Horny Dash

Story by Vikthefox on SoFurry

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#1 of MLP Fics

This is just a silly clopfic I came up with, nothing serious. Inspired by a combination of clop and "Twilight needs to get laid" stories. All characters are adults including Spike.

Author's Note: Thanks to all my friends, watchers, and viewers. You guys are great! This is just a silly, stupid clopfic I came up with after reading some clop and "Twilight needs to get laid" stories. All characters are adults including Spike.

Horny Dash

It was a quiet night for Twilight Sparkle, as she was engrossed in one of her many ancient spell books. She could never get enough of this stuff, which surprised no one. She was interrupted by a knock at the door. She answered the door to find Rainbow Dash standing there with a rather nervous look on her face.

"Hey Rainbow, what's up?" Twilight asked.

"Twilight, there's something I wanted to talk to you about," Rainbow Dash said.

"What is it?" Twilight asked.

"Well, there's been something I've wanted to do for a long time, but I've been too nervous to ask anypony," Rainbow said.

Twilight gave her a confused look.

"You see, I have a horn fetish and I was wondering if you could...shove your horn up my ass," Rainbow said.

"But we're not marefriends," Twilight said.

"And I'm not asking you to be my marefriend. I'm not ready to settle down. I just want a little sexy, fun time with a good friend," Rainbow said.

Twilight thought it over. She had been raised to believe that sex was only for those in a committed relationship. What would Celestia think? That's when she got an idea.

"Just give me a few minutes to think about this. You can wait here on the couch," Twilight said, gesturing to the new couch she bought. Rainbow sat down on the couch and Twilight shut the door. Twilight then went to the kitchen to find Spike, who was eating some rubies.

"Spike, I need you to send a letter to the princess," Twilight said.

"Okay," Spike said, sighing. He thought he had the night off from sending letters. He got a quill and parchment and waited for Twilight to give him the words. Taking a deep breath, Twilight nervously spoke the question she felt the need to ask:

"'Dear Princess Celestia,

Rainbow Dash wants me to put my horn up her ass. What should I do?

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle'"

Spike dropped the quill mid-sentence and said, "I can't send the princess that!"

"But Spike, I don't know what to do. I mean, I've never been in this situation before. I need help, so just please send the letter," Twilight pleaded.

Spike sighed and finished the letter. He then sent the letter, hoping Celestia wasn't going to freak out.

A few minutes later, they received a reply, which read:

"'My dearest Twilight,

Since we are so close, I feel that I can share this with you, but you must not tell anypony what I am about to tell you. Personally, I think Rainbow Dash is the sexiest mare in all of Equestria. I would be down for anything with her. Alas, I doubt that I will ever get with her, so while I do envy your situation Twilight, I will let you have her. I think you should horn fuck her like there's no tomorrow. You seriously need to get laid Twilight Sparkle.


Princess Celestia'"

"Huh?" Twilight said.

"Well at least she isn't freaked out", Spike said.

"Well if Celestia thinks it's a good idea, then I'll do it with Rainbow. Maybe her and I will become closer friends," Twilight said, already forming the friendship lesson in her mind.

Spike just rolled his eyes and went back to his rubies, or he would have if curiosity had not gotten the better of him. He followed Twilight as she exited the kitchen and trotted over to Rainbow.

"Alright Rainbow, let's do it," Twilight said.

Rainbow smiled, turned around, and lifted her tail, revealing her tight asshole and moist marehood.

"I should probably use lubrication. Spike, fetch me some lube," Twilight said.

"We don't have any," Spike said.

"Don't sweat it Twi, just use your spit," Rainbow said.

"Eww," Twilight said.

"Oh come on, Twi, don't be so prudish," Rainbow said.

Twilight sighed and spat on one of her left forehoof. She spread the spit all over her horn and lined it up with Rainbow's ass. Slowly she inserted herself into Rainbow's tight asshole as to minimize the pain. Rainbow let out a yelp. Twilight slowly moved her horn back and forth, causing the cyan Pegasus to moan.

"Fuck me egghead!" Rainbow said.

Twilight began hornfucking her friend faster and harder, she quite enjoyed the feeling of Rainbow's rectum wrapped around her horn. It felt so weird at first, but she quickly began to love it. Rainbow moaned louder as Twilight fucked her. Meanwhile, Spike was watching the whole time. His dragonhood was erect, he wanted to play with it so bad, but he didn't because he didn't want to freak out the mares. Rainbow saw Spike's hard member and said, "Enjoying the show Spike?"

"Um...yeah," Spike blushed with embarrassment.

"That's fine with me; you can relieve your stress if you want? My muzzle is available", Rainbow said.

Spike couldn't believe what he was hearing. His first thought was to say no, but he could use the release.

"Would that be okay, Twilight?" he asked his unicorn friend.

"Go ahead", Twilight said. She didn't care; she was having too much fun being in Rainbow's ass. As she continued to horn fuck her friend, she felt like she was gonna cum, but not just from her vagina. It felt like her horn was gonna cum too. She was not well versed in the ways of sex, so she had no clue what would come out of her horn when she climaxed, but she was excited to find out.

Meanwhile, Spike inserted his member into Rainbow's muzzle. The cyan mare sucked him off, taking his virginity. Soon both Spike and Twilight were gonna cum. They were about to release when a familiar earth pony walked through the door.

"Hey Twi, I brought your book back...," Applejack froze at the sight before her.

"Um, hi AJ," Spike said, taking his cock out of Rainbow's muzzle

"What in tarnation is going on here?" AJ asked.

Twilight pulled out of Rainbow Dash and said, "We're umm...learning a friendship lesson"

"In Rainbow's ass?" AJ said.

"Yes AJ, were getting to know each other in a different way. I started it. I wanted to experience being hornfucked," Rainbow said.

"I'll just leave you guys to your 'lesson'..." AJ said, leaving the castle with a blush of embarrassment.

Once AJ left, Twilight resumed pounding Rainbow's tailhole, as Spike facefucked the cyan Pegasus.

"I'm gonna cum!" Twilight said.

"Me too!" Spike said.

Rainbow only nodded her head; she was too intoxicated by her own pleasure to speak. That and she had a six-inch dragon dick in her muzzle too. Speaking of which, Spike came first, shooting his sticky dragon seed down Rainbow's throat. Twilight came soon after, her cum was a soft burst of magic that felt similar to that of a stallion ejaculating. All of this cumming put Rainbow over the edge and she came as well

"Are you alright, Dash?" Twilight said, worried that her magic may have hurt her friend. She never shot magic into a pony's ass before.

After Spike took his dick out of her muzzle, Rainbow said, "That was awesome! Don't worry Twi, I'm not hurt. My ass is sore, but it was worth it! And Spike, you taste pretty good" Rainbow said.

"You know Dash; I think this has taken our friendship to a deeper level. I feel so much more connected to you than I did before," Twilight said.

"Me too Twi, we should do this again some time," Rainbow said.

The three friends collapsed onto the floor and cuddled with each other the rest of the night. The next day, Twilight wrote to the princess.

"'Dear Princess Celestia,

I had sex with Rainbow Dash last night and it was amazing! Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. This act has really strengthened the bonds of friendship between Dash and I.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle'"

When Princess Celestia received the letter, she hid it in her safe where she kept the letters that she wanted nopony to see. She also kept a rather naughty drawing of Rainbow Dash in there, made by the infamous Canterlot clop artist "Cloppy Hooves." Celestia clopped furiously as she gazed at the picture and imagined herself in Twilight's position last night, screwing Rainbow Dash with her horn.

Then Luna walked in...

"What the hell sister! Rainbow Dash is my waifu!" the Princess of the night said.

The Ballad of Phillip Chapter 9

Author's Note: Thanks to all my friends, watchers, and viewers. You guys rock! This is the final chapter of The Ballad of Phillip, but you may see these characters appear in other stories in the future. The Ballad of Phillip Chapter 9:...

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Loving and Lusting for My Brother Chapter 2

Author's Note: Thanks to all my friends, watchers, and viewers. You guys are great! Warning: This series will contain scenes of incest and watersports/pee voyeurism. As a result, all chapters will be rated Extreme. This chapter will be from multiple...

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Loving and Lusting for My Brother Chapter 1

Author's Note: Thanks to my friends, watchers, and viewers. You guys are great! Warning: This series will contain scenes of incest and watersports/pee voyeurism. Because of this I am rating all chapters of this series as extreme, even the tamer ones....

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