Change of Plans: part 2

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Well, This is part two of "Change of Plans". It's not the last though, there's at least one more after this. I hope you really enjoy it. It's semi-yiffy, but still classifies as yiff becuase, well, you'll see.

* * * This story contains material not suitable for fursons under the age of 18 and contains the operation of a crappy car, shopping in expensive stores, semi-cub yiff, sleeping pills, bad lanuguage, and security guards. If that's not your flavor of iced coffee, don't read any further. * * *


Change of Plans: part 2

by. Neptune Wolf


The sharp sunlight awoke me. It stabbed at my sleep like a slasher film's victim. We were doing about 90mph on the freeway. The old, joke of a Cadillac sounded like it was minus one muffler as it asthmatically coughed and wheezed down the road. The 'Cinnamon Bun' bounced up and down due to the lack of shock absorbers. It bounced and rolled and tilted and lurched like a rollercoaster gone wrong. In the driver's seat was the wolf cub, Kevin. His bushy grey tail was on my lap, the ends of his lips curled up ever so slightly into a bad-ass smile. I pushed his tail off of me. "Slow down!" I growled. "It's cool, it's cool. It says we can do 120." The young wolf said calmly, pointing to a sign as we zoomed by it in the slow lane of the nearly empty highway.

"That's 120 Kilometers Per Hour, dumb ass! We're in Canada. Don't they teach you anything in school? 120km/h is 75 miles per hour." I growled even more and shook my head. He slowed down a bit then reached for a knob on the radio. It still didn't work. He sighed.

"Does anything thing in this car work?" He yelled as he tried every button and knob in the car: the windshield wipers, the turn signals, the heat, the AC. Nothing worked. He pumped the brakes and the car gave little response. I pulled out a cigarette.

"Nothing works, kid." I said as I lit my mentholated death stick. My watch said it was a little after 8am. I had only been sleep for an hour or so. "Give me the wheel. Pull over, squirt." Surprisingly, the wolf cub did as he was told. We traded seats again. The black Corinthian leather seats squeaked as we scuttled. Kevin's pants were still wet with his piss. My black pin-stripped suit was wrinkled and dirty. I looked in the back seat before I pulled off. The suitcase was still there.

There we were again on the road in silence. Seeing the kid still alive was proof that I was still a good guy, that I hadn't changed that much. But seeing him actually WITH me was a different thing. My ears flattened to my head as I thought of the consequences if Mr. Sims caught me. I had left my home, or what was left of it. I left my job, my ex-friends, and my old life. The young wolf was all I had at the moment.

"Where are we?" I asked when I saw that the gas tank was almost empty.

"Almost out of London, Ontario." He said with a smile. When I a caught a glimpse of it, it made me think he was like any other normal, innocent pup. "I got us this far without any extra scratches. Told ya I could drive!" I nodded and got another cigarette. Nova Scotia was a lifetime away and Ontario was a beautiful Province. If I weren't fleeing, I wouldn't mind doing a bit of sight seeing here, maybe check out the local clubs and bars.

There was a gas station not far off the highway. The 'Cinnamon Bun' choked its way to a stop at pump number 9. I opened my door and go out, Kevin did the same.

"Bernard, I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be back." He ran off towards the bathroom that was off to the side of the gas station. "Wait!" I yelled as I chased after him. He still had the key to the suitcase in his belly. I didn't want him to do anything stupid. I went into the bathroom with him, reluctantly. Hopefully no one saw a grown wolf go into the bathroom with a pup. I turned and faced away from him, facing the door, as he did his business.

When he was done, I made him check for the key. He didn't want to, until I told him how much was in the case; 50 grand. He got his paws dirty but he found the key and rinsed it off. I took it from him and went to get gas.

"Let me get 20 on pump 9." I said to the young tiger clerk. I gave him American money, but he still took it. I watched through the large pane of glass in the gas station as Kevin got back in the car.

I pumped the gas with a cigarette in my muzzle, my grey tail with a streak of brown fur swished back and fourth. When it was done pumping, I opened the back door and got in. With the silver key to the suitcase in my paw, I felt empowered. I was finally getting my money. With a simple 'click' it opened and inside was more money than I ever saw in one place in my life. There was a voice recorder with a tape inside on top of all the cash, from Mr. Sims of course. Kevin had turned around in his seat to get a better look, his ears were perked up and his green eyes bounced happily but the top of the suitcase obscured his view. I took the player and quickly slipped it into the left breast pocket of my dirty suit.

"So what are you doing with your $25,000?" The wolf cub asked me curiously. I laughed.

"My $45,000 is going towards a new life in Amsterdam." I said then closed the suitcase. Kevin playfully pounced onto me and sat in my lap, his tail waving like a flag. I moved the suitcase out of the way. He chuckled.

"So, what can I do to earn MY $25,000?" The wolf cub asked as he sat in my lap as if I were Santa Claus. His wide, cheerful smile never turned itself off. I bounced him on my knee a little, just to hear the car keys jingle in my pocket.

"If you be a good boy, I'll give you something extra when we get to Halifax, k?" I smiled back at him, patronizingly; not really buying his innocent act. To my surprise, he licked my nose. His warm, moist, canine tongue caressed my muzzle, from the top of my lips to right under my eye. He hugged me and let go.

"Ok, but you have to promise!" He said with a little dominance in his voice. I nodded and he got off of my lap and back to the passenger seat. "So let's get to Halifax!" the young pup said eagerly pointing to the main street. I checked my pockets. They keys were still there. The recording was still in my breast pocket. The suitcase was next to me. Everything was fine, that is, until I noticed the thickening of my sheath. I shook my head.

I climbed back into the driver's seat and we were off again, but this time, we were both more open. We talked about some of everything and got to know each other. He was in middle school back in Detroit, a private school called "The Wayne Junior Academy" on the Northwest side of the city. I told him about my job as an architect. He told me about his rich friends at school. I told him about my friends at work. We had a good conversation as I drove us to the next town; Kitchener, Ontario.

We stopped at a mall there to get us some new clothes. It was kind of embarrassing for a grown wolf in a dirty wrinkled suit to walk around with a wolf pup that peed in his pants. I got something a little more casual; some blue jeans, a blue shirt, and some nice Nike running shoes. Kevin got into almost the same thing, plus a new pair of underwear. While I was in the dressing room, I checked out the recording that Mr. Sims left with the money. It was another job offer, and boy was it a kick in the arse:

"Look, your last job, the one before the kid, was better than expected. You cracked heads, took names, got my money, and made a name for yourself. All of my buddies here want to give you a job, but I want to hold on to you for a little while longer. I'll give you an extra 10 grand if you take out this lawyer for me. See, the little runt you kidnapped has a lawyer that's out to get me. He's in Nova Scotia with the boy's family. You got 4 days, that just until Saturday, to do this for me. Go to the Holiday Inn in Downtown Halifax and request suit number 12. I'll have everything waiting for you in there. You can just take this money and run, or you can make a name for yourself in the hurtin' business. It's your choice, but I would highly recommend that you do this for me. I would be . . . upset . . . if you didn't."

Mr. Sims' voice was heavy. He was a long time smoker and a heavyset wolf. The last part is what scared me. I really don't want to 'upset' Mr. Sims. I took the tape out of the player and threw the player away before I left out of the dressing room. Kevin was standing outside the door waiting for me. It was crowded in the store, so hopefully he didn't hear the tape. I put on my best smile when the young wolf looked up at me, his ears perked up as he hugged me in his new clothes. He rubbed his muzzle against my chest and I could feel the warmth of his fur through my shirt. I felt an inappropriate stirring in my sheath again and I politely shook him off. Kevin smirked and hugged me tighter, but this time whispered into my ears;

"Look, just hug me back! The security guard has been watching since we walked in this store." I discreetly looked up and cased the store. There were two guards watching us from a relatively close distance. "Just act like I'm your son, or little cousin, ok." The cub continued. I hugged him back, to keep up appearances. There was no way Kevin could pass for my son, maybe an older brother. I was only 26 years old.

He stayed close to me as we checked out. It was an expensive store to say the least. Two outfits, some shoes, and a pair of underwear cost us a little under a grand. I paid in cash and got a receipt from the lioness behind the counter. The guards watched us even after we left the store. I looked at my watch; it was a quarter past 7pm. We made a left down a corridor, and so did the two guards. We went down the escalator; they went down the escalator. We stopped at a small cart; they stopped about 20 feet behind us. They were on us as if we were terrorist.

We finally made it to the parking lot. I quickly got us to the car without raising any more suspicion. The guards stopped following us after we got to the parking lot. We both let out a sigh of relief.

"Did you steal something?!?" I asked. He only nodded a no. I put the Cinnamon Bun into gear and pulled off.

I drove for a lifetime, it seemed. We talked to break the silence, but watching the road got stale. All we saw were farms, feral horses, livestock, more farms, orchards, and open fields. It was enough to drive any fur mad. Luckily, I had a double dose of caffeine in me but, it was wearing off. My ears slightly drooped and my tail lay limp and lifeless next to me. My heartbeat had finally slowed to a sane speed and my grey and brown fur seemed to relax a bit. Kevin picked up my tail and started to stroke its fur. It comforted me in a way and helped me to relax.

Mr. Sims voice still rang in my ears. There was no way I was going to off Kevin's lawyer. It was almost laughable to even think it. 10 grand was a lot of money. I could get a decent car to go with my apartment in Amsterdam with that extra loot. On the other side, Kevin had really grown on me. He had . . . changed since I met him, had a sort of liking for me. Was it real, or was it a trick by a wolf pup that was skilled in the art of deception? Either way, I was going to drop off the cub and leave to Amsterdam; end of story.

As we passed through Toronto I got sleepy. Kevin was still awake as well, taking in the sights and smells of the foreign city nightlife. His fur blew in the warm, late spring wind. Our shadows elongated and compressed as we went under streetlights. The dark purple sky was clear outside of the city; it was dead silence besides the occasional coughing and choking of the Cadillac Cimarron. The empty fields around us seem to go on forever. The only light came from the moon above and the dim headlights. It was almost romantic in a way.

It was after midnight when I noticed Kevin starting to get drowsy. He leaned his head onto my shoulder as I drove. I was nodding off at the wheel. I had to pull over. I reclined my seat all the way back so I could lay flat and for some reason, the young wolf laid with me by my side, wrapping his arms around me and caressed my chest with his warm paws. It felt weird to have him so close to me. My sheath was thickening, either because of the friction of his body or because I was aroused by the pup. I sat awake trying to think of other things; my high school English class, the lyrics to "Good Times", how to design a skyscraper to resist wind loads, anything that would take my mind off of the situation.

I shifted a little, but Kevin's paws roamed my chest. A button came off, then another and another. I moaned out loud, for some unknown reason; instinct I guess. The wolf pup crawled on top of me, a leg on either side of mine.

"W-what are you doing?" I stuttered with a raised eyebrow. Kevin leaned down grabbed my paws into his and pushed them above my head. He was on top of me, muzzle to muzzle, his crotch to my chest. The 13 year old wolf licked my muzzle, but I didn't allow him to French me.

"Come on. You know you want to!" The pup enticed. I smiled a bit, out of reflex. It was true, but he didn't have to know that. I tried to sit up, but he wouldn't let me. Kevin forced me back down with a strength I didn't know he had. But then again, I wasn't trying very hard. I tried harder and he pinned me again, this time looking down at me and smiling with his sharp canine teeth showing. The corners of his lips curled up, indicating something sinister on his mind.

"Look, we shouldn't be doing this. This is," He cut me off.

"Let's play a little game!" He said cheerfully. I raised an eyebrow and forced myself up, pushing him off.

"Look, let's just get to Halifax. You can drive tomorrow or sometime. Go to sleep, squirt." I said shaking off the feelings I had before. He crawled over to the passenger seat; his oversized fluffy grey tail went limp and his ears pressed to his head. I looked over at him once my seat was upright again. He seemed upset, disappointed, but at the same time, he reminded me of when I first saved his life in the warehouse. I stepped out of the car. "I'll be back. Have to take a piss before I start driving again." I lied. I got out of the car and walked to the side of the road and pretended to pee. I was actually reaching into my pocket and getting my box of sleeping pills. I padded back to the car and opened the trunk. I had a few bottles of pop in a cooler from our last stop back in London. I slipped in a couple sleeping pills into one of them and closed the trunk. I couldn't have that kid around if he was going to be acting like this.

"Got you something to drink. Now drink up and go to sleep, squirt. You can drive tomorrow." I lied again. He was going to be out for at least 10 hours. I shook the bottle a little and passed it to him. He gulped it down. I smiled and started the car up again and we were off. The young wolf got in the back seat once we were moving. I lit a cigarette, driving with my knees. That 10 grand Mr. Sims was offering sounded pretty good at this moment. That kid made as much sense as a soup sandwich.

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Thank you for reading this second part of my story. Please tell me what you think! There is more to come. Email me at [email protected] for personal comments. Oh, by the way, Chapter 2 of "Nicolae and the Moxie Kid" is alost done! Check out my website for a 5 page sneak peak:\_life

Change of Plans: Part 3

Well, this is the third and last installment of 'Change of Plans'. I hope you had as much fun reading it as I did writing it! There's a lot more action in this one, even some real yiff. \*This story contains material not suitable for fursons under...

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Change of Plans Part 1

Well, this here is a new story from Neptune! You'll love the hell out of this one! Lot of action! There is no yiff in this story, sorry guys, so no warning lables needed. Oh, I guess I could say it's rated R for violence and language. This is...

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Nicolae and the Moxie Kid: Special Edition

Well, this is what everyone has been waiting for: The Special Edition of Nicolae and the Moxie Kid. The plot is a bit different than before and there are 5 yiffy parts covering 22 pages. I may add that this is a sad story. You will find out as you read...

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