From Contempt to Love 3: Paradise

Story by Natsuru on SoFurry

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The long await request for my friend This story took me 2 years to finished; yep, that's right, 2 years. Chapter 3 of From Contempt to Love (a series I should really make a folder for) If you're a fan of Loonatics Unleashed, then I think story would be a good read for those who enjoyed that show. So, to all readers here, enjoy!

Natsuru Drake and story ©

Drake Lynx ©

Loonatics Unleashed and its characters are all © Warner Bros.

From Contempt to Love 3: Paradise

By Natsuru

"WOAHHHH!" Those were the words of surprise that were uttered out from Natsuru and Drake. The dingo and lynx had their mouths wide open, as they turned their heads in every direction, as they looked around the whole island resort of Utopia Acres. They weren't the only two who were on the island, as Ace, Lexi, Duck, Rev, and Rip were there with them to enjoy some R&R. Natsuru turned his head to Duck, "You weren't kidding when you said resort, Duck. Though, I really wasn't expecting this place to be" "AMAZING, GLORIOUS, SPECTACULARLY EXPENSIVE"; Natsuru and Drake nodded their heads at the water fowl's response. "Hehe, well there's even more than what you're all seeing right now, and best of all, we don't have to pay for anything; not even the boss lady."

Duck placed a fist against his chest and rubbed along it as he gave off a smug, "You know, you guys should be thanking me. If I hadn't done those advertisements, then we would have been paying loads of cash." As Duck waited to be praised, he soon realized that the others had stopped listening and were proceeding to enter the hotel; "Hey guys, wait for me." Once they all entered, they were even more flabbergasted from the inside of the place; it was larger on the inside and filled with many rich vacationers. "This certainly isn't like our home back in the canyon, huh Rev. Do you think there are more Utopia Acres located elsewhere on Acmetroplis?" "Oh I'm sure there's probably a few more Utopia Acres around...Eeeehhhh, but not anymore after the stunt we pulled with the Apocazons on the island of Apocalypso." Rip let out a 'huh' as he sported a puzzled expression upon his face; the words that Ace said were completely lost to him.

Rev decided to fill his brother in about that event, while he and the others were waiting in line to check in into their rooms. And it was a very long line at that, so Rev had as much time to tell his brother what had went down; Ace, Duck, and Lexi held halfhearted expressions as they chuckled weakly. Drake himself was just as eager to hear the Apocalypso tale, until he noticed that Natsuru was no longer standing in the line, but was instead sitting down on one of the many comfy seats. Feeling that he could listen to the story at some other time, the lynx brought himself over to join the dingo, "Hm, couldn't be bother to wait in that long line too?" Drake gave a quick snicker, "Well, I was honestly going to listen to that little adventure of theirs, but I can surely wait to learn what happened." The green canine's ears perked up in surprised, as he had thought that Drake was there with the Loonatics on Apocalypso; likewise the lynx responded the same as he thought Natsuru was with them during that. The both of them ended up chuckling.

"I've gotta say though, Nat, that I was quite surprised to know that you were actually a dragon this whole time." Natsuru turned his head away as he waited to hear an insult about his appearance. His canine ears perked up when he heard the lynx snickering, and returned his attention to him, "Hehe, I can't believe how stupid I am. I should have figured it sooner, considering your scent was very much that of a reptile." Natsuru was speechless; his expression hadn't changed at all since the lynx hadn't yet made a hurtful comment about his true form, until; "Y'know mate, you being a dragon is actually really awesome. Truth be told, I didn't think that dragons actually exist, and were only just in fairy tales, as well as be used as a way to scare children into behaving, hehe." With his ears perking back up, a smile appeared upon his face before he let out a chuckle. "Thank you for the compliment, Drake." After giving a nod, the lynx asked Natsuru why he was in the form of a dingo; the canine's response was due to personal reasons that he had experienced back on his home planet.

"You see, Drake, I was seen as freak back on my home. I was because I was the last of my kind there, so I was just...pretty much an outsider to everyone there." Drake's ears had lowered; the lynx feeling sorry for the dingo, "I-I'm so sorry to hear that, mate. It...must have been really rough for you." The dingo nodded his head a few times, but then explained that it wasn't all back on his planet, as he did manage to become friends with a gryphon who wasn't at all bothered by his appearance. When Drake ask what ever became of him, Natsuru assured the feline that the avian is doing just fine, and is more than likely helping the other Demonster Killers back at home. "Although...I will say I was taken aback when I first met the Loonatics", Natsuru continued to ramble on; "I guess...they were ordered from their boss to stop me...they too saw me as a freak, a more different sense. I think...the way of how different my magic was from theirs...had something to do with it." Listening to Natsuru's story made Drake think about himself; he thought the both of them were quite similar in a way. The lynx really hated his past life as a half demonster; being a vampire was something he'd really liked to forget. Although, despite the awful things he's done in old life, he was very appreciative that Ace gave him chance; along with his whole team, and in turn he and the gray bunny became quite the item.

Considering the dingo-disguised dragon had been a sort of side member for team; mostly for things that involved demonsters, the lynx just had to wonder exactly when the Loonatics actually started trusting him enough. "So, mate; when did everybody started to trust you as a valuable member?" The green canine placed a hand under his chin, as he pondered when exactly that did happen; "I think...maybe after I've been helping for a while whenever demonsters were attacking." Natsuru also added that he wasn't acting in any particular way that the team was expecting for him to act, and he even brought that because of his magic running out on him due to his lack of full control of them, possibly helped too since it made him look very harmless...maybe. "And I guess...I can thank Lexi for that too...considering she was willing to give me chance, after I helped her to deal with some things." There was no hiding it; Drake could very see the flush of crimson across the dingo's face. The lynx just had to chuckle at that, but at the same time he felt a little bit of guilt eating away at the inside of him. He was soon, however, brought out from his guilt thinking when he felt Natsuru placed a hand onto his shoulder; "So, my furry friend; how does it feel to not be a demonster anymore, hm?"

"Ah, it actually feels...very great to just be normal again. Well, as normal as I can be, hehe." Drake placed a hand against the peck area of his chest and rubbed it; "Though, I think it'll be awhile for this pain in my chest to go away; who knew being stabbed would be so...painful, hehe. But at the very least, it was serious." The dingo gave a nod of his head at the feline's remark; if anything, Drake was somewhat appreciative of that stab he'd gotten from his, now completely gone master. If that didn't happen, then Drake wouldn't have gotten all essence of the vampiric demonster drained from his body. "Though, I will say that I am a bit grateful that I have a little bit of some power left in me, otherwise it wouldn't have been easy for us to take out my "master" for good."

Upon feeling a hand against his chest, the lynx blinked his eyes a couple of times, before bringing his attention to the dingo, and asked what he was doing. The canine responded that he was checking to see of Drake was truly ok, and that he was apparently using his hand to, um...check his heartbeat. Natsuru really felt silly after Drake told him that wasn't the right way to check someone's heartbeat, but that didn't even stop the dingo from placing his head against the feline's check his temperature. Like before with his chest, Drake just had to let Natsuru know that he was checking the wrong way again; the dingo backed himself away as he apologized. "Hehehe, you truly are a weird one, Nat." The dingo joined the lynx as he chuckled along with him, until Ace called them both to let them know that they had their room keys.


The seven checked into their room and each of them had let out a big "WAOHHHH", at the sight of their room. It was quite large with more rooms inside, big screen televisions, a large kitchen, and for some reason a fountain in the middle of the room. If they needed more proof that the hotel resort they were staying at was extremely expensive, then their room was proof of enough; they were VERY appreciative that they didn't have to pay for the stay. As they put down and unloaded their bags, they took the time to look around the place, with Natsuru looking through the fridge; "Oohh, peaches, one of my favorite fruits." The dingo took one and happily ate away, "Mmm, oh God, I just love the sweet and sour taste of a peach." Lexi couldn't help but let out a chuckle at Natsuru; she thought it was cute to see him acting in his usual weird way.

"So then, once we're done with unpacking; what do you guys think we should do first?" They were each thinking about what to do on their first day at Utopia Acres, and the first thing Rev and Rip thought of was doing a lot of gaming at the arcade area. Lexi brought mention about wanting to relax out the nearby beach and catching a tan, with Ace giving a nod at that idea; Natsuru and Drake seemed interested about going to the beach themselves. Duck on the other hand was thinking about dining at a buffet that had his name it; famished from waiting in that long line to get their room key, and was happy to know that he could eat in peace since Slam wasn't with them, nor was Tech for that matter. "It is quite sad that the both of them couldn't join us on this little vacation", Drake sympathized; "And for that matter, I do hope that Tech is doing ok, himself." Natsuru brought himself over to the lynx and placed an arm around the feline's neck, as he brought over a peach to him, as if he were offering it to him; "I'm sure Tech is fine, just as long as he remembers to keep taking his shots as I had instructed him to do so, otherwise he could end up becoming sicker." After thinking it over, a smile appeared on drake's face as he took the peach and took a bite into it; "And besides, he does need to repair Slam's Communi-Collar, but hopefully he won't overwork himself, hehe."

With that all said and done and everyone take Natsuru's words to heart, they all decided to go about their separate ways, and enjoy themselves at Utopia Acres. Duck went to the buffet to get some grub and brag about himself to the other guests, the roadrunner brothers went off in the direction of the arcade, and Ace, Lexi, Drake, and Natsuru headed off to the hotel's beach area.



The loud sound of water going up into a spout after something jumped into it was heard, and since he was in it at the time, Drake was hit by the water raining down on him; chuckling all the while. His chuckling came to a halt upon noticing a glow coming out from the water, until another splash happened and out came a green shark; a black tip reef shark to be more specific and sporting Natsuru's goggles. " that you?" The shark gave a nod as he sported a smile; showing off his sharp fangs to the lynx. " can even shapeshift into a shark too"; the shark gave another nod and explained that his aquatic forms allows him to swim better through and under the water, as well as make unwater combat much easier. Drake couldn't be anymore amazed by the shark-disguised dragon's magic abilities. Since they were still in water, Natsuru asked the feline if he'd like to race him to other end, where a lone rock was at. Drake was thinking it would be an unfair advantage for himself, seeing as Natsuru was in the form of a shark, but he decided to race him none the less.

While those two were having their race, Ace was applying sun tan lotion onto Lexi's back; his hands rubbing smoothly along her back and his fingers giving gentle massages. "Mmm, Ace; I've forgotten how amazing you were with your hands." In response, Ace chuckled and jokingly asked if his hands were making Lexi fall for him, as he reminded her that they both cousins and were already in relationships; although the gray bunny's smug expression never faded from his maw. The peach colored bunny sat herself upright; her bare chest exposed to Ace without a care in the world, she grabbed her bikini top and started to put it back on. "Oh, I haven't forgotten, but we are on vacation here, along with our boyfriends, so who knows what could happen", Lexi was smug about her response as she put on her sunglasses and lied back to enjoy a tan; "We might end up having a foursome, if we're lucky enough." Ace just gave a shook of his head as he chuckled, "Sounds like you want that to happen"; the only response he got back was a "maybe."



"Well, seeing as those two are having their fun, I may as well too." Lexi asked what the gray bunny had in mind, and the simplest answer that he gave was that he was going to either train, or build their home tower out of the sand. Just as Ace went off to do his own thing, one of the hotel attendees had arrived with some food and floral punch. The bunny thanked the attendee just as gave a bow of his head before returning to the hotel. Lexi poured herself a glass of the floral punch and took a sip, "Mmm, such a delicious taste, and quite a familiar one too."

Meanwhile, back with Natsuru and Drake, the two were resting out on the lone rock they had raced to. The shark was about ready to return back to the bunnies, but just as soon as he was about swim off, the lynx stopped him with a hold on his shoulder. "Natsuru, wait...there's something I want to tell you; just to get it off my chest." The shark blinked his eyes a few times before allowing the lynx to say what he had to say. Drake took a deep breath before speaking, "You see...knowing that you and Lexi are an item...just bothers me a bit. N-n-not in a negative way, I mean." Natsuru's eyes had blinked once more, before he ended up chuckling; "What's this; are you jealous?"

The feline gave a simple shake of his head; "No, it's not that; it's just that...well..." It hard for Drake spite whatever he to say out, and as such, Natsuru gave his friend a pat on the back and told him to calm down, and to take his time. After taking another deep breath, Drake was just about calm enough to say what was needed to be said. "Ok...Nat...before you and I started associating with each other, well...Lexi and I...we..." Before the lynx could even finish his sentence, he was surprised when the shark cut him off by saying; "You two fucked, right?" The feline's ears had lowered, only for them to quickly rise back up, once Drake could hear the hearty laugh that spewed out from his mouth. It was no surprise that Drake held a questionable expression. "Ahahaha, you really have no reason to worry about that, Drake", he started; "Besides, it was sort of my fault for being away from her for quite some time, while I was back on my home planet. Plus, I can definitely see why she went for you, hehe." The lynx's face went red from that last sentence, before quickly disappearing once he felt one of the shark's arms hold him from around his shoulder; "Y'know, Drake, I certainly wouldn't mind having sex with you."

That flush of crimson had returned across Drake's face, as Natsuru edged himself closer to the lynx; his lips getting closer to the feline's, while his right hand was slowly going downward along the lynx's chest. "Doki, doki, doki" was the sound that Drake's heart was making within his body, as the hand of his friend went lower under the water along his abdomen, and feeling the warm breath of the shark getting hotter as Natsuru continued moving closer. However, Natsuru snickered as he stopped with his advance on Drake and began laughing out loud; apparently he was only teasing the lynx. Though, Drake didn't find it to be too funny and gave the shark a frown; Natsuru apologized immediately afterwards. Though, to get back at him with a bit of teasing of his own, Drake gave Natsuru flick to the snout; the shark reacted as such and covered, as he gave of frown of his own as he watch the lynx snickered.

"Alright, let's head back to beach now. Bet I could probably beat you there, just like I beat ya to this rock." Natsuru watched as the feline swam a bit ahead of him and smirked, "Heh, you keep dreaming. My loss was due to my tail getting caught in that coral." As the shark came up behind the lynx, he couldn't help but stare down into the water at Drake's speedo...or maybe his ass. A little pink flush appeared across his face, and once he took his eyes away from that, his attention had switched focused to Ace; seeing the gray bunny balance himself on one hand against a palm tree. Just like with the lynx, Natsuru was eyeing Ace's speedo...or maybe his crotch. His eyes then focused down to Lexi sunbathing...or at least his attention was focused more on her bikini bottom. "Maybe I should buy myself a speedo, while I'm here on vacation. Probably better than these swim shorts I'm wearing", thought the shark.


The two had gotten back on shore and just like before, Drake had beaten Natsuru to beach; this the shark's loss was due him not being as focused, since he let his kind wander while swimming. As they both were walking over to join Lexi, Natsuru had immediately come to a stop as he was approached by Ace; "Hey Nat, I figured since we'll be here for quite some time, I think this would be the best time for us to see who is great with handling a sword." The shark sported a smug look as he folded his arms, "So...something like training, or a friendly sparring match?" "It's however you want to see it as, doc." Pointing the hilt forward until the full form of the Guardian Strike Sword emerged, Natsuru jumped himself backwards a few meters and used his magic to summon forth his Twilight Blade; putting himself into a fighting stance afterwards. However, before the two began to clash, Ace suggested for Natsuru to change back into his original dragon form; bringing up the fact that he was using up too much of his own magic, and in turn would have him at a disappointing loss. The shark gave a brief chuckle and joking said that he was surprised that Ace remembered how his magic worked, as he shifted back into his true form.

Just as they began to clash with one another, Drake joined Lexi as he sat right down beside her; the peach colored bunny in question sat herself up as she watched Natsuru and Ace spar. Small sparks flew as their blades clashed; the two sending slashes and swipes at one another, until they caught themselves in a stalemate. After giving each other a quick smirk, Natsuru and Ace broke apart from their stalemate, with the dragon immediately sending a follow up slash towards Ace. With his own experience of close quarters melee combat, the bunny was quick to dodge the attack with a backflip; counter attacking with a laser strike from his blade heading for Natsuru, only for it to be blocked by a barrier shield the dragon had conjured. Drake and Lexi watched in awe at such a spectacle, as they were amazed by such swordsman ship; as well as the occasional power shots, that were displayed by their significant others. They were practically speechless, although the lynx was wondering if it was quite possible for him mimic such skills with his own staff.

The feline was soon brought out of his thoughts when a glass of the same floral punch Lexi had been drinking, was placed in front of him; the delightful scent of it entering his nostrils. He thanked her as he took the glass and gave himself a sip; licking his lips afterwards. "So Drake, I assume you have no more butterflies in your chest, now that you've told Natsuru what you had to say?" The lynx gagged from his drink in surprised; hitting his own chest as he was coughing. " did you know about that", instead of giving a spoken response, all Lexi did was smile as a pink light was radiating along her ears before the feline; "Oh, so you were eavesdropping, hehe!" The bunny chuckled and apologized afterwards for listening in on their conversation, but she was glad to hear that things were going to be ok between Natsuru and Drake; although she admitted she wasn't too worried, and believed that things would go well. Drake couldn't agree more; guess he was worried for nothing.

The two brought their attention back to Natsuru and Ace's friendly sparring match; "So Drake, who do you think will win out in this match of theirs?" Drake got himself into a thinking pose; truly a tough question for him to answer as he watched the two go at it. Natsuru and Ace were both equally capable with a sword; "Hmm, I guess I would have to say that Ace would come out winning, since I've seen him in action a lot more." Lexi nodded in agreement with the lynx's answer, but she felt that Natsuru might be the winner, as she explained that it's possible that the dragon has more experience than the gray bunny. Though, she didn't forget that Natsuru had the disadvantage of his magic running out on him on. Soon enough, the two were given their answers upon being seeing the Twilight Blade and the Guardian Strike Sword simultaneously land in the sand before them; the former blade disappearing like magic. "Well, I guess that answers it; it's a draw."

Natsuru and Ace's bodies were drenched in sweat; the both breathing out heavy pants as stared each other down. Drake and Lexi continued to watch the two to see what will happen next; from the looks of it, it seemed like two were going to end up fist fighting, which made the lynx gulp from the thought of it. However, to their surprise, the two smiled at one another once their heavy breathing came to a stop, and sent a hand out to each other; joining their hands together as they a gave a nod. "Hehe, ok boys; now that you both are done with your friendly dick fighting, how about to come over to join Drake and I with lunch?" Drake couldn't help but laugh out loud from Lexi's response, while Ace sported a red flush across his face and Natsuru sported a look of questioning; apparently the dragon didn't know that sword fighting had another meaning on Acmetropolis.


The four friends ate the food that was brought to them; Ace snapping on a spicy shish kabob, Drake eating a sub sandwich, and Natsuru really gobbling up on sushi. Meanwhile, Lexi was having herself a fruit salad, but she was also eating on a hotdog at the side. However, the peach colored bunny seemed a bit addicted to the floral punch she'd been drinking since the food cart arrived, and the guys were very aware of it. "Wow Lexi, I've never ever seen, or known you to be addicted anything. That punch isn't spiked, is it?" All Lexi did was give chuckle as she made it clear that the punch wasn't spiked, because she would've known about it. Plus, she finally remembered the reason for her "obsession" of the punch; she said it tasted exactly the same as the punch she was offered from the Apocazons. "Oh that drink...the drink that Duck and I weren't offered when we were on that island."

The female bunny once again chuckled; this time at Ace's annoyed expression as she offered him a glass of the floral punch. "Well, now's your chance to try it...or at least an accurate blend of it." From his very first sip of it of the punch, Ace's eyes went wide like as if he wanted to spit out the drink, but his eyes weren't of disgust; they were of delight. "OH WOW! This is really delicious; no wonder you like it so much", Ace gulped his whole drink while Drake snickers as he watched. He couldn't blame him, though, as the lynx shared the male bunny's sentiments of the drink. For Natsuru, the dragon's way of trying the punch was by dipping in peach slices and eating, until he ate all of the slices and then fully ingested the drink. His reaction was quite similar to Ace's, or at least similar to how he reacted upon seeing peaches in their hotel room.

For the remaining hours until the sun began setting, the four friends continued to drink and relax; talking about what to do next and deciding to bring back some souvenirs for Slam and Tech. When they felt that it was starting to become dark out, they decided to head back to the hotel. However, just as they were planning to head back, Lexi didn't seem to feel all that well. Being the good boyfriend that he was, Natsuru couldn't ignore checking on her; "Lexi...are you ok?" The bunny gave a nod, "Yeah...I'm body...just feels hotter than usual." " are sexy after all, so...", before the dragon was able finish his sentence, he felt himself get pinned to the ground by Lexi; the bunny was breathing hard as she sat atop the dragon's abdomen. Looking up at her, Natsuru stared directly into her eyes; he didn't know what it was, but he could tell that her eyes seemed different in some way; "L-lexi?!"

Out of nowhere, the female bunny locked her lips with the dragon's own; aggressively kissing him. Natsuru was quite surprised by her actions, but he didn't resist as he kissed her back; their tongues dancing between their mouths as they started to salivate. Drake and Ace were just as surprised as they stood and watch; from what they've known of her, there was nothing that ever shown her to be aggressive. Yet, despite that, Drake and Ace couldn't stop watching the two making out. Their heated kiss didn't go on forever, as Lexi ended it and backed herself away; the bunny and dragon's tongues stuck out from their mouths, as a string of saliva was bridged between them. "Uhn...hah...uhn...hah", the bunny panted as she let hands rub against the dragon's pecs, before returning them back to herself as she started to remove her bikini top; "Oh Natsuru, I don't know why, but my body aches and burns for you. Take me; right here, right now!"

Just like with Lexi, Natsuru's eyes had changed completely; almost as if they were no longer their former selves. "Whatever you wish, my sweet bunny", the dragon's head was suddenly brought forward to the bunny's bikini bottom; his mouth pressed against the swim wear, as it slowly opened to allow the reptilian tongue to slither out. He could feel it; he could feel his tongue licking along the lips of Lexi's concealed pussy. The bunny moaned out as she held the back of Natsuru's head firmly; making sure he didn't move away and ending his licking. This was quite the turn on for the dragon, which was very evident as a tent was rising upwards from within his swimming trunks. Lexi didn't even need to look back to know this; she just brought her other hand to give it a couple of rubs, before pulling the dragon's trunks downwards a bit to the let his dick out. She went back to rubbing along the base; sending sensations to course along Natsuru's lower body. He decided to return the favor, as Natsuru managed to back his head away a bit so could grab the rim of Lexi's bikini bottom with his teeth; pulling the fabric down so her cunt could be fully exposed for him. He sent his tongue back to lick along those lips, and his tongue slowly penetrated the bunny's pussy as he began to eat her out; "Mmph...uhn...ah...AAAHHH!"

Across from them, Drake and Ace continued to watch as their eyes never moved away from them; soon enough changing in much the same way Natsuru and Lexi's eyes had changed, like as if they were in a trance. Watching the dragon "eat" away at that pussy and the bunny jerking that reptilian dick was such a site; a tent was sport from Drake's speedo. A hot breath of air was expelled from the lynx's mouth, "I...I" The feline's eyes widened as he felt a somewhat firm grip placed upon his dick; turning his head back to see Ace up close and personal with him, "Seems like you're quite eager for some attention." Just as Drake was about say Ace's name, his lips were locked with bunny's own as they shared a heated kiss; swapping saliva as their tongues danced together in their mouths. As Ace was squeezing and rubbing Drake's length within the speedo, the lynx brought a hand of his own to give the bunny's ass a good rubbing; eventually bringing it down within Ace's speedo to really feel and squeeze those cheeks.

The sexual passion between both men didn't go unnoticed; with one eye opened, Lexi saw Ace and Drake frenching and touching each other. Despite being further away from them, she could still very clearly see their tongues in a twirl in their kiss, and she could even make out the head of the lynx's dick sticking out from his speedo, as Ace jerked him. The site of the two made Lexi's body become even hotter, than it was right now. And it wasn't just her either, as Natsuru watched the two from the corner of his left eye; his body hot and he was salivating down the side of his mouth. "Ace! Drake! Please, come over to us." Once the two men heard Lexi's voice, they put a cease to their kissing and returned their eyes back to the peach colored bunny, and the dragon; "Please, come over and join us." Natsuru sported a grin as he sat himself up a bit, "Yes, come join us and we can all have fun together." Looking at them, Ace and Drake could see that the eyes of their friends were filled with lust, although...the same was holding true with both men. Overcome with ecstasy, there was no way the lynx and gray bunny were turn down the request of their friends, as they brought themselves over to them.

"AAAHHH...hah...aahh!" Lexi moaned out in pleasure as her one of her tits was being sucked on by Drake; the lynx giving the body part nice squeezes as he sucked on the nipple, and his tongue twirled around it as he simultaneously licked on it. His other hand was further down the bunny's body; his index and middle finger were slowly moving in and out of her pussy, and considering that she had enjoyed a rather good licking there, it came as no surprise that the lynx's fingers were getting wet from her juices. Drake had himself perfectly bend over above Natsuru; his lower body moved up and down as his dick slowly thrust back and forth within the dragon's mouth. Natsuru didn't mind it at all, as he happily sucked on the length; his tongue coiled around the member like as if he were constricting it. Further down the reptile's body, Ace was busy tending to Natsuru's genitals; briefly licking and sucking of the balls, before he started licking along and around the base. Just before he brought his mouth around the head, he blew out some hot air out onto the head a few times as his way of teasing the dragon, and then he placed his mouth around half of the length, as he bobbed his head up and down along, while he simultaneously licked and sucked. His left hand was used to fondle those green orbs, while he used two fingers of his right hand to finger fuck the reptile's ass; this in turn made Natsuru grip his hold on Drake's ankles.

Despite the firm the grip around his ankles, this action of the dragon's didn't hinder Drake from his own actions of fucking Natsuru's throat, nor move his attention away from Lexi's tit. The lynx started to gently nibble on the bunny's boob, causing Lexi to let out a small scream once she felt the pointy end of one of Drake's fangs poke her in the nipple; it didn't hurt and she seemed to enjoy it, as evident by the red streak of blush across her face. The feline removed his mouth from the tit; giving it a final lick up along the nipple, as he trailed his tongue upwards to her shoulder. He gave her shoulder some small kisses and sucked on it briefly, before returning back to licking along it, and reaching up to her neck. Just like with her shoulder, Drake gave Lexi's neck some kisses and sucked on it, and since he was no longer a vampiric-type demonster, the lynx no longer had to hold back his urge to bite, of which he did as he nibbled on the bunny's neck; Lexi gave a pleasure filled moan in response.


A few minutes went by and the four friends had separated from each other, and repositioned themselves; each in their own pairing. While Drake was continuing his fun with Lexi, Natsuru was having his chance with Ace; the dragon had also shapeshifted into his shark form too. The shark and gray bunny were sharing a heated kiss; tongues locked in a dance between their mouths. Ace's hands explored and rubbed along Natsuru's back, while the shark's hands were feeling the bunny's ass; thrusting his dick up and down in between those ass cheeks as he was hotdogging him. The kiss between the two ended once Ace parted his face away; turning his head back to briefly watch that shark sliding back and forth between his cheeks. He sported a grin as he turned his head back around; "Heya sharkboy; why don't ya put that dick of yours where you really want it, and show me whatcha got?"

Natsuru grinned back at the bunny, as he gripped his ass and raised him upwards a bit; positioning above his dick. With the head of his dick, Natsuru teased the bunny's entrance by poking at it a few times. He wasn't just teasing the bunny with his poking, but every time the head made contact with the entrance, Ace could feel it slowly start to enter through his hole. The head fully inserted through his entrance and Ace let out a mix of a moan and a sigh of relief; Natsuru's grin grew wider and his eyes sparked. With his grip on the bunny's ass cheeks becoming firm, the shark didn't hold back as he brought Ace downward; shoving in every inch of his length with such force; "NGH! AAAHHH! The shark's length slid out as he brought the bunny upwards, only to slam him back down to his balls; repeating this action without slowing his pace. Ace clenched his teeth as felt the member thrusting through his passage, and stretching his walls apart; the balls he felt slapping against his ass were just as rough as the shark's thrusts. The bunny's hands had moved from the shark's back and up to his shoulders; gripping them as he endured his rough ride.


"What's wrong, bunny? Can't handle my other sword?"

"'s just...bigger than I...thought it would be...UHN."

Across from them, Drake and Lexi were in a sixty-nine position; the lynx continuing what Natsuru was doing before. Drake used his tongue to give the lips a few good licks, before he spread the pussy open and continued to have his tongue trail along the labia; the tip of his muscle eventually entering the opening. More of his tongue went in, as it traveled deep while licking and stretching those vaginal walls. Drake's whole mouth was pressed against those vaginal lips; essentially kissing and sucking on them as he ate the bunny girl out, and having a little taste of the juices she was slowly producing. Speaking of Lexi, she used her own tongue to lick all around the feline's dick, especially on the head. She was giving Drake quite the titjob too; his member was in between her cleavage as she used her breasts to rub along the base. She would occasionally squeeze her boobs against the length to build up his orgasm; her simultaneous licking, kissing, and sucking on the head, especially at the piss slit, really did wonders for the lynx's lower body. Lexi was awarded with a taste of pre seeping out onto her tongue.

From the small bits of essence he could taste, Drake figured he could give himself even more of it, if he stimulated Lexi further. Rubbing, squeezing, and gripping her ass wasn't going to be enough to do the job, so his fingers were moved closer to her entrance; spreading those cheeks as sent two fingers in. Lexi's body flinched in reaction to the digits thrusting within through her passage. To Drake's surprise, he found the bunny to very tight; making it a bit difficult for his fingers, since the anal walls were squeezed firmly against his digits. The lynx found it a bit hard to believe that for someone who used to have a thing with Ace, and was now with Natsuru, they never even did anal intercourse with Lexi, but that bit of detail wasn't going to stop the feline. Despite the tightness, he was slowly thrusting his fingers further through her passage; the bunny moaned around the lynx's dick as she felt the digits going deeper inside; her anal walls stretching a bit.

This was a whole new sensation for Lexi; her body was tingling from such euphoric bliss. Drake was given more taste of her sweet cream that his tongue quite quickly licked up, just as he was giving Lexi more of his own sweet seed. Their respective essences dribbled down the side of their mouths, while also leaving a bit of a mess on their genitals. As they were lost in enjoying their drink, Natsuru had Ace on his back as he continued to thrust hard and deep inside of him. The gray bunny was sending out a mixture of moans and laughter, as the shark was licking on the sole of one of his feet; placing his mouth around the toes and having his tongue between each of them. Quantities of pre were squirting out onto the bunny's abs, which eventually shot out into a full stream of cum once he felt a jab at his sensitive spot from the head of the shark's dick; his fingers dug into the ground as he felt his anal passage being flooded with white fluids. This could have been a very a quiet and blissful moment between, but that ultimately ruined from Ace's laughing, since Natsuru was still taking care of his foot.


Another switch up and the four were into another pair; Lexi and Ace together, while Natsuru was having fun with Drake for the first time and just like before, Natsuru had shapeshifted into his dingo form. Continuing from where he left off while teasing earlier, the canine had locked the feline into French kiss, and Drake accepted it as he kissed the dingo back. The lynx locked their members together with one of his hands and used it to sensually rub up and down along their bases. Natsuru pushed his head forward, as he deepened their kiss and practically sent his tongue down Drake's throat; the lynx going wide eyed from such a feat. The feline was eventually pushed down onto his back; the kiss between him and Natsuru never coming to a cease, and his hand still frotting their lengths.

On the other end, the bunnies were becoming reacquainted with one another; locked into their passionate French kiss. From behind, Ace was fondling Lexi's breasts; his hands giving them quite the squeeze and his thumbs giving the nipples a good and hard rub. The gray bunny put a cease to their kissing and started kissing down the Lexi's neck; the peach bunny moaning as a sign of enjoyment, "HAAAAH, oh Ace, I've forgotten how amazing you were at this." Ace continued his kisses downward until he'd gotten to her right tit; sucking on it as he continued to fondle her boobs. Lexi shifted her lower to the side a bit, to make it easier for her to grab and jerk him off. From how wet and sticky his dick was, Lexi could tell that there some traces of his cum from his earlier ejaculation; it made rubbing up and down along the base smoother, and made the whole length become slick. Ace took his mouth off from the bunny's tit and licked his lips clean of his own saliva; "Say Lex, how's about I put this thing of mine, where you'd really like it?"

"Oh; where exactly do you intend to put it?"

The male bunny held a grin as he looked down to the other bunny's ass; his hands moved slowly down alongside Lexi's body and under her thighs. He lifted her up into position, as the head of his dick was pressed against her entrance; "I figure that the dragon already called dibs on your pussy, so I thought I take care of your other hole." Slowly, the head penetrate through the entrance; Lexi clenched her teeth as the gray bunny's dick entered slowly; inch by inch. She was still quite tight, even after Drake fingered her earlier; "Ngh, I'm surprised that Nat has taken ya from here yet. Don't you worry; I'll take care of ya nice and easy." The peach bunny moaned and groaned though her teeth, as she was being eased down to Ace's balls; her anal walls were stretching further apart compared to what Drake's fingers did. She placed her right arm around the gray bunny's neck for support; her hand gripping onto his right shoulder.

Once he was balls deep inside of her, he stopped before moving further on to allow Lexi to adjust; the female rested her back against his chest as she loosened her grip on his shoulder. "See, I told ya I would go easy on ya." A smile appeared across Lexi maw as she gave a nod of her head; "You were right, Ace, but I always knew you wouldn't try to hurt me. Ok, I'm ready now." With a simple nod, Ace held Lexi's right firmly and sent his left hand up to hold onto the left side of her body, as he was bringing her body upwards; his dick sliding out from her ass. He brought her back down as soon as the underside of his head was pressed against the inner entrance; sending in every inch. Low moans escaped from Lexi's mouth as she felt the length starting to exit from her tailhole again, only for it to shove back in; Ace was rocking her body up and down his member at a medium pace. It felt like every thrust that was sent back inside of her went even deeper; the head of the member seeming to get closer to her prostate, "Hah...ah...hah...ah...hah...ah!"

There was an air of euphoria and their bodies started producing sweat to slowly drip down them. Ace started began pumping into her faster and harder; his sweaty balls repeatedly slapped ass her ass, and wet sounds were produced. This was such a rush of new pleasure she felt coursing through within her; the peach bunny's moans increased in volume and quantity. She could no longer think strait as she was lost in such ecstasy, until she felt Ace lick up and nibble on her right ear; " Y-you ears...are sensitive." The gray bunny removed his mouth from her ear and whispered; "I know! That's the point", he then returned his mouth to the ear and nipped on it. A flush of redness appeared across Lexi's maw and she let out louder bliss filled moan; "AAAAHHHH!"

"Ngh...uhn...ngh", on the other end during the bunnys' fun, Drake was enduring quite a licking, as his tailhole was being rimmed from Natsuru. The dingo firmly held the feline's legs as pushed his mouth forward, as tongue went in deeper and stretched his passage. Just from feeling that wet muscle of the canine's slithering further within him like a snake, was enough to make the lynx dig his hands into the ground; apparently Natsuru could change his outside appearance, because he tongue felt nothing like that of a mammal. The feline clenched his teeth when he thought he felt the tip of that tongue make contact with his prostate; his body trembled in response. "AAHH...d-damn it far...can your tongue...go?" The dingo managed a snicker as he continued to rim the feline, but he figured he'd loosened Drake enough, and retracted his tongue back into his mouth, and pull his face back; although he gave lynx's entrance one last lick.

"Ok, Drakey-boy; you ready for this?" The lynx stared up at the dingo; he could see that smug expression very well. He knew what was to come next, but he couldn't help but feel nervous, especially with how rough Natsuru was with Ace. Though, since Natsuru was in his dingo form, he figured that getting fucked by him wouldn't be as rough; he gave his answer in the form of nod. "Hehe, alrighty then! You may want to close your eyes for this; wouldn't want to ruin the surprise."

Surprise? Now what on earth could Natsuru even mean by those words; Drake was going to experience anal intercourse. Those thoughts of the lynx were answered quickly once he found out that Natsuru didn't enter, but instead began to sit himself down on the feline's dick. Natsuru grimaced as he took in every inch of lynx dick; his left hand was firmly pressed against Drake's chest as he eased himself downward. The dingo clenched his teeth and had only one of his eyes opened; his hand began to grip onto the lynx's chest, to the point that felt like his claws were stabbing him. Drake himself groaned from the stinging pain and was worried that the canine's claws would actually dig into him, but he soon felt the grip loosen as Natsuru had the lynx completely inside of him; Drake was balls deep into the dingo. "Ehehe...s-surprised...lynxboy?"

To say that Drake wasn't surprised would be a lie; the lynx was just speechless from the stunt Natsuru just pulled. He grasped the dingo's hips and brought him upwards; his shaft sliding back out until only the head was left. He brought the canine back down to his balls; Natsuru cringed once those inches were shoved back inside through his passage. The length was descending from the dingo's passage; the anal walls closing back up until the member ascended back in, and the walls expanded. Natsuru groaned and arched himself back, and Drake's hold on the dingo's hips had tightened; the pace that lynx was going was initially slow until he started picking up speed a bit. Every thrust back inside was quite the painful experience for Natsuru, to the point that his fur would rise when he felts those balls slap against his ass.

The lack of moaning from the dingo had Drake worried that he might be hurting him, though he didn't have to worry for as long as he thought he would, since moans eventually replaced the groans he released; "Ah...aahh...AAAHHH!" Aside from the moans he was releasing, Drake could tell the dingo adjusted to his length as his inner passage was loosened, which in turn made easy for him send his dick in; no more tightness to deal with. Through his humping of the canine's tailhole, the lynx just had to wonder why Natsuru have him that rimjob in the first place. Drake immediately gotten his answer in the form of two fingers shoved up his ass; his eyes widened as his anal walls clenched, and pre ejected from his dick, "Ehehe...surprised again...Drake?" Now, for every thrust Drake sent into the dingo's tailhole, Natsuru's fingers would thrust into the lynx's tailhole. Although the digits couldn't go in as deep, the finger fucking did provide enough to stimulate the feline; it may not have been as noticeable, but Drake's lower body was trembling from the thrusts.

The night was not a quiet one, thanks to the combined moaning of the four friends. The way Ace and Drake fucked their partners seemed to almost be in sync with one another; whenever Lexi's body motioned upwards, then Natsuru's body by that point would motion downwards. On the bunnys' side, Ace was just now ejaculating some pre within his female counterpart's tailhole, while more of Drake's pre were shooting out into the dingo, thanks to Natsuru's fingering. It may not have been much, but the small bits of cum was just making easier for the tops to reach their respective partners' sensitive spots; the walls pressing against the dicks in reaction. At about the same time, the lynx and gray bunny sent in a final and harder thrust to the prostates; the anal walls closed around the respective members, as Natsuru and Lexi bit down on their lips. "AAAHHH", the two moaned out in unison, as they felt their tailholes being filled with a stream of cum; some of which spilled out and dribbled down their partners' dick and balls. Not only that, but the two had reached their orgasms too; Lexi shooting out her juices onto the sand, while Natsuru's seed fired out onto Drake's chest, pecs, and along the side of his neck. From there on, the four took a time to relax for a bit.

However...they were far from finished. Their eyes had yet to return back to their original state, non-lust driven state.


"Ahh, mmph", Lexi had taken Ace's dick into her mouth, just as she sat herself down upon Drake's dick; he held onto her hips as his inches entered her cunt. Natsuru; back into his true dragon form, placed his hands upon Lexi's breasts, as he positioned his dick directly at her tailhole and immediately inserted it inside; "Hehe, guess I got stuck with sloppy seconds." Her holes filled, her boobs being fondled; Lexi was quite the lucky woman to endure such pleasure. Ace held from the back of her head, as he had her move her head forward and back along his shaft, and occasionally have her deep throat his length; all while her body rocked up and down along the bases of Natsuru's and Drake's dick.

The vibrations that were spawned from Lexi's muffled moans were coursing along the gray bunny's length; Ace moaning through his teeth as his dick throbbed within the peach bunny's mouth. As that was going on, Drake trailed his tongue upward along Lexi's body; from the abdomen to the chest. Since Ace was standing above him, the lynx brought his mouth to the bunny's balls and sucked on one of them, and he removed his right hand from Lexi's left hip to place it on the gray bunny's right ass cheek; massaging it and using thumb to play with his tailhole. On Natsuru's end, the dragon used his tongue to lick up along the back of Lexi's back, as he made it up to her neck; placing his around it and sucking it for a bit. Removing his mouth away from it, he then brought his head to her right; sending his serpentine tongue out to lick at the nipple.

Out of all that was happening to her right now, nothing was giving her more excitement, other than Drake fucking her in her cunt. Considering from the moment the four started having their fun, her pussy was pretty much off limits, aside from fingering and being eaten out. She wasn't necessarily tight and the wetness from earlier orgasm made it easier for the length to slide further within her vaginal passage; she could literally feel the lynx's dick throbbing between her walls whenever she was brought down to his balls. The same held true with Natsuru fucking her tailhole, and although the two men were busy with separate holes, it really felt like she was experiencing a true double penetration; like as if the two members were actually rubbing together inside of her. The sliding movements within her two lower holes were slow, yet hard with how Natsuru and Drake were rocking her downwards to their balls; thanks to both of her holes having been lubed up, it felt like the shafts were getting closer to both of her sensitive spots. And even though she knew the thrusting dicks were of simultaneous movements; to her it felt it like they were moving at different times, like as if Natsuru's dick was ascending, while Drake's dick was descending.

"Mmph...mmm...mmmph...mmm...MMMMPH!" Her moans were increasing; emanating into nonstop rapid streams of pleasure, and all were muffled. The guys moaned through their clenched teeth, or in Drake's case he was moaning around one of Ace's balls. Orgasms were building up amongst the four; pre juices were starting to produce within Lexi's cunt, and likewise precum was shooting out in small spurts from the males. The peach bunny had gotten herself reacquainted with the taste Ace's cum; albeit even if it was just coming out as pre, but that didn't keep her maw from becoming read as she seemingly sucked on the gray bunny's dick a bit harder. Unlike the male bunny above, the pre of Natsuru and Drake were shooting out in a bit more quantities, due to the inner walls occasionally pressing and squeezing get their throbbing members, whenever it seemed like their heads were coming close in contact with the sensitive spots.

The throbbing felt like a surge that flowed along the veins of the reptile's and feline's shafts, and inner walls compressing against them with each thrust only made the sensations that were felt increase. It didn't seem like the two were going last much longer, with Natsuru seemingly looking impatient. The dragon moved his hands down from Lexi's breasts to her hips, and held them firmly as he made ride his and Drake's members faster a few times before he brought her down hard; her prostate and G-spot poked by the heads of both shafts. "MMMMMPH", both of her inner walls closed tightly against the members, and that action sparked the three of them to ejaculate; a stream of draconic seed filling the tailhole, while the lynx seed mixed with the bunny's juices inside of her cunt. At the same when Drake reached his orgasm, he clenched his mouth down around the ball he was sucking; sparking Ace to blow his load within Lexi's mouth. His white essence flowing the down her throat like a rive, but there was too much it for her swallow; some of Ace's seed was sliding down the sides of her mouth, and likewise Natsuru's and Drake's own seeds were spilling and dripping out from her lower holes.

Satisfied and their orgasms dying down, the men removed themselves from Lexi; the female bunny's body immediately fell and lied against Natsuru's own. From there, the four took the time relax in their afterglow; their eyes going to their original state, as they slowly closed. They rested for what seemed to be a half an hour at best.


By the time the four had awoken from their little nap, they just sat side by side their respective significant other, as they thought about the fun they for their first night; "Oh wow, that was...really intense." Ace nodded his head in agreement to Lexi's response; "I gotta hand to ya, Lexi, with how you started this whole fun up." The peach bunny held a quizzical expression from what Ace said, and just as she was about to say something, she stopped once Natsuru nuzzled his face against hers; "Ah, so you did instigate this whole thing; not that I was surprised by it. If anything, I was more surprised with aggressive you were when you started, hehe." As appreciative as she was for being given praise by her actions, Lexi just had to admit that, while she was hoping for the foursome they had all gotten, she wasn't really herself when she started, or at least that's what it felt like. She said it felt like she was in a trance, but was still very much self-aware.

"You know; it's strange, but Lexi could be on to something", all eyes were focused on Drake as the lynx gave an explanation; "I mean, it did feel like I wasn't my usual self when we started. I'm not usually driven by lust, though I'm not saying that I didn't enjoy what we all did." While Drake was explaining how he felt during their intercourse, Ace had started to ponder about what the feline and Lexi spoke about not feeling like themselves. The gray bunny was brought out his thoughts when Drake asked him if he felt any different; his response being that he felt a bit out of it. The gray bunny then asked if Natsuru felt any different when the sex started, his response; "I didn't feel any different than usually until Lexi and I locked lips and tongues together. Ahh, even though we swapped saliva, I could still make that sweet taste of floral punch."

That was it; Ace figured out what was the possible cause of them acting a bit lust driven than normal. He brought his attention to food tray and spotted the empty bottle that used to contain the punch they all drank. Walking over to the tray to inspect the punch; reading the contents on the bottle to know what they really ingested and his eyes briefly went wide. "I think I just found out what caused us all to be so overwhelmed with ecstasy. From what I've read here, this punch was made from the Apocazons and this drink is some sort of aphrodisiac." His eyes then focused the peach bunny, "And since Lexi had drunken a lot more of it, she had gotten a stronger effect from it." Drake, Lexi, and Natsuru were so stunned from what they just learned; they were at a loss of words for a while. "Wow, never expected for the Apocazons to unintentionally raise our sex drives, but I do wonder why such a drink is on Acmetropolis?" To answer Lexi's question in the simplest way, Ace assumed that the floral punch was nothing more than just a harmless gift from Apocazons, to make romantic nights and trip more passionate; Natsuru, Drake, and Lexi nodded their heads in agreement for that answer.

After a few minutes, the four had gathered up and put on their swim wear, and began walking back to the hotel. The travel back was quite the long one for them, but neither of them complained as they were enjoying their night walk, and it did feel romantic with the starts out; Lexi resting her had on one of Natsuru's arms as she held it, and Drake and Ace having one of their arms rest atop each other's shoulders. Who knows what other endeavors would await them for the rest of their long vacation.