Brotherly Love

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Corey and Brent sat in the room they shared. All of their dresser drawers were open and most of their clothes were on the floor. "I don't really like this one." Said Brent, the older of the two brothers, holding up a t-shirt. "But you've had that since forever." replied Corey, the younger of the two. "And besides, I like that shirt." "Yea, but it's full of holes and all these stains." The older coyote sighed and balled it up, tossing it into the "trash pile." The younger coyote pulled out a shirt from when he smaller. It was one of those androgenous shirts that would go on both a boy or girl.

He blew a raspberry at it and chucked it at the pile. "Man, getting rid of these clothes is fun, bro!" Corey said enthusiastically. "We're making room for new clothes!!" Brent snickered at his sibling then changed his reaction when he saw what it was his brother was doing. "I want new clothes right now!" he leapt up and, in a flash, had disrobed. Brent just stared at his little brother's body, taken aback but feeling something else as well. Corey was too excited to realize what he did and started bouncing around. "WHEEEE!!! New clothes!"

As he ran around, Brent couldn't help but blush slughtly at the sight of his nude brother. His pants tightening from his own excitement. As his little brother passed by him, he reached out and grabbed him by the waist. "Corey! What're you doing? You're naked!" Giggling, he started to squirm, and in doing so, rubbed his foot against Brent's hard on. The squirming stopped as both Corey and Brent blushed deeply. Brent let go of his little brother and looked away in shame. He felt a small hand on his 'yote shoulder and looked up. "I'm so sorry, big brother. I've been getting these weird feelings and sensations in my nono place and, for some reason, I dream of you naked and me sitting in your lap."

This made Brent blush deeper. he could tell his brother wasn't lying because his cock was fully erect against his belly. "I-I didn't want to say anything but I, too, have been feeling like that and had the same dreams." After what seemed like an endless sea of awkward silence, Corey spoke. "D-do you want to try what I dreamt of?" His blushing turned a deeper shade of red when he heard Brent say "Yes, I do."

He rose to his feet and undressed, albeit slower than Corey had. He held himself against his brother's body, hugging and feeling each other's body heat. Brent, then sat down again. His cock was at full mast and had the attention of Corey. The younger 'yote turned around and backed up with aid from the bigger 'yote and slowly sat. His tailhole was pressed to Brent's cock, eliciting a small pleasurable gasp. "G-go slow, Big Brother. I don't want to get hurt." Brent nodded and slowly lowered Corey onto his cock until he sat in his brother's lap.

The older brother threw his head back in a stifled moan as the virgin tailhole quivered and gripped his cock. The young 'yote was also hit with the pleasure as his cock was dripping prelike a leaky faucet. Out of feeling, Corey started to move up and down on Brent's cock as he recalled what had happened in the dream. Both were soom moaning and whimpering softly as they got into the act and picked up their pace. "Oh, brother....I feel something in my nono place trying to get out." whimpered Corey. "'s ok, little bro. I feel it, too. Just let it come, ok. It'll feel wonderful. Trust me."

The little coyote whimpered and moved up and down faster as the cum rose in his cock. He cried out loudly as he came for the first time in his adolescent life. This was soon followed by the feeling of his brother's cum invading his tailhole and sending heat through his lower half. " hot...a-and gooey, too." Brent chuckled. "Yea, you'll get used to that, too, cutie." And with that, he kissed Corey not as a sibling but as a newfound lover. After this, they had secret sessions at night or while their parents weren't home. Brotherly love at its best.