Storm Winds Part 1

Story by Jab Kingkiller on SoFurry

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#1 of Storm Winds

Karen walked behind her sister, Tara, who was skipping happily, causing her long brown hair to flow like water and her large breasts to bounce like water balloons. She had no idea how her shirt contained them. But she wasn't to judge. Looking down, she admitted her shirt was small for her as well, for, being slightly older, hers were indeed slightly bigger. They were both Wolves out of the Gethje tribe, and their clan was predominately brown furred, though Karen's was slightly dark than the others she knew. She was also more well lean and well muscled than other females, giving her a thin, athletic look. She sighed and let her tail droop. She was twenty one, single, and stuck watching her nineteen year old sister. What was wrong with her!

"Hey Karen, you should see this." Tara had veered off the path, tail wagging excitedly. Karen sighed, slightly annoyed.

"If it's another spider they're never gonna find your body." She watched Tara forge off the path. Ugh, why me?

She pushed through the trees and saw Tara leaning over something on the ground. She walked up, about to scold her for being so stupid, when she stopped. There was a man laying there.

"Holy shit! Who the hell is that?" Tara just shrugged, and then kicked the man's arm. He groaned softly, but otherwise remained motionless.

"It looks like a human. See? No fur." She kneeled next to him and sniffed him over. "Wow, he smells good." She ripped the man's torn shirt off and whistled. He was ripped.

"Tara! What are you doing?"

Tara looked up with a sly smile. "Well it's not like there was much left anyway."

Karen just huffed and turned away. "I swear, you're such a slut. You enjoy sex way too much. As long as you don't-" Karen was cut off by a pair of pants hitting her in the back of the head. "TARA!"

She turned and saw Tara smiling up at her. "And you don't enjoy it enough. You know the law. If a human enters our territory we can claim him. And all I'm gonna say is that I'm not the one whose gonna do it." She got up and patted Karen on the shoulder. "Have fun." She smirked, then she bounded through the bushes.

Karen was about to yell at her, but she thought better of it. It wouldn't help. Besides, this man needed help. She turned back to the man, and couldn't fight the urge to look him over. She whistled as well. This man WAS ripped, and from the looks of it, very well endowed as well. She sat down next to him and sighed.

"What the fuck do I do know? You're naked, and her I am holding your pants, and there's no way you're using these again, because it looks like she ripped them off you like your shirt." She looked up at one of the low lying branches and chuckled. "Same with your underwear." She paused and looked down at the unconscious man. "And you can't hear a word I'm saying." She sighed again. "Damn..."

Then Karen paused and sniffed. Something smelled good. She turned to the man and breathed in deep. It was HIM. He stomach did flips as the scent filled her muzzle. It was so strange, she didn't know what to make of it. Her mind clouded over, and when she regained control of herself again, she found she had removed her shirt and pants.

"Shit, what the hell?" She was more excited than confused. Moreover, she was going into heat, which wasn't supposed to happen for another week. Whenever she did there was always a male around to "help" her. But as her mind cleared even more, she remembered she was alone, with no "help" on its way. "Well... not totally..." She cast a side long look at the man, then chuckled. "You know, I really hate being like this. One second, I'm mad because you're naked. Now, a few seconds later, I'm glad you are."

She got up slowly and crawled onto the man's body, straddling just below his dick. "Well, I do have to wake you up. Might as well have fun doing it." She leaned down and gave his dick a long, slow lick. It twitched slightly, and she murred softly. The scents were stronger now that she was on the source, and he tasted amazing. She licked him again, the nuzzled her muzzle against his balls.

Her treatments were having the desired effect. His dick was now larger, though she could not tell an exact size, and much harder. Deciding to throw out the licking, she took his entire length in her muzzle. She held her head still for a minute, feeling his member finish growing inside her mouth, pressing against the back of her throat. She pulled her head off to watch. When it stopped moving, she took the tip in her mouth a suckled it softly.

The man groaned again, which caused Karen to freeze. When he elicited no other movement, she smiled to herself. Now the fun begins. She pushed her head down hard, taking his entire member in her mouth and partially down her throat. Chuckling, she thought back to what Tara had said. I may not do it very often, Hun, but I know how to do it real good. She began to bob her head slowly, making soft moans and murring occasionally. The man began to groan along with her, but he still did not move nor wake.

Time to change the pace. She though excitedly.

She lifted herself above him and positioned her hips so that her pussy hovered right above his dick, which stood up straight at attention. Looking up at the man's face, she smiled. "Wakey wakey." She thrust down hard, impaling herself fully on his member.

The first thing she noticed was how different a human was from a Wolf. Its shaped caused entirely new feelings to erupt from her as his dick filled her. She literally couldn't move they were so powerful. It overwhelmed her system and turned her on more than she had ever been in her life.

The second was that the man's eyes shot open the moment he had hilted her. She looked down at him, her chest heaving as the feeling poured through her body, her tongue hanging out the side of her mouth. The man worked his mouth a few times before muttering our, "Uh........ hi."

She instantly took his hands and placed them on her hips. "Fuck me." She begged, a mix of a demand and a whine. The man, though obviously confused, was only too eager to reply. To her relief he did not make her ride him right away, but helped her grind into him, rubbing her against him with a rough gentleness. She began to moan loudly, clutching at her breasts. She felt him lift her slowly, but her mind did not compute the movement until he let her drop again. The feeling of his dick going from barely in to fully hilted was too much. She howled in pleasure.

This only pushed the human to lift her again, but this time, instead of dropping her, he pushed her down, then back up, until her was pounding in and out of her at a quick pace. Karen lost her voice as she lost her mind in pleasure. She felt her orgasm building, and tried to fight it off. It was too soon, too soon...

Her body seemed to implode when her orgasm hit, arching her back and throwing her head backward, causing her breasts to bounce heavily. She felt the man's member harden, and then twitch. She passed out as she felt his seed fill her.

Karen woke slowly. She was sore, but a good sore. She felt something strange between her legs, and when she looked down, she found that the man was still inside her. Shaking her head softly, she slowly rolled off the mans chest and onto the grass.

"Oh God, that was amazing. You awake now?"

The man groaned slightly. "Yeah, you could say that. Uh... why am I covered in fur?"

Karen chuckled. "Oh come on, I don't shed THAT much."

"Holy shit. Seriously, look at me!"

Karen turned her head and looked at the man, who was now sitting up. Only he was no longer a human. He was a wolf, just like her. Human shaped, true, but covered in fur, a muzzle, and a tail. "Huh. That is indeed interesting."

"INTERESTING! I'm a freaking human animal thing!" Karen gave a slight growl, and he looked over at her. "Not that that's a bad thing. You were amazing! Uh... did you ever tell me your name?"

"Can't say I did, and if I knew yours I would have been screaming it." She smiled softly. "My names Karen."

"I'm Jab. Never knew heaven would be full of animal people." Karen coughed I surprise.


"Yeah. I died when I fell off the cliff, and now here I am, in the land of beautiful animal human women."

"This is Floren, the forest of the wolf tribes. And the only cliff you could've fallen off of was the hill behind us. From the looks of it you fell and hit a tree." She lowered her tone seductively. "But now that you're not human anymore, I can't claim you as my own." She rolled onto her knees and elbows and raised her tail, shaking her ass at him. "Now you, on the other hand, are a male, and you can sure as hell claim ME." She watched his ears stick straight up, then turned to face foreword. She felt his body press against her back and his dick press against her lips.

"I think I'll take you up on that, Karen."

"Good. I've been dying to have someone come get me. We'll talk about your, uh, dream later. And your little transformation trick." Jab just grunted once as he began to press into her, causing her next words to be lost in a loud growl.

The storm was still gathering.