At School With My Twin

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Commission for Joelfeila

At School With My Twin

Joel groaned as his alarm clock blared, jarring him out of his already rough sleep. The caracal fumbled for the snooze button, trying to wriggle free of his twin brother's arms. With a soft grunt, Elijah clung to his brother tightly as he stirred, a paw planted on the front of his twin's wet overnight diaper.

"L-lemme goooo..." Joel groggily whined as he clumsily turned off the alarm, "Gotta get uuuuuup...."

Joel managed to wriggle free of his brother's grasp and sit up on the bed. The feline looked down at the thick diaper between his legs and sighed - completely soaked through, and not just from when Elijah made him wet it before bed. Joel ran his pawpads along the smooth plastic tapes, still unable to get them undone on his own without his claws. Like it or not, the caracal was going to have to rely on his brother to get ready for school.

Elijah sat up and yawned wide, stretching his arms over his head. The cub immediately leaned forward, pressing a paw on the front of Joel's diaper, feeling it squish against his fingertips.

"Hmmm, this wasn't this wet before bed now was it?" Elijah taunted, "Good thing you had it on right?"

Joel whined as his brother squeezed and rubbed at the front of his soaked diaper, only to yelp a bit as he tore open the tapes on each side. Elijah grinned as he pulled away his brother's nighttime underwear, leaving him naked on the bed save for the plastic cage locked over his sheath. Joel crossed his arms over his chest and stood up, picking up a towel from the floor and trudging off to the shower.

While showering, Joel tugged on the lock keeping his sheath cage secure with one paw. The cub could still try to get hard when his brother teased him and rubbed on his diaper at night, but the snug-fitting plastic made sure he would get nothing but frustration until Elijah decided that it wasn't amusing to him anymore. Knowing his brother, the half week he'd been locked in chastity was merely a warm-up.

Once his shower was finished, Joel quickly toweled himself off and headed back to his bedroom where Elijah waited with a naughty grin. The cub held up another one of Joel's nighttime diapers and began to unfold it in front of his brother, who just whimpered.

"I-I don't have to wear those during the day though! Just nighttime!" Joel protested.

"On the contrary," Elijah countered, "If you ever want to get hard again you're going to start wearing your favorite underwear all day too!"

Joel stammered out a protest as he was led by the wrist back to his bed, where Elijah slid the thick diaper underneath his brother's bare rear. He dusted a layer of baby powder onto Joel's crotch and rubbed it into his fur before pulling the front of the diaper over his bits. With a grin, Elijah made sure the tapes laid flat on the front of his brother's diaper so the declawed caracal wouldn't be getting it off on his own.

As Elijah finished diapering his twin brother, Joel sat up and huffed, rubbing a paw on the front of his diaper.

"I've got Gym today though," Joel protested, "I can't have this on in the changing room!"

"Oh, but you will," Elijah taunted in an almost singsong voice, "And I'm not bringing a spare, so if you wet it you'll have to wait until after school for a change."

Joel tried to growl at his twin, but just managed to grrr meekly. He stood up and stumbled over to his dresser, especially conscious of the crinkling with his every step. The cub fished out his clothes for the day and struggled to pull on his pants, having to wriggle a bit to get them buttoned over his thick padding. Even as he tugged up on this jeans he couldn't get them to cover the waistband of his diaper. Joel looked over to Elijah pleadingly, but his brother just tossed him a t-shirt.

"Hurry up, or we'll be late!"

After a hasty breakfast, the two twins found themselves on the bus the school. Joel sat nervously next to the window next to his brother, the cub trying to make himself as small as possible to avoid any sort of attention. Once they arrived at their school, they went off to their respective homerooms. Joel tried to stick to the sides of the halls as much as possible, occasionally tugging down on the bottom of his shirt to make sure it wasn't accidentally riding up and exposing himself. Luckily, with all the background noise and commotion of countless cubs frantically trying to get to class, the extra thickness around the caracal's crotch and bottom went unnoticed.

As Joel sat in his classes, his teachers would think that he seemed slightly distracted, but with a room full of kids ready to go full Lord of the Flies at the slightest provocation, they just shrugged it off as the caracal nervously fidgeted in his seat. Joel made it through his first few classes without much of an issue, quickly starting to relax and think that he could probably get away without anybody noticing as long as he avoided drawing any unwanted attention. By break time he felt confident enough that he absentmindedly helped himself to the refreshing can of Dr. Pepper he kept in his backpack.

In English class, Joel started to realize that he wasn't about to get off that easily. He felt the pressure on his bladder start to grow, making him squirm in his seat as he tried to avoid wetting himself in the middle of class.

"Joel, do you need to use the restroom?" his teacher asked, sternly raising an eyebrow as she interrupted her lesson on Tom Sawyer.

"N-no, I'm okay." Joel stammered, his cheeks flushing bright red.

"Then settle down and quit distracting the rest of the class."

Joel sank into his chair as the rest of the students chuckled. He managed to make it to the end of class, but as soon as the bell rang for lunch and broke his concentration, he felt the front of his diaper grow warm and wet around his caged sheath and balls. The cub whimpered as he hustled out the classroom door, feeling the wetness spread between his legs and making the front of his pants bulge out.

Joel frantically searched for Elijah in the halls, trying as hard as possible to avoid notice. He was hardly helped by the feeling of the wet padding squishing against his groin with his every step, making his sheath start to swell against its tight cage. Finally he found his brother in the lunch room, already seated and munching on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He sat down across from Elijah with his head and ears lowered, leaning in to speak softly.

"B-bro..." he mumbled, eyes darting back and forth to make sure nobody else could hear, "I'm... I'm kinda wet. Please, you gotta let me out of this thing before gym!"

"Oh? Already?" Elijah said with a bemused grin spreading across his face, making little effort to lower his voice, "I'd have thought you'd have at least stayed dry until after school. That sure is a shame."

"C'mon!" Joel whimpered, balling his fists meekly, "You've had your little laugh, but if you don't help me out of this, everyone will see and..."

"You've had every opportunity to take it off yourself. Not my fault you're too much of a baby. And if you're already wet, doesn't that just show you need it?"

Joel whined and bit his lower lip - even as he protested, he felt himself starting to wet a little more. His wet diaper squished around his tight cage, warm wet padding hugging at his bits. The boy whimpered and lowered his ears, clumsily fumbling through his backpack for his lunch. He ate in silence, keeping his head down nervously as he waited for the bell to ring. Gym class was next - the only class he shared with Elijah. Joel knew his twin had some sort of nefarious plan in store, but no idea what it would be.

As soon as the bell rang, Elijah practically jumped up out of his seat.

"Come on, bro," Elijah taunted, "Maybe if you get to the locker room quick you'll beat everyone else there."

Perking his ears up, Joel swallowed hard and stood up, quickly shuffling ahead of his bro. Elijah had a good point - if he could make it to the locker room quickly enough he could change before anyone noticed and hopefully avoid any embarrassment. Of course, with the thick padding between his legs his walk was halfway between a shuffle and a waddle - hopefully he wouldn't have to run any laps.

Joel stumbled through the door to the locker room and quickly surveyed his situation. He was the first one there! He quickly made his way to his locker and fumbled with the lock. He started to hear voices approaching. Fuck, he messed up the combination! The caracal's heart started to race as he finally got his locker opened. He fished out his gym shorts and quickly dropped his jeans to the floor, revealing the white plastic of the back of his diaper. As he hastily worked to pull up his green polyester gym shorts, he felt a paw gently swat at his padded rear, followed by his brother pressing up behind him.

"Still crinkling... and here I thought you said you were wet."

The caracal's heart froze as he nervously turned around. In his haste he didn't even notice the slow trickle of kids joining them in the locker room. Several had definitely noticed Joel's underwear before Elijah blocked their view and were murmuring and chuckling amongst themselves.

"Maybe they didn't notice," Elijah hummed as Joel pulled his gym shorts up the rest of the way to his waist, "Maybe they'll think they saw wrong and you were just wearing an unusually white pair of tighty-whities. Or maybe they know you're a little diaper baby now and will be sure to let the entire school know by the end of the day."

Joel whimpered and tried to put Elijah out of his mind as he pulled off his shirt - great, his shorts didn't fully cover the waistband of his diaper. Luckily the shirt was long enough that he'd be safe as long as he didn't have to jump around and raise his arms too much. Elijah grinned and reached around Joel to give the front of his diaper a squeeze, the slick fabric of his gym shorts gliding smoothly around the swollen plastic, eliciting a shudder from the caged boy before he turned away to go get changed himself.

As they all filed out to the gymnasium, they started with warmup stretches. Joel's cheeks burned bright red under his fur. With each twist of his torso, each jumping jack, each long stretch of his legs, all the caracal could think of was making sure to not lean forward too much, not lift his arms too high, not expose himself in any way more. The sheer shorts he wore already did little good to hide the bulge of his diaper, and his only saving grace was, ironically, the cage that kept his swelling sheath from making an unmistakable tent in the front as the wet padding rubbed against his little balls.

After stretches and a few clumsily-jogged laps around the gym, the teacher rolled out a cart filled with basketballs. Perfect, no shortage of jumping and raised arms there. As everyone started forming into small three-on-three teams, Elijah made sure to position himself so that he'd be playing against his brother.

The kids lined up on their half-court, Elijah standing right across from his brother. He thought to himself how he could get through with as little moving and actually playing as possible without looking like he was slacking and being sentenced to laps outside where the entire school could see. Unfortunately, Elijah was too in-tune with his twin's thoughts, and leaned in to whisper.

"Every basket you get, I'll unlock you a day early."

Joel's heart risked a flutter for just a moment. Getting that infernal cage off a day early just for throwing a ball through a hoop? It was too good an offer to pass up, until he remembered that even on a good day, he had the coordination and athleticism of a drunk two-year-old. Plus, he knew that Elijah wasn't about to make an offer like that unless he had some sort of ulterior motive.

With a long chirp from the teacher's whistle, the boys started against each other. Joel scrambled to try to get the ball, but Elijah made sure to block his brother at every opportunity. With the commotion of bouncing balls in the echoing gymnasium, Joel hardly had to worry about the sound of his diaper rustling under his shorts, but Elijah was hardly about to make it easy. Every time Joel tried to get around his bro and get to the ball, Elijah would slide in and bump up against him. Each time he'd make sure to hip-check his brother, making his diaper squish against him.

Joel whined and moaned a bit as Elijah repeatedly rubbed up against him in plain view of everyone. Of course, Joel realized all too late, he just wanted to make sure I wouldn't just sit off to the sides. He wanted me to move around as much as possible. And taking a day off being locked? A day off from how long anyways?

The caracal wouldn't have much time to contemplate his situation. For the entire half hour of Gym, Elijah didn't miss a single opportunity to sneak in a grope, rub, or squeeze on his brother. The added embarrassment of it happening right in front of the entire class, who were either oblivious or indifferent, made the cub's sheath swell and strain at his increasingly-uncomfortable cage, even starting to leak a bit of pre into his already-soaked diaper.

Finally the teacher blew his whistle and gathered everyone back together. They were released back into the locker room, this time with Joel near the back of the line. Joel's heart started pounding, even harder than when he'd been trying to dart around his brother, all the way to his locker over in the corner. He looked over his shoulder as he unlocked it - luckily most everyone was getting into the shower stalls. The diapered caracal would have to settle for a quick wipedown with a washcloth, so it seemed he might get a reprieve as he undressed. He opened up his locker and pulled down his gym shorts, leaning forward and lifting his tail a bit as he got them all the way down to his ankles. When he came back up, Elijah stood there, holding all of Joel's regular clothes in his arms with a grin.

"Better think fast," Elijah grinned, "Are you gonna be coming to school diapered for the rest of the week like the baby you are, or am I gonna have to toss these over to the showers so everyone else can see you?"

Elijah gasped and lunged for his clothes, stumbling on the gym shorts around his ankles. There was no time to think or reconsider.

"Fine! I'll do whatever!" Joel pleaded, "Just give me those back!"

As Joel reached for his clothes, Elijah only held them away from him, shaking his head.

"Well, if 'whatever' is on the table, then I think there's something else to add. Something to maybe give you one diaper-free day."

Joel yelped as Elijah took him by the wrist, pulling him forward. The caracal fell forward, catching himself on the locker room bench. Elijah slunk behind his brother and tugged down the back of his diaper, managing to pull the whole thing down to his thighs. As Elijah felt the humid locker room air on his bare sac, he looked back to his brother.

"N-not here!" he pleaded, "C'mon, everyone will be back soon!"

Elijah simply shook his head and undid his belt, pulling his pants down to free his barbed feline cock. He pressed his hips up against his brother's, pressing his warm cocklet against Joel's tailhole. With a dominant growl the caracal pushed into his brother's abused hole, hilting inside him with one thrust. Joel whined and winced as his brother started to thrust in and out of him, his cock cage seeming to grow tighter by the second. The tension of his sheath swelling at the mere thought of getting taken in the middle of the locker room was nothing compared to it actually happening.

As Elijah started to hump in and out of his brother, one by one the showers turned off and the other kids started to file back into the locker room. Their chatter quickly gave way to stunned silence as they stumbled into the scene of Elijah going at it with his brother. Joel squeezed his eyes shut, his cheeks burning under his tan fur as Elijah wrapped his arms around his waist. The two boys were the center of attention, with Elijah expertly pumping in and out of Joel's tight little tailring.

The dominating caracal leaned in and whispered into Joel's pointed ear before pulling his head back with a loud moan. Elijah climaxed into his brother, spurting his teen spoo into Joel's rear. As he caught his breath, Elijah helped Joel back upright, letting the entire class see his bro's caged sheath before pulling his wet diaper back up to his waist. Joel tried to fold his ears down, but it was impossible to drown out the snickers of his classmates.

"A diaper? Seriously?"

"Right? And what was that thing on his sheath? Some sort of lock?"

"What a fucking baby. He's even wet!"

Elijah simply patted Joel on his bottom, letting the crinkling echo through the room for everyone to hear.

"See you on the bus home then, baby bro," he jeered as he walked off, buttoning his jeans back up, "Hope you make it until then."

Joel whimpered as he clumsily picked his clothes back up. The diaper would make sure he wasn't about to start having an embarrassing leak from his tailhole, but at this point it was the last leak he was worried about. He pulled up his pants and changed his shirt, though at this point he was hardly concerned about making sure everything was on just right to cover his diaper - at this point the whole school would know within the hour. He hurried out of the locker room with his bag, cheeks burning - a day off from being diapered was hardly going to do any good at this point.

Only two more classes to go... and only one more class until he'd notice that the waistband of his diaper was peeking out over the back of his shirt.