Other World Book One Chapter 6 A new Dawn

Story by wolf421 on SoFurry

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#7 of Other World (or how my life changed)

Well this chapter has a little bit of everything in it yiff wise; my wife was wanting to kill me because almost every night while working on this she got yiffed good. And because of that we might have a cub in nine months... Ok the usual warnings about reading this if you're under the age of 18. If you get caught by your parents its all on you so don't have them sending lawyers and what not after me..lol

Other World

Chapter 6: A New Dawn

By: Wolf421

Editor: Lady Shandi Dracul

This chapter starts three days prior to the end of chapter 5.

Timothy sipped from his cup of coffee as the first rays of sunlight bloomed over the mountains to the east. Each year he had came here to Shoehorn pass with his girl friend (Alex's ex-girl friend) now Timothy's wife to remember their friend Alex Davenport. Alex had been riding in a bike race and had been seen by another rider behind him heading down the trail into Shoehorn pass two years ago and disappeared off the face of the earth. The forestry service along with the locals from their town had searched the pass for over a month before the search was called off, not a trace of Alex or his bike had ever been found.

Behind him the tent flap open as Jennifer slipped out of the tent putting her arms into her t-shirt and pulling it down to cover her well toned bare breasts and chest. She stepped over to the small fire pit and picked up the coffee pot and poured a cup for herself before stepping over to Timothy and wrapped an arm around his waist.

"Good morning beautiful, did you sleep well?" Timothy asked when her arm wrapped around him.

"Morning my hot in the sack husband, I would have slept better if the air bed hadn't got punctured during that hot steamy sex last night." She replied before sipping from her cup.

"Well you didn't complain about it last night, so I figured it was all good." He replied smirking about last night.

"The sex was wonderful it's the rocks sticking me in the back the rest of the night that was the problem. It's going to be a great day by the look of it." She replied patting him on the ass as she turned away to get ready for the day. He turned and watched as she retreated to the tent, her shapely ass cheeks visible under the bottom edge of her shirt. As she reached for the tent flap she bent over slightly and her shirt rode up exposing her bare ass and vulva for him to see. His cock throbbed in his boxers for a second before the tent flap closed behind her. He followed her into the tent to find her already pulling on her panties followed by her hiking shorts then her boots. Seeing that before breakfast sex wasn't on the menu he followed suit and finished getting dressed.

An hour later after they had breakfast they sat looking at a map spread out on the ground in front of them.

"I figure we check this area here today." He said pointing at an area of the map.

"Why that area, the forestry service along with the other searchers supposedly went over that old rock slide a couple of times looking for him. If anywhere to look I honestly think we need to check this one out over here instead. That area was so unstable two years ago that the search teams almost lost two or three people a few days before the race checking it out, as a result they did helicopter over flights of the area only, no ground search. And because of that there were a lot of spots the helicopter couldn't have seen like in the tree line." She replied circling an area on the map with her outstretched finger.

"The reason I didn't point out that area is Alex wouldn't have rode that trail it was marked unsafe the morning of the race. Unless he missed the sign or he was trying to catch up to McBride. (His face changes to that of one thinking hard on something for a few seconds before changing to anger) That Fucking bitch! No wonder her time was so low, she took an unapproved trail for the race to extend her lead." He said as he got up and walked over to the dying fire to refill his coffee cup.

Jennifer watched as he fixed his coffee and waited a minute before speaking.

"You mean even though she had almost what five minute lead on Alex she cheated to extend her lead even farther. If she took that trail and Alex saw her; would he have followed her? She asked watching her husband walk back over to look at the map.

"He would have followed her to hell if it meant him getting a chance to win the sponsorship that the winner got two years ago; the one she won for cheating. SHIT! I should have seen it before; she had to know that he was behind her. Saddle up, let's get over there and check it out. And if we get lucky and find Alex at least we can bring him home to his parents." Timothy said walking back to the fire pit and pouring out the last of the coffee on the fire.

Jennifer folded the map up as he made sure the fire was out, when he turned to face her he had a tear in his eye. She'd known both of them most of her life and Alex disappearance had hurt them both deeply. But now she understood how much he had loved Alex, as his childhood friend. He whipped the tear from the corner of his eye and his face changed again. This time with resolve etched into his features.

"Let's go and just maybe we'll find him and bring him home." He said to her as he walked over to their backpacks and picked them up.

"My thoughts exactly, now give me my pack and let's get going." She replied holding out her hand to him.

He passed her the backpack and she quickly put it on and adjusted the straps to where the backpack sat on her shoulders comfortably. The last thing she needed was the backpack riding wrong and rubbing her shoulders wrong or putting unneeded stress on her back muscles. After all why spend almost two hundred dollars on a really good backpack with lumbar support and not use it as it was meant to be used.

As they hiked to the area they watched for changes in the weather, after all they were in the foothills of the rocky mountain range, and storms popped up almost in minutes without any advanced warning. As the sun slowly climbed into the sky as the morning past they stopped every now and then for small rest breaks and to admire the lush forest which they were hiking through.

"You know dear I've been thinking all morning about the day of the race. And what some rider said when Alex didn't turn up at the next check point. At first I discounted it as Him trying to spin lies about Alex, but now the more I think about it. I think he might have been telling the truth." Timothy said as they stopped to take a break.

"Well what did he say that had you thinking that he was lying about Alex?" She asked as she pulled her water bottle from its pouch on her hip.

"He said he saw Alex on a closed trail, but I don't think it was the one we're hiking to but I'm not really sure after two years anymore. But I can't see Alex heading down a closed trail; he's too much of the follow the rules type even when it goes against him." He replied before taking a sip from his water bottle.

"Yeah, he was always that way ever since I meet him. Always telling the truth and trying to be the honorable one in every situation. But I also have learned to look at the other side of things, if Alex needed that win to break into the next tier of racing. (She pauses for a second before continuing) I don't see him not going down that trail, especially if McBride was going down it already to strengthen her lead even farther. Alex would have looked at it as all's fair in love and war, and followed her." She replied putting her bottle back in its pouch.

"He was that way, even back when we both where five and playing in the backyard. If I got into trouble for doing something totally stupid he wouldn't lie to cover me to our parents; He'd tell the truth and get both of us in even more trouble." Timothy said chuckling about it.

"Yeah, I remember those days. Heck I remember the time I got him to actually (she blushes) play doctor with me. (She lets her words hang there for a second to see the shocked look on his face) He didn't know a thing about boys and girls till I showed him. And he told his mother that night about it, and sure enough my mom got a call from his mother and I got a spanking and a long talking to." She said giggling at Timothy's expression.

"Now I'm hurt, you played doctor with him but never played doctor with me. What made you chose which one to do it with? If I may ask that is?" He asked looking somewhat hurt.

"Oh Timothy, it wasn't about which one of you to chose between, it wasn't like that at all back then for me. I had originally planned on getting you both at the same time, but things happened we didn't know about. Like your parents taking you to see your grandparents for half the summer back when we all were twelve. That's when we did it, if you really want to know." She replied standing up to continue their hike.

"So you were a little freak back then and I thought you was so stuck up that I didn't have a chance." He replied following her.

"I'm still a freak; you just haven't learned it yet, husband. I'd do you and Alex right now at the same time if he was here with us." She said looking back over her shoulder walking down the trail in front of him adding more sway to her hips as she walked for emphasis.

"Yeah but hopefully in the years ahead you will enlighten me to the depths of your freakiness." He replied with a chuckle.

"Of course I will, you got to see a small part of just how freaky I am last night. And then this morning when I came out of the tent was just the tip of the iceberg." She said in an almost sultry voice.

"Damn I wonder what I got myself into marring her, the way she makes it out is like I don't even know her; the real her that is." He thought to himself as he followed her down the game trail.

Near ten a.m. they reach the area they intend to search on this the first day of three they have before returning to their jobs on Monday. Jennifer will be at her job at the bank and Timothy will don his uniform and report to the reserve station of the National Guard to begin two weeks training he does each year. As they climb over and around the rocks of numerous rock slides Timothy finds the remains of an unlucky deer that got caught in the last rock slide.

"What do we have over here?" She asked making her way over to him.

"A dead deer, well at least it wasn't some person, poor deer, and talk about being in the wrong place wrong time." Timothy said looking down at the remains as Jennifer walked over.

"Did you find anything?" He asked as she got ten feet away and stopped from the smell of the rotting deer.

"Not a darn thing. Why don't we head up the sloop toward the trail Alex would have to used to get here and see if we find anything." She suggested looking up the hill side.

"That's going to take us at least an hour to climb up there, but who knows we might find something other than a dead deer." He said before starting to move up the sloop.

"Well, just think of this as us doing something together besides sex." She said moving to about ten feet to his right and climbing parrel to him.

Half an hour passes as they climb upward.

"Shit, I thought that boulder was wedged in tight, otherwise I wouldn't have stepped on it." Timothy said as he watched the boulder rolling down the hillside.

"Watch your footing over there, some of these rocks and boulders feel pretty loose." She replied hoping down from one to a half buried one.

"Jennifer get over here I've found something!" He exclaimed dropping into the hole left by the dislodged boulder.

"Damn it! Wait for me to get over there to spot you!" She shouted back moving across the boulders to where she had seen him disappear.

When she gets over there she finds him standing in a hole that's maybe seven feet deep and is looking up at her with a smile on his face.

"Did I scare you baby?" He asked pulling off his backpack.

"Timothy Duncan don't you ever scare me like that again! Now what did you find?" She asked looking down at him.

"There an opening down here under this boulder, looks like it may be a small cave made by the rockslide. I can't see much from here, let me get out my flash light and take a look." He said opening one of the outer pockets on his backpack and pulling out an emergency flashlight and turning it on.

Above ground Jennifer watches as he waves the flashlight from left to right lighting the interior of the small cave, until he stops and holds the flashlight still.

"Jen get down here I think I may have found something!" Timothy said looking up at her and motioning her down next to him with his hand. She pulls off her pack and drops it down to him before following it after he makes room for her. Once down in the hole she sees that it is indeed a small cave made by the boulders, some light gets in thru the spaces between boulders but not enough to really see by.

"So what did you find that needed me to climb down here with you." She said looking at his back. He crawls to the right to give she can see what he had found. From between two boulders is a bike tire and rather bent rim.

"Can you tell if that is from Alex's bike?" She asks stooping over to enter the cave.

"Give me a minute; I'm looking for the brand it is on the rim. Alex had four rims given to him by one of the local bike shops and his bike had a matched set of rims on it for the race." He said as he brushed off some of the dirt on the rim. Just as he found the makers mark on the rim his flashlight flickers for a couple of seconds before going out.

"Crap! I thought you put new batteries in the flashlights before we left yesterday." Jennifer said as she pulled out hers from her backpack and turned it on.

"I did, I replaced all the batteries in our flashlights the radio and a few other things back at camp." He replied holding out a hand for the flashlight. Before he could take hold of it their cell phones started ringing and the flashlight flickered for a few seconds before it went dead and the phones stopped ringing almost at the same time.

"What the hell is going on around here; let's get out of this cave and back above ground. Why did it get dark all the sudden?" She asked looking up out of the hole toward the sky above her.

"I don't know, but yeah let's get topside. Not like I can see a thing in here in the dark." He replied crawling over to her.

"You go first, then I'll toss our packs up and then you can pull me up." She said holding her hands together in a cradle for his foot. He moves over to her and places his foot in between her hands and gives a hop with the other foot as she pulls her hands upward across her belly boosting him up enough so he can climb out. Up top he gets to his feet and holds his hands out for her to toss their packs up to him. Once both packs are lying on the ground behind him he lays down and extends his hand for her to grab onto. When she grabs hold he pulls up and within seconds she is out of the hole next to him. He gets to his feet first and helps her up.

"Shit we need to get off this rock slide, look at them storm clouds." Jennifer said pointing up to the sky.

"That's not really what's got my attention." He said his voice stuttering with fear, his hand on her shoulder pressing her to turn.

"What are you afraid o-." she starts to say as she turned and looked where he was. The blood drains from her face as fear surges through her body.

Some twenty feet up the hillside a platform juts from the hill side, leaning against the hand rail is a very large mountain lion standing on its hind legs dressed in a uniform of some type and sporting a very large and deadly looking bow with an equally impressive arrow drawn back pointed at them. Standing next to the mountain lion is another being that can only be described as a mix between a wolf and jackal, the long thin head and body of a jackal but with a wolf's fur and fluffy tail almost jet black in color; and also wearing a uniform of sorts. Their uniforms are black knee length shorts and vests, which neither hide the wears muscles or other endowments.

"Sabine! Hold it their humans!" The wolf shouts next to the mountain lion before he can fire the arrow.

"Crud, I was hoping for one of them deer to come through; been a good while since we had a deer here besides that one that brings the supplies." The one called Sebastian said in a deep bass voice lowering the bow.

"Hello humans; don't worry about my companion Sebastian here. He loves fresh deer as you've heard. And I would be Jet. Obviously you have a ton of questions, now how about you two come on up here and I'll answer you the best I can. Oh and by the way, let me be the first to welcome you to Terra Prime." The wolf said motioning for them to come up to the platform.

For a minute Timothy stood there in shock before moving up the hill side to the platform with Jennifer hanging onto his backpack. By the time they reached the platform, Jet and Sebastian had set out some chairs at a table and was sitting in them waiting. Each had a tall glass of some liquid sitting in front of them. When they got level with the platform Timothy realized that the platform went back into the hillside and was a single story building built into the hill.

"Welcome to Freedom Forces immigration and naturalization post #23. If you're human, welcome to Terra Prime. And before you ask, Terra Prime is an alternate reality of Earth. The furs that man this post will not harm you in any way, shape or form, if they do it's because they have been forced into that position by you. And also before you ask, there is no known way to return you to the earth you came from. You're stuck here like the rest of us. Now the furs here will fill you in on everything that you need to know over the course of the next two weeks of your naturalization to Terra prime." The recording said from the speakers overhead on a pole.

"Come on over and have some tea with us, we don't bite unless you ask." Jet said in a joking manner.

Timothy looked at Jennifer for a second before stepping toward the table that Sebastian and Jet were sitting at. After they had their packs off and set to the side they both took the offered seats at the table.

"Have some tea; you must be thirsty after your journey here." Sebastian said pouring two glasses and placing them on the table in front of them.

"Jet and I know you two must have a ton of questions even after the commanders little speech, all your questions will be answered in time. But first drink your tea and I'll tell you the first things you need to know here. I'm an anthromorph otherwise called a fur or a furry, we evolved from the animals of your world "earth" thousands of years ago that came thru the portal from your world to this one; just like you two did just minutes ago down in the cave." Sebastian said pouring himself another glass of tea.

"Wait a second, how did you learn English?" Jennifer asked as she picked up her glass of tea.

"The same way you did from our parents and in school like everyone else." Jet replied smiling.

"So that portal is a one way trip here with no way for us to get home?" Timothy asked setting his glass down.

"Yup, that's the gist of it. Once here you're here for the rest of your life. A few have tried to use the portal to go back but it never works, and they have given up after a month or two. But you can still have a life here, we're not savages after all, if we were that; well you'd be lunch by now and your feme would be on her way to the slave market or someone's bed chamber." Sebastian said in a matter of fact tone.

"Hold on Sabine, you know slavery is no longer allowed under the new government. Besides they are obviously mates if you hadn't noticed the rings and how they are holding hands. Please forgive my friend here he tends to remember the way things used to be around here." Jet said placing a hand on Sebastian forearm.

"You had slavery here also, that's interesting. We abolished slavery in most countries over a century ago back on earth. So I take it that here slavery is still present in this world but not in this country anymore. Well I guess that's a good thing for me and my wife." Timothy replied giving Jennifer's hand a squeeze.

"Actually most of the world countries here have been ahead of us in that respect for some time; Slavery here was just abolished almost six months ago along with the old government. Our commander and the top officers of the Freedom movement forces are staging a national election in four days to select a new governmental body." Jet said glancing over Sebastian way.

"Well, I'm just wondering if you had a list of people from earth that came through the portal; we think one of our friends disappeared right at two years ago might have ended up here." Timothy said picking up his glass to take a drink.

"There is a list of people that came through the portal here only goes back about two years, maybe longer; But it also has the list for the other portals we know of along with the names of people that came through them. But we can give it a look and see if your friend is on there. Sabine, be a dear and go get the list so our new citizens can look it over. Who knows your friend's name might be on it, and if it is that will give you two an anchor here to start from and save me a lot of paperwork to get you all housing." Jet replied tapping Sebastian on the arm. Sebastian gave Jet a look of annoyance but got up and walked inside the building. Timothy watched as Sebastian walked away to do as Jet had asked.

"If this list goes back two years, I doubt that Alex would be on it and we could end up looking all over this country in vain for him without somewhere to start." Jennifer said looking over at Timothy.

"But it's the only chance we have of finding him; otherwise I must accept that he died in a rock slide back on earth in the pass. It's either that or he left on his own for some unknown reason." Timothy said as Sebastian came back out of the building with a clipboard in hand.

"Or he might be here but was never reported as coming thru this portal. There are more portals scattered all over the world, but we only actually know of this one and a few others in this country." Jet replied but was really watching the female human.

Jennifer watched Sebastian fluid graceful walk as he approached the table, the raw feline grace he displayed in an economy of movement. Each step and move of his body almost calculated to the millimeter and his eyes when he looked at you where those of a hunter. Even his muscles well defined even through the fabric of his uniform and she couldn't help but notice that his shorts failed to hide the size of his package. Which she could have sworn throbbed as he walked toward her. She felt herself grow wet between her legs and her nipples harden at the thought of him between her thighs his powerful muscles thrusting his maleness into her. Timothy nudging her brought her from her daydream abruptly.

"What, did you say something dear?" She asked Timothy, blushing as she realized that she had been starring at Sabine.

"Yeah, I did, but you seemed far away from here. There's more portals all over the world from what Jet just told me, there might be the possibility that he came through another portal or it just never got reported that he was from earth; that's if he's even here." He said as Sebastian placed the clipboard in front of him. Which Timothy picked up and started looking through the names page after page.

On the other side of the table, Jet watched as he flipped through page after page of names of the humans that had come through the portal down the hillside from them. Timothy as he was called by the one called Jennifer wasn't unattractive for a human male and neither was his mate. She had over the years enjoyed the comforts of both sex's fur and human alike. Jet liked to think of herself as an equal opportunity fur especially when it came to sex, especially anal and right now she was sizing both of them up. Next to her Sebastian was thinking along similar lines, he had seen the woman checking him out when he came back with the clipboard moments ago. Normally he wouldn't consider the idea of yiffing a human female but this one had stirred something in him the moment he had saw her through the targeting glass on his bow. She had a figure that some feme furs would die to have, just the right amount of curves in the right places. Not overly large in the breast department but a nice mouthful and her hips were the same way, not to wide but wide enough that barring a child would be easy for her in time. The one thing that really attracted him though was the long red mane of hair besides her eyes. The look in her eyes spoke to him in ways words couldn't, they spoke of desire and hid her more primal side. Sebastian glanced over at Timothy for a second before returning to look at Jennifer.

"How does he not see her for what she is? She's just as much as a predator as me or Jet is. Bet she's a great lover in bed, I'd like to see if her hair is as red between them legs of hers as it is on her head. Heck who am I fooling; I'd mate with her just for the thrill of it. Jet would want in on it; hmm that's not a bad idea, a three way or four way." Sebastian thought to himself a smile on his face.

"Wow this is a long list, it's amazing how many people accidently come here from earth each year." Timothy said looking up at Jet.

"Well how many people where you are from just up and disappear each year? Chances are they end up here instead of somewhere no one wants to be." Jet asked.

"I don't know, somewhere in the thousands would be a good guess." He replied looking at her for a second before returning to looking at the list.

"Last year I saw a report that stated that the government estimated that somewhere between fifteen and twenty thousand people just up and disappear each year, but that number also includes the runaways, the unreported murders and so on. Which is in its self a scary thought, that so many disappear each year and no one says a word or even sends a letter back to their families." Jennifer replied fidgeting in her chair a little as her bladder started signaling her that it was getting full.

"I can believe it, the old government here used to use those poor souls that it captured as its cheap labor force if it didn't kill them out right. Girl you look like a person that's got to go to the bathroom, and speaking of it so do I, come on and I'll show you where it's at." Jet said as she stood up.

"They did that to the people that came here from earth, what reason did they do that?" Jennifer asked as she got up and followed her into the building.

Timothy didn't hear her answer as they walked inside his eyes were on the list in front of him. Turning to the second to the last page he was starting to give up when he had to go back and reread a hastily scribbled name to make it out, "Alex J. Davenport" found at location four and transported to Dry Gulch Clinic for major trauma, current where abouts unknown. Just to make sure his eyes were not playing tricks on him he sat the clipboard down on the table and then rubbed his eyes with the palms of his hands before going back to reread the name again.

"Holy fuck, Alex is alive and here on Terra Prime! My best friend is alive! We got to find him, hell I got to tell Jen the good news!" He thought to himself before standing up and looking over at Sabine.

"Yes! He's here at, or was at the Dry Gulch Clinic! Where is this clinic? Scratch that, I got to tell Jennifer first, and then we can find some way to track him down. Jennifer!" Timothy shouted running for the building door way with the clipboard in hand.

"Hmm, if I know Jet she's probably already in Jennifer's shorts and licking her honey pot for all she worth by now. Well I guess I should go in and join the party, really don't want to miss out on this. Wonder if Timothy is against sharing his mate with another?" Sebastian thought to himself as he followed the excited human into the building.

Inside the center, and minutes earlier.

Jennifer followed Jet into the building, them both on a mission of mercy, the urgent relief their bladders had called for. Jennifer walking behind Jet took in the interior of the building; the interior was baseline drab as far as the paint. But the interior was not really of interest to her at the moment, getting to the bathroom was. And the current view she had of Jet's swaying bushy tail and her hips was far better than the paint on the walls to look at.

"Well here's the bathroom, come on in there's plenty of room for you." Jet said holding the door open for her.

"But I thought you would want some privacy." Jennifer replied blushing.

"Well this isn't a one fur bathroom in here either, when the military builds a post they make sure there's plenty of toilets for everyone and this little outpost is no exception. Now come on in here before you pee all over yourself." Jet said motioning her to enter. As Jennifer enters the bathroom she sees that one wall must have at least ten toilets; the opposite wall has of course sinks and down on one end of the bathroom is an open doorway which in the room beyond she can make out a shower. Jet walks over to one of the toilets and drops her shorts before taking a seat on the toilet; Jennifer blushes as there are no dividing walls between the toilets. And it didn't help that she got a full view of Jet's furred pierced hood of her obviously canine cunt before she sat down either.

"Ah hell we're both female here." Jennifer thinks to herself before walking over and dropping her shorts and taking a seat a couple of toilets down from Jet.

"Nice ass you have there." Jet said looking over at Jennifer smiling. Jennifer blushes as she has never had another female say anything like that to her, especially in the bathroom.

"Nice piercings you have, I couldn't help but notice them." Jennifer replied her skin getting hot as she blushed even more.

"Wow I never seen anyone blush like that; your hips and legs are turning red. Oh, I'm sorry didn't mean to embarrass you; I forget you humans have a thing about seeing someone nude. What did they call it in that training class? Oh yeah, modesty is what they called it. You better get used to seeing it because not all furs wear clothes; heck some humans I know of don't wear clothes unless it's cold and or raining out." Jet said.

"So the society here has no laws against walking around nude all the time, that's very interesting. (A sparkle lights in her eyes and she smiles) Whereas back home we have laws that make it illegal to oh step behind a tree to take a piss, and everyone must wear clothes and keep everything covered." Jennifer replied.

"How horrid, if I have to go I'm going where ever I may be, especially if I'm out of the cities or towns. We furs have a different view on many things but forcing people to wear clothes or even where they go to relive themselves is rather idiotic in my opinion. We furs look at it this way, you're a female of your species and I'm a female of mine. Our cunts serve the same function they just maybe shaped slightly different; the same goes for the males." Jet replied as she whipped herself clean.

"Well I guess there might some good things about Terra Prime after all; I think that I'm going like it here. By the way, I like the way your fur shines and the lighter high lights it has. (And the view you're giving me). Jennifer replied the second part she thought and didn't speak.

Jet had noticed where her eyes were wandering and turned just slightly to give her a better view as she pulled up her shorts and buttoned them.

"Best play this one slow and easy; she's obviously interested in me. Wonder if it's just a casual interest or a more yiffy one? Probably better wait until later tonight or in a few days." Jet thought to herself as Jennifer cleaned herself and stood up, stretched her arms over head and her pelvis thrust forward showing off her trimmed bush of bright red hair. She twisted her body left and then right, exposing herself to Jet's gaze. Her neither lips were a nice pink to dark red and slightly spread open and gave Jet a view of her clit at the apex of her lips. Jennifer bent at the waist and pulled her panties and shorts up; she paused for a second just before the panties covered her clit completely giving one last look before pulling them the rest of the way up quickly hearing Timothy shouting for her in the hallway.

"Oh well, just when things were starting to get interesting in here, I did enjoy the view though." Jet said smiling at Jennifer. Jennifer smiles back and blushed lightly.

"I liked the view to, and just to let you know, Timothy has no clue that I'm bi. So please don't tell him." Jennifer replied as she zipped up.

"What do you mean bi?" Jet asked a curious look on her face.

Jennifer smiled and instead of explaining it, she did the next best thing. She took two steps toward Jet and wrapped her arms around her, and kissed her passionately full on the lips. She held it for a second before her tongue slipped past Jet's lips and into her mouth. Jennifer's hands dropped below Jets waist and cupped her shapely ass and toyed with the base of her tail. Their tongues fought over who would be dominated for almost a minute when the sound of the bathroom door opening forced them apart. They each stepped away from the other and made sure their clothing was in the right places just as Timothy barged into the bathroom.

"Jennifer! I found Alex! His name is on the list just over two years ago." Timothy said excitedly as he rushed over to her holding out the clipboard and pointing at the line with Alex's name on it.

"Holy shit! Do you know where he is at yet?" Jennifer asked.

"No, but it shouldn't be too hard to track him down, especially when we have where he was last at." He replied and the look dawned on him as he realized where he was at. Jet smirked as he started turning red with embarrassment.

"No need to get embarrassed, these are unisex bathrooms. We have no separate bathrooms for males and females here, which goes right along with what we were talking about earlier." Jet said looking at Jennifer, who smirked at Timothy.

"Well it looks like I won't be doing a ton of paperwork that I normally have to do to find you all housing after all. But it also means that I'll have to get working on finding your friend before I can release you from here, but that shouldn't be too much trouble." Jet said moving toward the door. As they stepped back into the hallway Sebastian walked up and gave Jet a questioning look; that she responded to by making her left ear droop down almost comically.

"Jet can you see to them I need to do the radio check with HQ and let them know we'll need some extra supplies brought out with the supply truck in two days, especially with the new citizens arriving." Sebastian said.

"Yeah, I'll take them on over and get them to filling out the forms, a room, and all the normal stuff on the first day. But you come back and help, and don't leave me hanging." Jet replied as Sebastian turned around and walked away. Jet motioned for Timothy and Jennifer to follow her.

"What sort of forms do we have to fill out by the way?" Timothy asked as they followed her down the hallway to another door.

"Oh nothing to bad, just a few pages really. Just the simple stuff, where you were born, height, weight, hair and eye color, and any major medical problems you might have. That sort of thing really, just easy questions with easy answers; and while you two fill those out I'm going to be filling out my report of your arrival here, with all the details from my perspective along with assigning you a room to use until you are finished with the naturalization course." Jet replied opening a door and stepping into the room beyond. Timothy and Jennifer followed her inside and found a room with three tables in it, a dozen chairs and a water cooler with cups next to it. On one table there was writing pens and a premade stack of forms waiting. On another table there was a stack of folders for files and some other forms in their own holders. The last table was bare except for some writing pens in a holder. Jet stepped over to the first table and picked up two packets of forms and handed them to Timothy.

"One packet for each of you, you can fill them out over there (She pointed to the second table.) And be sure to list anyone you may know or think you know here on the contact sheet on page four; like that friend of yours you found on the list. I'll be over at my table doing all my paper work. And once we are finished here we can get you all something to eat and then get you a room for your stay here." Jet said to the both of them before walking over to her table.

Handing one of the packets to Jennifer, Timothy walked over to the indicated table and sat down followed by Jennifer. Over the next thirty or so minutes they filled out the papers as asked and turned them in to Jet when finished. Jet from time to time stopped writing her report to look over at them, to think on how she would answer a question about them that her report required. Jet took the papers when they finished and started looking them over for any missed questions or answers she might need clarified. As she looked over each page she stopped when she reached page four to see this contact they knew was here from the list.

"Alex J. Davenport, last known location Dry Gulch Clinic. Damn, why does that name sound familiar? Could that be commander Davenport? He was at Dry Gulch Clinic from what Siren told me, she had to save his furry butt from the National Guard then, wonder if they are the same person. Only one way to find out is to call HQ and talk to the boss himself." Jet thought as Sebastian entered the room and walked over to her table.

"How is it going? Hopefully you're almost done; I got their room ready and even set out dinner for everyone in the mess. Oh and HQ said we will get an extra two weeks food on the next supply run in addition to the extra we'll be allotted because of the new arrivals, but that was after I reminded them that we got shorted on the last two runs rather forcibly." Sebastian said smiling from ear to ear almost.

"What did you say this time? Hopefully you didn't tell them you would come back with the supply truck and start filling everyone full of arrows again." Jet said almost groaning.

"Oh nothing as drastic as that, I just implied that I would send a friend of mine, one they don't want anywhere near supply. You know my friend that's the commander's chef; he would love another crack at supply." Sebastian said chuckling at the last.

"You told them you'd send that over weight equine Brutus after them. I feel sorry for them if he gets them under his hooves, heck the last time some chef under him screwed up I heard that he used the fur for a door mat." Jet said shuddering at the thought of it.

"That's all rumor, he actually beat the fur with a spoon, and bent the spoon. (Sebastian holds his hands apart showing the size of the spoon) I know I was there when it happened." Sebastian replies rubbing the back of his head.

"Oh shit that was you, wasn't it? (Jet stifles a laugh) That's why I let you do the cooking around here; you cook the food right or I'll use a spoon on you." Jet said with an almost evil grin.

"I know what kind of spoon you can use on me, but it requires both of us to be lying down in bed." Sebastian replied smiling and stroking his crotch lightly.

"They sound like us before we go to bed." Jennifer said to Timothy giggling.

"They do don't they? Sound like they just need to get a room and let nature take its course." Timothy replied making the motion with his hands of two people mating. Jet and Sebastian look over at the motion Timothy is making and start laughing.

"We already share a room, but that's only half of it. It gets lonely here and with only two of us here we have to do something besides watch the cave and clean between arrivals. I need to make a call to HQ and see if they can get a location on their friend from the list. So take them to the mess hall and get some food in them and I'll be there shortly. " Jet said groping Sebastian crotch for a second before picking up the files and walking to the door.

"Well let's go get something to eat. And afterwards I'll show you to the room I set up for you. Oh and don't worry about your packs there in the room, I moved them there for you." Sebastian said walking to the door. They followed him to the mess hall and got a surprise from the food they found waiting for them.

In the communications room for the outpost Jet with practiced ease entered the data from the forms Timothy and Jennifer filled out into the network while waiting for HQ to get commander Davenport on the holo-vid. Minutes later the holo-vid changed from the standby screen to that of the commander's office.

"Jet long time since you called me personally, I take this is not a social call though." Alex said upon seeing the expression on her face.

"Sir, I've got two arrivals here that came here today. They both put down an Alex J. Davenport from the list of other arrivals; is that you?" she asked her fear of offending her commander riding almost making her voice squeak.

"What are their names?" Alex asked plain and simple.

"The male goes by Timothy Duncan and the female goes by Jennifer Duncan." Jet replied as Alex smiled at her.

"Yes, I know them they are my childhood friends from earth. Wholly shit I never thought I would see them again; Jet I'm sending two furs down there on the supply truck to take over for you and Sabine. I want you two to escort my friends here to HQ in two days, forget the naturalization process on them, I'll see that it's taken care of later. Oh and get your dress uniform ready your promotions are in for the both of you, I signed them yesterday. " Alex said smiling at her.

"Oh no sir, please don't say that. I've worked hard to stay at my current rank for over a year. (Alex's face in the holo-vid starts to show anger) We'll be there in two days sir." Jet said realizing she was trying to bark up the wrong tree.

"Good that's what I thought you would say, besides it's time you and Sebastian to stop dodging the promotions. See you in two days." Alex said smiling as he cut the call and the holo-vid went blank.

"Shit! They are his friends, wholly crap me and Sebastian just got promoted to what rank I wonder. Oh crap I bet I'm going to end up staying at HQ and I can't stand that place, hell neither can Sebastian for that matter. Ah hell there goes us shirking duty to sleep in or having three day yiff fests; Crap there goes everything Sebastian and I love to do. Maybe I need to resign and go back to being a normal fur working a normal job, naw I'd end up killing some fur in a week." Jet thought to herself as she walked into her and Sebastian quarters and striped out of her uniform and underwear for something more comfortable, a robe that she left hanging open in the front before heading to the mess hall.

In the mess hall.

As they sat there eating Sebastian watched Timothy and Jennifer, so far they hadn't complained about the food he had cooked, which was a good sign.

"Wonder what's taking Jet so long talking to HQ? Dinner is going to be cold by the time she gets here if she doesn't hurry her furry but up. So Jennifer goes both ways, wonder if Timothy does? Good thing I and Jet have known each other long enough to know the others expressions. Naw he's probably one of them males that like feme only, or at least that's the way he has presented himself all afternoon to me. Though I do wonder how much he is packing to keep his mate satisfied." Sebastian thought to himself as he absent mindedly rubbed his sheath with his hand below the table.

"Well everyone I have some good news and some bad news for everyone. First the good news, Timothy and Jennifer I've been able to locate your friend and you'll be leaving when the supply truck gets here in two days. Now the bad news, Sebastian we have been ordered to return to HQ with them in our dress uniforms. Seems the commander has decided to give us those promotions we've been dodging for the last year. Yup our play time here is over now we have to get up at the ass crack of dawn and do all the normal duties, salute the superior officers and follow the regulations." Jet said in a somewhat angry tone as she walked into the mess hall her robe bellowing out behind her giving everyone present a view of her pierced nipples each connected by a gold chain that ran down to the piercing in the hood of her vulva. Timothy and Jennifer both sat there slack jawed with their mouths open at the display Jet was putting on while Sebastian just smiled at her charms. Timothy felt himself grow hard in his hiking shorts as he gazed on her, likewise Jennifer sitting next to him felt her nipples harden and grow wet between her legs at the sight of the Nubian wolf naked.

"Shit she's more beautiful without the uniform on, and look at them piercings those look expensive." Timothy thought to himself, his erection throbbing almost painfully in need.

"So that's where the chain goes, that's hot. Wonder if Timothy would like that look on me?" Jennifer thought to herself as Jet walked over and straddled Sebastian legs facing him, giving Timothy and Jennifer a good view of her asshole and cunt from behind as she lifted her tail out of the way..

"And what's on your dirty mind this time?" Sebastian asked looking into Jets eyes.

"Oh, being that in two days we are going to be stuck at HQ I figured we could break out the drinks to loosen up and then yiff all night tonight and tomorrow most of the day before we had to start packing our gear and all the other stuff." Jet replied as her hands slowly rubbed his chest.

"And what about our guests, do we leave them to their own devices or do we ask them to join in?" He asked before leaning down and giving one of her nips a lick.

"If they want, they can join in and we can have a four way, besides I've wanted to get into both of their shorts all afternoon. Or should I say, get them out of them. I can be such a slut at times can't I?" Jet asked. On the other side of the table, Timothy and Jennifer looked at the other for a moment before either of them said anything; Jennifer spoke first.

"I'm not opposed to it, besides when in Rome; do as the Romans would do. If Timothy is game that is." Jennifer said looking at him the whole time inwardly hoping he would agree to join in.

"Ah hell we're in a new world here, and Jennifer is always wanting me to try new things, so why not." Timothy said as he stood up and pulled his shirt off much to Jennifer's enjoyment.

"Hang on a second, before everyone gets all horny we need to clean up this table and get the food put away first and then we can go to our room and I can put on a video or two for us to watch, plus that's where the drinks are at." Sebastian said lightly pushing Jet from his lap before standing up.

Working together they had the mess hall cleaned and the food put away in no time. As they walked down the hallway to Jet and Sebastian room was, Jet wrapped her arm around Jennifer's waist and did the same to Timothy with one on each side of her, and on the far side Sebastian hand cupped Jennifer's right ass cheek and gave it a light squeeze. Being this close to Sabine, Jennifer smelled his musky scent for the first time. It wasn't the musky bad scent she would have been turned off by, like some men that mixed different scents of after shave, cologne and under arm deodorant and thought they combined well with the other; which the actual result of combined scents mixed wrong and the just made a feme walk away turned off instead of on by the male. Instead his natural scent intrigued her, and even added to her slight arousal brought on by his hand on her ass cheek. She intentionally pushed her ass cheek into his hand a little to say his advance was welcomed as they walked down the hallway. Sebastian smiled as she pressed against his hand and his thoughts turned toward the possibilities of the night ahead. On the other end of their line Timothy was turned on by the feel of Jet's arm fur on his bare waist above his shorts. Her fur was soft almost like fine silk against his skin and with each step her arm shifted and rubbed her fur across the small of his back sending shivers of pleasure up his back. Between Timothy and Jennifer, Jet was enjoying being between the two humans as they reach their quarters and had to let go of the other to enter. The room is a little bigger than an efficiency apartment, to each side near the door were lockers and shelving units for the occupants use and further in a desk on one side and a small refrigerator on the other. In the back of the room sat a single bed that from the sheets looked like two twin beds shoved together to make one out of.

"Jet be a dear and find something for us-." Sebastian said as he was cut off by Jennifer as she kissed him and shoved her tongue into his mouth. Her right arm pulled him close as her left hand found his shaft and gave it a soft but firm squeeze.

Timothy and Jet turned when Sebastian stopped talking to see Jennifer with a lip lock and her hand lightly stroking the growing bulge in his shorts. Jet smirked as Timothy's jaw dropped open as he watched his wife feel up Sabine; Jet glanced down at Timothy's shorts to see his member throb against the fabric.

"Well I guess we can forget about the drinks; or even the movie." Jet thought to herself as she slid the robe off her shoulders and let it drop to the floor; she took a step and grasped Timothy's arm and pulled him to her naked body. She gave him a light lick on the cheek as her hands griped his shorts and began unbuttoning them.

"Don't mind the show going on over there, looks like your wife has it well in her hands; like I do right now." She said in a sultry voice as his shorts dropped to the floor around his ankles.

Timothy gasped as her hand reached into his underwear and took hold of his shaft for a second before sliding down to cup his sack. She carefully massaged his balls as he shuddered and his hands slowly went to her waist to run through her fur. As he leaned in to kiss her he watched for a second as Sebastian picked up Jennifer and she wrapped her legs around his waist. As they kissed Timothy pulled his feet from his boots and kicked off his shorts.

"Never knew she was into furries, but then she was with Alex almost two years before he disappeared; oh shit Jet's really turning me on. Well if Jennifer can enjoy this so can I." Timothy thought as his hands cupped Jet's fur covered breasts and lightly gave them a squeeze. Jet sucked in a breath thru her nose and growled softly as his fingers found her nips and gave them a gentle pinch. One if his hands rubbed down across her belly fur and into her longer pubes covering her hooded sex, she moaned as his fingers traced around her vulva and slowly spread her hood as his middle finger dipped in to press against her clit. She shudders as his finger rubs on her clit in a nice but firm circular motion. She growls as his finger slides back deeper into her cleft and pushes into her tight vaginal opening.

"Not so fast lover boy." She says pulling away from him and walks over to the bed; her bushy tail held high and giving him a nice view of her fur covered butt. As she reaches the bed she bends over exposing the object of his desire to his full view as she climbs onto the bed. She turns and motions for him to join her there. Glancing over at Jennifer and Sebastian quickly, Timothy smirks as Jennifer pulls her shirt off exposing her ample breasts for Sebastian pleasure. Sebastian looks up and notices Timothy watching and smiles before leaning his head down to lick one of Jennifer's breasts; Timothy nods and turns his attention to Jet on the bed. As he walks over to join her she lays down on her back propped up by a couple of pillows her legs slightly spread. Timothy's cock sways from side to side as he walks somewhat slowly to join her; Jet watches as he walks over her eyes on his throbbing cock.

"He's nicely endowed for a human, seven maybe eight inches long and at least three inches at the base tapered to at least two and half inch head, but that nice flare of the head is going to put me in orbit. First time I've ever seen a cock with an upward curve like that, now that's going to be very interesting." Jet thought to herself as he reached the bed and began climbing up and over her legs.

Timothy watched Jet's eyes as he moved up her legs, they held in their depths a need, something she hoped he would do for her and to her. As he reached mid thigh her scent infused his sinuses and his already throbbing cock throbbed hard against his belly. She watched as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath of her scent, his body shuddered and below him his swollen cock turned almost purple with need as it slapped against his belly. Timothy leaned back on his knees before her and reached out to spread her legs, and then as she watched his head lowered to her shrouded sex. A shuddering gasp escaped her muzzle as his tongue licked her for the first time across her vulva. His wonderful tongue traced around her vulva and almost teasing her as he would lightly shove his tongue in; each time rubbing her clit a little more each time. She gripped the bed as his tongue delved into her hood tasting her honey and rubbing on her clit; only to be repeated again and again. Never before had a male pleasured her in this way, though they had tried, none had bothered for long before wanting to mount her; and that was anal only, for she was still a virgin where it mattered. But Timothy unlike the others seemed to enjoy drinking her juices; with each lick he pushed her even closer to her orgasm. Then when she thought it couldn't get any better he did the unexpected, he stopped licking and sucked her swollen clit into his mouth and held it there. His tongue rubbing and pressing against her sensitive nub sent wave after wave of pleasure surging through her. Her head thrashed in ecstasy as he worked on her clit and just when she thought he couldn't do any more to her orally he added another element to it, he began humming on her nub. The vibrations of his humming was like a vibrator against her clit unlike any she had ever felt before, the inner fire of her orgasm peaked within seconds. Her hands let go of the bed and grasped handfuls of his hair trying to pull him even closer to her clit as her thighs closed holding him in place. A great shuddering howl filled the room as her back arched and her orgasm peaked and flooded through her, her juices flowed freely from her sex to soak his face and her fur and even the sheet below. Even as she started to relax her hold on his head as her orgasm started to fade, his technique didn't let it fade completely; instead it was almost like limbo he held her there riding the waves of bliss. Every nerve of her being sung a chorus as old as time under his ministrations, she needed him in the most primal of ways; to be breed by him, to be controlled by him.

Timothy watched her reactions to everything he did to her, what she liked and disliked; in a way her reactions to what he did decided what he would try next to pleasure beyond anything she had ever known. Even as her hands and thighs held him in place through her orgasm he wasn't finished by a long shot. He added another element to his pleasuring of her, when she released her hold; he drew back and moved his hands into play for the moment. His left hand played with her tail base and tight anal ring. His index finger wet in her juices circled her asshole as his right hand traced her outer and inner lips; gently his index finger probed her passage. She sucked in a deep shuddering breath as his finger entered her slowly; he pushed his finger in watching her for any objection. When his finger was almost all the way in he felt her barrier protecting her depths. Slowly he withdrew his finger from her cunt and then pushed it back in, being mindful of her hymen and not pressing against it too hard.

"She's a virgin, how did I miss that one? I never thought a furry would have a hymen like a human woman would, looks like I'm to be her first." Timothy thought to himself as he continued working on her pussy and asshole with his fingers.

"Never thought I would want a human male for a mate, oh hell he's good. (A shudder runs thru her body caused by his finger in her cunt.) Now I understand why grandmother loved a human male over a fur. Oh gods enough, I need him now." Jet thought to herself before reaching down to run her left hand thru his hair while her right hand grasped is shoulder and pulled lightly.

Timothy looked up at her as she ran her hand thru his hair and the other hand lightly pulling him. As he moved up her body he left a trail of light kisses on her belly before reaching her hardened nipples, of which he took into his mouth one by one until he reached her neck. It was his turn to take a shuddering breath as one hand gently but firmly gripped his swollen shaft and guided him between her legs to her awaiting dripping cunt. As his head pressed against her he felt her hood open and allow him into her passage, the heat on his cock felt good as he looked down at her. He was about to speak when she looked at him with needy eyes and in one fluid motion her legs wrapped around his waist and she thrust her hips upward forcing his shaft to enter her tight virgin cunt. She let out a howl as his shaft stretched her walls and exploded thru her hymen; she shuddered and thrashed as her already overloaded nerves peaked and a monstrous orgasm washed thru her. Her cunt clamped down on the invader with a vengeance repeatedly clamping and releasing trying to force him out. Timothy groaned in pleasure as her muscles massaged his cock thru her orgasm, his right hand moved to the small of her back and he held her to him. He felt her muscles start to relax around him, her eye lids fluttered for a second and her eyes focused back on his. With her leg muscles she relaxed and tightened her hold on him, thus allowing his cock to withdraw and thrust into her at her pace. She smiled up at him as she watched his facial expressions change with each thrust of her hips, her vaginal muscles relaxing as she thrust against him and tightening as she pulled away; in a way milking him. Timothy pulled back with his legs pulling her up onto his lap and with his left hand behind her shoulders lifted her up to him. As they moved into this new position his shaft pushed deeper into her and his head pressed against her cervix. She gasped as he hit bottom almost painfully but the look in his eyes spoke of pleasure as his hands moved down to cup her cheeks. His hands lifted her on his shaft and then lowered her as they kissed; their kiss never seemed to end as they settled into a slow rocking motion and every minute that passed each of them had thoughts about the other. As they continued they felt and saw Jennifer and Sebastian join them on the other side of the bed, but paid no attention to them. Their little sphere of the world encompassed the few feet of space around them, his cock sliding in and out of her; their shared pleasure was all that mattered at that moment in time.

"Where has he been all my life? He's so much more of a lover than all the others; they only thought of their pleasure first and never mine. Gods he's good looking, and even a better lover. Too bad he's already got a mate otherwise I'd give up everything to be with him the rest of my life." Jet thought as her cunt clamped down on him as another small orgasm filled her womb.

"Never thought I would be in bed with a fur like Jet, I know this isn't a dream, but it sure feels like it. Hard to believe that she was still a virgin, but the way she moves and every time her cunt clamps down on me I want to blow my load deep into her." Timothy thought as he pulled her off of him. With his hands he guided her onto all fours and moved behind her. She smiled and shuddered as he rubbed the fur on her hips and his cock pressed against her clit and swollen hood. He relished the feel of her fur in hands and against the head of his cock as he moved into position. As his tip pressed against her fur covered sex a shiver ran down his spine. His hands gripped her hips tighter just a second before he thrust his shaft back into her loving depths, he hilted in her and quickly pulled back out before ramming himself back in. In front of him her back arched and she shuddered by the forceful entry, her cunt spasmed repeatedly as his hard shaft impaled her and withdrew time after time; until finally he stayed inside her and began pounding as fast as he could. Jet howled and shuddered as his pace increased and her cunt muscles were constantly spasming around his shaft; Timothy moaned as her vaginal muscles clamped down harder on him. Each time he hilted in her she shuddered in ecstasy, as such was his girth that half the length of his shaft rubbed her clit constantly. Deep inside her his head pressed against the usually small opening of her cervix but as over the minutes of their union it had started to widen. Jet howled as her orgasm approached rapidly, her honey flowed freely, so much that their legs and even the sheets below were soaked. His own orgasm also started to make its presence known as his balls pulled up tight, faster he pounded into her cunt. Jet shuddered almost constantly; her howls became great shuddering gasps of breath as her orgasm hit. And as her orgasm hit, Timothy‘s happened only a second behind hers and he thrust as hard as he could into her. Deep inside the muscles attached to her cervix spasmed and she howled out in pain as his the head of his cock pushed the rest of the way into her womb and he howled as her cervix clenched around his head. His hot seed exploded into her from his cock filling her womb as they both howled out their orgasms, each of them shaking uncontrollably as his balls fired load after load into her. Jet's shuddering was so great that she collapsed onto the bed pulling him with her, but also pulling him free of her womb as his erection started to shrink; in a tangled heap they laid there trying to catch their breath, in moments they both fell asleep.

Fifteen minutes earlier.

Jennifer paid no attention to what was going on behind her as Sebastian licked and sucked from her breasts in turn. With each lick and suck on her nipples a small shudder pasted thru her, her clit throbbed with need as his head pressed through their clothes against her.

"Shit his cock feels so huge pressed against me like that, hell I don't know which is better. That wonderful tongue on my nips or his cock pressed against me. Time to see what he's packing in them shorts of his, I need to see it; no, fuck I want to have it in my mouth in my hot pussy pounding me for all he's worth." Jennifer thought to herself as she leaned near his ear.

"Let me down lover, I don't want you to tire yourself out from holding me up." Jennifer said releasing her hold on his waist and putting her feet down. He nodded and set her on her feet and leaned to kiss her again. She kissed him as her hands undid his vest and pushed it off of his shoulders; she ran her hands thru his short fur feeling the tight muscles of his shoulders and down to his chest. Finding his nipples she spread the fur away from them exposing them to the air as she broke the kiss and leaned over to lick the first one; as her tongue ran across the nipple she tasted something that wasn't sweat. Intrigued, she pulled the nipple into her mouth and sucked on it, Sebastian took a shuddering breath as her tongue flicked against his nipple. In her hand holding and teasing the other nipple she felt something warm and wet cover her fingers and palm; glancing over she noticed that some white watery fluid had coated her hand. She pulled the hand away from his nipple and brought it to her mouth. It tasted the same as the other had just seconds ago while sucking his nipple with her mouth. And as she watched she noticed a white bead of fluid form on his nipple, she looked back at the one she had been sucking on to see the same whit fluid on the tip. And then it struck her, he was producing milk from his breasts.

"He's producing milk! How can this be? Obliviously there is a reason for this, but what? Not that I mind, it actually tastes pretty good." Jennifer thought to herself as she went back to sucking as she reached down and unbuttoned and unzipped his shorts.

"Yes, please keep that up, it feels so good and it's been to long since someone did that." Sebastian whispered as his shorts dropped to the floor releasing his thick pink cock from its confinement. His musky scent flowed over her in full force, her clit throbbed and her neither lips became wet as her juices flowed. His scent was intoxicating to her as she breathed it in, almost like a contact high only better; seconds pass as she relishes the in the full effect of his scent. Slowly she works her way down his belly fur until his tip is right below her jaw. Looking down at his cock she's shocked at the size of it, its at least ten inches long and tapered from at least four inches at the base up to his head which is almost two and a half inches across; what a monster cock. She takes a deep breath of his scent and is almost entranced by the smell. She places her hands on his hip to steady her balance as she dips her head lower to his balls. His sack is large than Timothy's by a good three to five inches, the sack is snug around his balls leaving no doubt to their size. She sticks out her tongue and gently licks one then the other before slowly licking up his sheath to his very erect shaft. Her tongue swirls around the top of the sheath for a second causing him to gasp as erotic pleasure spreads from his groin. The taste of him is enthralling to her, so much that she raises up a little before taking as much of him into her mouth as she can.

Sebastian not expecting her to suck on him so quickly puts a hand out to the nearest locker for support as his knees try to buckle. She bobs her head slowly sucking as much of his cock into her mouth as possible and just as slowly returns to his tip. Her tongue softly rubs his glands just behind the head and she feels a jet of pre hit the roof of her mouth, her left hand moves to his heavy sack and cups it. Sebastian groans as her tongue snakes around his shaft, he gasps as her hand finds his sack and begins massaging his nuts. Pre jets across her tongue as she slowly swallows him, she wants to gag but forces the reflex to behave as his cock presses against the back of her throat. Sebastian watches in awe as she takes more of him than any fur ever had; she even pushed his sheath down another inch or two with her lips to his wide base. He shudders as her hand cupping his sack moves back between his legs and rubs his feminine parts for the first time; her eyes look up at him almost alarmed as her fingers discover his tight vulva.

"What is that? Wait; oh my, it's a vulva! What the hell, Sebastian was lactating and now has a fucking pussy by his sack, shit he's a male dominate hermaphrodite! A hot looking hermaphrodite too; no wonder I like him almost the moment I laid eyes on him. Hell I don't care about it, I'm getting fucked by him and Timothy can kiss my ass if he doesn't like it." Jennifer thought to herself as she looked up at Sebastian before pressing on.

He shudders harder as her fingers explore his secret; one finger traces his slit for almost a minute before lightly pressing inward. He gasps and his body shudders as the finger presses against his clit, his eyes become slits as he fights to maintain control and not allow his orgasm to claim him. Jennifer smiles to herself as she rubs Sebastian clit, and watches as he fights to keep from blowing his load down her throat. She moves her fingers back from his clit and feels for the opening to his vaginal passage. She runs a finger around his entrance and across the hidden lips of his sex before returning to his clit for a minute of rubbing before pulling her hand away. As her hand comes away she lets his throbbing pre shooting cock go from her mouth. Looking up at Sebastian she puts her juice covered fingers to her nose and inhales his scent before sticking the fingers in her mouth and licking it. She smiles up at Sebastian for a few seconds before pulling out her fingers as she stands. Her hands drop to her hiking shorts and unbutton them before pushing them off her hips letting hir gaze on her naked body for the first time. Jennifer kicks off her boots and steps out of the shorts before turning toward the bed where Jet and Timothy are in the midst of making love to the other very vocally. Jennifer smiles over her shoulder and makes a beckoning gesture with her hand as she walks to the bed; at the bed she turns and holds her arms out to embrace her new lover. He watched as she walked to the bed her heart shaped butt swaying from side to side, his shaft bobbed with need at the sight. Sure he had seen human female's nude before, his first mating had been with a human female, though he was still a cub then and not much past puberty. With his acute vision he was able to see the barest hint of her neither lips covered by a hint of red pubic fur as she walked. He smiled as he walked over to her and almost at the same time their arms found the other, he tilted his head down and they kissed passionately for a minute before he pushed her back onto the bed.

He glanced over at Jet and Timothy to see if they even noticed them on the bed, if they did they didn't show any reaction; though he knew that Timothy had seen them kissing only minutes ago, but didn't show any signs that he cared. Jennifer slid herself backwards until she was fully on the bed and from Sebastian position he got an ample view of her neither lips neatly framed by red fur. Her full lips slightly spread showed her juices on the surface amongst her red fur; her scent unlike Jets aroused him in ways he never thought possible as he climbed onto the bed on all fours. Slowly he moved up her legs and with each move he leaned down and kissed her on one of her legs. When he reached the apex of her legs he lowered his head and took her scent in thru his wide feline nostrils. Below his belly his member grew larger with need of her, pre dripped from the tip onto the bed; his tongue slipped past his lips and to hers.

Jennifer watched as he made his way up her legs, with each kiss she liked him more and more. As he took in her scent she watched as his eyes closed and his nostrils flared, his body shuddered under the effect of her scent on him; she gasped as his tongue touched her perineum and slowly moved upward spreading her lips wider as his tongue pressed between them. When he reached her swollen clit she couldn't help but moan as waves of pleasure spread and filled her being. His tongue drew away but only for a second as it returned to where it had started to do the journey again, but this time he pressed harder between her lips and entered her passage. A sharp intake of breath accompanied a repressed shudder as he lapped her juices from the source, each thrust and withdrawal of his wide tongue enhancing her pleasure. Her body twitched and shuddered under his tongue in her passage but it became almost unbearable as his nose pressed against her swollen clit. The waves of her pleasure grew exponentially with the pressure against her clit combined with his tongue in her cunt; her breath came in gasps and her hips thrust up against his muzzle trying to force him further inside her.

He withdrew from her cunt and slowly ran his tongue in the crease between her legs and fur covered vulva, then gave one last lick across her spread lips ending at her clit. He licked and rubbed her clit with his tongue rapidly sending her into a gasping and moaning fit as her body shuddered from the flood of pleasure. Then he stopped and kissed her on her pelvic mound, then he moved higher and kissed her where her womb was. And slowly he moved even higher up her body kissing as he went until he was over her fully, lowering his head he kisses her neck and up the underside of her jaw before kissing her fully; their tongues intertwine and each suck on their counterparts.

The silky fur of his chest rubs across her breasts sending small jolts of pleasure from her nipples, his cock throbs bouncing against her pelvic mound and the upper end of her pussy, almost her clit. No words are needed as she draws her legs up and crosses them just above his tail, her right hand slips between them and grips his member. He sucks in a breath at her touch, and as he looks into her eyes she pushes his cock back and down between her spread legs lining the head of his cock up with her entrance. She smiles softly as she rolls her hips pushing his tip into her hot passage. Above her he shudders and moans as his head is pushed into her, rolling his hips slowly he starts to push more of himself into her but stops when she whimpers.

"Are you ok? I'm not too big am I?" He asked looking down at her.

She nods before answering.

"I need you inside of me and not slowly, now give that big cock to me." She replied rolling her hips for emphasis trying to press his cock into her further. He nodded before kissing her again, and as they kissed his hips quickly shoved down in between her legs; she almost screamed into his mouth as his cock much bigger than Timothy's stretched her passage. He shuddered as her very tight pussy clamped down on his member, her cunt muscles spasmed against him as they tried to go back to their previous position. A loud gasp came from both of them as they broke the kiss; they held their position for almost three minutes as they got used to each other. Deep inside her his cock throbbed and pressed against her g-spot. Sebastian changed the position slightly as he dropped down to his elbows; his hands slipped under her and grasped her by the shoulders. Sebastian pulled back with his hips, his cock sliding from inside her until only the tip remained inside of her, and he held it there for a second then two before hilting inside her. She cried out this time as his girth stretched her passage, he pulled back and thrust his shaft into her again. Her legs relaxed slightly but not enough for her to butt to drop to the bed. His pace picked up as he learned just how far he could push into her; she gasped and cooed to him as his cock filled her, with each thrust his cock rubbed her g-spot sending jolts of pleasure through her body.

"God you're so big and feel so nice inside of me, I can barely stand it, I'm going to cum, ah ah cum! " She gets out before her eyes roll back into her head and she starts shuddering; her hands clamp into his mane and her legs grip his waist tightly as her orgasm takes control. His cock gets squeezed as her pussy floods with her honey, uncontrolled her muscles spasm sometimes almost painfully on him. He fights for control of his own orgasm as hers threatens to cause his and wins not wanting to end it this quickly. Sebastian pulls back and holds just his tip inside of her as her orgasm slowly fades. Seconds go by before her eyes open, very slowly he pushes the rest of his cock back inside her very hot and juicy cunt. She murrs as his shaft rubs her g-spot and then gasps as his pelvic bone presses against her clit, her eyes open as he pulls back before pushing back in.

"Holly crap that was great; never has anyone made me pass out during sex! Let's change positions my big furry lover." Jennifer said softly as she buried her face in his neck fur and nibbled playfully.

"Sure what do you have in mind?" Sebastian asked; they both shuddered as his cock pulled free; he sat back on his haunches and waited to see what she had in mind.

She rolled onto her hands and knees and then motioned for him to lay down where she once was. As he laid down she moved in between his legs her knees down by his ankles. She smiled as she got the view of his vulva below his balls; not unlike any other feme she had seen in the last ten years, his neither lips where the type she felt where attractive on any feme. His looked like a little girl that hadn't gone thru puberty yet, nothing more than a slit with a nub at the top that was his clit. Lowering herself to her belly between his legs her right hand moves his sack out of the way so she can gaze upon his slit better. She slides closer to him, her nose mere inches from his nub; she flicks out her tongue and licks him lightly. Sebastian sucks in a great breath as her hand moves his sack out of the way, his breath catches in his throat as she tastes him. Her tongue presses against his clit and she feels him shudder with the contact, she swirls her tongue on his sensitive nub and his breathing changes and he murrs with the attention he is receiving from her. Her tongue spreads his lips and she finds his hidden passage, his juices start flowing freely under her tongues assault; he gasps for breath and starts shuddering as she pushed her tongue deeper inside him. Her left hand reaches up and takes hold of his member, its girth is actually wider than that of Timothy's and her hand won't reach around his base; she starts stroking him paying close attention to his glands behind the head. For minutes lost in time she works on him and by the time she pulls away Sebastian is almost lost in the feelings surging from his neither region. He murrs happily and looks down at her, she wipes his juices from her face before smiling back and pulling herself up to her hands and knees. She moves forward and leans down, her tongue snakes out and licks his shaft from his balls to the bobbing tip, he takes a deep shuddering breath as she licks the pre from his tip. She takes his tip into her mouth for a second before letting it go and moves to his belly fur licking and kissing and even nipping him as she moved to his chest. The head of his cock rubbed her belly as she moved up his body; she stopped just short of the head being in her pubes. Looking up at her he smiled as his hands found her nipples and massaged them, she moaned enjoying the feel of his hands on her tits. Gently she pushed his hands away; she shuffled forward almost half a foot and raised herself up a little before reaching back and down behind her and gripping his cock. His breath caught for a second as she lined him up before lowering herself down on his shaft. He watched in awe as his pole disappeared between her lips, she smiled the whole time as his shaft filled her; her lips stretched wider and wider as she neared the base, she shudder as his cock started rubbing against her clit. For almost a minute she held herself in that position before her hips started a slow rolling movement that caused his cock to slide in and out as if he was thrusting. As he watched her ride his shaft he was amazed at how much she was taking of him, most furs he had been with had trouble taking him unless it was one of the larger breeds; equines and larger had no problem but smaller furs usually ran away from him.

"Wonder where she got the scar from? I'll have to ask her about that later." He thought to himself when he noticed the scar just above her pelvic mound.

Jennifer watched him as she rode on his massive cock. Twisting her upper body to the right her hand reached down and cupped his sack for a minute before reaching lower and she began rubbing his clit. He moaned as her fingers rubbed his clit and upper lips, his hips bucked upward and shoved the last of his cock into her. She shuddered above him as her second orgasm of the night flowed thru her; her mouth open in a silent scream as her cunt muscles spasmed on his shaft. Moments later she gasped for breath but continued to ride him determined to make him cum for her. She rubbed his clit harder and faster trying to get him to blow his load, his head thrashed back and forth and his hips bucked under her as he fought to hold out as long as possible. Shortly they achieved a synchronicity between them where his thrusting was counter point to her dropping down on his shaft. He yowled as his head flared inside of her his pleasure increased three fold; above him Jennifer shuddered as his cock expanded and pressed hard against her g-spot, she gasped had to remove her hand from his clit to support herself. She pounded down on his shaft faster and faster pushing them both to their orgasms. Suddenly his hands griped her by the waist roughly and before she knew what was happening she found herself on her back and him on top. He pounded into her relentlessly his instincts forcing him to breed; she screamed in ecstasy as her orgasm hit, her pussy clamped down tight on him holding him in place and his orgasm hit. His balls fired their load in powerful jets deep inside her. They both shuddered as they rode out their shared orgasm, he collapsed on top of her panting and she took great lungful of air trying to catch her breath. Slowly they came to their senses as their orgasms faded and left them in a nice after glow. They kiss and snuggle on the bed as his cock slowly withdraws from her trailing their combined fluids. Minutes pass before he rolls off of her as they drift off to sleep.

On the other side of the bed Jet and Timothy smiled at each other; Jet motioned for them toward the door with her hand and quietly slipped out of the bed and then out of the room. In the hallway once the door was closed behind them, Jet turned and wrapped her arms around Timothy and kissed him passionately.

Timothy returned the kiss as his hands found her waist and tail base, he massaged her tail lightly. A minute later they broke the kiss but remained holding each other; Timothy broke the silence first.

"So what did you have in mind now?" He asked looking at her furred features smiling.

"I needed to talk about what we just witnessed; you know, Sebastian having a pussy." She said softly.

"Yeah, I couldn't help but notice; it's not every day you meet someone that you thought was a guy and then find out that he has a pussy; never thought that I would meet a herm." He replied.

"I don't know how it is where you come from; but here herms are a normal occurrence. But I never knew or even guessed that Sebastian was one. At least not by the way he acted around me over the last year we've been stationed here." She said rubbing against him.

"Keep that up and I'll be forced to take you right here in the hall." He replied as his cock started to get hard again.

"The other reason I wanted you out here was to ask if I could have some fun with Jennifer." She said flicking her tongue out to lick his nose then smiling at him.

"You're welcome to try with her, but I don't think she goes for other girls; at least not sexually." He replied smiling as his index finger dipped under her tail and rubbed her anal ring.

"Well I guess I'm just going to have to see about that." She replied shuddering before pulling away and going to the room door; leaving him standing there with a semi hard on.

"This ought to be fun to watch." He thought to himself following her back to the room.

Walking back into the room he steps over to the small refrigerator as Jet climbs onto the bed. Opening the refrigerator he finds some food and a dark colored bottle. As he pulls the bottle out and he halfway keeps an eye on the action on the bed. As he opens the bottle Jet is delicately licking one of Jennifer's nipples; Jennifer moans in her sleep and reaches up and runs her hand through Jets mane. Timothy takes a sniff of the bottle before taking a sip; liquid fire runs down his throat in a good way. On the bed Jet has her hand between Jennifer's legs and is lightly rubbing her fingers across her outer lips. Jennifer is slow to wake as her arms wrap around Jet and she begins rubbing her hands through Jet's fur. Sleepily her hand reaches down between Jet's legs looking to pleasure her lover. Jennifer's eyes snap open as her fingers find Jet's wet cunt, Jet moans in response. Jennifer shudders as the moan vibrates her hard nipple, she looks down to see Jet knelt over her, Jet's mouth wrapped around her nipple. Jet stops and lets go of the nipple and smiles before reaching over and taking her other hard nipple into her mouth; Jennifer's back arches as Jet sucks hard on the nipple while her finger presses against Jennifer's clit. Jennifer rubs her fingers over Jet's hood before pressing a finger in and seeking out her clit; Jet moans as she begins massaging her clit. Jet lets go of the nipple in her mouth as Jennifer pushes a couple of her fingers into her passage rubbing her clit the whole time.

"Damn, I never thought I would see the day that Jennifer would be going down on another female; shit she's really getting into it. Heck wish I had my video camera to film it, just for when she claims it never happened. Hell I'm getting hard just watching them." Timothy thought as he watched them while taking a drink of the liquor; his free hand rubbing his shaft.

On the bed Sebastian woke up from the motion and moaning of the girls next to him, he watched as Jet shoved her muzzle between Jennifer's spread legs. Jennifer shuddered and moaned under Jet's tongue for over a good minute before she came to her senses. Jennifer pulled gently on Jet's leg nearest to her and Jet complied and moved in the direction Jennifer wanted; the whole time her muzzle buried in Jennifer's dripping pussy. As Jet's leg neared her head she lifted her head up and moved under Jet's hips, Jet's legs on either side of her head. Jennifer reached up then and grabbed Jet's ass cheeks and spread them giving the boys a view of her asshole and pierced hood; as they watched Jennifer licked and then shoved her tongue into Jet's hood. Sebastian and Timothy starred in shock as the two females ate each other out; Sebastian slipped off the bed and walked over to Timothy and took the bottle from him, without Timothy realizing it. Timothy gazed on as the girls were totally into each other literally; they both were licking sucking and sometimes nipping at the others sex. They each shuddered, moaned and gasped under what the other was doing. Sebastian pressed the bottle into Timothy's hand and Timothy took a drink and passed it back to Sabine. Sebastian leaned over to and whispered in Timothy's ear.

"Why let them have all the fun, hmm. We can have some fun to with each other; that is unless you have reason not to." Sebastian said smiling as he looked over Timothy's well toned body.

"Shit what can I say to that; but we're not in the states anymore much less on earth. Their idea of sex here is totally different from humans; hell it doesn't seem that they have any taboos against cross species sex or even breeding here. If I turn him down it could be an insult against him or even his family; don't want to make and enemy the first day here either. Heck I'm not gay or even bisexual for that matter, only curious; might as well join the natives here and embrace their ways here and now." Timothy thought to himself before answering Sabine.

"Well I've never been with a herm before; much less another male." He replied his voice sounded strange to him as the liquor started working on him.

Sebastian put the bottle down, and then put one hand on Timothy's arm and the other taking his hand before speaking.

"Neither have I, I'm still untouched in that way. (His tone was filled with sadness) But I would be honored if you would be my first." Sebastian replied pushing Timothy's hand down and under his nuts, pressing Timothy's fingers into his slit.

Timothy felt Sebastian juices coat his fingers; shocked to silence by Sebastian actions Timothy didn't move for almost a minute, then too Sebastian delight Timothy reached out with his other arm and pulled Sebastian to him the rest of the way. Their bodies pressed together trapping their erections between them; Timothy lightly kisses Sebastian at first but presses harder as Sebastian responds passionately by pushing his tongue into Timothy's mouth. Their tongues press against the other and entwine very passionately, they probe the others mouth semi noticing the differences. Timothy notes the difference in body temperature besides the obvious teeth differences. Sebastian free hand slips between them and takes hold of their erections holding them together; Timothy gasps as Sebastian strokes their cocks. Timothy softly pushes his index finger into him deeper looking for his clit, Sebastian shudders by the jolts of feeling coming from his slit. Breaking the kiss Sebastian gasps and moans as Timothy's finger finds her clit, he presses down against the finger shuddering harder.

"I've only pleasured myself like that, but enough for now. Or you'll have me cumming way too soon; I want to enjoy my first time. Besides I want to suck that big cock of yours first." Sebastian said pulling away before dropping to a knee in front of him. And before Timothy had a chance to say anything Sebastian took his tip into his mouth; the heat of Sebastian mouth on his head felt wonderful as his tongue slowly followed the swell of his urethra down the underside of his swollen cock. Sebastian wide feline tongue curled on the sides to almost cup his shaft in the middle, as he licked Timothy groaned and put his hands on Sebastian shoulders and then moved his hands into Sebastian mane. As his hands neared Sebastian ears, Sebastian stopped and murred on Timothy's shaft in his mouth causing Timothy to gasp as the vibrations on his cock sent rolling waves of pleasure through him; this went on for almost a minute before Timothy had to gently force Sebastian off his throbbing cock.

"You almost had me cumming there, and I would have if I hadn't stopped you." Timothy said almost breathless as he gasped for air.

"Where you were rubbing, us felines tend to find very pleasurable; let's move to the bed, I don't think the girls will mind us joining them." Sebastian replied taking Timothy's hand and leading him over.

On the bed Jet and Jennifer still had their faces buried in the others pussy's; gasps and moans came from them as Sebastian and Timothy climbed onto the bed. Timothy watched as Sebastian climbed onto the bed, Sebastian tail held high giving Timothy a free show of what hid between his legs before laying down on his back and held out his arms for Timothy to join him. Timothy's cock throbbed seeing the slightly spread lips of Sebastian hidden sex under his sack. As Timothy climbed on the bed he crawled between Sebastian legs rubbing his hands against Sebastian legs; his fur had a slightly rougher feel than Jet's but still felt almost like silk to him. As he reached Sebastian fur covered sack he pulled his knees under him and leaned forward taking his full sack in his hand; Sebastian murred in pleasure as Timothy gently rubbed two orbs with one hand. His other hand took hold of Sebastian throbbing member and began stroking him, Sebastian murr turned into a purr of pleasure as Timothy leaned over farther and took the tip into his mouth; gently sucking on the tip and rubbing his tongue over the head. Slowly he draws more of it into his mouth and shortly has half of it before pulling back and then going down again; Sebastian shudders and purrs louder. Timothy rotates his hand slightly holding Sebastian sack and begins rubbing the outer lips of her pussy, his back arches as Timothy's finger touches her clit sending a jolt of pleasure through his body. Timothy pulls off his member as he back arches and his hand is covered in cream. Bringing his hand to his lips Timothy sniffs the cream, it's not an unpleasant smell, rather the opposite. Sebastian watches thru pleasure induced silted eyes as Timothy puts his covered fingers into his mouth tasting his cream his eyes close as the flavor infuses his mouth. Timothy shudders as his cream combined with the liquor heighten his arousal even more almost like a drug; his cock throbs almost painfully and slaps against his stomach with need. Timothy opens his eyes and looks at the object of his desire; Sebastian dripping slit.

Sebastian is almost shocked as Timothy reaches down and grabs his legs at the knees and lifts him up onto his thighs, and then repositions his grip down to his waist and pulls him higher as Timothy leans his head over and licks his from ass hole to the bottom of his sack. Sebastian moans as he slips his tongue inside his cunt, he laps at his honey like one dying of thirst; his tongue finds his nub and begins licking and sucking on it sending another round of shudders through hir body. Sebastian gasps in pleasure as Timothy shifts his hold on him; and freeing one hand to begin stroking his shaft again. Timothy works on every part of Sebastian pussy, outer lips, inner lips, clit and even the tight passage into his core lapping up every bit of his juices he can find; which just pushes Sebastian quickly to his vaginal orgasm. Sebastian yowls as his cunt muscles spasm and a jet of clear fluid sprays into Timothy's open mouth. Timothy swallows what he can but it's more than he can handle as it back washes out of his mouth to coat Sebastian neither region in his own honey. Timothy laps at the hir juice infused fur almost like he was cleaning a cub, from asshole to his soaked sack he licks until he is back to his clit and sucking on it as if it was a nipple. Sebastian thrashes to break free of his hold when he returns to his clit; Timothy lets him go with an almost shocked look on his face. Sebastian gasping from the orgasm sits up and kisses Timothy, tasting himself on his lips for a minute before breaking the kiss.

"Enough foreplay love, mate me; mate me now." Sebastian said very seriously before rolling away and getting on all fours tail pulled to one side. Timothy looked at Sebastian backside for a second before moving into position, hid position made it very easy for anyone with his current view to believe that Sebastian was a feme instead of a herm. With his legs pulled together his nut sack wasn't visible from Timothy's position on the bed. Timothy smiled and moved over to join with him; at the touch of his hand on his up turned butt Sebastian shuddered with the knowledge of what was fixing to happen. Timothy had other plains though; before doing anything else he leaned in and gave him another long lick starting on his clit and going up wards to his tail base across his ass hole again. Sebastian shuddered even harder as his tongue swiped her rear; Sebastian looked back as Timothy moved fully behind him. He felt his cock head press against his clit and slowly move up his spread lips to his entrance (Sebastian studied himself for the quick entrance of his shaft into his virgin passage) and then back down pressing harder against his clit this time; and then back up, Sebastian shuddered as he teased him.

Abruptly his shaft slid into him spreading his cunt wide and hilted; Sebastian normally had a very high pain tolerance but this was almost worse yet pleasurable at the same time. Sebastian yowled as his body twitched and shuddered in pain and ecstasy at the same time as his cunt got used to his girth; his thick nails punched holes into the mattress when the pain peaked and then started to lessen. Timothy hand to grab his tail with his hand to keep it out of the way as his pain response was to pull it down and cover himself with it. When his cunt muscles stopped trying to force him out he let his tail go and began to slowly pull back on his shaft; keeping his head inside, he pushes it back in until he hilts again. Slowly he increases his pace until his nuts start slapping against Sebastian legs; Sebastian is in heaven as his shaft finds the deepest pleasure zones in his cunt. With each and every thrust of his cock into him Sebastian gasps for breath and murrs; each thrust though somewhat gentle does its job as Sebastian murrs change tone and pitch as his orgasm approaches again.

On the other side of the bed both Jet and Jennifer stop their pleasuring each other when Sebastian yowled at his virginity being taken. They look to find Timothy shoving his cock into Sebastian cunt, and Sebastian shuddering from the quickness of his taking. Jet pulls off of Jennifer to allow her to sit up; Jennifer wraps her arm around Jet and pulls her closer before kissing her. She tastes herself on Jet's lips and thinks nothing of it as Jet's tongue slides into her mouth; Jennifer slides a hand down and pushes a finger into Jet's hood and rubs her clit causing her lover to gasp.

"God's that was good, but I'm still horny." Jennifer said pulling her fingers out and sucking Jet's honey off of them.

"Same here, what do you say; we go join the boys over there." Jet replied smiling at her.

"Sounds good to me, let's go." Jennifer replied before she crawled the three maybe four feet over to them, Jet right behind her.

When Jennifer got over there Sebastian had his eyes closed and was shuddering in pleasure from Timothy's shaft pounding his cunt, Jennifer smiled at Timothy and then she gave Sebastian a lick on his cheek causing his to eyes to snap open.

"Miss me my lover's lover?" Jennifer asked in a sultry voice before she slid past and crawled under him rolling onto her back to take hold of his bobbing shaft with her lips; Sebastian gasped as her mouth wrapped around his head and she began sucking him. Jet smiled at Sebastian before she crawled between Jennifer's legs and dropped down to her forearms shoving her muzzle to Jennifer's spread lips, leaving her butt high in the air and close enough for Sebastian to smell her scent. Jet's tail curled under his jaw and gently nudged him to look her way. As he turned his head he found Jet's upturned rear in the air, her hood and tight asshole exposed to him. Her hooded sex rose and fell along with her anal ring tightening and relaxing; her scent was appealing to him but not as much as Jennifer's was, but why turn down the offer she was making. Thus he shoved his nose into her spread cheeks and inhaled her scent deeply; his tongue lashed forth cupping her hood and then up her backside to her tail base, he sees her shudder at the touch of his tongue. Sebastian pushes his tongue into Jet, she moans against Jennifer's clit in response as the tip of his tongue finds her clit and begins rubbing it. Timothy flinches as Jennifer takes hold of his sack from below and begins massaging his balls. On her back Jennifer is rewarded with the close up sight of her husband's cock thrusting into Sebastian now spread neither lips making a squishing sound; Sebastian honey has coated the fur on his sack and is dripping down onto the bed. A small jet of pre splashes on her tongue with each thrust of Timothy's cock inside of Sabine, which she gratefully swallows and continues sucking; she feels Timothy's balls start to draw up against him as he approaches his climax, he starts pounding into hir faster and faster and Jennifer has to let go. She watches and moans on Sebastian cock at the sight above her, Timothy is going all out as his cock nearly slips out and is rammed back in forcibly to the hilt. Sebastian on the other hand is in a constant state of orgasmic bliss, each thrust, each suck on his cock and even each lick on Jet's dripping pussy had him twitching and shuddering uncontrollably. Sebastian pulls away from Jet's backside as his cunt clamps down on Timothy's cock and his own cock explodes in Jennifer's mouth filling it with his seed so quickly than Jennifer has to spit out most of it to keep from being drowned. Jet looks up from Jennifer's soaked pussy to see Sebastian in the throes of his orgasm and quickly lunges from between Jennifer's legs to grab hold of Sebastian wrists as Sebastian yowls out his orgasm; and tries to pull away but can't as his instinctual need to turn and fight off the one mating him kicks in. Jennifer rolls out from under him quickly when Sebastian tries to fight free; she's covered in Sebastian seed all the way down to her breasts. Timothy grips Sebastian hips tighter as Sebastian tries to pull away from him, he moans as Sebastian cunt clamps down on him tightly, his need for release grows tenfold with the almost virgin tightness grasping his shaft; without thought his hips slam into Sebastian tight cunt repeatedly faster and faster until he can hold back no longer.

"Oh (grunt) I'm (gasp) cumming!" Timothy huffs out between gasps of breath as he slams his cock into Sebastian five or six times before stopping hilted inside him while holding onto Sebastian still shuddering hips. Sebastian gasps as his hot seed floods his insides and still tries to weakly pull away from him, but gives up when Jet latches onto his neck with her mouth. Sebastian gasps and tries to pull away but then starts to relax realizing there is no escape from them, still shuddering in pleasure as Timothy's seed flows deeper into his womb. Timothy regains control of his breathing somewhat as his cock slowly shrinks back to normal and is forced out by Sebastian clenching muscles around his cock.

"Wow that was some orgasm you had; I wish some of mine where like that." Jennifer said still covered in him seed. As Jet lets go of Sebastian neck she jumps back away from him just in case Sebastian lashes out. Sebastian lowers himself to the bed and lays down, just relaxing with a dreamy look in his eyes. Timothy and Jennifer see this and wonder about it, but say nothing; Jet notices their looks and begins to explain somewhat.

"You're wondering why I jumped back, well that's an easy one to answer; Sebastian correct me if I get something wrong. Sebastian is as you can tell from feline stock, and as such has a unique reproductive system. Before a female of feline stock reaches orgasm they ovulate sometimes painfully; which is what Sebastian did just before his orgasm. Also most female feline stock needs to be restrained by a bite on the neck when this happens, as it causes them to relax from my understanding." Jet said looking down at Sebastian for him to speak. Sebastian looks at her for a second, but says nothing and turns his dreamy gaze to Timothy. Timothy thinks about what Jet just said and puts a few things together as he looks down at Sebastian and smiles before laying down behind him and cuddles up, a hand on Sebastian waist; Sebastian pushes back lightly against him and begins to purr softly.

"Oh ok I understand, at least I think I do. I'm going to take a shower and get all of Sebastian seed off me before it dries. Where do you keep the towels?" Jennifer asked as she got off the bed.

"That's not a bad idea, (Jet takes a sniff of herself.) ish, I need one to. Come on girl friend we can take one together." Jet replied standing up from the bed and holds out her hand to Jennifer to take hold of.

"Works for me, but you scrub my back and I'll scrub yours." Jennifer said grabbing Jet's ass as they headed out the door. Jet giggled at being grabbed and returned it by grabbing Jennifer's ass also.

Minutes pass as Sebastian and Timothy lay on the bed snuggling before Timothy rises and props himself up on an elbow before speaking.

"Sabine, I'm sorry. I didn't know that I should have pulled out before I blew my load. If you become pregnant by this I'll be there for you and the child no matter what." Timothy said a tear forming in the corner of each eye. Sebastian rolled over onto his back to look up at him before speaking.

"I didn't think that I could ovulate is why I didn't say anything, usually us herms can't sire or have children; but occasionally one of us is fertile, and this time it seems I'm the lucky one. You don't know how long I've looked for someone like you; one that I can call mate. You help take care of our children is really all I expect of you, to be their father." Sebastian replied putting his hand up to caress Timothy's chest.

"Children? How can you know that there is going to be children? Can I even get you pregnant?" Timothy asked somewhat alarmed by Sebastian statement.

"Timothy I ovulated two maybe three times before you filled me with your seed, so there is the chance I may be pregnant with at least three. And for your second question; yes I can get pregnant by you being I'm not fully a fur as far as my DNA is concerned and neither is Jet; we both have a human or two in our families. Why do you think me and Jet got posted here; because we both have human ancestors somewhere in our family tree. I will say this, there's something about you that makes me want to submit to you; why I don't know. All my life I have been forced to be a dominate male to survive, but now something about you makes me want to explore those feme feelings I've repressed for so long. And now that I found you I don't want to lose you in a couple of days when we get to head quarters; and you find your friend Alex. I need to know, will Jennifer accept me as your second mate?" Sebastian asked a somewhat worried tone to his voice.

"I don't really know how to answer that one; we'll just have to ask her when they get back from the shower. But if there are children involved, I don't see why she would be against it; after all she can't have children of her own." Timothy replied.

"The scar she has on her belly had something to do with that?" Sebastian asked a worried tone in his voice.

"Jennifer was Alex's girlfriend back home for some years before he disappeared. None of us knew until months after Alex disappeared that she was carrying his child; there was a car accident and she was hurt and lost the child along with her ability to have any more children. Oh a car is a motorized transport that we humans use to travel long distances, if you were wondering about that." Timothy said rubbing his hand across Sebastian belly.

"Sorry she lost their child; it must have been hard for her to lose the man she loves and then his child also. Maybe if she will accept me as your second mate she will be happy to help raise our children; one can only hope." He replied looking up at Timothy with a hopeful look.

"I never thought I would be saying this, much less thinking of it. I've never considered the possibility that I might be gay or bisexual in any way before today. But now I feel like a new person here, with you I'm no longer just an average married guy that runs around and plays solider for a few weeks out of the year, like I was back home. You opened my eyes to a whole new world of ideas as far as relationships are concerned. I meant what I said about the children if that happens, I'll be there for you and ours as your mate if Jennifer will allow me to be; but I will not budge on being a father to them, children need a father." Timothy said before leaning over and kissing him as a lover would.

On the way to the shower Jet and Jennifer giggled like two school girls as they walked down the hallway naked.

"I feel like I did the one time I walked around my parent's home naked by doing this. Of course there was no one else home at the time. But I still felt naughty by doing so in their home." Jennifer said lightly giggling about it.

"Why would you feel that way about walking thru your home like that?" Jet asked confused about it.

"Well back home nudity is not tolerated even by your own parents, just another crazy social taboo if you ask me. Personally I've always felt that clothing should be optional; like in hot weather or in your own home." Jennifer replied as they entered the bathroom and turned left to get to the showers.

"That must make for interesting social interactions between people at times, whereas here even the smallest of body movement can speak volumes." Jet said turning on the water for one of the showers and stayed out of the water waiting for it to warm up. Jennifer smiled and stepped up to Jet.

"How's this for body language?" Jennifer said wrapping her arms around her and kissing Jet. Jet murred as Jennifer's hands roamed over her body and teased her nipples and even rubbed her hood.

"I thought we came here to take a shower, not to get yiffy again." Jet said smiling after they broke the kiss.

"We did, I take it that you never did it in the shower before?" Jennifer asked stepping into the water; Jet's ears turn red as she blushes under her fur.

"With a few other feme's when I was younger, but never with a male." Jet replied joining her in the shower spray.

"To bad, you really don't know what you're missing, sex in the shower or a bath tub is even better than on a bed. Oh this water is just right any hotter and I'd be jumping out. Now where's the soap or shampoo?" Jennifer asked looking around.

"Oh crap I knew I forgot something back at the room; hang on a second and I'll get some from the basket by the door." Jet replied stepping from the water and walked over to the door and reached into a basket hanging on the wall and came back with a couple of small bottles; one she set down for later.

"Turn around and I'll do your back first and then you can do mine." Jet said popping the cap on her bottle and pouring some of the soap into her hand. Jennifer smiled and stepped out of the spray for her and then turned around for her, she flinched a little as the cold soap was applied to her back; the sound of the bottle hitting the floor caused Jennifer to jump slightly. Jet giggled seeing Jennifer jump and slowly spread the soap around with her hands across her back. Lovingly she worked the soap over Jennifer's body not just her back as promised; if Jennifer was feline she would have purred under her hands. Jet paid careful attention not to rub to hard but with the right amount of pressure to insure that the soap did the job as it was meant to; remove dead skin and soften the skin or fur.

Jennifer moved whenever Jet lightly nudged her, though no sex was going on between them here Jennifer was enjoying the pampering she was receiving under Jet's agile fingers. Even when Jet's fingers rubbed the soap into her pubes and across her vulva; Jennifer held herself in check and ignored the pleasure she felt when Jet's hands touched her nether region or any other of her personal hot spots. By the time Jet lightly pushed her into the water to rinse off Jennifer didn't want it to end. Jet watched as she rinsed off and smirked as Jennifer smiled and blushed; Jennifer looked at her with warm eyes. The look in her eyes caused Jet to smile as she waited for her to finish. Jennifer stepped from the spray and motioned for Jet to enter and reached down for the other bottle Jet had set nearby earlier. Jet soaked her fur again in the warm spray of the shower; she watched as Jennifer looked on approvingly. Jennifer watched as Jet's wet fur clung to her body exposing her nipples fully; she smiled as Jet turned her back to her and bent over at the waist reaching back and spreading her cheeks exposing herself as she allowed the spray to soak her butt. Jennifer liked the view Jet was giving her and smiled even more with the ideas of things they might do together. Jet straightened up and stretched for a second before turning and walking over her. Jennifer popped the cap on the soap and poured it out into her hand.

"You still look good wet or not, I like the way your nipples stand out even more now." Jennifer said holding up her hands covered in soap a finger motioning for her to come closer, Jet's skin darkens as she blushes but steps closer. Instead of starting with Jet's back her hands start at her shoulders and work down her front. She slowly works the soap into Jet's fur on her breasts circling her nipples before leaning over and licking each one before covering them with soap, Jet gasps and shudders at the quick teasing contact. Jennifer smiles playfully at Jet as she rubs soap into her belly fur; and from there she continues to go down the front of Jet's body rubbing the soap in, occasionally picking up the bottle and pouring more into her hand before going back to working on Jet's body. As every minute past Jennifer got more and more of the soap on herself as she washed Jet; Jet murred appreciatively as Jennifer's hands worked the soap into her fur especially on the back and the harder parts to reach. Jet murred louder as Jennifer worked the soap into her tail fur especially around the base, her gentle fingers taking their time all the way down her tail to the tip. Jennifer wraps her arms around Jet from behind and nuzzles her neck a few seconds before pushing them into the spray of the shower. Jet giggles as Jennifer helps her rinse the soap out, so she repays the favor and helps rinse her off also. When they are fully clean of the soap Jet turns off the water and takes Jennifer's hand and leads her over to a grate on the floor.

"Where's a towel so I can dry off?" Jennifer asked slightly shivering in the cool air.

"Towels are in short supply so we have to use this." Jet said flipping a switch on the wall. Jennifer jumped as warm air flowed up from the vent across her body and a similar vent air flowed downward from the ceiling.

"Just rub your hands across your body to help dry off quicker, the quicker you get the excess water off the quicker you get dry." Jet said as she started shaking the excess water from her fur.

"Oh great an oversized hair dryer; or in this case a fur dryer, oh this warm air feels great." Jennifer said spreading her legs just enough to get her crotch dry.

"Towels are nice but they take even longer for a fur like me to dry off; just think of how long it would take a fur to dry off with really long fur, much longer than mine." Jet replied.

"We humans tend to dry off very quickly, but I can understand where you're coming from. Long fur must be a pain to keep clean; I would hate to have long fur and get all muddy and spend an hour or longer to get it clean, then have to dry it." Jennifer said with a shudder at the thought.

"Now you understand why we use a warm air dryer like these even in most homes. Can I ask you a question?" Jet asked as she continued to dry off.

"Go ahead, I don't mind." Jennifer replied as she started working on drying her hair.

"I noticed the scar you have (Jet points to Jennifer's belly) did you get that fighting?" Jet asked.

"No I got that in an accident back home over a year ago. Not really something I want to talk about though, can we talk about something else." Jennifer said trying to change the subject.

"Sure, I didn't mean to bring up bad memories. I was just curious that's all." Jet replied moving over to the wall to turn off the dryer. Jennifer looks at her for a moment before speaking as Jet flips the switch killing the dryer.

"Over a year ago I was in an accident, I was hurt so badly that it cost me my child and the ability to have more; that's what the scar is from, them removing my child and womb to save my life. (She's silent for a few seconds before going on.) Well we had better get back the boys are probably wondering what's taking us so long." Jennifer said moving toward the door.

"That would put a damper on anyone's life, including some furs I know of. Heck I wouldn't know what I would do in that position; let alone get on with my life. They probably think that I stole you away for more sex." Jet said as they left the shower.

"Timothy was there for me through it all; my pain and suffering at my loss. He's a good man; but don't tell him I said that, otherwise it will go to his head. I wouldn't be surprised if Timothy thought that after how long we took in the shower." Jennifer said as they walked down the hall.

"Well I wouldn't be surprised if Sebastian has turned the tables on him and has mounted him instead; Sebastian is rather the hound when it comes to getting his rocks off." Jet replied giggling as she put her arm around Jennifer's waist.

"Well I was surprised when I looked up to see Timothy actually having sex with him; Timothy has never had a male on male relationship. So I'm wondering what changes I'll see in the coming days and weeks; if I'm lucky he'll be more accepting of my bisexual ways." Jennifer said placing a hand on Jet's back just above her tail.

"I take it you never told him you like females also then; well he sure liked the show we were putting on; at least it looked that way judging by the size of his hard on." Jet said as they turned down the hallway to their quarters.

"No I never told him; didn't really see a reason to before today, but now after earlier he should know. And if he is that dense then I guess I'll have to enlighten him some more." Jennifer said with a giggle and an almost evil smile looking at Jet while giving Jet's butt a squeeze.

"Oh, keep on squeezing my butt like that and we'll have to take another shower tonight before we go to bed. Now why don't we hop in and see what their up to." Jet said as they stopped before the door to their shared quarters.

"Hang on a second." Jennifer said before pulling Jet the rest of the way into her arms and kissing her.

"What was that for?" Jet asked after Jennifer broke the kiss, but didn't let her go.

"Just in case we don't get to spend much time together between now and going to headquarters in two days; besides I haven't had a relationship with another feme in over a year and I find that I like the thought of having your furry body next to mine." Jennifer said blushing a bright red.

"I'm flattered that you think of me that way; I wouldn't mind a relationship either, it's been too long for me also." Jet replied before giving her a light lick on her cheek causing Jennifer to shudder.

"Well let's see what the boys are doing; maybe we'll get lucky and get a show when we go in." Jennifer said rubbing against Jet provocatively.

"Oh you're such a naughty minded girl; I like that." Jet said smiling as she pushed the door open.

"If you only knew the half of it." Jennifer said as they walked into the room.

As they enter the room, they find Sebastian and Timothy where they left them on the bed cuddling and kissing passionately; which they break off when they realized the girls where back.

"So did you two enjoy your shower? We would have joined you, but Sebastian wanted to talk to me about some things bothering him." Timothy said setting up and crossing his legs Indian fashion.

"Yeah talking, looked more like a steamy kiss to me. Oh, that's alright honey; Jet and I had a real nice talk and I've decided that it's time you knew something about me. Things I've kept secret from you because I didn't know how to tell you." Jennifer said slipping free of Jet's arm and taking a seat on the side of bed not bothering to cover her nakedness.

"I think the four of us need to talk, each of us have something to say; at least that's what I see from everyone's body language, Jennifer why don't you go first." Jet said taking a seat behind Jennifer wrapping her hands around Jennifer, Sebastian sat up and his tail wrapped behind Timothy. Jennifer took a deep breath before she started speaking.

"Timothy I need to tell you and I've decided it's time you knew. I'm bisexual and have been since I was thirteen. (She paused a second before continuing.) I love you more than you know, but I need some freedom in certain ways. I want to have a relationship with Jet if you will let me." Jennifer said leaning back against Jet. Timothy sat in stunned silence as Jennifer turned her head and looked up at Jet before giving her a kiss. Sebastian's tail curled tightly around Timothy's bare hips almost as if he was holding him back just before she broke the kiss and looked back at him.

"I was wondering when you was going to tell me about that; I heard rumors about you all through school, but didn't listen to them. But after what I saw earlier I would be wrong to deny you anything that makes you happy; never would I do that. And I have a confession to make also, one I never thought I would make. I think that I may be bisexual, especially after me and Sebastian mated earlier." Timothy said putting a hand on Sebastian's leg next to his. Silence filled the room for nearly a minute before Sebastian spoke.

"For years I have kept a secret from everyone I've met; I'm a male dominate herm. And after today's events I can no longer deny what I am, even to myself. My mating with Timothy has unleashed a side of me that I was unaware of (he shudders before continuing) a side akin to that of a females. Like most females I seek a male to be with; I have found that male I wish to be with. (Sebastian's arm wraps around Timothy's waist.) And as it is custom I must ask you a question Jennifer being you are Timothy's wife; will you accept me as Timothy's second mate?" Sebastian asked a worried tone in his voice. Jet felt Jennifer tense up against her when Sebastian asked his question and then relax. She seemed to be thinking very hard about it when Jet spoke from behind her.

"Let me explain something to you before you decide. If you accept Sebastian as his second mate under our laws and customs you will be considered the mother of any children they have; Sebastian knows this, which means that he is willing to accept your rule over him as Timothy's first wife. That in its self says something to any fur out there about Sebastian's character." Jet said.

"There is another reason Sebastian asked; we didn't realize it until after you had left to go shower; that Sebastian ovulated during our mating. (Timothy pauses for it to soak in.) And if it takes he will be pregnant by me, and it would be my responsibility for the care of the children." Timothy said giving Sebastian's leg a light squeeze. Jennifer looked at them sitting side by side for a minute after he finished speaking before answering.

"Timothy you know how much I still want children of our own, (Her hand drops to the scar on her belly.) I would be a terrible wife to deny you this after your allowing Jet and I to have a relationship. I will accept Sebastian into our family." Jennifer said giving Jet's hands a squeeze. Sebastian wrapped his arms around Timothy quickly before kissing him very passionately which Timothy returned.

"You know what that makes Sebastian to you now, don't you?" Jet asked Jennifer softly in her ear.

"No, but I have the feeling that you are going to tell me." Jennifer replied.

"Well think about it, Sebastian is a herm with both sexes; which makes him your second husband." Jet said trying not to giggle. Jennifer turned in shock to look at Jet not knowing what to say.

"Yeah dear, you just gained another mate." Jet said smiling.

"That leaves only one more thing for us to do; Jet you're the witness to this if anyone asks back at headquarters." Sebastian said climbing off the bed and pulling Timothy with him to the open area of the room.

"Jennifer go stand by Timothy." Jet said smiling and nudging her off the bed. Jennifer goes over to where Timothy is standing in front of Sebastian.

"I Sebastian an officer of the Freedom Movement Army declare that from this day forth I submit myself as second mate to Timothy Davenport and Jennifer Davenport for as long as they will have me. For now there is only the love of our children I carry between us, but in time hopefully we will love each other also." Sebastian said before kneeling before them his neck bared to them. On the bed Jet wiped away a tear as Sebastian said his oath of submission to them. Timothy looked back at Jet with the look of "what do I do now" on his face.

"Both of you in turn bend down and take his neck into your mouth for a few seconds then release it. It's the customary response to him submitting to you. But hold it a second and let me get my camera to take a picture as proof." Jet said getting off the bed to grab her camera from the shelf. After she got the camera Jet took pictures of Timothy and Jennifer biting Sebastian on the neck acknowledging his submission to them; Jet went and picked up the bottle then took a sip before passing it around in a celebratory round of drinks. They could party tonight but tomorrow they would be busy getting the base back to specs for their replacements and their trip back to headquarters.

To be Continued in Other World Chapter 7