Debt - Part 1

Story by guardian-hawk on SoFurry

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#1 of Debt

Jada flared her wings, slowed, and scanned the mountain faces beneath her. The cave she was looking for was close, she was sure; she could make out the scent of dragon on the wind, and that scent had led her this far. She'd been told of the deep, spacious cave the dragon on this territory had, how easy hunting could be here, and her own land was small, without much prey, and her cave so small... So when the dragoness had heard of much better territory not far from her own, heard that the dragon living there wasn't especially big or strong, she'd taken to the sky immediately to track him down. She wouldn't be stuck in that cramped, drafty cave of hers any longer!

Sure, she'd also heard that the dragon she was tracking was a skilled fighter despite his lean build, but that didn't worry her. She was a strong dragoness, large as any male, her bright green scales thick and tough, and she'd won her fair share of fights; one dragon didn't worry her. Already she could imagine being able to sleep without wind blowing over her sides, being able to leave her cave without having to worry about intruders being able to see her hoard while flying by, not having to hunt for three or four hours just to find prey... If only she could find this new cave so she could drive out the dragon living there now and claim it as her own!

There was a noise from her right and she looked up to see a plane passing by high overhead, far higher than any dragon could fly; growling at human intrusion into the dragons' sky, her sky, she drifted lower. Most dragons got along well enough with humans, would even trade with or work for them sometimes, but she didn't see the good in it. It was human encroachment on traditional dragon territory, after all, that had forced her into such a small cave just to be able to live somewhere they wouldn't be able to come bother her or steal from her hoard or who knew what else they might try to do to a dragon. This territory was even more isolated, and apparently it was impossible to get to the cave she searched for without being able to fly...

There it was!

The entrance was lower than she'd expected but she could already tell that what she'd heard was right: the cave opening was surrounded on all sides by sheer cliff face, and unless there was another entrance somewhere there was no way to get in, or out, without wings. There wasn't a landing ledge for the cave either, but the entrance seemed wide enough for her to be able to land and fold her wings under the overhang, so she banked and descended to the cave and set down just inside.

There was a ledge after all, it seemed, it was just sheltered; barely the length of her neck past where she'd touched down the shelf ended, leading her eye to a large open space beyond--she could even see a tunnel leading deeper into the mountain! The place was massive compared to her old home, and she purred a little to herself at the thought of making the cave her own. Now she just had to track down the dragon who would soon be the cave's former occupant, whose scent had grown much stronger once she landed...

Jada craned back her head and roared, tail flicking as her call echoed off the back wall of the cave--her old cave wasn't large enough for that. "Come out, dragon!" she cried, flaring her wings out again to make herself look larger, then when there was no response for a moment she leapt down off the shelf and into the cave proper. If the dragon wasn't here now then she might as well explore the place, get used to her new home while she waited for him to show up so she could defeat him...

"Who are you?" came a growl from the far side of the cave, and she looked over to see a red dragon standing there. He was as she'd heard: average length but lean, without much muscle--kind of handsome, too, but she wasn't looking for that and she preferred blues anyway.

"The new owner of this cave," she snorted; he looked so wiry that she thought she could break him in half if she hit him hard enough. How had a dragon as weak as him managed to secure such prime territory? "Do you want to bother fighting, or will you just gather whatever you can carry and leave?"

"Oh, now this is something I'm going to have to see. Some big arrogant dragoness thinks she can barge into my cave and kick me out without even having to try? Just who do you think you are?" He stepped closer to her, tail lashing angrily behind him, but didn't move to attack or to defend himself.

"I'm the one of us here who has at least twenty scale over her opponent, and all that weight is in muscle. You don't stand a chance, little dragon... Save us both the trouble and just leave quietly. You don't want to make me hurt you."

"I am not a 'little dragon!'" he snarled. "My name is Hueroc, I have claim on this cave, and I'm not going anywhere."

She thumped her tail, unable to contain a giggle; the little dragon was so cute when he was angry it was actually heating her up a little. Maybe after she'd beaten him she'd make him stick around for a little while, have him do her bidding until she was settled in just to knock him down a peg or two... "Well, I'm Jada, but if you want to call me by my name then do it now because I don't think I'll let you use it after I beat you."

He roared at her in challenge, then took another few steps toward her before dropping into a crouch, teeth bared. "I've fought off much tougher challengers than you to hold on to this cave, and I don't back down from a fight. If you really think you're strong enough to cast me out that easily, then come show me."

Jada didn't hesitate--she could bring the stringy little dragon down in under a minute! Bounding forward, she shifted her weight to set up her favorite feint, doing all she could to make it seem like she was about to lunge at him with her teeth and forepaws. Her opponent didn't shift from his crouch, though his tail went still as he waited for her to strike--as if he knew what was coming? She growled and changed her mind, and when she was close enough instead of planting her forepaws she leapt at him, claws outstretched and jaws spread wide to latch onto his shoulders. But why wasn't he--

Finally Hueroc sprang to the side, not leaping but weaving around her claws and fangs, spine rippling snakelike as he dodged her blow, then brought up his own claws to slash at her side on the way by. He's so fast! She thrust out a wing to try to knock his paw away, to guard her side and keep him from drawing blood, but his paw missed the joints and struck her leathery wing-skin instead, claws carving right through her wings and leaving long gashes behind.

She bellowed more from shock than pain and turned to face him again once she was out of range, flicking her wing out for a moment to look at the damage: bad. Flying would be difficult until it healed--if it was even possible--and that would take at least a couple of weeks. Now she had to make sure that she won.

So she lunged forward again, but this time she did use the feint, landing hard on her forepaws just before she reached him, throwing her hindquarters to the side and swinging her tail around. He couldn't possibly-- But he did! Suddenly his tail blocked her own, coiled around it and held it still, then he closed in and swiped at her shoulder. Panicking, Jada threw her other wing forward to block, but he cut that one as well, just as badly. There was no way she could fly now.

She roared in a mix of anger and pain and pulled on his tail, trying to take advantage of his grip and managing to throw him off balance. First she kicked at his flanks with a hind paw--missed, barely--then struck forward with her jaws, fangs reaching for the base of his neck. But he recovered, squirmed around her extended neck and struck her with the back of a paw before somehow working his tail free and jumping out of range.

Bringing a paw up to her neck where he'd hit her, she bared her teeth and snarled at him. If she could just land a blow she'd have him, but he was too fast! Already he'd clawed her twice, and it could have been three if he'd hit her neck claws out, while she hadn't even marked him.

But one solid hit is all it will take, she reminded herself. Just make it count.

This time Hueroc made the first move, springing forward, shifting right, left, left... then suddenly he was on her right, ramming her under the foreleg with his shoulder and bowling her over. She tucked her limbs and let herself roll, getting quickly back to her feet before he could take advantage, but he'd come too close--now she had him! She sprang forward again and got her paws around his chest, bearing him down to the ground where she could finally put her strength to use and wrestle him into submission. He thrashed but she only tightened her grip, kicked at his belly, then when he tried to push away from her with his paws she reached for his throat with her fangs.

Then suddenly his tail hit her forehead, hard, and before she even had time for her vision to clear he wormed his way out of her grasp. Jada started to stand but then he was on her, forepaws squeezing her neck and claws digging in for a good grip, his tail swept her legs out from under her, he pressed his snout against her throat, and when she felt his hot breath on her scales she knew it was over.

"Yield," he growled.

"I yield," she said quietly, letting her body go limp, and he backed off a moment later, releasing her. No... She'd been so close to beating him, and she'd lost. This wouldn't be hers after all, she'd have to go back to her old home, that cramped little cave and barren territory...

But she couldn't, she realized with a start as she looked up at the light streaming in through the cave entrance. The cliffs around the cavern mouth were far too steep for her to climb, and after what he'd done to her wings-- She spread her wings slowly to examine the badly torn membrane, whimpering a little as she had more time to see just how large the long, ragged gashes were. She wouldn't be able to fly for weeks, maybe a full month! How would she live, if she couldn't leave the cave of the dragon who'd defeated her?

"An experienced dragon always holds its wings tight in battle," Hueroc said when he saw her looking at them. "You cannot retreat without healthy wings, so you have to guard them carefully."

She groaned. "I... I can't fly like this."

He tilted his head. "I thought so. It is impossible to leave my cave without wings, so you will have to stay here until they heal."

Sighing, Jada stood and turned to face him, folding her ruined wings so she wouldn't have to look at them anymore. "How will I find prey, and water?"

"I will have to bring prey for you," he said, sitting back on his haunches. "And there is a spring deep in the cave, along with a waste-chute, that I will let you use. But--"

"You will need to be repaid for helping me," she finished for him, looking at the ground between them. It pained her to say it, but she offered, "I do have a small hoard at my cave that you can have some of if you like. I could lead you to it once I can fly again, or give you directions there."

Hueroc paused for a moment in thought, then looked her up and down. "No. I have enough wealth of my own that I don't need some of yours as well..." His head bobbed as he swept his eyes over her form again. "I have a much better idea."

She growled softly, lips pulling back to show her fangs. Whatever his idea was, something told her she wouldn't like it.

"No... Until your wings heal, I want you to be my pet."

Jada growled again, more loudly. "What do you mean? Do you want me to act like a some human-domesticated dog? Beg you for the prey you bring me? Follow you around and let you rub me?" It didn't sound at all enjoyable, but at least she'd keep all of her hoard--assuming nobody stole it while she was stuck here...

"That's not what I meant," the red dragon chuckled, tail flicking. "Or at least not quite. You will be my own pet dragoness to use and abuse as I see fit--yes, I think now you understand. I want you to be my sex slave, until you can fly again."

What? "No!" she cried, backing away from him and shaking her head back and forth. "No, you can't do that to me, you don't have the right! Defeating me doesn't mean you can take advantage of me like that, you pervert!"

"I have every right," he snarled, advancing as much as she'd retreated. "If you will not submit, then I will simply make you yield again, take you, then do it all over again, until you understand your place in this cave."

"You can't do this to me," she said shakily--she didn't think she'd be able to stop him after being defeated once already. How could this dragon want to abuse her like this? What had she ever done to make him want to be so cruel to her?

He growled and stamped a hind paw. "I can and I will. If you really thought that you could glide into my cave, my home, like you'd already won the place, threaten me, and try to drive me away like you did... You came to my territory and tried to claim it as your own, but I defended myself, I defeated you, and now I will claim your body as mine to use. There is little difference."

She just shook her head again. "No... No, no, you can't do this..."

"You tried to claim my home as yours for as long as you could keep it," he continued, more softly. "But you lost, your wings were cut, and now you are trapped in the home you tried to take until they heal. I offered to care for you until you recovered, and to pay the debt of the prey I would bring you and of the use of my cave, I wish to use your body for my pleasure until you are well enough to move on. That is a fair trade, considering your body would waste away without my assistance."

Jada said nothing, but slumped, looking at the ground and whimpering.

"You may not like it, but it is what I have chosen," he said, and though it was forceful at least he wasn't mocking or threatening her. "Will you agree to my terms?"

She was frozen a moment longer, then finally tilted her head yes--but she glared at him when she did, to at least make sure he knew she wasn't happy about it. Hopefully her wings wouldn't take their time closing up again... because the last thing she wanted to do was follow Hueroc's orders, much less raise her tail for the dragon who'd defeated her.

"Good girl," he bobbed his head, and turned to walk deeper into the cave. "Come with me."

She growled angrily, but relented and followed him down the passage leading into the depths of the mountain, tail twitching. The two dragons didn't have far to go; after going just a few lengths Hueroc turned and led her into a large side chamber. He walked around the room, lighting a few torches to keep the chamber bright, then returned to her--she'd stopped at the entrance at the strange scents in the room. Metal, leather, and other strange man-made scents she couldn't identify made themselves known, along with the distinctive musk of draconic arousal. Had he done this to other dragonesses before? Was this where he brought them to force himself on them?

Her eyes returned to her captor as he approached her, a metallic circlet around one of his ankles. "Hold your head out," he said. She hesitated and growled again at being given orders, but after a moment obeyed him; he pulled the circlet off his leg--it was meant to close around something thicker than that--then leaned back onto his hind legs, opened the circlet, and shut it around her throat, closing it tighter and tighter until it wrapped snugly around her neck.

It was a collar.

She snarled and bared her teeth at him, at the humiliation of having to wear such a thing, but he just gave her a feral grin before locking it shut.

"There we are, my pet, now things are nice and official..." He chuckled. "You told me that I wouldn't be using your name after our little fight, and you're right about that; you are my pet and I will refer to you as such."

"If you think I'm going to call you Master--" she snarled again, but he cut her off.

"I don't expect you to say much of anything. Speech is a privilege you will only rarely be granted, so when you are allowed to you'd better be polite, or I may not see the value of letting you speak again."

She snarled and snapped her teeth, but he just walked over to one of the walls and it was then she realized what she was smelling: hooks lining the walls of the chamber held many different pieces of man-made craft. Chains, shackles, leather straps and panels, rubber cylinders shaped like a dragon's hard cock... And those were just the things she immediately recognized. There was barely any empty space on the walls of the cavern, all of it taken up by the bondage gear, and no two hooks seemed to hold the same item.

And he meant to use it all on her, she realized, a hollow knot of fear forming in her gut.

"Where did you get all of this?" she asked--anything to distract herself from what was sure to come.

He took a leather-and-metal device down from one of the hooks and returned to her. "I had it all made for me. Cost a fair amount of my hoard, but when you invest your wealth with humans it tends to multiply--and quickly if you give it to the right people. I have more money than I know what to do with, thanks to a few helpful humans."

"Why did you want these things?"

Hueroc laughed. "Because being able to use all of this gear to make a strong, defiant dragoness like you completely helpless heats me up more than you can imagine. Speaking of which..." He held up the piece of bondage gear he'd picked out: a bridle. "Open wide."

She lashed her tail and snarled at the thought of being restrained, of being fully at his mercy and unable to resist when he mounted her, but sagged after a moment and opened her mouth to accept the metal bit. It was either obey, or be hurt, defeated, forced to obey and then probably punished as well; not much of a choice to make. If only she'd been fast enough to beat him...

He pressed the bit into the back of her mouth, as far back against her gums as it would go, then let her bite down and strapped the bridle shut around her snout, pinning her jaws tight together. "You will find me a kind master, so long as you are obedient," he said, stroking her cheek with a paw. "But if you do not obey, I will not hesitate to discipline you. I will not tolerate disobedient pets. Understand?"

Tonguing the bit in her mouth, she let out a muffled growl--the bridle didn't just keep her jaws shut, it gagged her. And he'd said speaking was a privilege... which meant she'd be wearing it a lot, she realized with a groan. She finally tilted her head yes after testing the strength of the straps by trying to spread her jaws: impossible.

Her captor threaded padlocks into the buckles of the bridle and shut them, to make sure she couldn't take it off herself. "Don't bother trying to get out of whatever I bind you with; all of this was made to hold dragons, and all of it works very well."

Jada snorted and lashed her tail again, glaring at him. Even if he was probably right about her deserving being treated this way after how she'd tried to claim his territory, she was still going to find a way to make him pay for it. No proud dragoness could be so easily turned into a slave!

"Now just how to tie you up for our first time together..." He turned and wandered off to the far side of the room, head swinging back and forth to look at all his options. She growled at his back, wishing there was something she could do to stop this, but not only was it impossible for her to leave the cave, but now she had the bridle on her snout that only he could remove. And if she hadn't been able to beat him when she had all her weapons, there was no way she could stand a chance with her jaws and her fire locked away...

Nothing she could do to stop him anymore, she thought with a moan of despair. Nothing she could do but let him fuck her, however he wanted, as many times as he wanted, until her wings finally healed and she could leave his cave. But the thought of having to submit to him so many times, of being helpless to stop him when he took her, threw her mind into a turmoil of rage, depression and fear at how powerless she was. This was going to be terrible.

She hoped she'd be able to put up with it.

"Right, I know what we're going to do," Hueroc said, and she looked up to see him beckoning her to the center of the chamber, where he'd brought a few more pieces of gear. She walked over to him, trying to fight down the fear building deep inside her; she was a strong dragoness, and she could persevere no matter what the situation. Just because she would have to spend the next few weeks as a sex slave didn't take away who she was... She had to hold on to that. Nothing else was more important.

"Lie down on your back here," he gestured with his tail, and after glaring and snarling at him past the bit in her mouth she obeyed, tucking her tail between her hind legs and against her belly to hide her vent from him--while she still could. Once she was in place, he locked a pair of shackles to her forepaws that held them tight together, then clipped something to her bridle: reins, she discovered when he pulled on them. He threaded them through an anchor behind her head, then pulled them back down to her forepaws and tied them to the link holding the two shackles together. She could either move her paws down towards her belly, or her head, but had to move the other limb the opposite way to do so, and trying either one made the bit dig into her gums. After testing her small, painful range of motion she found the most comfortable middle ground she could and watched her captor work.

Next he bound her wings with wide leather belts, then put more shackles onto her hind paws--but instead of linking these together he used them to hold her hind legs spread as far apart as her paws could reach, anchoring them to the ground as well to make sure they couldn't move. She could still shield herself from him with her tail a moment longer, but finally he took it in his paws and pulled it away from her belly, using a brace to make her hold it out straight and anchoring that as well, then stepped back to admire his work.

She glared at him again and howled in anger at being forced to expose herself to him, but the restraints left her nearly immobile: her hind paws and tail were pinned, her forepaws were chained together, and any attempt to raise her head or paws or curl her body and get her back off the stone beneath her pulled hard on the bit in the back of her mouth, turning her howl into a pitiful moan of pain. She was helpless, exposed, and completely at his mercy.

"Oh, my pet dragoness is a pretty one," Hueroc purred, making her growl again at the humiliation of her position. "So big, so strong, and so well formed..." He ran a claw down her side, tracing the shape of her chest, her belly and haunch, then circled her vent before finally tickling the scaled lips, purring more loudly. She snarled as he so casually molested her, bucking in vain against her bonds and wishing there was something she could do fight him off, but he just laughed again and soon she began to smell his arousal--and quaked in fear as once again she was struck by the realization of what was about to happen.

He was going to mount her, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

"And she looks even more beautiful tied up and helpless." His hips began to rock back and forth and a moment later his swelling cock slid from its slit, quickly building to full hardness as he teased her vent with his claws. She shivered at the light sensation and did her best to shut it out; she would not let herself enjoy being violated by him.

"What do you think, my pet?" he walked over to her head to give her a good view of his stiff arousal. "Are you ready for your master to take you?"

She bellowed as loudly as her bridle would let her, thrashing helplessly until the pain of the bit in her mouth forced her to stop, panting hard through her nostrils. He may have brought her to bay, but she would be sure he knew she wasn't willing!

"No?" he bared his teeth, beginning to pant with excitement. "Even better." He thrust a couple of times for her, then moved to straddle her, lowering himself onto her and rubbing the head of his cock against the scales of her belly, taunting her. "Don't worry, my pet, you will learn to love this before you leave... I'll make sure of that." Then finally he growled, gathered himself, and forced his way into her.

She stiffened and howled in anger and despair as she felt his shaft drive deep into her vent, filling her and rubbing wonderfully--horribly--against her insides. After holding still for a moment he began to thrust, slowly pulling out before pressing inward again, groaning with pleasure. Jada nearly moaned in time with him at the sensation but forced herself to ignore it; she was stronger than this. Even if she could not escape, could not keep him from mounting her, she could resist, she had the strength to keep the feelings from getting to her, and she would not let herself enjoy the sensations of her captor taking her like this.

Hueroc didn't seem to care if she was enjoying it or not; he only began to thrust faster as she squirmed in her restraints, trying to close her hind legs, bring her tail up, reach his neck with her claws... But all were beyond her reach and she could only lie there beneath him, helpless, as he continued to fuck her. After a little while she gave up and went limp in her chains, simply ignoring as best she could the hard cock pumping in and out of her as the red dragon claimed her, each horrible moment seeming to last an hour until finally he growled, shuddered, and reached his climax, loosing his seed deep inside her. She moaned unhappily at the feeling and twisted in her bonds, trying to get away from his snout as he lowered his head to nuzzle her, but there was nothing she could do to stop him and just glared, growling at him, as he rubbed his cheeks against hers. At least she could take some little solace in the fact that she was far enough from her next heat cycle that he wouldn't conceive with her--unless he never let her go, but she shoved that thought aside after a moment; it wouldn't matter until her wings healed anyway.

Then it was over and he collapsed on top of her, panting to regain his breath and purring softly. "I think we're going to have a lot of fun together, my pet," he said quietly, then nuzzled her once more before standing and pulling out of her--she sighed with relief as the awful feeling of his shaft filling her went away. "But it would be more fun if you would let yourself enjoy it..." he tickled her vent again and laughed as once again she started to squirm, struggling in vain to get away from the light stimulation.

"There's nothing wrong with enjoying sex," he purred, tickling more firmly and probing a little ways into her with a claw. "In fact, your master wants you to. So while I've got you nice and exposed here, I think this is a good opportunity to give you another chance to enjoy some stimulation. Let me give you something you won't be able to resist..."

Jada bucked again as he walked away to get some more equipment, but her restraints still proved impossible to escape. Something she couldn't resist? What was that supposed to mean? If only she could work her hind paws or tail free, then at least she'd be able to shield her vent from him for a little while, she wouldn't have to lie immobile and so completely exposed for him to look at as much as he wanted, he wouldn't be able to molest her so easily... She strained a little harder, tugging her hind paws against the shackles holding them, but she could barely move the width of a claw; whatever he had planned for her, she was powerless to stop it.

He returned a moment later with two cylinders clutched in his jaws; he set them down by the base of her tail, then sat back on his haunches and went to work. Tucking her forepaws as close to her neck as she could, she raised her head to see what he was doing and moaned when she saw what he'd brought to her: one of the cylinders was a short rod with one of those rubber dragon cocks on the end. He chuckled when he saw her looking and heard her muffled complaint, then held up the thing so she could get a closer look: it seemed almost identical to his own dragonhood, maybe a little larger, and she shivered at the thought of having to feel it inside her.

"What, you don't like the dildo?"

"Nn-nn," she growled back at him through her bridle, shaking her head the little she could without hurting herself. Not only did she have to suffer him violating her, she had to suffer his toys, as well?

"Well don't worry, my pet... just like mating with me, you'll learn to love it." He rocked his hips a couple of times, then rubbed the tip of the dildo against the edge of her vent, teasing her and making her squirm again as she tried in vain to get away from its touch. She snarled and glared at him--there was no way she would ever enjoy being abused like this!--but that was all she could do until he chose to stop a few moments later.

Then Hueroc reached for the second cylinder, a narrower plastic thing with a large, smooth ball on the end, and clipped it securely to the rod so the ball was about even with the base of the dildo. He looked over the setup for a moment, then grinned and lowered the toys to her belly, pressing the tip of the dildo against her vent again but not pushing it in--yet. She couldn't suppress a tremble as she felt it rub against her; what was that other thing, anyway? It didn't look like it was meant to go into her vent... What was it supposed to do to her?

"You didn't enjoy mating with me, but I want you to enjoy this," he said. "I want you to have an orgasm with these toys, and I won't take no for an answer. Understand?"

What? He wanted to force her to climax? Forcing her to mate was one thing, when he'd defeated her and bound her like this, but how could he make her orgasm? He couldn't stop her from shutting out any stimulation he gave her, and if she shut it out then she'd never even come close to orgasm... Unless these toys were somehow capable of giving her sensations so powerful she couldn't ignore them no matter how hard she tried, she realized, shuddering. But she wouldn't submit to him so completely that she'd let herself enjoy being abused like this, she thought with a snarl, not without a fight! Howling as loudly as she could manage, she glared and him and shook her head, thrashing in her bonds even though it was useless. There were some things he just couldn't make her do, whether he'd beaten her or not!

He snarled right back and slid the dildo into her, filling her sex until the ball pressed up against the edge of her vent. In that moment she realized what it was, and she wriggled in panic as she tried to get away, but there was nothing she could do to stop him when he reached for the cylinder with a claw and flicked a switch, activating the big ball vibrator that was pressed firmly against her clit. She howled and bucked as the intense sensations raced through her, forcing aside her attempts to resist in an instant and exposing her to the full strength of the vibrator focusing on the most sensitive point of her sex. But that wasn't all--the vibrations were transmitted from the ball to the dildo buried deep inside her vent, stimulating her powerfully there as well and making her moan and squirm with pleasure.

No! she thought after a moment, howling at the strength of the stimulation and doing everything she could to fight it down before it overcame her completely. No, she wouldn't give in, she wouldn't climax for him! She focused as hard as she could, eyes squeezing shut, claws clenched tight, but the buzz of the vibrator was so strong, so incredible, so persistent... Her hips rocked almost of their own accord, pressing herself even harder against the toys, and after shuddering for a moment she regained control of herself--she couldn't let this happen, she had to make it stop, she had to escape!

Jada thrashed as hard as she could, ignoring the pain of the bit digging into her gums, ignoring the bite of the unyielding metal that held her paws in place, throwing herself against her bonds with all the strength she could muster. She had to get out! But everything was too strong... She was helpless, immobile, and had no choice but to lie there while he continued to torment her. Bellowing, she bucked one last time, but it was useless and she collapsed with a moan, squirming fitfully as she tried in vain to pull away from the dildo and vibrator. No... If she couldn't escape then it wouldn't stop, not until her concentration broke and she couldn't stop herself from reaching climax... Already the incredible sensation was wearing down her defenses, and when her hips started to rock towards the toys Hueroc still pressed firmly into her she couldn't regain control of herself enough to stop, making her alternately moan and whimper with pleasure and despair. She couldn't stop it...

She kept trying as long as she could, but in the end it was just too much for her to handle. No matter how hard she tried the vibrator just kept going, the ball and the dildo inside her seeming to touch all the most sensitive points of her sex at once and making her moan and shiver in ecstasy, battering through her attempts to resist the feelings until finally she just couldn't keep it up any longer. Her focus broke, leaving the stimulation to attack her full-force, and she cried out and shuddered at the wonderful sensation that was now free to race through her uninhibited. Oh, it felt so good... The pleasure built higher and higher as she continued to hump against the toys, moaning again and again through her bridle until her body could take it no longer. Crying out in ecstasy as orgasm gripped her, her back arched, her whole body shook, and her mind went blank beneath the incredible waves of pleasure that washed over her. Having resisted at first only made it seem more powerful, even the pain of fighting her restraints overridden by the sensations as her sex clenched again and again on the dildo inside her, and after howling again from the experience she finally went still, panting hard through her nostrils as she tried to regain her breath.

"I told you you'd like it..." Hueroc said, patting her belly with a forepaw, "but we're not done yet."

She blinked in confusion, then realized that the vibrator hadn't stopped and that the pleasure it gave her was already building again with frightening speed. She moaned and shook her head, eyes going wide, but he didn't take the stimulation away... Squirming helplessly, she tried to regain control of herself enough to fight down the sensations, but it was too intense for her to resist and she could already feel her body tensing again, another orgasm on the way. Her second climax broke over her a moment later, even more intense than the first, and she screamed as loudly as the bridle would let her at the feeling as her body shook uncontrollably within her restraints, overwhelmed with pleasure.

But he still wouldn't stop! Jada whined and looked pleadingly towards her captor, begging him to stop tormenting her, but he just bared his teeth and pressed the vibrator a little more firmly against her clit. The intensity of the stimulation made her thrash, her body now just as desperate to escape as her mind--but still her bonds kept her firmly pinned. She cried out as she felt her third peak building, trying first to reach her belly with her head, then her forepaws, but the reins linking the two kept both from even getting close; she could not stop him no matter how hard she tried. Her hindquarters and tail shuddered powerfully, then her whole body went limp as she reached orgasm again, moaning in near-pain at the strength of the feelings racing through her. Why wouldn't he stop...

Her fourth climax followed right on the heels of the third, all her attempts to control herself and resist the stimulation abandoned at the intensity of the vibrations torturing her. Each successive orgasm seemed longer and more powerful than the last, each time she came she had even less control of herself, and when her fourth bucking, screaming orgasm faded she could only lie there, trembling and whimpering in exhaustion, and wish for him to stop. But he wasn't ready to let her go yet; she barely had time to notice he still wouldn't let her rest before the incredible sensations overcame her yet again. Her strength gone, she could only lie there and shake, crying out in painful ecstasy, as he ripped another orgasm from her spent frame.

Finally Hueroc turned off the vibrator and pulled the dildo out of her, rubbing her heaving chest with a paw as she gasped for breath. "Good girl," he purred. "Good pet, having so many orgasms for your master. I'll let you rest now... there's just one more thing I have to do."

She didn't even have the strength left to glare at him as he went to get even more equipment down from the walls; her ordeal had left her drained and exhausted, both physically and mentally, and she could only hope this 'one more thing' her captor wanted to do wasn't to torment her further. He returned with more bondage gear after a little while, and set it down next to her before taking the key to her bonds from a little pouch he'd hung from the base of his neck and beginning to release her. The brace for her tail came first, but after what he'd done to her she didn't bother shielding herself with it; letting him see her vent didn't matter when he'd already released his seed deep inside it. Next he unlocked the shackles on her hind paws from the anchors that had forced her to spread them, but instead of taking the shackles off he linked them together, as close as the shackles on her forepaws, then rolled her onto her side. Some small part of her wondered why she wasn't trying to fight him, but the rest of her was too worn out to try--and if she did he'd just punish her anyway.

Once she was on her side he took two more short chain-links and used them connect her fore paws to hind, leaving her tightly hog-tied, then untied her reins from her paws so he could pull them out of the anchor they'd been threaded through--but instead of taking them off entirely, he tied them to her forepaws again, so tight this time that she was forced to keep her chin against her paws.

"Just one more piece, then I'm done," he said, and she looked to see what last bit of gear he held--and moaned unhappily when she saw another dildo, this one with a flat panel at its base instead of a rod, in his forepaws. "Hush, my pet," he growled softly, then took the toy and pushed it as far as it would go into her vent, making her shiver at the feeling. There were straps leading from the edges of the panel at its base, and he buckled and locked them around her hindquarters, securing the dildo inside her. She whimpered at him and shook her head a little, but he just purred and stroked her cheek with a paw before locking the last strap shut and making sure everything was secure.

"There you go, nice and comfy so you can rest. I'm going to take a short nap, then go hunting for the two of us; I'll be back in a few hours. Sleep well, my pet," he nuzzled her on the forehead despite her moan of protest, then blew out the torches and left her alone, the only light that remained a faint stream coming from the little sunlight that made it down the passage outside.

She whined at him out of the back of her throat as he left, as loudly as she could manage, but he ignored her, and she went quiet with a sob. Nothing she could do now but lie there and wait for him to return... Wait with a dildo plugging her sex, she thought with a moan as she shifted a little and felt it move inside her. She twisted and tried to reach it with her forepaws, to see if she could pull it out, or cut the straps, or something, but she could barely reach the end of the panel in her restraints and its tough plastic kept her from even being able to touch the toy stuck inside her. She tried for the straps next, but her attempts to reach them only had her pushing her paws against the panel, which moved the dildo enough to make her tremble with pleasure.

Jada gave up after a little while; the straps were probably too tough for her to be able to cut through anyway. As soon as she laid still she felt exhaustion closing in on her, and as long as she didn't move her hindquarters or tail at all she almost didn't notice the dildo inside her--almost, she thought, shuddering a little at the constant, horribly arousing feeling of the toy stuffing her vent. She didn't think she'd be able to sleep, not in the middle of the day, not bound and helpless, not in the unfamiliar cave of a dragon who might decide to force himself on her again at any time, not with a dildo in her sex that she couldn't remove... But the torment her captor had forced her through had left her tired enough that after just a few minutes she slipped out of consciousness.