Vastwood - Young Hearts

Story by 6-Wing Dragon on SoFurry

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You, my adoring fans, have waited months for this story to return. If you're reading this, than you don't need to hear anything about 18+. Enjoy. ^..^


Just beyond the frosted windowpane, a winter's dark morn shattered as meager ribbons of golden light slipped through the silver cloud cover. Within the sanctum of the icy window was a bunk bed; curled upon both levels were thick cocoons of linen and flannel. The creak of a door ruptures the silence, but the bundled piles of sheets and covers stirred not; velvet steps brought the intruder closer to the bunk bed, speaking only with whispers of feet padding over the carpet. He stood before the double-decker bed, wearing gray sweatpants, sweatshirt, and winter footwear fitted to his digi-grade feet and allow for his sharp toe claws to stick out the front. His build only a shadow in the dim light, but of his physique revealed was that he stood just over 6'2", well-built frame without being overly bulky (and what seemed to be wings sprouting from his back).

He stranger held a large blunt object, the handle wrapped in an oven mitt. The other paw lifted the lid of the frying pan, sounds of residual bacon sizzling popping from its contents. He stood there, waiting patiently for his sons to react to the portion of breakfast he brought into their bedroom; he smirked contentedly as the wrapped up boys squirmed and poked heir heads out, looking mighty groggy. "Breakfast is ready," stated the father cordially, placing the lid on the pan again and padding out. Feeling it better to wait for the day to get warmer both sons yawned and curled up again, and as if on cue the father walked back in. He put his hands on his hips and sighed with a shake of his head, then grabbed the sheets on top and the sheets below and giving a hard yank, sending both of his sons spinning to land in surprised positions on their mattresses.

"Da-a-ad!!" whined the youngest son as he curled up at the chilly air of the top bunk, wearing only briefs. "You get no sympathy from me, Hyda," explained the father, wrapping up the covers and tossing them to their respective beds, "I've told you time and time again to wear more than just your underwear to bed." The eldest - quite used to his father's antagonism - just cringing at the sudden cold air on his boxer-clothed body, "The same goes for you, Sejin. Now that you're both up, how about getting cleaned and joining me for breakfast before you're both late for school?" The father turned and stepped from their bedroom, closing the door behind.

"Morning Hyda," groaned Sejin.

"Morning Sejin," groaned Hyda.

The youngest hopped down from the top bunk, his own set of wings cushioning the descent just a bit. The older brother didn't have wings, so he simply stood and walked with his sibling to the bathroom shared between the only 2 bedrooms of their humble apartment. They stepped up to the dual sinks, revealed by the mirror as to what they were.

Sejin was the product of their father's first, failed marriage; half dragon - half tyrannosaur, boasting the saurian bulk and strong frame with the dragon's more graceful muscle-form. He was only 13, but already stood 5'11" tall, and commonly mistaken for a junior in high school (though he's still just in 8th grade).

Hyda was the product of their father's second, successful but dead marriage; full blood dragon, portraying a lithe but athletic build. Only 11 and a half years old and in all ways looking it, from his wanderlust eyes to his innocent face, from the lingering hatchling-fat to his short 5'4" stature.

There was no denial these were the sons of Kui Vastwood; they both wore his royal lapis scales (though Sejin's had a rusty earthen toned laced on his, the color of his mother's skin) and had the same moonlight silver mane with golden roots. What truly made them distinguishable was their eyes: one a deep oceanic azure and the other a thick forest green (though which one was which differed between Sejin and Hyda); however, only Kui's left eye could be seen, since the right was always hidden behind the thick veil his bangs made (the eye a mesmerizing mixture of sapphire and jade spiraling into the onyx black of his pupil).

Before too long the boys had brushed fangs and combed manes - Hyda's tied to a small tail, Sejin's spiked back - and were sitting at the kitchen table with t-shirts and jeans. Kui was reading over the comics as his sons sat down and began scooping eggs and picking bacon; with a quick throw of Odds/Evens Sejin was next to indulge the morning's printed entertainment. Kui raised his eyes to glance over at Hyda, knowing full well held something weighed heavy on the youngest mind, but also knew better than to ask before the pre-teen was ready talk.

Table cleared and backpacks gathered, warm clothes donned and farewell kisses given, Sejin and Hyda ran to the elevator of the apartment complex to descend to the streets below. Kui sighed softly, not minding the role of Mr. Mom; he smiled as he closed the door behind him and walked to the window, watching his boys climb onto the school bus that brought them to their adjacent schools. He'd felt so worried about the past year, since it was Hyda's first time in higher schooling; now that it only had one week left and no critical mishaps, he felt confident in his sons' safety.

His face fell, harrumphing and leaning against the window as he saw 2 particular boys follow Sejin and Hyda onto the bus: Scrow and Reck Dohm, the sons of his most hated neighbor, Navarro Dohm. Time and time again, Navarro, a grossly muscle-bound brachiosaur, had tried to get into Kui's pants from subtle flattery to direct proposals for sex (even some sneaky invitations to camping trips and strip poker). Kui'd come to expect his stalker's movements and futile attempts, though for reasons he could never explain, the brachiosaur had a mortifying ability to sneak up behind him.

"Good morning, Kui," came that sickening over-neighborly voice from behind, and as the dragon jolted then grimaced; he crossed his arms and scowled out the window, knowing Navarro snuck up on him again.

"Morning, Dohm," he replied coldly, feeling those violating eyes undress him, like so many times before. How he longed for a restraining order or to beat him to a bloody pulp; but since the brachio was a police cop he couldn't get it very easily, and he hadn't done anything to provoke a full on defensive assault. "You're looking lovely today," sang the saur, easily towering above the dragon at 7'.

"And you're in my apartment agai-..." Kui began, soon seeing in the reflection of the window the bared body of his neighbor and not too long after that, large paws rested on his clothed hips. "So lovely..." chirred the brachiosaur, pressing his blatantly erect length against the dragon's rump, causing Kui to gasp sharply. In a split second his feathery wings, once folded to his back, flared as if spring-loaded and battered the saurian chest, pushing him far enough back to give room or Kui to deliver an impulse-driven roundhouse kick. Heel connected to chin with the first kick, and before he could logically think it through his muscles flowed and drove a second kick right into the base of Navarro's neck, and to finish off his combo a straight jab square into his nose.

When Kui finally realized what happened he found himself hovering 3 feet in the air, and wings spread to hold him up. He blinked, setting on the floor and standing next to the downed brachiosaur, feeling both enraptured that at long last he beat the shit out of Navarro, then fretful when he began to wonder if he would be punished for flailing a cop.

'It was in self-defense, and he had it coming,' reasoned the dragon, crossing his arms and nodding, then sniffing the air he found something mixed into the dinosaur's strong scent, 'He was drunk - that explains why he actually tried something like that. I'll just drop him off in his apartment...' Easier said than done, the saur weighed 300lbs at least, but after 20 minutes Kui finally slung the unconscious meat sack onto his own couch; with every ounce of willpower Kui resisted the curiosity to look about his neighbor's apartment, already bombarded with strong lingering musk. He rushed back to his abode and locked the door, sighing in relief as he decided it would be appropriate to begin his day of free-lance typing and housekeeping.

The hours passed uneventfully; in fact he was a bit taken by the severe lack of Navarro, welcoming the change and smirking at the prospect that he should beat up the stalker everyday. He strolled about the city running various errands, picking up groceries and dropping off mail, and basically enjoying the brisk winter air. Returning home he saw that Hyda's backpack was lying next to the sofa, but not seeing Sejin's. He smiled anyway, calling into the living arrangement.

"Hello Hyda!"

Expecting a reply, he frowned when one didn't answer. With a curious brow he set the groceries on the counter and walked to his boys' bedroom, knocking on the door, "Hyda?" Silence. He opened the door and peaked inside, finding it empty, "I guess he's not here," he said with intent that his son would hear him. He kept the noise as minimal as possible, tiptoeing in and closing the door behind him audibly; with the stealth of fog he walked next to the door of the closet, making sure to not make a single sound. After a moment or so the closet opened and out crawl Hyda, peeking around to make sure his father wasn't in sight, but in doing so hid the one looking for him. He snuck further out and closed the door behind him, only to have Kui grab him from behind and get him in a headlock, "Hey there, son, who're hiding from?" asked the father playfully.

"Dad!" gasped the boy in shock, tensing up and struggling against the hold, but soon finding it futile. He gave in with a forlorn sigh, turning to his father and leaning his head against Kui's chest. He was welcomed with a pat on the back as the father sat down on the lower bunk, pulling his son into his lap. "I know something's been troubling you for quite some time, Hyda. Want to talk about it?"

The boy shook his head, "It's stupid..."

"Then why're you so upset?"

"Because it's so stupid."

Kui sighed and smirked, realizing it was time for 20 Questions, "Does it have anything to do with your classes?"

"Not really..."

"Does it concern your grades?"


"Does it have something to do with your classmates?"


"Are they forcing you to do something you don't like?"


"Are they just making you feel bad?"


"Hmm..." Kui thought aloud, his paw rubbing over Hyda's back the whole time, "Are they making fun of you?" Hyda nodded into his chest. " it something in your math class they make fun of?"

"No...some of them make fun of me in math, but math's not why they make fun of me..."

"Is it science?"

"It's..." Hyda began, and then biting his lower lip before he continued, "It's gym."

"I thought you liked gym?"

"It's not the exercises that get me made fun of..." he explained.

" it something in the showers or locker room?" asked the father, though his son only replied with a soft nod, "You have to talk to me, hun, I can't read your mind," though he had a few suspicions of what troubled his boy.

Hyda bit his lip again, then looking up to his father's face, on the verge of tears as he spoke, "They call me a freak..." he said ruefully. Kui tilted his head at this, "Why do they call you a freak?"

Hyda groaned softly, looking down, and then looking up again, "They say I'm freakishly big..." the words stuck between his fangs. Kui smirked, patting his son's head, "Big? You've always been small to me, son." Hyda shook his head again, "Not me, exactly...something else...and they're right, it is freakishly big..." he whimpered, pulling his knees up and curling against his father's chest.

"Okay, I'm lost, what're they talking about?" he inquired. He wasn't a fool; he knew exactly what 'they' were talking about, since there's mainly one thing that boys concern with size in the shower.

"It's...umm..." Hyda blushed brightly, biting his lips again, looking to his father's face again, seeking comfort, "It's my..." his voice fell to a shy whisper, "penis..." he finally said, going silent, although he began to tense up in his father's clutches. Kui didn't respond immediately, just patting his son's shoulders, "Are the other boys just really small, or something?"

"No!" Hyda jumped up, shaking a bit, "I'm just really big. I'm just a freak!" Kui blinked, looking to his son standing there; he simply leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and his paws hanging limp between his legs, an awaiting expression in his gaze. Hyda sniffed as his face sank, knowing he'd just upset his father by over-reacting. He tapping his fingers together and looked awfully sad, then padding forward and sitting on the bed next to his father, "Sorry for yelling, Dad," he pleaded regretfully, looking up to his parent. Kui smiled softly back and sat up, placing an arm around his son and hugging him close, "It's alright. And don't think that you're a freak just because you're 'bigger', I can guarantee that while it may get dimwits to make fun of you now, you'll be envied when you're older," smirked the father. Hyda looked up, his innocent wanderlust eyes shining, "Really?"

"You bet. And when I was your age, I was made fun of for being 'big', also."

"R-Really?" Hyda said again, blushing softly.

"Yep," smiled Kui, pleased to see his youngest curious and smiling again, "Though that only happened once, they didn't make fun of me anymore after I tore the kid's arm open with my fangs," smiled Kui awkwardly. Hyda blinked, and then chuckled softly, having seen his father enraged before, "They should've known better than to make you mad."

"Yeah," laughed Kui, "I was suspended for the remainder of the year, during which I enrolled in a dojo and took self-defense classes to control my emotions," he explained, but before he went off on too far a tangent, he returned the subject back to his son, "How long have 'they' been making fun of you?"

"Ever since school started," Hyda replied, "I tried to take showers after everyone left, but it got hard when it was making me late for my next class."

"Well, I'm glad to know that even though you've had this on your chest all year, it hasn't affected your school work or gotten you in trouble; but I do wish you told me sooner."

"I'm sorry, Dad, I just wasn't sure how you'd react..."

Kui smirked again, ruffling his kid's mane, "What, don't you trust me?" Hyda giggled and pushed his Dad's paw away, "It just feels weird talking about this stuff," he reasoned, blushing a bit, "but thanks for talking with me about it, Dad," he smiled, hugging Kui tightly, whom warmly hugged him back.

"By the way, where's Sejin?"

"Oh, he and Calad went to go work out."

"Did he leave a message?"

"Yeah, it's on the answering machine."

"Good," Kui nodded, feeling better knowing that he was with Calad, an orca the size of a barn and the sweetest guy in the city, also Kui's best friend since they met at the dojo many years back. Normally he would have his eldest home by 8, but considering there was no school the next day, and he was with Calad, Kui thought it'd be okay to let it slide this once.

Kui gave his son a kiss on the cheek, "And next time you feel uncomfortable about something, you'll tell me, right?" His son nodded and gave a kiss back before another hug ensued. "Thanks again, Dad, I feel a lot better now."

"I'm glad," he replied, rubbing over his kid's back, feeling Hyda's snout nuzzle into his chest as he curled up, "You're not thinking about sleep already, are you?" chuckled Kui, Hyda looking up and shaking his head, "Naw, I just like cuddling with you," his cheeks blushed softly, "Despite the cruel person everyone else sees you as, I know you as my loving father," Hyda grinned, hugging close to his parent's chest.

"Is that how everyone sees me?" Kui inquired curiously, petting down his child's back. "It's what the other kids are told by their parents," he said passively, resting a cheek on the firm chest, his young wings wrapping around his father's waist.

"Hmm...cruel like, this?" he said spontaneously, grabbing Hyda's sides and tickling mercilessly. Within seconds the boy began squealing in a fit of giggles, squirming about as his father pinned him to the bed.

"Aaaahhh-hahahaha!!" screamed the child, tears forming in his eyes, jerking his body as he giggled and shrieked, curling up and trying to protect his poor body from the evil tickles. "Eeee-hee-hee-hee! Stop, stop!" pleaded the young dragon rolling about as his father reached under his shirt and tickled over his bare scales, kicking his legs about in attempts to get his father away. Finally after a minute or so Kui stopped, hugging his son and placing a kiss on his cheek, Hyda still aglow with delight and catching his breath.

Kui left Hyda laid back on the bottom bunk, patting his chest as he began to stand, "I've got some things I need to get done, and you've got some homework to complete." Hyda simply nodded, still breathing deeply, Kui giving a warm smile as he rose further, consequentially banging the back of his head against the top bunk; giggly Hyda snorted and burst into another fit of laughter. Kui grunted as he rubbed the back of his head, then smirking, "Oh, you want more, do you?"

Hyda shrieked and put up his arms defensively, Kui grabbing his paws and tucking them under his arms, sitting with his back to his child and grabbing a foot. With some quick paws he yanked off a shoe and its sock and began tickling the poor child's soles, Hyda screaming in giggles once again as he tried to escape. Not before to long Kui relinquished the excited boy, letting him catch his breath. When he stood he made sure not to hit his head on the bunk above, treading to the door, pausing to smile over his shoulder to his son, then exiting.

Hyda heaved and huffed, sprawled out on his brother's bunk while he regained his breath, gulping some and enjoying the buzz that came from the tickling. As he gasped and panted, settling into the new disarray of bed sheets, he began smelling a scent he recognized but couldn't quite place. After a moment his breathing regulated and he was able to get a good whiff of the odor around him.

His nostrils flared and he groaned softly, feeling that his briefs were a bit tight. Perking his head he gazed down his gently heaving chest at the bulge forming in his crotch, blushing at the idea that he got it from the tickling. His sniffed again, the scent on the bunk making his pants tighter, his cheeks blushing redder. As he lay there, he began to recognize the strong musk embedded in the bunk: Sejin. The aroma of his older brother surrounded him, and kept arousing him.

Hyda groaned as he jumped from the bed and onto the floor, standing in a hunch as his arousal grinded against the crotch of his pants. He whimpered, undoing the fastening of his jeans as the tent of his briefs popped out, making him whine softly, and the fabric a bit moist. He gulped and yanked the waist of his underwear, gasping loudly as his young cock sprung into the air, throbbing a bit as he panted, awestruck and bemused at the meat sticking up from his crotch.

The bewildered youth fell to his rump, staring cross-eyed as the pole of flesh pulsed, himself feeling just a little light headed. With a tentative paw he reached forward, his thumb and index could just touch tips grasping around it, giving an innocent moan as he clutched the girth. His young body shivered, having been aroused before but never to this extent. Using both paws he grasped the length, with a quick jerk his hips he grunted loudly, closing his eyes. Giving little thought to his movements, his paws began to move up and down slowly, the foreskin peeling back from the cockhead, small beads of pre dripping out and sending Hyda's body into sensual spasms. He lay on his back, stroking over his rigid shaft and gently rolling his hips, gasping and moaning as he did.

A knock on the door was heard, Hyda jolting and shrieking in surprise, and then Kui asked in a concerned tone, "Hyda? What's wrong?"

"N-nothing!" replied the boy, sitting up and throwing his shirt over his erection, blushing brightly, hoping his father doesn't walk in. Kui became silent, and after a minute or so Hyda spoke up again, a knot in his stomach and a heavy weight tied to his mind, "You can come in, Dad..."

Kui opened the door and saw his boy sitting on the floor, looking remorseful up at his father; he could smell his son's arousal, so he sighed very softly and sat in front of his son, waiting. Hyda lowered his gaze, and when he felt that the hardon tucked away was still there he gently whimpered, lifting his shirt and revealing to his father the length he hid, looking away in shame, "I'm sorry, Dad..." he squeaked.

Hyda grew scared because he didn't know what his father would do; but then felt Kui sit next to him, leaning close as his arm was placed on the opposite side of his son to prop up his torso. "Why are you sorry?" the father asked warmly, "You're body is growing, nothing's wrong with that."

"But..." Hyda looked up with a pout, "it was because you tickled me, and...when I smelt Sejin's scent on the bed...I'm confused, Dad..." he whimpered, looking down to the stiff penis poking up from his crotch. Kui remained silent; instead he moved his body around and sat behind the puzzled lad, resting his legs on either side as his arms hugged around Hyda's shoulders, holding him to his chest. Hyda felt his cheeks blush as he leaned back into the embrace, but his shaft didn't become any harder. From he corner of his eye the young dragon saw movement from behind Kui, and found that his beautiful wings were wrapping around them both. Hyda could only remember such an embrace since right after Mom died, and he locked himself in the closet, refusing to come out for anything; Kui picked the lock on the door and - despite the cramped space - wrapped his soft wings around his crest-fallen son.

The blush left from Hyda's face, replaced by a comforted smile as he rested his cheek on his father's arm, feeling his erection slowly fade and grow limp during the minutes spent in the hug. The wings pulled away as Kui gave one more squeeze to his son's shoulders, then a nuzzle behind his ears; he lay back a bit, showing Hyda's chest and limp hanging penis to the air. His paw reached down and cupped the young package, his son gasping softly and blushing; Kui couldn't help but smile softly as he pulled the waistband of his briefs out and tucked the dick and orbs away before zipping up his pants. Hyda continued to blush, feeling the buzz from the intense pleasure gently fade.

"It felt good to hold it but at the same time I was ashamed, especially when you saw me. Was it right for me to be touching it?"

"There's no simple answer, Hyda," Kui finally said after a moment's thought, "all I can really say is to follow your heart, but..."

"...But don't leave your brain at home?" Hyda finished, smiling to his father, getting a smirk back, "Wise guy," chuckled his father. He then stood and helped his kid to his feet, "Anyway, the reason I came in was I just heard the message from Sejin and he says he'll be home around 7:30, so I was thinking we'd order pizza and movies for the night," and as Hyda's face lit up Kui continued, "but not a second before you finish your homework."

The afternoon disappeared as the cloud-masked sun sank beneath the western horizon, the evening brought forth a winter's chill. Kui's fatherly instinct told him to look out the window and in doing so a smile curled his lips, seeing Calad's monstrous jeep pull into the parking lot of the apartment complex. Ever since a year ago Sejin's been tagging along with the orca while he went to the gym to weight-lift, and over that time he noticed his son's own impressive set of pubescent muscle tone. Within minutes the door opened to a dragon with a winter cloak thrown over an arm.

"I honestly don't understand how that behemoth can stand this weather, he struts around wearing only shorts, and here I am bundled up like it's the Arctic."

"When you're done whining, there's some hot pizza on the counter," Kui smirked.

"Extra Large Carnivore King?"

"With stuffed crust, and a personal cheese for Hyda."

"Tasty," Sejin grinned, throwing off his coats and sighing contentedly as he finally got rid of all the extra baggage, happy to be in his jeans and tee again. He stalked the helpless pizza but was stopped when Kui spoke, "Coats don't belong on the floor, Sejin."

"But my pizza is waiting!" he pleaded.

"Fine, you may eat any pepperoni you pick off, but nothing more until those coats are hung to dry," negotiated the father nonchalantly.

Sejin grumbled a reply, and decided it best to leave it at that, stooping over and picking up the extra coat he wore and returning it to his bedroom. Inside he found Hyda, clothed in a turtle neck and sweatpants, hunched over a book and furious writing, "Hi Bro, I see Dad still has you doing your homework," commented the eldest.

"Yeah, but I'm almost...done!" he said with glee, slamming he book close and turning around to face his brother, "How was your workout?" he inquired innocently. Sejin was hanging the coat next to an in-room furnace and began removing his clothes of the day, "Benched a whole 80lbs today, and Calad got up to 310."

"Wow, you could almost bench me!" Hyda thought aloud, watching his brother undress with some interest, then turning around again to put his books and pencils away. Sejin laughed, "Yeah; you should join us sometime, Hyde, get some meat on those bones of yours," teased the older brother, looking over his shoulder as he pulled his shirt off. Hyda chuckled and pushed his backpack beneath the desk, "If Dad'll let me, sure."

"Of course he will," Sejin explained, dropping his pants and kicking them into the hamper, scratching over his thighs, "He trusts Calad like a twin brother." Hyda watched as the boxers fell from his elder's body, flying through the air and landing on the hamper's rim, then venturing to the closet for some more casual, non-sweaty clothes.

"Hey Sejin..." Hyda asked, kneeling in the chair, his paws on the back of it, his older brother turned to look to him, still naked, "Were you teased by other boys for being...umm...sized differently?"

"What d'you mean?" he replied curiously, "I've always been taller than other kids, but no one teased me about it." Hyda's eyes fell to his brother's limp penis; "I mean that, were you ever teased about it, like in the showers after P.E.?" Sejin looked down at what Hyda referred to, then laughed, twisting his hips so it swung a bit, "Naw, I mostly just got shocked looks; probably didn't get a lot of lip because I beat up any smart-ass that dared to." Hyda blinked and watched it sway, "Oh..." he said, sitting back down in the chair.

"Why do you ask?" he inquired, padding over to his younger brother's chair and resting his folded arms on the back of it, "Are kids picking on you because you've got a big dick?" Hyda blushed just a little but grinned and laughed, "Yeah, but I'm not gonna let it get to me."

"The pizza's getting cold," reported Kui from the living room, "and I've already chose the movie for tonight."

Both boys jumped in the revelation that they were taking too long, Hyda springing to the door and Sejin screeching to a halt to quickly grab another pair of boxers and some sweatpants. They vaulted onto the couch to find the pizza and soda set on the coffee table, Kui taking a bite from one of the slices as he pressed the 'Play' button.

"The entertainment for this week is the horror/suspense/slasher movie that held a place in the top 5 at the box office 2 weeks running last year, 'Carnival,' where a group of teenagers find themselves trapped in a fairground of the damned, trying to escape from flesh-eating clowns. Rated-R for blood, gores, and clowns."

"Why'd you get that one?" Sejin asked incredulously.

"I actually meant to choose a comedy, but my finger slipped on the remote while scrolling the movie menu, and now we're watching 'Carnival'."

Sejin shrugged and picked up a pizza slice, Hyda looking nervous.

2 hours later the credits began to roll, Kui yawning and stretching as Sejin let out a belch, Hyda curled his knees to his chest and wrapped up in his wings, staring at the TV mortified. Kui scooted next to his terrified son, patting his back, "You okay, Hyda?"

"Y-yeah j-just a l-little sp-spooked..." he stammered, then as the light came on he settled a bit and relaxed his muscles as he might, Kui rubbing over his back. "You know it wasn't real, right son?"

"I know...heh, got really scared though," chuckled Hyda, uncurling himself and rubbing the back of his head sheepishly, then speaking matter-of-factly, "Of course it's not real, just the figment of some movie-maker's imagination."

"That's right. Now if you'll both excuse me, I have some writing to get through. The both of you try not to do anything too destructive, and don't stay up too late, okay?"

Both sons nodded - their father retreated to the room that doubled as his den and sleeping quarters - then casually slumped on the couch and flipped to a cartoon channel until 11:00 came around. Sejin gave a loud yawn and turned off the tube as Hyda looked up to him. "C'mon bro, bed time," Sejin declared.

"Okay," replied Hyda, standing and following his older brother to the bathroom to brush and floss before returning to their room and discarding clothes until only in undergarments. Hyda hopped up to the top bunk and snuggled into his bed, then curling up as the lights went out, signaling that Sejin was sliding beneath his own covers.

An hour went by and Hyda laid wide-awake, visions of bloodthirsty clowns devouring off-screen flesh. With a small whimper he became painfully aware of nightly noises magnified; the wind outside blowing past the window, various groans from furnaces and waterworks coming from the walls. He whimpered just bit, and then crawled to the edge of his bed to peek at the bottom bunk, seeing Sejin sleeping soundly.

"Sejin..." he whispered, but was given no answer. "Sejin...!" he whispered a little louder, but still gained no answer. He whined woefully, crawling with his sheet to the floor and kneeling on his brother's bed, nudging his shoulder. "Sejin...!!"

His brother stirred away, blinking and looking up to his younger brother groggily, "Hyda? What's wrong?"

"I can't sleep..." he whined, "The movie really scared me..." he admitted remorsefully. Sejin sighed softly, but lifted his arm to welcome his baby brother, "Alright, hop in, but don't make this a habit." Hyda nodded with understanding and discarded his own sheets, wearing only his briefs as he crawled under his brother's arm, cuddling against his body as the covers were laid over them both. Hyda smiled warmly, wrapping shaky arms around his brother's abdomen as he buried his muzzle into the firm chest, feeling safe as strong arms hugged back. A gentle sigh escaped his lips, becoming reacquainted with the full musk he'd grown to recognize as Sejin.

They both settled into he embrace, Hyda wanting to stay awake as long as he could to enjoy the new warmth he felt from his brother. After a small while the younger felt a paw stoke over his back, making him murr with a smile. "So the movie really scared you?" asked Sejin, apparently not asleep yet. Hyda blinked, but kept his face to the muscled chest and just speaking back to the comforting voice. "It did, and I tried to think about cartoons to get my mind off of it, until the cartoons characters were eaten by clowns," his voice kept low, breathing in the delightful musk of the body he held so close to, "I don't feel scared anymore, though." With a blissful smile he hugged closer, and with a sudden but hushed gasp he felt the crotch of his briefs brush against that of his brother's boxers. Hyda's cheeks reddened, not sure if he heard Sejin react or not; another gasp escaped his muzzle as he felt his older brother's crotch return the nudge.

Hyda's underpants began getting tighter, holding Sejin closer with tiny whimpers. The pleasure he experienced earlier that afternoon came back, urging him to keep his body as near to his brother as possible. His briefs were stretching, and unexpectedly there was something else pushing against them. Sejin let out a very low thrum, rubbing the back of his sibling's head, "That feels nice, Bro," rumbled the older dragon. Hyda moaned very softly, blushing into his brother's musky chest, panting as a paw slid down his lithe back.

"So Bro, how big are you?" Sejin asked so casually, a paw sliding to his brother's stomach, hooking a finger under the waistband and pulling it away. Hyda gasped loudly, shivering in delight as his erect boyhood sprung from its cotton confines and into the paw of his older brother. Sejin kept a paw on the small of his brother's back, as he grasped the throbbing length poking up from the stretched briefs. Hyda couldn't speak, immersed in a world of pleasure, bucking his hips into the mighty grip, whining against the strong, musky chest. With determination Hyda moved his eyes to look into his brother's, seeing a warm smile on his face as their noses touched in a fraternal nuzzle.

Without even asking, the youngest knew what his brother wanted from him, and with a curious paw Hyda pulled the elastic of Sejin's boxers over the towering tent. The oldest growled softly, the youngest gasping as a meat pillar putting his to shame sprung out of Sejin's undergarments. The length throbbed, hot to the touch and hard as rock, the pre-teen dragon unable to touch his fingertips around the girth. The older brother groaned softly as he felt both the paw on his rigid member and the excited twitch of the younger dragon's length in his grasp. They pressed their bodies close to each other, squeezing the heated pillars of boyhood tightly as pre dribbled over both lengths.

Hyda blushed bright red, shone prominently through his lapis scales as he buried his cheek into the chest of his brother. Moans and gasps escaped their lips as hips rocked and cocks grinded together, paws sliding long and smoothly with the slick pre lubing the strokes. Chests held tightly, heartbeat to heartbeat, pumping blood so alike yet distinctly different, thumps of the heart time to humps of the hip. Intertwining legs and tails, hissing lustfully through fangs, arms wrapped possessively around one another, the night seemed a blur as all they felt and smelt was their loving brother. How many hours passed as they stroked and caressed each other seemed a moot quantity, and without even knowing their undergarments were already off their bodies.

In a single instant their bodies tensed together, fangs clenched and throats straining to keep their voices as mute as possible, twin geysers of thick, hot dragon seed shot up and splattered across their chests. Gushing profusely and seemingly limitless, copious amounts of cream shooting messily over the heaving bodies. Sejin panted heatedly as his climax waned, his spine all a tingle, feeling the shafts of him and his brother softened, the remaining semen oozed from the tips.

Within seconds young Hyda was out like a light, his first orgasm etched a happy smile across his muzzle. Sejin - on the other hand - lay in the bed, panting heavily and guiltily. He looked to the contented grin on his sleeping brother's face, then to the shared climax splattered over their fronts. 'What have I done...?' he thought to himself, his heart sinking deep into his gut as it felt darker and colder all about him. He sat up in bed, holding the limp body of his brother; if one didn't know the previous activities, one would think he held the freshly dead body of his little brother. Tears formed at his eyes, holding his brother close, the cum squished between them felt like innocent blood spilt.

With a heavy heart Sejin climbed from the bed, cradling his deep-sleeping brother to his chest, sniffing softly. Stepping into the bathroom he thought about the shower, but froze when he figured it would wake both Hyda and his father - both prospects would be detrimental to the teen. He sat the small frame on the sink, and took a washcloth to carefully and diligently wipe both their chests clean, sniffing and crying quietly all the while. As the last of the seed washed into the drain, Sejin returned the desecrated body of his brother to the top bunk, but not before sliding him into full pajamas; he had one more task to do before he could sleep peacefully.

As quiet as mist he pulled on pajama bottoms and an undershirt, and then padded over to his father's bedroom; a lump caught in his throat, one he needed to choke down before even placing a paw on the door handle. He wiped tears from his cheek, and phlegm from his nose, and with every fiber of courage in his being he turned the handle in utmost silence. He barely peeked his head in, still not at the point of no-return yet. He looked about; the faintest sound of breath could be heard from the direction of Kui's bed. He couldn't see through the dark of the room very well, but continued inward; the entirety of his body now in his father's room. He closed the door with painstaking silence, only letting go of the handle until he knew the door itself was secured in the frame, and the latch wouldn't click.

His eyes adjusted enough to see Kui's office arrangement in the far corner, and the bed in the opposite far corner. He stepped forward - and in such impeccable timing that could not even be choreographed - moonlight burst into the room from behind the clouds, striking silver flooded over the bed and revealed Kui sitting cross-legged upon the covers, his wings and mane glistening like godly beacons. Sejin felt his knees weaken, never before seeing his father in such radiance as he stood in the shadow, so distanced from the square of light that bathed the man he sought to be just like.

Not a word spoken between them, for Sejin felt petrified and scared. With a simple movement, Kui patted the bed in front of him - offering for his son to join him - and then rested both forearms on his knees as they were before. The eldest son shook softly, carefully treading forward until he stood at the foot of the bed. With a guilty frown, he gulped and propped a knee onto the mattress to climb upon the bed, and sitting down with his head hung before his father, cross-legged and hunched.

"What troubles you, Sejin?" Kui asked.

"I'm sorry, Dad..." choked the boy, sniffling as tears built up in his eyes, "I...acted in lust, and I violated Hyda...I'm sorry..." He cringed and balled his fists, curling up and trying to shrink away. Kui rested a paw on his son's head, "I'm not the one to ask forgiveness from, if forgiveness is needed at all." Sejin remained curled, staring at the bed as he sobbed softly. Kui leaned forward and wrapped his arms about his son, tilting his boy's body to lean against his chest. Sejin relaxed and went limp, throwing his arms around Kui's chest, sobbing into it as he curled up in his father's lap.

"Come, let's go check up on Hyda," suggested Kui, his wings giving his eldest son a hug before Sejin nodded in reply. They both stood - Sejin a bit wobbly - and walked from the bed, returning to the children's bedroom and standing next to the bunk. Kui smiled, seeing Hyda wrapped up in his sheets.

"See? He is happy to have experienced such joy and trust with his brother."

"But..." Sejin began, yet stopping when Kui shook his head.

"If you don't believe me, then climb into bed with him and sleep. You will find what you seek come morning."

Sejin looked up puzzled at his father's riddle, but nodded softly and climbed to the top bunk. Lifting a cover and pulling Hyda close to his body and settled into the bed; what felt like dirt washed from his heart and the weight untied as he held the content slumber of his brother. Kui smiled softly, standing on tiptoe to give a kiss to each his sons' cheeks as soon as they both were drifted to asleep; and without a word he returned to his bed.


Hope you liked it. And as you can probably guess, this has nothing to do with the "Devi & Hyda" crossover. =P