Change of Plans: Part 3

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Well, this is the third and last installment of 'Change of Plans'. I hope you had as much fun reading it as I did writing it! There's a lot more action in this one, even some real yiff.

*This story contains material not suitable for fursons under the age of 18 and contains theft, fine dining, cub yiff, bodybuilding wolves, and crooked laywers. If that's not your flavor of iced coffee, get outta here, Squirt.


Change of Plans

Part 3

By Neptune Wolf


"Welcome to Québec!" The posted sign said in both English and French. It was the first thing I saw out the window when I woke up. The light from daybreak was beautiful. The gold and red was only beginning to melt away the purple and blue of night on the horizon. The young wolf in the driver seat was driving at a slow pace, his paws at 5 and 7 on the steering wheel. I could tell he was tired by the way his ears drooped.

It had been a good 10 hours since our last stop and I only just let Kevin take the wheel an hour ago. The sleeping pills I gave him worked pretty fine. He looked over and saw that I was awake and gave me a sappy, child-like, closed eyed smile, taking his eyes off the road, but a second was more than enough time for the grey Ford Escape on our right to cross into our lane. Kevin swerved left and the old tires of the Cadillac Cimarron screeched; one blew out causing us to spin out of control on the highway. One car hit us from the rear then another hit from the front left corner causing us to roll over. Kevin screamed and let go of the wheel to brace himself like I was already doing. The Cinnamon Bun rolled three times and only stopped when it hit the concrete median. The Ford Escape was long gone.

The car was smoking, hissing, sputtering. I guess it was finally time for it to die. I coughed and waved the smoke away from my muzzle. Besides a few bruises and cuts, I was surprisingly ok. Kevin was panicking. Somehow a loose rope from the backseat got caught around his throat. I quickly unlocked my seatbelt and reached over to help him. He kept struggling and squirming. The white rope was tangled around the headrest. I tried my hardest to undo it. The wolf pup grasped my shirt with all of his might and tried to speak but he couldn't. Seeing him suffer was a horrible thing, so there was no choice on what I did next. I reached into my hoister on my right side and pulled out my chrome-plated gun. I kissed it.

"Shhh, shhh." I whispered calmly to the young wolf. "Just be still, it'll all be over in a second." Kevin looked at me with worried eyes. I doubt that he could hear me though all of the panic, that is, until he sat still. I whispered something to myself and steadied my aim. There was a calm in the air, as if the car's hissing, sputtering, and smoking finally stopped. With one shot it was done perfectly and I took a deep breath.

Kevin's paws pulled the cut rope off of his neck. It fell to the space between us in many pieces. The wolf pup's chest heaved up and down and he looked up at me. Without warning, he jumped up and hugged me tightly around my neck, almost strangling me. I dropped the gun and returned the hug. Kevin gave me a slight kiss on my lips, different from the one before.

He finally broke the hug, almost reluctantly. "That's the second time you saved my life." He said in an almost whisper tone.

"No problem." I said while looking away, out the broken windshield. There was a small engine fire. "I think it's time we got out." I picked up my gun and put it back into my hoister. I only had 3 bullets left. Together, we kicked the driver's side door open. There were two female spectators outside, the driver's of the other vehicles.

"Êtes-vous bien, monsieur?!?" The lioness on the right said. She was in front of a red Honda.

"What?" I said. She only repeated what she said. I had failed my one semester of High School French.

"Je devrais appeler l'ambulance!" The Manx on my left said while reaching into her purse. She pulled out a cell phone.

"No, no. Don't call the authorities!" I urged. "We're fine, just a little shook up." I brushed the dust off Kevin's shirt with a wide smile. "See, we're fine." I said, never dropping my wide smile to make her believe that we were ok. She smiled back and put her phone away and looked back at her car. There was some major damage to the front end.

"Est-ce qu'ainsi je fais à ce sujet, monsieur?" She said slowly while pointing to her new car, knowing that I didn't understand. I got the message and went into the backseat of the Cinnamon Bun and got the suitcase. I reached in and gave both of them a paw full of hundred dollar bills, about 2 grand each. They smiled and nodded as I smiled and nodded. I looked back at Kevin. He was leaning against the smoking heap that was once French's joke of a Cadillac. His tail curled around his right leg. One of the ladies looked at their watch and got back into their car and pulled off, the other lady right behind her. I sighed as I looked back at the wolf pup.

The highway was fairly empty as the two of us crossed it. We were inside the City of Québec and didn't have to walk too far to the nearest main street. It was a bustling town during the early morning commute. Me and the wolf pup decided to get something to eat and to decide on our next move. At the nearest Tim Horton's, we got something to eat.

"So what now?" Kevin asked after he'd had a sip of coffee. He scrunched his nose at the taste and added more sugar.

"We have to rent a car, or find a private owner who's selling a car for cheap." I said with a bit of my sandwich. Kevin got up from the table and came back with a newspaper. We looked though the paper together to try to find a car, but neither of us could read French. We had ordered our food by pointing and nodding. After a while, we gave up.

"Well, you know, I could always 'get' us a car the old fashioned way." I whispered, my eyes shifting left to right. Kevin giggled a bit when he got my drift. "If you just cooperate with me, we can get ourselves a nice new car." I took a sip of my coffee. "We'll be on the road again an hour from now, ok Squirt?" He chuckled and nodded.

When we left the restaurant, I made my way to a not so busy residential street. We both sat on the curb in front of what looked like and abandoned house. The suitcase was in my left paw, my gun my right. Before long, a blue Honda Civic was in sight driving down the street at a slow pace. The wolf cub and I stood in the middle of the street, blocking the car's path. The driver honked his horn and yelled something at us in French. I rand to the driver's side as Kevin went for the passenger. Without a cue, the wolf cub opened the door and viciously dragged the passenger out of the car by his head-fur. While the driver was paying attention to Kevin, I quickly pistol whipped him and dragged him out. I got in and we drove off in a hurry, leaving the couple out on the street. I had already killed a guy, kidnapped a kid, and beat several other furs into submission all in the past 2 weeks. Stealing a car should be no biggie.

And like I said, within and hour we were back on the road again.

* * *

Halifax, Nova Scotia was a beautiful place. The architecture, the water, the beaches, the people, it was all so nice. I drove us across the Mac Donald Bridge from Dartmouth and we got a wonderful view of the Halifax Harbor. After a left down Agricola Street we made it to Citadale Hill. Kevin guided me to his grandmother's house. It was a little outside of the city near William's Lake.

Mrs. Hanna Kilough, Kevin's grandmother, lived in a three story, Victorian manor. On the way there, the pup gave me a little background on his family. His father, before he died, was a big time drug dealer in the States when he married Sally Kilough. They were all in love a whatnot and as a gift, he bought this manor for her family and an equally nice place for them two to live in on Detroit's East side. When Kevin was little, his father would leave the country for weeks on end to handle business. Kevin told me that when he did spend time with his father, he absolutely loved it. Kevin and his mother would go to Halifax for the summer and every summer, Kevin's father, Warren Long, would meet them there. The year before last, he didn't meet them there. He died in Detroit on a drug deal gone wrong. Long story short, his mother went off and married the next thuggish wolf she would get her paws around: Mr. Sims, and Kevin hated the fact that he was mooching off the money Warren left for his son.

I pulled into the driveway of the lavish house. The Honda we stole drove as smooth as ice. Even though the radio worked, we spent the whole time talking. As soon as I turned off the engine, the wolf pup bounded out of the car towards an elderly wolf wearing a typical sundress on the covered porch. Kevin ran up to her with the biggest smile, his grandmother's arms open wide for a hug. Apparently, they haven't seen each other in a long time.

I stepped out of the car and dusted myself off a little bit.

"Come on up here!" Mrs. Kilough yelled. I followed the two into the house and to the parlor where lemonade was waiting for us. The young wolf chatted with his grandmother and I sat in silence, not wanting to break the mood.

"And who is this fine wolf, Kevin?" Mrs. Kilough said.

"Uh, this is Bernard . . . my mother's new . . . uh . . . chauffer, yeah." He said with a grin aimed at me. I nodded.

"Well, Bernard. I think we can take it from here. James will show you out." She said nodding to a servant. Kevin stumbled over his words, but managed to get out,

"Uh, well, we've been on the road for a long time. Why not let him stay for dinner?" Mrs. Kilough smiled a bit.

"Well, tonight I'm hosting a meeting but, ok. Since you did get my favorite grandson here in one piece, you can stay for the night and get some good rest." She said rubbing her paws together. I smiled.

"I don't mean to impose. I have a few other plans." My job was over. Task completed. Mission accomplished. All I had to do was catch the next flight out of here. As soon as that thought came into my mind, a thin fox wearing a tan suit walked into the room.

"Ah, Mr. Wan. Have a seat. I hope you are ready for our dinner tonight." Mrs. Kilough said. Mr. Wan shook her paw and then Kevin's before sitting.

"Do we have someone new to our little group, Hanna?" the fox said looking at me with the ends of his lips curling downward into frown. She nodded a no.

"This is my son's chauffer, Bernard." Kevin's grandmother said. Mr. Wan looked at me again, only this time with an intimidating growl hidden by a simple smile. I could sense that he didn't like me but he shook my paw anyway, tightly. He looked over to Mrs. Kilough as if to say that my very presence here was going to do harm. "This is kind of a private matter, so if you don't mind, could you step outside for a few minutes. It's a beautiful view out there. And Kevin," She turned her attention to her grandson, "You can go into the kitchen and have Jacques cook you up something while me and Mr. Wan talk, ok?" she continued. We both got up, Mr. Wan staring at me the whole time, and they almost immediately started talking as we left the room through separate doors. Kevin looked at me with hungry eyes before he closed the door to the kitchen. I really didn't appreciate Mrs. Kilough's attitude or that Mr. Wan's either. I stayed behind the door for a few seconds and left it cracked to I could see into the parlor.

"As your grandson's lawyer, I would like to be informed of his movements! He can't just travel across North America without his mother on a whim. You know the kid's a bad seed. If he does something else wrong, I won't be there to pull his tail out of the fire." The fox in the tan suit said with his paws gesturing towards the kitchen door. Just then I remembered Mr. Sims offer; 10 grand for that guys head and all I had to do was visit the Holiday Inn. I smirked. I wouldn't mind taking him out. It was already Saturday though, so I had to work quickly.

I left the manor and headed downtown to the Holiday Inn. On my way there, I felt evil, sadistic, a 'bad dog'. The downtown area was busy since it was rush hour, but even without directions, I found the Holiday Inn downtown. Inside, behind the main desk was a male panther.

"Hello, can I help you sir?" He said.

"Yes, my name is Bernard Radcliff and I have reservations for Suite number 12." The panther typed in a few things.

"Ah, here you go. You do realize that the reservation ends at Midnight tonight, right? It's already booked for tomorrow. It's a very popular Suite, sir." He passed me the key card and a small envelope with the day's security code.

"I know. I should be gone by then." I said with a smile, the suitcase filled with money in my paw. I went up to the 12th floor. Suite 12 WAS the 12th floor. With a swipe of the key card and few numbers into a keypad, I was in. Inside, the suite was beautiful. It had a perfect view of the harbor and the bridge. I sat by the window and thought about what I was doing. Mr. Wan and Mrs. Kilough seemed to have an attitude. For what? I don't know and I'm pretty sure it wasn't because the "chauffer" came into the house. All I knew was that 10 grand was a twitch of the finger away and a new life was a plane ticket away. Then I thought about Kevin, the wolf cub who was the cause of all of this, but at the same time, he made me feel feeling I didn't even know was possible. I shook the thought. It was creepy; it was wrong; it was disgusting . . . but he initiated it purposely. I shook the thought as the memory of our night in the car returned to me.

I looked around the entire suit for my 'tools'. There was three guns in the closet of the guest bedroom; the twin to the desert Eagle Mr. Sims gave me when we first started (for a loud, powerful one-shot kill), a machine gun (for a sloppy, closed casket kill), and a sniper (for that professional, one shot, open casket kill). Behind the guns was another voice recording. I picked it up and hit the play button.

"So, I see that you got balls, Bernard, but now let's see if you got aim. Take out the lawyer before Midnight. I'll be waiting in suite 12 at 12:01, no earlier, no later, with your payment. But to make sure you actually did the job and not trying to screw me, after you kill him, take his wallet. See ya tonight, 'B-killa' and I may just have another assignment for you."

He snickered at the end. I put the tape back into the closet and closed the door after I took out the sniper. The two chrome-plated Desert Eagles in my Hoister felt heavy. I moaned a bit. I just wanted to get this over with.

Nightfall came. Mrs. Kilough invited me over for dinner. Mr. Wan was already there. I had the sniper in my car and my Desert Eagles in my hoister. They sat at the table in silence, until Kevin spoke up.

"So what's the situation?" His lawyer ignored him at first but then answered,

"Don't worry about it." Mr. Wan smiled. Kevin looked a bit perplexed.

". . . Since I've been here, you never once asked me about mom." Kevin stated as a matter-of-fact. Mrs. Kilough smiled, patronizingly.

"That's because I know she's ok." That seemed good enough fro Kevin. I smirked. Something didn't feel right.

After dinner, Mrs. Kilough invited us all back to the parlor for dessert: ice cream and cookies. I declined, and went back to my car. I wasn't a professional and all. 'I'm just going to find a spot outside, wait for the fox to come out and blow his head off; seemed simple enough to me. I've seen it a hundred times before in videogames.' I thought to myself as I walked to the stolen Honda.

That's when I noticed the wolf pup behind me.

"Bernard . . . don't do it." He barked. My ears flattened against my head. I felt around my pockets. The first tape was gone. He must have taken it off of me. I took out a cigarette and lit it. A 'click' sound came from behind me and I turned around with my arms in the air. The wolf pup snickered.

"You were going to sell me out weren't you? Just let Mr. Sims ruin my life?" He had what looked like a pistol in his paws. 'Kids these days.' I thought to myself. "It's not like my grandmother couldn't get me a team of lawyers, but I'm told Mr. Wan is the best in the business." He walked closer to me and put the barrel of the gun under my chin.

"What are you going to do, kill me?" I laughed a bit.

"No, I just want my 'bonus' you promised me." He said with a grin. I had to think for a moment.

"The money's in the backseat, let me get it." I said rather calmly.

I opened the door and immediately noticed the tap player on the driver's seat. 'This can't be good' I thought to myself. I got in a little and turned it on.

"There's been a change of plans, 'B-killa'." Was all that was said in a low voice on the tape.

My heart stopped beating. This was bad. Before I could turn around, Kevin pushed me into the car and got in behind me. With a quick move, he removed my hoister, surprised to see two guns in there instead of one. The wolf pup threw it in the front seat then pinned me down.

"What are you doing!?!" I asked, but Kevin only placed the gun to my muzzle.

"I always wanted to try this." He said while unzipping his jeans and pulling them down; his tail waved back and fourth in the confined space of the Honda Civic's backseat. "You're not going to wiggle your way out of it this time, wolfie." He growled playfully as his boxers came off, exposing his thickening grey-furred sheath. Just a flash of pink came from the tip. I could smell his arousal, an earthy scent. Kevin put his legs on each side of mine as he sat down on my chest, the pink tip touching my lips.

"You said you were going to give me a 'bonus' when we got here." The pup smiled. I had something more along the line of an extra thousand dollars and an ice cream cone. But at the moment, my mind was swimming. Lust was pumping through my veins. He pushed harder with the gun in his right paw, but that wasn't too necessary. I licked his thickening sheath from his heavy ball sac to the pink tip of his exposed cock. He murred with delight and petted my head-fur with his left paw, encouraging me to go on.

I licked at the young wolf's impressive sheath, which was pretty big for his age. I lapped at his sensitive pink tip while stroking his sheath, exposing more of his cock, and swallowing drops of his watery pre-cum. Kevin moaned and murred with delight.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard a knock at the window. It was too dark to see who it was, but by the sheer size of the fur, I could tell it was Mr. Sims. I gulped around Kevin's cock before he withdrew quickly and pulled up his jeans. Before I knew it, Mr. Sims broke the window and reached in. He grabbed Kevin by the scruff of his neck and pulled him outside, snatching his gun and throwing it to the woods nearby. The wolf pup squirmed and screamed but with no avail and just went naturally limp to avoid injury. I sat up, stunned, but I managed to open the door.

"He looks pretty alive to me, Bernard." Mr. Sims had a deep voice that matched his stature. He was 6' 9" and looked to be 300 pounds of muscle and black fur all in a pair of baggy jeans and white t-shirt. He held the young wolf with one paw while in the other paw was a wooden baseball bat. Behind him were three other guys whom I didn't know.

"How did you f*ck up a simple transportation job, huh? I thought I was doing you a favor and this is how you repay me; by killing French, one of my closest friends, and running away with my good-for-nothing stepson?" He threw Kevin to the three guys behind him. "You guys take the kid while I soften up Mr. Radcliff." He said while twirling around his baseball bat. The black wolf's fangs gleamed in the low light as he slowly walked towards me, whistling a cheerful tune. The three henchmen were already gone in another car down the road. I gulped hard, Kevin's sweet taste still in my mouth. When he was in striking distance, I heard a gun go off. His heavy body clumsily fell to the ground and out of the shadows a fox in a tan suit appeared.

"Don't just stand there, dumb-ass. Help me get rid of this body." He said throwing me a pair of rubber gloves. It was Mr. Wan. I knew he was crooked, but to kill the defendant? I didn't ask any questions. I just put on the gloves and helped throw Mr. Sims' body into the William's Lake which was a 15 minute walk from Mrs. Kilough's house.

We ran back to the carport when my car was parked.

"We gotta get that damn kid!" The fox said as he got into the driver's seat. I didn't ask questions as I threw him my keys and got into the passenger seat, but he provided answers, reluctantly, when the silence got unbearable.

"Look, don't tell anybody what you saw. Just keep your muzzle shut and get the hell out when I get the kid back, ok? I've never lost a case and this is no exceptions. You talk and they'll be finding your body all over the Atlantic Ocean, got it?" I nodded. I had no plans on talking in the first place. He did us both a favor. "Mr. Sims and his associates have a little joint out near downtown. He's probably taken the brat there." He swerved through the slow night traffic. It was pitch black, but he drove like a pro. We got downtown in less than 10 minutes. Mr. Wan pulled up in front of a warehouse and got out. There was already another car parked there. I got out with my hoister in place.

We heard rustling inside and before I could even fully understand what I was doing in this situation, Mr. Wan kicked in the door and let loose an entire clip from his semi-automatic. A lot of the bullets missed, but two of the guys were down. The third was holding Kevin by his neck. Mr. Wan, still sporting that tan suit, rushed the male badger and caught a hit to his muzzle with the back of a gun. Before the badger could aim, Kevin kicked him in the nuts and when he bent over because of the pain, he hit kneed him in the head. Mr. Wan got up and wiped the blood from his chin.

"Come on." He simply said as he ran out to the car. Me and the young wolf ran after him, Kevin's chest was heaving up and down, completely out of breath as we pulled out of the warehouse parking lot.

* * *

The lights were still on in Mrs. Kilough's house when we got there. She was sipping a cup of tea while watching TV. The whole event happened in less and 35 minutes. She barely noticed we were gone, due to the house being so big. The three of us padded up to the parlor (Mrs. Kilough favorite room) and sat down as we were when I first got there earlier that day. Not a word was said until I broke the silence.

"Well, Mrs. Kilough, dinner was very nice. Thank you very much, but I have to get going." I said with a smile.

"It was nice seeing you. And tell my daughter to come by sometime next week. I haven't seen her since the first court date." She said. I got up from my chair and left the room. I lit a cigarette when I got to the Victorian porch. Kevin ran out to see me.

"Hope to see you again sometime." He said while looking down at the floor, his ears lay flat and the tip of his bushy, grey tail swished slowly. I took another drag of the cigarette, finishing it halfway.

"I hope I don't." I said simply, almost coldly. He looked up at me and I smiled down at him. This time, I gave him the strong hug and kiss on the cheek. With that, I left. The car was waiting for me. I hopped in and drove off into the night, to the airport that was in the next city.

It was finally over, I thought to myself when I boarded the plane, first class, to Amsterdam. The boy, the second root of my problem, was out of my life, gone, forever. If I hadn't saved his life back in that warehouse back in Detroit, I would have already been done. But then again, I wouldn't have had so much fun. I rested my head on the comfy first class seat and closed my eyes.

I felt a paw on my thigh as I slept. It reached up to my crotch and to my sheath. In my dream, I was with my dream guy, but then I heard a voice, "You like it, don't you?"

I opened my eyes. In the seat next to mine was Kevin, the wolf pup. 'Damn'. I thought to myself.

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Well that's the end of the series! I really hope you liked it. If I get enough requests, I could write a part two of the series. Please leave your comments (constructive criticism welcomed)! Check out my website at\_life

Change of Plans: part 2

Well, This is part two of "Change of Plans". It's not the last though, there's at least one more after this. I hope you really enjoy it. It's semi-yiffy, but still classifies as yiff becuase, well, you'll see. \* \* \* This story contains...

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Change of Plans Part 1

Well, this here is a new story from Neptune! You'll love the hell out of this one! Lot of action! There is no yiff in this story, sorry guys, so no warning lables needed. Oh, I guess I could say it's rated R for violence and language. This is...

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Nicolae and the Moxie Kid: Special Edition

Well, this is what everyone has been waiting for: The Special Edition of Nicolae and the Moxie Kid. The plot is a bit different than before and there are 5 yiffy parts covering 22 pages. I may add that this is a sad story. You will find out as you read...

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