Just a Fox From a Valley: A Fallout Short Story

Story by James Matrix on SoFurry

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It has been quite while since I last uploaded a story. This one was rattling around in my head for quite some time and I needed to get it written out. Please comment, vote, fave, or tell me what you think either way. This will be a stand alone short story for now, but I may continue with these characters in the future. Enjoy! ^_^


"Goddamnit, that hurts you sonofabitch."

"Quit your fuckin yowling or I'll tighten these cuffs even more and forget where I put the key." James gave a tug on the coyote's wrist restraints as extra incentive to shut up.

He swore as the coyote faked another stumble on the dusty street of the town entrance. "Fuckin stand your ass up too or I'll drag ya to the sheriff. Cash don't care what condition your pelts in."

The fox drug the skinny raider along the street toward the building that housed the town sheriff and a state marshall's office. Over the sound of the raider's moaning and groaning and overall bitching Matrix heard quite the commotion from the saloon and whorehouse. He couldn't help but stop and watch the drama unfold, as did the citizens and a couple deputies.

"Lady, you need to get the fuck outta here with your craziness. That is not my fuckin kid. I don't know you, I've never been to this town before, and I'd never hire your dirty cunt either way!"

Matrix watched as the poor wolf looked frustrated as one of the local whores harrased him and followed him down the street. Matrix shook his head and moved toward the sheriff's office. Unfortunately for his patience the commotion followed as the wolf, wearing quite a lot of gear and weaponry, the kind a merc would have, walked down the street toward the intersection at the sheriff's office.

"Heh. Sucks for that asshole." The coyote chuckled.

Matrix swore and moved toward the wolf who looked like he was about to slug the woman.

"HEY BETS. Hands off he's mine." Matrix grabbed the wolf's muzzle and gave the shocked man a deep kiss. He broke away and shoved Bets back as the raider and several townsfolk laughed their asses off.

"Awww hell. Fuckin fags ruin my goddamn fun..." The dirty female wandered off cursing.

"What. The fuck." The wolf stood there stock still, glowering at the fox, hackles still raised.

"Sorry. She's a fuckin nut job and will stick on you like a starving tick. She works for a real piece of work too so if you lay hands on her he'll get pissy and you'll have to deal with that fucker too. Next time you want to get a drink, go to Josie's. Inside the north gate." the wolf still stared, but at least his hackles were down and his breathing seemed normal.

"He's right dude. She's a nasty bitch." the coyote spoke from the side.

"Ooookay then. See ya. I got to drop this guy at the sheriff's." Matrix drug the coyote across the street as the wolf still just stared.

Matrix pushed the door open to the sheriff and marshall's building, dragging the raider behind him. James went to the first deputy he saw, a bruttish looking bull, smoking a cigarette and reading a book at his desk. The bull spied them with one eye but made no other indication of acknowledging them. "wut?"

"I got Grenades here to turn into the sheriff, or marshall, don't matter."

"We ain't ordered any grenades." the bull grumbled, as he turned back to his book.

"This dude. Bounty. Ringa bell?"

The bull put his boots back down to the floor and put his book on the top. He stared at the fox before him and turned toward the coyote, who just sulked.


The sheriff walked out of his office before James' ears stopped ringing.

"Got a Grenades here for Marshall Abbot."

"So I see Mr. Matrix. Lemme get the caps and a receipt of bounty. Marshall is out tracking, but I'll make sure he knows you did more good work."

"Thank you kindly, sir."

The sheriff returned with a yellow notepad and a bag of New California Republic cash.

"Do your people know you're out here hunting these assholes for sport?"

"Eh. Not like I have other shit to do. They won't send me east. Rumor has it we might make a move north but you didn't here that from me." James said as he watched the sheriff write out the receipt of bounty.

"North eh? NCR already got their hands in the caravan pots up there. More territory grab?"

"Maybe. Probably need more sheriffs in a bit. Be some good fun up where duly 'elected' lawmen aren't taken serious yet."

"Eh. It's tempting but I'm too old to get shot at every damn day by some smart mouthed punk ass." The greying tiger ripped a portion of the pad off and handed it to the fox. "you gonna want your cuffs back?"

"I'll come back for them later."

"Okay. Dill, get this thing to the lock up."

The giant bull grumbled a "yessir" directly behind James, making him jump a bit.

"Your deputy should be a tracker. He's way to quiet for that size." Matrix smoothed down his neck fur.

"He likes cracking heads too much. Hardly has to draw his pistol."

"Must be nice. Nobody likes to take me serious until I put a round through someone's eye or break a half dozen muzzles."

"Thats the fun of it Mr. Matrix. Suprise 'em."

Matrix chuckled as he took the cash.

"Well sheriff, I think I need a drink and some ammo. I'll see ya later."

"Take it easy out there."

Matrix left the sheriff's office and walked out into the setting sunlight. He looked around the dusty town. The old rebuilt buildings, the rubble from mid rises stretching to the horizon, letting a glimpse of mountain tops here and there. Silvall City wasn't much to look at, but it was the only major town in the whole valley. It sprang up decades before Matrix was around from the rubble of a pre-war tech heavy city. Computers, robotics, advanced physics, high tech industries etc lived and breathed in the valley before the bombs fell. Plenty of scrap was still being pulled from rubble, and the suburbs teamed with scavenger camps, computer geeks, and robotics experts. The Brotherhood of Steel was here briefly before the NCR swooped in and chased them off and established a town and research camp, albeit a heavily guarded one.

After Matrix purchased some ammo for his .40 Glock pistol and his .308 sniper rifle, he made his way to a his favorite bar in town. Josie's was not high class or fancy by any means, but it lacked the harrassmant of whores and the skeeviness of the crime "lord" that owned them. Plus the booze was strong and not watered down, and sometimes a good lay could be found, usually in the form of a trader passing through, or a trooper on leave between patrols. The bar and it's distillery took up the whole first floor of a five story apartment block, the top floor had two penthouses, one of them James owned, and the other was Josie's. The other three stories were apartments Josie rented out.

Matrix found his favorite seat open at the bar, as always, and scanned the crowd a bit. The usual singer, Dina, was belting sweet pre-war songs while a band played out a jazzy tune. Being early evening, the large bar was filling up quick, and bar tenders and waitresses moved about with food and drink. Mostly drink.

James heard a shuffle and turned to find a young sheep dog mix grinning at him from where she leaned across the bar.

"Howdy, Josie. Usual please." James said dryly before pretending to turn his attention elsewhere.

"Not until you explain yourself. Heard you got into a bit of a scuffle with that skank Betsy down at soon-to-be-burned-down whorehouse. I'm the only girl you can have your eyes on." Josie said, turning from a grinning young lady to a scowling demoness with fiery eyes.

"It wasn't me." James laughed, "some poor guy got trapped by her, I chased her off. Simple."

"Good. Beacause I ain't treating your dick if you catch some shit from her. Super crabs or some shit. Still might have to burn that place down though..."

James snapped his fingers at her to disrupt her train of thought.

"No. I don't have time to move you to another town again. No more fires!"

"You ain't fun anymore bruh." Josie pushed herself off the counter with a huff and proceeded to pour a few ounces of a clear liquor into two glaases and down one in a gulp.

"Hey, lady. Another drink?" a man down at the other end waived his empty glass at her.

"I'LL GET TO YA WHEN I GET TO YA. SHUT YER FUCKIN COCKSLEEVE." Josie shouted at the man, before turning to James. "Sorry, hun. Forgot you faggots hate words like that."

"Oh yes. My fragile heart is wounded. Go check on your other patrons, I'll be here awhile." James chuckled and took a swig of the burning liquid.

James' ears swiveled as a large grey wolf took the bar stool next to him.

"Hi there."

James turned to the wolf and eyed him up and down. It was the same wolf from before, the one harrassed by the whore and had been very suprised to suddenly be kissed by a random fox. The wolf was likely in his mid to late twenties, James guessed. He wore a brown leather jacket, worn and patched, over a tan t-shirt with tan cargo pants. He was well armed, with a leather belt holding a mean looking matte black revolver, easy six shooter loader, and plenty of .44 magnum ammo.


"Came to try out your suggestion. Saw you here and thought I'd thank you for your help. Very, very unsual way of helping but help nonetheless." James heard the wolf's tail flick nervously, but he held James' gaze.

"James." the fox held his paw out, "and you're quite welcome."

"Grey." the wolf took his paw and shook it with a firm grip. "whats good to drink here?"

"Nice to meetcha ya Grey. The tequila is good. That's what I get. Josie makes it herself, has a cornfield outside town."

"I'll give it a shot."

Josie sauntered over to the fox and wolf.

"What ya want beefcake?" she asked with a smirk, and a wink at James.

"Uh. What he's got. Your tequila." Grey jabbed a tumb towards James.

"Thank you for your patronage of my fine booze, good sir." Josie poured out the glass and watched him take a swig, and minutely wince.

"Damn. That could be used in a clinic to clean wounds. Fuck." The wolf shook his head, but took another swig that went down better than the first.

"I actually do sell pure alcohol to the clinic as a matter of fact." Josie said with a satisfied smile. "Call me when you want another babe." she pointed at James' nearly empty glass and sauntered off to another patron.

"She your girl?" the wolf asked James.

"Nah. More like sister. Known her for quite awhile. She settled down here a few years ago, got a hold of this building, and been making booze and renting apartments. Makes quite the killing. I live here too in between trips and such."

"Smart girl. Must be quite tough too. Not a lot of-" the wolf was intterupted when the door burst open and four men stormed in.

"Shit." James heard Josie say as she ducked behind the counter along with the rest of her bartenders.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS THE FOX THAT TOOK MY MAN DOWN TO THE SHERIFF?" a scraggly looking bear yelled. Patrons and waiters took cover.

"HERE! Thats me!" James hopped off the stool and happily raised his hand up, like a child in class. Grey stared wide eyed at the fox and bear.

The four raiders moved on the small fox who just grinned madly at them as they surrounded him. Grey put his hand on his magnum and got out of his seat quietly.

"Y'all are from Publisher's Clearing House aren't you? OH MY GOD DID I WIN THE CORVEGA???!!!"

"The fucks he goin on 'bout boss?" A gator glanced to the bear.

"No we ain't from whatever that is, pipsqeak." the bear growled as six more raiders entered Josie's bar. "You killed four of my men and turned Grenades in for a bounty."

"OOOOHHHH. You're one of THOSE guys! Drat. I was hoping for that baby blue Corvega." James pouted. "You must be Mr. Shiver. I hear you got a thousand caps on your head, and I see about another eleven hundred on the rest of these dweebs."

"No more bounties for you faggo-"

Before the bear could finish a word James' Glock sent a round straight into his brain from under his chin, spattering James in brain and blood. A deafening roar errupted as Josie and two bartenders came out of cover with subcompact Uzi's and sprayed down the other six raiders in the doorway. James ducked and sent another round into a nearby raider as Grey's .44 barked and killed two more.

Once the ringing stopped in everone's ears, staff and patrons went back to what they were doing, albeit after checking for bullet wounds.

"WOOOOOOO!!! Been awhile since someone tried to strong arm my bar!" Josie nearly bounced behind the bar, waiving a spent and smoking Uzi. "You boys should go wash up. The gore look doesnt work with your pelts. I'll deal with the sheriff and the bodies. Get a mop and bucket or seven..."

The panting fox and wolf agreed.

"I got a place on the top floor, running water and stuff, if you wanna wash up." James holstered his Glock.

"Yeah. I could use a bath."

Grey followed James up to the top floor. He whistled as James produced a key and unlocked the penthouse.

"Damn. Bounty hunting must pay well!" Grey turned, taking in the suite. The place had a kitchen, large living room, dining area, and a hallway into what were likely bedrooms and a bathroom. Whole place was fully furnished and in relatively great condition and cleanliness. The entry hall even had a large locker that held a small aresenal of guns, explosvies, ammo and armor.

"Yeah I make a good living. Plus Josie let me buy the place super cheap once she had it cleaned up and furnished." James said as he removed his duster and kevlar Molle vest and hung them in their spots. "Bathroom is down that hall, first door on the left. Help yourself to the soap and a towel in the cupboard. You can put your clothes in the plastic bin by the door. I have a wash basin and Abraxo if you wanna wash them later."

"Okay, thanks man." Grey went to the bathroom and found it to be quite large and well kept, like the rest of the apartment. The bathroom sported a massive tiled shower and a large tub that could easily fit several people. Grey decided a shower would be preferable to get all the filth and gore out of his fur. He was suprised to find that not only did the water work and have decent pressure, but it was hot as well. He shook his head at the levels of luxury here for what felt like the thirtieth time. He could picture a senator or brahmin baron being just fine living in a place like this. Grey found the described plastic bin and deposited his clothes inside, but kept his revolver and gun belt hanging on the shower door within reach. He cursed and moaned when the hot water hit his pelt. He hadnt had a hot shower in ages.

While Grey was showering, James went about his own routine. He disrobed down to his boxers and dropped his gore covered clothes into a tub of hot water and plenty of Abraxo and let it sit while he cleaned and oiled his Glock. After he was satisfied his gun was cleaned, he scrubbed out the stains in his jeans and shirt. Once they were cleaned and rinsed, he hung them on a line on the balcony to dry. When he came back into the apartment he saw Grey standing in just a towel, holding the bin of his dirty clothes.

James felt his maw go dry. Grey was far more muscled than James first thought. Without his leather jacket, he could see the definition of his muscles under his fur. He had gorgeous arms and pectorals, amazing abs, and the muscled V led right down to what was clearly a large package under the wet towel. Grey also found himself staring at the fox. He had plenty of muscle of his own, but still had the taught body found in his species. He definitely showed his speed and agility earlier with the raiders.

"Ummm... Where-" Grey cleared his throat of the croak. "Where can I clean these?"

"Oh yeah. uh... heh.. Got a clean basin with abraxo there on the kitchen table with a brush, and a clean basin of water to rinse. You can hang your clothes on the porch to dry." James felt a huge blush on his cheeks.

"Okay. Thanks!" Grey stared. "You can use the shower now."

"Right! Yeah. Shower." The fox quickly ducked around the hunk of a wolf and practically scampered into the bathroom. He didn't undertand why he was suddenly so awkward and goofy around Grey. He had quite a few hunky men and even a few gorgeous women in his bed, and he was always the suave cocky SOB, not a blushing schoolboy. Then it clicked. "Oh fuck. I like this guy way too hard..."

Grey smelled the faint arousal of the fox as he ran into the bathroom and slammed the door behind him. He stood motionless for a few seconds as the gears in his brain spun. "Well shit." He muttered to himself and shook his head, his own cheeks feeling a little warm.

When grey had finished cleaning his clothes and hung them to dry, he realized the shower was off, but James the fox hadn't appeared yet. He took the time meandering around the apartment. Nothing much jumped out at him. It was clean and luxurious, but not too many personal effects were there. One or two old Polaroid type pictures of James and Josie hung on the entry hall in frames, but that was it. He spotted a gun cleaning kit laid out on the table in the living room with a note "feel free to use". So he did exactly that.

James was dressing in his room when the telephone on the desk rang. He picked it up.


"Hello, Sergeant Matrix. I have a mission for you. Busy?"

"No ma'am. Just doing a little cleaning around the valley between assignments."

"Indeed. Doing work." The voice at the other end said. "We need you to go up north."

"North, ma'am?"

"Yes, sergeant. Into Oregon, and possibly further. We need you to track down a traitor and dispose of them. Our traders and own scouts can only report so much, especially when they stick out like a sore thumb and get pegged as soldiers or NCR caravans almost immediately. Your record shows you worked up in that area as a bounty hunter a couple times. We feel you'll be able to blend in better while you track this target down."

"I can do that."

"Good. You'll find more mission details in a packet dropped off with Miss Josie. You'll leave in the morning. You are to travel through California in your uniform and armor. I don't want any patrols or locals giving you trouble on the way. Outside the border, you are to switch to civilian clothing and do as you need. You'll have two months to complete the mission. If you need more time, contact us through the channels outlined in the mission packet. If you don't report in by that time frame, we'll assume you are MIA or need backup. When you're back give us a call to check in."

"Dead, not alive?"

"Yes. Dead. Details are in the packet. We believe he is too dangerous to let live, and to even transport back to NCR territory. Too much can go wrong, and a large team will be spotted too quickly. This is high priorty and classified. Understood?"

"Yes, colonel.

"Excellent. Good luck, Ranger."

"Ma'am." The end fell silent with a click.

James went back to dressing in shorts and a T-shirt as his head spun through a mental checklist of preperations and supplies he'd need. When he finally left his room he found Grey passed out on the couch, snoring under a blanket. James frowned when he realized the wolf was far too large to be comfortable on the couch. He considered letting him be, but decided to wake him. He went to grab the man's shoulder but thought against it. He didn't want to get slugged by startling the man awake close range. Instead, he kicked the back of the couch as hard as he could and jumped back.

"WHAT THE FUCK." Grey jumped awake and practically flew off the couch in a flurry of limbs, pillows and blanket, revolver in had. The wolf quickly spotted on the smirking fox.

"Sorry. Didn't want to get slugged waking you up."

"Goddamnit man... What do you want?"

"Well I'm about to pass out since its late and I gotta get up early in the morning. You're welcome to stay here, since I doubt your clothes have dried yet." The fox told him. He then realized the wolf was completely naked still. He blushed when he got caught staring at the man's sheath and balls.

"You didn't have to wake me up to tell me that!" He said with a sigh. He smirked, "Was that a ploy to see me naked?"

"Well no, just get you to my bed." Grey grinned and raised an eyebrow. "I MEAN... You didn't fit on the couch and my bed is HUGE so I figured you'd be more comfortable."

"Okay." Grey said simply, and pushed past the flustered fox into the bedroom.

James stood shocked for a bit, and turned to follow the wolf. He found the wolf laying under the covers on the far side. The wolf watched him as he undressed and got into bed as well with a weary sigh.

"Fuck, I am tired." James flicked off the lights.

A light glow from the town shown through the window, reflecting of Grey's blue eyes as he looked James.

"You wanna fuck?"

"What?" James turned to him.

"Well clearly we're both attracted to eachother, and I'm tired of beating around the bush. You're a cocky shit and I figured you'd make a move by now, but you haven't, so I'm asking outright."


"Oh for fuck's sake."

Grey whipped off the covers and swung a leg over to the other side of James. Crouching over the fox, he leaned down and went for a deep kiss. The fox's shock wore off quickly and he pressed into the kiss. Grey lowered himself onto James, covering the smaller fox with his fur and heat. Their arousal instantly kicked into high gear, filling the room with overpowering musk.

Grey pulled back from James and moved down to his fully hard cock. The fox's member was fairly large for his species, and had a pare of fuzzy white furred balls any man would be proud of. He breathed in the fox's heavy scent, and quickly enguled the hot manhood in his maw.

"OH...FUCK!" James bucked up into the muzzle. Grey choked a bit and growled up at him, but it only felt even better. James grabbed one of Grey's ears and held on as the wolf skillfully managed his task. His thick broad tongue worked over his cock, sending jolts of electricity up and down his spine. Grey pulled of with an audible pop, leaving James to growl at his wet member being cold so soon. The wolf stared suggestively at the fox as he sucked on one of his finger pads, and brought it down to the base of James' tail. Grey took the red throbbing cock back into his muzzle as he rubbed a wet finger on James' pucker. The muscles twitched in need at every touch. Finally, Grey pushed his finger passed the ring, deep into the fox. James cried out as the wolf found the perfect spot and began prodding it. James couldn't hold on for much longer, his senses overwhelmed with the muzzle on his cock and the finger tapping his prostate. The knot began to swell and Grey used his free paw to squeeze it. James saw stars as his balls drew up, and emptied themselves into the eager mouth and throat. Grey swallowed every salty drop, and continued to milk every bit he could from the writhing fox.

James was left a panting wreck as Grey climbed back on top of him, and forced his toungue into his muzzle. James groaned at the taste of himself inside the stud's mouth.

"I need you to fuck me." James whispered at the grinning wolf.

"Its about time you asked."


James awoke early the next morning before the sun even rose. He did not want to get out of bed. Grey's arm was draped on his flank and chest, and he could feel the breath of the wolf on his neck. He found the masculine, spicy scent of the wolf, and his back pressed against the large chest and torso too comforting to leave behind. After a few more minutes of the quiet bliss, he grudgingly and quietly extricated himself from Grey and got out of the bed. He stretched, feeling his joints and tendons popping. "Yeah, I'm definitely gonna be sore today."

The fox dressed in his NCR Ranger uniform and riot armor. He checked his Glock on his thigh and FN SPR A3G sniper rifle, making sure it was clean and operational and he had plenty of spare ammo. After his mental checklist he wrote a quick note to Grey and quietly left the penthouse. He went down the back stairs and ended up in the bar to find Josie starting her morning routine.

"Hey, James. Courier dropped this off." She said with a light frown, producing a yellow manila envelope with NCR "Classified" stamps and security strips on the seal. "How long?"

"Two months roughly. I'll try for less but might be more."

"Damn. Stay safe ok?"

"Will do hon, and you too."

"I will. Don't worry about those raiders either. Sheriff is tearing his men a new set of assholes for letting them all the way into town and my bar. Pretty sure he sent the ones to blame on a mission to clear the rest of the raiders out."

"Good. No reason they should've gotten through the outskirts and into the walls and your bar."

"Yup. Oh! Here's your cash. Fifteen hundred for the two you blasted." She tossed a white envelope at him. "Should help cover your trip too. Maybe make it quicker?"

"Definitely. Thanks." James hugged the young woman. "By the way, Grey is still upstairs. Left a note saying 'sorry i had to go' etcetera. Can you lock up after he leaves, and give him his share? He popped two of those raiders."

"Yeah I have his grand." She frowned down at the rag in her paw before looking back up at him, "You like him, don't ya?"

"Yeah. I do. Something about him. Fuckin sucks."

"Well, hopefully you get to see him again. The neighbors below complained about the noise. That hasn't happened before has it?" She gave him a wide grin.

"Really? Shit, sorry." James blushed for what felt like the millionth time.

"Don't apologize! It sounded like you two had a great time. Hope you get to see him again."

"Me too, Josie."

"Well. Stay safe out there. I'll have a tequila on rocks ready for ya when you walk through those doors."

"Will do, and thanks."

James walked out into the night. Outside of town he found his motorcycle. It was a large cruiser, but very quiet with its nuclear powered engine. Very rare model, but thankfully it looked identical to the fuel powered one, so no one really noticed. It would be stolen in a heartbeat if anyone did. He donned his riot helmet and breather mask and mounted the machine, wincing a bit as he tried to get comfortable.

That afternoon James had made good time. He had traveled North on I-5 and passed through Sacramento. Nobody gave him any trouble and he easily breezed right through any NCR checkpoints. At a small diner he reviewed his mission outline for the third time to make sure he had it properly in his head. He was after a former NCR Major who went UA after the Second Battle of Hoover Damn and the Courier had driven NCR brass out of New Vegas with the massive army of robots. James guessed that was one of the reasons the NCR was pushing north so much harder now. Without Vegas as a focal point, they wanted more territory, and the much more lush mountain ranges of Oregon and Washington were tempting. This former officer had forseen this shift in focus, and had turned all the petty raider groups and outlaw towns into a small army that now harrased NCR patrols, envoys and caravans. NCR wanted him dead. Without him the raiders would likely disperse into their little bands again, and with any luck kill each other while at it. Even the independant towns and city states wanted him gone. NCR taking him out might help future relations, seeing as how many independant groups blaimed the government for their rogue man.

James set his eyes on Portland. Traders and sources named them as the largest indepent town that was hunting this Major Thomas Willy.

After he passed the NCR boarder checkpoint on the I-5, he stashed his riot armor and uniform in his motorcycle's compartment, and changed into jeans, t-shirt, leather duster and tan Molle kevlar vest, topped off with a cowboy hat and shades to keep the sun off.

Portland was an interesting town to say the least. James found most people to be fairly decent folk, and the town was a prosperous city state, guarding the outlying farms and villages effectively. A good number of the farms grew large ammounts of marijauna, which was the main source of income for the area. Often, it was sold to traders and smugglers that then sold it in the NCR. It wasn't illegal by any means, but the NCR sure loved to tax it at the border. James personally didn't give a fuck what people used or abused, it was their business. He just hated the smell of pot and never went near harder drugs. Either way, he stayed on his toes here. Nobody would give a shit what his government credentials were, so he had to play it cool to find this guy. The local lawmen were searching for him as well thankfully, and were quite willing to give up the information if it meant someone else going afer him. They figured they'd be lucky if by some miracle a random bounty hunter took the guy out. Saved them the danger and they weren't the ones paying out the bounty.

James had to backtrack down the I-5 onto State 20 and cross into the Willamette National Forest, where the major was thought to be hiding the main group of his raiders. The thick lush trees were an excellent hiding spot. James ditched his motorcycle and hid it near the highway, taking his rifle and extra supplies as he tracked into the forest. The area wasn't densely populated except for a few small tribal groups, most of them harmless, and the raiders he was tracking.

James was surveying a raider encampment from a cliff top when a couple of raiders approached chatting. James quickly hunkered under an old rotten log and pulled folliage around him to cover himself.

"You know the boss is ready to make a move?"

"Its just a rumor dipshit. We'll make a move when we're ready and when he tells us. There have been rumors of that shit for months. It's not like we're doing nothing. We've gotten decent loot lately."

"Yeah I guess. I just wanna burn that little hippy town and steal all their shit. Those militia guns are nice! I want one."

"Yeah if they don't kill your ass first. Those fucks can shoot good."

"Oh yeah. The only reason I don't think its a rumor is I overheard Mega Minny talking about how the boss told her to be ready to leave for Bend next week."

"Isn't that getting really close to the NCR?"

"Yeah, I think so. See the thing is, I don't think he cares about these towns around here. They haven't found us yet. It's the NCR he hates and he knows will be after us."

"Shit. Thats Mega waiving us over. Lets go..."

James waited for the raiders to leave, then another few minutes, thanking the gods for the bit of expositional luck those two assholes had given him. Either way James knew he needed back up for this op, he was far too outgunned.


Grey woke slowly. Feeling quite content to stay in the warm bed he was in. The sun poured into the open blinds, and as his eyes adjusted, he realized the bed was emptier than it should have been. He sat up and looked around, seeing no sign of James. He left the bedroom adnd padded around the empty apartment. He felt a wave of sadness hit him, far more than he believed he should have for a one night stand ditching him. He entered the bathroom to wash up and saw a note on the sink.


Sorry to have to bug out but I have something urgent I need to tend to. It wasn't my intention to leave like this and I'm sorry. Help yourself to the shower and any food and drink in hte kitchen. Your clothes are on sitting on the couch, dry and clean. Don't worry about locking up either, just let Josie know when you head out. Again, I'm really sorry. Hope we can meet up again.


Grey read the note and felt a little better. He still didn't understand why the fox didn't wake him up at least, but maybe he just didn't want to make it harder. Either way, Grey needed to wash up and get ready for the day.

A half hour later Grey walked down to the diner and found Josie tending to customers. She spotted the wolf and headed over.

"Hey stud. Got your portion of the bounty for those dudes that crash the party." She produced a envelope of cash from behind the counter.

"Thanks Josie." The wolf took it and moved to the door.

"Hold up, hold up there cowboy." She rushed around the counter to block the door. "Two things.." She guided the wolf over to a secluded corner. "One, James really likes you. I can see you were disappointed he left and so was he."

"He could've at least woken me up." He said firmly, not sure why he was even discussing this with her.

"He should've and I'll chastise him for that next time I see him. Thing is, he's kinda weird about this stuff. Even I don't know the whole story, but he doesn't let people close to him much. Sadly all too common around here."

"I get it. It was a good fuck at least."

"Yeah. The neighbors complained a lot." She grinned at him as he blushed furiously.

"Jesus Christ... And the second thing?" He realized she held something behind her back.

"This was dropped off for you. Your eyes only." She produced a yellow envelope with NCR stamps and confidential tags and security tape. Grey looked at the young woman with surprise.


"I kinda work with Bureau of Military Intelligence. I pass on info to agents, rangers, troops and such, and keep a couple apartments as safe houses. Obviously thats need to know, but I checked your clearance when this came in for ya. You're clear, and I'm here if you ever need use of the place." She said with satisfaction.

"Damn. Okay. Thank you."

"Yup!" Josie moved in and hugged the big wolf, she smirked when she smelled some of James there still. "Stay safe. Hope to see ya again. I know James does."

"Me too. Thanks again."

At that, Grey left to go find his own men, fresh orders tucked into his jacket.


"H&H Tools, how can I transfer your call?"

"Ranger Sergeant Matrix. Echo seven seven two eight bravo. Colonel Filbin please." James spoke into the phone at the safehouse he had been directed to.

"Cleared, Ranger. Transfering line." The operator informed, followed by a ring.

"Colonel Filbin."

"Ma'am. Its Matrix."

"Status, Sergeant?"

"Target's encampment located in in the Willamette National Forest. Plenty of raiders and patrols, I'd estimate about three hundred strong. I can't touch him in there. I surveyed for over a week and couldn't find a way inside. He knows our tactics far too well and has set up counters."

"Damn. Thats worse than I thought."

"Yes ma'am. Requesting reinforcements. I have intel of a meet up the Major is making in about two weeks time with another raider group near Bend, just outside the forrest. Its taking him south toward our border."

"Seems like our only chance to strike. If we're lucky we can take him, his higher ups, and the leaders of another gang out. It could destablize the entire group and make them easy targets for us and the independant towns."

"My thoughts exactly. I need a small team. A squad of Rangers to back me up, and some heavy weapons should do it."

"Hm. I don't have any Rangers to spare in that area. None that can meet up in time at least. You were literally the only one I had available for this."

"Well, I'm sorry its not enough." James spoke into the phone, rolling his eyes to himself.

"Not your fault sergeant. You're one of our best hunters. If you say you need more men, then I believe you. I do have a squad of First Recon snipers I can send. They're one of our best units. They're out clearing raiders along the northern border and can meet up in plenty of time."

"I can work with that."

"Excellent. You'll meet up with a Lieutenant Forrest. He's the team leader. Got six soldiers under him. We'll send orders and mission supply cache to them and have you meet up at these coordinates."

James took down the coordinates and time frame. With a confirmation he hung up and got ready for the next leg of the mission.


Grey looked through the binoculars down at the small raider encampent inside a crater. Five drugged out psychos were present, shooting up chems, smoking chems, drinking, and all around being horrible. They were celebrating after hitting a small homestead. Grey's team hadn't gotten there in time to stop it, and found a house burned down and a family slaughtered. The family had put up a fight and killed a half dozen raiders, which made identifying them and tracking them easier. Now they were looking at what was left of the main group.

"Everyone in place?" Grey asked his sergeant. The man checked on the team through the coms.

"Yes, sir."

"Good." he sighted his sniper rifle and aimed down at the leader. "All teams confirm targets."

When he got the confirmation he ordered a free fire. In a split second all raiders were down with headshots. Several more emerged from the hut at the bottom of the hill, blindly firing into the cliffs and tree lines. In seconds they too were silenced.

"Good work team. Max, move in with me and sarge, check for any intel or captives. The rest keep lookout."

Grey shouldered his rifle and moved down the hill with his revolver in hand, followed by the sergeant. On the other side of the crater the Corporal made his way down with a shotgun in hand. They cleared the camp exterior and checked for traps before moving onto the hut itself.

They silently breached the door and entered a dark, dusty and rank room. Drugs and filthy matresses lined the room and a meager chem set sat on a lone table.

"Ugh. I hate raiders." The sarge sid as he swept the room for any information. "I doubt theres anything here sir. No way these guys can read or write."

"Agreed. I don't see anything. Pour that gasoline over there and lets burn this place." On his way to the door he keyed his radio, "All clear team, one coming out. Keep positions."

In a few minutes Grey and his men had moved the raider bodies into the shack and set it all ablaze. The hut went up with seconds, followed by a muffled explosion as something ignited.

"Good work guys."

"Eh. That was over too quick sir." A female voice responded. "Nothing but small groups in this area."

"It means we're doing a good job keeping the bad guy herds thin, private."

"Yes sir!"

Grey cocked an eyebrow as his radio beeped an odd tone. He checked the screen and was suprised to find a request for encrypted comms on a new line. He swapped over and plugged the earpiece in.

"Lieutenant Forrest."

"Lieutenant. This is Colonel Filbin. NCR Central Command."


"New orders, high priority and confidential. Wait for mission orders and a supply drop at these coordinates in four hours."

Grey took down the info and asked for more information.

"The rest will be outlined in a mission packet. Get there before the drop. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am."

The call ended he keyed his radio back to the mission comms.

"Team. Meet up at the top of the ridge. New mission from command."

Before the next morning, after traveling most of the night, Grey and his team had set up camp right at the coordinates given. He didn't know who or what he was waiting on, except supplies and mission packet. The next morning they checked over their supplies and pulled up camp, wanting to leave as soon as the supplies came in. Seven sets of ears swiveled at the sound of rotors.

A large virtibird appeared over the horizon, flying low straight towards the camp. It landed near the camp, kicking up dust and vegetation. A hatch opened up and a pilot waived Grey over.

"Orders, sir." he handed the packet over, and turned to push a crate down the ramp. "Equipment." and pushed a second crate down the ramp. Grey's troopers collected and drug them down toward the camp. "Good luck sir." the pilot waived and closed the hatch.

Within minutes the virtibird was gone, and the squad crowded around the two crates. They cracked them open and found one had spares arms and ammo, and food supplies, and the second held a missile launcher, half a dozen high yield missiles, and several bricks of C4 and a detonator.

"Goddamn, are we hunting Brotherhood?" one of his men asked.

"I don't know." Grey opened the sealed packet and found orders. His team were to move north and meet up with a ranger and assist with taking out a high level raider, and NCR traitor. Why they didn't task more Rangers the LT didn't know, but he wasn't about to overthink things he couldn't change. Grey got the map and they set a route to the meet up point. His men were already bitching about the heavy crates. They needed a brahmin for the several day walk.


Several days later in the early morning, James tracked a set of raiders along the highway. He knew the meet up point with his backup was close, and he wanted these guys gone before they ruined the mission. He knew they were part of the Major's army. He followed them all day to where they set up an ambush along a mountain pass local caravaners used. He scoped his rifle to them and waited, watching. Inside an hour the raiders saw movement and got ready to spring. James moved to see who was coming. He spotted four well armed men and women in regular NCR trooper armor guiding a brahmin loaded up with camping equipment and what were clearly two military style crates. While they looked to be very aware, they didn't seem to have spotted the ambush. James took in the situation, and sighted his rifle down on the raider most likely to pose a threat to the small caravan. His helmet provided range, wind and atmosphere conditions. Once he was sighted and saw the raider pop up to spring the ambush, he fired.

The soldiers on the ground immediately took cover. Before James could pull the tigger on another raider he sight the man dropped from his perch dead. James sighted another and dropped her and in seconds the fight was over. He scanned the area for more threats but found none. The soldiers below went from excitement over the action to bitching about the dead brahmin and the load they would have to carry. James hailed the soldiers as he moved down the mountain. They immediately recognized his ranger riot armor and helemt.

"Thank you sir for the assist." One said.

"Where's the rest of your team? Y'all clearly had other snipers watching your asses besides me."

"Oh yeah. Our LT should be down soon. I'll radio him. You the ranger we're meeting up with?"

"Depends if you're first recon, which I'd say you were with how well y'all handled that."

The soldier beamed. "yes sir we are. Good to meet you!" He shook James' paw.

"Damnit, Corporal. Next time watch you supressing fire. Got a little too close for comfort."

James turned to see a large grey wolf, wearing a 1st Recon uniform, beret, goggles and mask, coming down the rocks toward the group. He guessed the rest were staying on overwatch. Smart. The wolf approached James and held out his paw.

"Lieutenant Grey Forest, sir." James startled a bit, but rolled with it, especially in front of this man's team.

"Ranger Sergeant James Matrix. Glad you guys are here LT, and please, James is just fine. I'm not one for military formality on missions like this." The wolf kept his cool as well.

"Then Grey is just fine with me. We aren't much for formality either, except in front of the brass."

"Indeed. I take it you have overwatch up? I think we should still clear this area and find a place to set up camp for tomorrow's mission."

"Sounds good. Grab these crates, guys, and lets move." James grabbed and lifted one end of a crate, a female corporal at the other a little suprised he was helping.

They traveled for several hours to a suitable spot to set up camp, near a old farmstead. It showed no signs of use by anyone in years, so they figured it would be a good place to stash their extra gear. Once camp was set up and they had a fire going, James took off his helmet, relieved to give his sweaty headfurs time to breathe.

"There's a clean stream a couple minutes that way to wash up in if you want. I checked it with the geiger counter." Grey said, pointing in the direction as he sat down by the fire as well.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Go over the mission plan after?"

"Sure!" Grey smiled.

James quickly gathered his helmet and arms up and went down to the stream. The water ran steady and cool. After he undressed he slipped into the water and felt immediately refreshed. A few minutes of scrubbing the dust and grime out of his fur did the job and he went to his clothes and armor. As he dressed Grey came by.

"It's good to see you James." Grey smiled as he undressed out of his uniform. "Wasn't expecting you to be the Ranger we'd rendevous with."

"Yeah I wasn't expecting it either. Glad you're here though. You know what we're up against?" He said, changing the topic back to the mission.

"Yup." Grey paused and frowned. "Can we clear the air up here, real quick?"

"Not sure what there is to clear up, LT." James affirmed as he put on his armor.

"Well clearly this is both a little awkward for us. I get that we're here for a mission and I'm not gonna jeopardize that. We can't deny that we wanted to see each other again, though."

"No. You're right. I really do like you, but we can't worry about this on the mission. Talk after? I promise I won't run off."

"Deal." Grey smiled. "You look really sexy in that armor, by the way."

James laughed out loud and put his helmet over his head. "Right back at ya hun."

James kept his helemt on a bit longer till he could stop grinning like a schoolboy. After dinner, all eight of the soldiers sat around a map while James and Grey took out notes and files.

"So this is where the meeting is taking place." He pointing to a spot on the map, "Its a large set of warehouses that were for Super Duper Mart distributions. A decent sized raider gang took it over, thats who the target is meeting with. He has at least ten men with him at all times, and another ten have set up two small permeter camps around the area. These are for sentry watch and backup incase the gang he's with tries antything funny. The target is a former NCR Major. Kill him. Anyone else is fair game as well and stands to destabalize the raider groups in the region."

"So we go in, kill this Major, and get out?" One of the troopers asked.

"Basically. He's here now for the meeting. There are great spots for sniper overlook. If we can quietly and quickly neutralize the perimeter watch, we can snipe him and the other gang leader as they leave. With luck, the two gangs will turn on each other and make our job a little easier."

"What the backup plan?" Grey asked.

"The explosives can be set on the escape route. We know the Major has an old army truck he uses to get around quickly. Blow that up with the mines or rocket launcher. C4 will be for closing off the pass or any opportunities that crop up."

The soldiers went through the rest of the mission details before catching early shut eye.


Early in the morning they stashed their camp gear and took what they needed for the mission.

James had his rifle and glock, Grey had his rifle and revolver, plus the rocket launcher and missiles. They set out and split up, checking comms.

After taking out two raider guards quietly, James and Grey were perched on a mountain side with a clear view of the target's truck, and the main entrance to the raider complex. Looking through binoculars, he scanned and took stock of the area, cover, troops, likely entrance and exit points and any other relevant details.

"Looks like a massive chem production area on the far side." Grey said quietly. "Sue has a stealth boy on her. She's quiet and can get some C4 on that if we need a diversion."

"Good idea."

Grey relayed the orders, and half an hour later Sue reported back her post, four charges were set throughout the compound's chem production area, and that she had even found a large stockpile of combustables she rigged.

"Thats gonna be quite the show." James chuckled.

"Pssst!" Grey got James' attention. "Its him everyone." He radioed.

The former Major was exiting the complex and heading toward his truck with the raider lord. Dozens of raiders were on watch over them.

"Can you get a shot?" Grey asked.

"Yeah. This might be the only time." He keyed on his range finder and atmosphere sensors. He lined up the appropriate shot and right as he pulled the trigger, a shout was heard and the major ducked. It went wide but hit the raider lord and he went down.

"FUCK." James yelled chambering another round. He scanned for the major but didn't see him. Then all hell broke loose. Gunfire erupted everywhere, pelting their position.

"Fuck this." James tossed his rifle down and grabbed the launcher.

"Free fire! Free fire!" Grey yelled into the comes.

James came out of cover with the launcher and fired at the truck, blowing it up in one massive fiery explosion, taking out several raiders.

"Agh!" James fell back clutching his chest, the missile launcher falling down the side. Grey crawled over and checked him over. "I'm fine, I'm fine. Small round, long range. Armor stopped it."

Both grabbed their gear and moved positions as the raiders fired wildly at what they thought was an entire NCR army. The team moved positions often, switching between rifles and several LMG's that were in the crate, giving the appearance of a much larger force, and ultimately keeping the raiders from storming up the hills.

"Anyone got eyes on the major?" Grey keyed.

"Yeah he's in the chem area!" Sue reported, and James immediately keyed the detonator. Four charges went off, followed by a series of much larger explosions and fireballs that leveled two thirds of the compound and took out most of the raiders.

"HOOOLY SHIT!!" James laughed at the display, "You better promote that gal after this!" He said sniping another raider.

"I just pinned her with corporal earlier this year!" Grey said back, taking down two raiders in rapid succesion.

"Sir! No sign of the target on this side. We're clearing the rest of the raiders out here. Resistance is dwindling." Grey's sergeant reported.

James agreed. Most raiders left were trying to run only to get dropped by the marksmen. After another ten minutes, the gunfire stopped and everything went silent, except for the roaring blaze that now engulfed the entire compound. James was thankful for his breather mask. The air stunk of death, burning chemicals, smoke, and disturbingly, barbeque.

"Sue and Martin, move in with us to search for survivors, the rest stay on overwatch." Grey ordered.

The four soldiers circled the blazing complex, finding no survivors or any signs of their target. James was not happy. He needed to see a body, or SOMETHING that told him they suceeded. He realized he should've thought of that before destroying the entire complex with the Major likely inside. As if some evil force had heard him, the major appeared from underneath a dead raider behind them. He rose up, burned, brusied and bleeding but very very angry. He charged wielding a pair of knives. Before James and Grey could turn and engage, a pistol barked and the major went down with a scream, blood spurting from his thigh. Corporal Sue walked over with a 9mm pistol and shot four more rounds into the man's head and chest, then hocked a bit of tobacco chew on his face.

Grey and James just stared.

"Damn." Private Martin muttered.

"I think you just kept us from getting stabbed, Corporal." James said, clearly impressed.

"You're welcome sir!" The hare beamed. "I love this job."

"I think between the explosion, the sniping, and this asshole, the corporal has the most kills, sirs." Martin said with a nod, surveying the blaze and carnage.

James leaned over to whisper at Grey.

"She needs to be a Ranger. Like, yesterday."

"She's mine." He whispered back.

After re-confirming that the traitor was indeed dead by using the last brick of C-4 on him (they had seen the old films, always make sure your enemy was dead, never assume. Also there was that Courier 6 lady), the team moved back out. They traveled back to their encampment, killing a few raider stragglers on the way.


Back at the camp, James made a radio call back to command.

"Ranger Sergeant Matrix. Echo seven seven two eight bravo. Colonel Filbin please."

"Cleared, Ranger. Transfering line."

A few seconds later, the colonel picked up.

"Good news I hope, Sergeant?"

"Yes ma'am. Target is confirmed dead. Raider compound wiped out. No survivors we could tell."

"Excellent news sergeant! The whole compund?"

"Yes ma'am. The compound produced heavy ammounts of chems. One of the first recon gals planted charges. I was able to detonate them. The whole team peformed admirably. They deserve spme recognition."

"I'll take that into consideration sergeant. The whole of central command will want to see your and the Lieutenant's reports."

"We'll have them ready ma'am."

"We're sending a virtibird to pick up your team immediately. The explosion likely kicked a hornets nest of raiders and we want you back safely for a debrief and a little R&R. We'll have one there in two hours to bring you back to Shady Sands."

"Understood, ma'am."

"Great work, ranger. You went above and beyond. Tell your team they saved lots of lives in the future. Command out."

With the call over, James joined the other around the fire, and helped himself to some of the stew.

"Virtibird will be here in two hours for pickup to Shady Sands. Command wants debriefs in person." James told the team. "They also say 'Tell everyone great work and we saved a lot of lives.'"

The team celebrated a bit while they ate, still mindful of any raiders that might be in the area.

An hour before the chopper was set to arrive, James decided he could use a wash himself since all his equipment was now cleaned. As he undressed by the stream, Grey came down and joined him. They both settled into the water and let it rinse away the grime.

"You're a damn good ranger, James. That was some impressive shooting and coordination." He said, scrubbing the fur on James' back.

"Right back at ya. Sexy as fuck seeing you pull that trigger." he smirked.

"Oh so you think I'm sexy." He growled from behind the fox and nuzzled his neck.

"Definitely." He said as he rocked back into the wolf, feeling wolf's cock press up against the samll of his back,

James felt his heart rate quicken and blood flow into his eager manhood. He pulled away from the wolf and quickly rinsed the rest of the dirt off and scampered up the shoreline to his clothes. Grey followed with a hurt look.

"What did I do now?" He asked, frustrated.

"We're out in the field! What do you think is wrong!." James practically yelled.

"Not like my guys are gonna come down and bust us. Don't have to be an asshole about it at least." He said matter of factly as he began to put on his pants.

James immediately felt bad. He really liked Grey already, and wanted to get to know him better. Plus, he was about the hottest thing he'd ever seen on this fucked up planet. He walked over to Grey and got down on his knees, suprising the half dressed wolf.

"What the-"

James tugged off the unbuckled pants gave Greys half hard wolfhood a long lick from his balls to the tip. The musky, salty taste filled his mouth and he wanted more. James engulfed the newly hardened cock in his muzzle, swirling his tounge on the slick red skin. Grey moaned at the attention. The suprise long replaced by lust.

Then he heard a twig snap. James fell over as he grabbed his Glock and Grey dove for his revolver when his pants caught on his ankles as two raiders came out of the reeds across the stream. A quick exchange of gunfire and the stream ran red with their blood.

"Shit. We let our damn guard down. You okay?"

"Not too down. We're both fine." James got up from the ground.

The team was heard storming through the brush and the two men quickly pulled their pants up over their still hard erections.

"You okay, sir? What the hell was that?" The sergeant asked as the rest fanned out and made sure there were no more raiders.

James and Grey both looked gulty as sin when Grey answered.

"We're fine sarge. Just head back to camp and make sure it stays secure and we'll join you."

"Yes, sir." The sarge smirked and shook his head as he followed his orders, leaving the ranger and officer to stand there.

"Think he knows?" James asked.


The team dissassembled camp when there were no more signs of raiders. At the extraction point, they met up with a massive troop carrier virtibird and hopped aboard. James directed the pilots to where he had stashed his motorcycle and backup gear, and brought those aboard for the trip to Shady Sands.


In Shady Sands, James was still wearing his dress uniform after the formal debriefing. Brass was quite impressed with the success of the mission, and hoped their annexation of the northern villages could go easier with less disruptions of their caravans. NCR Army regulars were being assigned to clear out the rest of the large groups of raiders. For now, he was free to return to his home in Silvall City and enjoy some R&R.

Outside the NCR Army Headquarters he waited outside the exterior guard post, smoking a cigarette and chatting with the MP's on the post. Their Captain came out of the MP Precinct to yell at them for chatting, but backed off when he spotted the NCR Ranger Veteran uniform. He was laughing with one of the privates when Grey exited the compound and turned up the road.

"See you guys later. Thanks for the chat and smoke!" He waived as he jogged after the LT.

"You too sir!"

James jogged up to Grey and got his attention.

"You waiting up for me?" Grey stopped and asked.

"Yeah, I was. You get leave?" the fox asked hopefully.

"Yeah, they gave me a month. Why?"

"I'm heading back to Silvall City and am hoping you would join me. I want to get to know you better and really like you. We barely know each other and I may just be a crazy fox from some shitty valley but I just really like you for some damnable reason." The wolf looked a little suprised at the blunt answer.

"I was planning on heading back to my family's farm."

"I can give you a ride there on my motorcycle."

"What if its in the oposite direction of the valley?" The wolf asked coyly.

"Goddamnit just answer the fucking question!" The fox yelled in frustration and anticipation, earning a look from a couple of police officers across the road. He smiled and waived at them.

"Well the family farm is actually not too far outside the city. It's on the edge of the valley. So yeah. I'll join you."

James practically buzzed with excitement.

"Great! When do you want to leave?"

"How about tomorrow? Just whenever. I have a reallllyyy nice hotel room booked with an exquisite tub. I don't think I got to finish bathing you..."

James nearly swooned right then.

When it Rains it Pours, and other updates.

I have had a \*terrible\* week and I'm so over it. It's been brutal but it's over and things are calming down. Anyway, not here to bitch, so updates: got a new chapter slated to be Ready Wednesday and one each week after. Schools wrapping up and works...


Looking For Love: Chapter 3 (edit)

Hey, y'all! Sorry this chapter took so long to get here. Both time and creativity have been sparse and I haven't had time to really get a handle on how I wanted to proceed with the next few chapters. I apreciate the comments and feed back I have gotten...

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Looking for Love: Chapter 2

Hey, guys! I bring to you the second chapter. I hope you enjoy it! This contains mature adult situations so 18+ only! Also, I'm having trouble with filing it so all chapters can show. I'll figure it out later. For now, enjoy! Chapter 2 "Hey,...

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