A Dragon's Brother

Story by Cecil_88 on SoFurry

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#1 of A Dragon's Brother Series

Warning...warning...bla bla bla. No one reads the warnings anyway. But you know what they say and they qualify for this. Okay? Got it? Good.

"Boy.....This is going to be fun," Thought the young dragon sarcastically as he tugged his shirt over his blue-green wings. He studied his fifteen year old self in the mirror next to his bed. "Well, same as always I guess. Not that it matters." He said aloud as he brushed some of his hair aside, and with that he picked up his backpack and walked out the door to his room. He didn't get very far. About halfway to the living room he was tackled to the ground with a "thud."


"Aw, come on little bro! You can't let me win that easily!"

"AH!" The young dragon cried out as he tried in vain to throw his jock brother off his back.

"You can do better than that!"

"Come on! Please! Just let me up!"

"Oh, fine you crybaby."

The older seventeen year old red dragon got off his little brother and stretched a bit. He was about six feet tall with a dark red tint on his scales and more than towered over his younger brother who was only about 5'10". Lance was a small dragon, even for his age. At his old school he was constantly teased for this and one other reason, he was a half breed. When his father, who is a dragon, divorced Sypher's mother, also a dragon, he met up with a young female wolf named Jen, Lance's mother; However once Lance was born things began to go downhill and his father once again got a divorce. Now, how his father got both children is a story so complicated, it's just far to long to mention, so we'll just continue.

Anyway, with two bloodlines things can get rather complicated, and they did, with so many different instincts running about in him he had a hard time keeping his life on tract not to mention the physical differences; a bit larger than normal feet, more hair in his head fur than most dragons, and the off green scales that came from the blue fur of his mother and green scales of his father. Yup, all of that got him a bit of ridicule, half-breeds weren't really accepted in most places. Which is one of the reasons they moved to this town.

When he was younger he went to school in a small farming town with his brother and was well...in short, mocked, the details of that aren't important now. So anyway with that and some business reasons of his father they moved to a slightly larger town about twenty minutes away from a large city; However, although the year started out fine it soon got progressively worse and soon he was right back to where he was, and to make things worse his father had a very demanding job and was constantly going to other countries, leaving Sypher to look after Lance, while he was gone. Sypher was always overbearing and demanding, Lance couldn't stand him.

"Come on it's time for school, Lance" Sypher said as he helped his little brother to his feet.

"Ok..." Lance sighed as he dusted himself off. He walked with Sypher out his Jeep and hoped in the passenger side. Sypher turned on the radio to some hard rock station and pulled out of the driveway.



"Joy....lunch.." Lance thought as he walked down to the cafeteria and got in line.

"Hey...are you that half-breed?" A voice from behind him asked.

Lance turned to see Jamie Brown, one of the most popular girls in school. "Well, um, y.. yeah." He said, he could feel his ears turning red.

"Oh..." She turned to some of her friend and they all started to laugh.

"What a surprise" He thought to himself as he reached the end of the line and walked into the lunchroom. He scanned the room looking for a place to sit, finally deciding on a table in a corner. He sat down and slowly began to eat what the school called "lunch". Its at that point three jocks from the football team came down and sat at his empty table.

"Um...hi?" He managed to mutter.

"Hi, half-breed.. How are you today?" Said Jason, the team captain.

"F...fine... why?" Lance managed to say.

"Awe, come on half-breed, can't two friends say hi?" The burly lion said as he, even sitting down, towered over the young dragon.

"Well, I suppose."

"Good! Hey, listen school gets out early today right?"


"Well! Us jocks are getting together for a party at my house, and I think you're going to be there!" The lion said with a smirk.

"Well, I have a lot of homework so-"

"Nope, you are gonna be there, my house after school." And with that the three huge jocks got up and left across the lunchroom.

"What am I gonna do now?" Lance thought to himself. "Well, I could always just walk home anyway....yeah....I guess that will work."


As soon as the bell rang 5th hour Lance grabbed his things and headed out the front door. He managed to get about halfway up the street when a red car ran up from behind him and pulled into the next driveway up, and in it, of course, were the three jocks; Jason and the other two he didn't know the names of.

"Hey, half-breed, you weren't gonna go home were you?" The lion asked with that same toothy smirk.

"Well no....but..."

"Good. Lets go."

"Listen guys-" But it was to late, he got cut off there, with a single bound the other two jocks, a tiger and a wolf, grabbed Lance, carried him to the car and dropped him in with a tremendous thud. Lance, a bit shaken by the sudden event, managed to prop himself on his backpack just as the two other jocks jumped in and the car went zooming down the street.

Three minutes later the were at Jason's house. It didn't seem as if anyone had arrived yet. Anyway as they pulled close to the house the tiger and wolf leapt out of the moving car and ran inside the house to start the party. So now it was just Jason and Lance driving into the garage and parking the car. After turning off the car Jason turned around to Lance.

"So...half-breed. Why don't you go on in...you can have a coke or something." He chuckled silently.

"Sure why not, it's not like their going to let me out of here anytime soon." Lance thought to himself. The young dragon got out of the car and into the house. Big mistake. As soon as he turned the knob and walked in he was grabbed by the arms and slammed down on the kitchen floor, he cried out in pain as his jaw smashed onto the tile floor. He stayed there dazed for a bit before finally opening his eyes again, he made an attempt to rub his jaw but couldn't move his arms. "W...what the...."

"Heh, you aren't getting out of here anytime soon." The large wolf said as he continued to pin him to the floor by the arms.

"What's going on?!" Lance cried out, "Why are you doing this!?"

"Why? I'll tell you why." Jason had just walked in and shut the door, " You're a disgrace to all of us. Part wolf part dragon? I could understand a wolf and a tiger, lion and wolf, etc... but you...you're just a freak, a mistake, and I'm sick of looking at you everyday."

"Oh Shit," Lance sobbed quietly, thinking of all the things that they might do to him. "P.. please just let me go...." he managed to say between sobs.

"HAHAHA, look at the baby! He's crying!!!" The tiger, apparently leaning against a counter top, noticed Lance's tears. The entire jock group burst into laughter. While lance began to cry a bit more "Please!!! Don't hurt me!!!"

"Yeah, maybe we won't, maybe we have other plans." The large lion got on his knees and pulled Lance's hips up to meet his groin and began to dry hump, while the other two laughed.

"Shit!! No! Please!" Lance cried out.

"HAHAHA!!!" The jocks roared in laughter at the young dragon's cries. "Why would we do that, you would just enjoy it!"

"N.. No!"

"You know you would. Besides, that's not what we brought you here to do." The lion dropped Lance's hips to the ground and stood up. "I want to kick your ass." Lance knew he couldn't be here any longer and with what little energy he could muster threw the large wolf off his back and stumbled to his feet. That's as far as he got. As soon as he got to his feet a swift punch from the tiger to the gut and he was down again, gasping for breath. "Wow, he really is a baby! I mean one punch?" Lance couldn't tell who said that, only that they were all laughing. The only thing he could do was curl up into a ball and pray that he would sink into the floor, with no luck.

"Aw, look he's scared... what a wimp." The lion laughed and reared back and gave him a kick to his already injured gut. All Lance could do was whimper. They continued this cycle of hitting Lance, mocking, then hitting again for about an hour, until Lance was lying on the floor, blood coming out of the side of his mouth and a few cuts on his face, also with his eyes closed hoping it would end soon.

"Whew, man beating this kid to a pulp takes it out of ya!" The wolf laughed.

"Yeah!" The other two agreed.

"Hmm...what time is it? Wow! Almost seven! I bet you need to get home eh half-breed? Oh, and don't bother telling anyone, who would believe you?" Jason said with an evil smirk. In a daze Lance vaguely realized they tossed his backpack at him and shoved him outside and told him to go home. The last thing he can remember before he zoned out while walking home was rain beginning to pour down over him.

After an hour walk in the freezing rain Lance reached his house and opened the door. "Where were yo-" Was all his older brother could say before he saw his younger brother walk in and collapse on the floor in a heap. "L.. Lance?!"


Lance woke up in his brother's arms who was carrying him into his bedroom and set him on the bed. "Lance, you'll be okay." Sypher stripped Lance of all his wet clothes and pulled the down comforter over him and tucked him in.


"Quiet, I gotta get you cleaned up." Sypher walked into his bathroom and brought back a cool washcloth and began to clean Lance's face. At that point lance passed out again. He woke up about half an hour later in his brothers bed and burning up. He moaned quietly as he got up, went to the dresser, got a pair of his brother's boxers, slipped them on and walked down the hall into the living room where his brother was watching T.V.


"Lance? What are you doing up??"

"Well.. I.."

"Look, you're in really bad shape." Sypher got up and placed a hand on his little brother's shoulder. "You need some sleep"

Lance looked up at is big brother in a way he hadn't before. He had a caring, concerned look on his face that he never had before. "S...Sorry I'll go to bed." He turned to go to his room when his brother stopped him.

"Hey, listen, go sleep in my bed, I want to be there incase you get worse in the night, I'll be in soon."

"Alright" So Lance walked into his brother's room and laid down on the large, soft, bed and fell asleep. He woke up a bit later when his brother walked in, trying to be quiet but not doing a very good job, he felt Sypher sit on the other side of the bed and strip down to his boxers, lay down and pull the covers over himself, and making sure they were covering his little brother.


"Oh, sorry, did I wake you up?"

"Oh, no...it's not that...."


"Well... thank you."

He heard is brother chuckle softly and wrap his arms around his little brother, pulling him into a soft hug. "No problem." He then let go, rolled into his back and soon was asleep. Lance; however, couldn't get to sleep. He sat there on his side facing away from his older brother, he couldn't help but thinking of him, he was being so nice, so not Sypher, he couldn't understand it. He thought about this for a little while until he realized how cold he was. He tried to use the covers to warm himself but to no avail.

While rolling over, trying to get warm, his arms brushed against his brother's body and felt the warmth that it gave off. He thought about it and decided he had no other choice. He scooted close to his brother and shakily, gently placed his arm over his brother's waist, only now noticing the rippled abs of this older dragon. "Abs?" what was he thinking? He pushed the thought out of his mind and gently rested his head on his brother's chest, moved close and fell into a gentle sleep on his older brother.

He woke up to the feeling of a claw, lightly scratching between his wings, and the soft noise of his brother's T.V. He opened his eyes a little and let them adjust to the morning light. It wasn't until then he realized that he was still had his hand around his brother and his head on his bare chest. "Oh, no....what will he think?" Was all Lance could think to himself before another thought pushed that one out of his head. He was liking this, it felt good to be with his brother like this, but he couldn't figure out why, and that scared him. As much as he didn't want to, he couldn't help but enjoy it.

"Lance? You awake?" His brother said in a soft tone, breaking his train of thought.

"Um....yeah" Lance said as he reluctantly let go of his brother and sat up.

Sypher gave a warm smile to his brother, "So, are you feeling any better?"

"A little sore I guess."

Lance laughed a little, "Well hey, now that your up I'll make us some breakfast. Alright? Can you eat something?"

"Yeah...I guess." Lance hadn't looked up at his brother. For some reason he couldn't bring himself too, it seemed wrong to him how he was lying on his brother and such.

"Hey, Lance, what's wrong?"

"Well....I...I...I mean..."

"What?" Sypher laughed.


"Sorry, for what?" Sypher looked down at his younger brother.


Sypher gave a confused look at his younger brother, and was going to ask what was wrong but dismissed the idea and got up. "Alright, well I guess I'll go make some breakfast then...." Sypher got up, gave one concerned glance at his little brother, got a pair of pants and walked out of the room. All the while Lance couldn't help staring at his brother out of the corner of his eye, he never noticed how well his body was built before. He was large, all his muscles well defined and shone off his red scales. However, even while looking at his brother, he knew it was wrong. It wasn't right to look at his brother like this, and he couldn't help but feel ashamed.

About ten minutes later Sypher called for Lance, who had only just gotten a pair of shorts. "Lance! Breakfast!"

"Alright." Lance trudged solemnly out of his brother's room and sat at the table before a plate of eggs and bacon. Both of the brothers ate in silence for the entire meal. Afterwards both went their separate ways and did their household chores for the rest of the day, until they were cleaning up dinner. It was Lance's job to clean the dishes, after he finished he began to walk to his room when his brother called him into the living room.


"Y...yeah Sypher?"

"Come over here and sit down." He motioned for his younger brother to come sit with him on the couch. Lance slowly walked over to the couch and sat next to his brother.

"Lance, look, I need you to tell me what happened.... How did you get hurt so badly? Please. Tell me." Sypher had a look of concern on his face as he asked Lance this question.

"I....I can't tell you." The young dragon looked down at the floor as he remembered what the lion told him.

The look of concern grew greater on the older dragon's face. "Lance, you can tell me, you know I'll always protect you. Right?" The young dragon remained silent. "Lance... you know I would protect you right?"

Lance looked up at his brother with a look of doubt in his eyes, "Well, I mean other than last night you've always been....well....mean to me."

Sypher looked down at Lance with almost a look of fear, "Lance..." He wrapped his arms around his younger brother and pulled him into a warm embrace, "I'm so sorry." Lance sat there in shock as he was pulled into his brother' chest. For the second time he was held up against his brother's scales. He let his head fall against his brother's warm body and began to cry, confessing everything that happened between the jocks and what they said to him. Sypher pulled Lance deeper into the hug and rested his chin on Lance's forehead, and Lance began to cry harder. "Lance, it's okay... it's all over now. From now on I'll pick you up from school. And..... and....oh Lance....." That's when Lance felt his brother begin to cry. They held each other for a long time like that until they both were out of tears. Then they held each other just to hold each other.

"Sypher?" Asked lance with a tone of fear in his voice.


"Th...there's something else." Lance knew he had tell his older brother. He was about to take a risk that might utterly destroy him, but it was now or never.


"You know when I said Jason, well you know,"


Lance's heart beat like a drum in his chest, his entire body was shaking. "I....I think I might have liked it."

Sypher remained silent. "W....what?" He barely managed to stutter.

"I don't know what's going on Sypher..." Lance nestled his head further into his brother's chest, "And....then there's you..."

Sypher was reeling from the first thing Lance told him. Was he gay? That was all he could ask himself. But now HE was involved! "What do you mean, me?"

"When you were getting dressed and when I fell asleep with you.... It made me feel good." Lance could feel more tears building up behind his eyes. "Sypher, I think I know what I am. But I don't want to be!" At this point he took over the hug and wrapped his arms around his brother, crying softly.

Sypher stared down at his little brother, he had been through so much for what he is; physical, and emotional. But now, if anyone found out about this.... He didn't want to think what would happen, he had to do something. He hugged his brother tightly and began to rub his back. "Lance, none of that matters to me." He pulled his brother back and looked into his green dragon eyes. "You're my brother, that will never change." He hesitated for a moment then leaned forward and gave his younger brother a light dragon kiss on the cheek. They sat there silently for a moment looking at each other. " So." Sypher laughed, trying to lighten the mood, "You like your older brothers body." He smiled slyly and flexed causing his little brother to laugh quietly.

"I.. I guess so." Lance relaxed a bit and the two smiled at each other.

"Well," Said Sypher, looking at the clock. "Come on, enough brotherly bonding for one night. It's time for bed." Lance gave a big smile and agreed. The two went about their nighttime tasks, but before they each went to their rooms Lance spoke up.



"I know things may get a bit awkward with me figuring things out for myself but... can I sleep with you tonight?"

Sypher stood silent for a few minutes until finally. "Sure Lance, come on in."

They both walked into the bedroom stood awkwardly at other sides of the bed. They had both slept in boxers last night, but what about tonight? Would things change? Sypher was the first to decide that. He reached for the bottom of his shirt and pulled it over his crimson wings. Lance, once again, could not keep his eyes off his brother's chest, he was in awe of its definition and color, and Sypher saw this.

He brought his tone down to no louder than a whisper, and walked over to the other side of the bed to stand next to Lance, the red dragon towering over the blue green dragon. "Lance....go ahead"

"W...what?" Lance asked in a shaky voice.

"You can....I won't get angry or tell anyone." Sypher said, still with that hushed tone of voice.

"Y.....you sure?" Lance asked in that same hushed tone of voice.


Lance slowly, shakily placed his left hand on his brother's chest. He then quickly looked up at his brother to make sure everything was okay. His brother has his eyes closed tightly like he didn't want this.


Sypher opened his eyes looked down at his little brother, "Yeah, I've just never done this with another guy." They both laughed quietly as they both were feeling that same nervousness everyone has before doing something like this. Lance took a deep breath and began to drag his hand down his older brother feeling the ripples of his muscles and the smoothness of his stomach scales, this caused nothing less of a purr to escape from Sypher's throat.

"Wow..." This was all Lance could say as he felt his brother's chest.


"Your scales are so smooth" Sypher chuckled quietly at this remark. Throughout this whole time Lance was rubbing Sypher's chest Sypher had to keep from forcing this to stop, even though he was enjoying the attention. He was doing this for his brother, Sypher was straight he knew this without a doubt, but if his brother was.... his thoughts stopped there.


"Ye-" Its then that he noticed his little brother's hands just above the waistband of his sweatpants.

Lance looked up at his brother waiting for a response, he had never done anything like this before... the more he felt his brother the more he liked it, no madder how much he tried to resist it. He decided that this may be his only chance ever to do this, so he would take what he could now.

"Go ahead, Lance" Sypher said in a shaky voice and took a large gulp.

Lance took a deep breath and hooked his thumbs under his brother's pants and began to pull them down slowly, revealing red silk boxers and his brother's red muscular legs. Lance could feel his heart beat as he ran his hands up Sypher's legs and inner thighs, causing Sypher to let out a soft whimper. Then he finally reached the waistband of his brother's boxers. He hesitated, took a deep breath and began to pull them down, sending chills up his brother.

Sypher watched his brother pull down his boxers in amazement. He couldn't believe that he was having this done to him buy a guy. But he had to do it, for his brother's sake. That's about as far as he got in his thoughts before his brother placed a shaky hand on his brother's large sheathe.

Lance had his hand on his brother's sheathe and couldn't help but looking at it. His brothers sheath was much bigger than his own and Sypher had bigger balls. He slowly ran his hand down the sheath before gently cupping the balls, merely watching himself do this began to cause a reaction down in his own sheath. He looked up at his brother making sure all was ok and once again he saw that look of discomfort.

"Sypher, if you don't want me to...."

Sypher let out a sigh and looked at his younger brother, "Lance, it's okay. Don't worry about me."

Normally Lance would have asked about his brother's comment, but by now his sexual yearnings had taken more than all of his will. He continued to feel his brother's sheath until finally Sypher's cock began to harden and emerge out of his sheath. Almost immediately Lance had his hand off his brother's sheath and on to the soft flesh. His brother gasped at the touch of his cold hands. Lance couldn't help himself, he began to slowly stroke his brother, loving the soft skin under his hand. However, as he continued to pull on his brother he began to want more. He knew that this would be the only time that he would ever get to do this, so he would take all that he could now. He slowly leaned forward and licked his brother, starting at his sheath and working his way up, causing his brother to shake and let out a soft moan. Lance then took a step further and took the head of his cock into his muzzle, causing his brother to moan aloud. Lance began to bob his head faster, taking more of his brother's twelve inch cock into his mouth each time, and began to massage his brother's balls letting his claws scratch behind them, in that sensitive area, causing his brother to shake and groan.

"L....Lance, where d....did you learn to do t...this???" Sypher barely managed to ask.

Lance took his mouth off his brother's cock and looked up at him. "I don't know, I'm just doing what I think will make you feel good." Sypher looked down at his brother not sure what to say. Here he was getting head from his little brother, in his room, and his brother was doing it to make him feel good. "Lance, this is all for you, not me," He sat down with Lance on his bed. "What do you want me to do?"

"What do you mean Sypher?"

"You said you're doing this for me... but it's supposed to be for you. What do you want me to do?" Sypher asked as he placed a hand on Lance's lap.

Lance thought for a minute looked at Sypher's hard-on and then at Sypher. "I want to....." His voice trailed off.

Sypher looked down at his brother in shock, "You aren't thinking what I think your thinking, are you?"

Lance looked away from his brother then slowly looked back. "Sypher, will you.... will you..."

Sypher took a deep breath and closed his eyes, knowing what was coming next. He took a deep breath and finished the sentence for him. "Mate with you?" Lance paused then looked up at his older brother and nodded.

"A...are you sure Lance?"

"Yes." Lance took off his shirt and in one fluid motion his pants and boxers. "Will you mate with me Sypher?"

Sypher closed his eyes then nodded, "If you truly want me to"

"I do."


Lance moved further on to the bed and got on all fours. Sypher took a deep breath and positioned himself behind his little brother. He slowly lifted Lance's tail and positioned his cock at Lance's virgin hole. "Alright... here we go" He leaned over his brother and began to push in. Lance cried out in pain as his brother's cock entered him.

"Shit! Did I hurt you??"

"N...no, go on."

Sypher continued to push in until the entire twelve inches were in the blue-green dragon, and Lance was panting heavily.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine....it just hurt a bit." As he said that he was still trying not to cry out from the burning in his ass, he knew it would feel better soon but now it hurt like nothing he had ever felt before. "Go ahead"

Sypher knew this was hurting his brother and that he should have stopped.... But for some reason he couldn't. The feeling of his brother's tight ass around his cock was sending surges through his body. He began to take slow rhythmic thrusts into his brother causing soft whimpers of pleasure.

Lance could feel his brother beginning to speed up and thrust harder. Although each thrust brought searing pain it also brought great pleasure and soon he was jacking his own cock in time with his brother's thrusts and moaning along with him. Meanwhile his brother could feel himself losing control. He was gaining speed and couldn't stop, his primal, more animal instincts were beginning to take hold.

Lance began to hear his brother beginning to growl and dig his claws into his shoulders, just above his wings. "Sypher?" But he got no response. Sypher continued to speed up and become more furious with his thrusts then suddenly Lance felt a sharp pain as his brother bit down on his shoulder. Although the pain was great for some reason it made him jack harder and moan louder. Finally he felt his brother pull almost all the way out then jam the hole twelve inches in at once spraying his seed into his younger brother, Sypher let go of his brother's shoulder and let out a roar that shook the room. The sudden thrust also caused Lance to cry out as he shot his load on the bed sheets, then they both collapsed breathing heavily with lance covered by Sypher. Slowly, after a few minutes, Sypher pulled out of lance and saw his shoulder.

"Oh, shit, Lance, are you okay?" Sypher asked with a look of concern on his face as he got off the bed.

Lance rolled over onto his back and looked up at his brother with a small smile on his face, "Y...yes, I'm fine."

Sypher helped his brother up and drew him into a deep hug, "Come on Lance, lets go get cleaned up.

They both went about cleaning the bed and taking a shower until finally they were both back in lances bed with the lights turned off, ready for bed. After a few minutes of silence Lance spoke up.


"Yeah Lance?"

Lance sat up and looked at his brother who was lying on his back, "Sypher, do you think I'm gay?

Sypher closed his eyes and pulled his brother down to his chest, "Lance, I can't tell you that... I don't really know, but you're fifteen, you have plenty of time to figure out what you are." He gave his brother and affectionate lick on the forehead. "Lance, do you know why I let all this happen tonight?"


"Lance, I know how it is at your age. I know you get a lot of shit for what you are, and I swear that if I can I will always protect you. But if anything were to happen with this, with a person at school or something." Sypher paused for a moment. "I may not be able to protect you. So that's why.... Lance, until you figure out what you are, I'll be here for you... for whatever you need, so that you'll never need to worry about someone finding out."

Lance moved his head on his brother's chest so that he could see Sypher's face. They both simply smiled at each other. Then they both rolled off each other Lance on his side, Sypher on his back and they both drifted off to sleep. A few hours later Lance woke up cold, only this time he knew what to do. He smiled as he rolled over, placed one arm over his brother's waist and his head on his brother's chest, he snuggled in close and fell into a deep sleep on his older brother...HIS older brother.

So, what did you think? My first time writing so a response would be nice. So...E-mail me! ^_^