._I'm gonna be in trouble_, he lamented. The reptile headed straight to the return counter. He looked down on the receptionist. Dragons are among the biggest species, so tilting his head down was a...
The Dark Fair, chapter 8: Education Show
A good hour later, Kyle was still trapped in his unconventional cell. The female dolphin slave, DF-16, had left him alone, closing completely the sheet-covered glass cube. Fortunately, the stand-up seat offered the golden latex bunny some relief,...
The Dark Fair, chapter 7: Good morning!
_Bzzt, bzzt, bzzt..._Something rang in Kyle's ears. It sounded halfway between an alarm clock and a persistent mosquito. The bunny was still half-asleep when the buzzing resonated in his ears a second time, louder. _Bzzt! Bzzt! Bzzt!_ Kyle groaned,...