Part 3: On Showering

Story by Steelcox on SoFurry

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#3 of Summer in the City

Okay, finally, the yiff... After another big hunk of mush. *Ducks underneath a thrown brick* HAH! MISSED! *Gets hit by a beer bottle*

Owww... Anyway, for those just interested in yiff without the backstory, it starts about halfway through. It's the first time I've written yiff, though, so it may not be perfect... But Hell, I enjoyed writing it.

If you like, let me know, because right now, I'm not planning to write more yiff. If people like this stuff, though, then I'll probably write more... And try to keep it significantly less mushy next time.

Anyway, if you can't/don't do ANY of the following:

  1. Drive.

  2. Cuss.

  3. Pay Income Tax

Then you're not old enough to read this. Go watch some Nova programs on PBS instead.

No stealing, or my Robo-ninjas shall replace your hard drive with a potato.

Enjoy, you horny furballs. ;)

"So, what's first?" Melissa asked as she drew back from James, and then adjusted her bathrobe. The look in her eyes was one of curiosity and expectation, rather than the self-loathing and buried fear that he had seen earlier in the morning. Thus, he smiled, and wagged his tail a bit, the appendage shifting the fabric of his shorts back and forth. "Well, I don't want to be rude, or anything," he began, and then blushed a bit and looked away. "But maybe we could talk about your, uh, self-cleaning practicies?"

Melissa mirrored James in his blush, and hers was more pronounced, her ears folding all the way back and her cheeks reddening under the white fur. "I beg your pardon?" She asked, voice rising slightly in surprise. "I'll have you know I shower every day," Melissa added, slightly indignant.

"I can tell," James said, holding up his hands palms-outward to ward off any quick reply. "But, you don't wash your fur with shampoo, now do you?"

The vixen blinked at that, and she gave James a quizzical look. "Well, no..." She said, unsure now. "What are you getting at?"

"Well, I didn't want to say anything before," he began slowly, blushing again. "But you, ah, have a rather unique odor about you."

Again, Melissa mirrored James' blush, and she shrunk back a bit. "I... I do?" She asked, her tone becoming small.

"Only a bit," James answered, and then smiled slightly and moved a step closer to her. "And it's not all that bad, just noticable, like you haven't showered yet today, if you were a human." He paused at that, and then crossed his arms and tilted his head. "And I'll bet your fur's been matting down a bit in places, and loosing its luster, hasn't it?"

Melissa took a step back at that, though her face showed that it was more out of surprise than any real aversion. "How did you know that?"

James just smiled and then held out his right arm. Giving a silent prayer of thanks that he had chosen a short-sleeved t-shirt to wear the night before, he reached up and rubbed his left hand through the outstretched arm's fur, and his pelt shifted softly, showing how clean it was despite the fact that he hadn't bathed yet that day. "I know because, as I said, I've had to figure things out," he said, and then lowered his arm and gave Melissa a neutral look. "You can't just use soap on your fur like regular skin would've needed; it doesn't do enough. And hair shampoo is good enough for the stuff on our heads," he continued, pausing only to rub a hand through his dark brown hair. "And it'll do well enough for fur cleaning in a pinch, but really, what you'd want is pet shampoo."

Melissa took another step back, this time more in shock and a little anger. "What?" She asked, hotly. "Are you kidding? You know how embarrassing that would be?"

"I bought my first bottle only two days after being released from the hospital," James replied, crossing his arms over his chest and giving her a defiant look. "And a dog grooming brush, as well. How do you think I felt, being the first one in the whole city who swallowed his pride and walked into a pet shop for personal cleaning goods?" He asked, his voice growing slightly annoyed as he went on.

It had the intended effect, and Melissa blushed again, and then turned to face away from him. "I'm sorry," she said, quietly, after a moment had passed. "I... Just didn't think of it that way."

He sighed at that, and then lowerd his arms and walked over to stand next to the vixen. "Neither did I, at first. I was just more on the ball, I guess, and figured it out sooner than most," James said, reaching up to wrap his left arm around her shoulders, which she didn't resist. When she looked up at him with sorrowful eyes, he smiled faintly and squeezed her shoulders slightly. "But don't worry about it. I'm here to help you now, so even if you don't want to go into a pet store right away, I can tell you how to at least clean yourself off well enough to pass public standards, anyway."

"Oh?" Melissa asked as James released her from his grip, and she turned around to face him fully. "Like what?"

"Well, for starters, you'll want to lather up a hair shampoo and use that almost like a body wash," James began, and then turned to pace about the room, walking around the couch while doing so. "Anywhere your fur is thicker, though, would need extra attention, most especially your tail."

Melissa thought on this for a moment, the silence stretching enough so that James halted to look at her. Finally, she returned his gaze and smiled slightly. "Well then, would you mind waiting a bit while I try that advice out, then?" She asked, trepidly.

Now it was James' turn to step back in shock. Then he blushed heavily, and replied. "Uhm, really, I'm sure you don't need any major pointers," he stammered as he felt his tail curl downwards to lodge itself between his knees. "I mean, you're not an idiot, or anything."

"No, but you did say you were going to help me," Melissa reminded him as she turned and slowly walked towards the bathroom, letting her tail waggle a bit beneath her bathrobe, showing her amusement at his sudden discomfort. When she got to the beginning of the mini-hall, she turned around and gave him a soft look. "So, I would appreciate it if you stayed nearby, in case I have any questions or run into something that I didn't expect, but that you've forgotten about because you're used to it."

James stood there for a minute, feeling his face burn hotter and hotter, but he soon gulped and nodded. "Of course, madam," he said, and then bowed slightly, as he felt the urge to do so.

To his surprise, she giggled at that. "From the accent in your voice, I'd never have figured you to know how to act that way," she said, amusedly, and then turned to finish walking towards the bathroom.

James stuck his long canid tongue out at her as she glanced back to him before entering the water closet. She smirked at the gesture, and then turned to finish moving inside the room. "Anyway, I thought of another way you could help me," she called from the room, somewhat sneakily.

James gulped again, and he fidgeted on his footpaws. "And that would be?" He asked, warily. To his relief, though, Melissa replied quickly. "If you could, maybe stay by the door, and I could ask you questions about taking care of other things that've been giving me problems." Her head and upper chest poked out then, and James was startled to see that she had already shed the terrycloth robe, leaving her creamy white chest fur and dirty-orange main coat showing, though just barely, as she wasn't leaning out that far. "You can drag a chair from the dinner table over and sit, of course," she added, and then became confused as she saw that the man was just standing there, staring at her. "Is something the matter?"

He snapped out of his stupor then, and James blushed as he averted his eyes and shook his head. "No, nothing is on- I mean wrong!" He said, panicked at the Freudian slip.

Melissa blinked, looked down at herself, and then started to laugh as she realized what was making James uncomfortable. "I'm sorry," she said after a minute of laughing that made James want to cringe and slink off. "I didn't mean to make your nervous. Of course, the door will be closed," she said, and then disappeared again, closing the door with an audible 'click.'

James sighed at that, and his posture worsened as he slumped forward. Good God, what the Hell is up with me today? He asked himself after a moment of quiet contemplation, afforded to him by Melissa's shower preparations. Meanwhile, he walked over to grab a chair from the dinner table, and continued to think as he dragged it over and sat down on it near the door. I mean, sure, I couldn't just leave her... But why am I doing this? How the Hell did I get to be so nice and shit? I mean, I'm no asshole, really, but I've never done anything like this, for anyone!

And what about Melissa? He thought, qand then glanced towards the door, where the sounds of water falling upon tile could now be heard. James paused his mind long enough to hear the vixen step into the shower and close the curtain before he resumed his rumnations. How can she trust me so implicitly? I mean, sure I saved her from a butt-load of trouble, but all this stuff... The talk we had just now... He shook his head then, and sighed as he cradled it in his hands. I've never talked so openly, been so emotional with anyone else in my life. Never! Yet, when I talk to her... James sighed again, and then closed his eyes. I don't know her... I can't be feeling this way, not when I don't know her.

"So, James," Melissa called from the shower, the door muffling her voice only slightly to James' large ears. He jumped at that, but managed to keep from yelping out as the vixen continued. "How do you deal with some of those... Urges we talked about earlier?" She asked, her nervousness emerging again once she was in unfamiliar territory.

For his part, James was glad for the distraction. "Well, you have to remember that these urges come from a set of instincts that we inherited along with our new bodies," he called back, raising his voice to be heard through the door and over the splashing water. "So you have to think about what sort of urge you have, and then try to think about what that means, if you were a small fox in a forest. Then, once you figure out what your body wants to do, I'd do it, if you can, since it helps avoid those really weird dreams you mentioned."

For a few moments, a kind of silence fell over the pair, though the constant background noise of splashing water continued unabated. "So, what does it mean when I look at a bird and my mouth starts to water?" Melissa finally asked, her voice small and unsure.

This time, James was the one who laughed, though he kept it brief. "It means that you're hungry, and your fox instincts tell you that birds taste good," he replied, half in jest, but with a tone that also told the vixen he wasn't entirely embellishing. "So when you feel that way, you should eat something, I guess."

"Okay," Melissa said, her voice reflecting some mirth as well. "Well, what does it mean, then, when I feel like I need to go out and run?"

James shrugged at that, but then remembered that the vixen couldn't see him, and he cleared his throat. "It probably is just the same feeling you got as a human, when you just had to go outside and get some fresh air, just that now, you're more... Well, animalistic, and that kind of puts a greater emphasis on the need to go out." He paused then, and caught his breath. "As for the running, well, I guess we all just want to go run around a bit," he added in a jockular tone.

"Har har," Melissa responded, a bit sarcastic. "Okay, smart guy, what does- Oops," she interrupted herself, and James heard a noise. "Are you all right?" He asked, worried, and then stood up and faced the door.

"I'm fine," Melissa called back. "I just dropped the bottle... And it's empty, damn," she added. "Crap... I don't think I got all of my tail. What should I do?"

James frowned then, and he shook his head to dispell the mental image he was getting. Hormones under control, pal, he thought. "Okay, well, just rub some of the lather back and get as much as you can," he said, feeling stupid once the words were out of his mouth. Why don't I tell her how to fart while I'm at it?

However, Melissa didn't seem to notice, and she just sighed. "I tried, but there isn't enough. Although," she said, the last word taking on an intrigant tone. "If you could do me a favor, James, and get the new bottle I bought last week? It's in my bedroom, on top of my dresser."

James felt his face heat up as he blushed again, and he had the brief thought that his ears would stick in that position. "Are- are you sure ab-bout that?" He asked, stuttering. "I mean, I don't want to disturb your privacy, nor your modesty."

Melissa was silent for a second, but soon repsonded. "Well, as for my privacy, there's not much out there, and as I said, I trust you to not dig into things," she said carefully. "As for my modesty, I can walk to the door and stick my hand through. So please, could you get me the shampoo?"

James took a deep breath at that, and he nodded automatically as he replied. "Sure thing, Melissa," he replied, stuttering slightly over her name. Then he turned and headed for the open bedroom door, stepping inside and letting his eyes adjust before he looked around.

It was, for the most part, how he expected it, with the typical adornments and furniture. Unlike his own room, however, it was clean and relatively free from scattered clothes deposits. He didn't mull on this long, however, as he spied the shampoo bottle sitting on a nearby dresser, and then quickly went over to grab it before turning to leave. Once outside the room, he quickly crossed over to the bathroom door and knocked on it. "Got it," he called.

Melissa had apprently been waiting for him, beause as soon as he finished talking, the door opened up, and the vixen stuck her head out from behind it, and through the gap. "Oh, thank you so much," she said, and then shifted a bit to stick an arm out for the bottle.

James, however, simply froze at the sight of her head and shoulder; the same fur, the same coloration, yet being wet made Melissa all the more stunning to him, somehow. Thus, he just stood there, staring at her for a full minute, while unintentionally holding the shampoo bottle just out of her reach. "What's the matter?" She asked, finally, her tone becoming worried. Then her ears wilted down, and she glanced to the floor. "I look horrible, like a wet dog, don't I?" She asked, sadly.

At that, James was brought back into reality, and he shook his head frantically. "No!" He said, a bit loud, causing her to cringe slightly. "My God... Melissa..." He closed his eyes then, and blushed so deep he thought his face would catch on fire. "You're not horrible. If you looked horrible, I-" He stopped then, as he realized just how far he would have to go to satisfy the screaming instincts within his skull.

James turned around then, and faced away from the vixen. "Melissa, I need to say something, and it... You might not like it. So when I'm finished, feel free to tell me to get the Hell out, and I promise, you'll never see me again for the rest of my life." He paused then, and took in a deep breath before going on. "But believe me, that right now, only my willpower and the grace of God is keeping me from reaching out to take you into my arms, to hold and rub and nuzzle until you stop feeling so bad.

"You don't look horrible, and in fact, are so beautiful at this moment that I can't stand to look at you, lest I go mad from having to restrain myself. Water can take the fluff out of your fur, and mat your hair down until it looks like leather, but none of that can take away the radiance of your presence, of the way you exude a sweet, caring nature, even when you're doubting yourself."

He paused then, to catch is breath, and also to listen for her panicked cries of 'get the fuck out.' Yet, when they didn't come, he found courage enough to continue. "What I'm trying to say, Melissa, is that you are so radiantly beautiful, in flesh and, I believe, in soul, that even hearing you degrade yourself is like nails being driven into my chest. I want to make you see just how wonderful you really are, but I can't... I can't because, while I do accept and even adore my vulpine gifts, I refuse to give into the instincts that come with them, this time. Because you deserve something better than an overgrown animal, you deserve a man who will be a man, and not just some asshole who thinks only with his gonads.

"So please, dont' take my awkward gawking the wrong way. I wasn't staring at you because you're ugly, and the only reason I look away now is because you're so stunning that I'd loose control, and you don't deserve to have some stranger ogling you like a piece of meat."

Silence fell then, and its reign stretched out for a very long minute. James tensed up, his worry that vixen would scream at him to leave an never come back growing with every second that passed. Then he heard the door to the bathroom open wider, and he turned around and opened his eyes to see Melissa standing there, naked save for her pelt, which was slicked down with water and suds that still dripped from her form. She looked all the world like an overgrown chihuahua, as the brush of her tail was flattened down and soping wet, yet James couldn't feel anything but a profound attraction towards her that was beyond mere physicality.

Then he couldn't think anymore, as she crossed over to him in two steps and then quickly wrapped her arms around his middle, squeezing so tight that he could almost feel his ribs bruise. "Oh, James," she whispered from where her head had tucked against the left side of his. "That was the most beautiful thing anyone's ever said to me." At this, she sobbed lightly.

"I meant every word of it," James replied, distractedly, as the distinctly feminine form of Melissa's body pressing against him caused his sheath to swell up, and his mind to cloud with hormones. He felt his willpower start to crack then, and he used his free, right hand - his left still clutched the shampoo bottle in a deathgrip - to rub her back, running his fingers through the clumps of wet fur along her spine. He finally noticed the shampoo bottle then, and he tapped it against her back. "Do you... Still want your shampoo?" He asked, weakly.

Melissa leaned back then, causing her brests to pull into James' field of vision once again, and he couldn't help but stare at them in the brief seconds before she began to speak. "Yes, but not for myself," she said, and James looked up to see her looking intently into his eyes, his brown gaze meeting her blue, and she smiled faintly. "I wouldn't be a good hostess if I let you leave without making sure you had a chance to bathe," she added, throatily.

James opened his mouth at that, yet nothing came out. Instead, he just opened and shut his muzzle several times before Melissa reached up with a hand and held a fingerpad against his nose. "Don't try to make excuses anymore, James," she said, half authoritrian, half pleading. "You talk about controlling your instincts, yet I remember earlier that you gave me advice to follow them, to indulge them, or else I wouldn't be content. Well, now my instincts are telling me to take you into the shower, wash you down, and then..." She paused then, and leaned forward to whisper into his ear. "And then we see what happens."

The shampoo bottle fell to the floor with a loud thwack, as James dropped it and used both hands to grab Melissa's shoulders, and then gently pulled her back so that they faced each other again. All willpower left him then, and he tilted his head down so that he could touch the tip of his muzzle against that of Melissa's own, as the vixen was a bit shorter than he. The forelips on his mouth puckered, which Melissa mirrored as they kissed in the human fashion. An idea hit James' mind then, and he tilted his head right, opening his mouth as he did so. Melissa caught on quick, and she tilted her head to her right, until their jaws were perpendicular to each others' before opening her own.

James murred deeply as he gently pushed his head forward until he felt the tip of his muzle reach the corner of Melissa's mouth, and he clamped down lightly until his teeth locked into hers in a french kiss that allowed their tongues to mingle and wreslte with each other in chaotic desire.

He didn't know how long they stood like that, holding each other tightly, tongues exploring every facet of each other's mouth, and he didn't care. At least, not until he felt Melissa shiver a bit, and James broke the kiss. "What's wrong?" He asked, as he saw her ears fold back.

"I'm a bit cold," she replied, smiling faintly at James before drawing away from him, stepping backwards, towards the shower. "And I promised you a chance to be clean," she added, mischeviously.

James smiled back, and he released her so that he could yank off his t-shirt while Melissa turned around and walked into the bathroom. The rest of his undressing took a bit longer, as his tail proved a bit of an obstacle thanks to the necessity of pulling his pants and underwear off of that appendage as well as his legs. Thus, by the time he was undressed fully, Melissa was already in the shower, and the water was flowing once again. James moved into the room bathroom slowly, then, as he couldn't help but admire the vixen's sensual body as she slowly turned around in the stream of water, her eyes closed in a moment of pleasure as the hot water heated her body back to a comfortable temperature. Nonetheless, James managed to break away his gaze long enough to close the bathroom door behind him, so as to keep the room warm.

A small gasp shocked him, then, and James whirled around to see that Melissa had opened her eyes, and was now staring at his crotch, where his malehood was fully erect and out of its sheath. "Wow," she said, eyes going up and down his shaft. Though he was not massive by any measure, the Change had altered his genitals as well, giving him a fox's sheath that housed a canid cock and matching knot, the latter already partially-formed due to the boiling sea of emotions that had overtaken the fox. "I had heard that Changed men had such things done to them, but I guess I didn't believe it," Melissa commented quietly, still staring at James' groin with surprise, and not a little lust fueled by her new instincts.

James, meanwhile, smiled warmly at the vixen, and he crossed over to the edge of the combination shower/tub. "You're getting the floor of the bathroom wet," he said, somewhat cheekily. He then laughed as Melissa blushed and put a hand over her slit, and then shook his head. "I meant, the curtain is still pulled back and the water is splashing out."

"Oh!" Melissa exclaimed, blushing even harder, though she managed to smile as well. "I'll close it, then, just as soon as you pick up the shampoo bottle from where you dropped it in the hall," she retorted, smiling wider when James himself blushed as he realized he had forgotten the cleaner.

"Damn," he said, and then turned around and headed back to the bathroom door. There, he glanced over his shoulder and shot the vixen a smile. "Don't go anywhere," he said, and then pulled open the door and looked down. Sure enough, the bottle was still where he had dropped it, and he only had to take a step out and bend over to grab it. He brought himself back up, and then reentered the bathroom within seconds, again closing the door behind him.

However, as soon as he fully alighted his gaze on Melissa, James paused, as he saw that the hand she had used to cover herself was not only still at the spot, but now was rubbing up and down along the vixen's slit. Her eyes seemed glazed over, as well, though she soon caught herself as she realized that James was watching her, and she blushed and removed the hand. "Now, come hither and let's get you soaped up," she said, in a sultry tone.

James didn't need any more encouragement, and he quickly walked over to the shower, slipping into the tub as Melissa drew the curtain across to keep the water in. It was all he could do to keep from grabbing her again as she leaned between him and the curtain while she pulled it closed, yet he managed to keep himself under control.

Melissa, meanwhile, had made herself erect again, and her back blocked most of the water flow as she faced James and smiled. "Now, you're the expert," she began, throatily. "Show me how you wash yourself."

James gulped at that, and felt himself whine slightly as the vision of the wet, curvacious vixen before him made the fox want to do nothing short of mounting her right there. However, he managed to return her smile, and then nodded towards the showerhead that was behind the vixen. "Well first, you'll have to let me get wet," he said, with some mirth.

Melissa continued to smile, and she shuffled to the side of the moderately-sized tub, giving James just enough room to scoot by her carefully. This he did, and he relished the odd feeling of the water spray slowly wetting his fur down as he moved fully into its path. He also relished the way Melissa's hand brushed his still-dry belly fur as they swapped positions, and he couldn't help but let out a low murr.

The vixen chuckled at that. "I admit, I do love that sound," she said, as James turned around to let the water soak him entirely. "It surprised me, the first time I did it, but it's one of the few things I didn't hate about myself."

"I'm glad to hear that," James replied, before ducking his head under the water stream to get his black-brown hair wet. After a moment, he pulled his head back out and shook it, letting the excess water fly from his hair and fur before it could dribble annoyingly along his ears. "It's a great noise, almost like a cat's purr," he continued as he turned to face the vixen again, the water pounding into his back. He smiled then, and threw her a wink. "And the way it sounds coming from you is music."

Melissa blushed heavily at that, and then shook her head. "You're wasting time, James," she warned, though one could tell it was in mock anger, as her tone was light and her tail wagged a bit, tossing water around the enclosed space.

James chuckled at that, and he hefted the shampoo bottle up. "So are you; you still haven't finished lathering yourself up, else you wouldn't have asked for me to get this." At this, the vixen blushed again, but James continued on without waiting for a response. "So I have an idea that we'll both enjoy. You lather me up, so I can tell if you are doing a good job with yourself, and I can finish you off... In more ways than one," he added, and then licked along his muzzle, teasingly.

Melissa just smirked at that, though James could see the lust growing in her eyes as she stepped up to him, pressing her body against his, though she kept herself to the side so that his hard-on wouldn't feel nothing but the hint of fur along her thigh. She further teased him by arching her back slightly, causing her white-furred breasts and the hard nipples on them to brush up his chest. "I think that is a wonderful idea," she said, softly.

James smiled at that, though he had to take in a deep breath to keep his mind clear from the hormones and the thrumming of his rapidly-beating heart. Wordlessly, he wrapped his arms around Melissa's chest, under her arms, and hugged her slightly as he fiddled behind her back with the shampoo bottle, while the lovely vixen brought her arms up and laid them on top of his, her hands rubbing through the matted fur on his neck.

He breathed deeply, again, and poured some of the cool, gooey liquid from the bottle into his left hand, and then brought that hand down to rub it along the vixen's back, smearing the shampoo into her fur as he trailed down to the base of her tail. Melissa repsonded by murring again, and she reached up to mimic James' earlier caress by scritching him behind the ears.

James himself murred at the treatment, marveling for a moment at how the affectionate rub could both be platonic and sensual, depending on the situation. Then he remembered his task, and he refilled the small supply of shampoo in his handpaw before wrapping the appendage around the base of Melissa's tail. Then he slowly but surely pulled along the limb, stretching it out as he rubbed the shampoo into the heavily-hanging fur there.

"Oooooh," Melissa murred, pausing in her attentions to James as she felt her tail slowly massaged by one, then two hands as the male fox lathered her fur. "God, James, that's-" Her words were interrupted as she shifted on her feet, causing her leg to brush hard against James' stiff malehood. The sensation had caused him to buck automatically, which in turn made her yelp in surprise.

"Are you okay?" James asked, drawing back to look over Melissa out of the fear that he had hurt her. However, the vixen simply growled lightly in a vulpine manner, and then used her hands to pull James back against her. "Don't stop, and I will be," she uttered breathlessly, and then leaned forward so that James could look down her back again. "And give me the shampoo bottle," she added in a feral tone.

James closed his eyes at that, and he reached down to grab the bottle from where he had set it on a shelf in the shower wall, fumbling with it as he shifted his arm back so that he could place it in Melissa's hands. The pressure in his groin and cock was enourmous now, and he half wondered why he hadn't cummed yet, so intense were the feelings he was getting from having a beautiful vixen pressed against him, murring as he rubbed her tail and rear end. Then he felt her own hands, clammy and cool from the shampoo, rub into his back, and then down onto his rump, and James bucked again and let out a keening, canid whine.

"Are you all right?" Melissa asked, concerned as she drew back in surprise at the noise. Then she looked into his face and her concern melted into understanding, as she saw a desperate, pleading look on his features, his tongue hanging out of an open muzzle as he panted; a natural reaction to the hormones that wracked his body.

Already wet between her legs from the long buildup, Melissa had been doing her best to match James' self-control by trying to not ram the shampoo bottle into her cunt in an attempt to cool the heat in her sex. His lust-crazed look, though, added to her desire for him, finally broke the mental wall she had built months ago to block her vulpine instincts; a barrier that James' actions and words had already weakened. Now, it burst like a dam, and Melissa droped the shampoo bottle to the bottom of the tub and then reached up with both hands to grab the back of James' head, wrapping her fingers into the mix of fur and hair and pulling him down and forward into another muzzle-version of a french kiss.

James growled into her throat as they kissed, though Melissa knew, somehow, that it wasn't a threat, but a promise of the passion he felt. She responded by breaking the kiss off early, and then shifting in James' arms, moving her body to stand directly in front of the other fox before she began to slowly kneel down. As she lowered herself, Melissa pulled her hands down as well, dragging them though James' wet, cream-colored belly and russet side fur, before finally bringing them together at the base of his sheath.

God, I want to suck him off, Melissa thought, but she held herself back, worried as she was about how her sharp teeth could hurt him, since she hadn't exactly been practicing her technique. Instead, she used one hand to rub his cock slowly, moving from the knot at its base, to the tapered tip and then back again, while the other trailed down to cup and fondle his balls.

She did this for several minutes, slowly increasing and decreasing her pace at random intervals, until James suddenly gripped her shoulders hard, digging his claws into her skin enough that she paused in surprise. His grip relaxed as she stopped, and Melissa looked up to see that his face showed signs of strain: eyes and mouth clenched shut, his ears folded back against his skull as he used all of his self-control to keep from mindlessly giving into his desires.

It was too much for Melissa, and she felt the overwhelming need to have her sex filled with his cock. In a display of vupline agility, she managed to turn around and drop to her hands and knees in the tub in just over a second. Once this move was accomplished, she let her instincts guide her, and she raised her rump in the air and flagged her tail high before looking back at James in hunger.

James, having opened his eyes in curiosity when he felt Melissa moved away, looked on in shock as the vixen displayed herself for him, her cunt glistening with internal moisture, while water dribbled from her tail and down along her ass. He couldn't have stopped himself even if he wanted to, as he dropped to his knees on the tub floor, behind Melissa, and then scooted forward until the tip of his cock was pressing against the wet fur of her taint. He bent forward at that, pressing Melissa's tail to the side as he leaned over her body and lowered his head until he could open his mouth and lightly bite down on the loose scruff of fur and skin at the back of her neck.

Melissa gasped as he softly bit her, the move a complete surprise. And yet, it feels so right, she thought in a burst of mental coherance as she murred and moaned while James shifted his hips down, nestling the tip of his malehood betwixt the outer folds of her sex. Then her moans grew twice as loud as James slowly began to push into her, his tapered foxcock penetrating her slick cunt with ease.

Until he reaches the surprise, Melissa thought, the corners of her mouth turning up in a smirk as she panted, letting her tongue loll out to the side in a show of pure ecstasy. She closed her eyes then and enjoyed every sensation as James slid deeper and deeper, obviously still maintining enough self-control to avoid just ramming into her like a wild beast. So caring, so wonderful, she thought, her mind clouding with lust, Then she felt him hit the barrier in her sex, and she almost moaned in disappointment as he stopped, and then released her scruff.

"You... Virgin?" James asked, his voice a gravely growl that bespoke of the tremendous effort it took to speak in his addled state of mind. Melissa could understand the strain easily, as she found it hard to reply. "Change... Gave it back..." she replied, growling herself in a way that would have shocked her, were she not so stimulated. "Take it..." she pleaded, turning her head back around to stare into James' brown eyes. "Take me, now!" She added, the heat of the moment making her bark out the last word like the vixen she had become.

The last of James' self-control broke at that, and he wrapped his arms around her belly so that they mimicked a canid mating position, and he bent down to again grab her scruff. Melissa yelped in a mix of pain and pleasure as she turned her head around to give James a better grip on her scruff, and then yelped a second time as the both feelings rose in a massive wave as James thrust forward with all the strength of his hips, tearing past her hymen and hilting himself up to his knot in one fell swoop.

He didn't stop there, however, as he pulled almost all the way out, and then pistoned back forward again. Starting slowly, James nevertheless began to quicken his pace as he felt a pleasure that was beyond what he had experienced before. Every movement, every thrust and pull of his drove him to thrust harder and harder, even as Melissa began to thrust back, timing her movement so that their hips would slam together with a delicious smacking noise that was echoed as his balls slapped against her pubic mound.

For her part, Melissa was in heaven, as James' knot slammed into her clitoris every time he rammed his hips forward. Her mind clouded fully as her pleasure built to astronomical proportions, the feeling of being fucked so wonderfully enhanced by the warm water dribbling off of James to keep her fur soaked and slick.

How long this went on, neither could tell, but it was all too soon to Melissa as she felt her climax approaching. However, she didn't stop herself from continuing to ram her hips back against James with every thrust he gave. Within seconds of her realization, Melissa screamed out as she finally came, her pussy walls contracting so hard and tight that she worried that James would be forced out of her cunt, yet she found herself immobilized by the white-hot waves of pleasure that washed over her.

James felt her reach her peak, and he pulled out almost all the way as he prepared for one massive thrust. Growling into her scruff, he shifted his hands from her middle to gab her hips, his claws digging into the supple fur and flesh there before he slammed forward with all the force he could muster, the impact so profound that his juice-covered knot slipped through Melissa's tight opening, tying the two together.

Melissa yelled as she felt the knot penetrate her, and her hands reflexively clenched, causing her claws to dig furrows in the tub's enamel bottom. The sensation was unlike anything she had ever imagined, as it felt like someone had pushed a red-hot grapefruit into her sex. Then the knot started to inflate further to finish tying the two foxes together, and this triggered another orgasm as her body reacted to the feeling in a biological equivilent of a key fitting into a lock. This second round of massive muscle convulsions was the final straw for James, and he jerked his tied cock a few times before he finally came, hot jets of his seed spurting into the vixen's sex like a boiling tsunami.

Melissa felt the ropes of semen splashing along the inside of her cunt, and she howled as yet another, third orgasm wracked her body. Her vulpine call echoed in the small bathroom, while James growling into her scruff provided an undertone that only served to heighten the pleasurable experience.

They stayed like that, frozen into position, for nearly a minute, as both reveled in the afterglow. Eventually, though, Melissa's arms started to shake as her strength started to leave her. With his lust now satiated, James could think clearly and, realizing Melissa's exhaustion from a triple orgasm, he let go of her hips and scruff, and then reached down to support himself with his right hand, while his left cradled itself under the vixen, nestling just under her brests. "Just lower yourself slowly," he whispered into her ear. She nodded back, and began to do so, though she relied on James' grip as much as her own strength as the pair slid to the floor of the tub.

Once she was lying on her belly, James strained to roll the both of them so that they could lie on their sides, as he knew that he couldn't just pull out. After a few moments of nonverbal grunting and shifting, he finally achieved just such a position on their right sides.

They lied there like that for several minutes, panting and shifting about, enjoying the sensations that came with every tug at their physical connection. God, what a beautiful moment, James thought, wishing it would never end. Unfortunately, though, a new idea entered his head, and he gave it voice. "How long will the hot water hold out?" He asked, realizing that the shower had been running the entire time and worried now that the two would catch hypothermia should the heat run out.

James relaxed, though, as Melissa gave a soft chuckle. "We get our hot water from the building's heater," she said, quietly, not bothering to look back at the male tied to her. "It's a massive, gas-powered monstrosity, so it'll keep us in hot water for a long time."

"Good," James murred, and then licked the back of her left ear. "Because we're not going anywhere for a little bit," he added as Melissa murred back to his gesture.

"I noticed," she said, and then giggled softly. "I guess I'm a bit dazed, still, but I should ask you about what, exactly, is going on?" She asked, turning her head a bit to look at James out of the corner of her eye.

James sighed, and he used his left hand to rub one of her brests, causing the vixen to moan slightly. "It's called a 'knot,' and it's a feature on vulpines and canines, designed by Mother Nature to 'tie' a male and female together to ensure that the male's seed will stay locked into her womb, so as to greatly increase the chances of conception."

Melissa shuddered a bit at that, partially from the continuing, casual caress that James was giving her brest, but also from another idea, as well. "So, will I become pregnant?" She asked, surprised that the idea didn't sound so bad to her. "I'm on the pill, as the doctors say it's still effective, but I don't know..."

"Then you probably won't," James said, reassuringly as he paused in his fondling, nuzzling her neck instead. "The docs do know what they're doing, at least where that's concerned. And besides, you're not in heat yet."

Melissa had relaxed under the touch of his muzzle, but now tensed a bit. "You mean, when I finally get my period back?" She asked, again glancing back.

"Something like that," James said, and then shrugged. He paused to murr a bit, as the movement causted him to shift inside of Melissa, but he soon regained his composure, such as it was. "From what I've read, all Changed women take on the mating cycles of their new forms, so yes, you'll get all hot and horny and get your period... On steroids."

They both shared a soft laugh at that, seeing the humor in the comment, though they had to stop quickly as their movements made them moan. "So, how long are we going to be this way?" Melissa asked after having writhed a bit in residual pleasure.

"Well, according to what I've read, regular foxes deflate in like, fifteen, twenty minutes," James said, cautiously, and then sighed. "But we're not regular foxes, no matter how much we've changed. Sex for us isn't blind mating, so there's pleasure inolved, so..." His voice trailed off as he came to a conclusion.

"You mean, it could be longer if you keep getting stimulated?" Melissa asked. "Yes, pretty much," James replied, quickly. "But I think there's still a limit involved. I mean, no male can keep it up forever."

"Oh, no," Melissa said, sounding mischevious. Then she wiggled her hips back and forth, causing James to moan again. "But I like this feeling, and I'd love to see how long you can last, Mr. Stamina."

"It's not my fault that vulpine males can't release until their knot is stimulated properly," James whined out as he felt his cock twitch inside her, sending another, small spurt into her depths. "Please, don't try and drag out my hard-on too much; it's like torture, to be hard and not be able to do anything about it."

"Says the man who was fondling my tits," Melissa retorted merrily. Obviously, she was in a good mood.

"Only because I wanted to make sure that you wouldn't find this a terrible situation," James muttered, mopingly. Then he rested his head on her shoulder and sighed. "After all, I don't want to make you suffer."

"Okay, okay," Melissa replied, and she settled her head against James' right arm, which was lying underneath the both of them. "But you're going to keep rubbing my breasts, mister, until we're loose."

James chuckled lightly at that. "Yes ma'am."