Resolving to Top

Story by Jaden_Drackus on SoFurry

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When his boyfriend wants to spice up their sex life as a New Years' Resolution, Brad finds himself in a position he never expected: being asked to be a top. But luckily, his best friend Anne can help. Though that help will put the badger in another unexpected situation...

Anne settled into the large, overstuffed chair and sipped her tea with a contented growl. Now that the holiday season was over, Teas that Bind (the lioness' favorite bookstore/tea house) had quieted down to level where she could comfortably spend an afternoon reading there. Well, except for her appointment--she had arranged to meet a good friend here today. But that wasn't a disruption: Brad liked Teas that Bind as well, and Anne had already put in an order for the badger's favorite chai with vanilla so it would be ready for him when he arrived. Her own earl gray sat on the table next to her chair, cooling to drinkable temperature.

The door to the café portion of the shop opened to admit an athletic looking badger, though his thick winter fur did give him a slightly pudgy appearance. Like most mammals whose ancestors came from cooler climes, he wore only a light jacket over a polo and jeans. Anne herself was wearing a similar outfit, but had a much heavier coat on the bookstore's coat rack. The lioness got to her paws and met the badger with a hug. They went to the counter to collect Brad's chai and then Anne guided him over to the chair next to hers. They made small talk for a few minutes before Brad set his cup down with a sigh. Anne guessed that the time had come to discuss why the badger wanted to meet.

Anne sipped her tea and studied the stripes on the badger's face while he squirmed and chittered as he collected his thoughts. If the squirming wasn't enough, the lioness could smell his nervousness over the scent of his fur powder. Anne had known Brad since they had been freshman in college, almost ten years ago, and knew that there were only a few topics that could frazzle the normally confident badger. With that knowledge, Anne thought she could begin to guess what this was about and had it confirmed a moment later when Brad all but whispered the name Sean. Sean was a skunk, who Brad happened to be dating. He'd been the third member of Anne and Brad's little group of college friends, though it hadn't come out until their senior year that he was interested in the badger.

"Brad, hun. You can speak up," she reminded him. "You know it's okay to talk about those things here."

That was true: Teas that Bind was a "kink friendly" establishment. That friendship may not have been front and center, but there was a large erotica section in the back, as well as rooms for lectures on the subject. Anne had taken a seat in the café in a section that was slightly segregated from the main area--set aside specifically for kink and sexual discussions. The badger sighed and met Anne's eyes with what seemed like great reluctance. Anne was beginning to wonder just what all this was about, and was also beginning to fear the worst.

"Sean wants me to top," the quiet answer finally came.

Anne burst out laughing. "Oh, that's all?"

Brad frowned and chattered in frustration. Anne quickly composed herself and purred to soothe the agitated male. The badger sighed, clearly embarrassed, and went back to drinking his tea.

"Why is this a problem?" Anne asked.

Brad's withering glare was all the answer she needed. The badger was a vag-gentleman (Anne's own term as "cunt boy" seemed both vulgar and inappropriate when referring to someone in their mid-30s)--he'd never considered being a top, since he didn't have the equipment for it. She kept silent for a moment, waiting to see if the badger would have an answer.

"He... asked me to make it my New Year's resolution," he finally replied. "He's a switch, and he's really been missing bottoming."

Anne sat back in her chair and considered what that meant. She came to a couple of conclusions: first, Sean wasn't interested in getting another playmate to scratch that itch of his; second, this wasn't a deal breaker; and third, Sean felt that this was something that their relationship needed. With that information, the lioness felt that she knew what was needed.

"That's alright," she finally said. "We can deal with this fairly easily. Why don't you finish your tea?"

Anne quickly set up a time where they could meet more privately, and settled into a discussion of more mundane topics. They finally left the shop half an hour later, with Anne giving the badger a hug as they parted. After that, she set about getting ready to assist Brad.

She was in a unique position to help him, which he probably unconsciously knew. After all, she was a femdom. If anyone could teach a vag-gentleman how to top properly it was her. She smiled and set out to get ready for this new lesson.

Brad looked around nervously as he approached Anne's home a few days later. The badger hadn't been sure what to expect when he had gone to the lioness for advice on dealing with Sean's desire to be topped, but the femdom offering more than words wasn't it. The badger sniffed as he climbed the steps. He could smell the scents of many males of different species lingering in the air, with the strongest being the scent of the lion that Anne was dating. The scent of the larger predator made the badger just a little bit more nervous.

But he stepped up on to the porch and knocked on the door. Anne answered on the second attempt, dressed in a t-shirt and lounge pants. She threw her arms around the badger in a big hug and pulled him into the house. They went to the kitchen, and Anne made Brad some of his favorite chai with milk and sugar. They made small talk for a while, and Brad finally began to relax.

Finally, they came to the topic at hand. Anne set her tea down and smiled.

"So, you need some instruction on how to top," the lioness said.

"Well, some advice at least," Brad replied with a chuckle. "I've got a couple of ideas, just not sure which one would be the best."

"Well, I'm sure pegging has occurred to you," Anne mused, her ears and whiskers twitching with thought. "So what's the issue there?"

"He wants something we can both enjoy." Brad answered with a twitch of his own whiskers. His claws scraped the side of his mug. "By which he means, he wants us to both of us to get off... if possible."

Anne smiled broadly, and her tail twitched in anticipation. She set her cup down and got to her paws and motioned for Brad to do so as well.

"We can take care of that, I think." Anne assured him. "Would you like to see how?"

With that, they padded upstairs to a bedroom--not the master bedroom, Brad noted. This one was fairly plainly furnished: only a large bed and a nightstand. There was plenty of storage built into the walls: Brad could see drawers built into the walls, and what appeared to be a walk-in closet. There was one window, guarded by heavy blackout curtains. Anne motioned for Brad to take a seat on the bed, as she went to one of the sets drawers. As she sorted through one of the drawers she asked for Brad's waist size, which he supplied.

A moment later, Anne took a seat next to her friend on the bed and set down a leather harness and a large plastic package. That done, she took the badger's paw and smiled warmly at him.

"So, pegging so that both partners can get off from it has been considered." Anne explained. "The simplest way is to put a vibrator in the dildo."

With that, she flipped the package over to reveal a dildo. It was a very nice imitation of a fairly well endowed mustelid penis with a rounded head, cylindrical shaft, and even an imitation of a sheath at the base. Where the balls would be on a male crotch, there was a hole that was clearly for a bullet vibe. Behind the sheath was a plug at an angle that gave the toy an overall L shape. Anne smiled as she showed off the toy.

"Pretty simple design," the lioness said as she pointed out the features. "High grade silicone, so you use a water based lube, shaped so it goes in your vag. The main advertising point of this type of dildo is the claim that you don't need a strap-on to use it. Good luck with that--I've never managed. You might have more luck with a masculine muscle structure.

"Any way," Anne continued. "The sheath takes a bullet vibe, which gives a nice buzz. Other than that, just use plenty of lube and be sure things are good with Sean and it will all be good."

Anne passed him the dildo and the harness. The badger accepted them and began to look them over himself. Brad looked up, about to ask if he owed her anything--but the question died as he saw the broad smile on the lioness' muzzle.

"Would you like to try it?" she asked.

Brad's thoughts ground to a halt, and he just stared at her as his nose twitched in shock. The silence dragged on as the badger and the lioness just stared at each other.

"What?" he asked lamely.

"Would you like to try it out? Right now."

"Sean's not here," he attempted to protest.

"I know that hun," Anne said as she slid her shirt off. "I was thinking about you trying it on me."

"I... I..." Brad stammered as she stood up and shimmied out of her pants.

Anne stood before him, nude except for her bra. She was lean and powerful, like all lions, with muscles showing through her tawny fur. Her shape wasn't that model hourglass figure, but her hips did bulge out in an extremely feminine way. Her tail swished happily behind her. As she was clearly inviting him to check her out, Brad let his eyes wander up her legs, past her crotch and barely visible slit of her vagina, up her flat abdominals, to her tight but firm breasts still held in her black bra. His eyes made it up to her golden ones, and he found her smiling broadly at him. While it didn't turn him on, Brad had to admit she was quite lovely.

"Why don't you get undressed?" Anne finally asked him.

His ears and tail twitched nervously, and he felt his face grew warm in embarrassment. He studied her and pondered the request. He wasn't sure about it at all. It wasn't that he was being unfaithful- they had long decided that their relationship would allow for playmates. As she watched him, Anne sensed his reticence.

"Look hun," she told him as she sat down on the bed again. "I know this is odd. I know I'm not Sean. I know I'm not a guy. If this is really, really bothering you we can use a stroker. But since you've never done this, or even considered it, I think trying it out on a real person will help you. You want to be your best for Sean, yes?"

Brad hesitated a bit longer. Finally, he had to admit that she was right. He'd heard of pegging, but had never been pegged--let alone considered doing it to Sean. Which meant that his first time would likely be incredibly awkward--probably on the level of having sex with his female best friend. Briefly, the badger wondered if this was how straight people felt when they found themselves in a homosexual situation for the first time. With that thought, he sighed, put the toy and harness on the bed, and began to undress.

He tossed his clothes on the bed and stood before Anne in his boxers. He was fairly athletic for a badger in his mid-30s, his white furred stomach was fairly flat and even through his winter coat in his muscle definition could be seen. He put his paws behind his head to show off. Anne met his eyes, and then like Sean, her eyes traced the twin black stipes that ran down his otherwise white face. Then she smiled at him and got to her paws.

"Would you feel better if you kept your boxers on?" she asked.

"Yeah," he admitted. "If you don't mind."

"It's fine," she said. "I want you to be as comfortable as you can be. It's why I'm keeping my bra on."

With that, she turned back to the bed and opened the dildo package. She left the room briefly to wash the toy, pointing out a drawer to Brad and telling him to pick a lube. Brad opened the drawer to find a rather robust selection, and it took him until Anne returned to pick out one he knew about. She smiled at his choice as she slid the dildo into the ring of the strap-on harness. That done, she held them both out to the badger.

"You can get this on by yourself?" the lioness asked.

"I think I can manage," Brad said with a smirk.

He reached down and undid his fly and reached inside to gently caress his crotch. He massaged his lips and his clit before withdrawing his fingers. That done, he applied a bit of lube to his fingers and then slid them into his vagina. He groaned a little at the feeling of being penetrated and slowly moved his fingers around to lubricate himself. Anne smiled and passed him the harness. Brad took it, and rubbed the short end of the dildo with his fingers to add bit of lube to it as well. That done, he slid the dildo through his fly and into himself. He held the dildo with one paw, though it did seem to be staying put, while he fastened harness.

"This is all about you," Anne told him as she positioned herself on the bed, her tail swishing behind her legs. "We are having sex, but we also aren't. The point is to get you comfortable with pegging--so don't worry about trying to get me to finish. Just worry about you."

Brad nodded began to lube up the toy. He quickly noted that the toy was designed to press against his clit, so every move he made sent little shocks of pleasure into him. Part of him wondered if he'd be able to actually handle having the vibration turned on. He applied plenty of lube, as Anne encouraged him to treat this as if he was with Sean. He set the lube on the nightstand and approached the bed. Anne spread her legs, and reached down to spread her vaginal lips to give him good access. Brad stepped up to her and slid the tip of the toy along her opening, just as Sean did with him. Then, after a quick check to see if the lioness was ready, he slid into her.

What followed was... odd. Brad put his paws on the bed and bucked his hips, trying to imitate the motions that he skunk made, and slid the toy a bit deeper into Anne with each attempt. Each thrust pushed the dildo into him as well and pressed his clit, giving him all the stimulation he could ask for. Anne talked to him as he thrust into her: giving him encouragement, making suggestions for how to ask Sean how he was, and offering tips on how to peg more effectively. Brad moaned a bit as he moved in a bit closer so that their bodies touched and the entire toy was inside the lioness.

Brad had to admit that the feeling was impressive: the toy stimulated him in ways that he hadn't imagined before and all he could do was groan in response to Anne's moaned comments. He felt more confident, and his tentative motions became smoother as he continued. Brad instinctively began to pick up his pace as he felt the pressure an orgasm building deep in his loins. He began to give the comments the lioness had suggested: asking if she liked the feel of him inside her, or if that felt good. He looked down to see Anne smiling at him and fingering her own clit even as she told him that he was doing a good job. His stubby tailed wiggled in pride.

Finally, the badger thrust deep and moaned loudly as the pressure finally peaked inside him and he shuddered as his orgasm hit. Anne groaned herself, in a reasonable imitation of the noise that Sean (and Brad guessed all skunks) made when they orgasmed. Whether she had actually climaxed, or was just humoring him, he couldn't guess. The badger just panted and continued shuddering as he collapsed against the lioness. She smiled down at him.

After a moment, Brad got his energy back and he stood up. He stepped back and allowed the toy to slide out of Anne. She sat up and applauded the badger.

"That was very good," she said. "Especially for your first time."

"Thanks," he replied, feeling the heat of embarrassment in his cheeks again.

"You can keep those both," Anne said as she stood up. "I'll get you a bag, and you are more than welcome to have a shower."

The badger nodded as he undid the harness, pulled the toy out, and thanked the lioness. Then she led him to the guest bathroom. He stepped in, set the dildo on the sink, and turned to the departing Anne.

"Just, can you do me a favor and not tell Sean about this?"

He wasn't sure if her laughter was of agreement or not.

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