Gnoll in the Fae Glade

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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Not often I work with threesomes or faefolk, so fun fun fun~ As for gnolls, I'm trying to think of what I want them to do. Scrap gnolls? Machine savvy gnolls who are good at recycling things and turning them into other things? Maybe. Thoughts for the fuuuuture.

A spotted brown gnoll with a coal furred muzzle stood atop a large rock in the middle of a forest. He wore patchwork packs a plenty on his hunched back and a beige cloak with just as many patches. Over his eyes, he had goggles with one lens missing and he had a fat fang filled grin on his face. Sitting upon the rock, Prerrk crossed his arms and closed his eyes, that grin still touching his mug. Leaning back he let out a sigh and looked up to the sky and barked out with laughter before snorting, "Looks like 'm lost. Damn."

Prerrk stretched out and scratched at his side as his eyes scanned the expanse of wood and greenery around him. He had stumbled onto the prettiest of forests with bright emerald green leaves and flowers all around. Really perhaps he shouldn't have followed his wandering eye, but he could have swore he saw the glint of treasure off in the distance, or maybe it was the sun playing tricks on his greedy eyes, either way his stomach was regretting the decision to go deeper into the pretty forest rather than turning back to grab a bite to eat at the nearest village, not that he had any gold to pay with for the food. Ah well, it wasn't as if he cared. Getting lost out and about in strange locales was his favorite thing to do, and perhaps he would find something interesting buried deep within the forest for his claws to catch and scrap, or at the very least some game to catch or some berries to nibble on. If anything he could eat the bark off of the trees if he was hungry enough. With a grunt he hopped off the rock to head deeper into the forest, glowing eyes staring at him from among the shadows of the treetops.

Deeper into the glade he found himself among great pillars of stone with odd carvings here and there, not that he really cared. Even if the stone was enchanted, scrapping it would probably only serve to harm him rather than further his cause as magical objects tended to get rather violently angry when breaking them apart willy-nilly, and so he ignored the pillars even though occasionally they let off a pretty glow from the runes inscribed on them.

Continuing past the pillars he seemed to find himself further without a clue as to where he was, and as he turned around he couldn't seem to find his way back to the pillars either. It was as if every time he turned he was turning in a direction other than the one his body wanted to head in. Now, he had been lost before in forests, but mostly due to his own desires, not because he was bad at navigating. No, he had a list of landmarks in his head to make sure he knew where he was going, and yet none of them showed up with the steps he usually took to assure himself an exit, and the further he went along, the less things seemed to make sense. Eventually, he ran into mushrooms that were as tall as he was, gems sprouting off the things, but he knew better than to pick crystals off of strange fungus. What is strange is usually deadly.

Wandering further along, he heard his own stomach grumble and he scratched at his gut with a claw, letting out a huff of air. He was close to eating the mushrooms that were growing more and more readily available all around, or like he had promised before, biting into a tree just to have something to chew on. It was during those thoughts that he heard a series of giggles sound off all around. Alone in a sun filled glade he wasn't really sure what to make of that. Perhaps just being around those mushrooms was making him hear things, and if that were true, soon enough he'd be seeing things too, but then again, he didn't feel funny. Usually, whenever he had ingested anything that was bad for him in the trippy sense, he had always felt funny or weird beforehand, perhaps this was also just a different kind of situation entirely, "Am I going crazy, or am I hearing voices? If I am then would those voices kindly get out here and look me in the eyes? I'm a bit creeped out to be honest and lost."

The giggling continued at his words spoken aloud and seemed to grow louder, but from where he could not tell. Prerrk crossed his arms as he began to look around, wondering, searching for the source of the giggling, and as he turned fully around he heard the bushes nearby rustle, and as if from nowhere two women appeared, humanoid, one with fair pale skin and short red hair and the other with deep brown skin and long dark brown hair, both of their eyes a rich green like the grass. Their ears were pointed and they both wore dresses that looked as if they had been fashioned of flower petals. Prerrk was a bit suspicious, but at the very least they were a pretty sight.

Before he could question them, the dark skinned girl spoke with a smile, "Welcome to our home gnoll, my name is Sharla."

The fair skinned girl then continued on, "And mine is Kala, We hope you weren't turned around too much. Our forest can be a bit confusing if you aren't too bright."

Ignoring the jab at his intelligence he questioned, "And what're you two anyway? Never seen human girls with sharp ears come out of bushes."

They both let out a synchronized giggle that sounded like sweet bells to his ears Sharla answering first, "We are faefolk. This is our forest and you are trespassing dear, but we don't do any harm to travelers really, especially not cute fuzzy ones."

Faefolk were a dangerous sort, or at least he had heard they were liable to trick you out of your gold and your wits. He would have to be careful around these two if he were to heed the rumors. Then again, rumors could be full of lies, or full of truth depending on where you heard them. Either way, it was better to proceed with a careful step when meeting myths and legends.

Kala purred as she hugged onto her sister, half-lidded eyes staring with a certain predatory glint that brought a shiver up Prerrk's spine, "We love beasts of all sorts. Big ones, small ones, ones that stand up on two legs like you and more. We aren't a fan of humans, but gnolls are another story. Now, we heard your stomach rumbling from so far away, so how about we eat together and chat."

Prerrk felt and heard his stomach rumble at the mention of eating and for a moment he forgot that he didn't know who in the world these two were and the fact that they were of a possibly dangerous trickster race, "Food huh? Now you're talking. Lead the way, I think I could even eat one of those fat mushrooms!"

Sharla tsked and wagged her finger at him, "Those are poisonous dear! You shouldn't eat strange things like that. Come, come, we'll feed you something proper. We don't have any meat, so we hope fruits are plenty for you."

Prerrk's only answer came from his stomach in the form of a loud growl to which Kala giggled, "Come sister, let's stop teasing him and bring him deeper in. He'll be happy with us."

Sharla giggled in return and placed a finger against her sister's lips, "Shhh, we're only here to feed him and nothing else."

Prerrk's mind was only on the food these two could provide. Perhaps he should have been a bit more concerned about encountering faefolk for the first time, but his stomach was in control at the moment, and though he'd prefer meat, anything that he could sink his fangs into sounded too good to be true.

Prerrk followed the two faefolk women deeper into the verdant forest, and as they moved deeper in, he found himself in a new world entirely, surrounded by wisps that produced a cool blue light, the sun entirely blotted out by the leaves and branches above that seemed to coil around to make a mesh that covered the sky. The sights around him were interesting enough, but at the same time, his eyes were fixated elsewhere. The two faefolk leading him walked with their hips swaying from side to side, occasionally their dresses riding up to show their plump rears, the fair skinned one with a few freckles on her rear. The sight was enough to bring the hunger from his stomach to his loins. He made note of the fact that neither bothered to wear underwear and wondered if their intentions were entirely holy, either way, he would probably find out whether or not he was getting himself into something troublesome. Both his loins and his stomach would get him in trouble if he wasn't careful, then again it could be worth it to explore another type of strange locale.

Both sisters could feel the gnoll's eyes on them, but they said not a word, instead they led him deeper into the glade and to a large gnarled tree with long hanging branches, fruits of all colors ripe for the plucking sprouting from the multiple branches. Together the sisters took a fruit each and turned to smile towards the gnoll, their hands presenting the fruits.

Prerrk raised a brow as he stepped closer. He could feel his mouth watering from the simple thought of biting into what looked like something juicy, but as he stopped in front of them he had to ask, "What's the catch?"

Kala purred and approached with fruit still in hand, her other hand moving to touch his wrist lightly, "No catch, we only ask that you stay to entertain us."

Prerrk took hold of the fruit lightly in paw and tilted his head, "Hm, so, food and sex?"

Sharla giggled, "My, so forward, but yes. We love beasts."

Prerrk felt his loins stir at the way Sharla emphasized her love of beasts by licking her lips, her eyes staring with a burning lust. He squeezed onto the fruit and grunted as he took a bite, the cool juice filling both his mouth and stomach, the sweet nectar parching both his thirsty throat and his hungry gut. There he took fruit after fruit offered from the faefolk until he felt he was satisfied. By the time he was on his final fruit the two faefolk women were stripping out of their flowery dresses, their smooth skin revealed to the cool forest air, their eyes glowing as they watched him, his own red eyes watching with a deep hunger, though his stomach had already been satisfied.

When his meal was over, both Sharla and Kala moved to begin liberating him of his packs and clothing, their delicate fingers occasionally brushing through his fur to feel over his body causing him to shiver and let out a low rumble of approval as he was served by the two faefolk. The fruit hadn't been poisoned or else he would have felt something he was sure of it, instead he only felt a deep lust gathering for the two fair women tending to him, both of their shapes imprinted into his mind as he looked them up and down. Sharla, the more curvy one, and Kala the lithe pixie with slender fingers and soft lips, soft lips which began to work at his neck and shoulders while the dark skinned Sharla brought herself to her knees to feel over the gnoll's sheath, her eyes glued on his cock which grew slowly, inch by inch.

Sharla took his bestial cock in hand, her mouth gracing the tip before she brought her tongue from tip to the base of his cock where she pressed her lips lightly against the bulbous knot, her eyes shut as she stroked and serviced his cock ever so gently. Kala at the same time brought a hand to feel over the tip of his cock, her own lips pressing against his chest, her eyes shut as she purred and pressed against him, both of their bodies radiating a warmth that was shared within his own body. He had stumbled on something far better than treasure, a good meal, and two beautiful women, but even as he rumbled his pleasure and his paw stroked through the hair of the woman at his knees, he had his suspicions and prepared his plan just in case things went awry. Either way, he would enjoy planting his seed in these two.

Kala went down to her knees as well soon enough, planting herself next to her fae sister as she dipped low and brought her mouth against the heavy balls of the gnoll. Her soft lips against his orbs brought the gnoll to a near purr as her tongue began to flick out and drag against each ball, her mouth occasionally suckling on one or the other. Meanwhile, Sharla kept her lips busy on his shaft, her lips parting to take his cock against her tongue. Inch by inch the dark skinned faefolk brought his cock deeper and deeper into her mouth. Her soft tongue push and pressed against the shaft of his hot member, her hand stroking what little she could not take as her lips finally kissed his knot. She made no gag, no sound to indicate she had trouble, she instead looked up at him with a half-lidded predatory look while bobbing back and forth, his own claws moving through her hair to coil and grip, pulling her back down whenever she would bob back. Figuring he could be as rough as he desired, he began to use her mouth as he saw fit.

Prerrk dragged her thick lips across his shaft, again and again, pulling her head as he thrust, the girl beneath him doing a wonderful job of wetting his balls with her warm tongue. Sharla meanwhile, closed her eyes and allowed Prerrk to do as he pleased, wet pops and slurps sounding off as the knot touched her lips, again and again, the bulbous flesh begging for entrance but never quite getting there. With a growl the gnoll held her lips there for a moment, grinding his knot to her lips as he tried pressing in. At this motion, Sharla whined and looked to him with kitten eyes, but he saw through that, he could see he was toying around with panthers rather than kittens. No matter how many times he thrust himself into that maw he found himself entirely aware that they were in control all along. There was a subtle brush of teeth against his cock that let him know that at any moment she would bite, and the woman at his balls occasionally gripped at his orbs, brushing her fingers ever so delicately, to let him feel the pleasure of her smooth skin against his balls, and to let him feel the edge of her claw-like nails against his skin. The danger only made it that much more satisfying, that much more intense, and at the same time, it brought his mind into overdrive. These two would surely not let him leave without some scratches. He only hoped they would let him leave at all.

When Sharla felt the gnoll's cock twitching and growing hotter against her tongue, she pulled herself away slowly, slipping her tongue against his shaft and all the way to the tip as she pulled off with a pop, a giggle sounding off as he let out a little growl and huff of frustration. Both sisters stood, their breasts touching his legs and trailing up as they rose to their feet, their hands feeling over his arms and his sides as Sharla leaned to whisper to his ear, "Wouldn't you rather cum inside someplace else?"

Kala leaned to feel over his other ear as she purred, her hand gripping at his cock, his body shuddering from the attention of the two temptresses by his sides. He brought an arm around to tug the fair skinned one closer, his mouth moving to press against hers. A giggle sounding off as she brought her tongue into his mouth for an impassioned kiss. He then turned to do the same to Sharla, his claws grazing at her back sweetly before he let go of both of them. Sharla was the first to express her desire, lying on the grass and spreading her legs wide without shame, her hands moving to spread her pussy for him to see, for him to enter.

As Kala stepped aside to let him move, Prerrk brought himself over the presenting fae, his canine cock pressing against her entrance to push inside as he leaned forward, easing himself into her as he brought his mouth to her neck with a growl. Her arms coiled around his neck as she moaned and brought her hips up to meet his, her body shuddering and writhing against him as she called out for more. Her noises urged him to action, his hips rocking back and forth with power to bring himself deep inside of her. With just a few thrusts his knot was already kissing at her pussy, his claws scratching at her back as he pulled her closer. His maw then moved to lick over her chest, his eyes shut as he began to drag his tongue over her supple breasts and nipples, his body working on thrusting his thick cock to her warm insides again and again. At the same time, he felt Kala behind him kneeling there and licking at his balls, her hands massaging at his thighs as she encouraged him to cum inside of her sister, her tongue occasionally dragging down to kiss the connection between him and her sister.

From the service he had received from the luscious lips of Sharla, he already felt far too close, his cock twitching and throbbing inside of her, and yet he did not knot her, he did not want to be stuck with her even though his instincts were screaming at him to push himself all the way inside of her. Instead, he began to grind his knot to her pussy as his cock twitched and let out a thick load, his seed spurting out deep inside of the fae as he grunted and snarled, Sharla moaning out her pleasure as she tried her best to pull the gnoll deeper inside of her.

When he finally finished bottoming out inside of the fae's pussy, he pulled out with a wet pop, grunting as Kala licked at his wet cock, her tongue dragging down to the tip to then move to lick and kiss Sharla's pussy. Both the tongue that had brushed against his cock, and the sight of the fae woman going down on her sister kept his cock nice and hard, his chest rising and falling quickly as he felt his heart race, his desires, and instinct beginning to take over his thoughts. Kala slipped in between his legs and onto her sister, her lithe form squished perfectly against Sharla's curvy body, their pussy's creating a perfect mound for him to squeeze between should he desire, Sharla's pussy still dripping his cum which he had filled her properly with.

At that point his paw moved to grip at Kala's freckled rear, his other paw gripping at his cock to press it against her pussy and edge himself inside. Immediately she moved out, Sharla watching from over her sister's shoulder with half-lidded dreamy eyes. Sharla purred as her sister moaned out, Prerrk digging his cock in deep without any mercy as he began to pound inside of her. With his mind fading and his instinct taking over he leaned in close to bite at the fae girl's neck, her eyes opening wide as she gasped and felt warm blood trickle down her shoulder. Rather than be upset, though, she moaned aloud and bucked her hips to help Prerrk bring more and more of his cock inside of her.

The gnoll's thrusts were more violent than when he was inside of Sharla, his claws digging into the fair skinned fae's side as he brought his cock inside of her again and again without mercy. Kala moaned and mewled out, Sharla marveling at the sudden violence of the beast before them as he practically lost himself in pounding to her sister's pussy. Kala jolted with every thrust, shuddering as her insides were pounded by that thick canine cock. Without any second thought the beast brought himself fully inside of her and knotted her with a wet pop, Kala gasping aloud as that bulbous flesh pressed inside of her to tie them together, but he wasn't done there. The gnoll began to pound to her, pulling away with a snarl as he yanked his knot free of her pussy forcibly. Kala shivered and nearly collapsed upon her sister, her pussy clamping on what was left of the gnoll's cock inside of her as she felt her climax suddenly hit her.

As Kala shivered and moaned out against her sister, Prerrk pulled out and pressed his cock firmly inside of Sharla. The fae woman hadn't been expecting the sudden penetration and she gasped out with a squeal as her insides were suddenly stuffed again with the gnoll's cock. This time he was so much more rough, so much more intense, exactly like an animal would treat his bitch, and she loved every second of it. He wasn't too rough or else she would stop him, but it was enough to drive her wild, like an animal in heat. She moaned aloud and clawed at her sister's sides, her eyes growing glazed as she felt her mental state being pounded away by the cock inside of her. Again that thick cock inside of her swelled, twitched and throbbed, growing hotter as she felt her own insides tightening on his cock, her own climax nearing.

As Sharla's climax hit her, she cried out and arched her body up against her sister who was panting atop of her, the gnoll drove his knot inside of her as she climaxed only intensifying the feeling, before he suddenly forced it out with a pop causing her to wince and yelp, her arms holding onto her sister's body for comfort as the gnoll finally pulled out of her.

Both of the sister's laid there on each other, purring and panting as the gnoll rubbed his cock, his eyes staring at their forms. Both Kala and Sharla wondered where he would plant his seed, which pussy he would choose to grace with his warm cum, both sisters in a daze from the rough pounding they had taken from the beast's wild instinct. Neither of them had expected the beast to paint them, his cum suddenly touching Sharla's thighs and Kala's rear, coating them in hot seed that should have been spilt inside of them. Both sister's shivered as they felt his cum trailing down their soft skin, the gnoll grunting as he rose to his feet.

Kala rolled off of her to lie on her side on the soft grass, her eyes turning towards the gnoll, Sharla doing the same as she addressed him, "Oh? Are you leaving so soon?"

Prerrk was simply grabbing his clothes on, but indeed he wanted to leave as soon as possible. With his loins satisfied he was in the right mind to remember that these two were possibly dangerous, "Hm, just getting my clothes on, but are you inviting me for the night?"

Kala answered with a purr, "More than just the night puppy. We think you should join us for good."

Sharla sighed happily, "Wouldn't that be nice? We'd feed you and take care of you, and you'd be so happy obeying us."

Prerrk kept the hackles on the back of his from rising. Instead, he feigned interest, his paw stopping as he felt over his pack, "Hm, well, if I stayed here I'd want for nothing right? Certainly, wouldn't be wearing patchwork clothing and rummaging through scrap."

Kala giggled as she sat up, her hands clasped together as she nodded, "Yes that's right! We would take such good care of you darling pup."

Prerrk grinned, "Sounds like the good life. Free food, and two beautiful women. Where do I sign up?"

Sharla stood and walked to him, her hips swaying as she approached, "You need only stay the night near this tree of ours, and be ours. Sleep with us against the tree darling, it is our bed, our home."

Prerrk pulled his cloak over his shoulders and worked the clasp before leaning down to rummage through his bag, "Hrm, that sounds tempting, really does, but would I get to travel?"

Kala blinked, "Why would you ever travel when you have us?"

Sharla giggled and added as she felt over his shoulder, "Why would you ever want to leave?"

Prerrk clasped something inside of his bag, "Because I would rather live my life without being tied down, I'm a wanderer at heart, even hungry I think I'd be happy so long as I can see new places."

Sharla's eyes turned icy though her smile remained, "Oh? But the sun is coming down...At the very least sleep with us. We don't do very well at night you see, and we'd love it if you kept us nice and safe."

Her words were soft and gentle and he could feel the tug of their sweet influence, but rather than listen to what his body was telling him, he shrugged and pulled a small metallic ball from the pack while pulling the pack itself over his back, "Hrm, seems like you're pretty safe here yourself, and y'know, I wouldn't mind visiting."

Sharla's touch suddenly took on a cold chill, her grip growing tight, her nails digging into the cloth of his cloak and beneath his fur, "I think you'd rather stay."

As he saw Kala get up, he threw the metallic ball into Sharla's face. She yelped as she back away, the casing popping and releasing a mess of caltrops onto her. She screamed in pain then as those jagged edges touched her, but for some reason wherever the metal touched her, her body burst into flames. Prerrk had heard faefolk weren't a fan of steel, but he didn't know that they were this adverse to the stuff. With wide eyes he turned tail to run, clasping another bomb in hand just in case he would be followed. He heard Kala scream and go to her sister as he ran, glad for the fact that her sister was more concerned about Sharla rather than reaping revenge upon him. When he was out of the glade where that large tree was and into the forest he could see that the sun was no longer pouring through the leaves, but the mushrooms that he had passed were writhing and the crystals firing out of them and straight towards him. Prerrk bolted as fast as he could to avoid the crystal shards, his heavy shoulder catching some of the jagged edges, but nothing sticking as he continued running. Whether it was because it was night, or because he had weakened one of the fae sisters, he could see where he was going. He found the pillars and returned to the giant rock where he had began his journey and ran in the opposite direction of the fae tree with all his might. He ran and ran and ran some more even as he heard the forest around him scream for his blood. He wanted nothing to do with faefolk ever again. Curse his stomach, curse his cock, and curse magic for that matter as well.

The last thing he heard from the forest was the whisper, "You've tasted our fruit. We will find you once more. Wherever the trees are, we will follow. Let it be known puppy, you are cursed, you are marked."