The Morning After

Story by Istare-Primitivo on SoFurry

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This is a continuation of my previous story "The Surprise" you can read them together or as indavidual stories.


Istare woke to the bright daylight that shone through the small cracks in the window, the beams of light creating shapes that occasionaly danced across the walls of the bedroom as cars passed by. He reached out his arms and legs in an elongated stretch as he turned his head a beam of light caught the corner of his eye, he shuddered and sharply turned his head to shy from the light, clinging onto the last few moments of sleep.


He mewed as he turned over to reach for the arms of his mate. He was disappointed to find an empty imprint in the bed beside him, he nuzzled his head in close to the spot where Wulfy had lay scrunching the covers close to his face and inhaling deeply catching the lingering scent. It was warm to the touch he knew it couldn't be long since his partner had risen, with a single graceful bound he was out of the bed making his way out into the cold hallway, he shivered for a moment as he opened the door catching a chilling draft, another if somewhat brief reminder that comfort of his bed and the peaceful sleep was over. As he made his way down the hall his ears began to twitch, he had heard something the sound of running water and a humming interjecting the trickling sounds. His ears lowered and his eyes widened as a devious expression lit his face. He turned now to face the shower room he could see steam pouring out of the small crack in the door, it bellowed towards the ceiling rolling briefly before fading, leaving a damp gloss on the white paint. He edged towards the bathroom carefully back arched as he creped reminiscent of a wild predator on the prowl. He carefully wedged open the door and peered through.

Wulfy was happily bathing himself in the hot shower, tail wagging as the water dripped slowly over the defined muscles that laced his body, occassionaly he would open his muzzle allowing the water to cascade into his mouth and tumbled outwards like a rushing waterfall. Completely unaware of Istare's presence he continued to wash humming along to the tune that was on repeat in his head and thinking of lists of jobs he had to do today. Istare crept towards the glass shower eventually pressing himself against it as the excitement built, he noticed his waist pushing off from the frame as his member began to harden at the sight before him. Wulfy continued for a few moments before catching sight of a shadow from the corner of his eye, he hastily turned to see Istare watching him and couldn't help notice the arousal in his mate.

"so you want to join me then?"

Wulfy said poised and grinning, content in the thought that the shower was his favourite place. Istare blushed for a moment before sliding back the glass panel and stepping inside. The water was hot against his soft fur and it took a few seconds to fully adjust to the temperature but at that moment he was completely unaware of anything beside the fact that he was being held close to the body of his wolf.

"well this was worth waking up to"

Said Istare as he began to paw the chest of the wolf towering in front of him. The pair gently caressed each others bodies their embraces becoming closer and tighter as time passed on.

"turn around let me wash your'e back"

Wulfy said almost commandingly, he had a look in his eye that suggested he knew what he wanted, and was obviously aroused now as his hard member had rose out of its sheath. The slender feline turned and was abruptly pinned against the panel. Wulfy placed his paws on Istares shoulder blades lightly digging in his nails as he scoped down the felines back until he reached his tail. The wolf knealt as he simultaneously lifted the felines tail. He nuzzled in towards Istares tail hole, licking around it at first and then sensing the pleasure of his partner began to lick the hole itself. His tongue slid in and around the hole stopping every few moments to feel the cats body tense and flex as it yearned for more.

Wulfy stood sharply twisting Istares body around to face him, the young male cat was blushing thoroughly enjoying each moment. Wulfy grabbed Istare's thighs and began to lift him up, the sound of the wet fur brushing against each other seemed to please them both. He lowered Istare to his waist making sure to position his erect cock at his tail hole. Istare was powerless as he was suspended there he wrapped his arms around Wulfys neck for stability as he now felt the hard cock begin to enter him.

He whined momentarily as it forced its way in still a little sore from the night before but there was no way he was passing up an opportunity like this he thought to himself. It pushed in deeper once it was half way wulfy pulled back his hips slightly so just the tip was left inside, he had to fight the urge to do a large heavy thrust.

"Hold on to me tight"

Said the wolf as he let go with one hand, the release of support caused Istare to fall further onto his member and he let out a pleasured whine at the unexpected penetration. Wulfy firmly gripped the dangling shower head, pointing towards Istare's tail hole allowing the spray of the water to drench the hole and his cock. He began a slow thrusting and at the same time bit Istares neck, the water was being pumped inside the feline he could feel the warm rushes surging inside of him. Wulfy began to pant now as the thrusts became more vigorous, he knew he wanted to be fully inside him and in pushed his knot once more into the gagging feline. A series of whines and howls blurted from each of them the pleasure now intense.

As Wulfy pnetrated deeper and harder he began to point the shower head at the felines throbbing cock, the water washed over it and the force of it began to feel like a stroking sensation. Istare thrust his head against his mate rubbing the sides of their faces together as his body tightened, the muscles in his ass began flex and contract, Wulfy knew he was close but before another though the cat bit into the shoulder of the wolf as his cock began spray his seed across the stomach of his adjoining mate. This pushed Wulfy over the edge within another two thrusts he could feel his climax, the blood from his body rushing to his member, it swelled and released into the lynx. Their heads both raised as they panted gazing into each other's eyes tongues almost longing to embrace each other.