A rose by any other name

Story by zeran on SoFurry

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#4 of Darkness



I am not legally responsible for any minor viewing or reading this material if you are easily offended by homosexual/heterosexual material then do NOT read this. Further more all characters are copyrighted to their respectful owners in this instance Disney. please do not re-distribute with out giving credit to author Zeran.



Rose watched with a slight smile splayed on her face as Jake stuttered and stumbled over his words before he finally choked out "Rose?" She walked over to Jake softly kissing his soft lips while lightly placing her hands under his chin.

Jake stood dumb founded even after Rose had long pulled away from his lips. He was in shock at seeing his once time love.

"Why did you have come back now Rose?" Jake silently thought as he chewed his lower lip.

"What's the matter Jake? You don't look happy to see me."

Jake let out a long sigh "There are just a lot of things going on right now and I have been distracted then to top it all off my first love just suddenly re-appears out of no where. How would you feel? I mean I still have feelings for you its just that...."

"There is someone else right?" Rose said lowering her eye's and head

Jake moved forward wrapping his arms around Rose. They held each other for many minutes before Jake pushed away. "I got to get to work perhaps we could get together some time and catch up on old times?"

Rose smiled sweetly her bright blue eye's practically glowing with anticipation "How about after work then?"

"I can't tonight I kind of already made plans with someone? I will be free tomorrow though."

Rose blushed slightly feeling a little embarrassed at having been put on a side burner but accepted it with grace and a simple "ok".


After work Jake flew right to his mate's lair once again finding it empty.

Jake softly sighed to himself once again realizing that his mate was out of their lair again. Jake softly scratched his head trying to decide what to do about this new situation with rose. He loved his mate Darky but at the same time he desired Rose. Jake moaned softly in frustration.

Jake finally grew tired of trying to debate this situation with himself and knowing his mate should return shortly anyway he decided to wait for Darky. He walked towards the bathroom feeling dirty and sweaty from work. As he walked into the bed chambers he dropped his head into his hand letting a sigh of frustration escape lips.

"I swear I'm going to find out where the hell he keeps getting these sheets from." Muttered Jake into his palm.

The bedroom had been completely made over. The windows now had thin black sheets covering them instead of the usual white one's making the illumination a little darker and much more romantic.

The sheets surrounding the bed were a brilliant white that seemed to cast a light of there own. The sheets on the bed were a deep majestic purple that made Jake feel like he would fall if he tried to lay on them.

Jake made his way to the shower sliding the large glass door open turning on the water to let it warm up. He turned to look in the mirror.

His eye's seemed sunken his once brilliantly red and gold scales seemed to have take on a darker and faded hue.

He looked over at the shower and saw it was almost ready. He started to enter it but suddenly stopped remembering the hot tub a mischievous smile spread across his face. He quickly turned it on before entering the shower.


Darky lazily opened his eye's seeing that the sun had already begun its decent giving way to the darkness of night. He stretched out all his muscles standing up from the embankment he had chosen to sun bath on. He spread his large wings and with a powerful thrust of his legs propelled himself into the air heading back to his lair.

Upon entering the lair Darky heard the distinct 'whirr' sound emitted by the hot tub. He also heard the shower running as well. He let out a low murr of anticipation.

He quickly made his way to the bathroom looking towards the hot tub first. Noticing that it was empty he quickly looked to the shower next.

He saw his mate with his hands on the wall letting water cascade down his face before lowering his head and neck to allow the water to cascade down his back and spread wings. He silently opened the door steeping in before softly closing it behind him.

Jake was lost in the warmth of the water gently washing over him until he felt the strong arms of his mate gently wrap around his waist and press his chest against his back. All his worries instantly disappeared in that loving embrace.

Darky's deep voice softly resounded in Jake's ear "Is my dirty boy getting clean?"

Jake gasped out a "yes" when he felt his mate's claw gently fondle his sheath.

Jake leaned back into his mate's chest letting him play with his quickly hardening member letting soft moans escape from his lips. His mate softly sucked on his neck while bringing his other hand to softly play with the tight entrance. His moans increased in tempo as his orgasm was starting to build.

It didn't take long for Darky's member to completely slip free from his sheath throbbing uncontrollably. He gently slipped his claw into Jake's hole eliciting another sharp gasp from his mate. His other claw was filled with the thick, hot, and throbbing member as he began to stroke it. Darky pushed in and out of the tight rectum twisting his claw with each thrust.

Jake moaned loudly feeling himself being pleasured from both ends. He leaned forward placing his shoulder and his neck against the wall turning his head to look at the adjacent wall. He pushed his hips back towards his mate moving his tail out of the way.

Reaching back to grab his lovers claw while shooting a passionate look over his shoulder Jake calmly said "Play time is over love. Time to give me the real thing."

Darky felt his hard member twitch at the invitation his mate just offered him. He slowly removed his claw from Jake's rectum and cock. Sliding his claws under Jake's arms and placing them against the smooth marble he pressed his thick head against the entrance of his tight mate. He slithered up Jake's back and between his wings bringing his maw next to his mate's ear softly nibbling on it.

"This my mate will only hurt for a little bit but it will be easier on you" Darky gently whispered into the nibbled ear


Jake felt His mates full dragon hood slammed deeply into himself causing his back to pop. He dug his claws into the wall tearing chunks of the smooth marble out of it as the pain spread throughout his body. Bringing forth hot tears that mixed with the water.

Jake felt his mate withdraw slightly only to be quickly thrust forward again bringing a sharp pain and small whimper to his lips.

Jake's vision gave out and everything became blurred and distorted as his orgasm spread thru his body. His entire body went limb and he would of fallen if his mates arms hadn't been under him to support his weight.

Jake continued to let small moans escape from him as he felt the small thrusts pushing the thick cock deeper into his rectum grinding past his prostrate.

Darky's claws dug into the floor as his member continued push past Jake's prostrate and into his bowels. His member began to throb as he felt it about to shoot his seed into Jake. Darky's roar of release was deafening as he slammed into his mate for a final time letting the thick, hot strands of seed shoot into Jake's bowels.

Jake placed his claws on the wall and pushing back into his mates groin trying to get as much of the cock as he could into himself as it released its seed into him.

Jake arched his back hearing his joints pop and groan from the tension his body was placed under. He finally felt an empty sensation know his mate finally pulled out letting the thick seed slid down leg.

Darky turned his mate around slamming his maw into his lovers devouring his tongue into his maw. He felt Jake's hot breath blowing on his face while their tongues danced in each others maws. Low moans of pleasure reverberated in his maw that issued from Jake. He finally broke the kiss pulling his head back slightly.

"You were great my dirty boy" teased Darky

Jake let out a low hmmmmmm "but now I'm not the only dirty dragon in this shower."

"I can't believe that a dirty old dragon like you would so violate my tight little ass."

Darky brought his claw up to Jake's chin slowly sliding his thumb along his lips softly and sincerely saying "And I plan on doing it again but next time It shouldn't be as painful."

"I'm sorry if it hurt you my mate but it was honestly the easiest way to get you used to it."

Jake laid his head on Darky's chest wrapping his arms under Darky's placing his claws on his back letting the hot water massage away their cares. After what felt like an eternity Jake brought his eye's up to meet Darky's deeply passion filled eye's. He swallowed hard trying to fight the lump that had formed in his throat.

"I love you Darky." Jake blushed deeply as he brought his maw back into Darky's.

Darky felt his heart leap feeling as if it would beat out of his chest at hearing these words followed by the soft lips.

Jake's tongue didn't dance in his mouth. Jake didn't try to devour his maw it was just a soft sweet kiss on the lips.

Darky couldn't think of anything to say in response to this so he instead just brought Jake into his chest squeezing him gently in his arms.

After their kiss was ended by a soft suckling sound Darky said "I know my love, I know."

Jake looked back into his lovers eye's "There is more but I don't think your going to like it"

Darky didn't say anything but just looked at Jake. He saw his mate droop his head averting his eye's. Jake tried to push away from his mate's strong grip but he wouldn't allow it. He squeezed tighter to prevent Jake from trying to push away again.

"Someone once special to me has come back into my life and I was thinking about maybe exploring it a little bit with her. If you don't mind that is my love"

A soft chuckle escaped from Darky "Jake, my sweet love. If your heart tells you to explore this new path then I will not stand in your way. I will always love you."

A sigh of relief issued from Jake "Thank you my love"

"However I would like to meet this person for myself." Purred Darky

"Well I am supposed to meet her tomorrow so I suppose I could bring her here."

"Excellent. I will meet you two in the shortcut ally then and bring you back to our lair threw the shadows."


The next day after Jake got off of work he met Rose in front of the shop. They walked to a small diner grabbing a quick bite to eat.

"I really appreciate you seeing me Jake because I was afraid you didn't like me." Rose stated with a blush

Jake sat silently for a moment fighting through his emotions before he final managed to say "well......this is kinda of complicated but before we can actually go a bit further my mate wants to meet you if your up to it that is"

Rose sat for moment looking at Jake's deep red cheeks "That would be fine by me I'm sure she is nice."

Jake looked at his watch checking on the time "Well if your ready its almost time to meet my mate."

Rose and Jake stood up leaving after they paid the bill. When they got outside Jake softly clasped Roses hand looking her in the eye feeling his heart start to race. They headed towards the alley that had been the designated meeting area.

Darky watched as Jake and Rose rounded the corner holding hands. He looked over this human female with an inward snort of resentment. He had to admit though her beautiful crystal blue eyes, milky white skin, and soft bright blonde hair made her easy to look at. He waited in the shadows wanting to study their conversation.

After they entered the alley Rose yanked on Jake's hand simultaneously placing her hand on his hip pressing her lips into his. She heard his sharp gasp before their lips connected and her tongue began dance and twirl with his. She felt his body relax and his hands slid down to her hips bringing them against his own.

Darky felt bile rise in his throat watching this disgusting human female trying to steal his mate. He closed his eyes and mentally calmed himself preventing his anger from fully taking hold. Darky stepped out of the shadows clearing his throat as he did so.

Jake heard a throat cleared behind while watching Rose eye's go wide. Before he had a chance to react Rose spun to the left slamming her arm against Jake to push him behind her.

"Stay behind me Jake I'll deal with this intrusive dragon"

Rose took up an attack stance brining her right leg back with her foot facing the Dark dragon her left foot was in front of her with its side facing him. She sprang forward turning as she went to strike at the Dark dragons calf.

Darky took a half step back placed his foot on a wall to push off of it springing over Rose's attack. He alighted near Jake where he quickly dropped into a crouch. He wrapped his arms around Jake's smaller human form bringing him close into a kiss.

"Is this the one you were telling my about my mate?" Asked Darky after breaking their passionate kiss.

Jake felt his blood rush to his cheeks at being caught in this awkward situation "Yea she is, my mate."

Rose stood stunned she had always liked Jake and she wasn't really bothered by homosexuals but she had never thought Jake was one. Hot tears welled to her eye's feeling betrayed thinking that Jake was just playing with her emotions.

Jake looked over at Rose seeing the tears path down her cheeks broke his heart. He pushed Darky's arms open wriggling out of their loving grip. He took Rose into his arms whispering comforting words while promising that he did really care for her.

After many minutes of introductions and explanations Darky wrapped both of them into his arms surrounding them with his wings as well. He stepped backwards into the shadows letting the world melt away. When everything returned to normal they found themselves standing in the study near Darky's favorite chair.


After arriving in the study they all made their way into the kitchen wear Jake prepared a quick meal of grilled cheese sandwiches. After they finished eating they all shifted their gazes uncomfortably.

Darky cleared his throat looking at Jake who was still in his human form. He noticed that Jake was constantly glancing between him and Rose shifting uncomfortably in his sit. When Rose had her head turned he gave Jake a little kick and tilted his head towards Rose.

Jake sat confused for a moment trying to decipher what his mate was trying to tell him. He finally caught on that Darky was encouraging him to talk to the beautiful female. Jake moved closer to Rose so that he softly whisper to her.

"Ummmm...hey Rose I was wondering what you have been up to you know, um since u like disappeared."

Darky gave a frustrated sigh before blurting out "He wants to mate with you female and I know you want to mate with him I can smell your juices"

Both Rose's and Jake's face turned so red that it wasn't to far from being purple in color.

Rose looked up at Jake to see him blushing and kicking the floor with his shoe. Rose got out of her chair dropping to her knees in front of Jake.

As rose gripped a hold of his zipper slow sliding it down she purred out "He's right you know I have been wet ever since dinner.

Jake just swallowed hard as he felt his pants unbuttoned next. His pants were slid down to his ankles. He watched as rose brought her face between his legs softly licking the raging hard piece of meat thru his tight briefs.

Rose wrapped her mouth around the width of his member squeezing it tasting the fabric that confined it. She let it out of her mouth sliding her hands up Jake's inner legs grabbing the waist band of the briefs. She pulled them down to his pants and then pulled both off of his body tossing them casually to the floor.

Darky watched as his mates human penis flopped out from the confining fabric of his briefs before throbbing wildly in the open air. It was only in the open for moment before Rose took the whole member into her mouth fiercely sucking it.

Jake let out a loud moan as his cock was taken into a tight, wet, warmth that was Rose's mouth. Jake let out a startled gasp as he felt his mate's claw slowly unzip his jacket. He saw the piece of clothing fly behind rose as it was tossed with the rest of his clothing. A low moan escaped his lips a claw was slid under his white t-shirt softly pinching his hard nipples.

Darky brought his maw next to Jake's head letting his tongue slid out to dart against his ear and neck. He twisted the claw that was underneath of the soft white t-shirt. He sliced thru the soft fabric quickly discarding it afterwards.

He brought his maw across Jake's shoulder once again letting his large tongue slid down the entirety of his chest. Darky looked down watching the human female's head bob on the large human member before realizing she was the only one clothed.

"Well we will just have to fix that." Silently purred Darky.

Rose continued to Suck on Jake's hot member letting the pre slid down her throat. She let the member slip from her mouth with a startled gasp as she suddenly felt large claws on her hips. She felt the claws slid over her pussy roughly pressing against the jeans before unbuttoning them.

She let out muffled moan as her pussy began to convulse with anticipation of much needed attention. Then she felt a cool breeze blow across her wet entrance as her panties and jeans were pulled off of her.

Jake watched his Mate slid his claw under Rose's shirt softly rubbing her orbs before he sliced and ripped off the remaining clothing. He watched Darky bring his maw close to his groin inhaling deeply taking in the strong cock scent before slithering his tongue over the thick appendage. He closed his eye's arching his back pushing his hips forward as his seed shot into Rose's mouth. Being sucked and licked simultaneously was too much for him.

Rose Quickly gulped down his semen. She stood up taking a couple steps before putting her knees on the outside of Jake's. She lined her soft, dripping wet entrance above Jake's throbbing, rock hard member. She started to lower herself towards his member. A sharp gasp escaped from her as she felt a claw slid under her and lift her as if she weighed nothing.

"It seems my mate that your female friend her is ready to receive you. Come let us continue our explorations to our chambers" Darky stated calmly as he headed towards the bedroom.


Jake watched his mate slid onto the bed with Rose still in his claw. He knew that she was close to Cuming for he could see where her juices had fallen to the floor leaving a small trail to the bed. He wasted no time in rushing over to the bed diving thru the curtains.

Rose was let off of Darky's claw where she quickly laid down spreading her legs wide toward the curtain she knew Jake would come threw.

In the few seconds that it took Jake to come threw the curtain she watched Darky slid back a few feet sitting down with his legs spread his hand slowly sliding up and down his shaft.

Jake's first sight was of Rose's spread legs showing off her wet, soft, pink pussy. Jake didn't waste a moments time.

He quickly thrust his rock hard cock deep into her throbbing pussy feeling her juices splatter against his groin. He continued to withdraw and thrust back in rapidly loving the feel of how tight her pussy was even if it wasn't as tight as his mates ass. He heard Rose moaning softly with each quick thrust.

Rose felt herself cum as Jake continued to pump in and out of her tight pussy. Her right hand grabbed one of her breasts squeezing the nipple. She used her left hand's index and middle fingers to spread her entrance wider.

She closed her eye's feeling her orgasm building again especially at feeling Jake's hard cock sliding between her fingers as it thrust deeper past the soft lips.

Darky watched the two humans fuck for a while before he decided to join in on the fun. He slid forward on his knee's until they rested a few inches above Rose's head. He slid his large throbbing member over her soft breasts continuing down until it's head was in front of Jake's face. Darky let out a low murr of pleasure as Rose took her queue to start sucking on the thick shaft.

Jake watched as Rose's tongue roamed over his mate's huge member. The scent of the head was intoxicating and before Jake had realized that he had even done anything he found himself licking the head.

Jake continued his licking and when a drop of pre formed from it he tried to eat as much of it as he could but he couldn't possible gobble it all. He watched it completely cover Rose's hips before sliding over his own member providing an extra lubrication for his cock and Rose's pussy.

Rose heard Jake's soft sucking sounds knowing that he too was trying to please this large dragon. She quickly put her hands on the hug cock pushing it away as her orgasm took hold of her and she let her cum splatter onto Jake again only this time Jake thrust forward letting his on semen shot into her at the same time.

Jake withdrew his still shooting member out of Rose's soft subtle pussy letting his seed shot over her stomach and onto Darky's hard thick member. He watched Rose squirm out from under the large member only to climb on near the base of the head. Jake let his tongue slid into his mates cock hole still tasting of cum and pre.

Darky was reveling in the attention that his cock was receiving. He lazily closed his eyes feeling the human female's wet little entrance sliding over the rim of his cock head. He reached up and began to squeeze his nipple while he slid a finger from his other hand into his tight rectum eliciting load moans and soft thrusts of his hips. He felt his cock throb a moment before it released its massive amount of seed onto Jake.

Rose Watched while clutching onto the wildly throbbing cock releasing its see all over Jake completely coating him in the thick, white sticky substance. She climbed off as soon as the hot member stopped throbbing watching as Jake gulped down the seed. She knelt down letting her tongue snake out and roam over Jake's body lapping up the sweet tasting dragon spunk.

Jake stopped cleaning himself when he took notice of Darky still fingering his hole with moans of ecstasy issuing from him.

Jake placed a hand on rose's chest quietly saying "We have sated our hunger but now my mate needs tending."

Jake stood up "Dragon up" feeling his human form burn away being replaced by his much larger dragon form.

Darky so lost in his orgasm hadn't even realized that his mate had assumed his dragon form and was moving towards him until he grabbed a hold of his wrist immediately falling onto him.

Darky felt his maw filled with Jake's thrashing tongue bring a low moan from his chest. He wrapped his arms around his mate bringing him closer as to press the hot member of his mate past his tightly muscled tail hole.

Jake felt his lover trying to pull his body into himself bringing his member against the hot, and tightly muscled tail hole. He quickly thrust his full length into Darky's rectum rubbing against his prostrate.

Jake felt his mate wriggling in ecstasy as he continued to thrust in and out of his mates hole. He ran his hand down his chest and over his abdomen softly grabbing a hold of the large throbbing member that was still slick with pussy juices, pre, and dragon seed.

Darky's vision blurred his breath became erratic as his orgasm took hold of him. He felt Jake slam in and out of his rectum continually pushing against his prostrate. His mate began to stroke his member rapidly which was bringing both of them to climax. He felt Jake's seed flow into him filling his rectum. The sensation of being filled with hot, sticky seed brought forth his own seed shooting out which Jake lapped at like a dog does to a water sprinkler.

Rose watched in an uncomfortable silence. She silently wondered if this was how Darky felt when he watched her and Jake fucking. She watched Jake quickly thrust in and out rapidly until he gave a deep thrust shooting seed into the Dark dragon quickly followed by Darky's own seed shooting out. She watched Jake withdraw his hard cum slicked cock from out of Darky.

"I love it when you take me like that my mate but now its your turn. Turn around and get on your hands and knees"

Jake silently did as he was ordered. When he turned around he saw Rose sitting and staring at him and his mate which brought the blood rushing to his cheeks. He scooted closer to her so that his maw would have easy access to her.

Jake heard a strange 'splurt' sound followed by a cool wet sensation to his tight hole. He leaned forward putting his maw between Roses legs inhaling her sweet pussy scent before allowing his tongue to start lapping at her entrance.

Darky Placed his claw against the tight entrance rubbing the lube around. He slowly inserted his claw into the still tight hole eliciting a gasp from Jake. He slid forward placing the large head of his member against the hole slowly pushing into it until it finally swallowed the cock head. He saw Jake stop his lapping at the human female's pussy to cast a lust filled look back at his mate issuing forth a low moan.

Rose heard Darky say to Jake "Get on your back so I can have some of that pussy too while I fuck your tight little ass"

Rose watched as Jake once again did as he was told. Watching as the Dark dragon leaned over Jake's slightly smaller frame to bring his maw close to her wet entrance. She gave a small whimper of pleasure as Darky brought nose onto the entrance inhaling deeply before pulling away slightly letting a large glob of salvia drip out of his maw.

Jake Spread his legs letting his mate slither over him while he started to push his cock in and out of him sliding easily thanks to the lube. Jake started to moan softly as he felt the large intruder push in deeper slowly starting to rub past his prostrate.

Jake laid his head down raising his arms over his head sliding them under Roses butt pulling her closer to the two awaiting maws. He let his tongue dart out and push against the wet entrance in a downward motion pulling on the soft muscle brining a loud moan to her lips.

Rose laid completely on her back raising her hips and spreading her legs wide open to give the two maws easy access to her soft, wet, and tight pussy. At first she felt only one tongue lap against her pussy pulling it down and then the other tongue up which caused her sweet juices to start flowing like water again.

Rose moaned at the attentions the two dragons were giving to her soft entrance. She turned her head taking a mouth and fist full of sheets when the tongues suddenly synchronized and her pussy was pulled in both directions at once opening it wide letting the hot breath of both dragons blow into it.

Darky continued his gentle pushing into Jake's tight, throbbing rectum while they both continued to savor the delicious little human clit. As he and his mate synched their lashing tongues it wasn't long before they found their maws coated in her cum but they only continued faster and harder. He heard Jake let a slight hiss of pain as Darky's hips met with Jake's Rump in a soft 'plap'.

Jake placed his claws on his mates hips squeezing softly as he felt the full length of his member inside of him. He felt the member leave his ass leaving it spread wide for a moment before it was rammed back in causing him to grunt with the rough thrust.

Jake felt the blood start rush through his ears deafening him with its constant 'sloshing'. His maw hung open pants escaping in regular intervals. His body was so hot in comparison to the temperature of the lair that his breath was visible in white puffs.

Rose was coated in thick dragon salvia which made a great lubricant as she slowly inserted her fingers into her soft, dripping wet, pink pussy. She watched Jake start to orgasm his breath visible as Darky continued to pump in and out.

Rose saw Darky grab Jakes legs and place them on his shoulders causing each of his thrusts to raise Jake's hips high into the air. Rose looked at Jake's maw which hung open and decided that she wasn't done with the thick, rubbery, and slimy tongue.

Rose walked next to Jake's open maw where she gently placed her hand on the edge of his lips gently rubbing it. She climbed onto the maw letting the corners of Jake's maw act like a harness of sorts as it kept her legs spread wide and supported her weight. She saw Darky's eye's sparkle with pleasured amusement.

Darky started thrusting rapidly as he felt his sac tighten in its preparation for release. Before his cock shot his load he saw Jake's hot member shooting its seed high into the air landing all over his own chest and chin watching the female lap any of the delicious dragon seed that was close enough for her to do so.

It was only moments later before he gave a final rough thrust his seed shooting so deep that Jake placed a claw on his stomach while scrunching his face in discomfort.

Jake felt his mate take his slick member out allowing Jake's rectum to drain its sweet contents. His tongue was lashing wildly against Rose who was sitting in his maw. Her soft pussy dripping all of her juices into Jakes mouth.

He felt Darky re-insert his hard member into Jake softly thrusting into the wide entrance while leaning forward and lashing his tongue across Roses soft breasts and his chin.

Rose felt her self completely coated in the thick dragon salvia as her body was probed and lashed with their thick rubbery tongues.

It wasn't long before she felt Jake's tongue stop roaming over her body and insert as far into her pussy as it could before it started to thrash back and forth to wriggle deeper into her. Her cum and juices leaked from her almost constantly as her body was over come with pure ecstasy so intense that her body was practically limp.

Darky thrust deeply and softly into Jake's tight entrance as his tongue lashed across the humans breasts. He stopped giving the human attention instead lower his maw to softly suck on Jake's chin slowly sliding down to his neck. He continued down until he reached Jake's rock hard nipples which he greedily suckled on. His claw moved over the other nipple were he roughly pinched and pulled on the hard appendage.

Jake felt his orgasm wash over him again and knew he was about to release his seed again and apparently Darky realized this too for he placed Jake's member into his maw. He felt a soft sucking on his cock his mate trying to coax the seed out. Jake arched his back bringing the still inserted member with it as his seed issued forth into the maw.

Darky swallowed some of the sweet seed but kept the majority of it in his maw. He moved his maw over Rose who was still being lashed and probed by Jake's tongue. He slightly opened his maw gently tipping his head to let the seed drip over Rose and into Jake's open maw where he greedily devoured his own seed.

Rose Rubbed the Thick seed over her breasts and stomach. She cupped her hands catching some of the thick seed in her hands before she lowered her hands down to her soft pussy lips where she pushed the seed into herself. She moaned feeling the seed pushed deep into herself and her lips rubbed with the thick, slimy seed.

Jake felt his mates seed unload into his rectum again filling himself beyond his bodies ability to hold it all. As soon as his mate withdrew his thick cock the seed flowed out in a large wave of cum that slid down Jake's butt and tail.

Darky watched his mates body relax and the human climb out of his mates maw only to collapse a few feet away her body exhausted from the intense pleasure.

Jake panted heavily "that was great my....."

Darky didn't give Jake a chance to finish his sentence. He slammed his maw into Jake's letting his tongue slid and thrash in his maw tasting the seed that he had dripped into his lovers maw earlier.

Darky brought his tail hole over Jake's hard member. He reached behind gripping the thick and extremely slick cock. He slammed his hole onto Jake's hard member while sliding his claw behind his head to prevent Jake form breaking the kiss.

Jake felt his cock swallowed by his mates ass which he began to grind and whip around crazily. Jake tried to push away from the kiss to get air but was held firmly in place by his mate. It didn't take Jake long to cum in his mate especially with his mates hips jerking the hard member in many different directions.

Darky let the hard member slip out of his hole while releasing Jake's head after which he immediately gasped for air.

"That my dirty little dragon was for taking my cock so deeply in the shower"

Jake felt Darky lower his body gently on top of his own offering him many soft suckling kisses.

"If that is the reward I get for letting you please me then I'm going to have to take that huge member more often."

"A shame that your new toy didn't last a little longer but for a female she was pretty tasty." Stated Darky while he licked his chops.

Jake wrapped his arms around Darky looking over at Rose he said "Yea. Thank you my mate for letting me bring and fuck her here."

"Its not often that I get to watch a dragon take a women so nicely and then get to join them."

Jake murred softly feeling his mates claws softly roaming over Jake's body. They both closed their eyes letting their warmth and closeness comfort them as sleep over took them.




"Why has the council summoned me?"

"We require your unique services we feel there may be a rogue dragon that is beyond our power to stop"

"So you desire this dragon eliminated then?"

"NO. Your orders are to only watch them and report back to us where we will make the final decision."

"You forget to him you are speaking to dragon. I suggest you remember quickly before I decide to take you head as my payment"

"He didn't mean to insult you sir, he's just foolish."

"I can over look it this time as long as you understand that I make the decisions as far as my target is concerned."


"Who is my target then?"

"The American Dragon."

"You understand the price that I demand for my services and you willingly accept them?"
