Kindled Spirit Ch6: Contents Under Pressure

Story by Ceris on SoFurry

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#7 of Kindled Spirit

No Yiff this time, I make up for it in the next chapter. I've got some conflict, emotion, back story instead. I'm a bit stuck at the moment trying to figure out how I want things to get where I'm going. As always comments and critiques are appreciated, some feedback I got previously helped this chapter out and is impacting how I'm going about the next one.

"Alex, it's that time of the week for me and although I really do appreciate your concern I beg you; please don't get involved. I don't want you to see me like that again, and this time we'll have backup. I need you to stay out of it so I don't get accustomed to your involvement," Keith asked with as much sentiment as he could muster. The lizard was dressed down for a change, wearing an opposing school hoodie he had asked Stripper for and unbroken-in blue jeans. The thunder spirit had been persistent in communicating, making Keith relent to a handful of texts and a walk through town.

Alex looked at his love with those big caring eyes and gave in. "Alright, you can have your you time. Text me when you're back and again when you're ready to talk." A hug followed. It was evident that this trust didn't come easily. Keith wondered who had betrayed his boyfriend before and how it measured up to this scheme or his own life.

The spirit took his leave and went to the alley behind a pizza parlor as instructed. A metal crate tall enough to jump around in but only wide enough for a handful of people to cram into sat in a corner. The door was ajar, secured by a chained rod through a hole meant for padlocks. There was stirring inside so he knocked.

Erik's hand exited the crate and removed the rod. "Is anyone around?"

"No, the place is empty. This looks super sketchy," Keith replied.

"Just get in. We'll have to keep it cracked open for fresh air. I didn't think this through enough. So keep generally quiet." The mage un-muted his laptop, a song that sounded like the culmination of wannabe-troubled-teen-crisis came on. He also moved a small fan to blow air in from outside.

Keith spoke quietly, "what do I need to do this time, and is there a contingency plan?"

"I told Ben we're keeping up appearances. He can find us if I don't send him a message every 15 minutes. Now take off your shirt and take in as much energy as you can. I've got some split dry logs and paper. Do you want a lighter or anything?" Erik sent Ben an OK text.

"Yeah, I'm getting tired of all these weight fluctuations," Keith admitted as he took a lighter and made a nest of paper with a log near the hinged side of the exit." The paper took easily, providing minimum magic to work with. By the time it was gone the crate was smoky but he had enough to get a corner of the log going with his power. He felt himself manifest while stoking the fire magically, and let it continue on its own when he was certain the reaction was self-sustaining. It took longer than he cared for so he sent a few pulses of power to split up the log, improving surface area. When all that remained were embers he decided to try something else and took all the heat from the smoldering pile in a decisive burst. Before he had taken copies of heat, to literally take it seemed counter to his style but he didn't question it. "Good enough? I don't want to choke us out." The spirit had a strong orange glow emitting from his back which gave an eerie ambiance.

The mage was thankful for that to be over since it was getting hard to breathe. He was starting to realize how dumb of an idea this was, a smoking storage unit wasn't all that inconspicuous. "I'll try the scroll that worked to take your magic out last time then I'll use it with this new one to give that magic back. Just keep still and tell me how you feel."

The first scroll worked as intended, Keith gave a thumbs up for feeling completely mundane. The second scroll took a few more arcane words and disintegrated the first scroll. Keith felt a surge of power that forced him to manifest heavily. "A lot of power was lost in transition," the red and black lizard reported calmly. "It looks like most of it went into my manifest state automatically, much more than I had before. But I've got next to nothing available for use. Are you going to take it back?" True to his word Keith was now lighting up the crate and had intense red cracks all across his scales.

Erik thought about it. Having some spare Keith power on hand would be helpful but he really did need the spirit to work on coming down on his own. "No, take your time. I would like a scroll or two full of your magic to experiment with but it's safest if you work on control for now."

The door slid open suddenly and silently in an unnatural direction, the hinges and chain completely removed. Outside, obscured by the sudden daylight, stood three figures in black that at a glance reminded Keith of vampire hunter movies Alex had shown him. Something else was off about them to the spirit, something hard to place.

The center figure spoke in a decisive voice, the tone was female and not at all feminine. "Hands on the walls, you said it yourself safety first." The paraphrase was lost on the crate's occupants. "You're being charged with unregistered use of undocumented spells, calmly and clearly identify yourselves."

"Erik Costella, I am registered and authorized for the base spell and registered with the artificer's guild to modify via scroll," The otter replied calmly and with certainty. He appeared to know how to handle these people.

Keith assumed they must be mages. 'Does that make them enemies? What will they do to me? I can't hide, I'm practically blazing, they'll know. Shit Ben'll be in so much trouble.' He started at the wall he leaned against, stalling.

Erik dared speak up. "My associate is resisting panic, please be patient with him."

The Society Officer didn't like that. "Your associate is a Spirit, any hostility will be redoubled. Stand down now!"

Keith couldn't make sense of that, he was too unprepared for this. All he could do was choke on tears and soot.

Erik tried thinking of ways to intervene without making things worse. "De-escalate."

"What did you say? You're in no position to give orders!" The woman yelled. Looking over, the duo could see that she was a very fit tiger in her mid 30's pointing a finger at each of them. There was no telling what spell was loaded into either hand.

"I said de-escalate, as in de-escalation of a situation is paramount to public safety in any instance. We are attempting to comply," The otter barked.

"It doesn't look like compliance, your glowy friend here looks plenty threatening. Give me one reason not to incapacitate him right now," She argued. Everyone was surprised and relieved that dialogue had gotten this far and was praying for the best. The two officers behind miss big mouth had their hands out too, one seemed to be actively casting while the other held something.

"My research is on how to temporarily nullify his power safely. You can either trust me to take it from him, or give him the space to calm down and dissipate it harmlessly." Erik was grasping at straws now. The Society could be pricks, and had bothered him before while working under Keto, but this was beyond the routine check-up.

"Lester, move that behind us. Jackson, what do we have on the kid?"

Lester must be the tabby who held the door telekinetically, he did as instructed and blocked sight from the alley opening with the sheet of metal which grew wide enough span the entire alley. Jackson, a Maine Coon, spoke quietly into a tablet then aloud. "He checks out, lots of clearance for his age and has been looking into fire mitigation spells legally. The guild recognizes him as an apprentice, he's got clearance for scroll modification."

"Well aren't you special," she said condescendingly. "I'm changing charges to conspiracy to commit treason. It's illegal to supply THEM, with mage-made goods."

Keith had nearly caught his breath but that last part knocked it right out of him. 'That sounds bad,' was his only thought.

Erik was startled as well. This agent was on a hunt. "There's no intent to distribute goods to this or any spirit. He's my test subject. He's only getting petty cash out of this, call my boss, it's business as usual. The Spirit doesn't have a clue how to read these." That was true; Keith had been too focused on his own powers to question how Erik's magic worked. The spirit wondered if learning about these scrolls was in his best interest but his train of thought returned to the present.

Jackson had Keto on the line in a heartbeat. The tigress didn't take a finger off of her prey. "This is Agent Jackson of The Society Enforcement Division, can you verify your registration number please, thank you sir. Can you confirm that Erik Costella is your pupil? And can you confirm that he has been instructed to engage in contact with a Spirit? Thank you sir, that will be all for now," Jackson ended the call. "The old man said this kid's got every right to exploit Spirits and Fay under consenting conditions for the advancement of Society knowledge. Quoted the book down to the letter."

"Convenient," The woman in charge snarled. "Spirit, do you consent to this kid's demands?"

Keith nodded vigorously, He was feeling more confident but his heart wouldn't stop pounding.

"Alright, we'll do it your way. Suck him dry!" She barked to Erik.

The otter stepped away from the wall and took a scroll out of his pack. He took extreme caution to slowly unfurl it and keep it from pointing near anyone but Keith. A few words later and the lizard was back in his normal state. Erik rolled the scroll and carefully placed it on the ground then resumed his wall hugging position.

"Well, that is nifty. Spare me the paperwork and keep your pet on a leash, I'd have to deport him if he's in the official report. But if he acts up it's on you! And file a notice of excess use next time you do whatever this is. Or at least find a better place, I mean really kid, at least last time you had the decency to be a little ways out. Let's go boys!" Just like that they regrouped and walked away, the metal door returning to normal size and falling silently to the ground.

The relief stricken pair had barely stepped out of the crate when Ben came running around the corner. "Why didn't you respond!?"

Keith was composed enough to deal with this. "Time got away from us, sorry for startling you. We were busy airing the place out, hence the door." It was only a matter of time before Ben noticed that anyways.

Ben groaned. "If you're going to practice be up front with me about it. That thing looks like a death trap. It's not like you're actually making things any easier on me."

Erik spoke up. "Sorry, I needed more of his ash. It's really useful."

"Just clean up all this and your act. I can't vouch for you if you're going to be sneaking off," Ben finished and stormed off.

Keith slipped on his hoodie and slouched against the container's outer wall. "What was all that?"

Erik let out a sigh of relief. "That was The Society, they sent agents after me. Apparently for using magic too close to a population of furs. Who fucking knows with them, they're lazy and zealous all at the same time. They didn't have anything to say all year with me making these in the dorm or what we did in the woods but now suddenly it's a war crime." Erik was getting worked up, throwing his arms around and pacing. "All that and just a warning, I don't get it. I mean we weren't doing anything they could hit us with anyways but that agent, ugh. Help me with this door please."

They got the door in place with no small effort and took up residence on the nearest couch, inside the pizza parlor. Erik asked for the usual with an extra drink, on his tab. The owner commented, "you look like shit dearie, productive day?" Erik lost his composure, braced himself on the counter, and laughed on the edge of crying. "Yes ma'am, productive, I'll be out by Monday," he managed to say between gasps.

The otter dropped himself onto the plush couch beside his friend. Keith looked pretty bad too, some soot lingered and it was clear that he had been crying. "I'm sorry about all that. If you've heard anything bad about us, there's your proof that it's all true. It's not fun living with all that you know, ya just learn to work with it."

Keith kept quiet a few moments. "I heard some things, really exaggerated stuff. I only started questioning it when I saw what propaganda looks like in history books. I thought it's gotta be biased, but that kind of stuff lives with you. Heh, when I first saw that YOU were a mage it blew my mind. Back home you're made up to have curvy ears, big mouths, and long fingers. She had a big enough mouth at least."

"Yeah we get a lot of that too about your barbaric, incestuous clans and abhorrent rituals. Probably all a crock of shit. We should talk some time, clear the air," the mage offered hoping it would help even the field.

"She treated me like an animal, and you went with it. She couldn't even be bothered to learn my name. She wouldn't have cared at all about killing me. Thanks I guess for talking her down. It just...hurt, hearing you talk like that too. Do any mages see my kind as people? Or just cattle to exploit?"

Erik's heart sank. He knew that line by heart and would have said it himself without a second thought if he had to. "We uh, the whole Society, we're not evil. The point is to be civil, but, the Knights exist for a reason ya know. And as a culture, it sucks. Nobody really likes it. That's just how things are. Of course we're high and mighty; how can we not be? The structure is supposed to reel us in. But it traps us out of really understanding everyone else." He looked Keith in the eyes, "I'm not totally the same, you know that. I gave you a chance. I don't regret it. I know you're a person." The bell at the counter rang. The mage excused himself to pick up their food, which he cut in half.

Erik wasn't all that hungry but it would look odd lounging without buying anything, Keith didn't feel like eating but couldn't help his hunger after a magic workout. Erik offered to let his friend finish it all then made a statement. "I know you're not a lesser being even if it took a few minutes to realize it, and I think you figured out as much about me and Ben. I also think we all came to the conclusion that you and I aren't particularly good people." Keith looked up in disbelief at what he's hearing. "We're self important, putting our goals above other people. What I'm trying to say is, I think I can relate to you despite our differences."

Keith stared at the otter beside him. He had no idea what to say to such a back handed statement. It seemed like something a mage would say. 'He's not wrong though, how many times has Ben called me out for using people like Alex?' The words started forming. "Yeah. Maybe you're right. I'm trying to get better though. I've only been exposed to the world for a few months and Alex is making me feel things like a normal person. I'm not going to just accept that I'm an asshole and join the club. I'm going to get over this," he said gesturing to himself with both hands, "and live my life without getting in Ben's way. "

Erik slumped at the hard words. "I, don't have anyone else to make me feel normal," he muttered and staggered out of the building towards campus.

'Oh shit, Alex!' RECENT>ALEX "Hey, I'm fine but feeling dirty. I'll give you a call once I'm back to my A-game."

BACK>STRIPPER "I had some issues today. Can I come over and vent?"

The wolf replied immediately. "Of course!"

The skink walked to the state school on the other side of town and found Stripper waiting on the lawn. Stripper heard him coming despite his headphones. "Hey what's...woah what happened?"

"The Society paid me a visit," Keith said quietly, Stripper jumped back. "I was with the mage I mentioned earlier, working on a way to jump start and let go of my powers. They just showed up and made demands. He got them to back down, apparently he's got some extra benefits. I don't know, but the way they treated me was...barbaric."

The thunder spirit grabbed Keith into a hug. "Shh, don't rush it. I've got you."

"I, I almost blew up." Keith sobbed. "I don't even, and Erik said that's just how they are. Like I'm...just supposed to accept that they can be like that for no reason."

"No man, no you need to be you." He was now rocking the ember spirit, hoping to give some comfort. It was validating in a way, to be needed, he hadn't expected Keith to be capable of so much emotion. 'Those bastards must have really roughed him up,' He thought. "Let's go inside, it's gonna be dark soon. Don't worry, we can get a soundproofed room." Such was the benefit of a musically oriented college.

Keith gradually told Stripper what had happened, and how it came to be. The wolf was amazed that a mage could have so much insight as to teach a spirit, and even more amazed that one would try. He didn't trust Erik though, it seemed obvious to him that the otter was using Keith for his natural magic and worried if the ember spirit would be disposable like the agents suggested.

Some things about Keith stood out to the wolf and begged explanation. "So, you can't un-manifest? What's up with that? Are you sure this mage didn't curse you to be dependent on him or some sick shit?"

Keith almost found himself being disgusted for accusing Erik like that. "No, I think I've always been like that. Hard to tell since I avoided it my whole life. How do you turn it off?"

Stripper tilted his head in doggish fashion. "The same as I turn it on. I just do. It's natural."

"I don't feel natural," the skink muttered as he fell into a slouch.

"Hey you're as natural if not more so than everything else Gaia put on this rock."

Keith was confused and gave a blank stare.

"You know, Gaia; primordial spirit of the earth, essence of all life, mother nature?"

"Oh, it's weird to hear it put that way. I mean spirits are the offspring of reformed demons so I didn't think to bring all that into it. I guess evolution would still happen kinda."

Stripper's head rotated as far as it could and his jaw hung agape. "Now you've lost me. What in the world have they been feeding you?"

It dawned on Keith just how little he knew of spirit culture. His reservation was founded by a protestant minister as a missionary camp and over the last ~250 years had been guided by the church at least as much as elders from multiple native tribes that splintered from their brethren. The spirit population got extra sermons teaching of their origin as servants of Lucifer released into the world as perversions of Gods gifts. They learned that God had taken pity on the formless demons and bestowed upon them bodies with which to learn the ways of man and follow in their path towards his loving graces. As the stories go some rebelled and were destroyed by man who could slay the beasts now that they took mortal form. Others, like his ancestors, saw the slaughter of their kin and sought to repent by denouncing their powers except to protect furs.

In summary Keith explained, "The bible and book of the holy spirit."

Stripper facepalmed. "Oh boy, that explains the guilt. I was raised under the notion that spirits are manifestations of Gaia, who is metaphorically the earth. That we get power from her essences to protect and sustain the planet. But that probably sounds like a bunch of hippie mumbo jumbo to you huh?"

The skink gave a look and shrug that said 'can't help it if I do, so yeah totally'.

"Ok so we have different beliefs on the origin of spirits. That can be worked around. I'm sorry to hear that you feel bad about being a spirit though, really it's not that bad. I mean as long as you don't go out of your way to manifest in public or use your powers obviously things are fine for at least 30 years." Stripper hoped he sounded reassuring.

Keith's curiosity was overcoming his trauma. "30 years? What happens then? And what do you mean go out of your way to manifest? I have to go out of my way not to!"

That took the wolf by surprise. "Well 30 is about when furs start to get suspicious. Spirits age slowly after puberty finishes."

"Yeah, but so what? Why would anyone care about that?"

Stripper felt like he was talking to a child now. "People like the hunters, or Knights, or even The Society don't take kindly to outed spirits. My clan-mates travel between our towns here and in Norway every so often. Get new identities and start fresh among new and old friends and family."

"Oh, we don't do anything that extreme. There is marriage between reservations, the knights help with that. Otherwise not many furs leave, it's a lot of culture shock believe me." The skink had picked up a discarded guitar pick and absent mindedly fidgeted with it.

"I bet. What about this manifesting thing? Can you really not control it at all?" The wolf asked with concern in his voice. The realization that Stripper was kindhearted and gorgeous was setting in.

"No, not really. I had to avoid fires growing up. It got to be ok for me to be around candles and gas stoves. There was some concern about engines but those are fine too. My house was modified to run on propane so I didn't have a reaction. Nowadays I can sometimes ignore wood fires enough to not get too involved but once I notice it, I change." He put the pick down, feeling sick with himself. "It's not just me, my relatives all avoid their triggers like the plague. So much so I don't even know what most of them are. They say giving into them is sin." Keith took a few breaths, happy to have somebody he can confide in. "Except my cousin. She isn't allowed to say much but she told me once that she used her powers to save lives. She doesn't live with the rest of us most of the time, the Knights chose her for something. The others have mixed feelings; she is shunned by many and praised by a few. I think it's cool that she can use her powers to do good things."

"That sounds good of her. I think it's nice that you want to do something with what you've got. I feel like that too. I probably won't save any lives but if I can use my talents to make people happy with my music that's enough for me," Stripper said with a warm smile.

Keith blushed. "Can, I see you manifest? Maybe hear some of your music?" It seemed wrong to ask a spirit to blatantly use their abilities, but if Stripper doesn't believe anyways what's the harm?

"Sure, let me grab some things first though." A few minutes later he returned with a small amplifier and a pair of cymbals. He plugged in the amp and handed the cymbals to Keith and just like that the wolf's patterns turned a ubiquitous light grey. His eyes turned dull and his fur stood on end in all directions. "Check this," he said with a smirk. The grey wolf took a cord from the amplifier and bit it like a hay stalk. The wolf made a motion for Keith to clash the round metal plates in his hands. Keith complied with some surprise at the loud crash they made. From the amp a feint baseline played, then unnatural sounds accompanied it swirling a smooth yet exciting melody unlike anything Keith had ever heard before. Stripper looked truly happy to have an audience.

"Wow, and here I just singe stuff. What happens if I strum you?" Keith asked with a laugh, picking up the guitar pick. The thunder spirit's jaw dropped and with it the cord.

"That's a little too personal. I'm glad you're feeling better though." They took that as a good place to leave off for the night. Stripper wouldn't let Keith leave alone so Alex was called to pick him up.

Opening the car door Keith attempted introductions. "Hey Alex, you've met Stripper, he's helping to coach me through this like a sponsor."

Alex wasn't buying it. "Hi, thanks for looking out for him. Goodnight." After they drove away the ocelot questioned "He was trying to get in contact with you before the woods incident. What are you hiding from me? And don't go saying he's your uncle or something like that you've got enough foster stories already." Alex was tense, and his driving showed it.

Keith had prepared a foster care story a few minutes ago. "Erik said some things today that made me very uncomfortable. It brought up some memories. Things that Strip, er Dexter, can relate to personally. And yes it was about a foster parent but I'd rather not dredge that up again tonight." The truth to that was he did have an incident this conversation dredged up and he really didn't want to talk about it to anyone. He was already feeling bad that he was getting Stripper involved in another lie to Alex, and that he couldn't be honest with his boyfriend. Not that the kitty would understand.

Alex considered how earlier in the day, at the garage, Andrea had rolled her eyes at him for keeping Keith. The feline was beginning to see what she meant. He didn't offer to help his scruffy lizard like he had done before. Keith had said it was best not get too involved and now Alex was wondering if he was right even if he did yearn for a happily ever after together.