Envy, Dates and Blue Briefs.

Story by penelo108 on SoFurry

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Hi everyone! Here's part 2; I've had a lot of free time, so it's out fairly early! Please let me know what you think!

*Warning! This story may contain adult and/or sexual material. If you are under the age of 18, do not read, and if you do, don't get caught ;)

Spot stared at the two furs; one red-eyed and sniffling, the other apologetic and

uncomfortable. Spot's heart gave a lurch, and he didn't even know why. Tears sprang into

his eyes and he turned and ran away.

"Spot! Wait!" Keirn called after his friend, but Spot didn't even turn. Keirn thought he

heard a sob escape from his friend's throat before he rounded the corner and was out of

sight. Miles hung his head sheepishly.

"I'm sorry, Keirn," Miles whispered. Keirn glanced at Miles and shook his head.

"It's not your fault, at least, I don't think it is," he murmured, his tears gone. "I'd

better go find him and see what's wrong; I'll see you tomorrow. And, Miles?" Keirn

hesitated, slightly embarrassed. Miles looked at him earnestly.

"Thanks," Keirn said. "Y'know, for listening, and being so nice."

Miles' sweet grin returned.

"That's what friends are for, right?" Miles waved and set off in the opposite direction.

Keirn stood there for a moment, contemplating what Miles had said. And he knew it was true;

in the short time since they had met, Keirn already felt close to the little fox. Keirn

turned grimly and took off after Spurk.


Spot was distraught, and he had no idea why. He just kept running, not stopping until he

reached his home and plopped onto his queen size bed. Panting to catch his breath, Spot lay

on his stomach, a million thoughts racing through his head.

Okay, so Keirn was going to kiss that fox. So what? I don't care if he's gay. He's my

friend. And that's all that matters. Spot desperately tried to convince himself that this

was true; the truth was, he was envious of Keirn's courage.

Spot had been experiencing such strange feelings over the past month or so; he no longer

felt that strange burning desire when he was near a female. The tall, shapely figure of his

girlfriend Mischa held nothing for him, and though he hated to admit it, he thought he knew

what was the matter.

It wasn't that he was afraid of what he was; Spot had no problem with homosexuality. It was

that he was afraid of what other people would think. Spot was a social person; he loved his

friends dearly and treasured them above everything else. And he wasn't prepared to risk

losing the one thing he loved the most, even if it meant denying himself a mate.

Spot rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling. He thought about his best friend, his

gentle black wolf, who he always thought would only be his. He felt a surge of anger toward

the little orange fox he had seen with Keirn, who was stealing his friend away. But his

anger died away as suddenly as it had flared. Spot just wasn't an angry creature.

The fact of the matter was, Spot wasn't attracted to Keirn. Keirn was his friend, and he

didn't want to ruin that. The jealousy that churned in the white wolf's gut was directed

toward the fact that Keirn was actually dealing with his problems. It made Spot feel weak

and powerless. Spot clenched his fists briefly and sat up, staring out of the window.

Oh Keirn, he thought. Why can't I be brave, like you...


Keirn had given up his search for Spot, resolving to call the smaller wolf later.

Now, Keirn had curled up in front of the television, trying to focus on the cheesy comedy

he was watching. The smell of chicken sizzling in a frying pan wafted from the kitchen,

making Keirn's belly growl. He could hear his mother humming quietly to herself as she

worked busily. Keirn smiled and rose from the sofa, striding to the kitchen to give his

mother a hug.

Grabbing Rosetta from behind, Keirn squeezed her tight as she yipped in surprise.

"Ooh! Oh, Keirn, don't sneak up on me like that!" Rosetta scolded her son, rapping him on

the forehead lightly with a pair of tongs. Keirn grinned cheekily and planted a kiss on his

mother's cheek.

"Well, what's this all of a sudden? Is someone in a good mood?" Rosetta quipped, waving her

tongs at Keirn. Keirn cocked his head to the side, a mock expression of hurt on his face.

"What, I can't show my mother how much I love her?" Keirn whined, pushing his ears back and

sniffling like a pup. Rosetta burst out into hearty guffaws looking at her son.

"A-ha-ha! You silly boy! Here, take these plates and set the table, dinner will be ready in

a few minutes." Rosetta handed Keirn two plates and two sets of cutlery. Keirn winked at

her and set the dinnerware on the dining room table.

"I might just go and get changed before dinner, okay?" Keirn said as he ascended the

stairs. Rosetta agreed abstractly, her attention refocused on the food.

Keirn arrived in his room and shut the door. He sat at his desk and thought about the day.

Miles, the cute fox from his Algebra class, entered his thoughts once again. Keirn imagined

the fox's adorable orange and white face, posed in his sweet little smile. In his mind,

Keirn travelled further down the fox's body, checking out his strong arms, his tight shirt

which showed off his chest, his delicate paws, and his strong athletic legs. Keirn found

himself becoming slightly aroused, and was surprised. But, adding to his astonishment, he

found himself continuing to think these things about Miles.

Keirn felt his cock stir in its sheath; slipping a paw down to rub at his crotch through

his jeans, Keirn murred quietly and closed his eyes, a vivid picture of Miles in his mind's

eye. Keirn undid his zipper and pulled his blue briefs down to expose his long, black

sheath. The tip of Keirn's cock was peeking out from its sheath; Keirn rubbed it with his

paw, shivering at the touch. Slowly Keirn's entire eight inches slid from its sheath, red

and glistening. Keirn continued to murr softly as he stroked his cock, his eyes half

closing as an intense wave of pleasure washed through him.

Keirn massaged his balls gently, moaned quietly in satisfaction. Pre oozed from his slit

and travelled down his cock, running on to Keirn's paw. Keirn lifted his paw and sniffed;

the smell was alluring, and sweet. Slowly, curiously, Keirn slid a pre-soaked paw-finger

into his mouth, running his tongue over the sticky liquid. It tasted mysterious, almost

like salty honey. Keirn immediately loved the taste and wanted more.

Keirn's breathing quickened as he pawed faster, licking up every drop of pre that escaped

from his rock hard cock. Then Keirn paused, an idea forming in his head. He thought about

what it would feel like to have a huge, throbbing dick inside of his virgin pucker. With a

naughty smile, Keirn licked the index paw-finger of his free paw and lowered it down toward

his hole. Moving his tail out of the way, Keirn rubbed experimentally at his hole, feeling

the soft pink muscle contracting underneath his paw-finger. Keirn sighed; it felt so good.

Well, if I'm going to be a faggot, I might as well go for it, Keirn thought to himself.

Still stroking his pulsating cock, but slower than before, Keirn slowly pushed his paw-

finger into his tight pucker. He gasped as an intense sensation echoed through his body; it

felt absolutely amazing. Astonished, Keirn wiggled his finger, only to moan slightly louder

than he intended.

The feeling was beyond recognition; Keirn had never felt so good in his life. He stuck

another lubed finger inside his hole, intensifying the overwhelming pleasure. Slowly Keirn

finger-fucked himself, stroking his cock and thrusting with his paw-fingers simultaneously

in a fast, hard rhythm. Keirn felt his knot form as his climax drew near; pre leaking in a

continuous stream from Keirn's dick. In his mind, Keirn pictured Miles again, with his

sweet smile and toned body. That was all it took to send Keirn over the edge; he stifled a

yell as his orgasm hit, hot thick cum streaming in white ropes from his throbbing cock,

landing on his shirt and his chin.

Keirn sat still, bathing in the post-climactic euphoria. As he licked his own seed from his

chin, in his mind's eye, Miles winked cheekily and disappeared. Keirn chuckled to himself

and stripped out of his clothes, stepping into clean, cum-free ones.

Keirn uttered two words which no one else heard as he descended the stairs for dinner.

"I'm gay."


Miles lay on his bed, thinking about the events of the day.

What had he been thinking? That white wolf who had run off, tears in his eyes, must have

been the nice black wolf's boyfriend. Miles cringed at the memory and batted himself

lightly on the forehead with a fist.

"Stupid," the fox berated himself.

Miles lay still, not being able to take his mind off of the lovely black wolf. Keirn, it

was such a pretty name, Miles thought dreamily.

No, he thought sternly. I won't ruin someone else's relationship for selfish reasons.

But he only told you he was gay today, a little voice in Miles head whispered. And he was

pretty upset. Maybe the other wolf doesn't know yet.

Miles contemplated this; Keirn sure had seemed upset. Was he the first person Keirn had

told? Miles hoped against hope that it was so; how could he resist such a good looking


Miles fell asleep thinking of Keirn, and so, naturally, dreamt of him.

In his dream, Miles was alone with Keirn in his bedroom. Keirn slowly stripped off his dark

blue T-shirt to reveal toned pectorals and rock hard abs. The wolf's violet eyes were

slanted, in a "come-hither" look. The black wolf beckoned to Miles, who stumbled forward

and clung to Keirn in a desperate hug. Miles wanted the dream to be real so badly that,

when he finally awoke, his face fell with pure disappointment.

The only thing that comforted Miles was the assurance that he would Keirn again, very soon.

Only a few hours, Miles thought...


The sun shone brightly onto Keirn's bed through the window; Keirn found himself genuinely

excited to go to school, for two reasons. The first and main reason was to see Miles again.

But the second reason was that Keirn was worried about Spot; his friend had never seemed so


To Keirn's intense irritation, Spot was not at school that day. Keirn sulked on his way to

his locker, only to break into a private grin as he saw his favourite fox approaching him.

Miles smiled at Keirn, a genuine, friendly smile that warmed Keirn's heart. Then, Miles


"I'm sorry, Keirn," he said, a regretful look on his face. "I didn't mean to hurt your


Keirn wanted to reach out and hug the little fox to ease his sorrow; instead, he waved a

hand nonchalantly at Miles.

"He'll be okay, he's tough, Spot is," Keirn said reassuringly. Miles giggled rather

girlishly at the name.

"Spot? Is that his real name?" Miles said. Keirn shook his head, giggling along with Miles.

"No, his real name is Spurk, but everyone calls him Spot. You'll see why when you meet


Miles nodded and averted his gaze.

"So...umm..." Miles hesitated, not sure where to start.

"Am I the only one you've told? About...you know?" Miles winced, not wanting to make Keirn


But Keirn's expression didn't falter. "Yes, you're the only person who knows," Keirn said,

grimacing slightly.

Miles felt like dancing. Now he knew that he had a chance with Keirn.

"That's great!" he exclaimed, before chagrin coloured his cheeks a delicate pink. "Oh, um,

I mean, well, it's just that...I'm gay too!" Miles beamed at Keirn.

Keirn beamed back. He was very lucky; he had revealed his sexuality to the one person who

would truly understand.

Then, he faltered, remembering the previous day and the near-kiss. He glanced around,

making sure they were alone, and spoke softly to Miles.

"Is that â€" well, I mean â€" did you try to kiss me yesterday?" Keirn said, blushing

immediately. Miles laughed, a gentle, bubbly sound.

"Well, yes, I did," Miles confessed. He looked into Keirn's eyes, which were shining like

amethysts. Keirn stared back into Miles' sapphire eyes.

"I hope I didn't freak you out or anything," Miles murmured. Keirn shook his head slightly,

his gaze still focused on Miles' eyes.

Miles gathered his courage and looked straight at Keirn.

"Would you like to go out on a date, with me?" Miles asked.

Keirn was taken aback. Things were moving so fast already; he was a barely out-of-the-

closet teenage gay who had a crush on a male fox, when just two days ago he'd been a

stereotypical, heterosexual wolf.

"I...I..." Keirn stammered. Looking into Miles' deep blue eyes, seeing the yearning there,

Keirn found his answer.

"Yes, I would love to go on a date with you." Keirn smiled as Miles grinned jubilantly.

Around the corner, Spot withdrew from his listening post and hung his head. Eavesdropping

had turned out to be more trouble than it was worth. The last thing Spot saw was Keirn and

Miles lightly touching paws before departing for their separate classes.

Well, that's part 2 done! Will Spot reveal his secret? Will Keirn and MIles finally kiss? Find out in part 3, coming soon (I hope!)