The Surprise

Story by Istare-Primitivo on SoFurry

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The Surprise

There was a blistering wind that night it howled as it swept through the alleys of the suburban town. Wulfy got out his keys fumbled for a moment and then slid it into the lock the wind throwing the door open, he rushed inside hastily shutting the door behind him. To his surprise the flat was warm and the lights were on he took a moment wondering in his attempt to get to work on time if he'd left everything running, he then assured himself that he wouldn't of even needed the lights on in the morning. As he began to unbutton his long black coat he wondered to himself what a curious situation this was, he was absolutely sure that his mate Istare had plans this evening and wasn't going to be home, he distinctly remembered his plans to cuddle up to a couple of pints of his favourite beer and the latest video games. He slung his jacket over the arm of the chair that lay beside him and stepped through the door into the living room. At that moment his nose began to twitch.

The sweet scent of food that travelled on the air had caught his attention. As he peered around the room he saw the fire was on, the red flames lighting the room and casting shadows that seemed to dance. "Istare?...Is that you" he called out eyes focused on the kitchen where the smell was originating from. He walked towards the kitchen door which was half open and outstretched his hand to push it when he heard a creak from the floorboards behind him. He turned around sharply and there he was. Istare was a 21 year old Eurasian Lynx, black and sandy white fur covered his body he was about 5"9 with soft features and dark consuming eyes.

"Hey there" Istare said and he leant playfully onto the archway that connected the hallway and the living room his expression clearly showing how much he was enjoying his mates surprise at seeing him. "But..I..I thought you were out tonight" Wulfy replied. Then he proceeded to shake his head a shiver that went all down his spine and then stood upright showing his figure to its fullest. Wulfy was only an 18 year old wolf but still stood a little taller than his mate, he was around 5"11 his stature much more muscular and chiselled, which was seen showing through his pale white and light blue fur. He composed himself and as he fell into his natural stature which showed a dominance in the relationship he liked to feel. "so what's this in aid of then" his tone much sharper than before. Istare began to walk closer he lifted his arms and in a loving embrace hugged his mate placing his head on Wulfy's left shoulder. "I don't need a reason to surprise you do I? Go sit down we have about another thirty minutes until foods ready" as he said this he lifted his head off the shoulder and attempted to pry their bodies apart. Dejectedly Wulfy gripped his arms around his mate not allowing him to escape the now warm embrace. "thirty minutes of cuddling then... I missed you" he said now lifting Istare slightly and walking him over to the sofa in front of the fire.

The pair almost fell onto the sofa Wulfy taking the seat up and lifting one leg up onto the sofa as he pulled Istare into his chest and lifting his legs over his. "I missed you too..SO much" Istare mewed as he purred more intensely gently positioning his head in the centre of Wulfys chest so that he could hear his heartbeats. Wulfy looked down seeing how content his mate was and began to show a teasing look on his face. In a flash he threw Istare over pinning him across the sofa and nipping at his neck. "W..Wait..all things in good time" said Istare squirming beneath the towering wolf. Another forceful thrust from the wolf held Istare motionless although this time it was different, he could feel something pressing against him and as he briefly glanced down a wild smile of excitement lit his eyes.

"I guess dinner will have to wait we have more...Pressing matters" Istare said with an almost chuckle. It was at that moment Wulfy gave no hesitation in bearing his fangs and sinking them into the left side of Istares neck. Istare winced for a moment then grabbed his partners head pulling it in closer, almost gesturing him to bite harder. Wulfys excitement grew as the foreplay of bites and strokes continued, he could feel his partners member throbbing against his own now and couldn't hold himself back any longer. Still holding Istare in place he moved slowly down his body his now fully erect member leaving a trail or pre strung down the felines body. With his free hand he grasped Istares balls caressing and moving them within his paw, he let his tongue fall out of his mouth and an almost audible panting began as he began to lick up and down the shaft of his mate pausing to get the full taste of the head before plunging his cock into his mouth.

Istare began moaning and lightly thrusting at his partners mouth now acutely aware of the waves of pleasure overtaking him, a pleasure he wanted to share. He managed to get one arm free from the wolfs iron one handed grasp and gestured Wulfy to turn his body. The wolf still clinging to the erect cock inside his mouth turned his body and lay it over Istare. The scent was powerful and overwhelming to the Lynx the pre cum from the hard members dripping into his mouth, he tantalisingly licked slowly at first but then soon pushed the large throbbing cock into his mouth. "Go slow ok...I want all of you tonight" Wulfy said before immediately pushing the cock back into his mouth sucking and twisting his head to find the best spots. This continued for some time both of them completely taken over by the moment. Wulfy stood up and gently pulled Istare to the floor in front of the roasting fire, he turned him around both sat on their knees Wulfy began to kiss his way down Istares back after each kiss positioning himself and leaning in a little closer.

It was not long until Istare was on all fours with the wolf carefully positioned behind him and between his now spread legs. Istares tail swished as the excitement of the coming moment began. Wulfy grasped at Istares hips pulling them closer together and as he pushed his huge member to the hole he loved so much he began to breathe heavier and harder. He was there, ready and could not restrain any longer he had to feel inside there now, slowly at first he began to push his way inside. Istares body twitched and flexed as he felt the wolf going further and further inside, the shaft seemed to be endless but there it was he could feel his mates knot pushing against his tight hole a pain he knew he could endure for the pleasure it would bring.

This was Wulfys most sensitive part as he began to thrust the knot through the whole and yelped and began a howl that only lasted momentarily. It was all the way inside, they were connected, one. "Do you like this babe?" Wulfy said as he began to softly thrust in and out of the feline. Finding it hard to speak at this point and clenching on to anything he could get his paws on he managed to find the voice the only audible sentence between the moans was "YES!..goddd yes". At the obvious sight of his partners pleasure Wulfy began thrusting harder, each thrust ending with a feeling of wanting to be deeper inside his mate. The pounding continued, interjected with sounds of purring and moaning with the growls and howls of the pair.

The wolf could feel the pressure rising from his legs he knew he couldn't hold back any longer, the forceful pounding ceased momentarily and followed with long slow thrusts, the wolf shot his seed into the felines warm body letting out a howling that signified a pleasure beyond what he normally experienced. The feeling of the hot cum shooting inside Istare pleasured him beyond words. Istare released his claws and sank them into the carpet, Wulfy sensing this motion reach around his arm and took hold of the hard cock merely the touch pushed Istare over the edge and a high pitched roar filled the air he released his seed into the hand of his mate. He took his now semen covered hand lifting it to his snout lapping it up and taking in its scent. The two flopped to the floor Wulfy still inside him he placed his arm around Istare holding him close. "I love you..I really will always Love you my Wulf" said the feline amazed he could speak after that exertion "I love you too...forever" the wolf replied. As they lay there basking in each other's warmth they didn't realise the once surprise meal was burning away letting smoke fill the air.