Beoynd the reef

Story by starbtle on SoFurry

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This is my first time trying a dolphin. I'm not sure if i'm 100% acutate on anatatomy or usage of things that dolphins do / are correct. If i made any mistakes please let me know so i can correct them. thanks


The water was cool and clear as a lone female swam along. As she passed through the coral reef, the early morning sunbeams painted her sleek, silvery backside with stripes like those of a tiger. She was trying to get away from the others of her pod. It was mating season again, and even thought she was old enough last year, none of the males even noticed her. This year looked to be a repeat performance of the last, so she decided to run away until things died down. Who knows, she might even be able to find a male from another pod, or maybe a different species of dolphin to mate with.

She swam into the open water on the other side of the reef. The reef stood as a barrier that protected them during their mating season, and also a refuge for mothers with their newborn children. Being having no mate or children she felt inferior and out of place in the protection of the reef, so she set out to see what life had in store for her.

As she swam along, she felt a current ripple through the water. She knew the feeling well, for it was like an electric shock as it hit her body. A male was close by, not close enough to see but she could feel his pheromones flowing out and through the water signaling to females that he was there and ready. She knew the feeling well for she was escaping it, and also seeking it outside of her refuge. The currents carried her towards the male, each time the scent of him growing stronger, washing upon her like waves upon the beach at sunrise.

Suddenly it was gone. She had been getting so close, but where did he go? Had she scared him away, or maybe he found another female. She searched the area, and found only a little white floating cloudlike substance in the water. She wasn't sure what it was, but she knew it came from males when they were mating. This means her mystery male was probably with a female and now had no interest in a stray like herself. But as she surfaced for air, she caught sight of something...

It was large, and silvery like herself... but it was not a dolphin. She had no idea what it was, for it was blocking the sun and she could not make out its shape other than it's larger, and beautiful wings. Also it was male.

"I knew some one was following me... but no you probably don't speak the language of the shore do you." The male said flying down to the water again, just above the female. "Forgive me, I thought you were a shark trying to make me her dinner again. The last time that happened I had a nice dinner my self."

There was a flash of long, sharp teeth that looked worse than those of a shark. The female backed up a little, realizing that she was facing a predator of some kind. She couldn't run though, she seemed almost immobilized with the fear of him. She watched as he dipped down into the water, swimming closer to her, his tail running along her side as he swam past her, and then back around to her other side.

"You are a pretty 'phin aren't you?" he chuckled gently, reaching a taloned claw out to stroke her head gently, between her eyes. "And it seems you have never seen a dragon before either. I can tell you're scared, but you don't run... this is very interesting."

He circled her again, and this time stopped at her rear, she tried to turn, to hide her heat from this strange male... dragon as he called himself. She understood his words, even if she could not speak back. She chirped in the manner of her kind, but he did not understand of did not care to respond to her. She wanted to swim away and hide from this thing, but he held her fast.

The dragon pressed his muzzle flush against the female's slit, his tongue snaking into it's depths, exploring her gently as his claws gently raked along her sides. He was not letting her go that easily.

"Steady there, I know what it is your looking for. And even though I am not a 'phin as yourself, I am a male." He whispered to her, as a digit from one of his hands slipped along her underside, gently parting her slit and slipping inside.

He moved closer to her, and she could see his manhood though the sparkling water. It was thicker than any of the males she saw back home, and longer as well. It scared her a little, but she was also intrigued by it. She sank below the surface of the water again, touching it gently wit the tip of her muzzle, seeing what it did. The male moaned a little, as he rubbed her beaklike muzzle along its length as it grew a little.

It surprised her, but she was more surprised by what the digit inside of her was doing. He body tensed, feeling like she was about to explode as he moved and wiggled inside of her. She squirmed and chirped but it was no good he held her tightly, a second digit probing her tail hole as she lost all control and came against his had.

She whimpered a little, hoping that now he would free her now that that had happened. She felt him slide along her, his muscular arms encircling her chest as his legs clasped around her tail. She felt his manhood press against her slit, and she struggled to get away. He was much larger than a dolphin; he would never fit inside of her. She wanted to get away badly, before he could take her. She bit at him, but strangely he seemed to enjoy it and her raked his talons along her side.

"You put up a good fight little 'phin. Now let me show you what a male if for, and maybe you won't fight as much next time one comes along."

He thrust his hips against her, his thick ebony shaft penetrating the portal into her soft inner flesh. Her body screamed in pain at the first few thrusts, but then she started to relax a little, getting used to his hardness pressing up into her. She still wanted to be free of him, but it was growing more pleasant to let him take her. If she just relaxed, maybe he would finish and let her go.

The dragon kept on, thrusting into the female's body, ravaging her of any innocence she had. She was in heat, but that didn't mean she knew what had been coming. It seemed to him that she had never let a male take her. It was part of the excitement, he guessed. What made her more of the challenge to win over? He felt her body relax against him and he thrust harder into her, the tip of his shaft pressing up into her womb. He knew he wouldn't be able to last long in her tight depths, but he wanted to last as long as he could.

She wriggled on top of him again, her body feeling as it had before, but now more strongly and desprate was her need for release that she cried out as she felt the wave hit her again.

The dragon cried out a little as well, his penis trapped deep inside the contracting walls of the dolphin, almost milking him. He let loose his cum inside her womb, holding her tightly as he pumped her all the while. He didn't want to let her go, not even when he had finished.

"Mmm... thank you lady 'phin, it was a pleasure making your acquaintance." He purred gently as they finally separated. He lifted out of the water again, flying off towards the sun.

She watched him go, a tear coming to her eye. She knew she should have hated him for using her like that, but some how she wished that she could fly up after him and leave the water forever. She wished she could stay with the strange beast called a dragon, and not have to go back to the dreary life of a dolphin again. If only for that time she had been free and happy. She smiled gently, as she turned and swam home again. Her adventure was over, but she would always remember it.