Platzhirsch [Commission]

Story by Daelazar on SoFurry

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A doe decides to celebrate her anniversary with a special treat for her bi boyfriend ... showing him her love in a way neither of them ever felt before.

A commission done for Spots Phinnigan. If you're interested in getting your own commission from me, you can find more info in my journal:

„Aah ... Aangh ... Aaah ... Yesss!"

Her legs wrapped tightly around his waist, drawing him ever closer to her, while her hips rocked in tandem with his thrusts, meeting his movements for maximum pleasure. He covered her neck in hot, passionate kisses while driving his long, smooth shaft into her with wild motions. Her hands gripped his shoulder blades, cradled the cute little curls in his neck fur that ran down from his antlers, felt his lean muscles at work giving her everything he had.

"Ooooh YES! Aaahnf ... fuck ... f-f-faster!"

Her boyfriend heeded her command, increasing his tempo to a frantic rutting. She felt his balls slap against her bare rump as he was pistoning in and out of her, but if anything, it made it feel only more feral. Her heart was racing, pumping almost as hard as her mate, her breath fast and shallow as she could feel her peak approaching.

"NNngh! Aah ... a-almost ... almost there ... keep going! Do me! FUCK ME!"

She heard him grunt harder, matching his thrusts, his hot breath brushing her neck. His kisses became less loving and more fierce, wandering south, over her exposed throat, her collarbone and onto her delicate breasts. Her hips were gripped and lifted from the bed while her chest was pressed down into the mattress by the assault of his lips. Completely at his mercy, a provocative bite into her nipple sent her over the edge.


Electrifying jolts made her body jump and shiver, waves of heat rushing through her and making her head swirl as if she had caught a fever. Her back was arching, all of her muscles cramping, clamping down on the member buried deep inside of her and still going. She grabbed his hair hard, pulling him up to her face, and kissing him with all the passion she could muster, with all the burning need that she had felt. She wanted him to cum with her.

He carried her through her climax. It didn't take long for him to join her. Shuddering, his motions slowed down, his short tail flagged and his throbbing member was shoved deep inside her, each pulse matched with a long, drawn-out motion.

"Uhnf! Uhng! Ah!" she heard him groan and smiled broadly, answering with a satisfied moan of her own: "Mmmmmmhh!"

They lay there for long moments, their bodies entwined in mutual bliss, still rocking back and forth gently, until their movement finally died down. Only their chests were rising and falling with each panting breath, their muzzles hanging agape in a satisfied smile.

At last, he rolled off of her, pulling out. Her legs clamped down at the sudden feeling of emptiness and she shivered as her body went cold when she suddenly wasn't covered by her boyfriend anymore. But he made good by wrapping an arm around her and drawing her close to his side, giving her a gentle kiss. His free hand pulled off the condom and tossed it aside carelessly.

"Happy anniversary, Baby", he whispered in her ear. She snuggled up to him, resting her head on his chest, one ear listening for his heartbeat. It was fast and strong, but slowing down as both of them relaxed.

"Happy anniversary, Sugar", she replied. "I have to say ..."

"Hm?" he tilted his head slightly.

"Your presents aren't as creative as they used to be."

"Hey", he protested, but she continued with a grin, kissing him again to silence him.

"But you know exactly how to make me feel good. Thank you, Thomas."

He laughed softly. "No need to thank me." He pulled her tighter into his embrace and nuzzled her hair, kissing her gently between her ears. She giggled a little, flicking an ear. "You're all the thanks I'd ever need, Jane."

"Mhmm", she answered, sighing contently. Her fingers trailed over his chest fur, down his belly and along his thigh, sweeping around his reclining member. She admired his body, lean, but tall, not too many muscles, but strong in all the right places. His fur was of a rich, dark brown, just like his eyes and his hair. The latter was cropped short, except for the little curls that rolled down his neck. He didn't like them, he said they made him look more feminine, but she found them adorable. He was her handsome buck, and she would never let go of him.

"Hey", she spoke to him softly.


"You're not getting sleepy yet, are you?"

She looked up at him, his chin resting on his chest so that his antlers didn't poke holes into the pillow. "Why?" he asked, a playful smile on his muzzle. "Getting frisky for another round?"

"Maybe?" she grinned back, but quickly added: "I had a little surprise prepared for tonight."

"A surprise?" his ears curiously perked up.

"Yeah, but you overthrew my plans a little when you tossed me on the bed and ravished me like an animal ..."

"I didn't hear you complain", he grinned smugly. "But I'll keep that in mind. Next time I'll ask permission before ravishing you."

"Idiot", she puffed. "You know I love it when you take the lead. But I know something that you've been wanting to try for quite a while now ..."

He raised his eyebrows. "You had my curiosity", he said. "But now you have my attention."

She grinned back. "Just stay here for a moment and let me get something, okay? I promise it'll be worth your while." She gave his chest a quick peck before she shuffled over the blanket and out of bed. A glance over her shoulder showed her he was sitting up on the bed and starting to clean himself, his member twitching a little and coming back to life at the thought of what she might have in store for him. Oh, he'd be in for something he didn't see coming in years!

She slipped into the bathroom next door and flicked the lights on. For a moment she just looked at herself in the mirror. Back looked your average doe with auburn hair, messy from their wild mating, and little white freckles on her cheeks that she hadn't quite lost since when she had been a fawn. She had always found little things about her that she didn't like, like her breasts looking a little too plump, her thighs getting a little too thick on her otherwise slender body, or her eyebrows too prominent on her delicate face. Thomas, her boyfriend for years, loved her just the way she was, so she had come to terms with her own body.

It wouldn't stay like this for long.

She nervously fought her mess of hair back and cleaned her crotch with a towel. It seemed her heart was shifting into higher gear at the prospect of what she was about to do. Her fingers found the medicine cabinet, reaching into the back for a well-hidden, nondescript package with a single blue pill. She had bought it in advance to make sure it was ready when she wanted to use it and she was grateful Thomas didn't notice anything.

For a few heartbeats she stood there, looking at the innocuous little pill on her palm, or rather looking right through it. Her mind wandered, playing through all the things that could possibly go wrong. Better just do it. She popped the pill into her mouth, shoveled a few handfuls of water from the tap after it, and swallowed.

Aside from the butterflies in her stomach settling down into a cool certainty, she didn't feel any different. She looked her mirror image in the eyes. It should take a few minutes at most before the effect would become visible, she had read. She wished she could just stay and watch everything in the mirror, but this was Tommy's anniversary present. She was going to put on a little show for him.

Jane slipped on her bathrobe and made sure to pull it tight around her waist so it wouldn't come off prematurely. Then she took a last deep breath, flicked the lights off, and turned back.

"Hey sugar", she leaned sensually against the doorframe. Her boyfriend was sprawled on the bed, his pillow bunched up behind him so he could sit a bit more upright. Perfect.

"Hey babe", he smiled back, expectantly. "So ... you gonna come over and show me your big surprise? Or do you want me to put on a blindfold first?"

She pouted at him. "That would thoroughly defeat the purpose", she told him, making sure he could hear the mock complaint in her voice. "I was gonna give you a little show."

He had to laugh. "A single-piece striptease? Boy, am I in luck! I knew you were crazy, but not that crazy ..." He teased her with a charming grin. "Sorry, babe. Go on, don't mind me."

"I think someone ought to tell you what a jerk you can ..." she said, but midsentence her voice suddenly broke and dropped considerably. "... be sometimes. Oh crap." It started!

"Jane? Are you alright?" There was concern in his voice instead of his playfulness from before.

She nodded. She tried to clear her throat, but she could feel it constricting, pulling down, her Adam's apple sticking out prominently. "I'm al ... alright", she said a little hoarsely, trying to keep her voice up with a grin. "Just watch."

Her whole body was alert now, her muscles tightened and her heart beat faster as adrenaline and testosterone flooded her system. Listening to every tingle and itch on her skin and beneath, she slowly pulled her bathrobe over one shoulder to reveal one of her breasts. She cupped it in one hand, pressed a little, and with a strange sensation she could feel the soft tissue beneath her fingertips melt away, turning into a much smoother, harder, muscular form. Although her breasts were shrinking, her chest was expanding, her ribcage and her shoulders seemed to broaden a bit with every breath she took.

"What the fuck ...?" Thomas just stared at her, not sure whether he should be calling for help.

Jane grimaced, but this time it wasn't even intended. Her face tensed, especially her jaw, probably shifting into a more angular, masculine shape. An itching, burning sensation on her head had her worried for a moment, but her exploring fingers found the source in two nubile horns jutting out from underneath her hair, still covered in skin and rough fur, and growing by the second.

However, her attention was quickly drawn to the sickening, churning feeling in her gut. Her intestines were swirling as if her lower half had been turned into a blender. Her ovaries, her uterus, they didn't have a place in her body anymore and cramped as they were pushed from all sides, down through her narrowing hips. She felt an actual bulge in her lower belly and followed with a hand as it travelled south, giving up more and more of her bathrobe to reveal her changing body.

The handsome buck watching her was stunned in silence, his mouth hanging agape. Even his girlfriend's leg muscles tightened and bulged, becoming more defined, while her hips slimmed down and only increased the pressure building between her thighs.

"Mnngh", she clenched her jaws and clutched her crotch, barely holding herself upright against the doorframe. She couldn't keep up with this much longer! But she was doing this for Thomas, for her boyfriend, and she was not going to deny him the finale of the show. Sucking in a deep breath she steadied herself and let go of her crotch. "Gaah...!"

From deep within her, something emerged. She felt like she was being turned inside out as her lower lips began to pulse and swell. She knew how they could puff up when she was aroused or in heat, but this was entirely different. They were actually growing, enlarging, forming a pair of plump, fleshy sacks. And from between them, the red tip of her clit was peeking out.

Both of their gazes were fixated on the tiny nub that pushed out and grew. At first it seemed to simply swell into a bubble, like a little red balloon, but that soon changed. With the upper parts of her labia wrapped around it, it stretched, forming a tapered tip poking out of a fleshy sheath. And every passing second it grew longer, thicker, rigid, pushing another inch of the veiny red shaft out into the open and throbbing wildly with every heartbeat. By the time it reached an almost foot long mast, her nether lips had disappeared completely, fused together into a furry sheath wrapping the base of her new cock.

A wave of relief overcame her when she felt her balls drop. The pressure inside her vanished with the last of her female organs finding its way transformed into the new home inside her scrotum. Feeling the pair of large, firm orbs under the soft, sensitive skin covering her newly grown testicles made her shudder all over again.

With the pressure on the inside gone, her cock's growth slowed to a creeping halt. Like her member, the horns on her head finally stopped growing after splitting into several branches. The skin covering them burst and peeled away like an overripe fruit, quickly withering away and leaving them blank and dry, as if they had always been this way. They felt smooth and hard to the touch when she ran her fingers along their length, an unfamiliar added weight she noticed with every movement of her head.

Letting out a deep breath she looked expectantly at her boyfriend. He was lost for words.

"Wow. Just ... wow."

His eyes wandered up and down her toned form, scrutinizing every detail he could make out in the dim light of their bedroom. She struck a pose leaning against the doorframe, flexing her new muscles and presenting her bare body for his pleasure. She felt a strange twitch in her cock at the thought of being eyed up like this.

"What did you ... why ...?" he stammered, but she put a finger to her lips to signal him silence.

"I knew you were always curious about trying it with boys", she answered. Her voice was now fully masculine, a strong bass vibrating in her chest. "But you had me. And you didn't want to cheat on me. Which is a big plus relationship-wise", she admitted, "I wouldn't expect you to be unfaithful. But still, it left you wanting all the time ..."

"So you ..."

She nodded. "So I thought this way you could have both me and a boy."

"How did you even do that?" the buck asked, shifting a little closer towards her on the bed.

"I got my hands on a transformative treatment", she explained. "A pill that could turn me from female to male."

"Where did you get something like that?"

"It's my secret", she winked at him. "But it wasn't easy, I can tell you that."

"Easier than finding an actual boy to screw with?" he laughed.

She put on a playful pout. "I wouldn't invite any of your friends into bed. And would you want to share me with some callboy? I know I wouldn't want to share you."

"True", he admitted.

"This way", a seductive smile spread across her lips, "it's something special. Just between the two of us."

Her handsome buck smiled back at her, a hand brushing through his hair and rubbing his neck. Now that the ice was broken, he was eyeing her much more curiously.

"Does this last?" he wanted to know. "I mean ... you're not stuck as a male now, are you?"

"Only for the night", she assured him. "Tomorrow I'll be back to my normal self. So let's make the best out of tonight."

He grinned mischievously when he rose from the bed. "Can I ... touch you?"

"That's the whole idea", she replied. With a slow, deliberate step she closed the distance between the two and looked up into his eyes. She had grown, that much was sure, but he still stood a few inches taller than her. Her antlers, on the other hand, were something completely different.

"Wow." He laughed nervously as his eyes sized her up. "Impressive."

"You think so?"

"Those are definitely bigger than mine", he grinned. It felt weird when his fingers followed the curve of her antlers, applying pressure to parts she never had before. She didn't even feel his touch itself, but how it tilted her head this way and that way, like he was pulling a lever attached to her skull.

Flicking an ear, she played over the strange feeling with a wink. "It's only natural. I always had a larger rack than you."

He laughed softly, part of his nervous demeanor falling off. "Did you do that on purpose? To make me jealous?"

"No", she replied honestly. "I didn't ever do this before. It's as much a surprise for me as it is for you."

His hands continued to roam over her body, down to her shoulders and over her chest. Pinching her arm confirmed just how hard her muscles had become. "Woah. You're packing quite a bit there. What _was_in that pill?"

"Testosterone", she grinned back. "A lot. I guess."

He smirked. "Can I have one?"

"Honestly, I don't know what it would do to you. Maybe you'd grow a second cock or something freaky." She put her arms around his neck and pulled him close. "I like you just the way you aaahh!"

A sudden jolt took her by surprise when their hips pressed together and their members touched, trapped between their bodies. It was a slight burning sensation on her bare, red skin, but it was accompanied by a flood of other feelings, mostly a throbbing and pulsing as blood pushed back into her cock, and a prickling and tingling of her balls tightening that spread through her loins.

Thomas looked down between them and grinned. "Sensitive?"

"Oh shit, yes ..." she nodded hastily.

"Maybe I can ... lend a hand." His fingers trailed down her body and her inner thigh, only heightening the tingling so that her whole body stood on edge. When his hand cupped her balls, she shivered all over and had to bite her lip, leaning her weight forward against his chest.

"Ooh ffffffuuck ..." she hissed.

"Someone's easily excitable", he told her, smirking.

"Just be careful, hokay?" She swallowed a nervous lump in her throat.

"Don't worry. I've had one of those my whole life. I should know how to handle that."

The feeling was alien when he went to work. His fingers caressed her, running around her scrotum and along her sheath, cupping it, wrapping around it and rubbing it up and down the base of her length, coaxing the semi-hard shaft to rise and swell once more. She knew how nimble his fingers could be when he dove into her sex, pleasuring her womanhood. This was close, but entirely unfamiliar, making it all the more exciting. Her heartbeat went straight through the roof.

"This one's definitely bigger than mine, too", her boyfriend cooed. Eagerly his fingers measured every inch of the thick, hard flesh he could draw out of her sheath, enclosing the shaft and rubbing along from the smooth base to the tapered tip that already began to leak a few droplets of excitement. No matter how gentle his touch, however, the feeling of his palm and fingertips on her raw skin that had never been touched before was just a little too irritating. She winced.

"Ouch ...!"

"Too hard?" He eased his grip, but she shook her head. "No, it's just ... it's fucking sensitive. It feels like I've been burned down there. Is it always like that?"

"Only the first few times", he answered. A sly grin snuck upon his muzzle. "You're a virgin all over."

She laughed softly. "Yeah, I guess so. Sorry."

"No need to be. It's cute, actually. My girlfriend is all shy to let me touch her dick ..."

"It sounds so wrong if you say it like that!"

"But it's true, or not?"

An answer got stuck in her throat when he had her by the balls again, making her body tremble uncontrollably with only a light squeeze.

"So you need something soothing ..." he murmured huskily. His free hand pushed her off of him, leaning her gently against the wall so he could crouch down before her. "I've never tried this before. So it's a first for both of us."

She followed him with her eyes. "Are you gonna ...?"

"What do you think?" he grinned back up. Finding a position on both knees he gripped her by the sheath again and angled her cock forward, bringing his head level with her crotch. His breath alone on her sensitive, swollen skin made her shiver, all the more so when his tongue joined in and met her shaft. His touch was warm and soft, almost unbelievably so, but his saliva left a trail of cooling sensation that only starkened the contrast and made her shiver in delight. Once he reached the top, his tongue drew back and instead his broad lips kissed her tip, drawing it in with a loving smooch.

"Oooaah", she moaned and arched her back, her hips bucking forward unintentionally. "That feels so ... mmmnngh! Oh Tommy ..."

He grinned up at her, letting her slip from his mouth with a wet pop of his lips. "Seems like I'm a natural."

"Uh, don't stop", she looked down at him with pleading eyes. Her hand found his head, brushing through his messy, curly hair in between his antlers.

"I wasn't gonna", he replied, and with a loving kiss and a provocative squeeze on her balls, he went back to work. Her eyes almost rolled back in their sockets from the hot, velvety embrace of his muzzle.

"Ooooh ffffuuck", she hissed again at the building sensation and her fingers dug deeper into his hair, scraping over his head and holding his antler for support. She gulped heavily, fighting to keep her voice calm.

"When I ... when I do this to you ... mmmnngh ... I ..."

Her voice trailed off into a low groan and panting, before she snapped her jaws together.

"I try to use the ... the tongue a little more ... ffffhhh ... a little more pressure ... gaaah ..."

Her heart hammered in her chest like a drum when her boyfriend followed her advice and adjusted his technique a little. She could only guess how her ministrations usually felt to him, but she had a pretty good understanding of what it took to tease him and what she had to do to make him cum. And to feel that applied to herself was an experience she could only describe as divine.

"Hoaah! Ooooh, yesss ... now ... hah ... swirl ... a little ... and ..." She bit her lip and drew in a sharp breath when she could feel the unfamiliar pressure build up in her loins. It wasn't as much a pressure like she imagined, but a pull, a sucking sensation - which only made sense with her boyfriend going down on her - that invited her to sweet release. She tried to hold back as long as she could to savor the feeling, but that proved to be futile.

"H-Honey, I think I'm ... I'm gonna ..."

Lost in the moment her lust-addled, hormone-ridden body instinctively started to hump. Her hand clutched around her boyfriend's antler, holding on to it like to a handle, while her hips pushed forward abruptly and shoved more of her length into the buck's snout. His eyes widened in shock when he couldn't draw back, when he gagged and sputtered, the tip of her member poking his throat.

"Mmnnmlrgh!" he said urgently, what should have been a cry for help, but only came out as a feeble gurgle as thick, hot spurts splashed into his mouth, salty and tangy on his tongue. He was forced to swallow hard, his girlfriend's moan ringing in his ears.

She was in heaven. She couldn't tell if this was really better than any of her female orgasms, but the novelty of the sensation made for all the more intensity. Her head was light, her whole body seemed to concentrate solely on what was happening in her loins. And what happened there felt amazing. It was the most relieving feeling she could remember, letting loose and just feeling it flow, her balls churning and her member twitching, a wave of pleasure washing through her from head to hoof.

Only when she collected herself, slumping down against the wall she was leaning on, did she notice her boyfriend retching and coughing. Her eyes went wide.

"Oh god, sorry! Are you alright?"

She quickly let go of his head and gave him a few pats on the back, but he raised his hand to stop her, signaling that he'll be fine. Guilt made her voice heavier.

"I didn't think I ... I just didn't think about what I was doing. It felt so ..."

"Just didn't ... hrch ... expect that", he interrupted with a smirk. He licked his lips a few times, rubbing over his muzzle with the back of his hand to get the cum stains out of his face. "It's definitely an acquired taste."

A relieved grin spread across her lips. "I actually like to do that for you", she told him. "You'll get used to it for sure."

He looked up at her, incredulous. "Get used to? Is this a regular thing now?"

Her grin just widened mysteriously. "Well, I wouldn't mind doing that again ..."

"Of course", he laughed. For a moment, he mulled it over in his head, then he returned her grinning. "Sure, I'd give it another go. Just without the whole holding my head and humping my throat thing, maybe." He rubbed his throat that still felt a little sore from the surprise load it had taken. "That was kinky, though. You're pretty strong."

"Kinky?" she inquired. She flicked an ear. "Do you like being handled like that?"

"Hmmm ..."

His indecisive answer only made her more determined to push a little. With a deep, husky voice she bowed down and asked: "Does my little boytoy enjoy when someone else is the top dog for once?"

Her hand found his cheek and rubbed it lovingly, but it went down, down his neck and over his shoulder. And suddenly, she grabbed him with both arms, hoisting him up and pinning him against the wall with a sharp turn.


She was surprised by her own strength. Her boyfriend was still taller than her, but she could lift his lean body without much effort. When his hooves left the ground, his legs wrapped reflexively around her waist, her hand grabbing his buttocks to support him.

"Shit!" he laughed with mild surprise and smiled down at her. "You really are stronger ..."

He put his arms around her neck and playfully combed his fingers through her still long hair, like she used to do with his little curls. The gesture made her smile. She felt strong right now, not only in the bodily sense, but dominant and caring, like she was able to do anything for Thomas. She carried her boyfriend quite literally in her arms, and he seemed to be enjoying himself.

Slowly, she let him sink a bit and pushed upwards with her muzzle to meet his lips in a tender kiss. They were stopped by a sudden _clank_when their antlers collided.

"Hu?" she blinked, confused, and looked up, before she laughed softly. "Oh, haha ... sorry!"

"You're one to tell me to be careful with these things", her boyfriend grinned scoldingly. "Wait, let's try again ... more like this."

His hand held on to her antler and he tilted his head a little to the side, leaning forward, but only half the way. He waited for her to initiate the contact again. And she didn't disappoint.

Their antlers interlocked harmlessly when their muzzles finally touched in an intimate kiss. She knew his lips so well and yet it felt different, to have a broader mouth and powerful jaw compared to his lean, handsome face. Their tongues twirled and played around each other, pushing back and forth in a passionate dance, growing bolder with each movement. And other things were growing as well.

They were both taken by surprise when her member made its presence all too known again, blood rushing downwards from her head to her loins, her cock rising from its softened state to full arousal and colliding with the buck's backside. She stopped right there and hesitated for a moment, but once she felt her boyfriend grinding back against her, once she felt his own hard swelling, she doubled her efforts.

"Mmnhf!" he grunted and moaned into her kiss, while his body was pressed hard against the wall, her long, smooth shaft rubbing and grinding between his cheeks, poking demandingly against his stubby tail. His own member was mashed between their bellies, trapped in their tight embrace and trying to break free with every throb and pulse, matching his heart pounding in his chest.

"You want it", she cooed in his ear as their lips parted. "You want me inside you, don't you?"

"Mmmmhh ..."

She didn't need an answer. His hot, fast breathing on her neck, his fingernails digging into her shoulder blades, and his body shifting against hers were more than enough to tell his desire.

With a powerful, determined motion she swung around, carrying him back to the bed were he came from. He gasped in surprise and gripped her tightly, his heart even skipped a beat as he clung to her. He had to let go of her eventually when she bowed forward and dropped him onto the bed, leaning over him sensually.

"Say it", she spoke again, this time a little more commanding.

He laughed nervously. "Sheesh, baby ... where's that coming from?"

"Shut up", she told him, grinning playfully. "Don't you like it?"

"Well ... yeah. It's kinda exciting", he admitted.

She hovered over him, supporting herself with one hand on the bed, gripping his thigh provokingly with the other and pulling his legs into a spread.

"Then say it", she repeated huskily. "Say you want me to fuck you. Say you want to feel me inside of you."

Her fingers brushed the inside of his thighs, sending shivers into his scrotum, but they didn't stop there. She could feel him clench when she went lower, her fingertips slipping right across his pucker and between his cheeks.

"Hell, yeah", he laughed, his body shifting excitedly. "Do it! I ... I want you inside of me."

She grinned broadly. "Hmmm ..." she said musingly, circling his backside with her fingertips. His tail was quivering each time she passed its base and again when she brushed the delicate spot behind his balls, right between his legs. Another circle, then she plunged in, burrowing her digit into his tight backdoor, and watched as he gritted his teeth, his whole fur standing on edge.

They had experimented before, had her play with him during their mating or use a toy on him to increase the stimulation, so she knew how much he could take. And this was definitely going to be more than they had ever tried.

"I think we'll need some extra help with that", she told him and got up. From the drawer of their nightstand she produced a clear bottle of lube, pouring some of the thick liquid onto her fingers. It was cold to the touch, but she rubbed her fingers together to heat it up a little.

Nonetheless, when she touched her erect shaft to spread the substance, she shuddered from the cool, strange sensation. She was surprised at how easily her fingers slid across the surface of her member now that the rough feeling of her exposed skin was soothed by the gentle caress of the gel. Her fingers were exploring the length of her shaft on their own for the first time, and she marveled at the size she was packing. To hold something like this in her hand, to feel that it was her own, a part of her, made her feel potent, powerful, exhilarated.

Thomas watched her intently, following her every move. His body shivered from excitement and anticipation, but before long his impatience got the better of him. His girlfriend seemed to start losing herself into the steady rhythm of pumping her shaft, even closing her eyes.

"Aren't you forgetting something, babe?" he touched her calves with his hooves. "It's nice to watch you jerk off, but I'm still waiting here!"

Her eyes sprung open at the sound of his voice and her hand quickly let go of her member, that kept standing upright on its own. She smiled down at him awkwardly. "Sorry, I got carried away ..."

"I noticed."

"Well ..." Looking at her hand still covered in lube and at her waiting boyfriend, her self-confidence returned with a seductive grin to her face. "I'm not gonna put that to waste."

She leaned forward and touched his thigh, and with a powerful motion she reached under his ass and rolled him around on his front, drawing a surprised sound from her buck. Her hand gripped his tail and yanked him up, raising him to his knees and sticking out his behind.

He bit his lip when he felt her inquisitive touch. A cool sensation made him shiver as her fingers rubbed between his cheeks. And when they pushed forward, coating his passage with the rest of the lube and gliding in on the smooth film they left behind, he dug his fingers into the mattress just to keep himself from collapsing.

"Fffuck ... don't keep me waiting, babe! I-I'm yours!"

She could feel every shudder, every hair of his fur standing up against her palm as she grabbed his hips from behind. His tail was sticking straight up, invitingly, and his rump was at the perfect angle. Even if she had wanted to, it was too much to resist any longer.

With one hand guiding her member, she pushed in. At first, the slick touch of the lubed up skin was all she could feel on the tip of her shaft. But then, when his tight ring spread for her and allowed her inside, she plunged into the soft, hot, velvety caress of his intestines.


His gasp was more than music in her ears. His pucker clenched around her dick, stopping her momentarily as he adjusted to the feeling. But then he exhaled and showed his consent with a slow nod. And she went deeper.

"How's that", she leaned forward and whispered huskily. "How's that ... for a ... a first time?" She grinned, but had to control herself to keep her voice straight. Feeling her boyfriend's body wrapped around her cock was incredible. And when she finally touched his rump with her hips, burying herself up to her sheath into his backside, she could feel every pulse, every beat of his heart on her member. His only answer was a pleading whimper.

Slowly, she began to rock her hips back and forth. Even the slightest movement caused a storm of sensations rolling over her, the softness and heat of her buck's insides of divine proportions, while his pucker clenched and gripped her tight, pressing her shaft every inch she pulled back. At first, he moved with her, clinging to their deep connection, but when she pushed back, he froze in place with a gasp.

"Gah ...!"

He drew in a sharp breath between his teeth as she pulled back slowly. Then came another push from her hips, gentle, but powerful.


She thrust again, bolder this time, rocking his whole body with the motion of the spear buried inside him.


Again and again her hips swung for him, separating only to come back together with an incredible explosion of lust. She grunted loudly, she could have released right then and there, but she forced herself to hold back and continue, driving her boyfriend to ever greater heights of pleasure.

"Aah! ... ooh, shit! ...hfff, gah! ... hooh god ... oouh GOD!"

His screams grew louder and louder, echoing each and every one of her movements, building up to an explosive crescendo. She felt her head go dizzy, losing herself in the wild motions, acting on pure instinct with raw masculine force. And when she finally couldn't contain it, she pulled him up against her chest.

A cry of ecstasy from his throat was matched by her triumphant bell. Her fingers dug into his chest, her muzzle pressed into his neck. She could smell his musky sweat, feel the working of his shoulders stretching and his back arching, her own sounds muffled by his fur. Her whole body shook and shuddered, an electrifying wave crashing down on her, washing through every vein, rushing through her loins, and culminating in a riptide shooting forth from her member. It was the sweetest feeling of release, feeling that part of her throb and pulse with every heartbeat, buried deep inside the twitching body of her boyfriend. Her cream filled his insides, flowing into each and every nook and cranny, enclosing her own rod in its silky embrace, connecting the two like nothing had done before. It was heavenly, hot and smooth and overflowing, and it didn't take long for her to lose any sense of direction.

Together, the two of them tipped forward and collapsed onto the bed.

Quite a while they just lay there, panting heavily, still connected, her cock still buried to the hilt into his backside, causing him to gasp and moan each time he moved, even if it was only an involuntary shudder. It took a great deal of will to separate, once her shaft began to deflate. She pulled out agonizingly slowly, her member shrinking back into its furry hiding place from the sudden cold awaiting it outside, and she rolled onto her back. He was breathless.

"Hahh ... haah ... hooh ... ooh, wow ..."

Her hand brushed a damp patch on the bedsheets beside her. She must have been producing even more copious amounts of cum than it had felt like, for it to leak out like this.

"Ah ..." she said. "Ah've managed to ... huff ... make quite a mess, eh?"

He shivered, at least it looked like that at first, but he was shaking his head. "N-No", he managed to stammer between catching his breath and holding back a very content grin. "No, that ... that was me."

In response, she grunted. "Mh? You? But ... I didn't even touch your ..."

"Not necessary", he quickly shook his head and rolled around to face her. "Defffinitely not necessary."

She felt him crawl up to her, sneaking a hand across her chest and pressing against her tightly. His leg wrapped around hers and he rested his cheek on her muscled breast, his antlers peeking over her shoulder as he snuggled up to her. He still shivered from time to time, but his body was practically glowing, and a content sigh escaped his lips.

"Comfy?" she asked with a big smile herself.

"Mhmm", came his muffled reply as he rubbed his muzzle against her fur. "I just ... need a moment ... let me enjoy this while it lasts ..."

Carefully she put her arm around him to embrace and to cradle him, basking in the sensation that he was the one snuggling up to her instead of the other way around. She felt strong, wanted, protective. And the exhilaration and afterglow of the sex also did their bit to add to the feeling. Was it always like this to be male? She could get used to that.

"Best anniversary ever ..." Thomas whispered. She grinned and groped his flank, eliciting a girlish giggle from her wonderful buck.

They lay still for a while, only breathing slowly, listening to each other's heartbeat.

"Just wait until next time", she finally whispered back. "Maybe ... I can get a pill for you, too ..."