Café Plaisir: Canid's Adventure #6 - Omen

Story by Dark Violet on SoFurry

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#7 of Café Plaisir: Canid's Adventure

With number six comes a rather dear, if rarely seen, character in the Plaisir Universe - Omen. Read on to find out... well, some of her story, anyway.Old Description:

When a storm begins to encroach on Café Plaisir, I seek out the resident Weather Forecaster - a hermaphrodite Absol by the name of Omen - to try and spend the night with...

My sixth installment ^^ I was rather pleased with this, though not 100%. I wanted to add in some Chinese sayings, but to find and add them would be too much trouble x3 Especially with my less than frequent internet. Even so, I enjoyed writing this, and hope you enjoy reading it too :3

This is also my longest out of the seven currently written, by a matter of only 41 words - there's a fair bit of talking too, so watch out! ^^;

Pokémon © Nintendo

Café Plaisir © Pali Bakufun


Canid moaned sleepily, batting the sheets with his paws. He turned his head, shuffling his body against the form behind him, and moaned again in resentment to his return from sleep.

Bright orange light shone through his eyelids, and he covered his eyes with a paw. He stayed like this for a few moments, and then having hoped the source had gone, removed his paw.

It hadn't.

He cried out as the light blasted at full intensity across both eyes, and grabbing a pillow, covered his head with it, casting the world back into darkness. There was a quiet, low chuckle behind him on the bed.

By now though, he was awake - even if his mind still slumbered in the doldrums of semi-consciousness. Sighing, he shuffled his body - and found resistance at his rear. Something pulled at his tailhole.

Removing the pillow, he decided to push the top half of his body up, spread as it was above the covers. He opened his eyes; a ray of sunlight blazed across the wall next to the window he was facing, and the very edge had just found its way to the bed, right where his eyes had been.

One hundred and forty-nine million kilometres, he thought. And yet, perfect aim...

Something pulled at his rear pulled again, and blurry visions of the night before entered his mind. He looked back, across the bed, and the large form of a familiar Ninetales smiled back at him.

"Oh..." Canid managed, and smiled too. The grey wolf's voice was heavy with the effects of sleep. He rubbed his eyes with one paw. "Morning..."

"Good morning." Firenze replied, his voice free from the same sleepy drone that plagued Canid's. "I hope you slept well."

"Like a...cub..." Canid replied, and then hissed a little as he felt the pull at his rear. This time, he could feel it ache. "Well, as well as one could, being tied to a Ninetales all night..."

Firenze chuckled again, and wrapped all four of his paws around Canid. He began to pull, and Canid gasped gently as the fox's knot strained momentarily at his ring, before popping out. A small trail of seed followed, by the feel of it.

Canid rocked onto his rear, and winced momentarily - but the ache wasn't too bad, and it was familiar anyway. He looked back at Firenze. "Thanks..." He stroked his long white hair, patting down the worst of it. "How long have you been awake?"

"Half an hour..." Firenze shrugged. His tails moved slowly, but in unison, as he lay on his side watching the wolf. They covered his crotch modestly, where his black cock had been sliding back into his sheath.

Canid blushed a little. "Sorry...I'm not much of an earlier riser. Wish I was, but that's not exactly my choice."

"You're a heavy sleeper too."

"At times..." Canid continued to watch the Ninetales. "Sorry if I bored you. Sleeping Canid isn't much of an after-sex speaker..."

Firenze's smile broadened a bit at the comment. "Not at all" he replied. As Canid rose from the bed, the Ninetales stretched out, and yawned, the sound more like a low roar as it vibrated through to the soft, carpeted floor.

Canid walked to the window, and looked out. The sun cast golden light across the Café's gardens. Great patterns of green plants had been grown into ornate patterns in the ground, utilising everything from grass and shrubs to bushes and trees. Between them, flowers lay in an artist's paradise of colour.

His eyes picked out a small form meandering slowly through the bushes, and squinting, Canid identified the Lucario with ease. The wolf's muzzle curled again into a smile. He sniffed, but the only smell was from the room; heavy with musk from the night before.

Firenze padded up on the wolf's left. Even on all fours, the Ninetales' head came to his shoulder. His pure, ruby-red eyes seemed the scan the distant sky. "A storm's coming..." he said quietly.

Canid's left ear twisted around, followed by the rest of his head. "There's not a cloud in the sky. How can you tell?"

"I cannot. It's just a conjecture, but this day seems too perfect...storm days are usually hailed by such mornings."

Canid nodded appreciably. The Ninetales had, of course, lived here long enough to know these things, and the wolf admitted to himself that he'd seen too few storms in his life to come up with a hypothesis on his own.

Firenze continued, ponderously. "I won't know until I get outside, where I can feel the air..." He fell silent briefly. "I'll ask Omen." He added with a note of finality, and turned from the window.

Canid watched the Lucario for a moment longer, and then turned to the Ninetales. "Omen?" he asked.

Firenze stopped, and turned. "Our resident Absol. Shi predicts the weather here with great accuracy, which is a more valuable asset than it first appears."

The Ninetales had put an inflection of the 'shi', so as to state the Absol's gender correctly. Canid nodded with interest.

"Now..." Firenze walked closer to the door. "If there's nothing else that sir requires...?"

"Don't forget your tray..." Canid said. As Firenze retrieved it, slipping it over his back, Canid moved towards him and knelt down. When the Ninetales turned, Canid kissed the large fox Pokémon on the lips.

"And don't be a stranger either. That's the second night I've woken up next to you."

"They do say, Canid, that the third time's the charm..."

The two grinned at each other as Firenze opened the door, long fiery tails held high as he started down the corridor.

* * *

Canid remained in the room for a while longer, as soft classical music played through his laptop. He showered away the physical remnants of the night before, and called for room service to later take care of the evidence that hadn't matted his fur. When he was showered and clothed, the sun was higher in the sky, and its light illuminated the hap-hazard covers on the bed.

He left later, around late morning. The bar was empty, save for a few human customers and a Pokémon waiter engaged in a vibrant conversation across a few tables. Canid's friend watched from his usual place behind the bar, and gave a wink when he saw the wolf enter.

"Mornin' Canid." Jack said happily. "What'n ah do you fer?"

Canid slipped onto a barstool before the Typhlosion. "I'd like to know about Omen..."

* * *

Firenze had been right. From mid-morning, clouds had begun to form in the cyan sky, and as the afternoon began they grew rapidly and coalesced. By late afternoon, a stratus layer of thick, rolling cloud covered the heavens like a giant, foreboding shield.

Then came the rain. The first flurry had happened quickly, a great wave of drops suddenly falling on the roof of Café Plaisir, and it didn't let up from there. Even now in the evening, as Canid walked down the top floor corridor, he could hear the hammering on the roof overhead.

The wolf rounded a corner to the south side of the building. A large archway led to a warmly-lit corridor, and at the end were two glass doors. Anything beyond them was distorted beyond recognition from the rivers of water that flowed down the panes.

Canid stroked his hair back, making sure most of it hung behind his head. He approached the doors, watching his reflection in the glass do the same. Together, they reached out for the same, mirrored handle, and turned it. The door slid open, and Canid's reflection gave way to the large vista of the plain that the Café sat upon.

The land was largely flat and featureless; save for a line of tree-covered hills to the east. More stretched back behind the Café to the west and north, and could just be seen over the other buildings of the Café below as the wolf stepped onto a sturdy wooden balcony.

Directly below, the parking lot of the Café was half full, with cars crowding around the building's entrance like great metallic creatures huddling together for warmth. Beyond that, a highway cut the landscape, a grey scar, straight and narrow, empty of traffic.

And the rain fell hard. Canid blinked as he stepped out from under the protection of the Café's roof. Cold drops, the stabbing effect lessened by his soft fur, made short work of wetting him right to the skin. The quiff of hair that hung between his eyes began to fall limp, matting itself to his muzzle. Canid glanced up, and let out a sigh of pleasure.

Despite everything else, the rain still felt refreshing and cool as it ran through his fur.

He looked back down. Only a few feet away, on an adjacent balcony to his right, the Absol was looking out across the vista of the landscape in silence. Canid hesitated, watching as the rain ran down hir long mane, and fur on hir legs, the normally shaggy white coat trimmed somewhat - but still it hung down, heavily laden with rainwater.

Canid opened his mouth, but before he could speak, the Absol raised a paw quickly. "Shhhh..." shi said, barely loud enough to be heard over the rain.

With the suddenness that only lightning can achieve, a flash lit up the whole area as a great bolt of electricity arced down from the sky to a distant point on the plains. Canid's paw twitched, going to his belt instinctively, the image of the bolt burnt onto his retinas long after it had dispersed.

A loud, low rumble caught up with them in the bolt's wake, like a low curse from the clouds. Canid waited until it had faded before he leant over onto the railing of his balcony, eyeing hir curiously.

"Beautiful, is it not?" the Absol commented meaningfully, still looking out across the plain. Hir voice was light, airy, and just such that it could belong to either a male or female.

"Awe-inspiring." Canid replied. His tail swayed, but he could feel it was heavy with water already.

"Nature's raw power." Shi replied, almost in reverence. "She is all around us, dictating everything; from our smallest actions, to the very path of our lives."

Canid scanned the plain again, and turned back to hir. The Absol's red eyes were dark beneath wet, white fur that had matted onto hir blue furred face.

"Omen." The Absol said, as a lightning flash lit up hir form, making hir red eyes spark. In that instant, Canid got a sudden inkling into the depth of hir wisdom. Shi extended a large, blue claw over the railing next to her, reaching out towards him. "Omen Kutabe, forecaster here at Café Plaisir."

"I know." Canid replied, and took hir claw, giving it a slow shake above the three-story void of swirling rain. "Canidae Ookami."

"You've been reading up about me?" shi inquired.

"Firenze mentioned you. He said there might be a storm today."

"I've taught him well" shi replied with a little smile.

Canid leant back against the front railing of the balcony, and turned to inspect the Absol all over. Hir white coat was trimmed, not overly shaggy, but hir mane was still full. Hir face was covered in very short, dark blue fur, which hung down beneath hir short muzzle as rain dripped off it. Underneath the mess of white fur on hir head, a long scythe-like horn curled up from the right of hir eyes. Half way up, it was coloured a dull red, contrasting the dark blue of the rest of deadly-looking length. Hir tail, a curved scimitar of the same blue, lay still on the wooden floor of the balcony.

"Tell me" Canid started. "Why, with such a lovely coat of fur like that, would you choose to stay out here in the cold rain?"

"I've told you already..." shi replied calmly. "This weather is beautiful. The cool rain that refreshes, the dark clouds that cover..." Omen hesitated briefly. Another bolt of lightning illuminated the Café. "...the great lightning that commands such respect. Why would one choose to stay inside and miss such wonder?"

Canid nodded, his long white hair matted to his back. "Have you always seen much rain?"

"The most influential months of my youth were in monsoon seasons." Shi replied. "They still hold much power on me." Shi laughed, and shook hir head. "Well, of course they do...they do on everyone." Shi looked back to Canid. "I've just learnt how to see that."

"You love nature."

"Nature loves me."

Canid's ears fixed on hir at the comment. "How so?"

Omen blinked slowly, and looked back out. "How much do you know about Absol?"

"You can predict disasters." Canid replied, his mind arcing back to what he had read.

Omen nodded. "That's a result of it, yes. We can sense changes in the nature. I...I can do more."

"More?" Canid asked.

Omen breathed in, leaning hir head back. Shi closed hir eyes. "This storm stretches for miles in all directions. But there are winds to the south that blow this way. By late morning tomorrow, they will have pushed the storm northwards and dispersed it. In their wake, few clouds will come, bringing with them the warmth of the sun once more." Shi lowered hir head again to look back at the wolf. Canid was smiling, impressed.

"Look at that hill." Shi continued, and nodded to the east. He followed hir gaze. The hill was forested, unremarkable against the others around it, save for a spire of metal that poked out above the trees; some radio tower, perhaps.

"Four seconds." Shi stated. ""

Lightning struck again, the bolt arcing to the spire. The rumble was but a moment behind.

Omen turned back. "Every lightning strike. Every movement of wind, down to the very wisps of breeze that carry across these plains. I feel each and every one."

Canid blinked. "Wow..." he said, and then blushed. "Impressive, it really is."

"It's why I have my job here, detecting the weather. The Café needs accurate forecasts for this area and the nearby towns, and sometimes, waiting on the official reports isn't enough."

"'Make your hobby your job, and you will never work a day in your life'" Canid quoted. Omen smiled.

"Words I have lived by."

"For how long?" Canid enquired. "I long have you worked here?"

Omen's eyes looked into hir past. "Many years...full and rich, but quiet and sedentary compared to my previous life."

"Previous life?"

Omen went silent. Canid was beginning to regret saying it when shi rose onto all fours, and padded along the balcony. Canid followed, and stopped next to hir when shi did. Shi was looking out, past the mountains, back in time.

"I used to travel the country. With my trainer, we fought in every challenge this nation had to offer - and when that wasn't enough, we went overseas, and fought there too."

Canid's mind worked as he worked out the timespan this must have taken. "You must have been a formidable fighter."

"I never said that I lost the skill..." Omen breathed gently. A single fang shone from the side of hir mouth as shi smiled.

Canid chuckled, almost nervously. Omen's face seemed to light up when shi smiled, which was a shame, as shi didn't do it very much. Most of the time, hir expression was cryptic, hard to read. It returned to this now as shi looked back over the land.

"But travelling becomes tiresome, and I always regretted never getting to know a land for long. Never staying in a place long enough to connect with nature."

"So you settled here, in the country?"

"It was a reason, indeed. Natural civilisation, covering every inch of this land."

"But why here?" Canid asked. "Why Café Plaisir?"

Omen smiled again, but subtly. "I told you. I love nature. And this doesn't just mean the weather." Shi looked at him again. "Plaisir has its benefits, and the arrangement is like that which I have with nature too. I care for her, and she cares for me..."

Canid finally voiced his opinion. "You're a very cryptic Pokémon, Omen."

Omen chuckled. "Yes. I suppose I am. But you cannot explore a forest by simply skirting the treeline."

"There's much more than you're revealing?"

"There's much more than you've been searching for."

The rain drove harder. It lashed at Canid's face, and he blinked it away, rubbing his eyes with a paw. He was as drenched as he could be.

Omen was smiling at the wolf when he looked back, hir eyes inspecting him, tracing over his form. Canid could almost sense that hir mind was working, planning. He returned the grin sheepishly.

"Come." Said the Absol, finally.

"Where?" Canid asked, as shi turned around. Omen stopped.

"You can stay here, or head back to the corridors where it's dry." Shi replied, then said "Alternatively, if you so desire, you can come back to my room...and explore the forest."

Canid blushed. Omen returned a smile, the warmth of friendliness glowing through the cold rain.

A moment later, and a dark, waterlogged canine leapt across the small gap between balconies.

A sheer drop in treacherous conditions was nothing after an offer like that.

* * *

Beyond the glass double doors, leading from the balcony into Omen's room, was warmth - that was the most important thing. Against one wall, a fire burnt low beyond a sparse metal grate covering the fireplace. The walls had shelves, low ones that surrounded the room, occasionally supported by chests or cupboards. Upon them were many trinkets and pictures, stemming from china models of buildings to large-leafed plants, the scent from the latter giving the room a distinctly earthy smell.

In the middle of the room was a sofa and some seats, with backs that rose no higher than the arms - built for ferals, Canid recognised. Further inside was a low bed, covered once again in red livery, the sheets gilded with gold.

The pale floor was soft, and exotic carpets covered it here and there. A red-furred one lay before the fireplace, lit up from the firelight, and it was towards this that Omen walked. Shi turned and sat on it, stretching out before the warmth, and looked at Canid as he entered.

The wolf had shaken off the worst of the rain outside, so the drips were few, and Omen had told him not to worry anyway. He smiled at hir as he observed the room. "Wow..." was all he could say.

"I've been to a lot of places in my life." Omen explained. "It's only natural I collect a few memories, physical as well as mental..."

"This all looks a lot more expensive than the rest of the Café..." Canid said, almost in reverence. Omen shrugged.

"I've obtained them through various sources, from inheritance to gifts, to collections from distant lands."

"China." Canid inferred. Omen looked impressed.

"Very good."

"I noticed the décor of your bed; the colours reminded me of the ancient Chinese palaces. That, and the various trinkets around, and of course Kutabe, your name...a Chinese name?"

"Of Chinese origin, yes."

"Did you come from there?"

"Not myself." Omen blinked slowly. Standing close to hir now, Canid noticed the slight narrow to the eyes, and a small slant, both characteristics of the oriental countries. "But I'm a descendent - three generations of males, leading from myself back to my ancestor who used to live there." Shi smiled, and lay down. Canid was reminded on something as he watched hir do so.

"You know, for being a Dark Pokémon, you don't seem to live up to the traits."

"Each Pokémon is unique, just like humans." Omen explained. "Types usually offer the traits, but a Pokémon can easily be completely different..."

Canid gave a short laugh. "Well, the only other dark types I know of are the Mightyena family down on the first floor."

Omen waved a paw, as if to dismiss the comment as trivial. "I don't care much for those Pokémon...they live in nature so much, but seem to be blind to hir words and desires...but now it is time to change the subject."

Canid blinked. "Oh, to...?"

"Again, another question..." Omen sighed. "You're so keen to find out about me, and yet you say nothing about yourself. Not consciously, anyway."

Canid leant back against a chair. "I suppose...what do you want to know?"

"Well, I've told you my origins. What about yours?"

Canid looked away as his mind went over his life. "As you can tell by the accent, I'm English. Born and raised there, and still living there today."

"Have you travelled much?"

Canid chuckled. "Oh, I have...very much so, just not on this..." He trailed off, and then restarted. "Not on this path. America. I haven't explored this land yet."

"You should. It surely can't compare to some of the wonders in this world,'s not without its attraction." Omen shuffled comfortably. "But to echo a question of your own...why Café Plaisir?"

"I guess I'm fond of nature too..." Canid giggled softly. "I heard about this place off of a friend."

"Oh, who?"

"Your boss."

Omen smiled slightly "I see..." Shi nodded. "And on that note, what about people? Who has your life taken you to?"

"Many friends, all over the planet." Canid smiled warmly. "I appreciate each and every one of them, too. They give me so much - I only wish I'm giving as much back."

"Socialisation is one of the most basic outcomes of nature. It's in our instincts, all of us. Don't worry yourself - you are."

Canid blushed slightly, and smiled. "Thank you..."

"How about love?"

Canid stopped, and looked over. "Love?"

"So many friends, Canidae. Have any of them sparked love within you?"

Canid blushed again, his mind wandering. "Yes..."

Omen smiled again warmly. "Life is best when shared. If anything is my greatest bit of wisdom, then it's that."

Canid nodded, his eyes casting around the room. "I won't forget it..." His eyes narrowed, and he walked over to the sofa.

Omen spoke again. "The other advice I have, is to do what you love. What do you work as?"

Canid ran his paw across a length of yellow, sash-like material along the arm of the sofa. Hesitating, he turned back to Omen. "Astrophysics."

The Absol nodded. "The mysteries of space..."

"That's what makes it fun." Canid smiled as he let the material go, and sat down beside hir. "Finding out those mysteries, and no lack of surprises to unveil. And I'm not there yet - still learning."

"'The curious mind uncovers its own rewards...'" Omen quoted. Canid nodded.

"Indeed..." His eyes caught a small glint. He looked up. On the side above the fireplace sat a small sphere of two hemispheres - one of purple, the other white. They were separated by a thick black line, and adorned in the centre by a white button. It lay tilted, the hemispheres open ajar. Canid recognised immediately what it was, but it took him another moment to realise its type. He stood, and walked closer around Omen to investigate.

A Master Ball.

"Is this..."

"Real?" Omen sat up, looking at it too. "Everyone asks that. The answer is yes."

"A real Master Ball..." Canid's eyes were wide. "I thought these were one of a kind..."

"Not one of a kind, no - but extremely rare. And each one was unique too."

"So, what's it doing here? I mean, the rest of this stuff must have cost quite a bit, but this is priceless, and unlike anything else you have. Wouldn't it be in the possession of a trainer?"

"It's mine." Omen said.

"I know it's yours, but-" Canid stopped, as his mind caught up with what shi had said. "'s yours?"

Omen nodded. "A true relic from the old days, when Pokémon were still 'owned' in such a way." Shi stood, and walked slowly around the room, hir eyes examining each object on the shelves as shi passed. "As a species, we Absol are notoriously hard to catch. When a trainer attempted to catch me, I proved...even harder."

"Hard enough to warrant a Master Ball?"

"I was strong, but they were stubborn." Shi hesitated in hir walk, and then resumed. "It was a last resort - one that succeeded, too."

"Are you still bound to it?"

"No. See how the hinge is broken - that only happened when a Pokémon was released, or a wild one broke free."

Canidae nodded, and turned away, leaving the Master Ball sitting on the side. "So it's official. You're a hard catch."

"Only to those that don't know the methods...or aren't extremely lucky."

"Where do I fall, then?" Canid hesitated.

Omen stood by hir bed, and turned to the wolf. Her muzzle wore a friendly smile. "Elements of both. You've piqued my interest, I'll be honest - you're certainly different, as well."

"And the luck part...?"

"No-one's perfect." Omen winked. "Don't question why, just enjoy what you have..." shi stopped, another smile creeping across hir face. "How's that for wisdom of the ages?"

"Not bad..." Canid grinned back at her, and knelt down on the red carpet before the fire. The orange light illuminated the Absol's thick white coat as shi walked back towards him. "Now, for the nature part-"

"Shhh..."Omen hushed him, and stopped as shi reached him. Hir face still wore the smile. "No more talking..."

Canid smiled and nodded. His paws ran through hir mane, long white fur, still partially damp from the rain. It was soft beneath his fingers, smooth like a Persian rug. His eyes flicked back up into hirs - they were half closed, watching him as his paws continued to comb through hir fur.

He moved his paws forwards, feeling hir chest beneath hir mane. The fur here was shorter, but just as soft. He heard hir murr gently, his fingers sliding over every ridge, caressing the shape of hir underside. Pressing his paw against hir chest, he felt the beat of hir heart - again and again, in a gently steady rhythm. Canid let out a breath.

It was a strange feeling - feeling the heartbeat of another creature, another being. And this one was strong, powerful, full of life. However old this Absol was, Canid thought, shi was still relatively young. He kept his paw there for a minute, feeling every beat.

Then, he moved his other paw down, stroking along hir side. Suddenly, hir heartbeat increased, thumping rapidly in hir chest now. His ears twisted - hir breathing was getting noticeably faster as well. He opened his eyes - he hadn't even realised he'd closed them - and looked back up at hir, noting the glazed look on hir face of pleasure, expectation. He smiled back, both his paws now stroking over hir stomach. Body heat radiated through his fur, the warmth spread all over his fingers.

It was then that shi sat back. Canid knelt up, bringing himself closer. Omen opened hir eyes fully, beckoning him to do so with hir gaze. Hir long white mane flowed almost to the floor, covering hir underside. Reaching forwards, the wolf brushed away the Absol's mane.

Hir dark blue, feline cock was already fully erect. It shone slightly in the light from the fire, glinting off a single drop of pre that had appeared at the end. Omen's expression grew broader, beckoning him in once again. Canid smiled, complying, his grey-furred legs brushing against the red rug as he moved closer, one paw moving to hir cock.

His fingers curled around the base. It was hard, the shaft smooth under his touch, and he felt the ridges of the Absol once more. His fingers slid to the tip, the head slightly wider than the shaft, and then back down again. He did this several more times, and with waning trepidation, leant down to it.

The first taste was just as he had expected - warm, a hint of musk on the flesh. He licked slowly up, feeling the ridges with his tongue now, until his reached the tip. The pre that had beaded there had begun to trickle down, but now they were licked up by the wolf's tongue. The flavour was soft, less salty than he was used to, a light milky taste even. He smiled, and gave another lick, bathing the length in another coat of saliva.

Above him, he could hear Omen murring gently. They were sounds not of lust, but simple pleasure - there was nothing instinctive, primal about the sounds. Canid murred in response as he continued to taste the length repeatedly. Mutual enjoyment, taken to it's very furthest.

The dark blue cock before him had gained a sufficient coating now. More pre had since beaded at the top, and he had lapped it up gratefully, but now he lowered his muzzle over the length. Hir member fitted near perfectly in his muzzle - resting on his tongue, the top of it gently stroking along the roof of his mouth. Keeping his teeth away, he bobbed his head up and down, smiling again at the murrs of pleasure that came from above him.

His paws held hir sheath and balls now, his thumbs consciously stroking the white-furred orbs, holding the cock in place in his mouth. He grew faster, but his pace remained steady. His tongue lapped at the underside with each bob of his head - a spurt of pre now shot right into the back of his throat, and he instinctively gulped it down, the milky taste prevalent on the back of his tongue.

All the while, Omen remained still with a well-practiced discipline. Shi was clearly enjoying hirself, hir murring louder now, and Canid could see hir paws clench the ground out of the corners of his eyes. And hir body shuddered occasionally, at each spurt of pre splashing down his maw, as well as the orbs in his fingers jumping ever so slightly. His fingers held the base of hir cock tightly, massaging the dark flesh. Further moans urged Canid on.

He pressed his tongue against the length, squeezing the shaft between it and the roof of his muzzle during each bob now. He could feel the flesh in his muzzle harden further, and he knew that shi was close.

"Mmmm..." Canid murred, squeezing tighter with his fingers, bobbing his head slower now, tongue pressing roughly against the underside of hir length. He pressed his head down, and as the end of his tongue pressed against hir sheath and the tip of hir cock touched the back of his throat, he felt hir balls jump in his paws, and the tell-tale feeling of the underside of hir cock bulging.

Slowly, he opened his maw up, letting hir cock rest against his tongue as he slid his muzzle back, caressing the underside gently. He felt the first spurt of cum squirt up hir cock, before it splashed right across the back of his mouth, accompanied by an unrestrained cry of pleasure from the Absol. Omen shouted again at each one, hir hips gently pressing forward with each spurt, covering the wolf's muzzle.

Canid grinned, holding hir cock in place. The taste of Omen's seed was unique, milky beyond the pre, creamy in both taste and texture. As it began to run down his tongue and out of his mouth, Canid swallowed what he could, and closed his lips over hir tip.

Hir orgasm continued, the Absol bending over him now as more spurts splashed onto his tongue. He drank it all eagerly, breathing through his nose between each one. All too soon, hir orgasm died down. He drew his lips back, sucking off the last of the Absol's seed, and swallowed the rest.

Omen was panting now, and as Canid sat back to admire the Absol, shi returned his gaze with a greater smile than before. Hir red eyes sparkled with pleasure, and Canid felt a blush creep onto his cheeks beneath his fur.

"You're very talented..." shi complimented, between breaths.

"I've...had lots of practice." Canid replied.

Omen nodded in agreement, as shi looked the wolf over. Though emptied of seed, hir cock was still hard. The Absol winked at him. "Come..."

"Come?" Canid questioned. Omen rose slowly, and turned.

"I'd like to return the favour..." shi walked towards the bed, hir hips swaying elegantly. Hir cock hung between hir legs, and beneath hir raised tail, Canid glimpsed hir female side. The wolf looked down at the obvious bulge in his own clothing, and back up at the waiter. Shi smiled back at him, hir eyes beckoning once again. Canid rose slowly, not taking his eyes off hir, and followed.

Omen jumped up, onto the bed, and turned around slowly. Canid stopped by the bed, and with the Absol's eyes casting over him, undid the belts covering his hips and slid his shorts down his legs.

Omen let out a small murr at the sight of the wolf's cock as it was freed, erect in the warm air of the room. Canid blushed, and looked back at the Absol. He slipped his top off, and let it fall to the floor with his other clothing, and sat down on the bed naked.

They looked into each other's eyes briefly. Omen's ruby eyes shone in the light of the fire, and shi blinked slowly, putting hir head forward. Canid did the same, and their lips meeting in a very gentle kiss.

It was nothing rough or lustful, just like before. It was a simple expression of pleasure and liking, their warm lips pressed against each other. Canid hesitantly put a paw on the side of hir head, fingers brushing over the blade on the side, and brushed through hir white fur. Omen responded, a paw resting on Canid's thigh, dark blue claws barely touching his fur.

Canid felt hir breath on his face, and after a short while, hir paw moved. It slid forwards without hesitation, showing his partner's confidence as it curled around his shaft. Canid let out a moan, their lips parting as he tilted his head back instinctively. Opening his eyes, Omen smiled knowingly, and kissed his neck gently, paw stroking slowly along the length.

The wolf breathed out slowly, and pushed himself back, bringing his legs onto the bed. Omen released his member from hir paw as he slid himself back, sitting on the pillows as he leant back against the wall.

His front was now facing Omen completely, cock standing erect as he blushed. He supported himself with his back paws as he leant against the wall, and nervously beckoned Omen over with a motion of his muzzle.

Omen complied, but not before looking the wolf over, only increasing Canid's blush. Shi raised hirself onto all fours, and carefully climbed over Canid's legs, raising hirself up. Hir chest was level with his, and shi sat back on hir haunches, his cock sliding against hirs, and they both let out a small moan of pleasure.

Omen nodded at him, and slipping a paw between them, Canid gripped his cock. Omen raised hir hips, allowing him to slip his length underneath, the tip sliding along hir slit as it did, eliciting another moan from each of them. The Absol lowered hirself down now, and the wolf's cock slid gradually into hir.

Omen's interior walls were warm, and pressed gently against his cock. As the Absol reached the wolf's knot, Canid shuddered, arms holding the Absol now for support. Wordlessly, they began to move together, Omen raising and lowering hirself on top of him as he helped with this arms.

The feeling was intense, and Canid could feel his partner contracting hir walls around his length as shi flowed up and down on top of him. His paws moved down, holding hir hips, gently pushing hir faster as shi went on.

He looked into hir eyes, and found hir looking back. Shi slid hir forelegs around his neck, holding his head close, so that their muzzles were almost touching throughout their movements. He felt hir breathing once more on his muzzle, warm air on his fur.

He urged hir faster, and the Absol complied, rolling hir hips now in time to each one. Shi moaned, opening hir muzzle in pleasure, long blue tongue hanging out the front of hir muzzle. Canid murred back, pulling hir closer as he began to buck his hips up into hir, his knot sliding against the entrance each time. Hir juices had long since covered it, and with each thrust into hir he got closer to tying.

Omen still smiled, and looking back into hir eyes, Canid did too, pressing his muzzle against hirs. Their breath combined, they began to reach their climax together. Against his chest, Canid could feel Omen's rapid heartbeat mixing with his own, beating in unison, two beings becoming one in nature.

Omen dropped down suddenly, and Canid's knot squeezed inside hir. Canid cried out, but not closing his eyes, began to thrust upwards quickly, cock squeezed by hir internal walls as the Absol too edged towards hir orgasm.

When they hit, they hit together, once again in unison. Omen's walls contracted as shi let out a loud moan of pleasure, claws gripping Canid's backfur tightly, and Canid let out a small gasp and moan, his own paws squeezing the Absol's rear in the same manner. Canid felt the first spurt of his seed as it entered hir body, and the second, just as Omen's own cock sprayed a few strings of hir own cream-like cum over his stomach and chest.

Their chest rose and fell heavily as they panted, holding themselves together as they revelled in the orgasm, their eyes still fixed on each other's, holding the gaze. Eventually, Canid blinked, and Omen fell forward, resting on him as Canid leant back against the wall. They continued to pant, their orgasms fading as the last ripples of pleasure slid through their body. Canid stroked the fur on hir rear as the last ripples made his fingers tingle.

The sound of their breathing now filled the room, accompanied by a soft squelching noise from his cock still knotted inside hir. Canid's ears lay flat against his head, but now swivelled forwards slowly, picking up the continuous sound of the rain as it fell in waves over the Café, individual drops lost as the countless number splashed against the roof and windows.

Omen murred. " one thing you can't escape with nature." Canid stroked hir back softly as shi spoke. "Outside, you can feel it; inside, you can hear it; afterwards, you can smell it. So fitting, for such a beautiful force..."

Canid nuzzled hir head, settling down now against the pillows. He looked to his left, towards the outside wall of the Café. The large, glass double doors were covered by curtains, but a gap showed the darkness outside.

"Just like darkness..." Canid spoke gently. "You can cover it up with all kinds of light, but the darkness will still remain..." He looked up, finding the light switch with his eyes. "The dark's comforting veil will always be but a..." he blinked slowly, and the switch clicked, plunging the room into blackness. "...flick of the switch away."

Canid could feel Omen looking up and him, and he leant his head down, their noses just touching in the blackness. "Now how did you do that?" shi whispered.

"Shhh..." Canid breathed. "Skirting the treeline..."

Now unable to rely on sight, Canid took in every feel of the Absol's body on his, from hir tail sliding over his legs, his cock tied tightly inside hir, hir warm body lying gently on his, right up to hir muzzle on his own. He nuzzled gently, and shi did so back. Through the blackness, he somehow sensed hir ruby eyes closing.

"Goodnight, Omen..."

"Goodnight, Canidae."