Walk With Me Quiet
An unsteady, off-guard squeak, and Ross teetered, falling ...
... right into Aria's arms.
He twitched and sniffed, flushing hard. Ears burning. "I, uh ... tripped." They were in a corridor on D-deck.
"I noticed." She steadied him. And then let go. Looking, to him, slightly aloof. "You no longer, as you lamented ... have feet. You have foot-paws. With claws. And a tail, too."
"I gotta learn to walk all over again?"
"No. You must simply revise your ... technique."
"Didn't know there were techniques," Ross mused quietly, "for walking."
The snow rabbit said nothing. Only, "The mess hall is further down the corridor. Around the corner." She padded a few paces forward. Stopped. Looked back. Raising her brow.
Ross nodded, scurrying after her, almost tripping again.
"I would advise slowing your pace."
"I'm, uh ... for some reason, I can't. I'm having a hard time ... "
"'Mousey energy,' is the affliction. You feel a compulsion to scurry? And twitch?"
Ross's nose and whiskers twitch-sniffed.
Aria nodded. Her point proven. "All I can suggest is that you calm down. As best," she added, before he could interrupt, "you can."
"Alright," was his vulnerable whisper.
The snow rabbit kept walking. Her white bobtail flicking a tiny, tiny bit. Her gait steady and controlled. The now-vole (or meadow mouse) ... couldn't help but watch. And he followed, taking slow, steady breaths. Trying to slow his heart.
"I directed the computer lock-out codes you supplied," Aria said, "to the Captain. He and Audrey will send a coded comm signal to the human vessel. It should be received, and once received ... should infect their subroutines. Should freeze their warp reactor. Bring them back into normal space."
"And then ... "
" ... we pounce," Aria said.
"Pounce," Ross whispered. "Is that like ... catch?"
"And then what?" he asked, radiating a rodent-like innocence ... that only mouses could radiate. Wide-eyed and whisker-twitching.
"Then we apprehend them. If they resist, we destroy them."
"Destroy them?" Ross squeaked.
Aria stopped, turning around. Icy-blue eyes meeting Ross's blue-greens. "They are attempting to mutate the entire furry race. They are aiming to commit a form of genocide ... to control us. They must be stopped." A pause. A breath. "I am aware," she said quietly, "that, until recently, you were human, too ... I realize that the humans on that vessel do not represent your entire species. But that ship must be stopped." Another pause. "You should be grateful you are no longer aboard her. We rescued you."
A quiet nod. "I ... I am grateful," Ross stammered. "I just ... I don't know what to do."
"Meaning?" The snow rabbit raised her brow.
"I'm a vole! I'm ... a meadow mouse. Whatever. I ... how do I fit in on this ship? Or anywhere? I've spent twenty-one years as a human, and now I'm a fur! I don't know how to BE a fur ... "
"It is not all that difficult," she said, but as soon as she said it ... she remembered her earlier conversation with Welly. About the intricacies of furry intimacy. Yiff. And she remembered the war between the snow rabbits and the Arctic foxes. The hatred inherent between predator and prey. And she sighed. Suggesting, "I will teach you how to BE, as you put it, a fur."
"Me and ... the rest of the crew. You've been granted asylum." A pause. "Am I not qualified?" A raised brow. "I am a fur."
"No, I just ... no, you are."
"Good." She turned around again ... and kept moving.
And he scurried (almost stumbling again) after her.
Until they reached the mess hall.
Until they were inside.
Until they were at the food processor.
"Computer," Aria said, standing up straight. "Bowl of seeds and nuts. Assorted."
The bowl of seeds and nuts materialized.
Ross's whiskers twitched. He leaned forward.
Aria made a slight face.
"What?" The vole blinked and leaned back a bit, twitching.
"Another habit of rodents: sticking their noses everywhere."
"Oh ... sorry ... "
"I've never seen a mouse eat something without thoroughly sniffing it before-paw."
"Oh ... "
She picked up the bowl of seeds and nuts. Holding it out to him.
"Wait, this is ... mine?"
"Yes. Your diet requires a healthy dose of seeds, nuts, and fruits. As well as a large bulk of grains. Vegetables, too."
"Well ... well, why can't I have grains? Bread? Pasta? Broccoli?"
"Because your body has just finished its transformation. The doctor informed me to start your stomach out with ... " She nodded at the seeds. " ... something simple. By tomorrow, you can eat most anything you crave. Cookies, even. Except meat. Your stomach can't digest meat."
"Don't worry. I don't like meat, anyway ... " Ross nodded and took the seed/nut-bowl from her paws. Nodding. Sniffing the seeds. "Do you have salt?"
"On the tables."
"Ah ... " A nod. And a little smile. "Thanks."
The rabbit looked into his eyes. And nodded slightly. "You are welcome," she said softly. And, after a moment, she turned to the food processor and ordered a vegetable plate: steamed carrots, asparagus, and boiled red potatoes.
"Looks good," Ross said, mouth watering a bit.
"It is," she said simply. "As I said ... by tomorrow, you can eat a wider variety of foods. But we're starting you out with ... "
" ... seeds and nuts." A quiet nod. "It's okay. I'm not all that hungry, anyway, so ... I'm content to nibble."
"You will be nibbling for the rest of your life," she said, eye-smiling. "So, I would hope so," she said.
"Ah ... I guess ... " His tail snaked. And his ears, which were flatter and closer to his head than that of other mice ... swivelled very slightly.
"We will sit over there," Aria said, pointing to an empty table. "Take my plate."
"I will get our water."
"Can I have milk?"
"Tomorrow. Today, you're having ... "
" ... water," Ross whispered. "Okay." And he lingered a bit ... and then wandered off with their plates. Putting them on the empty tabletop Aria had pointed to.
And she approached with two glasses of ice water. Silverware was already on the table (though only the rabbit's meal required utensils).
The snow rabbit, opening a napkin and putting it in her lap, sitting up straight and proper, asked, "It is customary for ... prey furs," she said, "to say a grace before their meals. To give thanks for the food."
Ross nodded quietly. "We do that, too. Some of us. A lot of people don't do it anymore ... but ... "
"I see. Would you like to say it?"
"The prayer?"
A nod.
The vole, suddenly shy, swallowed. "Well ... uh ... if you want ... "
A slight nod. The snow rabbit clasping her paws on the table-top, bowing her head slightly.
Ross took a breath, doing the same, closing his eyes, saying quietly, "God is great, God is good ... thank you for our food. Thank you," he continued, taking a deep, stabilizing breath, "for, uh ... keeping me safe. I don't know ... how come I'm ... a mouse, now, but ... I know it's for a reason. I know You'll take care of me." Eyes still closed. A shy breath. "Thank you for my new friend. Aria. She's making me feel ... not so scared," he whispered.
The rabbit opened her eyes slightly at this. A bit surprised. And, after a blink, closed her eyes again.
Ross took a breath. Paws still clasped. Whiskers twitching. Voice getting quieter. "Walk with me ... quiet. Walk with me slow. I ... I can feel the edges of everything," he whispered, "when You speak to me."
The rabbit opened her eyes yet again. Almost taken aback by the former human's devotion. She hadn't realized humans were the faithful type. She'd, in the back of her mind, taken them to be ... worldly. Empty. Nothing but lust and greed and want ... to see this human have such faith ... made her rethink her assumptions. And humbled her. Made her ears flush. Made her ... close her eyes again. Breathing deeply. Letting him finish.
"Walk with me empty, and walk with me strong ... be my balm. My joy. Unravel all," he whispered, "I thought I knew. Lead us," he asked, "beside the still waters. And restore our souls. Thank you ... for this food. And our lives. And our salvation." A breath. A shy whisker-twitch. Eyes still shut. "In Jesus' name I pray ... amen," Ross whispered, taking a slow, bashful breath, opening his eyes.
Aria did the same.
"Um ... didn't mean to go on," he whispered, "so long."
"It is okay," she whispered back.
A moment of quiet.
"We should eat," the snow rabbit whispered.
Ross nodded.
Herkimer, eyes dim and blank, sighed as he meandered a corridor on F-deck. He was supposed to be doing something. Giving something to ... Opal. Yeah. Opal. As the Ops officer, it was Herkimer's job to coordinate all the ship's departments with the bridge. They all reported to him. And he reported to Aria. And Aria reported to Captain Advance.
All part of a system.
And, normally, it gave the mouse a certain pleasure, a certain satisfaction ... in being able to carry all this out. He loved it when things were neat and organized. He loved his job. Operations. He loved to operate things.
And ...
... lately, it hadn't been that way.
A distant witness to the Light. But captive to his own remorse. Captive to ...
... the doors of stellar cartography. Swished open. And he stepped inside, plastering a smile on his muzzle.
Opal, the Jersey cow, looked up. "Hey, Herkimer."
"I'm here for the daily department report. Um ... you got it done?" the mouse asked, not making eye contact. Not that he'd ever been good at making eye contact ...
"A few minutes?" she asked, chewing on something.
"Sure," the mouse agreed. What was a few minutes?
"I've been mapping our course ... sending course corrections to the helm. We're still chasing the human ship."
"I know," the grey-furred mouse whispered quietly.
"I just haven't had time to write my daily report."
"It's okay. Just has to be a page. You know that ... just all that's happened in here for the past twenty-four hours. Anything anomalous. When you reported for duty. When you left. Just a log. Any requests you need ... any concerns ... "
"I know how to write a daily log," Opal said warmly, smiling. "I've done it a few hundred times before."
"Oh ... yeah," the mouse agreed. And nodded.
A pause. And, after a second, the cow asked, "You okay?"
"What?" A blink.
"Are you okay?"
"Why?" was his defensive reply.
The honey-tan, doe-like cow ... squinted. "No reason," she said diplomatically.
"What are you chewing on?" the mouse asked, trying to change the subject. "Gum?"
A slight giggle from her. "Yeah ... "
"Haven't spent much time around cows," the mouse explained.
"I've spent time around mice," she said. "Lot of them in the countryside. The farmland. That's where I'm from."
A quiet nod.
"You're from a farm, aren't you?"
Herkimer fidgeted on his foot-paws, eyes darting. He let out a breath. "Yeah." His voice was a bit terse. "But we lived near horses. Not cows."
"Ah ... horses are a bit above themselves, aren't they?" The cow tapped her hoof-like hands at a computer pad. "I've downloaded the computer's system checks ... to the pad. Pretty much done, yeah?"
"Why are you making your rounds right now? Captain Advance usually lets it slide ... especially when we're otherwise occupied." She nodded at the star-charts. At the two blinking points of moving light ... that represented the human ship and Solstice.
"What are you saying?"
"I'm saying you're being awfully strict. Awfully ... upset."
"I'm not upset."
"Alright," the cow said, nodding. And saw his collar, "Ah ... from your mate, right?"
Herkimer put both paws on the collar. Almost defensively. "Yes," he said briefly.
The cow nodded. Asking, in a whisper, "Did she also give you those bruise and bite marks on your ears? And that kink in your tail?"
The mouse's eyes went dull. He bit his lip. Seemed to freeze. As if caught in a trap.
"Herkimer," Opal whispered, concerned. "She's abusing you ... beating you ... "
"I'm fine."
"Herkimer ... "
"I'm fine," he gritted. "I didn't come here for your advice. I came here for your department report."
"You'll get it," she replied, matching his sharpness, "when I'm done with it."
The mouse's whiskers twitched. Nose sniffed.
"Herkimer ... "
"Lieutenant," he corrected. "Lieutenant Herkimer. That is my rank, ensign."
"Oh, stop it," the cow said. "You're not intimidating me." The cow stood. Sighed. Moved toward the mouse.
"Get away from me," Herkimer said, but not moving. Shivering. "Get away," he whispered. His whiskers quivered.
"I know the type. I know ... it's easier for mice," she whispered, "to be victims. I know your mind-set."
"You don't know anything. You're way out of line, ensign ... "
"Stop it," Opal said again, more forcefully. Frowning. "Herkimer, there's a REASON why most predator/prey relationships fail. THIS is the reason. She's just using you ... and you're DEFENDING her? Why?"
"I ... I ... "
"Hey ... " The cow, now right in front of the mouse, taller than the mouse ... slipped her arms around him. "It's okay," she whispered.
The mouse shook, tears streaming down his cheeks. "I don't know ... I ... I don't know ... "
The Jersey hugged him.
The mouse shook. "She's ... I ... "
"You don't love her. You just THINK you do ... you're just afraid of her. Fear isn't respect. Forced admiration isn't love ... "
"No ... no ... "
"Do you know how many furs on this ship are worried sick about you?" Opal continued.
The mouse shook, violently shook, trying to tear away ... but was too weak to escape her arms. He slumped, trying to sink to the floor.
She held him up.
"It's ... it's not like that. I just ... I'm not good enough. I ... "
"Herkimer," the Jersey whispered, into his ear. "You've come this far. You still don't know who you are ... don't let HER control your identity. Because when it's over, and you see it with your eyes, would you rather have the truth," she asked, "or a lie?"
The mouse sniffled, eyes red.
"She's the lie, Herkimer. Advent ... is the lie. I won't let her do this to you."
"Don't tell ... d-don't tell the Captain. Please, please ... "
"I won't," she soothed. "I won't ... but I'm gonna tell Welly. Alright? You've got friends. You deserve REAL love ... the heart is a costly thing to sell in the prime of your years. I won't let you give it to that cat. I won't," the cow vowed.
The mouse sniffled, starting to sob harder, lacking any energy. Eyes void of the mousey innocence and brightness they were supposed to hold.
And, still, she held him up.
"It looks real!"
"It is meant to. But it's all a simulation." They were in the simulation room. One of Solstice's two simulation rooms. Aria had used her knowledge of holographic programming ... to create a vista from Earth. With Ross's verbal input.
"The ... the sky should be more blue, though. More periwinkle. It's ... too much green."
"I shall correct it," the rabbit said, "the next time we use the program."
A quiet nod. "No, it's ... good. It almost FEELS real, too." He padded a few steps into the wild grass. Looking out at the slightly rolling fields. The pastures. The fences. The wispy-white clouds. The sounds of the songbirds. And the slight, ninety-degree breeze. "Summer. Summer's my favorite season," Ross whispered. "Back home, it's summer right now." Eyes closed, he breathed deep. Nose and whiskers twitching.
Aria just watched him. Swallowed.
And he opened his eyes and looked to her. And offered a smile.
Her eyes darted. And she said, ears waggling, "I am not used to such heat."
"I am a snow rabbit. I come from very ... Arctic," she explained, "confines."
"You can't tolerate warmth?"
"I can tolerate," she whispered quietly, "warmth. I just tend to wilt in directed heat."
"There's a tree over there." The vole pointed. "We can get under the shade."
Aria looked, squinting. Her white fur reflecting all the rays of simulated light being thrown at her ... but she still felt the heat of the air. And she nodded. "Alright," she agreed. And she walked through the grass with him. To the shade.
Where the vole sat. Drawing his knees to his chest. Tail snaking in the grass.
She sat, too. Very delicately. Cross-legged.
"I can't sit like that ... " He nodded at her.
"Why not?"
"I don't know ... I couldn't as a human. Not flexible enough." He twitched. And tried. And stopped. "No ... mm ... "
"It is no matter. Sit how you wish."
A quiet nod. Looking to her. She was so proper and prim. So ... pure.
The breeze and the birds. Were all they, for the moment, heard.
And Ross swallowed. Cleared his throat.
Aria blinked. "Yes?"
"You cleared your throat. In anticipation of saying something?"
"No," he whispered. "Was just ... clearing my throat."
A shy nod.
More quiet.
And the snow rabbit took a deep breath.
"I just," Ross said quietly, picking up again. Swallowing. "Just been a hard week. You know?"
The rabbit nodded.
"I don't know," Ross whispered, looking to the distance. The horizon. "I ... there's no better feeling," he said sadly, "than the sun on your bare skin. The sun warming your skin, and the breeze cooling it at the same time. Just ... " A deep breath. "I'll never feel that again," he said sadly. "I have all this ... " He spread his arms. " ... all this fur."
The snow rabbit watched him.
"Not that I'm complaining. I'm glad to be alive. I'm grateful. I just ... back home, there are some people who would just JUMP at this chance. To be a fur, I'm sure. But ... there are little things, little details ... that are all wrong to me. I can't just UNLEARN being a human. I'm going to carry that with me for the rest of my life. It's like ... now, I'm taking my first steps. I was one thing, and now I'm not. My family. My home. My ... human dreams ... they're all covered in fur now. Dust and fur. Now, I'm far away. I'm here, and ... I don't know what I'm gonna do. I was gonna be an artist back home. Pictures. Stories."
"You can do that here."
"But all my art was based on human experience ... "
"Then your art will be unique. The only art of its kind," the rabbit assured, "in furry society."
"That's not even ... not even," the vole stammered, "the point."
The snow rabbit raised her brow.
"I just wanna be in my own skin," Ross said quietly, whiskers drooping.
Aria watched him. Hesitated. Before leaning forward. And putting her lips to his. Softly, sweetly ... a smoldering, simple kiss. Seconds. And pulling back. Eyes half-open.
As were his. He wasn't able to speak for a few moments. "What's ... what was that for?" he whispered, taking a deep breath.
Aria tilted her head, legs sprawled before her now, and paws in the grass (supporting her upper body as she leaned toward him). "You simply looked like you needed it," she explained logically.
A very bashful smile. "Oh ... "
"I can assure you," she whispered, "there are things about having fur, having paws, a tail ... about BEING a fur ... that will make you wish you'd been one," she said, leaning forward again, "far sooner." And, again, her lips. Again, a kiss.
This time, Ross's head tilting slightly. Exhaling through the nose. Licking her lips as she pulled back to breathe.
"I do not know why, but ... I sympathize with you greatly." A pause. Her eyes darted. "We are both outsiders. We both come from ... other places. You, from the humans. Me, from the ice. I know what it's like to find yourself in an environment and situation that is almost alien."
The vole swallowed.
"Do you need another?"
"Another kiss?" Ross whispered.
Her ears waggled.
"If you're trying to, uh ... justify kissing me, um ... well, you can do it without a reason," he offered shyly. His breaths coming a bit faster. "Please?" he mouthed.
Drawn by his purity, his humility, by his ... uniqueness ... she leaned forward. And kissed him again. Longer. Lazier. Leaning with him, lips locked, onto the grass. Her body half-sprawled across the top of his. But both of them still clothed.
Aria, panting lightly, said, "I, uh ... I should not have brought us here. I do not mean to be awkward. It was not my intention to ... for this ... "
"I like you," the meadow mouse whispered. Dirt-brown fur warm to the touch. Soft to the touch. But not as soft as hers. And his paws ... were finding that out. "I don't ... mind."
It had been months ... many months ... since she'd mated. Since she'd left Oliver, Annika, and the other snow rabbits.
For him, it had been a few years. He wasn't very experienced.
"Snow rabbits," she whispered to him, nose on his furry cheek, "generally don't take mates."
"Oh ... "
"But I'm ... generally, I'm liable to be surprising."
"Are you?" he whispered, smiling shyly.
"Sometimes," she assured, with her cool, soft tone. And she paused. Long, slender ears flushing. From the heat (even in the shade). "Computer," she said aloud. The computer chirruped. The snow rabbit took a breath. A breath that seemed ... baited. Seemed full of scent and promise. "Lock the simulation room doors. Seal them ... security code 'Aria - 74656alpha' ... "
The computer beeped. "Doors sealed."
The rabbit gave a sudden eye-smile. A smile ... that made her eyes glow. But was done almost solely with her eyes.
"How ... how'd you do," the vole started to ask.
But lips were meeting lips. Again. Again ...
... again. And arms. Moving all about. Bare foot-paws in the grass. Toes curling. And his tail snaking, and their shirts in the shade. And then the rest of it, and ...
... rolling slightly to the right. Her paws on his chest. Just like before. Just like in sickbay. When she'd put her paws on his chest to calm him down. When she'd stroked through his fur. The first time she'd touched him. Just like how she was touching him now. As she gently bumped and grinded with him. As his paws went up and down her back. As he back arched. As he gripped her rump-cheeks. As she raised them. As he messed with her snowy-white bobtail.
Breathing coming faster. Breathing coming harder.
Hearts at a clamoring patter-patter.
Muzzles tilted and locked. Noses flaring. Little smack-smack sounds. Little sucks. Little, breathless kisses. Little lip-licks ... and little misses. Winding up on the neck. Necking, mouthing ...
Until, in the shadow ... in this light ... in this simulated, earthy day ...
... the rabbit pushed her body up a bit. Sitting up. At a straddle of his waist. Rising up a bit, reaching a paw down ... and then stopping. Huffing, "Tail ... u-use your tail."
She flushed. Not wishing to have to explain it. But saying, "You ... you must steady your, uh, mouse-hood," she whispered, "with your tail." Her heart hammered. She licked her dry lips, looking down at him. Paws on his chest.
She nodded at his realization. Waited for him to do so. And, his tail coiled round his sheath-less, five-inch cock ... keeping it pointed upward ... she lowered down. Slowly. Shivering and sighing a bit at first entry. At the tip slipping into her vagina. A pause. Sinking, sinking further down. "Oh ... oh," she breathed, fully lowered. She drew in a breath, nodding at him. "Good," she breathed, clearing her throat.
The vole panted a bit ... she was so hot, so wet. So slick and pink.
The snow rabbit just nodded again. And started to rise ... and fall. Rise and fall. Rise. Fall. Slowly. Inches up, and inches down ... gyrating her hips slightly to the left, slightly to the right, rising, falling ... riding him with controlled, steady relish. Eyes closed. Paws on his chest.
"Uh ... huh," Ross huffed, weakly squeaking. Fur matted with sweat now. Paws reaching up. He groped at her breasts. Tweaked at her nipples.
She gave a yip at this, riding harder, with clear purpose. Riding his erect mouse-hood, craving the filling friction it provided inside her body. Nose sniffing ... at the meadow mouse's scent. His submissiveness. His gentility.
The meadow mouse flicked (a few times) at her clitoris.
"Uhh ... uhnn ... " She was riding and gyrating harder.
And his paws weakly went to her sides, where he stroked her pretty, soft body up and down. Where he clutched at fur. Felt the curves and bones of her hips. Where ... where ...
" ... ahhh, ahnn, uhmmm ... " The rabbit's moans were soft. Were airy. And she hung her head, eyes tightly shut. As she shuddered with sweaty, matted warmth. Pleasure rippling through her body. A shockwave of unassuming joy. Her pussy quivering. In beautiful spasms, dripping fluid down his shaft. To his tight, furry balls ...
... which supplied jerk after jerk of spurting seed. The vole's cock twitching. Orgasm. Oh ... " ... ahn, oh! Ohh ... " He gaped and squeaked a bit, writhing beneath her, pawing at her body. Even whispering her name. Whiskers drooped and nose sniffing furiously. And ears so, so sensitive ... picking up even her heartbeat (as well as his own).
The snow rabbit swallowed, panting, panting. Eyes weakly open. She nodded down at him.
He nodded back up at her.
Neither had been very loud during the act. Neither had said much. Neither had put on much of a show. And both wished it had lasted a LOT longer.
But, for their first time together, and for not knowing each other's bodies very well ... it had been so, so sweet. So soft.
Good enough.
Neither was dissatisfied.
"I ... I just had sex with a snow rabbit," Ross exhaled, feeling hazy.
"Yiff," she whispered, eye-smiling. Meshing her fingers with his, and squeezing a paw. "We call it yiff."
"Yiff," he huffed, nodding. Still trying to catch his breath. "Wow ... "
Her eye-smile got brighter. "I was ... almost afraid," she said, "to do this, but ... I am glad you have no regrets."
"I don't," he whispered. "You ... you're beautiful." His ears turned rosy-pink.
She put her paw over his heart. "You are alone on this ship. In many respects, so am I ... I think it would be to our mutual benefit," she whispered, "if we committed to each other. I know it is sudden, but ... I feel it is right."
Ross nodded weakly, whiskers twitching. "I ... I agree," he whispered shyly. "Thank you," he added, licking his lips. "I, uh ... "
A chirrup! The comm channel.
Both of them held their breaths.
"I'll get it," the snow rabbit mouthed silently. And cleared her throat, taking a breath (still straddling him, with his penis still ... semi-erect inside her). "Aria. What is it?"
"It's Advance ... we submitted the codes. It worked. We disrupted their warp field. We've caught up to them."
"I'll be there in a minute," she replied.
"Bring the vole," he added.
"Aye, sir." And the channel was cut. Both of them sighed as the snow rabbit disengaged from the vole's body. And she let out a deep breath. Sitting in the grass for a few seconds. Regaining her bearings. "We must dress."
Ross nodded.
"It is unfortunate," the snow rabbit whispered, "that we will not have time to shower."
"Why?" The vole blinked.
"Furs have very good noses." A pause. "They will all know," she confided, "that we've done this."
"It's ... it's none of their business, though, right? It's not wrong ... if we wanna be mates, then ... "
" ... yes," she said, eye-smiling. "Half the furs on this ship are yiffing the other half. I am just telling you: when furs DO smell yiff on each other, they like to tease about it."
"Oh." A smiling blush. "Oh ... well ... I have a pretty thick skin." A pause. "I mean, uh, pelt."
Eye-smiling, pulling on the last of her attire, Aria nodded. "I am glad to hear it." She moved for the door, unlocking it ...
... and Ross scurried after her. With a bounce in his scurrying step.