Part 1: How Saereth Lost her Virginity

Story by Saereth on SoFurry

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#2 of Saereth's Adventures

It's a little known fact that every dragoness, when she reaches sexual maturity, sells her virginity to the highest bidder. Not to her boyfriend, or to anyone of her own age. No, when a dragoness first comes into season, she calmly lets it be known that she is of the age of sexual maturity, and any bidder may place a bid. It was proper that a young female would display herself in public, parading around naked, calmly bending over and spreading her legs to show prospective buyers that nothing had pierced the hymen, that she was completely intact. This was simply how it was done. In a community where public nudity and sex acts were nothing out of the ordinary, where no STDS exist, where sex is simply another function of the body, it's a common practice.

Saereth knew from a young age that she would sell hers for a good price. From a young age, males had salivated over her. When it became apparent that she would be a shapeshifter, males began to flock, trying to attract her attention. Saereth was always flamboyant though, always flaunting herself, even before her breasts grew. From a young age, she felt the hunger of sexual need, as every dragoness does. It was something that was built into the species, the desire within females to mate, and the desire within males to rut. Saereth knew that she would have to keep herself intact, but Saereth quickly found other ways to attract the males.

To her, to be naked was a joy, a pleasure, a sensual freedom of body and soul. Every part of her was lithe and lean and beautiful. She rubbed her soft scales with lotions constantly, always keeping herself soft and smooth and beautiful. Her amber hair was always well-groomed, her horns imaculate and shining, her wings always a vibrant red. Saereth never wore makeup or anything of the like, prefering to be completely natural in everything.

When Saereth began to reach her full height, she began to entertain beginning bids. She knew that some of the father's of her best friends would be bidding, just as her father would probably bid on a few of her friends. This was simply how things worked. No one minded, since this was a culture of freedom, in which sex was simply a means of enjoying oneself.

This is how Saereth sold her viriginity.

It began the day that Saereth learned that a mouth could do more than kiss. The day she found herself cornered in an alleyway as she walked home. At this time in her life, Saereth was still very much an innocent, not quite mature enough. Of course, no male dragon would violate a female dragon's virginity, but that was not what this male dragon desired from her. Saereth herself was completely naked, walking in the near-dusk light of the evening, when she heard the rasp of scales on a wall behind her.

She knew that the alley was not a dead-end, so she didn't feel threatened as she began walking faster. Just fast enough to try and reach the end of the alley. She knew that no dragon would pant so heavily as this one, unless they meant harm. She had nearly made it too, when she felt the weight of a large body shove her to the ground. She fell heavily, landing in a puddle of mudwater that smelled of sewage. She grimaced, spitting it from her muzzle, and tried to move, only to find that this large body held her down.

Huge dragon hands gripped her wrists and stretched her out, her body slick with mud as she struggled against the hard grip. The dragon holding her flipped her over, and she just saw a glimpse of a stocky black dragon in a trenchcoat before she opened her mouth to scream. Before even a sound could escape her, a heavy, stinking mouth closed on hers, sealing her scream into a muffled groan, as the dragon above her dragged his obviously nude body across her, his scales jagged and raspy, obviously ill-kept. She continued to squirm, even as his legs spread her hips apart, his breath heavy and stinking in her mouth.

He gripped her arms above her head with one hand as his other hand reached down and groped her. When he found that she was an intact female, he growled in frustration. Even a rapist would not rape an untouched female. To touch a virgin without the virgin's permission...that was to court a curse of the gods. No male, no matter how depraved, would risk angering the gods that much. The male growled down at her, then gripped her muzzle shut as he glared down at her.

"Miserable slut, how could such a wantom creature still be virgin? I know the consequences of taking what is not paid for, so you get lucky, miserable creature. But I WILL have my pleasure. You're going to suck my cock, pretty lady, and you're going to do it well. With no biting or screaming. Otherwise..."

The male showed Saereth a mouth full of teeth, and a hand with razor-sharp claws, and let her draw her own conclusions. Saereth, her eyes wide and scared, nodded. The large male released her, and let her sit up. Then he opened his trenchcoat fully, revealing his erect cock to her. Saereth stared at the monster of a dick, its length nearly a foot long, the width at least 3 inches, and every inch of it covered in tiny barbs. A viscous fluid was drooling from it, and it looked disgusting to Saereth.

She looked up at the male, scared, pleading with her eyes for mercy. The dragon grabbed her long hair, and shoved her face into his crotch, her nose right against hte side of his cock.

"Lick it." The dragon spoke without emotion, a simple command.

Saereth shivered, and tentatively flicked her long tongue from her mouth, just touching the huge cock with a tiny flick. The dragon groaned, and gripped her hair harder.

"Keep licking, bitch. Lick until I tell you to stop. Lick it all, from base to tip. And touch my balls while you're at it."

Saereth hesitated, the taste on her tongue a disgusting bitterness, then the dragon cruelly slapped the side of her head.

"NOW, bitch!"

Saereth began to lick in earnest, her tongue stroking his length, even as she cried, huge silver tears sliding down her cheeks. THe viscous fluid leaking from the tip tasted of male lust, and it did strange things to her body, making her feel a slight arousal. At this time in her life, Saereth did not know this to be a natural reaction, and so she felt shame and humiliation that she was feeling pleasure at licking this male's cock.

His balls hung heavily at the base of his cock, and Saereth stroked them, feeling their soft round hard spheres resting inside, the skin soft and delicate. How she wanted to bite down and make him scream. She knew though, this dragon would kill her if she did that. So she simply continued to stroke and lick.

Eventually, after several long moments of her licking him, the barbs hard and painful against her tongue, the dragon pulled her head away, and roughly thrust his hips against her lips.


Saereth could do nothing more than open her mouth, and let that horrible male thrust his member into her mouth, the entire length of it thrusting into her throat in one long penetration. Saereth felt herself gagging, but the male only held her closer, his grip on her mane hard and unyielding. She could feel herself panicing, trying to breath, unable to breath around the horrible taste of him, even as she felt the viscous goo flowing down her throat.

He commanded her once more to touch his balls, and she could feel them beginning to tighten, growing harder and drawing up closer to his body. She wanted to scream as he suddenly pulled her mane even harder, and with hard lunges, he emptied his vile seed into her belly, his cock thrusting hard, pulling back, tearing the delicate skin of mouth and throat. Eventually, he let go of her mane, and she slumped back, only semi-conscious.

She saw him draw his trenchcoat around himself, and walk away, leaving her with teh taste of seed and blood in her mouth, her body mud-streaked and dirty. She just laid there, gasping, her mind in a whirl. Finally, she groaned and stood up, and began walking home.

She didnt' tell anyone about that incident. But she knew, from that time onward, that males wanted only one thing from females. Sex. Rough and Hard SEX. And she knew, to survive in this world, she'd have to be very good at it. She'd best learn to enjoy it now, she felt.

By the time she reached her maturity, she knew how to please males, how to tantalize, how to tease. How to arouse them to the point where she could control them. This was what she desired. To control. To dominate, even while the male thinks it is he that has the better.

The day came to sell her virginity, and she was ready. Armed with the knowledge that these males would stop at nothing to be the one to take her virginity that she had so flaunted before them so many times. Knowing how many males she'd pleasured, how much they'd paid for her to suck their cocks, how many of the adult males had enjoyed her caresses. Knowing that she knew how to have power over them. She controlled this, not them. In an event where she should have been shy and demure, she was bold and wayward.

She sold it for an obscene amount of money, more than triple that of any other female in the history of her town. And she sold it to, of all people, her own father. In her town, it was not so much a taboo to mate with one's children, but it was considered a bit of a faux paux, since parents typically are not supposed to take such an interest in the state of their female children's sexes. Her father was her choice though. She had made certain, for months, that his eyes saw her at every moment of vulnerability. That she accidentally dropped her towel in front of him at least once a day, at which point she would bend over, showing him the soft pink interior of her sex, even as she turned and accidentally bumped her nude body against his body.

She made certain that she aroused him, always touching him, making him see her as a nubile dragoness. always making certain that she left him with an aching cock. More than once, she had offered, tentatively, with her eyes wide and beauiful, to relieve his needs. More than once, he had accepted, and she had sucked her own father's cock.

This time though, she knew it would be more. He had paid for it, and he would get it. Her virginity. She knew what would be required of her. She knew that it would be painful. She'd be kneeling before him, letting him take her like a dog does a bitch. For that time, she would be his bitch, his paid whore.

The day arrived that he had chosen for her to give herself to him. She came home from school and went to her room to change. She bathed first, bathing in the clean fragrances favored by most virginal dragonesses. She wore nothing when she emerged from the bath, as was proper. As the male who had bought her, it was his right to see her fully, and if he desired it, it would be his to mark her unmarred skin, at any of the proper points. Those points being the nape of the neck, the throat, the breast, or the soft mound of the sex. It was for him to decide.

Saereth came downstairs, knowing he would be waiting in the den, candles lit, a ceremonial blanket laid on the floor. White, to show the blood that would seep. She knew that she would be torn by this, and while no stranger to pain, Saereth was not looking forward to that part.

She found her father sitting near the door of the den, his body naked, his member hard and seeping, his face a picture of lust and greed as she entered. She knelt before him, her eyes down, her hand reaching out to stroke his cock.

"Do you wish me to suck it first, Father? Or do you wish to take me swiftly?"

He gasped at her strokes, then pushed her hand away. He stood, towering over her kneeling form.

"Assume the position. I wish it to be swift. I want to taste what you have so wantomly displayed to me so often."

Saereth obeyed, kneeling on her hands and knees, her tail raised high, her back arched, her legs spread. She groaned softly, clenching her sex in nervous tension, as she waited. He knelt behind her, his body heat emanating against her. He didn't go gently with her, instead, he wedged his member into her, a rough thrusting that pressed the head of his cock against her hymen. She shivered at the feeling of that hard thick staff pressing against the hymen within her.

His hands gripped her shoulders even as he thrust harder, his member so thick and painful inside her, even as it tore through the thin little membrane, making her shiver and clench her teeth to hold back a scream. The pain was tolerable though, just barely, and she didn't move. She could feel the blood flowing from the tear within her, even as he continued to drive his thick length into her. She knew how massive he was, she had sucked on it so many times, but it felt very different, having it buried within her virginity. She felt no trace of pleasure, no desire, nothing save for the twinges of pain.

He grunted as he drove himself into her harder, his claws gripping her, his hips thrusting against her, each hard thrust taking his fat length deeper into her. Soon, his hips hit her thighs, his balls slapping wetly against her sex as he completely penetrated her, his length buried completely inside her. She could feel the hard heat of it as his knot started to form inside her, tying him inside her.

She groaned as he pulled back, held tight within her by that knot, his member unable to pull from her. Her father growled at the tension and bent over, his teeth gripping the back of her neck in a dominant hold, barely breaking the skin, even as his hips made short little thrusts against her. He seemed engulfing to her, his hot body hard and heavy on top of her, in her, his hot mouth against the bite in her neck, all of his actions claiming her, marking her, making her his bitch. HIs own daughter.

The painful heat of him within her was ebbing at this point, and Saereth simply panted, no longer in pain, but feeling no pleasure. She could feel the head of his member thickening further, the pumping of his hips speeding up as his seed poured from him into her, a deep hot liquid flowing that made her shiver at the heat. His jaws clamped down further on her neck, and her legs gave out under her at the tremendous force of his orgasm. He growled one last time before he collapsed on top of her, still firmly tied, his member still spurting tiny gushes of seed into her.

She laid there beneath him, panting, the weight of him on her and in her a strange uncomfortable-yet-comforting feeling. He didn't speak for a long time, just panted on top of her, his breath hot against her neck. Eventually, she felt his knot shrink to the point that he could withdraw. He pulled out slowly, making her gasp at the hot wet suction formed by his withdraw. He licked the still-bleeding punctures in her neck, and softly whispered.

"Thank you."

She purred softly, pleased that she had pleased him. He was her father afterall, and she wanted him to be happy.