For Whom The Sleigh bell Tolls

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A slice of life describing one stop on the route of our hard working holiday icons.

the boy is left ambiguous hes a light furred brat of any species

and if you want to know the translation of the "prayer" as I'm calling it its below

Thank heaven for wicked boys

thank heaven for all they do,

no matter where no matter who

for without them, who would there be to screw

For Whom The Sleigh bell Tolls

By BunnyBoy

This story and the characters in it are copyrighted to BunnyBoy...

Warning the story contains a non consentual sexual encounter between an adult male and a male cub. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further. Thank you for reading and please enjoy

Up on the housetop reindeer pause, out jumps Good Old Santa Claus down through the chimney with lots of toys. All for the little one's Christmas joys. But Santa stops at the chimney shaking off his boots and examining the stockings hung there. With a flourish he whips out a folded length of parchment, he checks the names then nods and the jolly fat elk in the red suit whistles up the chimney.

There is a dull clunk on the roof and the thud of heavy footsteps before something else drops down the chimney. He seems to unfold like origami. Where Santa is broad this man is tall, instead of the elk's smooth polished rack gnarled goats horns curl up from his hood. The tall man, dressed in brown and green robes, with the wicker cage across his back bows to Father Christmas. Krampus leans back his head and sniffs the air, "Two, no no just one correct?" Says the man looking down at his partner.

"Yes, just the one in this house." He glanced up at the hooded figure and quickly away. Not that he was ashamed of what he was about its just Krampus's weird rectangular pupils in this gold eyes still freaked him out a bit even after all these years.

Krampus sighed and stretched his neck with several small snaps and pops. "Well, time to make the donuts, as they say nowadays." His accent is thick and rough and oddly implacable as if it comes from a time and place that were never really part of this world. He starts to wander the house just as Santa is doing too. There is no hurry; the night will last as long as it needs and the mortals' slumber will only be disturbed if they choose it to be. So the tall demon takes no care to be silent as his massive hooves clacked on the kitchen tiles, and the chains and manacles hanging from his belt rattled in counterpoint to Kringle's own sleigh bells. He opens the fridge; the mortals have long stopped leaving him offerings and the milk and cookies are not to his taste anyway. So he has to take his own offerings. There is cider in the fridge, and he guzzles down most of that smacking his lips in appreciation while helping himself to a few cold baked potatoes. He passed Kringle as the fat man munched a cookie dutifully and left one with just bite taken out of it and crumbs on the plate. With a chuckle, the demon tosses a small red and white can. "I see the endorsement deal is still going strong." The thing grinned in his guttural voice. "How would I go about getting one of those?"

Santa sighs turning over the can of cola and looking down at the cartoon version of his face. "Oh, I hate these cans they always make my nose too big. And you know that's a myth it never happened."

The demon just smiles before mounting the stairs, his big hooves clomping on the wooden floors. He wondered if he should leave some muddy prints to enhance the magic but decided against it. The traces of belief shtick were the man in reds gig. For him, it's only necessary that the wicked believe in him. He turns left at the top of the stairs; the right just led to the master bedroom, and for the most part, adults were not involved with tonight. But there were three children here. At the first door, with the youngest he stops and sniffs at the doorway.

Bleh, a little prince, mischief no doubt, and no angel but not a bad child or wicked.

He crosses the hall to the oldest's room. He doesn't bother to sniff here yet; he doesn't need to. He pushes open the door and walks in up to her bed. The 12-year-old girl lays sprawled across the bed. Krampus leans down placing his large gnarled hands on the bed as he inhales her scent. His face mere centimeters from her skin as he moves from her belly up to her face. He can smell the mischief in her, the naughtiness. It's there just below the surface; he can feel them little white lies, casual cruelties, and all the other little sins that build up with time.

She's close but not yet wicked.

The demon leans in sniffing at her face again before a long tongue slips down licking her cheek. "Soon little one soon unless you mend your ways." He pulls out a strand from his long thorned switch. She'll wake clutching it to her chest. The thorns should scratch up her palms and skin pretty well in the night. But he's given his warning the rest is up to her.

Back in the hall, he approaches the last door. A crude skull and crossbones with the command to keep out hung from it in an infantile attempt bar his way, but he can smell the lad's wickedness from here. Not big enough to be a bully; he is a thief, also maliciously spreading lies and gossip that have hurt and harmed both children and adults in petty ways. A Destructive and willful vandal, these are sins of a child but unlike those of his sister they were carried out with intent and he took joy in the harm they did. "This is one to be punished," he muttered running a claw along the wicker cage, "but not that bad...yet."

Krampus takes a deep breath before exerting his will over the room. Just outside the windows, it seems a blizzard has rolled in, sheets of ice coat the glass and jam the locks, the temperature in the room plummets, and drifts of snow form at the edges. Frost forms icy white crawling fingers along the rooms' walls and floors leaving just the shivering boy of 9 huddled beneath the covers. The demon takes another breath, and this time it's him who changes but in little subtle shifts. His golden eyes with their crossed pupils begin to smolder and glow with a bright red fire, his robes started to seem torn thin and tattered the rich green and warm browns now stain with splashes of darker colors like old dried blood.

And his horns seemed to unravel, uncurling out into a truly demonic looking pair of hooks. He takes up his switch in one hand before letting out a bellow and kicking open the child's door.

Startled awake the boy screams pulling his blankets up to his chin. Seeing the hulking, monstrous figure in the doorway he doesn't stop screaming till his breath gives out.

Krampus steps into the cub's room. What followed came a gust of wind that shouldn't be they're slamming the door behind him. With a gesture chains from his belt lash out forming a web of links that barred the door. The monster smiles and stalks towards the bed, clouds of steam pouring from his mouth as what seem like red firelight seeping past his teeth. The frost covered toys crumbled beneath his hooves with merry little tinkles of ice as the sinister figure comes to the foot of the bed.

With teeth chattering the boy burrows under the blankets reverting to the old boogeyman rules. This had to be a nightmare he thought, monsters like this weren't real.

The Krampus cackles laying his claws into the blankets and tugging them aside. "Aww, little bubi do I frighten you? You can not hide from me." Growled the beast in his thick accent.

The boy rolls off the bed landing on his hands and knees in the small snowdrifts that have somehow formed there. He crawled past the monster and started banging on his door screaming for help.

A strong, clawed hand grips the boy by the back of his pajama tops, lifting him into the air, till he's face to face with the glowing Pitts hiding deep within the shadows of the hood. "Shout all you want little one; Mutter und Vater will not be coming. They will not be hearing you I think." He gestures broadly with his hands casually tossing the shivering boy back onto his bed. "This is the magic time of the night when we are released. Also, this is Christmas Eve my bubi, where some of us work." He places the empty cage by the bed, all the while making sure the cub got a good at the thing. "You are a wicked child. Not enough for me to claim you sadly, but still a very wicked child yes." He idly strokes the cages in a wistful manner. "And on Christmas, I come to punish wicked children." The boy pleads and begs for mercy, not sure what's coming next.

The cub tried to crawl away, but the beast only laughed and yanked the cub closer by one of his feet, flipping him onto his stomach as he did. Then with another flick of the wrist ice-cold manacles slithered

up noisily from beneath his bed and latched themselves onto the blubbering boy, holding him in place. The lad is stretched out, legs dangling over the edge, but still trying to get free, Krampus like a bit of a struggle. A clawed hand tears away the boys top exposing light cream-colored fur to the icebox like temperatures in the room; the same motion catches the waistband of his bottoms, but he knew there was no need to destroy them the old monster only tugs them down to the knees. Krampus took a moment to admire the naughty boys tight, round rump before clutching it greedily in his clawed hand, causing the boy to sob and shudder at the touch.

"Now bubi remember this is punishment for your sins." He says, placing the bundle of flexible switches on the bed in easy view of the boy.

He reaches over and slowly draws out a long, thorned covered switch, taking care that the boy watched him as he did. He tested the grip and gave it a couple of slashes, cutting the air around him with a sharp swish, swish, swish, sounds that made the boy flinch in terror, much to his delight.

"Maybe you'll learn from this ja?" He takes up the switch and with a loud cracking noise the demon brings it down. The boy shrieks with the pain but despite what appear to be large jagged thorns on each length it doesn't tear skin only raising long red welts across the boys back. He pauses letting the cold air get to the sore muscles, the breeze that shouldn't be there dragging snowflakes across the sore mess as well. Crack goes the switch again, and again and five more times across the boys back. Each time leaving just enough time for the pain to fade, and the cold to seep in making the switches return that much more agonizing. The boy's sobs and screams fill the room even as the demon moves down deciding that those sweet ass cheeks do need a bit of color. Swish & crack falls the switch but now the monster pauses to feel what he's done, fondling each stinging cheek with his large calloused paws. A bright red x like pattern of welts now decorated the Cubs supple young ass and the old demon can barely contain his need. But before he can take what's his he needs to leave one last warning for the boy.

The boy sobs as he feels the dark presence leaning over him. Dark robes fall to each side shielding him from the ice and snow a bit. The demon's hands fell on either side of his face, and the boy shudders once more as he feels something hot and heavy resting on his back. Starting from two pools of heat on his backside he can feel the meaty girth radiating along his sore back. A hot stinging wetness pools where the throbbing length ends.

"Please no," the boy cries not sure exactly will happen but knowing it's going to be bad.

"Too late for begging bubi, but maybe next year." The heat leaves the boys back but only for a moment. He then feels it pressed up under his tail as one of those hairy hands tugs his tail up. "And this is not even the worst punishment. The worst kinder they go in my cage, and back to hell wit me."

He pressed his cock firmly against the cub's tight pucker, which only seemed to tighten further as his moist tip prodded against it. Krampus couldn't help but laugh a little, for the harder they tried to keep him out, the better it felt for him. Keeping a firm grip on the cub's tail, he allowed his weight to slowly push himself inside.

He pauses after working two inches into the boy's anus. Letting the squealing lad feel the burn of those muscles and absorb his words. "And look, look my cage is so empty. But if you keep on like you are maybe you come wit me next year to hell, and we can do this every day ja?" He grunts pushing more and more into the boy knowing he can take it all. "Then you can meet my brothers; my big brothers would like you." Having planted the seed of hope, as well as the root of his lust in the boy Krampus discharges his last duty and begins to revel in his need. With a bleat of need he grips the boy's hips, his thumbs spread the tight little mounds of furry flesh just enough to see that perfect pink ring stretched out devouring his monster cock. The beast moans another lewd sigh as yet another inch is fed to the boy, almost enough on its own to make him cum. But he knows better; he's been doing this for a long time. The big monster groans as he finally hilts himself into the sobbing boy, and with a grunt, he starts to pull back; he sighs watching that massive shaft sliding free of the vice-like ring of muscle is wonderful indeed. Not as good as it feels but still damn lovely. The deep red marks across the creamy white fur, the sparkling ice crystals drifting on the wind making him flinch and shudder, and that long length of maleness ready to be fed right back into that tight little rump, it's enough to bring tears to your eyes... Well, maybe not Krampus's eyes but the boy sure had some tears for him. The monster growls and leans forward, draping himself over the shivering lad, and while the nearness of the beast warmed the boy somehow, it didn't comfort him. With a grunt the demon drives himself home, the boy had already shown he could take the full girth, so there was no need to hold back. The beast howled as his balls slapped and his thrusts in and out into the lad made loud meaty thwacks. The little bed shakes with each impact, and the chains on the monsters belt ring out like sleigh bells, as they rock back and forth.

The boy feels the heat building up in the daemon. And that's not some metaphor he can literally feel the searing heat building in the beasts nuts searing him with each wet thump. The creature starts to mutter to himself as the heat builds hotter and hotter.

"Dank dem Himmel für schlimme jungs, dank dem Himmel für alles was sie tun, egal wo, egal wie, den ohne sie, wer wäre dann zum nageln da. " says the great monster almost like a benediction and without missing a beat in the thrust and parry into his holiday prey. He feels his climax building, the deep hum in his jewels as he lets out a roar of pleasure. His clawed hands grip the lad's hips; fingers dig in bruising the boy as the old monster Jackhammers in deep planting his root hard and fast before erupting. Krampus bellows out his conquest as he floods the little bastards nooks and crannies with his steaming seed.

The brat squeals and squirms under the beast as the searing heat pulses down that cock. The deep pounding had left him stunned, but as what felt like molten lead started to flood his bowels the boy began to scream once again. Despite all the pain somehow, his little dick is rock hard and in spite of all the tears blubbering and crying he feels something tingle in his balls as his climax knocks him out.

The old monster savors this feeling. Krampus i not allowed to mount this ass again tonight, so he has to take this for all its worth. With a wet slurping noise the beast pulls back, he smiles looking at the well used little bitch passed out in the bed, steam rising from the boy's truly well-fucked hole as thick seed spills free in drips and dribbles pooling like thick egg nog spreading across the sheets. "Mmmm bubi I must say that was fun. Hope to see you again next year."

Krampus clumps loudly down the stairs. His aspect is back to what it was before, his green and brown robes now neat and elegant, his horns once more tightly curled, and the red glow faded from his eyes. He found Santa sitting in the kitchen reading something. As he approached, the red-robed elk looked up at him and tapped the magazine he was reading.

"Did you know you're getting a movie this year?"

The monster picks up an apple in his clawed hand before crunching down on the juicy fruit. "Really? Hope it turns out well."

The fat man climbs to his feet and slips a pair of green beer bottles to the old demon. "Drink up old man you need your fluids. The night is young, and there are many more children to go on both our lists."


The sun comes streaming in through the windows on Christmas morning and the boy flops over on his bed and jerks bolt upright remembering the events of last night. His pj's are intact but still he checks his back; he found no marks, but he felt very sore. His butt was really sore too but to check he has to peel off his bottoms and somehow they were plastered to his crotch, and it stung to remove them.

"You little brat, is this your idea of a joke?!" Shouts his older sister as she storms into the room. "You put this in my bed didn't you?" She waves something in the little boy's face.

He doesn't know why but as the thorny little switch flashes in front of him the boy wanted to squeal. He wanted to wet himself, to crawl under his bed, and curl into a ball.

"It was real." He whimpers, "It's coming back..."