Complex Party Day 1 -- Silver's Dilemma

Story by AtomicCoon on SoFurry

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#14 of The Complex

_Well, look at this. AC has come back. Again, after a loooonnngg hiatus. I blame my real world on keeping me from writing my stuff.

This one I almost finished, then let simmer on my floppy for gods knows how long. Finally finished it up and will post it for your viewing pleasure. I already know the ending kinda bombs, my bad. I might do another filler to help me get my rhythm back, then the Complex should be coming back strong. I hope. We'll see what happens.

As always, my disclaimer. Silvirus is (c) draxx_oakencrest of All other fursonas are (c) of yours truly, and any likeness to a fursona that you, your friend or your Mom may have is pure coinidence. And the series of clustered hyphens (---) represents a change of scene/viewpoint.

Plus, if you're here, you should be at least 18 or 21, and have an open mind to reading about sexual acts or innuendo. if you don't just walk away and stop using the YS bandwith.


The morning light started to spill into the condo softly, filtering through the curtains to provide a faint glow. All over the bedroom were various articles of clothing. Though mostly male, there was a short pair of jeans and a pair of thong panties hanging over the edge of the dresser. The trail could be followed all the way to the queen-sized bed in the room, a couple of forms resting peacefully under the tangled sheets.

On the side closest to the window was the form of a gray vixen, her fur and hair matted with sweat, among other things, from last night efforts. She had rolled over onto her other side, revealing she held a leash lazily in her right paw. On the other end of that leash laid Silvirus, the wolf/husky mix, slowly waking up from his sleep. He didn't want to wake up, but the light disturbed his sleep. He groaned quietly and sat up, reaching a paw to the collar around his neck.

"Gods, that was intense," he whispered to himself, rubbing his neck lightly around the collar. She was tugging on it a lot during the early part of their multiple sessions that night, and it was still bugging him this morning. He looked to his alarm clock on the nightstand: 9:58 AM. Only had about six hours of sleep, even though their play lasted the better part of four hours before that. How she could be so horny, even for a heat cycle, was beyond him.

He reached up and gently unclipped the leash from the ring of his collar, glad that he could at least remove it if he needed to. He carefully climbed from between the sheets and walked to the bathroom, realizing there was a slight draft. When he got to the bathroom and looked in the mirror was when he found out why. He knew that his well-toned form was nude, but the fact that his cock was hanging limp from his sheath wasn't normal. "Ah shit," he huffed out, flicking him length with a finger. "Go back in.... go back in..."

He decided not to bother with it for now. Rather he chose to look back to what he'd been through. For starters, his hair was clumped in some places; some of the natural blue tips being tangled within his silver hair. His muzzle, chest, stomach and crotch were covered with a dried, white residue. He could only guess that it was their combined fluids. He also took note of a few scratches and love bites on his chest, neck and arms. Even through the thicker-than-normal fur he acquired from his husky heritage. Then he came back to his limp, unsheathed length just hanging there like a banana from a tree. He knew he needed a shower, but that would have to come in a moment.

He thought the moment would be in about five seconds until he heard the soft sound of a rock song. He knew what the tune was as he quietly went out the bathroom and into the main room, grabbing his cell phone from the kitchen table. He read the Call ID: 'Lisa.' He huffed lightly and hit the talk button, placing the phone to his ear. "Hey Lisa. What's up?"

"Hey, Silver. You don't sound too good, Hun." The voice on the end was sweet and warm, just like it always was when he worked with her at EXR.

"I just got up, Lisa. Not clicking on all cylinders yet."

"Well I hope you're ok," she chuckled out. "Mainly cause I didn't see you when I was on the roof last night."

Silver almost dropped the phone when he heard that. "How did she get inside?" he thought, that idea solved when he remember about Chris Hagauji. "She probably would of snuck in when he came with his crew," he though. He cleared his head and put the phone back to his ear, hiding his shocked state of mind easily. "Yeah, I kinda laid down and was out like a light. Helping someone out with a little something."

"Oh, getting laid already, are we?" the cheetah giggled softly.

"If you had any idea," the lupine thought to his self, quickly getting a new statement to say. "Yeah, I've been a little busy. Just once so far, though."

"Alright. Just do save some for me, all right? I'm rooming with a couple of felines on the 8th. They're nice girls and all."

"Uh huh. What a second," Silver thought for a moment. "What about you working at EXR?"

"Oh, you didn't know?" the cheetah spoke out. "At least half that store on all shifts comes to this party at one point or another. You and I managed to score the week off, but everyone else gets at least two days. 'Boss Hog' fills the gaps with some high school students who need some extra cash."

"Well that works out," Silver chuckled out, walking over to the couch to sit down. He erfed quietly to himself, just now realizing he also had some claw marks on his rear end as well. "I might not make it through this week," he thought again before speaking gently into the phone. "So I'll be catching you later?"

"Well, why not now?" Lisa asked out, seeming to shift on whatever she was sitting or lying on. Silver probably guessed an air mattress. "Shouldn't be too far from where you are."

"Well, my place is still a mess."

"Don't matter to me."

" does to me." Silver ears perked as he heard a female moan lightly then give a tug to the disconnected leash, it jingling like a bell. A few moments later he could hear her growl softly. "Listen, Lisa, I got my paws full at the moment. I'll talk to you later." Before she could even return the good-bye he had hung up. He had gotten up just in time to watch the vixen walk out the bedroom, dangling the leash softly. "Morning, May."

May Maserati gave a light growl again, her violet eyes seeming to pierce into his soul. "What did I tell you to call me?"

Silvirus gave a light yelp, taking a step backwards as he looked down. "Sorry, Mistress."

"That's better," she said, giving a soft smile before walking over to him. She reached up and pulled him into a heated kiss, holding it a moment before pulling away. "How's my wolfsky doing this morning?"

Silver chuckled lightly and gave a soft blush. "A little low, Mistress. Literally and figuratively." With that he nodded downwards, May following his eyes and giggling lightly.

"Oh that's nothing I haven't handled before," May beamed out gently. "Matter of fact, Oscar and Greg had that problem before. But don't tell them I told you."

"Tell them you told me what?" Silver joked out, both getting a soft giggle out of it. "So, how am I going to remedy this issue?"

May gave a soft nod to the bathroom before walking to the phone. "You take a shower. I'll get us some breakfast. Then we can discuss what we'll do today." She smirked lightly before picking up the phone, the wolf already into the bathroom.

As May made the call she could hear the shower turn on. She pondered a moment about either to mess with him now or let him rest. She decided on the latter just as the phone was picked up on the other end.

"Maserati residence, Candi speaking," a soft yet squeaky voice rang out, May knowing just who it was.

"Hey Candi, it's May."

"Just a second, babe," the voice said, quickly followed by the sound of footsteps heard as the figure moved. A moment later a rush of air was heard followed by a 'thank you' from a male voice. "Hey, baby," the now male voice spoke gently.

"Hey, Greg. I take it that the girls are treating you well?"

Greg gave a soft chuckle, the faint sound of bacon sizzling sneaking in from the background. "If you mean by Celise catching up with the guy who just turned 18 and showing him a good time, and by Candi doing that interesting thing with her tail, then yes they are."

"Well whose fault is it for letting Celise mess with the barely legal?" May chuckled out, sitting down softly on a chair. She placed the leash on the table as she listened to her mate explain his case. "Well that's all fine and dandy. And he'll leave with one hell of a story."

"Ain't that a fact," Greg chuckled back. "But let's get away from my chipmunk and squirrel companions. So lemme guess, the reason you called is that you ran out of condoms?"

"Strike one, hun," she cooed out, twisting a finger in the cord. "Two more shots."

"Hmmm...." He pondered. "He's more than you can handle and you need back-up?"

"Not yet, Gregory. Strike two."

"You wore him out so bad that you left it for the breeze and now you need some of my 'Power Cakes' to straighten him out?"

May nodded to herself, knowing he would get it right on the third shot. "And don't skimp on the bacon either." As she spoke with him she could hear a soft grunt float from the bathroom. "Yeah, and could you have that up here in about 10 minutes?"

"Not a problem, May. See you in a bit."

"Bye, hun," she smiled out before hanging up the phone. She got up from the seat, stretching out her nude form before quietly walking into the bathroom. She had barely rounded the corner when she saw him behind the glass door, eagerly pawing at his throbbing length. She giggled lightly to herself before stepping closer, noting that his knot had just formed. May couldn't help but lick her lips before tapping on the door lightly.

"GAH!" Silvirus yelped out, jumping backwards in the shower and covering himself quickly. He gulped lightly and blinked before tilting his head. "Oh...hey there..."

"I figured you'd be doing this. That's normal as well." May gave an assuring smile before stepping into the shower with him. She let the water drench into her fur before she turned to face Silver, gently leading him to press him against the back wall. "And believe me, no matter how much you paw, it won't just pop."

"What's make you so sure of that?" Silver smirked back, nodding to the drooling cock tip. "Looks like it'll work fine to me."

"But you would have been here for about another 30 minutes, even if you did use this for help." When she said 'this' she gripped firmly at his knot, a light shudder and a yelp escaping him. May just chuckled softly, placing a light nip to his neck. "Mmmmm... here. I'll fix that for you."

The vixen smiled softly before she kneeled down. Without saying a word or giving him a warning she eagerly took his length into her wet maw, suckling the shaft like a Popsicle. Silver gave a firm moan, giving a light yelp after he had hit his head against the wall. He looked down to May, still in a bit of shock on just how playful she was. He bit his bottom lip gently when she had pulled off his length, wondering why she had stopped. He opened his eyes and looked up just in time to see her stepping out the shower, her left paw completely turning off the hot water flow.

Silvirus yelped again, almost jumping out of his skin as the ice-cold water came full force out the showerhead, shaking him from his daydream. After a few moments he managed to shut off the water, reaching out a moment later to grab the towel. But he ended up grabbing air, May having beat him to the towel and already had it wrapped around her body.

"Alright, May," Silver growled out lightly, stepping out the tub and facing her. "Could you tell me what the hell that was about?"

May just giggled, turning her back to head out. She gave a soft shrug as she pointed down to his crotch. "Just look down and you'll know."

He huffed lightly and looked where she pointed, seeing that his shaft had gone limp and was starting to pull back into his sheath. He shook the excess water out of his fur before he gave a light sigh. He collected his thoughts as he padded out the bathroom and into the bedroom, rummaging around for a fresh pair of shorts. "Well that works. Didn't like the process, but it worked nonetheless." He managed to find a pair and slipped them on just as he heard a knocking on the door. He didn't think about it at first until he heard the sound of May and another female talking.

"You have got to be kidding me," he said under his breath, thinking that 'The Twins' had told Lisa where he was. He leaned out the bedroom and gave a soft sigh of relief, seeing the grey squirrel from a few days ago talking with May. The fox took a couple of plastic-wrapped, paper plates from her before smiling. A few more words were passed before the squirrel smirked gently. She turned her form to face away from May, playfully lifting her tail before padding down the hall. May just giggled and turned to spot Silver.

"You enjoy the view?" she asked softly, closing the door with her foot.

"Why wouldn't I? Hard not to enjoy all the scenery around here." Silver chuckled, noting the plates again. He sniffed lightly and smiled, tilting his head. "Mmmmm...pancakes and bacon. And I'm starving. Complements to the chef."

"I'll be sure to tell my mate that." She smiled softly, placing the plates on the table. She heard Silver shift to sit at the table as she searched for some silverware. When she managed to find some she turned back and erfed lightly. He had already eaten down his plateful, which if May knew Greg like she did, would have been 6 cakes and a solid ΒΌ pound of bacon.

Silver burped lightly, wiping his maw gently with a napkin. "Wow, I must have been hungrier than I thought."

"And you showed the typical signs of a bachelor," May chuckled out before taking a seat. She had unwrapped her plate, starting to cut up her breakfast as she spoke softly. "Since you ate so fast, I guess you can have some free time."

" make it seem like recess," Silver chuckled.

"Well, per se." May smiled lightly and took a bite before looking to him. "You can go hang out around the Complex, but two rules. No pants, and no yiffing. And don't think I won't find out. Greg and I have a couple spies among Haga's friends. Like he should have mentioned at the gathering, Greg doesn't want any reasons for the cops to be around here."

Silver gave a nod and a light whimper before he stood and stripped down. "Alright. I'll still have my cell phone if you wish to reach me, Mistress." He smirked gently before grabbing it and running out the door. He hit a couple of buttons on the phone before he climbed into the stairwell, waiting for an answer. "Hey, Lisa, it's Silver..."

Lisa had hung up, wondering what was going on with that mix of a lupine. She shrugged it off before she looked around the room she managed to get with the 'Twins.' Well, it helped that Nadal was a frequent to EXR, and that the two have become what most would consider buddies. Lisa looked around and found a few other furs aside from the red Siamese. She spotted her 'twin,' Becky, as the grey Siamese lounged lightly against the windowsill. Becky purred lightly as the morning light started to pour in.

Lisa purred lightly to herself before continuing to look around. She forgot about the male cuddled to Nadal, guessing it was the 'big, strong ursine' that they talked so much about last night. She figured he snuck in last night well after she fell asleep, and if the smell lingering in the air meant anything they welcomed him home well. "And it seems like they left me something to munch on," she whispered lightly, crawling off the air mattress and walking to the kitchen.

She stopped a moment to look herself in the mirror that was placed on the front door. She looked up and down the lithe, athletic form that her cheetah heritage passed down to her. She ran her paws through her short, dirty blonde headfur before continuing down. Covering her form was just a simple, cut-off t-shirt that stopped just above her navel, hiding her C-cup breasts from the elements. What was less protected was everything else, since the only other thing she slept in that night was a soft blue thong. She gently shook her form, ruffling her fur a bit before smiling and heading into the kitchen.

"Ok, let's see what the cheetah finds today?" she smirked lightly, spotting a plastic container on the table. On the lid read 'Lisa' in big, black letters. And what looked like a smiley face with exclamation points as eyes. She smiled softly at the gesture before opening the small box. Inside was some shrimp fried rice and an order of General Tso's chicken. She frowned lightly as she didn't see any peppers mixed in, but didn't think too bad about it. They didn't know she liked it spicy. She shrugged lightly and tossed the container in the microwave, starting it up and quietly waiting for it to finish.

She leaned lightly against the table while watching the microwave, not noticing someone walking up behind her. She then gave a soft yelp as a paw firmly groped at her exposed rump, turning to confront the snickering ursine. Standing at a solid 7' tall, and built just as firmly. Lisa swore he was on something, cause even the best of the ursine muscle-bound has a little bit of padding.

"Oh come now, Lisa, I figured you'd more alert than that," he spoke gently, though she could hear the slight Russian depth in his tone.

"Well not when I'm not expecting someone to be awake," Lisa chuckled out, giving a soft blush. "So, you guys have a nice night?"

The ursine nodded softly. "Gods was it ever. Wish you could of joined us, but you looked so peaceful in your sleep. Plus we had to try real hard not to make too much noise."

"And that would probably explain the direction my dreams took then." Lisa smiled softly and made a move for the microwave, stopping it with one second left on the timer. She pulled out her food and placed it on the table, looking back over to the ursine. She blinked at the sight, having not looked to his face yet, and stared at his sheath. And the fact that at least 5" of his ebony black manhood stood erect from it, showing signs that more was coming.

The ursine looked down and chuckled softly as he wrapped a paw lazily around the thick girth. "Well you know, if you're gonna look at my morning wood, you could at least do something about it."

The cheetah erfed again to herself, having just now realized she was staring at his growing cock. She shook her head lightly and pointed to one of the stretching felines. "They might get jealous."

"Nah, they won't," he said confidently, looking back to the Siamese cats. "We trust each other enough to have our own fun outside of this relationship." He smiled lightly before turning to look back to the cheetah, offering the paw that wasn't busy with playing with his shaft. "I'm Vlad, pleasure to meet you when you're awake."

Lisa gave a light blush, a bit uneasy about taking the paw and shaking it. "Pleasure to meet you, Vlad. I'm Lisa, as you may already know."

He smiled back as he kissed the back of her paw, causing a brighter blush from Lisa. "The pleasure is mine. Now if would excuse us." He smiled lightly before turning to re-enter the living room. Lisa heard a soft rumble from Vlad about some protein shakes, the two now awake Siamese cats quickly standing to their feet and following the ursine into the bedroom.

Once the door had closed she huffed lightly, taking a seat in the kitchen. How she let herself just stare at his size was a mystery to her. Then again, she did have a thing for the bigger species. And judging from the smell coming from her, it was starting to get to her. She shrugged it off before starting to eat her breakfast.

She had just finished and pitched her container before her cell phone started to ring again. She slowly walked over, picking it up and putting it to her ear. "Hellos."

"Hey, Lisa, it's Silver," the lupine said gently, the sound of him climbing the stairs quietly echoing in the background. "You got some free time?"

Lisa smiled softly from the voice, gently sitting onto her air mattress. "Yeah I got some. The Twins are busy getting some protein at the moment."

"So I take it Vlad is back in town," Silver gave a soft chuckle. "You get any?"

Lisa erfed lightly, giving a firm stare to her cell before talking again. "Yeah, from some actual food. I'm not one to yiff at the drop of a hat."

"Don't think I didn't know that, Lisa." Silver chuckled again before stopping. "Hold on a second."

She listened closely as she heard him talking to various male and female furs. She picked up a couple of 'excuse me' and 'sorry' pleas, then Silver mentioning something about cleaning up behind themselves before he spoke into the phone again.

"Man, this place is nuts. Just passed a foursome in the stairwell brewing up. Just couldn't wait to get to the meeting rooms..."

"Meeting rooms?" Lisa said, tilting her head lightly.

"Yeah, on the fifth floor. Greg turned the viewing points into extra space for the guests. Covered windows, dividing walls and padding on the floor for them to sleep on. Bring your own sleeping bag and boom, room full of play."

Lisa blushed softly, curling up a bit at the possibilities. "But anyway," she finally pushed out, "you think we could meet up?"

Silver smiled and nodded to his self as he answered. "Loved to. Meet me up on the 11th when you get a minute."

"Will do, babe. See ya then." She pressed the end button on her phone and tossed it into her bag. She had showered last night, so didn't need one. She simply contemplated if she wanted to put on a bathing suit. She figured she might as well and pulled off her other clothes. She grabbed her blue two-piece and started out the door, pulling it on as she walked in the hallway to the stairwell.

"My, aren't you a nice specimen," a voice spoke out, causing Lisa to stop and look back. She then gasped lightly and blushed a deep red, covering her still bare chest with her arms. She then blushed more as she looked over the form of her confronter. Lightly built form, light red fur, and was definitely vulpine by pedigree. She turned back around and quickly tied on her top before she turned back to the nude fox, making sure not to look downstairs.

"Well I hope your mother taught you not to stare, sir," she snapped back, still a bit embarrassed about being caught in the act.

"Why yes, she did teach me better. But every now and then I just got to break that rule." The fox chuckled softly before reaching out a paw. "Allow me to properly introduce myself. I'm Jamal Carrera, resident in '303.'"

Lisa gently took the paw and shook it, giving a soft smile to him. "Lisa Park, visitor for this little event. Pleasure to meet you Jamal." They both exchanged a soft chuckle before letting go of paws. "Sorry, but I need to split. I have to meet someone up poolside."

"What a coincidence. I have to meet someone as well." Jamal chuckled and offered an arm. "Care to walk and talk?"

Lisa gave a nervous blush before nodding, taking his arm as they both started walking to the elevator. "So Jamal, anything interesting happen with you yet?"

The fox chuckled and shook his head, reaching out to press the call button for the elevator. "Well, not yet. Believe it or not, I have a selective taste this year. And aside from my girlfriend, I haven't found anyone yet." He gave a soft smile before he looked to see the forming look of disgust on her face. He had to act quickly, seeing that messing this up would ruin his shot at the contest. "But wait, before you decide to hit me, we both agreed on an open relationship."

Lisa gave a soft chuckle, her instinct being diffused about him cheating on his girlfriend. "Well that's...interesting. Seeing as this would be the opportune time to act out on that agreement." This caused a chuckle from him before the elevator reached their floor and opened up.

Both of them tilted their heads lightly as they saw what was going on inside the elevator. They looked into the back corner to see a female dolphin placing a few soft kisses on a jaguar's face, which seemed to have been a visitor at best. A few moments later she slowly dismounted from the male's member, handing him a towel to keep any of their mixed fluids from dripping onto the floor. The dolphin chuckled gently as she pulled back up a pair of black jeans, then looked to a stopwatch she had in her hand. "You managed to make it two minutes and fifteen second. Not good enough, hun." She gave him an evil smirk before turning to see the two furs looking at her.

"Well, Joan," Jamal said, crossing his arms softly, "I see you started your endurance contest again. How long you giving them this time?"

The dolphin chuckled softly, pulling out a notepad and a pencil. "A solid five minutes like last year. No thrusting, just me using my skills. If they can make it that long, I'm theirs. However..." She jotted down the time on the notepad before looking over the small list of names. "However, the longest time so far is just over 3 minutes."

"Well I could only imagine how hard it is to maintain, knowing what a certain orca whispers about." Jamal chuckled lightly before getting firmly poked on the ribs from Joan.

"He can't compete, cause he can actually outlast me." Joan blushed softly, still rubbing lightly on her pink belly. "And if I don't find someone who has the staying power, I'm gonna bust."

"Well good luck on that, girl. Gotta get going." They both exchanged a soft hug before Jamal and Lisa stepped into the elevator with the spent feline. Lisa pressed the button to start the short ride to the top floor.

"Damn, I thought I had a shot too," the jag huffed out, covering himself with the towel.

"Guess you needed to do some more history research on dolphins, bud." Jamal smirked at his comment just as the elevator reached the 10th. "Use the shower on the 5th, and be sure you clean up the floor."

Lisa just shook her head lightly as they stepped off the elevator, looking to Jamal a moment later. "Is it often that furs end up.... like he was?"

Jamal chuckled and nodded lightly. "Elevator maintenance was here at least twice a month before Greg was given a key to deactivate the safety lock. But I'm sure it's something you wanna ask Silvirus." Jamal chuckled as he saw the cheetah arch an eyebrow, both continued walk to the stairwell and he held the door open for her. Lisa just rolled her eyes at the fox before she quickly ran up the remaining flight to the pool area.

Silvirus was lounging quietly on a chair in the sun, glad to be out of the somewhat stale scent of sweat and lust. He didn't really mind it, but even he needed a change of pace. He was surprised to see the roof as quiet as it was for such an event. There was an otter working the grill, about ten other furs in the pool and a couple small gatherings elsewhere. He rubbed lightly at his headfur before poking a passing lizard. "Hey, bud. Something's amiss here."

The lizard looked towards Silver lightly, his tongue scratching his own nose before he spoke. "Why you say that?"

"You know.... This." He motions a paw to the gathering on the roof. "Given the current event, I would have figured to see at least someone doing something."

"It's an unwritten rule around here," the lizard chuckled out, his soft blue scales shimmering lightly. "We try not to hold public sessions on the roof. Mainly cause fluids and concrete don't go well. Plus its murder on the pool filters."

"Oh.... Well that's news to me. Thanks." He exchanged smiles with the lizard before he looked over to the door leading back downstairs to see a cheetah quickly step out, with Jamal in close tow. He gave a bright smile but blushed, remembering he still had on no clothes. He quickly grabbed a towel from underneath his chair and laid it across his lap before he whistled. "Hey Lisa! Over here!"

"Well well, look what the dog dragged in," Lisa joked before walking over to the lupine. She sat rather firmly onto his lap before giving him a hug. "Hey Silver. What's up with you?"

"Nothing much here, Lisa," he said gently, looking over her form. He had never seen the feline in anything that wasn't jeans and the work polo, and he planned to milk it in.

Lisa saw his reaction and lightly snapped her fingers. "Hey, I'm up here, Silver." She giggled lightly after he looked back up before something had caught her eye. She reached out a paw and lightly tugged at the collar around his neck. "Hmmm... looks like someone has been having some fun after all. I didn't take you for liking the male faction."

"He doesn't, hun. He's one-hundred percent straight, I can assure you of that." Both Lisa and Silver looked up to the voice, Silver giving an awkward chuckle when it turned out just to be Greg.

"You took the words right out my mouth, Maserati. So what owes me this visit?" Silver tilted his head slightly, looking at the wolf for a moment.

"Well I wanted to make sure you were doing alright," Greg spoke gently, adjusting his glasses on his snout. "May is a pawful once she gets going."

"Please don't remind me. Oh yeah, thanks for the breakfast. It really hit the spot."

"Not a problem." Greg chuckled lightly before looking to the cheetah, then back to Silver. "Does May know you're up here?"

"She knows I'm away," Silver started before both the wolves started to sniff the air, along with the four other males on the roof. They both gave a light shudder before Silver started again. "And she'll know I'm up here in about three.... two... one."

As Silver finished the countdown the door leading back downstairs opened slowly, revealing the still nude May. She moved slowly towards the small group, passing the other males that were obviously staring at her form. She reached Greg first, placing a firm kiss on his muzzle. "Mmm.. hello handsome."

"Hello yourself, sexy," Greg whispered out, placing a firm grope to his mate's rear. "Any chance you could put your pet aside and we could have our own fun?"

"I think we could. Well, at least the second part." She smirked softly before she quickly reattached the leash to Silver's collar, a light yelp escaping both Lisa and Silver. May let out a soft chuckle before speaking to Greg again. "I'm stepping up his training. You don't mind if someone watches, do you?

Greg chuckles lightly. "Not at all. I'm pretty sure Celise and Candi won't mind helping out as well." May looked to him before they both started to laugh gently, a devious smile forming before she pulled on the leash.

"Gah! Alright, I'm coming, Mistress..." Silver huffed softly before the three of them headed for the stairs. This left Lisa rather confused, sitting on the chair she was on.

"This... is gonna be one interesting week," she said to herself. She laid back against the lawn chair and decided to at least gather some sun. And try to figure out just what she was going to have to do in order to get the mix breed all to herself.