Adventure's of Tao: The New Comer Chpt 10.2

Story by NotSarahK on SoFurry

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#11 of Tao

In a magical paradise of peace and light Tao, a land unknown to man, live five special kangaroo-like creatures. Each warrior represents one of five virtues--benevolence, righteousness, order, wisdom, loyalty. However, the Warriors of Virtue's heroic journeys have not yet ended. An over shadow of evil is still in the land and darker forces are slowly making their move. The evil warlord Komodo might have forgotten who he was from previous events, but there seemed to be something else ratting about. Something that no ones else would have guessed and one new comer to Tao will save them this time. Will the new comer save all of Tao or will their world come to an end? You find out.

Disclaimer** :** I do not own in any shape or form of any "Warriors of Virtue" franchise. I will not be profiting from this story in any way. However, every character not mentioned in either the movies or the books (yes there are books) is mine.

I do not have any rights to the music that is used.

I do not have the rights to the movie I borrowed from.

Chapter 10.2

Myth's and Legends

A/N: Wow I am amazed I had to break this up into 3 separate chapters. But I'm happy because that means you guys don't have to wait to long for the next one too come out.

(Sarah's iPod: Peter Davison - Vinyasa)

Walking back to Master Chung's LifeSpring, Sarah opened up her angelic like wings the first time that day. As they all slowly walked she tried to practice getting off the grounds. As the sun glittered through the trees she tried flapping her wings on command.

Yun and the Sea Serpent were giving Sarah some room, but still close enough to her. Both remained quiet for a little, but he could not get the feeling this Sea Serpent had a different plan to coming with them. The crunching of the grounds underneath their feet, the far off bird calls, Sarah's novice wings awkwardly beating...Yun had an issue on his mind that needed to be settled.

"Sea Serpent..." he said without turning.

"Please, Longwei." Politely corrected.

"Longwei, what is your true purpose to traveling with us and away from your home?"

"I will make Sarah, my bride." He said without a blink. He looks up into the sky then back at Sarah to watch her jump and glide ever so often from the ground.

"I want her. Such a beautiful maiden. I'm surprised a Warrior of Virtue like yourself has not started courting her."

He looks at Yun sideways with narrowed red eyes and a smirk on his human-like face. Yun's head was fully turned towards the Sea Serpent, and Longwei ignored his stares. Yun's face looked neutral, but his eyes were telling all the stories.

Then, the Sea Serpent just starts walking off without saying another word. Yun's pace was slowing down lost in thought and he wasn't going to stop him, but now more than ever Yun does not trust him.

His LifeSpring may not have been attacked this time and everyone seemed safe, but that does not mean danger was still trailing behind. The Rats were still a mystery, and Witfar said if anything strange happens in the village he would send a messenger right away to Chung's LifeSpring. But, this is a different type of situation altogether.

* * *

Looking out at the LifeSpring Yun was thinking back at that moment in the forest walking back from the Lagoon LifeSpring to Master Chung's. Sarah did not get to hear what the Sea Serpent was planning because she wasn't close by and her focus was elsewhere.

It would seem as though the Sea Serpent was trying to make waves that went against Yun's plans. It disturbed the waters. Then maybe it was time Yun used that push. He needed to find Sarah and ask her.

(Sarah's iPod: Staunch - Fight Milk)

Yun tries to find Sarah, but then he was told she went out to train on her own.

He then had the thought she was out practicing flying high. She had been able to hover and glide off the grounds when they were walking, and a few times she flew up some tree levels.

The Sea Serpent was possibly around or trying to find her again too. Yee and Lai discovered he walked off with Sarah away from the village around lunch hour for a little bit somehow without them knowing. They didn't find where they went only saw them coming back. But, if she was flying she would be alone and he would be on a stump waiting for her, most likely, impatiently.

Likely for Yun, he could reach Sarah at treetop levels. So, Yun jumps up to the tops of the trees but did not see nor heard branches, so he scans the skies for her presences just above.

There she was just above the tops.

She was doing extremely well so rapidly. Still struggling with a few drops here and there he noticed, and the flapping was not stable enough, but she was really trying and it was just enough to seem like an expert at flight. She finally getting the hang of it having just enough speed to be able to least moving at the levels she wanted.

Watching closely, it seemed Sarah had already stepped up her practice game once more for herself. She seemed to be taking the time to weapon fight in flight with a thin stick. But, of course, only against her imaginary opponent. Yun noticed her iPod headphones were in her ears so she was highly absorbed in the practice. Music was buzzing in her ears, and she is in the groove. Jumping and diving with force. Suddenly she dives through the branches. Yun was blending in with the surrounds she still never noticing him. He jumped a few branch levels just in time to see her glide down to land with power as if thrusting an opponent. Using the techniques that she knows of European sword fighting she again jumps and spins horizontally into the air to cut behind her. Just as she stabs from the air for the final kill she slowly lowered herself touching the grounds once again.

Yun was right there to greet her.

"You are doing very well."

"Thanks, but my back feels like it's jelly and I have so much muscle pain."

"Well humans are not accustomed to flying, so I am sure your muscles are doing their best."

"This muscle building is going to take forever."

"With practice, I am sure you will fly with grace."

Pause happened between for a moment. Neither moved in any direction. Yun didn't know how to ask and Sarah saw he wanted to say something so she waited with patience.

"If you would like to take a break I have something to show you."

(Sarah's iPod: Nadama & Shastro - Gratefulness)

They walked for a little bit. Yun shows Sarah a place not too many people knew about or ventured into. It was a place Master Chung usually walked alone into to mediate in. It was in a glowing blue cave near the village, and its source of light was from the small waterfalls that came from the ceiling. A big pool was in the center of it all, and a bridge running around it to get every angle of the waters. The stones looked ancient, and the walls looked like they could tell you stories of the old wars and of no wars within. Some cave openings looked like dark shimmering crystals hanging from the tops. Other parts around held stalactites still dripping of fresh waters coming through. In some areas, pans of oil-lamps seem to dangle in some areas where the light did not reach. But, in the center of the waters looked like something was glowing deep down in the waters.

"Yun this is beautiful."

"Only one person came here frequently to visit and pray. It is also an area where most elements are present as well."

"Oh? Who's place was this?"

"Master Chung's."

She was stunned for a moment. "I'm sorry, I'm guessing we shouldn't be here for long then."

"No, come here as many times as you like. I'm sure this place missed having company."

"I'm sure. Well, I won't abuse this wonderful place."

"That's good to hear."

"But, I would like to know the different areas of this place already. I am so intrigued by its beauty. And, so much as happened." She whispered the last sentence in a trance.

"You are more than welcome to explore anywhere in here. Just as long as you are safe."

"No promises." She puts up her hands.

"I mean it." Yun looks at her with seriousness.

Yun watches Sarah for a while seeing her look at all of the surroundings in amazement. He doesn't see her in any harm really in this place really, so he sits down and practicing his Tai Chi and patience as he carefully breaths in and out. Sarah already forgets Yun was there as she slowly walks off touching everything so gently. It was all so amazing. The warm and cool colors on the rocks mixed in with the cool blues of the air. Sarah saw something deep in the back hiding behind some small cliffs for small waterfalls. As she got closer she noticed something was on the rocks and what almost looked like shapes of certain kinds. As her focus got closer she noticed there weren't any kinds of undefined shapes, but definite drawings of scenes. She looked at the images carefully and they weren't just of any scenes she noticed...

"YUN!" She screamed for his attention.

Yun ears perked and jumped from his mediation. All of his attention on Sarah. But, the walls bounced her voice everywhere he couldn't tell where it came from.

"Over here by the 'S' shaped rock pillar."

Bolting over to her as fast as he can, he finally found her behind some smaller cave openings.

"Sarah, is everything alright." He said with great concern.

She turned to Yun full of excitement and pointed to the wall next to her.

"What does this mean?"

(Sarah's iPod: Tai Chi Stars - Body Heat)

He looks in the direction she pointed at, and saw what he never knew was there. It was images of what looked like of an old battle. Creatures of different kinds were all over, and even some looking like Warmbloods he has never seen before yet. But, what Yun saw, and what caught Sarah's attention the most, was a scene with several figures above the scene below which seemed to look like they were battling in the air. Only two different distinct kinds were fighting, and both with wings. He walked right up to the drawings and touched the surface.

"Sarah, I think I was told of this battle."

She stayed silent, waiting on Yun to finish with open ears.

"But, this was only told as a mythical story. Why is it here?" He thought back on his childhood.

"What is it?"

"This tells of an ancient time where not just Warmbloods lived here, but in your world, they called them Faeries or Gods. Very powerful beings, but all were supposedly wiped out as the story goes."

She looked down in thought, eyes moving rapidly as she thought. Her heart began to raise as well with excitement.

"What if this was true. What if, they weren't killed off, but went into hiding?"

"It's been thousands of years since then."

"But, it's possible." She said with impatience.

"I suppose so."

"Then that would explain these things a little, and..."

"And what?"

She looked up, and deep into his eyes.

"If I show you something you promise not to tell anyone else?"

"Sarah, I'm not sure..."

"I promise this isn't bad, but this does have to be made in order to show you."

He thought about it for a while. He turned away from her thinking deeply about it, then came to a conclusion. Walked right in front of her face with a serious look in his eyes.

"On one condition."

She waited for his response.

"If you answer me honestly about this next question then I will go where you would like to take me."

She was a little concerned, but "Ok, I will answer to anything you throw at me."

This place was sacred she thought, so having an equal exchange was fair.

"Would you stay with me?"

Reference Notes:

  • Fearie Folk Mythology
  • Ancient Gods

A/N: Short I know, but this had to be broken up. I would still like to know what you guys are thinking. Enjoying it so far?