Kindled Spirit Ch5: Down the Lizard Hole

\*Bwooodoodoodoodoodoodoodooo\* CALL FROM ERIK COSTELLA: ACCEPT "Ben here". "Ben we have some complications." The mage sounded ragged. Ben jumped out of his seat, startling his roommate who had been reading from a tablet in bed. "How complicated?!"...

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Kindled Spirit Ch6: Contents Under Pressure

"Alex, it's that time of the week for me and although I really do appreciate your concern I beg you; please don't get involved. I don't want you to see me like that again, and this time we'll have backup. I need you to stay out of it so I don't get...

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Kindled Spirit Ch1: Drop it like it's hot

Feint light from the parking lot outside glistened against dark smooth scales of a lean lizard poised between the outstretched legs of his feline companion. Shades of blue and streaks of white flashed in and out of sight as a slender tail thrashed...

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Kindled Spirit Ch4: Try, Try, Try

The car ride back had been even quieter than their way to the campsite. Keith then spent the morning eating just about everything the cafeteria had to offer. He had to rotate between waffle toppings, egg options, toasts and fruits in order to not get...

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Kindled Spirit Ch3: S'more please

When Keith arrived at the parking lot he could feel the unease of his "friends" staring him down from the front seats of Ben's Explorer. 'Am I really that late?' he wondered. There was no use trying to explain why, Ben wouldn't want to hear it and...

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Kindled Spirit Ch2: Thank you come again

Erik's door was closed. 'Maybe I should have texted him,' Keith thought. Most modern devices were relatively new to him since clan members didn't get out of the reserve much. The cell phone he received was simple enough to use, and even his laptop was...

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