The great wolves III

Story by Benshee on SoFurry

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#3 of The Kiroth Wars (old)

_Yes Im notorious with this story - I just cant seem to stop writing more chapters :D

This one has some yiff in it - not actual sex, but quite graphic nonetheless - Kids please stay away._

The Kiroth Wars - The great wolves III

Days came and went and Kor felt a growing bond between himself and his wolves. He still hadn't mated them and the Kiroth had returned a few times and asked, but he had lied to him and the scent of the females was all over him anyway now so the lizard had left again without bothering him each time.

Kor had also started to give names to the members of his little pack and, intelligent as they were, they got used to them quickly. Luscia was the name he had given to the one that had been his favorite from the beginning - for the beauty of her form and thick almost black fur - and he knew by now that she was the alpha and regarded him as her alpha male. This complicated things abit sometimes because, while not stopping him from showing affection to the other females, she always had to be the first he petted or nuzzled, growling or snapping when he did otherwise. When in such a mood only some special treatment worked to satisfy her, but as he was no longer uncomfortable with intimately touching his canine companions when they needed it, he had her quite wrapped around him - most of the time in more then a metaphorical sense.

The two betas were Nika and Tani, both were beautiful brown wolves. Nika had a black stripe down her back, while Tani had a cream-colored, almost white, one. They were very affectionate towards Kor as well and right after Luscia the closest to him during the day and at night. Unlike Luscia, however, they were not as inisiting about the privileges of their rank and did not keep the four others away from him. Rather did those give them precedence on their own so there was no need for conflict.

Tamara and Delia were black and brown gamma wolves with a few spotty markings. They were always together in everything they did and it seemed like they were thinking like one too. Kor imagined that, when having young, those two would probably raise them together, their offspring having two mothers.

The remaining two, Tessa and Kendra, were of rather ordinary mid-gray color, Tessa being slightly brighter. They were the subordinates of the pack, kept quite in the background and did not have any fixed friendships as it seemed. Just sometimes Kor thought that he could see a far-away expression in Kendras face and Tessa threw little lustful glances at him whenever she believed he wouldn't notice.

A smile covered his face while he thought about his little harem. He had never imagined wolves to have such distinct personalities and characters. It was quite clear that they were far beyond simple animals - including regular wolves. When he talked to them they reacted intelligently, their faces and body language responding in ways he could interprete better and better as he grew closer to them. He knew that he had strong feelings for them. Feelings of love and sympathy - he knew that he would protect each of them at all cost if necessary - and a growing seed of respectful desire. He knew that he would do more then touch these beautiful creatures very soon and that he would do all in his power to be a good alpha and lover to them. As long as he lived, he added in his mind after a little hesitation. He was now truely theirs as much as they were his.

Like on so many days the same shadow came over him. What would become of his loved ones? They were captives of the Kiroth just like he was and the lizards obviously had plans for them. He doubted that his being with them had just been intended as an experiment so he assumed that he would be quite able to breed his female packmates. Clearly the enemy was after their offspring, he thought, suddenly feeling like any father must feel when his children are in danger, ignoring the fact that his quadruped lovers had not been mated yet, leave alone given birth. It was thoughts and moments like this that made him wait longer and longer, dispite his readiness.

It had been close to winter when Kor was captured. Now the warmth of the first mild days of spring was upon the land and playful winds cleared the earth of the last fallen leaves of autumn, as always revealing many sights that had been mercifully covered by nature. In these parts there wasnt many days of frost, because the Kiroth hated the cold as most cold-blooded species do. Now that the weather was getting warmer the warlords on both fronts were preparing their armies for battle. Waging a war that had lasted too long to know when exactly and why it had started. With even hate forgotten, war had become the universal status quo between humans and Kiroth.

Kor was watching Tamara and Delia trying to teach some of the others a game of tag while gently licking Luscias face and rubbing her underbelly. He always had to pacify her in these ways so she would let the others play. Soon the game got abit out of control and Luscia opened one eye warningly as Tessa had jumped abit too close for her taste. Kor chuckled and moved his hand a little lower, his alpha loosing all interest in the playing crowd and completely focused on the pleasure he was giving her now. He signed as he watched her writhe and wriggle and pant. While they would all have quite eagerly let him mate them, they were so very uncreative about other ways of pleasuring, he thought regretfully. Luscia would clean him every morning and by now he returned the favor, but it was only a tease to him that didn't help his urges any.

The tickling feeling of a tongue on his thigh woke him from his thoughts and made him stop his ministrations of Luscias twitching body. A small growl of dismay made him return to his task at once. Looking to his side he saw Tessa gently lapping at him. When she felt his gaze she shrank back abit and averted her eyes, taking a submissive position.

"No no! Come back, Tessa!", he called to her and she perked her ears, still submissive, "Dont stop now girl, that felt wonderful."

First slowly, then abit faster, she got back on her paws and came closer again and with a coy smile on her face she resumed licking him. Still working Luscia's folds he began to pant abit and the young subordinate slowly licked higher up and deeper between his legs. He was already fully erect when she finally reached the base of his shaft and without further hesitation she began to run her tongue over his balls, touching everything from the tailbone up to the middle of his now throbbing manhood in long and quite erotic strokes. His rising excitement made him thrust his digits into Luscia's lovehole alot deeper then before, turning her entirely crazy with lust and joy as both of them moaned in rapture.

Seeing the success of her service, Tessa kept her tongue running over his privates as she very carefully settled down on him, making sure to keep herself low as to not seem imposing, resting her crotch a little below his knee. Kor was in heaven and enjoyed watching both of the females alternately. With the softest of movements Tessa now began to paw at his sac, shifting her tongue to his penis completely, running her tongue up and down its length with little muffled moans as she rubbed her crotch over his leg.

Next to Kor Luscia's moaning and writhing began to become incoherent as she was now nearing the end of her ride. He was entranced with her movements and the pleasure on his lower body, when the young subordinate opened her mouth to him and quickly engulfed him with her incredibly hot muzzle. After a second or two she began to bob her head over his crotch and he thought that he was about to pass out.

After this everything seemed to happen so deliciously quickly. Luscia suddenly stopped moving and a low whine started in her throat. Kors fingers were shaking violently inside of her folds as Tessas skillful tongue and muzzle pushed him over the top and he splashed his seed deep into her throat. Tessa was quite surprised, but the intoxicating smell of his juices made her lap them up eagerly while rubbing herself to him in abandon, trying to finish too. Luscia and Kor were now howling and growling together, slowly calming down as they heard a silent and long high-pitched whine from below. Tessa was laying flat on Kor's lower body, her eyes closed and his member still deep inside her muzzle while her shaking body leaked her scented liquids over his lower leg.

When Kor had recovered abit and the afterglow had faded he found Luscia fast asleep. She had rolled over too and was facing away, a clear sign that she wanted to be left alone. He noticed that he was still erect and Tessa was still shivering on him. An idea formed in his mind - he should really reward her for what she had given to him today.

"Tessa!", he called her and she flattened her ears, thinking that he would want her to move away, "Come here girl, into my arms." and he patted the spot next to his chest with a tender smile.

Tessa's ears perked up and she opened her eyes quite wide as she stood up and padded over to him in a mixture of hardly controlled joy and submission. She laid down next to him and he gently took her deep into his arms, licking her across the face as she snuggled as close to him as she could manage, her body trembling in bliss and anticipation.

_I daresay this is the worst cliffhanger yet - and I promise to make it worth it. Right now I dont know if I'll write another chapter right away - heck, I dont even know if you guys like any of this series yet.

Criticism please! *puppy eyes*_