Debt - Part 2

Story by guardian-hawk on SoFurry

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#2 of Debt

Jada's sleep was light and fitful, and when she did sleep she dreamed of dragon after dragon mounting her, thrusting into her over and over again and making her writhe and howl with pleasure. Finally she woke up again, panting through her nostrils and shivering, and tried for a moment to stretch before her shackles reminded her of their presence, holding her still. She whined through her bridle as she tried to pull against the chains but couldn't get them to budge, her four paws bound tight together, then shuddered and went still when her movements reminded her of her least favorite piece of the gear she was forced to wear: the dildo stuck inside her vent, harnessed to her rump to make sure it stayed there--whether or not she wanted it to.

No wonder I kept dreaming of dragons mating with me, she thought with a moan; even when she lay perfectly still it was all she could do to ignore the feeling of the toy filling her, and if she moved her hindquarters the slightest bit the shifting of muscles around it made it rub against her insides and drew a brief shudder of pleasure from her. Growling, she forced herself to ignore the light sensations; she would not let herself enjoy being bound and violated this way. But it would be so much easier if she could find a way to make it stop...

She twisted her paws in their shackles and pulled against them, uselessly--the steel was much too strong for her--before turning her attention to her bridle; she could barely reach the harness with her hog-tied paws, but maybe she'd have better luck if she could find a way to free her jaws. She curled her neck the little she could to get her snout between her forepaws, then dug her claws into the straps and pulled, trying to cut through them, but her claws only made it a little ways through the leather straps before they encountered something much tougher. Rubbing her claws back and forth to try to saw through it, she felt to try to figure out what was stopping her now, then groaned when she realized the straps were reinforced with steel cords. There was no way she'd be able to cut through them.

The straps of that damned harness are probably just as strong, she thought with a moan, and didn't bother trying to break them; she didn't want to struggle to get the dildo out of her, only to fail, when her every movement made it stimulate her. So she went limp against the ground again, waiting for her captor to return as the light coming from the passage began to dim. But the feeling of the toy pressed deep into her sex nagged at her more and more as she lay there, doing everything she could to hold herself still so she wouldn't have to feel it any more strongly than she already was. Her concentration only made her more aware of it, though, and she couldn't suppress the occasional shiver at the constant hint of sensation of it spreading and filling her. She pressed her tail tight against her hindquarters, wishing that would deny the toy access to her as it would a dragon who wanted to mount her, but even if her body insisted it would work it did nothing to make the feeling go away, and she moaned in a mix of pleasure and refusal when she tucked her tail a little too firmly against her rump and it pressed against the panel on the end of the dildo, pushing it a little farther into her. She quickly relaxed her tail so the toy could return to its original position, but shuddered at the sensation of it sliding within her, feeling almost like a thrust, and it took far more effort than it should have to stop herself from pressing her tail against the panel again.

She whined in shame at having to fight so much to control herself. She didn't want this, hated this, and wished so badly for a chance to escape... but she was trapped and helpless, forced to endure the dildo inside her, and she could tell the constant stimulation was starting to eat away at her will. She couldn't ignore it entirely, and the light sensation only made her body want to feel more... No, she had to control herself; to give in and pleasure herself with the awful toy was what her captor wanted, and she would not give him the satisfaction of breaking her down, or humiliate herself by enjoying the pleasure she did not want but was powerless to stop. The red dragon might have defeated her, but she was still strong, still proud, and she would not give in. She was stronger than that.

Now if only he would come back and take the horrible thing out of her...

But it was another hour before Hueroc returned, and when he walked back into her chamber she whined loudly, looking pleadingly up at him. She couldn't get the dildo out of herself, but he could!

"Hello again, my pet," he purred and nuzzled her cheek. "Is something the matter?"

Whining again, she reluctantly uncurled her tail to let him see the panel covering her vent. "Tmmf nt mmpht!" she managed past the bit in her mouth, looking at the harness to try to help explain what her gag wouldn't let her.

He chuckled. "You still don't like the dildo? That's too bad, I'm afraid... Like speech, being allowed to spend any time without either me or one of my toys inside you is a privilege you will rarely be granted." Purring more loudly, he reached over with a paw and tugged on the straps of the harness, making her shudder and moan as he wiggled the phallus back and forth inside her. "And like I said, you'll learn to love it..."

Jada whimpered and shook her head a little, claws flexing uselessly. "Nn-nnn!" she cried, eyes wide, but he just bared his teeth and wiggled the dildo again before letting go of the harness, and she squirmed at the feeling. She would have to suffer like this whenever he wasn't mounting her? Just a few hours had been bad enough! she thought, squirming again, but once again all her struggling did was make the toy move inside her, making her moan at a little burst of pleasure she couldn't suppress. How was she supposed to keep resisting in the face of such constant torment? She was strong, but already it seemed like it would be more than she could handle...

"Anyway, I brought back prey for both of us, and we should eat before it cools off." He bent to untie her reins from her shackles, but he had just touched his paws to the knot when he snarled and shifted his attention to the claw-marked straps of her bridle instead. "This gear was flawless when I left," he said, a low growl of anger building behind his words, "and now it's been damaged. I do not like when my pets damage my gear, or try to escape."

She growled and glared back at him, teeth bared. Whether or not her torn wings had trapped her in his cave, whether or not he'd defeated her, he couldn't expect her to just let him keep her bound and helpless!

"Fine," he snorted. "If you don't want to be a good pet, then I'll just have to make sure you can't disobey me even if you want to." He stomped over to one of the walls to get some more gear, then returned a moment later and set down what he'd retrieved. "Do not struggle, or I will punish you more."

After a moment she obeyed; pain didn't scare her, but she did fear that his punishment might involve stimulating her or mounting her again and went limp to let him do what he wanted. Taking the key from the pouch at the base of his neck, the red dragon released one forepaw from its manacle, then pulled a padded leather mitten over it and buckled a strap on the end of it around her wrist, securing it. She tried to dig her claws into the padding that surrounded them but could barely wiggle them, much less do anything to the leather that sealed them away, and sighed as he buckled and locked mitts over her other three paws as well; now she was even more helpless.

He did not put her shackles back on once he'd put on all four mitts, but it didn't matter: the mitts had blunted and sealed over her claws, even balling them up so she couldn't grab onto anything, making her paws nearly useless. She examined one for a moment, seeing if there might be a way to get it off aside from the locked strap--not that she could find--then froze as Hueroc snarled and looked up just in time to see him whip his tail down against her flanks. She shuddered and groaned at the pain, jaws clamping on the bit in her mouth, then tensed herself as he struck again--but this time his tail glanced off the panel holding the dildo inside her as well as her flanks, and she moaned as the combination of his tail and her movements shifted the toy in her vent. The pain she could handle, but when he mixed it with that awful, unwelcome pleasure... She cried out as he struck her a third time and tucked her tail tight to her rear to shield herself, but he just roared and kicked her belly with a hind paw instead, then said, nearly spitting in fury, "I will discipline you however I see fit, and if you try to stop me then I will only punish you more. Understand?"

Her eyes burned with anger as she glared back at him, but she had no hope of stopping him while bound as she was and forced herself to lie still; better to have to take as little as possible when she couldn't defend herself. He snorted and pulled her tail away from her rump, then struck her flanks and the panel once, twice, three times, the pleasure of the toy shifting inside her breaking through her attempts to shut out the pain, and she couldn't help but howl when he struck her. She wished she could stop him, or flee, or even just curl up in a corner and be left alone, but his own anger made her certain that if she tried it would only make things worse; her only choice was to endure.

Hueroc struck her fifteen times in all, but instead of letting her get her paws beneath her when he was done he reached towards the harness strapped around her hindquarters with his forepaws, crouching at the base of her tail, grasping either side of the panel and pushing it all the way into her, then pulling it out the little the harness would let him before pushing it in again. She moaned and shivered at the feeling of the toy sliding back and forth, doing everything she could to fight down the sensations that raced through her, claws clenched tight within their mitts. Her hips rolled once, twice against his paws before she managed to regain control of herself, shuddering as she caught the scent of both his arousal and her own. He kept up the stimulation for a little while longer before letting go and standing up again, and she moaned when her eyes were drawn to his belly and his dragonhood: it wasn't fully hard but it had grown enough to emerge from his slit, hanging beneath his belly and making her whimper in fear at the sight. He wasn't about to mount her again, was he?

"I suggest you remember this punishment the next time you think of disobeying me," he growled, then wrapped her reins around one of his forepaws. "Come with me; the prey I killed has been waiting too long."

Jada groaned and slowly got to her feet, head hanging. To think she'd only been his captive for a few hours... The thought of suffering two weeks--or more!--of such treatment made her tremble; she couldn't even imagine how awful it would be. A tug at her reins distracted her from her worry and she followed meekly behind her captor, but moaned again as she took her first step and once again the dildo teased her with her every movement. She tucked her tail in as tight as she could without pushing the toy farther into her, wishing it could do something to protect her from being so deeply penetrated, and did her best not to shudder or moan any more than she already had while she fought to contain the sensation. Her captor seemed to sense her distress and only quickened his pace, forcing her to stumble after him, walking awkwardly in the mitts as she tried to find some way to move her hindquarters as little as possible. She growled with effort, but still the pleasure nearly managed to break through her concentration and it was all she could do not to use her tail to make the toy stimulate her more. By the time the two of them reached the pair of mountain goats he'd killed and brought back to the cave her every step made her shiver, unable to contain muffled little moans at the unwanted sensation.

She sighed with relief when finally she could sit down on her belly in front of the prey he'd brought for her--she had to fight the urge to rock her hips and grind the panel against the ground for a moment before she stilled herself and the stimulation faded just enough for her to force it to the back of her mind. Hueroc watched her for a moment, then carefully removed her bridle, freeing her snout and pulling the bit out from behind her teeth.

She whined at him as soon as her gag was removed, lowering her head and looking back at the harness strapped to her hindquarters. "Take that toy off me," she said. "I can't..." She paused for a moment; if she admitted that she could barely handle--for now--the feeling of the dildo inside her then it would probably make him even less willing to take it off for her. "I-- I don't like it," she managed, even though she knew it would mean nothing to him.

"If you are going to address me, then you will call me 'Master,'" he growled.

"Take the dildo out of me, Master," she repeated instantly; the humiliation of acknowledging his control over her didn't even occur to her, not when appeasing him was the only way to even get him to consider removing the terrible thing. "Please... I don't like it."

He pawed at the ground. "No, my pet. I like to see you wear it, and be teased by it, so you will continue to wear it as long as I see fit. I will take it off for you whenever you need to clear waste--and if you soil it, you will be punished. I'll make sure to ask you a few times a day, and when you need to go to the waste-chute but are gagged, twist your tail into this shape to let me know," he demonstrated, and she copied the shape before letting her tail fall again. "But don't try to ask when I'm about to or in the middle of playing with you, because I will just tell you to hold it until we're done. Understand?"

She whimpered softly and looked pleadingly from him, to the harness that still made her quiver occasionally from the sensation of the dildo filling her despite sitting as motionless as possible, and back again, but he ignored her unspoken request and eventually she tilted her head to acknowledge his question. He bared his teeth at her, then lowered his head and dug into his prey, drawing her attention to the goat carcass in front of her. The scent of the still-warm goat was tempting, and she paused only to yawn and stretch her jaws before lowering her fangs to it.

But Hueroc shoved her snout away with his own before she could take a bite, growling. "What do you say, my pet?"

Confusion froze her for a moment, then she realized what he was most likely waiting for. "Thank you for the prey."

He growled again, teeth bared and looking even more fearsome with blood and gore from his meal staining his snout.

Jada lowered her head still further. "Thank you for the prey... Master." She hated having to call him that, knowing that doing so was admitting that he had complete control over her, but when he wouldn't let her eat until she said it she didn't have much choice.

"Good girl," he bobbed his head. "Enjoy."

Sighing, she lowered her head and took a bite. It was hard to break down the goat into smaller chunks without being able to use her claws to hold and cut up her prey, but she managed, and she was glad to lose herself in the process of working as much meat free from the carcass as she could; filling her belly required enough attention that for at least a little while she was able to fully ignore the toy still strapped inside her. But it seemed that she finished far too soon, when she licked her snout clean and looked up to see Hueroc holding her bridle in a paw, inspecting the claw-marks she'd left in the straps.

"Are you done?" he asked, a hint of a growl in his voice--it seemed he still wasn't happy about her attempt to break the piece of gear.

She tilted her head silently; if she didn't speak then she didn't have to call him her Master.

He held up the bit to gag her again. "Then open up."

Whimpering quietly, she extended her head towards him and parted her jaws to accept the metal bit, which he pressed firmly into the back of her mouth. Once she'd clamped down on it, he strapped the bridle tightly shut again, but didn't tug on her reins except to make sure they weren't near the remains of their prey. "I'm going to take all this outside to one of the valleys. You sit there, my pet, and I'll be back soon."

She watched as he gathered up the detritus they had left behind while feeding, then scooped it all up in his forepaws and held it against his chest as he leapt up to the ledge at the cave mouth and flew away to leave the bones and offal elsewhere. Wings twitching against the belts keeping them folded, she let out a thin, unhappy whine as he flew away. Freedom was right there, the late-afternoon sky she could see so clearly through the cave entrance, but so far beyond her reach with her wings not only shredded but bound tightly against her back... She could leap up onto the ledge if she wanted to, but would have nowhere to go from there--and if another dragon flew past then they'd easily be able to see her, her restraints, and the harness on her hindquarters, if she went up there. And besides, Hueroc had told her to stay put, and being able to look out at freedom that was right in front of her but not actually fly away would only make her captivity hurt more, she thought with a sigh.

With nothing to do but wait for her Master--her captor, she reminded herself with a growl--to return, she sprawled out on her side and put her head down. But moving even that little bit was enough to remind her of the dildo she'd just managed to put out of her mind, making her cry out softly in shock as she felt the tip of the thing rub deep inside her, squirming and curling her hind claws the little her mitts would let her. The brief absence of stimulation made it only seem stronger now that it had returned, and she almost gave in to her body's desire to rock her hips as if thrusting against a dragon who'd mounted her, to grind that panel into the ground and give herself some real stimulation to enjoy... She barely managed to regain control of herself in time, but even still she couldn't keep from shivering at the rediscovered feeling of the toy spreading the lips of her sex and fitting snugly inside her. If only she could find a way to get it out of her, if only she could enjoy it without hating herself for giving in...

No. She would not give in to him. She was strong, and she could resist as long as she had to.

Now that she wasn't hogtied, she had to see if there was anything she could do to the harness to get the dildo out of her. She curled up as tight as she could--moving her hindquarters as little as possible--and peered at the network of straps around her belly, her hips and the base of her tail that kept the panel against her scales: there didn't seem to be any way to slide it off, and of course all the buckles were secured with padlocks. She couldn't suppress a whine of despair and pressed a mitted forepaw against the straps and buckles in desperation, but it was pointless; the smooth leather mitt was too thick and padded for her to be able to even grasp any of the locks or buckles, much less manipulate them, and with all her claws sealed over she had no chance of sawing through the straps either. Moaning, she tried again, but all her paws were useless inside the mitts and there was nothing she could do. No matter how much she hated the thing, no matter how badly she wanted it off, it wouldn't be removed until Hueroc chose to.

She let her limbs go slack and sprawled out again in defeat, whimpering so quietly even she could barely hear it. What was she supposed to do now? She was strong, but even she couldn't last forever against torment that never went away. And if he defeated her in both body and mind... She shivered at the thought, and moaned again when it was enough for the toy in her vent to tease her still more.

Hueroc returned a few minutes later and flexed his wings before folding them, but even that brief sight of a dragon who could fly, unlike her, was enough to make her whine at the thought. How had she been so reckless in that fight, not making sure to protect her wings... He wrapped her reins around his paw again and tugged them, urging her to her feet. "Come on, my pet, I want to show you around my cave. And I'm sure you're thirsty, so we may as well head back to the spring anyway."

Groaning and bracing her mind to fight down the sensation of the toy shifting inside her when she stood, she got up and curled her tail into the shape he'd showed her; she could use a trip to the waste-chute he'd mentioned, too.

"Yes, yes, of course, I'll show you the waste-chute too. Don't worry, the tour won't take long... You've already seen this entrance room, after all, with the cave mouth and the landing ledge up there," he gestured with his snout. "If I have any guests, they'll usually stay in this chamber--even if they're here for more than a few hours. Let me show you the rest."

Jada didn't want to have to walk again, not after it had been so hard to control herself the first time, but the pain of the bit pulling against her jaws was enough to convince her and she went reluctantly behind him, whining and shuddering every few steps as, just as she'd expected, the dildo began to move back and forth within her sex, teasing her constantly. He ignored her muffled complaints, though, and guided her down the passage leading deeper into the mountain.

"This passage leads to the three other rooms of my cave. You've already seen the one on the left; I keep all my bondage gear there, and that's the room I use if any dragoness I'm entertaining wants to mate with me. It's also where you'll be staying until your wings heal, unless you can stop fighting me and just enjoy your time as my pet," he purred, then swung his head over and nuzzled her chin. "You should think about it... All of this would be so much easier on you if you were willing, and the sex would seem a lot better if you'd let yourself enjoy it, too. You know I'm right, my pet..."

She snorted, stomping a leather-wrapped paw against the ground and glaring at him. She would not!

"Still so defiant? Give it time," he nuzzled her again, then reached back with his tail and pulled on the harness to tease her a little more with the dildo. Moaning and squirming, she dropped her gaze as she fought to keep herself from rolling her hips enough to keep the stimulation going, all thoughts of why she wouldn't give in pushed aside while she struggled to concentrate enough to block out the sensations.

After purring for a moment, he tugged her reins gently forward to raise her head, then began to lead her farther down the passage. First they passed the opening that led to the room where he'd bound her, then they came to another opening on the right. She peered inside to see a plain, round chamber, unadorned except for a couple of unlit torches on the walls and a large, thick cushion in its center. "This is my room, where I sleep... And where you can too, my pet, if you're ever willing. The cushion I sleep on is so comfortable, even for two dragons, and I wouldn't mind the company of a dragoness like you to share it with me," he nuzzled her again, drawing a growl of protest, but she didn't dare pull her head away--he'd probably just yank her reins until she let him. "Of course, I'll be keeping you tied up whether you're willing or not, but if you decide to be my pet willingly you'll find you don't mind the restraints--in fact, you might discover that you like wearing them."

She bared her teeth at the thought. How was she supposed to enjoy being so powerless, especially when he was taking advantage of her helplessness by abusing her so much?

"On to the last room."

The feeling of the toy rubbing against her insides as he led her along wiped the thought from her mind as all her concentration was needed to keep from raising her tail and rocking her hips back and forth; the damned toy seemed to stimulate her a little more strongly every time she was distracted enough to stop paying attention to it. By the time they reached the very back of the cave she was panting hard through her nostrils and her hindquarters were trembling slightly as now even standing still wasn't enough to keep the feelings manageable, the constant tickling of the dildo that filled her vent too much for her to fully ignore any longer. She whined plaintively at him, hoping that maybe he'd change his mind and take the dildo out, but he just bared his teeth and thrust a little, his penis again swollen enough to emerge from its slit. The sight and scent of his arousal made her shiver a little in fear, but to her relief he didn't move towards her, instead leading her to a dark pool of water ahead of them.

Little light made it to the very back of the cave, but a dragon's night vision was strong enough for both of them to be able to see fairly well. On the right side of the chamber, where they stood, a small pond flowed seemingly from nowhere and ran through a hole in the back wall, probably rushing off to feed a mountain stream somewhere.

"Hold still, my pet, and I'll loosen your bridle so you can drink." She obeyed, and he unlocked the two straps that wrapped around her snout, loosened them, then buckled them again but did not lock them; she could part her jaws a little ways now, enough to slip her tongue through.

Once he was done she lowered her head and lapped up a few mouthfuls from the pool: the water was cool, fresh and pure, and even with the metallic taste of the bit on her tongue she drank eagerly, her mouth dry after the exertions of her flight to find his cave, their fight, and what he'd put her through since then. He lapped up some water himself while he waited for her to sate her thirst, and when she raised her head again he tightened and locked the straps of her bridle.

"There. Now, you said you had some waste to get rid of?"

"Mmhmm," she bobbed her head emphatically, not just because it meant she'd get a reprieve from the dildo, however short, but because she really did have to go.

"All right." He led her across the chamber, where there was another dark space, but this one was just a small empty hole--she stopped and sniffed the air around it, but it didn't have a very strong smell; evidently the chute eventually led outside. "Now let me get that off for you..."

She raised her tail and held still once again while he unlocked, then unbuckled the straps of the harness, and sighed audibly with relief when he pulled the toy out of her.

"You haven't been enjoying the dildo too much, have you?" he chuckled and sat back on his haunches, smelling the phallus made slick by her unwanted arousal and groaning softly with lust, the scent of his own excitement--and his erection itself, she couldn't help but notice--rapidly building.

What a pervert, she thought with a growl.

"Mmmh, from the scent you put on this, my pet, I'll bet you can't wait to get it back inside you... If you'll go ahead there, I'll be happy to do that for you."

Jada snarled at him through her bridle, but after a moment turned and straddled the chute. He still had a grip on her reins, but his attention was more focused on the toy in his forepaws, and she shivered at the sight of the big thick faux-cock as it only reminded her of how it felt pressed deep into her sex. Once she looked away from him she managed to settle down and use the chute, then when she was done she stepped forward, glad to be able to move without having to feel that awful sensation from between her flanks.

"Right, now you can have your toy back," he bared his teeth at her. "Turn around and raise your tail."

She froze, tail tucked firmly between her hind legs at the thought of having to suffer those unwanted feelings again, then growled at him and crouched, wishing she had the freedom to attack him. No, she wouldn't let him put that back into her!

"Your Master gave you an order," he said firmly, tugging on her reins. "I expect you to obey."

"Nnn-nn!" she cried, eyes wide and pleading for him to leave her alone. She wouldn't have that thing stuck inside her again, she wouldn't be forced to feel it stimulate her every time she moved for however long he made her wear it, she wouldn't...

He cocked his head to one side. "I already told you that you would have either a toy or my dragonhood penetrating you almost all the time... Are you trying to tell me that you'd rather be mounted instead?"

"Nn!" she moaned, quivering at the thought. She just wanted him to leave her alone... Why wouldn't he listen?

"You must accept one of the two," he growled. "But even though you're really heating me up right now I want to see you wear the toy now, my pet. Come on, turn around and raise your tail for me, or I'm going to have to punish you again."

Jada snarled; she would gladly suffer a beating if it meant she didn't have to let him harness the dildo inside her again.

He roared back at her, tail lashing. "Pet, you will either turn around and raise your tail so I can put the toy back into you, or I will hold you down, force the dildo back under your tail, then beat you and tease you with the toy for however long I choose. If you don't show me your vent by the time I count to ten, I'm going to put this dildo inside you the hard way." He dropped back down onto all fours and clutched the harness in his tail so he could subdue her with all four paws if necessary. "One."

She whined, claws flexing in their mitts as she wished again for the freedom to defend herself, but with the bridle and mitts locking all her weapons away she'd be helpless to stop him if she refused to obey.


Why did she have to be so powerless? How was she supposed to stop him from forcing the dildo into her vent again?


I can't, she thought with a whimper, head drooping.


Was it really worth it to resist in the face of such punishment?


Even if she had to take the dildo in her sex despite fighting him, and was beaten and teased, she would at least have her pride, knowing that she'd made him force the toy into her instead of just submitting to him.


However, just thinking of the punishment made her shiver in fear, and she didn't want to suffer it if she had to take the dildo in her vent either way... But to submit just from the fear of punishment was weakness, and she was not weak!


She wasn't weak... but she was weaker than her captor, and that was what mattered, she thought, moaning softly.


Jada sobbed and turned around, raising her tail to present her sex to her Master.

"That's a good girl," he said. She had to wait for a moment, shivering a little in anticipation as she stood with her rump exposed to him, then she shuddered and whined unhappily as she felt the tip of the dildo press against her belly for a moment before finding her vent and sliding smoothly into her. Hueroc pressed it as deep into her as it had been before, then strapped the harness tight and locked all the buckles, securing the toy inside her once again. She moaned past the bit in her mouth when he took his paws away from her hindquarters, lowering her tail to hide the panel covering her vent but unable to do anything about the shaft lodged within her.

"There, my pet, see? It's not so bad," he purred.

Yes it is, she thought glumly, whimpering, her eyes downcast. She had submitted... He had threatened her, and she had submitted to him without a fight. How had she let this happen? How had he made her so weak?

He took her reins again and pulled gently on them until she turned around, the feeling of the dildo rubbing against her insides again making her shiver and moan with unwanted lust. She managed to control herself enough to stop herself from rocking her hips for more of the stimulation, but wondered dimly if she should even bother trying anymore. She had submitted and let him violate her with the toy; how could letting herself enjoy the sensations it gave her be any worse?

No, she still had at least some of her pride, she thought; she had at the very least made him threaten her before submitting, and that had to be worth something... There was a difference between resisting when it would only delay the inevitable and resisting when he had no way of making her do what he wanted. She had submitted, yes, but to let herself enjoy what he did to her was a different matter entirely, and as long as she could stay strong enough to resist that, she would still have her pride.

She just had to find a way to stay strong. Spending a couple of minutes without the dildo inside her hadn't helped her fight back the sensations it gave her one bit, and the mere feeling of it penetrating her sex was enough now to make her shudder. How much longer would he force her to suffer like this? No matter how proud she was, she didn't think she could handle too much more of such constant stimulation...

"That's all I have to show you, my pet," Hueroc said. "Come with me."

Whining, she pulled back against her reins for a moment, not wanting to move when it would make the toy stimulate her more, but relented when he bared his teeth and tugged her forward, following him meekly with the added humiliation of the pain of the bit between her jaws. She couldn't suppress a loud moan when she took her first couple of steps, the sensation of the dildo shifting inside her growing harder and harder to suppress with each passing moment; the red dragon purred in response, tail raised and flicking back and forth, cock fully hard, and his powerful scent washing over her, making it even harder for her to concentrate. She moaned again, hips rocking and eyes half-closing in pleasure, when his flicking tail found one of the straps of her harness and tugged on it to further stimulate her while he led her along. Trembling with effort as she fought with herself to keep the wonderful feelings from getting to her, she let out a high, thin whine of distress that quickly gave way to another throaty moan of pleasure when he pulled the toy's harness in some way that made it move farther inside her than it had before. It felt so like a thrust that she nearly collapsed right there in the passage with her rump and tail held high, barely clinging to control of her own body as he teased her.

Thankfully he guided her into the room he'd bound her in, so he couldn't force her to walk much farther, and when he finally stopped tugging her reins--and the harness--she sank onto her belly, panting hard from unwanted arousal. The dildo inside her felt so good... She rolled her hips once to keep the stimulation going before catching herself and forcing her body to stay still, whimpering as the sensations raced through her and her body begged for them to continue.

"I can't even describe how much watching you struggle like this is heating me up, my pet," he purred, nuzzling her forehead, then thrust a couple of times for emphasis. "I'd love to play with you some more right now, but I need to take a flight around the borders of my territory before the sun sets... I'll be back as soon as I can, and I promise we'll have some fun together when I return!" He nuzzled her again, tied her reins to an anchor-ring near her head to make sure she couldn't go anywhere, then pulled on the harness once more for good measure, coaxing yet another moan from her as the dildo wiggled within her vent and sent another burst of pleasure through her. She whined at him, pleading wordlessly for him to stop tormenting her like this, but he just let her hear him purring again before he turned and left her alone.

Jada whimpered quietly as she continued to struggle against her instinctual lust--at least she didn't have to move anymore. But still the presence of the dildo stuffing her alone was enough to make her want to squirm and raise her tail for the dragon whose cock she must be feeling inside her, to grind against it and encourage him to thrust... She snorted and tossed her head, clamping her jaws against the bridle and trying to focus. What was wrong with her? She was stronger than this!

Being away from her Master--her captor, her captor! she had to remind herself again, growling to herself--helped her regain her composure, and she gradually brought herself back under control. The light sensation of the toy spreading her sex was still there, still distracting her with the occasional moment of unwelcome pleasure, but she managed to stop panting and shut out the urge to stimulate herself after a little while. Not that it would mean anything for very long; he had said he would "have some fun" with her as soon as he got back, which meant that soon she would be taking his hard cock inside her instead of the fake one violating her now. And unlike the dildo, he would be thrusting, humping her hard and fast and stimulating her much more powerfully than the toy could... In her current state she might not be able to shut it out like she had the first time, she realized with a groan. But she still had to try, she wouldn't let herself enjoy being taken by him...

Thinking she would need all her strength for what was to come, she didn't bother trying to test the anchor and the knot in her reins binding her to that spot--like it would have done any good anyway, with her wings not only shredded but bound tightly to her back, trapping her in the cave. Trying to pull the reins off would mean moving, which would mean not only the pain of the bit digging into her gums but the pleasure of the dildo shifting inside of her, and even if she was successful Hueroc would just punish her for breaking some of his precious gear. She was unable to suppress a shiver at the thought of the last time he'd punished her, that combination of pain and pleasure that made it impossible for her to concentrate hard enough to block out either one; she had no desire to feel that again anytime soon.

So she could do nothing but wait for him to return, lying as still as possible in her bonds and trying not to think about the dildo stuck in her vent, pressed right up against that oh-so-sensitive flesh... She flexed her claws restlessly in their mitts, wishing yet again that there was something she could do to escape, or stop him, or just get that accursed toy out of her so she didn't have to try so hard to control herself, but she just didn't have any options. Moaning quietly to herself, she turned her head towards the fading light of the sun coming down the passage and waited for Hueroc to return.

The cave had grown nearly dark by the time the red dragon returned, tail lashing as he walked into her chamber and lit the torches, but at least his arousal had faded during his flight so she didn't have to see it or smell it--for the moment. "Well, my pet?" he purred, lowering his head to nip playfully at her flank. "Ready to play with me some more?"

"Nnn!" she growled at him even though she knew she could do nothing to stop him, even though she'd agreed--however reluctantly--to be his pet, but he just laughed at her refusal.

"You aren't? Well then, let me help you get in the mood to play..." He grasped one edge of the panel at the base of the dildo and pulled until he reached the limit of the harness that kept it inside her, drawing it out of her a little ways, then pushed it back against her rump as far as it would go, making the toy slide deeper into her. She arched her back and moaned at the feeling, needing all the self-control she had to keep from raising her tail to give him better access to her vent. He just made the thrusting motion a second time, a third, a fourth, until she could only lie on the ground and shudder while she battled against her growing lust, body screaming at her to raise her tail and grind against the shaft filling her and mind doing all it could to resist the urge.

"I think I have an idea..." Hueroc let go of the harness, to her relief, and went over to one of the walls for a piece of gear: a thick, sturdy bar with a shackle on either end. "Roll onto your side," he ordered, and though she ignored him at first, when he reached for the harness again she obeyed, trembling at the feelings the slight motion sent through her as the toy rubbed briefly against her insides. Once she was on her side he closed the cuffs around her ankles, the rigid bar forcing her to hold them a little wider than her hips and exposing her belly to him.

He lay down opposite her, hindquarters in front of her snout and shoulders over at her belly, then rolled onto his side to let her see the swelling around his slit. "You look like you're enjoying that dildo so much that it would be a shame to take it out of you, my pet. But I still want to play with you, so you pleasure me with your muzzle, paws and tail while I please you by moving the harness around for you. Sound like fun?"

Jada glared at him, growling softly past her gag. Him forcing himself on her and mounting her when she couldn't stop him was one thing, but to willingly go after his dragonhood with paws and tail and take him to climax was something else entirely. If he wanted to use her then he could just mount her...

Snarling, he twisted around and struck her neck with his tail. "Either you will obey me and pleasure me until I cum, or I will put a ring between your teeth, force you to suck me off, and make you orgasm with a vibrator at least as many times as I did earlier. Your choice."

She gasped at the threat--she could think of nothing worse than tasting his hard cock in her mouth, and if she was forced to do that, then have several more unwilling orgasms as well... The thought made her quiver, and she lowered her head after a moment, moaning quietly. There was nothing she could do to stop him, and she would be far more ashamed by what he'd threatened to do than by his first suggestion, so she tilted her head to acknowledge him.

"Good girl," he bobbed his head, then shifted his hindquarters a little closer to her snout to make sure she could reach his belly despite her reins still bound to the anchor-ring in the floor. Reaching for her rump, he wiggled the dildo inside her a little and looked at her expectantly.

The sensation made her exhale sharply, and after a moment she raised a mittened paw towards the scales of his belly, conscious of his eyes on her. His slit was already somewhat swollen, and she hesitated one more time before probing at it with her leather-wrapped forepaw, pressing against him on either side of it, then sliding the smooth leather over it from front to back. Her face flushed hot when her Master shivered and thrust a little into her touch, but she forced herself to swallow her pride and continue--the quicker she got this over with, the better. So she rubbed against his slit again, more firmly, then cried out softly in surprise: she'd somehow forgotten for a moment about his paw on the base of the toy inside her, and he'd just pressed hard against it, the tip again tickling much more deeply inside her than she expected and making her squirm.

She couldn't tease him and ignore him teasing her at the same time, she was quick to discover, shuddering at the feeling of the dildo pressing first one way, then the other against her insides. It had been inside her so long now that the sensations just couldn't be ignored anymore, and it was all she could do to concentrate enough to keep massaging his slit, moaning and rocking her hips a little in pleasure. She wanted to stop herself from enjoying it, but she just couldn't any longer, not when she had to keep her attention focused on his loins... He thrust against her paw again and this time the head of his penis emerged, growing quickly. The thought of having to touch it made her flush again, but she clamped her jaws down on the bit and reached for him with both paws, squeezing his tip between the mitts and coaxing him out.

He groaned and thrust again, his full length revealing itself as the scent of his arousal washed over her, and he responded by sliding the toy as far in, then as far out as the harness would let it and drawing a moan and roll of her hips from her that matched his own. She shuddered with pleasure and got back to work; the leather mitts on her paws slid easily along his shaft, already slick from the protective flesh within his slit, and she began to rub smoothly up and down, squeezing him between her mitts from the base of his cock to the tip and back again. She couldn't help but stare at his dragonhood as she pawed it, the stiff flesh turned red and swollen by the flow of blood to his loins, the thick shaft, the little ridges that could feel so good inside her, even better than the dildo rubbing back and forth within her vent did now... She moaned lustily through her gag at the feeling, forgetting that she was supposed to be hating and resisting this in her arousal and rubbing even harder as he thrust steadily into her paws.

After pressing against his thrusts for a little while she brought her tail around to tickle at his spread-open slit with the tip while she stroked him--the base of her tail got in his way for a moment, but the spreader bar between her hind paws made sure he could still reach her belly and after a moment he started making the toy slide in and out again. He moaned softly, hind claws curling, then changed the angle of the toy inside her so it pressed much harder against the side of her vent closer to her belly, tip rubbing firmly against her and making her gasp at a sudden blossoming heat of pleasure as it found some extra-sensitive spot inside her.

Her stroking of his cock grew faster in response, and when the first drop of fluid appeared at the tip, head bobbing as muscles inside him clenched, she stopped using her paws and instead curled her tail around his shaft, squeezing hard, then beginning to slide the constricting ring from base to tip and back. "Mmmh," he groaned in obvious approval, tail thumping against the ground, and thrust enthusiastically into her touch. The speed of the toy rubbing along inside her increased as well and she moaned through her gag with pleasure at the incredible feeling--

What was she doing!?

Jada could barely focus on the thought, her attention drawn to the cock clenched in her tail and the dildo inside her. Her captor had demanded that she tease him, make him climax, and let him tease her, and she wasn't just doing it willingly, she was enjoying herself? Some small part of her brain fought to get a grip, to shut out the sensations coursing through her and realize how humiliating it was to fondle her captor this way, but it was quickly buried beneath another surging wave of pleasure as the tip of the dildo found that incredible spot inside her again. After slowing just a moment to enjoy the feeling she redoubled the speed of her tail milking at his length, then reached out with her paws again to squeeze the tip of his shaft, making him pant and shudder against her. His cock bobbed and released a little more clear, slick fluid each time her tail reached the ridge right behind its head, his thrusting grew even harder and faster, and his hind claws were clenched tight at her touch.

Finally he roared, limbs shaking, and reached his orgasm, humping vigorously against her tail. He loosed burst after burst of his seed, splattering the ground between them, his chest and her belly as he emptied himself; she kept squeezing her Master's length for all he would give even though he'd stopped moving the dildo within her in the throes of his climax, and after a few moments the rocking of his hips slowed and he collapsed on his side, gasping for air.

She moaned quietly as she waited for him to recover, the pleasure that had built in her own body from the teasing he'd given her having brought her much closer to orgasm than she'd realized. The presence of the dildo in her vent sustained the feeling for a little while, but it soon began to fade, and as it did she finally realized what she had just done. She'd willingly stimulated him with paws and tail and made him climax, all the while enjoying the feeling of him moving the toy inside her... All her thoughts of resistance had been forgotten in their combined lust, and she put her head down after a moment with a whimper. At least he hadn't brought her to orgasm, she thought, but it was little comfort--she would have gladly had one if he'd pleasured her enough.

Eventually Hueroc raised his head again, still panting with his tongue hanging out but purring now, curling his tail to stroke her head and neck with it. "That was very good, my pet, very good indeed... Now let me get something to clean up this mess. I'll be right back." He stood and walked out of the chamber, turning towards the back of the cave, tail raised high and swishing gently back and forth, curling a little at the tip. She just sat and waited, not wanting to think about what she had just done, and he returned a few moments later with a pair of damp rags draped across the base of his neck. He used these to wipe down their scales and the floor, clearing away all traces of his seed, then balled them up and tossed them over towards the passageway to deal with later. Once that was done he took off the shackles and spreader bar that had kept her hind paws apart, then put the gear back up on the wall.

Jada whined at him and looked at her hindquarters; he said she'd been good... Had she been good enough for her to spend some time without the dildo filling her sex?

"I know, I didn't do enough for you to orgasm, I'm sorry," he murmured, and nuzzled her. "But you had more than enough the first time we played together, didn't you? Just think about how amazing those were... I'll make sure you cum the next time we play, all right, my pet?"

She moaned and curled up to prod at the buckles of the toy's harness with one mitted forepaw: she didn't want to climax, she wanted the thing to come off! "Mmmff!" she tried to say, pleading for him to listen to her for once and wishing he didn't keep her gagged so she could actually say what she wanted.

"No, I'm not going to loosen it so you can play with yourself more easily," he chuckled, "but I'm sure it feels good enough as it is." He yawned expansively, showing off his teeth. "I'm exhausted, my pet, and it's getting late... It's time for both of us to sleep. Would you like to sleep with me?"

"Nn!" she growled, tail lashing a little before she remembered that moving it made the dildo tease her and shivered at the feeling.

Hueroc glanced over at her tail for a moment before looking into her eyes again. "Oh well; I'm sure we'll be sharing my cushion before too long. You have a good night..." Purring, he nuzzled her cheek and forehead again, then blew out the torches and walked away to his own chamber, leaving her in darkness.

She whimpered quietly and shifted a little, bearing the light stimulation long enough to get comfortable. Left alone, helpless, with a dildo stuffed into her vent once again... and with nothing to do but rest and wait for her Master to return. At least the long day had wearied her despite her nap earlier, so even with the toy inside her she was able to close her eyes and fall asleep--where she wouldn't have to feel the shame of what she had just done.