F. - Chapter Five

Story by OttoTheFuzzBall on SoFurry

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#5 of F. (Initial Concept)

Chapter five. Here we go! Deeper into the lives of the characters, as well as a new one! As usual, I'm so happy to be able to share this with you. I never thought F. would make it this far.. So thank you all.

The shepherd sat there for quite a while, completely shocked by what he had just seen. It was Felix. In his dreams. But why? Rather how? It felt so real. He sat and pondered for a few minutes, just remembering bits and pieces of the dream by now. He always hated how easily he forgot his dreams. But if one thing was for sure, he wouldn't ever forget that face...

Kaiser finally shook it off and rolled back the blankets, sliding himself up and out of bed. He had a busy day ahead of him, and there was no time to waste. He quickly glanced at the clock near his bedside. Just past eight.. "Not bad." He mumbled as he began stretching his muscles. Usually it took a miracle for the dog to wake up early. ..Just ask his father..

...Sour thoughts. No time to think on it now though...

Kaiser quickly breezed through his morning routine. First as usual, it was one hundred push ups, followed by one hundred crunches, after that he would fix himself a protein shake and then have a quick jog. It was a rather nice morning. Overcast, with temperatures in the sixties. Humidity was pretty bad, but that was to be expected in a coastal city, nothing he couldn't handle. Upon his return he would hop into the shower and wash himself up all the while letting his muscles relax in the warmth of the water as he thought over the strange dream again. Then it was off to make some breakfast, which was usually something simple. Kaiser couldn't really cook to save his life, but he managed to whip up some pretty good bacon and eggs.

He sat there at the kitchen table for a good while just spacing out, remembering last night's spat with his dad. It hurt. The words that he had said. Like how his aspirations to be a professional athlete were nothing but a "pipe dream". Kaiser sort of scoffed to himself. A pipe dream? What a load of crap. Kaiser knew he could make it happen. He wouldn't have been so dedicated to it all otherwise. Who did his dad think he was anyway?

...The old shepherd's ears must've been ringing...

In he came from the front door, eyes showing nothing but extreme exhaustion, posture somewhat slumped. Thud went the duffle bag onto the floor. It must've been a busy night for him. Then again, every night is busy for a police officer. He slowly made his way to the kitchen, looking over to see his son sat at the table. He gave a surprised arch of the brow, then glanced to the clock. "Wow. Out of bed before ten. What's the occasion?" He said over his shoulder, reaching into the fridge. Kaiser quickly scarfed down the last of his meal before responding. "I'm gonna be hanging out with Felix today. We planned on meeting up around twelve." Kaiser's father nodded while glugging down some milk from the carton, setting it down slowly afterwards on the counter before speaking. "Sounds fun. He go to school with you?" Well that was strange. No "be careful" or "just stay out of trouble". No twenty questions about the guy? His tone was completely different. It was almost like he actually approved of one of his son's freinds. Kaiser smiled. "Yeah..". The old dog smiled back and nodded. "Cool. Have fun." Again, totally different tone than expected.. Who was this guy, and what had he done with his dad? ..Oh well.. No sense questioning it.

Kaiser quickly washed up his dishes and headed back towards his room. On the way there he passed by a picture on the wall in the hallway that caught his eye. It was his father on graduation day from the academy. The picture had a small golden plaque underneath that said "Jacob Lattimore - 2005" He smiled and stood there for a moment, looking at his much younger, admittedly, more in shape father. It was almost unbelieveable how long ago that was now.. Just over ten years. Right before his mother died. She never much liked the idea of his father joining the force. Rightfully so as the job was a very dangerous one. Not that Cape Cavada was much of a crime ridden area, but it had it's problems like any other city.

Jacob truly loved what he did. He loved to help people. He dedicated his life to serving and protecting so many innocent lives everyday without thinking twice about it. He had been shot at, battered and bruised, screamed at, even spit on. But every day, he returned home knowing that he would be right back at it again the next, ready to face whatever may come his way. He was very admireable for that, and he may not have known it, but Kaiser never stopped looking up to him.

Kaiser slowly pulled himself away from the photo, heading to his room. As he entered, he stood in the doorway searching around for a moment. Where was his jacket? Better yet where was anything in this black hole of a room. There were clothes strewn across the floor. Football gear here and there. His bed was a mess. His desk was cluttered with books and magazines. And don't even think about the smell of dirty socks. This place needed a serious cleaning. He glanced at the clock again. Ten on the dot. He definitely had some time..

...Might as well...

Meanwhile, on the other side of the city, a certain fox had only just rolled himself out of bed.

Felix rubbed at his eyes, struggling to see past blurry vision as he slowly forced himself to sit up in bed. What in the world ran him over last night? He felt awful, and slept like a rock. He didn't even recall dreaming about anything actually. Which was very odd for a fox with an overactive mind.

After a few more minutes of his usual morning vegetation, he finally slipped from beneath the covers, shambling his way over to the light switch and flipping it on.


The fox squinted and covered his eyes as the room flooded with light. Bad idea.

It took some time, but his eyes finally adjusted. By now he was putting his bed back together after what looked like a tornado tore it apart. He must've been moving around a lot. The comforter was halfway off of the bed, his sheets were coming off on one corner, and there was a pillow halfway across the room. Strange. The only time he ever had crazy sleep like this was if something was weighing on his mind, and it usually only happened during exam time.

...What was it?...


Suddenly, the fox's phone lit up from his nightstand. A message. From Kaiser. He quickly moved around his bed to the phone and snatched it up. The message read. "On my way now, ETA 20." Twenty?.. Twenty minutes?.. Wait a minute. Felix checked the time frantically only to confirm his fear. It was past eleven. He overslept.

...Oh no...

The fox tossed his phone to the bed and went immeadiately into panic mode running out of his room and down the hall. Kaiser was coming. And there he was running around with bed hair, a night shirt and a pair of panties on. He had to hurry. His least favorite thing to do.

He scurried around the kitchen, quickly throwing on a pot of coffee before running off to the bedroom once more to gather up something to wear. "What was the weather like?" "Please don't let there be anymore rain." He thought to himself as he snatched up his jeans. "Was it cold?" He pondered as he debated between a shirt or a sweater. "Where were they going to eat?" The questions raged on and on as the minutes ticked away. "Oh fuck it." He finally cried out, forcing himself to just pick something and head off to the bathroom. There was no time to waste.

The fox quickly threw off his clothes and hopped into the shower, not even allowing himself time to enjoy the warmth as he lathered up his fur and hair. This may have been one of the only times that his brain didn't slip off into a daydream or a memory.

Meanwhile, the shepherd was on the way. He had hopped onto the bus today to save time. Cleaning had actually taken a little longer than he expected and disallowed him the luxury of a long walk. No big deal to him though, it wasn't like he needed anymore exercise anyway. As he grabbed a seat, he pulled his phone from his jeans a glanced at it. No response from Felix. Hopefully he was awake...

Felix quickly burst out the door and into the hallway, toothbrush in his mouth as he ran down the hallway, towel still wrapped around his body. As many times as he were late to something, it was no wonder the fox had become such a good multitasker. He was able to get dressed, finish making his bed and brush his teeth all at the same time. Twenty minutes flew right by, thankfully, still no Kaiser, which meant he was doing pretty well. Finally he responded to the message. "Sorry, was in the shower." Which techically wasn't a lie... The fox smiled. He was good at this.


Kaiser's phone came to life. He quickly read the message and smirked. "I guess that means I'm right on time then." He said aloud, reaching out to press the doorbell.

Apparently, not as good as Kaiser's timing.. As the doorbell rung, the fox was just in the middle of fixing up his hair. He jumped at the loud dinging. That sound was something he needed to get used to.

"Just a minute!" Felix called out as he finished up his do, smiling proudly at himself in the mirror. He actually looked good for only twenty minutes worth of work, and his outfit wasn't half bad. A black turtleneck sweatshirt, dark blue jeans, and his notorious thick rimmed glasses that just screaned "I had no time for contacts this morning." Perfect.

He quickly made his way over to the front door and swung it open to see the familiar face, heart happily jumping around, tail following right along with it. The fox smiled brightly. "Hey, I'm just finishing up, c'mon in." The shepherd smiled back and followed Felix inside. "You're dressed this time." Felix blushed and looked over his shoulder to the dog, rolling his eyes slightly. "Lucky you." He joked as he went into the kitchen and over the the coffee pot. His life blood. Kaiser just laughed and stood in the doorway watching him as he moved around. He actually looked way different when he tried..

"You want some coffee?" Felix asked. Kaiser snapped himself out of his stare. "Uh yeah, sure, that'd be nice." Which was a total lie. Kaiser hated coffee. But he needed to respond quickly to not look like a staring creep. But why was he staring so much anyway?.. He quickly averted his eyes and began to scan the apartment. It was not a bad looking place. Felix really put time into decorating. Sure there wasn't a lot of furniture, but the drawings, the paintings, all over the walls. They were beautiful.

Felix meanwhile had been guilty of staring, he was just much better about hiding it as he rubbernecked from the kitchen, pouring the coffee. Kaiser looked different today. The sweats replaced by a nice pair of jeans and a white long sleeve shirt. Pretty simple, but still, refreshing.

"These drawings are really nice Felix." He suddenly heard from the living room. Kaiser had taken initiative and begun exploring the area, taking notice to all of his framed art he had hanging on the walls. His cheeks warmed. "Thanks.. I made them myself actually." Just then, Kaiser looked like he had seen a ghost as his eyes widened. He didn't believe the statement. "No way.. You made this stuff?" Felix shyly nodded. He was extrememly humble. "Yeah.. I mean they're okay. Nothing special really." The shepherd looked to him with a crooked face. "Nothing special? Felix are you kidding me? Look at these."

Kaiser was right, they really were a sight to see. There was a painting before him, hanging just above the television. It depicted a setting sun, beautiful oranges and pinks, creeping upon an ocean of deep blue, mixing all together to create a somewhat euphoric abstract style image. Sun sets were one of Felix's favorite things to recreate. Although he never felt he could do the real thing any justice. But Kaiser felt otherwise.

"Are you an art major?" He asked. Felix just nodded again silently as he walked over holding the coffee mugs in his paws. "It shows." Said the dog. Felix was beaming with pride by now, a huge smile upon his face. These compliments were way too much for him, but it was nice for a change. For awhile he just stood and watched his guest's eyes float around, admiring all of his work. It wasn't until he noticed the eyes wandering a bit lower and over to the coffee table that his smile faded, and his heart sank. There it was, totally forgotten about until now. The picture of the shepherd he sketched the night before staring right back into the eyes of the admirer.

...How embarassing...

F. - Chapter Six

Felix stood frozen in horror as the shepherd moved down to pick up the picture from the coffee table. He tried to speak up, but no words would come from within. He was paralyzed with fear. His heart pounded against his chest, his body went into an...

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F. - Chapter Four

Felix lay there in his bed, staring up at the ceiling. It was almost impossible to sleep. So much had happened to him today that he just couldn't get over. Meeting Kaiser was like a dream come true. A godsend. Finally, he had made a friend. Someone who...

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F. - Chapter Three

It was over three years ago now that Felix's mother had passed.. But in that moment, he swore he could feel her embrace trying to comfort him as he sobbed against the dog's fur for what felt like an eternity. "There there, you're gonna be okay." Kaiser...

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