Kindled Spirit Ch2: Thank you come again

Story by Ceris on SoFurry

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#3 of Kindled Spirit

First chapter of a series inspired by and taking setting elements from Spirit Bound by Plainwalk.

Previously Keith found himself in trouble and was sent to Erik, a mage, to sort it out.

Erik's door was closed. 'Maybe I should have texted him,' Keith thought. Most modern devices were relatively new to him since clan members didn't get out of the reserve much. The cell phone he received was simple enough to use, and even his laptop was reasonably user friendly for slowly typing up reports or browsing Wikipedia. The social media thing was too much for him to take in at once though, he needed to keep a low enough profile that people wouldn't notice him looking 50 for his 200th birthday.

He decided to suck it up and knock even though dorm courtesy was to leave an open door if you had any wish to be interrupted. No answer, might as well leave a txt.

CONTACTS > ERIK > TEXT This is Keith Phillips, when should I come by? I just tried knocking.

He heard a tone from inside, a feint groan, and then "one minute."

The door opened halfway and a brown paw waved him in. To Keith's surprise Erick was the student he picked out as the cutest freshman. The only reason he pursued Alex instead was because Erik looked too focused and dry to connect with. At this moment Keith was very certain of his choice. Erik often wore a face of intense concentration and didn't tend to chat with his neighbors in the chemistry lecture they shared. Now Keith was wondering what detestable thoughts kept this young mage so occupied.

Erik didn't look any more amused than usual, but those little round ears and wide whiskers screamed of adorable potential, if he were just a fur of course. Keith remembered the two or three times he caught the otter day dreaming before class started, the genuine smile that grew on his short muzzle could melt a frost giant. But even that seemed tainted knowing what he was capable of.

With the door closed behind them Erik started the conversation. "So you are the ember spirit our mutual benefactor mentioned, please tell me the extent of your abilities that you are aware of." His voice attempted to keep an impartial tone, but Keith could tell that if he were canine a tail wag and hackle raise would be unavoidable.

"Like all spirits I have an elongated life span or so I assume, regenerative abilities beyond those of my species, and enhanced physical abilities when in the presence of my trigger," He said trying to match the analytical mood and taking a deep breath to add height and chest volume.

"And you trigger is what exactly? Ben seems to think it's fire, and he said that you insist it isn't. Are you able to create any phenomenon that behaves differently than one would expect in nature?" Erik asked taking a seat at his bland rolling chair surrounded by an array of oddities on the desk.

"Burning, sometimes... or some things. I have cooked with gas grills and stoves without feeling very much. Matches do better and candles tingle. I've had... reactions to bonfires. Dr. Jim's flamethrower gave me a small rise."

"His fire play gives everyone a small rise, and it's not gas fueled which might be significant. I would like to run some diagnostic tests which will chart your elemental attunements. It simply involves exposing you to a mundane item, it's magical equivalent, and a shielded magical version. This will determine your position among the planes. A reaction to mundane items, though rare, will signify that you are grounded to the material realm as I'm told you believe. A reaction to the magical variant signifies a planar bond, and the shielded item will cause a reaction if you are in resonance with a plane."

"Alright, it'll be good to have some confirmation on this. Lead the way doc," Keith jested.

"I'm not a doctor, and you're practically my first patient but I've learned a lot of diagnostic spells to help out. Please strip so that my scans will have less interference."

'Alone in the cutest boys room being asked to strip for a mage? Ha!' This day was looking significantly less and more grim to Keith. Thankfully the dull dr. routine had staved off any physical reaction. The skink complied, hiding nothing but glad that for the moment his privates were withdrawn.

"Thank you, please stand there and keep one bland thought in mind while I cycle through the scans," he said with a slightly higher pitch than before. Erik put on a pair of thick rimmed glasses and alternated between making odd gestures in front of his face and writing in a notebook, constantly looking the standing reptile over.

Keith tried to keep his mind on reciting the chemistry homework he had done the afternoon before, feeling almost embarrassed when he couldn't help but sneak a peek at his inspectors hazel eyes or fluffy bronze hair.

"Very well, I'm not picking up any interference. Let's start with the primary offender," the shorter fur offered walking across the room to place a tray table alongside Keith then lighting a candle on it.

The mage turned away from the table and with some hand waving caused a pair of small flames to float on the desk. "Calibrating" he noted.

They took readings with each flame on the tray table, then repeated the exercise for water, rocks and dirt, sticks and leaves, a fan, even a little tesla coil and storm cloud. At the end Erik could only "hhhm," at the results. "Please manifest now and we will repeat the tests".

Keith's tail wrapped around his legs and a hand instinctively found a small itch on his back to scratch. "Um, do we have to?"

Erik tilted his head and let his mouth hang agape for a moment. "Oh, sorry, is that rude to ask a spirit? You didn't seem to mind stripping so I thought this would be considered non-invasive".

"I uh don't mind being nude for you, but I've never done that on command. I'm not even really sure how. It's uh, frowned upon, where I come from. I was scolded if it happened," Keith confessed with more honesty than he intended.

"When did it happen? Other than last night of course." The mage was leaning forward in his chair, notebook at the ready.

"Did I last night? Um there was a camp fire or two, one time I got lost in a crowd on a field trip. I think that's it," the spirit relayed uncertain of how much detail Ben would forgive.

"I guess your homework for now is to work on gaining some confidence in your ability to manifest. Ben won't like it but you need to know how to trigger it so I can get a clearer reading on where your powers lie. Right now it looks like you have some tiny resonance with fire. Not surprising, but I wonder if a direct bond will form while manifested, and how much stronger the resonance will be if not. Mundane fire peaked highest but from what you've told me we should try multiple fuels in the future. The ratios aren't clear since your numbers are so small. Even the candle didn't read much higher than the limit of detection. You can get dressed now if you want, I shouldn't let myself get distracted all day."

The sly lizard saw a chance "Aww, have I been a burden to your pretty eyes?" he jested taking a few steps closer. It felt good in a bad way to leverage some semblance of dominance in this otherwise foreign exchange.

Erik's tan ears turned pink, and he shrugged away to hide his beautiful smile. "No burden, just doing my job. All work and no play and all that".

Keith felt predatory, a grin stretched across his beige jaws. "If anyone asks I'll let them know the trip was business, this time". He knew he had to stop before poking out, he hadn't realized taunting could be so fun. As a final farewell gift he picked up his clothes without bending his knees significantly to show off his firm butt before getting dressed.

He had only begun to zip his pants when the deadbolt turned and a new fur barged in.

"Hi Dave, we were just finishing up," Erik said nonchalantly.

"Glad I didn't interrupt anything," he replied. "Although, this one seems more your type."

"This one?" Keith asked suddenly feeling self conscious.

"Ben was here earlier with a similar outcome," Erik answered.

Dave didn't sound like he was mocking them, maybe he wasn't so good at the subtlety of social interactions. This begged the question of how he can be out enough to have a habit of barging in.

Keith didn't want to linger, three was a crowd. "I'll see myself out. If you have any time for me you've got my number now." Glancing back he noticed that everything they had been working on was removed from the desk. That otter was quick, and maybe a little interested. With how probing Alex had gotten the skink felt like it was time to make a new friend he didn't have to hide from but could he really trust a mage?

Following the appointment Keith sent Ben a text stating "Low readings, practically inconclusive. Erik demands that I work on manifesting. Any ideas?" then wandered to the cafeteria for brunch.

It was nearly 1 o'clock and the egg station line had wound down to a manageable wait. The lizard pondered how much a mage could tell about him with magical screening, and if more invasive techniques would become necessary. Of course this line of thought took his mind to unique exciting fantasies as he inched further in the queue. He was daydreaming about a certain magical otter taking some readings with a ballooning wand where the sun seldom shines when the attendant asked "Eggs?"

His thought bubble popped. "Actually that's a comm..." Keith started autonomously, completely unaware of his situation for a moment. Then stuttered and sunk beneath a wave of embarrassment. "Oh um yes, two egg omelet please. Ham, cheese, and onion." He couldn't believe he had done that, sure the question came up all the time but to be THAT distracted felt out of character.

A loud chortle was poorly muffled from behind him, looking back Keith found Ben with a hand over his muzzle two furs back. Embarrassment transitioned to regret and Keith couldn't help but slouch with a sigh. His food couldn't come fast enough, there was nothing to say and nothing he could do but wait it out and face the lion's criticism. Ben regained his composure and placed his order. Three eggs scrambled with mushroom, what passed for bacon was already on his plate.

The skink eagerly grabbed his finished order with a forced smile as soon as it was called out. The older heavyset sea otter behind the counter didn't show him any attention back. Keith wasn't sure if it was better that way or not. Regardless, he filled his glass at the milk fountain and took a seat at a small table for two around the corner across from the conveyor belt style toasters.

Ben hunted him down a minute or two later with eggs and orange juice in hand. He took a seat across from the sulking skink.

"That was pretty classic. I want to ask where your mind was, and I'm more than sure I don't want to know. It was something to do with Erik right? Did he do anything useful? In reality I mean," Ben asked with a genuine smile.

"Did he tell you how things would happen? The scenario was thought provoking." Keith replied cutting into breakfast.

"Yes, but I'm not so old fashioned so he didn't get into the gory details. It wasn't anything that shouldn't be discussed over food...was it?" The lion looked less enthused now, eyeing his eggs with a questioning glare.

"No, it was touch free like a series of x-rays. He was mostly professional about it but still, stripping for someone like that and standing on display isn't what I expected to be doing today," He said, glad to have overcome the egg incident so soon.

Ben ate a bit before resuming with a less jolly tone. "And the other thing you mentioned, I'm not surprised that he wants to see for himself but I still don't like it. Did he really say you're that useless normally?"

"Yes, but he insists. Do you need a mage's opinion that much? It's like you're always saying, I shouldn't provoke it. I don't even know how to actually." Keith's voice softened, hints of guilt and caution audible.

"What do you mean you don't know how? What about last night? It seems pretty simple, though I agree that you shouldn't be doing it around here or without me there," Ben said with modest surprise and a fork waving in Keith's general direction.

"I mean it's not something I have much experience in. I can't burp the alphabet on command either. What do you want me to do about it? Erik didn't seem like he could be of much more use otherwise."

"Alright," Ben replied. "You and I can work on it Tuesday. I have some time between classes and dinner, we can go out to the swamp and see if we can get a small controlled reaction." The lion let out a loud puff of air.

"Thanks Ben. Sorry I'm taking up all your time."

"I'm more annoyed that things stayed sour at Phi last night after you left. Not to pile on more guilt, but I've got some pr work to do with the ladies and things didn't get as far as I expected earlier in the night," Ben muttered into the last few bites of brunch.

"Oh. Uh, good luck? I guess I owe you one," Keith said nearing a loss of words.

The lion choked on his food, looking less than handsome for the first time Keith could remember. "You're not getting any of this for owing me, I'm doing my job and that's it. Be careful with that otter and don't get yourself exposed. See ya Tuesday." Ben said taking leave.

Keith felt a bit dumbfounded, Ben was usually so confident. The lion must be feeling more stressed than he let on because the sudden change in tone didn't work for him.

On Monday Alex asked Keith to dinner via text, the spirit didn't want to get caught up in relationship issues but relented that ignoring the ocelot could elevate tensions even more than confrontation. Keith agreed to meet for subway in the old student center/ hockey rink since it's the quickest meal on campus and had potential for semi-private seating at rush hour. He hoped that his boy toy wouldn't cause a scene, but who could tell with Alex.

They met outside the narrow winding line of the sub shop and kept to themselves for the most part. Alex had put his arm around Keith a few times while waiting, and although he found it a bit irritating the lizard took no action. He knew that the Ocelot had intentionally given him a day to himself, and that it couldn't have been easy to wait. With subs in hand they took a seat side by side in a seldom used corner upstairs near a piano overlooking the foyer.

"Thanks for giving me some time," Keith started.

"I tried taking your advice and thinking things through. I still don't have any idea what you were thinking or how you could stand to be talked to like that. Isn't there anything you can share?" Alex asked, his food untouched.

"Yeah, I talked to Ben and we decided to hang out more. Reconnect. He apologized for yelling and I decided that it's in my best interest to stay sober. We'll be fine," The lizard said, stretching the truth.

"I'm glad you guys are working it out. That's something I admire about you, you've got a soothing effect on people," Alex said quietly, daring to rest his head on Keith's shoulder.

The spirit didn't know what to say to that. Nobody had ever explicitly said that they felt good about having him around and it nearly made him choke between a laugh and cry. He had always known himself to be dangerous for reasons he could never comprehend. The knights were on edge about his kind, and even though his family kept saying that he's safe, just having to say it meant something was wrong. Keith wrapped up his sandwich and excused himself.

Alex worried about the scaly fur that charmed him so deeply. He wondered if he should go after his crush or let him sulk more. The cat didn't even know how his words could have been so powerful. Curiosity got the better of him and the ocelot bounded after his lover.

"Keith," he whimpered from a few feet behind as the spirit pushed open the door. "I don't know what I said to upset you but I'm sorry. Could we please just spend some time together? I'll be quiet."

Keith's heart sank a little realizing how cold he had been acting and that it might sting to someone that actually cares about him. The lizard wrapped an arm around the shorter fur and walked them back to his room.

They were alone in Keith's dorm, face to face and silent. Alex stepped forward to embrace the taller male and was met with a soft hug and sniffle. This was new to them, and it felt nice to open up. Leaning on each other for support both physically and emotionally, teary eyed for valuing the other beyond their own understanding.

"I've been a dick to you, and not in the fun way," Keith said somewhere between a sob and chuckle. "I shouldn't have pushed you away so hard," The spirit whispered, draped over Alex.

"No I've been pushing, I've been needy. Thanks for putting up with me," Alex cried back into his lovers neck.

They stood there for a moment, slowly regaining their breath. "I uh, would like more hugs. Could we cuddle for a while?" Keith asked. Alex purred and tightened his grip, gleeful to hear this from his boyfriend.

They crawled into Keith's loft and held each other. Alex thought about how this kind of attention felt better than road rage. Keith began to truly realize just how much of a real person Alex was.

For the skink, social interactions outside of the reservation were like a game. He spent weeks reading, watching, asking, and practicing on cultural norms in order to ready himself to pass as a regular person. To him all this work was setting up a strategy to win. After all, nearly every piece of media made school out to be filled with conniving clicks and hierarchies. Not wanting to be found out made his stakes even higher. So in the end he spent a semester incognito, trying to craft a social mask while skirting the edges to see what he might want out of it. In January he decided he wanted Alex and was ready to play his hand to get him. It hadn't quite set in until this moment that the furball in his arms was actually completely genuine.

"I always wanted this, I'm sorry it took to much pain to get here but I'm glad it's with you." The ocelot heaved.

The statement was sobering, Keith wondered if he had been played. "What do you mean? You couldn't have known any of that would happen."

"I mean this support, acceptance. The "it's alright I'm here" feeling we're having. I always envied people for it." Alex said tightening his grip again.

Keith pet the back of his kitties head, getting more shocked that he had broken down this much and let down his guard. "Really? You've had other boyfriends back home though, I remember you mentioned something suggesting you weren't a virgin before me." Of course the lizard had lied and claimed to have his own prior experience which was actually rehashed from outdated tv shows and pornography.

"Ish, they weren't so much gay as opportunistic. And they didn't love me so much as appreciate that I can do things for them without anyone suspecting. Both were my friends for a long time before, and short time after."

Having scales didn't help, that blow landed right in the feels. Keith began to wonder if Alex had an unconscious habit of setting himself up for being used, but that's certainly not how it started. The skink had to sink a lot of time and effort into reassuring Alex of their friendship before the feline shed his country boy act and opened up to Keith. It was part of why he reveled in victory over their relationship.

"I hope you didn't have too much drama with Chris". Alex said referring to an unbeknownst to him imaginary person.

"No, we were hot and heavy when we found out about each other but didn't really click and drifted apart without any drama." As if Keith or anyone else on the reserve would out themselves. The reserve was sponsored by the church that housed the knights and was overwhelmingly older so some rather conservative values were instilled in a majority of the population. Besides; he didn't' have many options for peers to have a crush on. Nobody in the reservation had been born for eight years before or five years after him, which wouldn't mean much after puberty but children grow quickly regardless.

"I'm glad we found something more real, it feels healthy now that we're over a hurdle." Alex said with a nuzzle. Keith recognized the truth of the statement, recalling that overcoming emotional challenges can strengthen bonds similarly to new shared experiences and teaching each other. The spirit tried to stop himself from strategizing around the realization.

Keith finally broke the hug. "I think we should get back to our work. My roommate will be back soon and isn't keen on us sharing the room." Alex kissed his boyfriend on the cheek and left without saying any more.

In chemistry lecture on Tuesday afternoon Alex had decided to go back to his old seat on the far left of the room. It seemed clear to him that Keith didn't want his company in class that day since the lizard had abandoned their usual spot to sit next to a cute otter in the center row. This otter looked a little taller than the ocelot, and was talking to his skink as though attempting to be discreet.

Alex tried not to squirm in his seat as he waited for the professor to come in and set up. The large hall was loud with chit chat masking any conversation from the new pair. He wanted to know what was going on, why Keith took a sudden interest in this other guy. Recounting their previous effort in bed and the avoidance of it the day before Alex began to worry. Their first mating wasn't good enough to get the lizard off even though it was nearly ideal to Alex. 'Was it worth trying extra hard to please someone who would run off so soon? Yes,' he determined. The cat had never been as happy as when he was with Keith. It wasn't too late yet, he just had to distract Keith back towards him and remind him of how good they are together. Besides, Alex was nearly certain that he was looking too deep into this.

Meanwhile Erik was glad to hear that Ben would oversee the manifestation attempts and a little disappointed that he wasn't directly invited. He was curious about the spirit's powers, and couldn't deny another look at his anatomy too. The thought brought a smile to his face that he didn't try to hide. In fact he brought extra attention to himself by putting a hand on Keith's shoulder.

"Good luck tonight, if things go well I may have some work for you. If you want," The mage whispered.

"Nothing too strenuous I hope," Keith replied.

The professor started shushing his students.

"Welll...we can start slow I guess,"Erik said, wide tail wiggling behind him.

Alex reconsidered giving the otter the benefit of the doubt.

As promised, Ben and Keith went for a walk in the woods. Keith recalled the phrase "put you down" after the Army scholarship obstacle course was out of view behind them and solitude was all that remained in front. It reminded him of his shame, and stupidity. Ben noticed the tension.

"I meant it, but this should be working towards a more peaceful approach. You have grown on me a little you know. Though, sometimes I think you're just trying to butter me up." Ben said with a grimace.

"Can you blame me? I'm the only one here with a warden, and probably for the best," Keith responded woefully.

"Well once we get all this figured out maybe we'll both be able to rest easier. Besides, you were drunk and that's not going to be a problem anymore, right?"

"Right. I guess I assumed that I would burn off the alcohol, being me and all."

"Coulda been worse, you could have had the brownies."

Keith boggled over that for a second and when he figured out what the lion meant decided to keep quiet about the mid party snack. "Ugh, nah somebody shed all over em." Ben noticed the hesitation.

The swamp was nicer than the classification sounds. The surrounding woods were green again, the ground dry and littered with hazardously winding bike paths, overturned trees made walls of dirt and mossy roots. The swamp itself was of course a body of water with husks of trees jutting out of it. Feral beaver dams and bird nests were abundant, frogs could be heard plopping into the water as the pair walked by. Some afternoons Keith walked deep into the paths around the other side of the swamp and into not-so-well charted woods. Twice he found himself entrenched beyond beaten paths past twilight but had always managed to get back. This was before Alex of course, it occurred to him that the ocelot would have a fit if Keith didn't come out after an excursion. Heck he'd probably have a fit if not invited.

They found a clear area with an abandoned fire pit. Ben let down his pack and brushed the leaves from the stone circle. "Ok, you stand here and take off your shirt," He instructed.

"Why does everybody need to see me naked?" Keith teased.

"To spare your wardrobe," Ben replied, lighting a butane torch. "Hold out your arm and tell me if you feel any pain or whatever it is you feel when it happens."

Keith did as he was told. The focused blue flame was warm from a foot away when pointed at him, and grew uncomfortably hot very quickly. He bit his lip as the tip neared his forearm "It burns, hurts," He winced.

Ben drew a little closer, taking a very good look at his subjects arm. Keith pulled away suddenly, cradling the burn.

"Ben, ah, this is bad Ben. You're sick if you think this'll get us anywhere. Plus I told you, gas doesn't do it. Oh damn this hurts, why'd you keep going you ass?"

"I needed to be sure, you're right, no more gas. I didn't think any kind of fire would hurt you though. What's the difference?"

"Heck if I know, I told you I'm not a damn elemental. Errrgh, I think I need medical attention. This is fuckin' deep."

"Let me see," Ben insisted, rummaging through his pack. "Oh wow, I've never played with fire like that but it's way worse than I expected. Hold still, Erik gave me some salve."

"Niagra falls couldn't quench this and you want to use salve?! Don't touch it!"

"It's magic, should do wonders. Plus it's a spray."

Ben took out a can labeled as bug repellent and applied it to his victim. Keith roared in pain that echoed across the swamp.

The spray felt like ice picks piercing and ripping his arm apart, then freezing the flesh and chipping away at it again. Keith blacked out.

The ember spirit awoke in a dorm, Erik and Ben were watching over him.

"Your arm will be fine, the salve did its duty. Though, if something like that didn't trigger you I'm uneasy to think of a situation that might," Erik said in his Dr. tone. "Are you sure you don't want me around next time?"

"Just keep supplying, I'll see to his safety otherwise," Ben said, sounding knightly.

Sure enough his arm was nearly good as new, though molting rapidly. Ben and Keith would repeat the experiment once more a few days later with gasoline to very much the same end. When Keith came to Ben spoke first.

"I'm sorry, we won't do any more like that. You have every right to hate me and I can't blame you if you feel like my people are horrible after all this. You know as well as I do that pinpointing your trigger is the key to your freedom, I thought this was for your own good."

Keith took a few long breaths hating himself for what he was about to say. "Once more, all natural. No accelerants, just rub some sticks together. And Erik comes." He didn't add that he wanted Erik present to reduce his risk of execution. The trio agreed to go camping, have some hidden world bonding time and do the deed where nobody could get in the crossfire.


Keith found it increasingly difficult to maintain class assignments and explore his nature with Alex butting in at every turn. The upside he thought was that the ocelot filled the social void that his introverted obligations brought about. They would have meals, and take breaks together with little need to coordinate as the kitty was always eager to please. However; Alex asked a lot of questions about the spirit's habits and the roommate situation had gotten heavy so they kept things pg for the week.

On the night before the camping trip the duo agreed to stay at Alex's place, both feeling overdue for an interactive workout. The ocelot bent on proving himself to his busy lizard, and Keith was ready to put the pussy in his place as it were. The skink had heard just about everything Alex has to say, from auto-shop gossip to the woes of being gay in a rural town, and had been growing a sarcastic mood towards his probing for affection. Boyfriend or boy toy they were both happy with their silently assigned role tonight.

They met up late after Alex's roommate had finished preparing for bed, keeping themselves individually busy with school work until then. With the lights off clothes were discarded as they crawled between the sheets. A feline paw tried to wrap abound Keith's back but there would be no cuddling beforehand. Alex had mentioned here and there that he wanted it rough, both dicks bareback as deep, fast, and forceful as possible. In an attempt to be safe and comfortable Keith held back until now.

Alex whispered "But I wanna hold you."

Firm hands grabbed fluffy waist and held it into a crawling position, one long lick of the reliably pristine prepped star below an excitedly twitchy tail was enough to get them started.

The lithe kitty relented "ooh, or that" with a purr.

Keith led with the right cock which met a tight momentary resistance before sinking in and opening up the feline. He chose to take slow smooth full thrusts, leaving completely then sliding in to the hilt.

Alex moaned quietly, he had been craving this kind of passion from his lover. The first dominant grab had sent chills down his spine and although the tempo was gentle now he was still powerless in Keith's grip.

Alex's pucker vibrated lightly with his purr, and after a few minutes of deep penetration had loosened enough for phase two. Keith took a few drops of lube from the nightstand to his left member, then alternated between the two firm leaking shafts.

Keith released his grip on the spotted hips and pushed them down forcing Alex's chest flush with the mattress. The kitty grabbed the sheets beneath him and bit a nearby pillow ready to accommodate his mate's dominance. Side by side throbbing cocks met at an eager hole and pushed against it.

The ocelot had often day dreamed about taking a knot but he was now sure that this was better. When combined the two typically sized, lightly tapered, crimson penises were pushing the limits he had worked tirelessly to expand. Alex couldn't help but squeeze down on them in surprise as the tips began to diverge in him, filling out his insides and pressing buttons in ways he couldn't have imagined. Adorable squeals and whines couldn't be held completely by the pillow, evolving into heavy moans and panting .

The noises told Keith that he was doing great, but there was more to be done. It took a while to get halfway in at modest speed, long enough for Alex's moans to relax and his roommate to leave for the dorm lounge. With increased privacy Alex spoke up, his voice already showing signs of fatigue.

"This, this is great. Tell me again why we didn't do this earlier."

A wicked grin stretched across the reptilian face as he suddenly changed to tiny quick thrusts that would put a feral rabbit to shame.

The moan of delight Alex let out might be better described as a wail, his back arched in and cock fought with all its might to press into the mattress below. Little by little his mate got further in stretching him with a masochistic burn the feline had learned long ago to appreciate.

"Aaauaah! Nnmmh. Yeah" Alex cried.

Finally hilted the proud skink gave pause so that his kitty might breathe. Then, after a few heavy pants, Keith gently guided his mate to a sideways position and resumed thrusting. Each thrust rotated the engorged cocks to new angles and gained greater distance. He continued gaining depth and moving the putty-like ocelot who spasmed and squealed in glee. Before long the lizard was shoving them in tip to hilt in a missionary position.

"Come'ere" The lizard hissed.

Keith slid his arms under Alex's back and lifted the smaller fur so that they sat chest to chest, nails digging into soft furry shoulders. The spirit bounced heartily from below, a rhythm that Alex tried to match and add to. On their third joint bounce the ocelot's penis erupted, painting both chests and chins with countless spurts timed to the couples motions.

Alex was beyond the use of words, he rode out the last dying spurts leaning back in his man's arms.

The spirit knew he had to end it now, Alex had mentioned in previous matings that he couldn't bottom long after cumming. So he took the supple furred neck in his jaws and felt the heat and pulse of his frantic kitty in his maw and around his manhood.

An unyielding living heat.

Keith came harder than any pornstar he'd ever seen. Alex was filled to capacity with just his cocks and now they forced hot semen into every nook. It gushed out between the penises and the feline could feel its warmth rising even past his navel.

The cat fell back in exhaustion, slipping out of the spirit's grip as one would slip out of a pair of loose jeans. His eyes were unfocused and gazing up, unable to comprehend all the bliss he felt smothering him. When they made their way back towards his mate's face Alex giggled and retired from consciousness. He thought, for that moment, that Keith's creamy beige chin had turned black and streaked red with his blood.

Keith's monumental pride wavered when he heard the laugh, then the rush fell apart as he realized that the bed was covered in...soot? Alex's golden coat was blackened by his touch and a sheet began smoking against his glowing red tail. He was molting, no worse, he was disintegrating!

Panic set in, he was hyperventilating, and with each heave in there was a growing glow. The lines up his back had split into glowing crags, veins of red cracks spread across his body where the scales had fallen to ash. His heart raced and ached; he tried to get up but was tied to his partner lying on the bed.

Finally darkness set in and the spirit collapsed atop his mate.

When Keith woke up Alex was sleeping next to him, softly breathing and appeared peaceful. The spirit checked himself over, his scales were shiny and sturdy, colors vibrant, everything was intact except a feeling in his stomach. It felt like he was digesting himself alive, a level of hungry that made it hard to focus on anything else. The bed was still a mess, and a note was taped to the tv expressing the roommates displeasure. These things didn't matter now, it was breakfast time. Even Alex could wait until he was full.

After four omelets and more glasses of water than he cared to count; Keith could finally start to focus his mind. He began to notice himself fidgeting at the thought of going back to Alex's room. He didn't want to face what he had done, but guilt won him over. Keith couldn't let Alex wake up surrounded in black stuff all alone, no doubt sore and confused.

There was a buzz from the lizard's pocket on his way out of the cafeteria, a text from Ben. "Erik and I will meet you at my car in two hours. You do know how to pack for camping right?"

A new wave of nausea hit Keith in the gut, Ben would have to find out. "That's fine" he replied, knowing that he couldn't be truly prepared even with a whole day of planning. Steeling himself at Alex's door, Keith took a deep breath and barged in.

The room was just as he left it, cute ocelot snoring lightly in an awkward belly up position atop crumpled scorched blankets. The char and ash piled around the cat was barely a concern given the centerpiece. Keith pet Alex's little belly, smiling at the outrageous state of crustiness and how the ash had drawn new lines and spots all about the body. An idea crept into the spirits mind, something that might make his friends morning a little easier.

Keith put his muzzle to Alex's plump package and licked down the underside of the wide shaft, forked tongue caressing either side at once.

It smelled a little different today, more musky but less pleasant. Plus there was no reaction from the sleeping cat.

He guided Alex's manhood into his maw, suckling gently. There was a pulse, reassuring and warm, but no throb. No moan, just little snores and nothing else.

Concern was returning, Keith tried nudging then shaking the slender cat to no avail.

"Alex, wake up. Alex? Alex!" Keith begged with increasing volume.

Alex didn't reply.

Keith picked his friend up off of the bed and laid him aside, the slumbering kitty seemed healthy and at peace for now. He peeled the sheets and blankets from the bed attempting to keep most of the ash in the center and then tried shoving them into the trash. The burnt pile lumped out and over the top like a muffin but it would be easy enough to deal with.

For the time being the spirit wiped off any remaining debris, replacing trashed sheets with a spare comforter from under the bed. A backup blanket they had snuggled under at the end of winter lay on the couch and was also moved to the bed. It seemed that pillows were spared most of the destruction.

Taking a limp Alex in his arms bridal style Keith maneuvered into the bathroom, locking the door to the adjoining suite. He turned on the shower and stripped while it warmed with Alex propped up in one of the side by side sinks. A splash of water to the face caused some light stirring but it looked to Keith like the ocelot would have to be submerged more to fully rouse him.

With much shambling and noise he managed to get Alex upright in the shower by holding him in a bear hug with hopes that a hugs comfort would negate some of the crudeness of a wet wake up. Warm water on Alex's back was working! Gentle noises of protest and fatigue began to eek out of his tender lips.

"Nnnghn noowwww, Stahp it...mmmn whyyyyy you doo disss?" Alex asked half asleep.

Keith smiled with blissful relief. "It's time to clean you up, we made a big mess last night remember?"

"Mmmnhmmn, I didn't :yawn: wwwannna be a vammmpirre. It hurts." The cat moaned.

The wet lizard couldn't help but giggle "what hurts?"

"Eveerythin, owww, really it hurts. Put me back. Alex whined, attempting to flail but managing very little movement.

Awkwardly, Keith complied. Turning off the water and wattling wet to the bed, laying Alex on the comforter and pulling a blanket over him. "Better?" he asked.

"Mmn hmm, I'm leaking. And wet, and it hurts. Lemme sleep." Alex protested.

There didn't seem to be anything more to do but let him rest. Keith was genuinely worried for the feline but couldn't come up with a way to explain the situation to a paramedic so he kissed his kitty on the forehead and got dressed. On his way out Keith unlocked the bathroom door and toweled off the wet floor. Alex was right, he was still dripping cum while being dragged and there was a pool of it dripping down the drain of the sink he was sitting in.

Keith did what he could to wipe it away, relieved that if was free of blood suggesting colorectal trauma had little role in Alex's predicament.