Back in the Habbit

Story by Thumpah on SoFurry

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Lust and love have a lot in common. Both are feelings of attraction. Both can make us do foolish things. But most of all, they're both all about another person. But no matter how you look at it, there is a very fine line between the two. Love, you feel it deep down within your heart. Lust, you feel that a bit further down than your heart, but feel it none the less. My story is not that different than one you'd hear from some soap opera or romantic movie. Or at least, I'd like to think it's even good enough for that. Regardless, my story starts back, about 8 years ago.

2001, was a strange time for me. 9/11 had just happened, the world was up in arms and we were getting ready for war. Me, I was just another scared addict to what the news wanted to feed me. I would sit for hours, tail twitching, watching the news waiting for news of what to expect. Me, alone, in my little apartment. I began to form a strange habit of work, CNN, sleep, repeat. Day after day, all I could do was stay within my comfortable box, never looking outside to enjoy life around me.

After about 2 weeks of obsessive news watching, I'd reached the breaking point. Same shit day after day. The same scripts being read, the same 8 pieces of green night vision soaked tape. I couldn't take it anymore. I left my box. I left behind my life within a habit. I went out onto the streets.

Before all this drama, I'd had quite a social life. A skunk in the middle of Chicago had unlimited potential for fun. I'd go to my usual clubs and meet up with friends, from the office or not, it didn't matter. I've never had trouble making quick friends, and on more than one occasion, more than just friends. Rabbits, Foxes, they were all plentiful in the inner city clubs. I could find any chance I wanted to get my dick wet. I barely had to try.

I kept walking down the side walk until I reached the familiar stretch of neon bathed pavement. The green sign flashing between two outlines of furs dancing on a floor, repeating over and over again. "Ah, home at last " I expelled. I had missed this all so much. My second home for so long had been the Olive Pit. A mostly gay and lesbian dance club that I had found soon I had started college. The place where I first found out who I am. Or, more who I was.

I walked up to the door where a large bear stood in a suit, sunglasses and ear piece. Typical bouncer. " Shev, you old bastard where the hell have you been?" The huge bears face instantly lit up. "I thought for sure you'd died. You haven't been in in so long I didn't think you'd ever come back!" " No, I'm not dead. Just took a break is all. Can't live the party life style for ever." I said. He quickly stepped aside and let me in.

I walked into the club. It's funny how every club always seemed the same to me. Dark rooms with bright lights moving from side to side. Off in the distance the sound of loud music and heavy bass pounded away. I walked past a few tables with a couple of foxes dressed in vibrant colored clothes, "typical club kids" I said under my breath. I walked over to the bar where my old friend Zeek was doing the typical bartender move, wiping the bar with a towel. "Zeek, you old Coyote bastard how are you?"

"Jesus Shev, we all though that you'd been hauled off or something. Where the hell have you been?"

The look on his face was so cute. His big green eyes widened and his ears perked up. "I've been out of commission for a while Zeek. Just trying to get back to normal."

"Regardless it's good to have you back man. The place just isn't the same without you around to pick up the little foxes that keep coming through those doors."

I'd forgotten how much of a reputation I'd gained here. Nearly every night I'd spent here I always seemed to leave with a new "friend". I ordered a beer and sighed as I finished my first sip. I just sat and let the pumping bass catch me in it's hypnotic beat. I just shut my eyes and tried to empty my mind. I was at it for about 5 minutes when something jolted me out of my trance. Someone sat down on the stool next to me. I looked to my left just in time to see a tall german shepherd sit down. I took the opportunity when he ordered his drink to do a vertical scan. He was about 6 feet tall, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. He was brownish tan all the up until small black tufts of fur tipped his ears. Typical looking college type boy. He spoke with a deep voice that had an unbelievably soothing tone to it. I let him get a sip of his drink before I mustered up the stones to say something.

"You don't look familiar, you must be new around here."

He got a surprised look on his face. The black tufts of fur on his ears twitched as he looked towards my direction.

"Who me. Yeah I'm not from here, I'm just passing through. I'm on my way to my friends apartment. He and I are going down to Texas tomorrow for a friends wedding."

"So you decided to stop by a Chicago down town gay bar on the way? Thats and interesting choice" I said.

"Hey man, It's not my wedding. Were going as friends."

He took another sip from his drink.

"He has no idea I'm gay. Don't see why he'd care anyways. I barely know him. I'm going for the free food and the chance to see some old friends. My obligations end there.

"Whats your name pup?" I asked.

"My names Jeff." He reached out a large paw towards me. I, not wanting to be rude, reached out as well to shake it.

"What about you skunk?"

"Names Shev." I said, ending the hand shake. "I'm kind of a veteran of this place. Thats how I knew you were new around here."

"I guess I don't quite get how your a veteran at a place like this. Seems like mostly young college kids here. Not saying your old, but you just don't quite fit the stereotype. How'd you end up with a rep like that here?"

"You really wana know pup?" I said slyly.

"I think I have an Idea." he said as he gave me a sideways glance, taking another swig of his beer. Maybe you should tell me."

"Put these both on my tab Zeek, Jeff and I are going to take this conversation some place a bit more private. I think this is something he should see, not just be told."

"You horny old skunk, get you ass and you new boy friend out of here. Swear to god you'll never change."

"Why the hell would I want to change Zeek. Life's pretty good for a skunk like myself." I said back.

We both got up and left the bar. I quickly grabbed his paw and pulled him through the crowd of other young furs towards the front doors.

As soon as we made it out of the club I gave his ass a squeeze. God it was so tight. Nice and firm. This was going to be fun. He made a little yelp when I did it and looked down at me with a devious grin on his face. I couldn't help but giggle. The younger ones are always so cute. After about 10 minutes of groping while walking, we ended up at my apartment.

"This is home." I said.

I unlocked the front door and we made our way up the stairs as I gave him a quick kiss throwing him off his balance. We stopped halfway up the steps and I put my paws behind his head and pulled him close. I slowly worked my tongue into his maw and held him close in a passionate kiss. I pulled away "You have now idea what your in for pup." I said as I ended our kiss. Before he could answer I grabbed him by his paw and pulled him through my door.

"You move fast skunk. Guess it's no real surprise you got that rep."

"Enough talk pup, get your ass in the bed room, were just getting warmed up."

He led as I followed him, watching his ass sway slightly from side to side as he walked into my room.

"Where should I start?" he asked.

"Start by taking those damn jeans off." I commanded.

He happily complied shedding his jeans. Underneath he was wearing a pair of boxers with just a slight peak in them.

"That didn't take long" I said.

"Guess you've just got a knack for it" he said attempting to be coy.

I got down on my knees in front of him. The peak in his boxers was getting progressively taller. I put my nose up to it and buried my maw deep into it. I inhaled deeply and let his masculine scent filled my nose. The smell of male, sex, and arousal were overpowering. I pulled down the boxers slowly, stopping slightly as the top bent his rod slightly. With one final tug his cock bobbed up and down as it was released from it's containment. Jeff let out a soft sigh and shut his eyes as he felt the release. I looked at his sheath. His rod was mostly out, but his knot was still hidden.

"We can fix this" I said.

I put the circular bulge covered in soft fur between my index finger and thumb and toyed softly with it. Popping it slightly in and out of it's furred confines. With a tug and a popping noise it released it's self. I took a minute to stare at it. His thick canine rod stood red and throbbing in front of me. I took another deep inhale to bring to life my own arousal. I took my tongue and licked slowly up from the base to the tip. He shuddered as I made it to the tip. I stopped and took a look at my new toy. A small pea sized drip of pre sat on the tip of his cock. I took my tongue and flicked it off and enjoyed the sweet taste of it.

"Jesus, your driving me nuts skunk." he said.

"Thats the point pup" I replied.

We moved to the bed. He took off his shirt and I removed my clothes as well. He laid down, legs spread waiting. I crawled on hands and knees towards my prize. I took another second to stare at what I had to work with. Watching as another drop of pre started to form at the tip, I moved close and wrapped my maw around the head of his cock and felt it pop up towards my top teeth as he gasped. I stayed there at the head, slurping my tongue all over, drawing moans and heavy breathing from my pup. Slowly I worked my way all the way down his shaft. I decided not to risk gagging so I didn't go past his knot. I had better plans. I sucked hard as I moved slowly up his shaft, feeling each individual pulse in his warm rod. The sweet taste of pre still driving me to work him harder. At last, I came to the head again. With another flick of my tongue, I pulled him from my moist maw with a pop.

"Ready for something more pup" I said, lust heavy in my voice.

" If it's anything like that yes, god yes more of it." he said.

I moved up close to his face and planted another kiss on his lips. While we kissed I reached into my night table and found my bottle of lube. I pulled away from the kiss. I turned around, bent over and pulled my tail out of the way. I gave him a show as I squirted a bit of lube onto my left paw and pasted it on my tail hole. "

"You want to show me what a big old german shepherd like you can do to a little skunk like me stud?" I said as I toyed with my freshly lubed tail hole.

His only answer was a small chuckle and a move towards me. He moved in close sitting on the bead near my ass. He pulled my tail off to one side and ran a clawed finger from the base of my tail down my ass, until he reached my hole. He poked softly at in until he pushed his whole finger inside. I let out a soft moan. His touch was electric. "Where's that lube bottle skunk? I'd hate to put you out of commission again."

I handed him the blue bottle and he squirted it straight onto his dick. He took his paw and jerked it slowly as he spread the cold lube onto the whole of his shaft.

"Ready stud?" I said slutily.

"Oh skunk, you've got no idea"

With that he got up on his knees and removed his finger from my ass. He moved his tip close to my waiting hole. He slowly poked the tip in and stopped. The warmth was amazing. Even with all the boys I'd brought home in the past, he was different. He stayed there for a few moments, toying with me. Then he moved quickly and forced the rest of himself into me. I let out a grunt as he got all the way in. God, the sensation was amazing. So full and warm from head to toe. Nothing could be better. He pulled out slowly. I felt this slickness on my hole as he pulled out. I couldn't help myself. I grabbed my own cock and began stroking. He snickered. Then, again he pushed in. He started slowly, building a rhythm. I timed each bump of his crotch agains my ass with each pump of my fist. Pre dripped from my shaft as I pawed myself. He was building steam now, increasing his speed. Every time he went in, I felt his knot getting progressively bigger. God, how I wanted him to tie to me. My cock twitched in my paw at the thought of it. His breathing was getting shallow now. The inevitable was soon to come. Each pump brought more of an animal out of him. His balls swayed with each thrust, slapping my furred sack with his. My pre had now began to pool on the sheet beneath us. I was close to the edge, and judging by his knot size, he wasn't far either.

I was so close when suddenly, he began pumping with such fury that I thought he might truly put me out of commission. He rammed one last time into my abused tail hole, pushing his tennis ball sized knot far past my entrance, burying himself to the hilt. I'd been pushed to the brink. With a final pump of my paw, I came hard as my ass squeezed tight around his cock. The pressure pulled him even further into me. I could feel each pulse as jet after jet of hot canine seed filled me, the pulsing made all the more powerful from the pressure of my hole pulling him close. The sensation of warmth and fullness made me shoot my own seed all over the sheet, adding to my own pool of pre from earlier. Jet after jet of cum shot from both of us, leaving us empty and tired.

For a few minutes, we couldn't do anything but lay there and breath heavily, covered is sweat, stuck together. Finally he broke the silence,

"Fucking god, you are a god damn veteran skunk." he panted.

"I never lie or disappoint." I panted, with fatigue heavy in my voice.

After a bit longer, his knot had shrunk enough that he could pull out. His knot pulled at my hole and with a tug, he pulled out as a torrent of cum poured from my tail hole. I felt each dribble drip from my ass, down my balls and drip to the sheet below. I looked down from my doggies style position to see the pool of cum the two of us had created. I'd missed my chance to swallow him earlier. This was my chance to taste the fruit of my labor. I reached my head down to smell the musk of our spunk together and let it warm my senses. I licked at the pool and let it's strong flavor take me nearly to the brink again. I looked back to see him slowly receding back into his sheath. I crawled back over again and licked the trail of cum from the bottom of his furry sack to the shrinking tip of his cock, enjoying the flavor for the last time. He gasped and let out a groan, still sensitive from just having let loose all his seed.

"I think I need a shower skunk." he said, sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Hmmm, your your not the only one pup. I'll meet you in there in a sec." I said, bad intentions running through my head.

I watched him walk away towards the bathroom, ass moving side to side again, shrinking cock bobbing with each step.

I looked down at my stomach. Cum was still matting down my fur. My own cock was now beginning to shrink as well. I cupped my small black balls and felt the moisture. I brought my hands up to my maw and sniffed again. This pup had the most intoxicating scent. Maybe, even with the way things were now, this was meant to be something more than a quick fuck. Maybe my future lied with that big brown pup. Not important now. Now, it was time to clean up, if thats all we going to do.

The End