Anything You Want (Andrew and Jock-Jon: Origins)

Story by Jon Sanders on SoFurry

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Something I've been meaning to write for months, for my good buddy Andrew, who recently drew this sweet little pic for me Nyerrrr! He's among the very few people I've found who appreciate the glories of a good butthole as much as I do... and the weird specific things you can do to them.

Anyway, this is goofy and a little sweet and it's just the kind of thing me and him love to talk about. Also 0.85% of the words in this story are "asshole" and synonyms.

"Yo! Uh...Andrew!"

The small-statured black wolf quirked his ears, looking away from the inside of his locker and searching the crowded hallway for the voice that had hailed him. It was a deeper voice than his own, and the skinny sophomore canine almost quivered at that fact alone. He didn't really get along with most guys bigger than himself...and his ass clenched involuntarily as if to remind him of that.

"Andrew, hold up!" Oh crap... A tall, brown figure was waving at Andrew from down the hall...and that figure had two trademark fangs jutting down from the sides of his mouth. Andrew's stomach immediately went into a knot when he realized who was trying to flag him down: Jon Sanders, the very source of his current humiliation and discomfort.

Jon was as stereotypical a jock as any "nerd" could imagine. Over six feet tall even though he was still only a junior, and even his sleek frame had a good amount of beef on it already. Dumb as a rock though, never would have made it through a single class if he didn't need to be given a minimum pass because of the colleges that were already offering him scholarships for his desirability on the football field. The big stupid sabertooth must have gotten some of his build from his bear father, but his predominant otter-ness gave him all the agility he needed to be one of the most sought-after wide receivers in the state.

But Andrew wasn't just worried that Jon was trying to meet him because the otter was big. He stood almost frozen with fear and indecision, the fight-or-flight dilemma making his wolfy tail bristle. Foremost in his mind were memories of an encounter that had occurred only yesterday, one which made him want to avoid Jon even more than usual.

Before Andrew could make any decision, however, the hulking otter was within conversation range, and there was no escaping. "Andrew! Hey. Sorry, man, I uh...forgot where your locker was until just now when I saw you. I to you."

Andrew's voice faltered momentarily before he pushed a retort out of his tightened throat. "What more would you even wanna say to me after...yesterday?" The wolf glanced around nervously, and sure enough, all the students nearby were goggling at the unlikely pair's encounter. Andrew tried to not change his posture or look nervous as the taller male loomed over him.

But to everyone's surprise, Jon rubbed one of his big fangs self-consciously and his oafish big ears flattened. "Yeah I know man, I feel bad, I kinda wanted to...apologize, actually."

The skinny wolf could only blink up at the jock, nothing registering for a few seconds until an odd anger took over. Seeing Jon in a seemingly vulnerable position gave Andrew a little bit of belligerent courage. "Apologize? That's not gonna make better what you...did to me!"

Jon actually let out a whine, and his rudder drooped and lay coiled on the floor listlessly. "I know, I knowwwww. I don't know what got into me, dude, I was being a jerk and I feel real b--"

"What got INTO you? What about what got into ME?"

The usually bustling hallway had come to a standstill around the two, students watching with interest as the rest of the day's gossip happened right in front of them. Some of them were scrunching up their noses at each other, unable to believe the shrimpy wolf Andrew was actually standing up to the de facto star of the high school's football team.

Jon just looked down at his feet and whined again, giving Andrew's frustration another confidence boost. "I was just there to interview you for the paper and you pulled my pants down! And did...stuff to my asshole!" A round of sniggers, snorts, and outright laughs went up from anyone in earshot. The normally shy Andrew reddened, but him retelling yesterday's events couldn't be any more embarrassment than he'd already endured. Everyone in the entire school had already heard all of the details anyway, repeated over and over ever since lunchtime the day before.

"You pulled my pants and underwear down in front of your buddies and their girlfriends, showed them my butthole, and then played with it enough that you could FIST me. And you stuck my nice new graphing calculator up my ass and ruined it! I still can't sit down, and now no girl will ever wanna be with me cuz they know how you ruined my asshole, you...ASSHOLE!" The little wolf's helpless rage was making tears leak from his eyes, and his voice was squeaking through his closing throat. Uncomfortable laughter and gasps in equal measure were coming from the onlookers. No one moved, the spectacle riveting the other students as the fuming nerd faced down the sagging big jock. Even those who had been laughing since yesterday about Andrew's sexual humiliation were beginning to feel a little sorry for him as he berated his tormentor. The skinny black wolf swallowed and tried to keep his voice level. "So what the heck is it that you wanted to SAY to me after that?"

Jon's feet shuffled for a few silent seconds before he looked right at Andrew with a furrowed brow and an awkward half-grin. He cleared his throat and said so everyone could hear, "That I'm sorry. I was a huge jerk. I don't know what got into me, I'm not usually like that. I guess I was just trying to look cool. But, uh...also that I...was hoping maybe, uh..." Jon's rudder stiffened and he cleared his throat again. "I was hoping I could come over to your place and hang out with you after school. And you can do whatever you want to me."

_"Oh shitttttt!" "Whaaaaaaat?!!" "Jon's got a boyfriend! Jon's got a boyfriend!" _Jon stood defiantly, not acknowledging the crowd's riotous gasps and jeers, and just looking right down at Andrew. His ears were still flattened, and no doubt burning red on the insides, but he stood by his offer resolutely.

Andrew was still processing what the big otter had said when the din mostly quieted down. His righteous, hurt anger had faded to skeptical shock. "Come over to MY house? And...anything I want?"

Jon's fists clenched, but he nodded. "Anything, dude. I did some pretty bad shit to you, so if you believe me, then seriously, whatever you can think of to make us even."

Throwing a glance around at all the students waiting for his answer, Andrew then scanned Jon for signs of sincerity. The jock's face seemed serious, if a little vacant as usual. The tip of his conic-shaped tail was tapping at the floor expectantly. The once-over of the bigger male's body seemed to assure Andrew that the otter was for real, and that's also when he noticed the jock's usual attire of elastic-waistband athletic shorts.

"Alright, I'll do it. But to prove you meant it when I said I could do anything, you have to do one thing right now."

The large otter's tail now wiggled and his eyes were open, wide, and earnest. "Of course dude! What is it?"

Andrew took one step forward, quickly lifted up Jon's shirt, and stuck his thumbs in the waistband of the jock's shorts and underwear. One easy tug was all it took to make all of the football star's lower garments pool around his sneakers. "Stand there like that without covering up until the bell rings. Dumbass."

The students roared with laughter, more and louder than had even been directed at Andrew the day before. Suddenly it was Jon that felt alone, embarrassed, and uncomfortable. His face was fixed at Andrew's, stunned and stupid-looking, mouth hanging open and eyes bugging out, unable to comprehend that one of the biggest nerds in the whole school had just completely pantsed him in front of everyone. The students finally broke up, hurrying to their next classes, but all passing by Jon on their way. Every single one of them looked, and some commented or jeered at the big defeated-looking jock about his dangling thick penis or his exposed ass. One of his fellow footballers, a thickly muscled tight end elephant called Barry, even passed behind him and grabbed his tail, unexpectedly lifting the muscular rudder to show off the big but firm cheeks and even a hint of the wide fleshy asshole between them. Jon's hands clenched by his sides, determined to stay true to his word, as Andrew stood by his locker for another minute, smirking a little bit and even getting a few claps on the shoulder from passing students.

Eventually even Andrew left to get to his advanced biology class on time, telling Jon he'd meet him by the library after football practice. The hall was completely empty by the time the bell rang, and the sabertooth idiot was still standing in the same spot with his shorts down and his privates swaying freely in front of his thighs. He hastily bent over and re-dressed, running off in the direction of the English class he was taking for the third time. And of course, he had yet again forgotten his books.

* * *

The ride home was awkward for both of them. Even the hasty shower Jon had taken after football practice couldn't hide all of the sweaty and grassy scent of an athlete, and Andrew spent most of the drive wrinkling his nose and knowing his passenger seat was going to smell like otter for days now. And the thought occurred to him that the seat would smell specifically like otter ass...

For his part, Jon sat uncomfortably in his side of the small car, slouched over and shifting often. He stared at his lap, feeling plenty of humility after the events of the day. The locker room and practice field today had been full of jeers at the wide receiver, and no pun on his field position was left unused. The team had even shoved him into the shower alone and naked after practice, and all watched the otter nervously scrub himself. Jon had gotten dressed and out of there as soon as possible, and none of the rest of the team had even removed their uniforms yet.

He rubbed one of his fangs with the back of his hand, his signature unconscious nervous habit. His eyes constantly darted over to the much smaller black wolf in the driver's seat before he finally mustered up a mumble. "I'm real sorry about what I did to ya yesterday. Like I said, I'm not usually like that."

Andrew huffed, his thin chest puffing out. "Well you certainly picked a terrible time to be that way. It still hurts to sit down, you know."

"I knowwww I'm real sorry man, I just got outta control cuz the guys were there. Before you came over, they were talkin about the little peephole you have into our locker room and--"

"Wait, you know about that?!"

"Yeah dude, we've known about it all season. Most of the guys don't mind really, but I just...I dunno, I was tryin to look cool. And I thought it'd be easy to get back at you for lookin at us naked all the time... I shouldn't have though. I feel stupid." The usually hulking otter sat deflated in the low-slung seat.

"You're not stupid, Jon. least you're honest, anyway. I, uh...guess I coulda just asked to see the team naked then, eh?"

Jon chuffed. "Nah, I don't think most of them would wanna give you a firsthand show. Would ruin their rep- ah...repper-tations? I guess?"

That made Andrew grin to himself. "Well then I hope you don't mind YOUR rep-yoo-ta-tion, then, cuz I've got some ideas for what I might make you do, and it's probably gonna mean you being naked some more."

The big tan-brown otter groaned. "Alright...I did say 'anything', huh?"

Even Jon was intimidated by his new canine companion's devious grin. "Yep. Anything."

In the silence that followed, Jon shifted uncomfortably again but it couldn't hide the deep, drawn-out fart that escaped his asshole, him having held it since the locker room since he didn't want to let it out while already naked in front of his teammates and them laughing about his butthole having been exposed that day. The otter flushed, wiggling again and whining a bit. "Uh...sorry dude."

Andrew looked over and smirked. "Don't be. That was hot."

If the otter had been wary of what he was getting into before, now he was downright alarmed.

* * *

The introduction of Jon to Andrew's parents was almost as awkward as the drive. They weren't used to their boy having friends over, and especially not the star wide receiver that even they recognized from the sports articles in the school paper that Andrew contributed to. Jon meekly shook their hands and his rudder swished uncertainly. He was relieved when Andrew suggested they go to his room upstairs to "study".

Once there, Jon blinked uncomprehendingly at all the gadgets the wolf had in his room. Growing up on a farm, the otter had never had a computer outside of school, much less any of the game systems or science-y tools he saw all around Andrew's desk. Of course he knew the shrimpy wolf was a nerd, but man...he must be REALLY smart.

"Owwwwww oww ow ow ow..." The jock's attention immediately turned to his new pal, with concern. Andrew's face was screwed up in pain as he gingerly lowered himself onto the edge of his bed.

"Dude, are you okay?! Did you sit on something? Lemme help!"

"Yeah, I sat on something, my BUTTHOLE! Which you ruined yesterday...god it's so tender and blown out..."

Jon had forgotten all about that, and upon being reminded it, the guilt over his actions immediately weighed back on him, and he felt almost frantic to start proving to Andrew that he wanted to make things better. "Well, hold on, let me...just roll over...yeah..."

Before Andrew even knew what was going on, he was engulfed in muskily fragrant otter fur, big muscular arms turning him over onto his side and laying him down. Big clumsy fingers were fumbling with his pants button and zipper. "Jon! What--"

"I wanna make it better dude, just let me-- here...there we go..." The footballer got Andrew's pants undone and started to pull them down from the back, which quickly exposed the coarse black fur on the wolf's butt cheeks, though the front of the waistband was still caught under Andrew's hip, which Jon didn't seem to understand. Only Andrew's agitated thrashing and squirming let the otter finish messily pulling down his jeans and underwear. The wolf's sheath finally flopped free, flaccid for now, scrotum jiggling as Jon tugged the legs of his pants completely off past his feet.

"What the heck are you doing?! You better not mess up my asshole anymore, I trusted you, you...retard!"

Jon whined pitifully at that, but instead of defending himself, he gently rolled Andrew completely onto his front, spread the wolf's butt cheeks with his thumbs...and without so much as even a cursory cleanliness check, cozied up his wide muzzle into the wolf's ass, warm soft tongue snaking out to soothe Andrew's temporarily ruined asshole.

"JON DON'T YOU-- oh. Ohhhhh!" Andrew immediately stopped struggling, the wet warmth on his smarting anus making his eyes roll backward with bliss. The otter behind him was even purring and humming into his ass, sounding needy and eager to please. And if Andrew had to speak, or even could at the moment, he'd admit that the vibrations from Jon's snout were immensely pleasing to his throbbing anal area.

The jock's odd tusks were perfect for keeping Andrew's cheeks spread for the healing tongue between, especially since the wolf's buttocks were surprisingly plump for such a scrawny frame. The cheeks even got a firm but slow massage from Jon's huge strong hands, those oversized mitts gripping and cradling the wolf's ass just as they would perfectly receive a pass out on the field.

Several minutes slipped by, Jon not stopping his kissing and licking of Andrew's swollen stretched anus for even a second, and the wolf only moaning wordlessly and slowly swiping his brushy tail over Jon's head. When it became clear Jon wasn't going to stop of his own accord, eventually Andrew lifted his head and turned back on his side. "Jon...I didn't even clean back there today..."

Jon's big bear-nose gave the wolf's asshole a close sniff, and he shrugged. "It doesn't bother me, man. It's pretty clean anyway, don't worry about it."

"Well it feels...really good."

"I just wanted to make it feel better..." The big otter wiggled his whole body, still kneeling on the floor next to the bed.

"You definitely are. Uh, are Or just..."

Jon looked genuinely confused. "I don't think so? I just don't mind your butthole and I thought I'd lick it better dude. Why, is that gay or somethin?"

Almost stunned at the jock's stupidity, Andrew just blinked back. " it's not then."

That seemed to please the big oaf, and he wiggled again. "Can I lick your asshole some more then?" There was no way Andrew would deny such a polite request, and he rolled over for almost a half-hour more of healing anal attention.

Eventually though, Andrew's ass started to not burn as much thanks to Jon's devoted ministrations, and the little wolf started to remember why he was really here. "That's enough for now," he told the otter, and rolled away reluctantly. Standing up, he found his underwear and pants where Jon had discarded them, and started stepping back into them. Jon just watched him docilely, still kneeling. "Stand up. You said I can do whatever I want, and I still want to."

The big hybrid jock obeyed Andrew, standing up beside the bed and holding one of his arms sheepishly. "I dunno if I could you with your homework or anything like that, dude..."

Andrew almost laughed out loud. "No, no, I don't need that. But I do want you to...get naked."

"Uh...right now?"

"Right now. Naked."

Jon just nodded and got to work. He started with his shirt, revealing his packed muscles, and followed with his shorts, then his boxer briefs too. With his feet, he pushed them all aside into a pile, then breathed deep and stood there in the nude for Andrew's obvious admiration.

For the nerdy wolf, this was better than a dream come true. He'd seen Jon and the rest of the team naked many times, due to the hole in the locker room wall he'd discovered, but now here was the school's star athlete naked for him personally, in his own room, by his own command. The otter's sheathless penis was impressively long and thick, even totally flaccid, dangling and swaying in front of his thighs heavily. Those thighs led to powerful calves, which ended in almost comically large feet, and Andrew could see little webbed bits in between Jon's toes when he nervously flexed them.

Jon's upper body was nearly perfect as well. Years of weight-lifting had turned him from lanky to slightly stout, smooth with subtle musculature, and without a bit of fat anywhere. His biceps were sinewy but not bulging, and his abs were solid beneath the creamy-coffee fur on his front.

"Do me, dude?"

Andrew realized he must have been staring and appreciating Jon's nudity for several minutes. "Yeah! You look good naked. Uh...lie on the bed. On your back."

Once the otter was in the prescribed position, it was Andrew's turn to loom over him for a change. The sight of Jon's floppy penis lying fatly on his stomach, and his testicles lolling down between his thighs only made Andrew more eager to get to his real target. "Scoot your butt out to the edge of the bed, and then, well, here..." The bed squeaked and rattled for a few seconds as Jon obeyed and Andrew helped tug and pull the jock's legs into the position he wanted. When the base of Jon's rudder was hanging right of the edge of the bed, Andrew rubbed his hands down the otter's inner thighs...and lifted from the undersides of them.

Jon groaned softly as his powerful runners' legs were lifted, bending them at the knees to let himself be curled up. "Hold your legs like that for me," Andrew instructed, and Jon grabbed the backs of his own knees. "There. Now I get YOUR asshole."

The otter rumbled, feeling a little silly being so naked and oddly exposed. "Can you see it?"

"Oh yes I can. It's...amazing." Andrew actually licked his chops while staring at the big pucker between the athlete's toned buttocks. Though most of the otter's skin was light brown, his anus was a dark dusky pink. The outer rim of it was probably two inches in diameter, and the folds and wrinkles of it were deep and fleshy. "You have a...really big butthole, man."

"Really? I guess I've never looked at it..."

Andrew snorted. "Of course you haven't. No one can see their own butthole, duh." The black wolf knelt down, face-to-face with the nervous jock's naked spread ass. "It's so wide and...meaty. Does anyone ever play with it?"

"No, I never even thought about letting anyone see it until right now. Do you really LIKE my asshole?"

Andrew smiled genuinely. "I think it's great, Jon. And after today, I'm gonna make sure MANY more people see it than just me." Wetting two of his fingers with saliva, Andrew then rubbed them slowly around the exposed anus before him. Jon sucked in a breath and tensed up, gritting his teeth until he realized that it didn't hurt, and actually felt...rather nice. He even got a little lost in the hypnotic circles Andrew was rubbing around his butthole, not registering that the wolf was rummaging around in his nearby backpack with his other hand and pulling out a certain instrument that Jon was soon to become very intimate with...and vice-versa.

Click! Click! Click! "Oooh, these are great. Hold that position, lemme step back a little bit and get your balls and your face in a few."

Jon did as he was told, but squinted at Andrew as he stood up. "Whaddaya mean, my face in? Wait, are you takin pictures?!"

The wolf put the high-quality digital camera up to his eye and focused the shot perfectly so that every detail of Jon was visible. Every skin-wrinkle of his asshole and scrotum, every naked fur on his body was captured in perfect clarity. "Yup. Perks of being a reporter. I think I'll run off copies of some of these and post them on the bulletin board in the cafeteria."

The otter on the bed groaned. "Seriously?! You wouldn't actually do that. I mean...I'm naked! My butthole's showing!"

Click! "Exactly. Remember when you said I get to do anything I want? I'm pretty sure showing everyone at school how naked I got you falls under 'anything'."

More embarrassed groans from Jon punctuated the noises of the camera. "What if like...girls see these though? I'll never have a girlfriend again!"

"Have you had a girlfriend YET though?"

Jon blinked. He hadn't thought of that. "Well, no, but I might! But now everyone on the team kept calling me your boyfriend, and now you're looking at my butthole, and--"

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure there's plenty of girls who will appreciate how handsome your asshole is, man. It looks quite manly from where I'm standing actually."

The jock contemplated that strange new knowledge while the camera clicked a few more times from different angles. A deep breath to clear his mind made Jon's asshole pucker and then relax, much to Andrew's enthusiastic delight. "Yes! Do that again, clench your butthole!" Jon did so, not sure why the little wolf seemed so excited about it, but he even moved his hands down his thighs to his ass cheeks, holding himself open as he strained and made his anus suck inwards and then bulge out several times, the camera clicks coming several per second now.

"Wow, these are gonna make this year's yearbook AWESOME!" Andrew exclaimed happily, setting the camera down on his desk finally and kneeling back down close to Jon's exposed undercarriage.

"The YEARBOOK? Awwww come on, you're gonna show me naked in there?! Everyone reads that, even the teachers! And peoples' parents!"

"Exactly. You showed everyone MY butthole, now I'm gonna show everyone yours. But I'm sure they won't be offended. You have such a nice asshole, I bet they'll all love it." Andrew got brave and gave Jon's asshole a quick smooch to prove his point, prompting Jon to involuntarily clench it and pull the ring up tight into himself. Andrew laughed at the sight and wet two of his fingers again, this time pressing them onto Jon's fleshy anus with intent. Worming the pad of his middle finger right into the opening of the hole, Andrew mused even further, "Also, for the rest of the time you're at my house you have to stay totally naked. Even if you go downstairs and my parents are there. I want them to know I got the big jock guy butt-naked."

Now the footballer could only whimper and try to relax as he felt Andrew's finger start to bore into him. "Okay...if you say so...OH man you're in my butthole, that feels really weird!!" Sure enough, the wolf's finger had slipped easily into the awaiting hole, most of the digit sinking into the roomy depths beyond in one go.

"You're a natural at this, wow. I never thought fingering someone would be so easy. I think your butthole likes this!" Andrew tested the pliability of the otter's ass, swirling the finger around and pushing it all the the way in to the hilt. Jon's only answer was assorted muffled moans. One finger was soon replaced by two, going in almost as easily as the single one. That's when Andrew noticed something unusual. "Jon,'s not hard. Do you not like this?"

The jock didn't say anything for a long time, just looked down at himself with mild shame and watched his soft sausage of a penis roll back and forth on his stomach as he rocked gently from the rhythm of Andrew's fingers working his asshole. When he finally spoke in reply, it was a meek murmur. "It never really gets stiff. When we learned about stuff in health class I thought somethin's wrong with me cuz my penis never gets hard like they say it should. It just...flops there."

Even as he was getting his sort of revenge on the jock, Andrew felt a pang of sorrow for the big guy. "Well...I think it looks really good on you. It's handsome. I think it looks better soft."

If Jon hadn't had two fingers rooting around in his ass, he'd have been more touched. "Thank you. That's really nice of you, dude." His moment of gratitude was cut short by Andrew stuffing a third finger into his butt alongside the previous two, causing a moan as all three fingers began working his ring.

Yet again, Jon failed to notice Andrew rummaging in his backpack due to distraction from his anal region. But once he lifted his head to check on the wolf, he noticed a smirk on the canine's face when he found the object he was looking for. Andrew drew out his recently ruined graphing calculator and placed it on Jon's taut stomach, right next to the otter's large floppy penis. "Well since apparently you thought this would make a good ass toy...I think I'm gonna try it out on you," Andrew said matter-of-factly, his confidence gaining all the time due to how truly manipulable Jon was proving to be.

Jon only groaned, his long whiskers quivering as he stared at the instrument on his stomach. It was definitely comparable in length to his own shaft, but it was about three inches across. He'd only been able to get it up Andrew's ass a couple days ago because he'd already loosened the wolf up with an entire fist...

Andrew picked up the now-crusty calculator, most of the buttons sticking with the dried mixture of Jon's days-old saliva and Andrew's own inner-ass juices. The wolf soothingly petted the underside of a big otter thigh while removing his fingers from the jock's squelchy asshole with a satisfying sucking sound. "Here goes...just relax. You're plenty open enough to take it by now. Your asshole is really good at this, you really should let people play with it more often. Do you ever let anyone on the team touch it?" The wide, flat end of the calculator was now cozying up to Jon's butthole, one corner of it already opening up the folds.

"Ergggg, no, but they made fun of me a lot today at practice... A bunch of em said I should play during games with no pants from now on... OH MAN! OH IT'S GOING IN! AWWWWWWWHHHHH..."

The calculator did indeed slip fairly easily into the wide fleshy pit of Jon's anus, sinking in about halfway with firm pressure from Andrew's hand. The sight was immensely pleasing to the younger male, but his ears perked up at the equally intriguing implications of what Jon had just said. "That's actually a great idea! You should totally do it dude! Think of how much easier you'd be able to move and run if you were just in your pads and a jockstrap..."

Jon huffed and strained, concentrating most of his dim wit on trying to relax the muscles in his butt so that the odd intrusion would hurt less. It was actually working, too; the otter's wide-set anus was as ideal as Andrew claimed for taking foreign objects the "wrong" way up it. The butt-naked athlete wiggled experimentally on the bed, rudder twitching and ass welcoming the chunky instrument. ", ah...actually would be a lot more free...but if I was in just a jock my butthole would be showing. Would people be ok with that? I mean, it's totally right on the field in front of everybody. And what if my jock accidentally comes off? They'll all see my privates..."

Andrew smiled, appreciating the sight of Jon's big ass continuing to swallow the calculator, now more that three-quarters of the way disappeared into those dark-pink wrinkles. "I think they'd be just fine with it. You'd look great. And hey, it could become your 'thing', you might get famous for it! You'd be the only athlete in the world doing it."

The otter's forehead creased, his brain slowly turning the idea over and over. He WAS actually enjoying the odd attention from the wolf, even the parts about getting him naked and doing weird stuff to his butthole. Andrew seemed to actually like him, and despite the isolated shameful bullying incident, the younger wolf treated Jon like a friend, and didn't even make him feel as stupid as most people did. So the big otter though maybe he just might enjoy more attention of that kind, since his new buddy seemed to like him being naked so much. And if his hole made Andrew happy, maybe it'd make everybody else happy too...

"If I started playing naked, I could tell the coach to make you the official team picture-taker and reporter. You could take real good pictures at all the games, that colleges would really like to see. And I could even get you into the locker room!"

"Yes! That would be so cool! We're gonna make a great team I think. And speaking of team, if I'm gonna be in the locker room with you guys I'm definitely gonna introduce them to your asshole." Applying pressure to the back end of the calculator with his thumb, Andrew curled the rest of his fingers over Jon's plump brown-furred scrotum, massaging those nuts while the butt of the calculator finally passed the rim of the jock's anus. The now-puffy pink folds immediately started to close behind it, the calculator nestling deep into the roomy depths of the otter's big body. Andrew very much looked forward to retrieving the instrument later that evening, and even licked his lips at the thought of all the playing with Jon's ass he was going to do tonight. But now, they had a deal to discuss, and some already-stated terms to fulfill. "There ya go, leave that in for a while and get used to it. Good thing you're big so it's got room to settle in your guts! Hey, wanna go grab a drink and snack from downstairs?"

With a deep sigh, Jon let his legs down, wiggling his bare butt again to get used to the full feeling in his inner ass. He got to his feet, a little woozily, but his big tail soon helped him balance, and the calculator had wedged deep enough inside him that he could walk with no problems. And, not that he comprehended the feeling or really even knew he was feeling it, but it felt kind of...good? There was a sort of a warm glowing pleasure radiating from his used rear, and it made the tip of his rudder do a little tap-tap on the floor behind him. "Sure, uh...and I have to stay naked, right?"

"Sure do. Get used to it, big guy!"

Andrew's father was doing some paperwork at the kitchen table, and his mom was getting out leftovers from the fridge, when the two high-schoolers came down stairs. Andrew was blithe and casual. "Hey mom, we were gonna grab a snack, is there any pizza rolls left?"

"I think there should be, yes! Jon, did you w-- Oh dear."

Andrew's dad looked up from his papers at what his wife was gawking at. Jon had trailed behind Andrew into the kitchen, ears folded down, rudder covering his butt, feet shuffling apologetically, but hulking naked form and swinging flaccid penis and sack still fully in view. The insides of the otter's bearish ears were surely flushed crimson. "Yes please, ma'am, I'd like some."

The two older wolves shared a somewhat alarmed look that faded into amusement before long. Andrew's mother opened the freezer, looking for the requested snacks. "Well it's good to see you two...getting along so well!"

"Yeah we're having a great time!" Andrew enthused. "Hey Jon, turn around real quick. Dad, check this out, I can lift up his tail and look what's under it--"

Even Andrew's parents soon got used to seeing Jon Sanders' asshole, as did the rest of the world when the young black wolf's photos of it made the toothy otter a national star and catapulted him into the limelight of high school and then college sports. The two remained good friends and Andrew continued to take great pleasure in finding new ways and places to make Jon get naked, and new things to put up the jock's big asshole while he was, as well as encouraging others to do so. Who ever said a good pantsing never started a true friendship?